THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON -I" SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1923 If : k I. - r, ; t l t. H , t. i - '. : v : i . i .. - 1 : ' raSTKIlE IVfTll GIVIC OPERA Chicago Will Feature BriJ- x It . m . nam Artists jn Coming Winter Season CHICAGO, Aug. 11. Fernand Ansseau, leading tenor in French opera, will make his American debut with the Chicago civic Op era, which opens here November according to' the announcement made by the company. Arrange ments are being made for the ap pearance ofofher brilliant guest artists, which will include Mme. IiOulse Homer. She will appear in a limited number of performances Including "Samson and Delilah." Other stars Included in the reg ular personnel of the company for the coming H season will be Mary Garden, AmeJlta Galli Cur cl, Florence MacBeth, Mary Mc Cormlc, Cyrena Van . Gordon, Georges Baklanof f, Tito Gchipa. Edith Mason and Feodor Challa Pl. with Giorgio Polacco again presents as musical director. , T'Borls Godunof f and i "L'Arl ' eana,M the latter I by Meyerbeer, are announced as novelties in the 1923-24 season, because they nev er before have been given by the Civic Opera Company. .The role of Boris is said by critics to be one of ChallapttfV0 greatest. Among the revivals announced is that of "Zaxa," with Mary Gar den in the title .role.. Miss Garden . f .-s -j blanks That Are Legal We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a big saving as compared to made to order forms. Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms, Assign ment of Mortgage, Mortgage Forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form, Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Note3, Gen eral Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Receipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the Courts and Private use. Price on forms range from 2 cents to 12 cents apiece, and on note books, from 25 to 50 cents.. ' - PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY The Live tifi J J ELKS NATIONAL CONVENTION AT ATLANTA. v Wr 1 1 also will appear in the revival of Massenet's "Cleopatre." Harry W. Beatty, technical dir ector, is spending the summer in Europe visiting the more famous opera houses of France, Germany and Italy in search of new Ideas. He is said to be making a spec ial study of proposed settings in Moussorgsky's "Boris Godunof f" which has become popular with American audiences. The opening of , the operatic season November 8 is a departure from custom, as the season will open Thursday instead of the usa kftmnn t'liisiicniriry I r LEGAL BLANK. HE ADQU ARTES , r-"- -"-"AtrBusineaa Office Ground" Floor." -' r - ... . - - i PPOHTUNITY knocks but once." So says the sage. But yon believe it It isn't so. Oppcrtuaity knocks every day of yonr life, n Every advertiie- t ment in this paper is brimful of opportunity for some one. Many of thca are written with yon in mind. They offer yon some oppor tunities to save tisie, money and effort opportunities to surround r yourself with comforts and conveniences opportunities to eat bet ter, sleep better, dress better and live better. J You would live in ignorance of these opportunities were it not for advertising.1 Somebody might be selling a new, better and more economical food; or a utensil that would add immeasurably to your ccnfcrt and well-being; or some better material for making shoes cr clothing-T-but you would never know it. : ' I - T -s ; ' ' ,; ---i ' .' . :. Modern advertising is a boon. It keeps information up to date on the many things we need in order to live profitable, happy and useful lives in this age of rapid-fire progress. Every advertisement in this paper is a real opportunity. - j - - v Don't let it !gEE5E3EI- ii. ...j - sM h in ; -'! . i ;r f . Carrying white umbrellas and a huge Amer ican flap, the Atlanta Lodge No. 78, B. P. O. TL, are seen march In c along; Peach tree street, past the fam ous Coca-Cola building in the huge pa rade at j the Elks national convention in Atlanta, Ga. A' al Monday and will run one and one-half weeks longer than the usual season of 10 weeks. ' Announcement also was made that Adolph Bohm will be in charge of the ballet and that Miss Anna Ludmila would return as premiere danseuse. Mines in Occupied Area Are Ordered to Be Taken COBLENZ, Aug. 11. (By the Associated Press )The I lnter-al- lied high commissioner has order- m -4 - S ortamiifties for - - j .. - knock in vain ed the seizure of mines in occu pied territory owing to failure by Germany to deliver fuel as rep arations in accordance with the treaty. A commission of control has been appointed to exploit the mines and sell the output all ex penses of exploitation and trans port to be charged to Germany. Disobedience of orders or in terference with the working of the seized properties will be pun ished with imprisonment and fines while the punishment for sabotage wll be 20 years in prison or it fa talities are involved death. A BHINEIiAND REPUBLIC Ab the diplomatic drama; in Europe slowly unfolds the motive behind the French invasion of the Ruhr becomes more apparent. And as that motive emerges from its diplomatic swaddling clothes the reason why France and Great Britain can reach no agreement is equally obTious. - The explanation of the j whole French policy is revealed in a dis patch of a few days ago from Ber lin: "German separatists-. In the Rhlneland are eagerly awaiting chaotic conditions in unoccupied Germany in order that they may proceed to proclaim a republic. It is asserted, however, that the movement must have a prelimin ary promise of military help from the French." V I There is no doubt France would withdraw from the Rhlneland no on satisfactory guarantees that, the reparations due her under the Versailles treaty were going to be paid in f ulL But she entertains no great' expectations of witness ing such a modern miracle. It is equally certain France has no desire of acquiring the odium that would attach to the end of forcibly annexing by conquest ter. ritory indisputably part of the, German republic. s But between these two extremes- lies the happy medium that would satisfy French policy and enable her to score a diplomatic triumph over her late ally. An Independ ent Rhlneland republic, in sympa thy with France; would establish all that the Poincare government has been fighting for and com pletely frustrate the traditional policy of Great Britain. For It would be a first step to ward Balkanizlng completely cen tral : Europe and, unless Russia comes back, at present a remote contingency, the break-up of the mighty Teutonic federation built by the genius of Bismark. would leave France the undisputed mis tress of the European . continent. From the French viewpoint and for the glory of her present polit ical leaders this consummation, is, devoutly to be wished. But, since Great Britain is unlikely to de-; part from her century-old diplom acy of always backing the weaker against the stronger so as to pre- You don't serve the balance of power, the tremendous ! preponderance ; t of French Influence on the continent Is only paving the way for another bloody war In the 'future. THE POINT OF VIEW Smith Brookhart, one of the senatorial champions of the soviet regime j eays that the Russian leaders tell him that in connec tion with propaganda distribution the Americans are putting out ten times as much against them . as they are able to distribute on their own behalf. ( This demonstrates that all classes call that "propa ganda"' which runs counter to their own logic. The spontan eous expressions "of Americans on behalf of their own institution and against the Commune are rep resented by Lenin and Trotzky as being 'subsidized propaganda against poor and defenseless Rus sia. They would have their peo ple: believe that American news papers are being vpald huge sums7 for, warning their readers against the hazards of soviet rule. There are Russians who think that our government is paying for every anti-Bolshevist paragraph printed in the American press. And Sen ator Brookhart seems to have tak en, no pains to correct this Im pression while in Russia. He even lent a placid ear to the Russian project of offsetting the claims of Americans against Russia by rec ognizing the claim of Russia against America for lending mor al and substantial support to rev olutionists against the soviet. Lis tening to Senator Brookhart's presentation of the case one might think that he himself was prepar ed to recognize the justice of the Russian : claims.' He would have us send a few billions of our gold to repay Russia for the unkind words we have said about the Commune. He says that we sent arms and ammunition in government-owned ships and these mu nitions were used to destroy Rus sian life and property. Therefore, we may be required to pay a fan cy price for every Russian ' who has passed out in the last ten years. We may need protection against oar own senators. ' ; l1 ' . 1 -' . . Eamonn de Valera says that the war in Ireland is over and hence forth the efforts of himself and his patriotic associates will be along educational lines. . Teach ing the young idea how . to shoot from ambush, as It were. It would be well for the friends of peace to check up on De Valera' educational program! selling 1 Easy 260 North High HIGH PRICE LEVEL REACHED BY WHEAT Country Offerings are Lirrht " and Amount of Hectein;? Selling Small CHICAGO, Aug. 11. With es timates current that the Canadian yield of wheat this season would fall to total more than 325,000, 000 bushels, notwithstanding a previous forecast of 500,000,000 bushels, wheat reached the high est price level in several week?. Closing quotations were firm . at to c net gain. September, 9999c, and December; $1.04. Corn finished at Vi3 off to a shade advancer oats unchanged to a shade higher, and provisions varying from unchanged : figurej to a rise of 10 cents. Unfavorable weather delaying the Canadian harvest and increas ing the likelihood of damage to late wheat, gave an upward swing to the wheat ; market as' soon as trading began. Besides, domestic winter-wheat threshing was be ing delayed by rains. Country of ferings were light and the amount of hedging selling was small. Af ter the initial bulge in prices, how ever, profit taking on the part of farmer buyers led to a temporary reaction. Bears meanwhile put on stress of small export demand as well as on assertions that Italy and France were selling back wheat bought in the United States and that it was difficult to obtain cash on wheat purchased for ship ment to Germany. ' Announcement of the 325,000, 000 bushel estimate of the 1923 Canadian wheat crop came shortly before the close of business here and was largely responsible, for lifting wheat values to the day's top figures. The new Canadian es timate was unofficial but was said to be from a very, "trustworthy source and was, made public hero by one of the foremost houses 'change. Moist hot weather, ideal for pro moting corn growth made the corn market easy but prices for oats were firm as a result of rain damage in oats in shock. Provisions reflected steadiness of hog values. '" IRIKT FKL'IT NEW YORK- Aug. ll. Evapo rated apples, nominal; prune?, dull; peaches, slow. When we guarantee a car we mean that the car is exactly what the guarantee claims for it. , When we sell a used car it is turned over to the cus tomer m a condition intended to retain our reputation for THE HIGHEST GRADE USED FORDS AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN THE COUNTRY Touring, Coupoo, and Roodotorc Terms AUTHORIZED FAMOUS SfNGER , n , . j . I r , p.., , , , B , . - - - . ' , i - , . i - . - .; . ' M-s .. .. .. . .. . , ; . ; , .,; j - ' . J 1.1 , . .1 - , III - , I Photo shows Emma Eames and vho have just arrived in America. FIRMER TONES ARE Active Short Coverings Fol- low Period of Irregular 7 ity Saturday NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Active short covering operations, particu larly in the oil groups imparted' a firm tone to closing prices in to- ! day's stock market after an early period of irregularity. The volume of trading was the smallest of any session this year because of the absence of many large traders from the floor who took advan tage of yesterday's holiday to make extended week-end trips out of town. ,. . T . '; Early heaviness resulted largely from the. rather! free offerings of the rubber shares. United States Steel, Baldwin and American Locomotive, Stude baker and American Can general! regarded as "pivotal stock,'.' dis played net gains of to 1 on the day. , . ; Announcement of a gasoline price cutting war in certain sec- Itions of the west' and south ! brought some selling Into the oil j shares. j Ralls failed to make any appre ciable response to the report of i record car loadings published i IMPUTED MARKET Open Sundays (0)1 C L-J -J I I FORD DEALER RETURNS TO U. S. her husband. Emilio de Gofforza, ' earlier in the week. Most of the active Issues .showed only frac tional changes on the day. , German marks dropped ... SO points over the holiday to 35 cent? a million, in reflection of the po litical crisis in Berlin, but the other foreign exchanges showed slight Improvement Demand sterling was up c to $4.56T4t and French francs advanced points to 5:67. V The (weekly clearing housa statement showed loans, discounts and "investments of $4, 497. 021, 000. a decrease of - S45.594.009, . and decreases of: 167,253,000 in net demand deposits and J5.877, 000 in time deposits. The reserve of nlember banks in the- federal reserve bank decreased $3,872,000 and cash in own vaults was $2, 805,000 below the previous week. Aggregate reserve totaled 5 0 4, 744,000, leaving excess reserve of $20,621,066, an increase of $4,' 396,690. 4 Financial . ; ; - r ToUl stock sales, 182,600 shares Twenty industrials averaged 89. 11; net gain, .44. High 1923, 10.38; low, 86.91. Twenty railroads averaged .7 8,. 11; net gala, 21. High 1923, 90.63; low, 76.78. Maud What a beautiful new gown Helen is wearing. Says it's Imported, doesn't she? Marier Jfot ; exactly In these words. It's her last season's dress; the dressmaker has turned it Inside out, and now she says it's from the other side. Boston TranscixvL xt O Phone 1995 r m m