: vote mm Retirement of Cuna and His Cabinet Foreshadowed By Communists'' Motion i BERLIN, Aug. 10. (Dy the Associated ' Press.) The early re tirement of Chancellor Cuno and . his ministry 'seems foreshadowed in consequence of the decision or the United Socialists to support the 'no confidence-motion intro- ; duced by the communists, which Willi come ( up for a vote In the reicbs(ag"on Monday. Althoueh the United Socialist originally concluded that they would abstain, from -roting when the issue came, the internal situ atlon' Is fast drifting to a point where the Socialists face the ne cessity of f saving their political prestige 'with th workers' In vor der' to prevent the' workers from deserting to the communista. ' j. The Socialist leaders are con ferring, with- Chancellor Cuno in an effort to induce him to resign. In thV'event ' he" acquiesce. Dr. , GustaY'Strosemann. leader of the German , People's J party, wOuld be aslred by 'President ' Ebert to re- . construct the government on the basis 1 of a big I coalition, which wbuld include the '" United Social- The' panicky feeling which has - marked: Germany's internal silua- ' tion the past few days and which is peing; couveriea inio pomicui - capital by the Communists late ' tonight, seised fiet relchstak Where symptoms" o Cind cMais deveN opea qsvanseoi jne oecisioq pr ine Socialists to retire from their po ; stthmof . Vbenevolent -neutrality' I toward "' thepiseiif "nonpartisan, or',busine8sraenV cabinet." " v. Despite the new tat arid finan cial program . promised by Chan- ceflor 'Cuno, the. United Socialists leaders on the i -party's moderate wing." have been unable to stand offtheir radical comrades, who are clamoring for the chancellor's retirement.! The communists rery craftily turned the party disunion toMheir purpose by Introducing the'no confidence" motion In the reichstag late thla'af ternoon. This waV-so" worded that the Socialists either had to accept; It "' in view before, their following aa having , give , the bourgeois government .theTr'ipprovali - '- j.T" ' Thef motibh simply Btated that the chanc'elldr's polieteai do not represent the'reichstagV Views. : TJie parliamentary storm came ' unexpectedly tonight '" while the b'caaerwas still voting- the govern- ment's tax bills. The United So - ciaivus now have alienated hem-nnou?cculcu' UI eeires to sueh an eitent from thenine years 1 worked beside, him Cuno cabinet's phoiain that the f and my present sorrow is some- ministry's retirement appears it evitable. . : 1. ; :;- .-. : Crcgoh Walnut' Growers1 WnrTciur f.ext Week Following the lines laid out yeara-ago, by; the, Jersey Jubilee caravans, the t .Oregon .Walnut Greater; jarei te bave' a Willam ette Talley tour next week, start in g; rom. th ; Elberton hoter at McilinnviJle on ' Wednesday. Aug ust J S. V<a are to be made to practically, air the important nut orchards toff the' lower valley, in cludLng t famous Perd Groner orchard near JJilteboro: The caavan. : will c drfre 25 miles the first day, stopping--at several important- nurseries and I - jooate td ciassifjf J:: f FOUND BUNCH OP XEY' IN Wlllson, park'! Owner can have same by d'eacrlblngr and spaying ' fon ad.- f Ihfmtre. Statesman. Quality IN PRINTING will Reflect your T personality; in yourBusinets. Correct office form and l?usi- : ness. stationery increases effic-. , S 1 1 j' I i i. i ency, accuracy, economy, and i . pleasure infyour ousineu. Our commercial department is equipped tofeive you immediate and satisfactory service at prices that are right. ' ; 'Civet's -. ' p.'I-i . list- -t -i . Suggestions at your request. . . ! ; :. 87 Commercial Printing Department NOW SHOWING ' 'irL f J 1 Y v iiy. y II Pola- Negri 'MAD LOVE.f Jl Qoldstyn Picture orchards where j nuts ; are " grown or propagated. ,The second day's journey will be of 45 miles, start ing from Forest Q rotev" - Salem will send several Inter ested nut enthusiasts, among them being some one' from 'the Pearcy Brothers' firm. and others who are now or hope to become nut r rowers on an i extensive sale. Both walnuts and filberts are to be considered 'aa fair game by the caravan, and "whoever ; has: good filbert trees that have something of Interest to show,: can ' get - a good rise out of the" travelers. '";" I SECRETARIAL POST Worked With1 Dead Chief for Nine Yeafs-No Public . :.M Offices Wanted MARION, Ohio, Aug. 10 (By the Associated Press) --George B. Christian," secretary to Warren G. Harding as United States senator and as president, anno'unced' lo night he had submitted his resig nation as executive secretary to President CoolidgeV.; - " t - Mr. Christian made his an nouncement soon after he had re turned from the final services tor his dead chief. - "I entered public life with War ren O. Harding and I leave it now tht he ha beea called away the 'What assuaged by - the feeling'- of satisfaction at having been per mitted to serre.a great president, a most humane and considerate chief, and the finest friend it has eter been given 'a ' man fo bare. I left at Washington my resigna tion for the acceptance of Presi dent Coolidge with a tender of any services I may be able to ren der him and any assistance X can. give his secretary,? It Is my ex pectation - to enter private busi ness Just as soon 'as I may be able to complete' ' my arrangements therefor." ;-'?-....: .V Mr". Christian added informally that W had no! desire to continue In public office f and- would . not look with favor on any federal ap pointment. The former secretary left here tonight for Wasbington with Mrs. Harding to 'assist her in removing: personal belongings from , the White House and to clear up the desk;, of : the late president. He may continue to live in Washington for a few mbnths but expects to go into pri vate business soon.7- ! y i. ' 3 5 -v .V ' and estimates given ;; iman 1 CHRIS iAfJ RESIGNS i I Harding Memorial Services at Willspn Park Jointly - With Band Concert j Governor Pierce yesterday sent the following telegram to Mrs. Harding at Marion. Ohio: "Oregon, in common with other states, today bowed in grief on the occasion of the last sad rites for your beloved husband and late ; illustrious president, of the United States. "Business was j suspended, and memorial services held in every part of the state, evinced plainly the C high esteem in which the late president was held by the people of this com monwealth; ! "Again Oregon joins its sis ter states In extending sympa thy. God bless you and may you survive the sad bereave ment that has befallen you and the people of this nation." J Salem citizens stood with bow ed heads last night as the buglers sounded taps and the final memor ial service for Warren G. Harding, late president of the United States, was at an end. The silent crowd scattered to its work and play, the day's weflrk was finished and the morrow would bring ', its own cares. Services were held in Willson park in conjunction with the band concert. . ' Could the departed president, so recently a guest of the north west, speak . to Salem citizens he would desire that they go on with life's work and . play t and last night's concert was altogether fit ting and proper, was the state ment , of Rev. Ward Willis 'Long who spoke following the. concert. .The favorite hymn or the late president, "Lead Kindly Light- was sung by Miss Lena Belle Tar tar and then the: great audience Bang the hymn under her direc tion. Rev. Mr. Long then spoke Of the president, his work unfin ished but the day's work done: Mr. Long, quoted from the , late writings of Victor Hugo and Rob ert Browning witb their mes sages of hope at the clqse of lives spent in service to the world. Mr. Long then asked the audience to jain in saying the Lord's prayer. the prayer which President Hard ing asked those at the tomb of the unknown soldier, regardless of creed, to say together. The brief service was closed with the congregational singing of the hymn "Abide With Me," and Bounding of taps. : Salem paused briefly yesterday during the hour of Che funeral in Marion. Stores were closed and blinds- drawn, shops were, stilled and the town was quiet. The kid dies at the public playground gathered for a short memorial service of their own and Rev. Ward Willis Long spoke to them. - A memorial program was broadcast last night from the Sa lem' Electric , company's station and a, brief prayer1 was 'offered with a short talk given. Two weeks ago today In : the early hours of the morning,; the president's special sped" through Salem and Salem folk were sorry that the' hour was too early to greet the distinguished guest. Laet night they paid him the last honor possible. . - MM TUB III HIS raeuu President of . State Chamber of Commerce Forced to j " i - Abandon Office ; PORTLAND, Or Aug. 10. William Hanley of Burns, Or., to day tendered r his resignation as president of the Oregon C State Chamber of .Commerce to the board of directors in session here on the ground that he is unable properly to handle the affairs of the . position ' becauie of private business. . : f ?' The directors met to formulate a plan for the state-development in Co'operatiod with; the state de velopment ' program of the Port land chamber. : ,. V ' A. S. Dudley, recently appointed executive manager, outlined in de tali his policy, which met with ap proval. ' . V. : T FOB STRIKE DUTY Ten 'Units of Illinois Nation alj Guard Sent to Hiils i. .Vboro District , .. ., j SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. II., Ten units of the Illinois National guardv.were ordered to mobolize , early this morajbg and proceed at v oncf to Hillsboro to do guard duty where, a strike ja in progress at OFFERS FI1L TRIBUTE S ORDERED SOLDIERS WILL CONTAINING HARDING'S BODY FOR PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS i .MARION, O., Aug. 10.(By the Associated Press) -For six months the vault In which ' War ren G. Harding Is sleeping his last sleep will be guarded by .a detail of 30 United States army "regu lars" from Fort Hayes. Columbus. The "regulars" will take up the death watch next Monday. Until then the tomb will be guarded by Ohio national guard troops. ' . A mighty hueh fell over the throngs that packed the streets as the funeral procession slowly wended its way from the Harding home to the cemeteryv The only noise. .was the quiet chug, of. the automobile engines in the p races, sion. : - ' jThe funeral procession paesed by the office of the Marlon1 Star published for years by Harding. Not an employe of the Star was !n the building, the front windows of which had boen darkened. The employes marched as a. body In the American Zinc company plant. The organizations ordered out are Headquarters company and Cpm pany C, 130th Infantry, Paris; Medical 'detachment, Effingham ; Company A, 130th Decatur. . ; The Professor Tou should study harder and' try' to get a degree.- . . t Freshman Waste - jot time; When pop dies and I Inherit bia millions I'll endow - a university and they'll give me more degrees than I. can 'use. Boston Tran- acrrpt. K-i HOSPITAL IS DOE Early Payments " Urged Building Likely to Be Ii Opened About Oct.' 1 . i The first payments on all the pledges secured In the recent cam paign for the Salem hospital, .wera due on August 1. .This of course does not apply to payments that were made in cash only to those made on the two-year basis.. Thq' hospital committee is very anxi ous that this money, shall, come in, at once, so that the hospital can be finished. i - Finishing is going on steadilyi however, on the money - already paid in. Tbia week, the two eleva tors provided for in former con tracts, were - ordered to be in- stalled at" once. This includes the big main elevator, on which, pa tients can be carried up on wheeled cots, direct from- the am bulance or as transfers, from one floor to another. The other is the dumb waiter that serves the pa tients their food from the kitchen in the basement. The, grounds' are bein cleared up. 'and the whole place is being made ready for - the. expected opening, . about October 1. There is Btlll about $900 un provided for, from the-. original estimates. There will be some shrinkage, Id" all probability, on pledges made perhaps -in- good faith but not carried out. so. the committee still hopes forhe com ing of the big-hearted, man or woman who will take up the last of the financial slack in one grac ious benefaction, and start, the hospital into service free- of debt and with a glad smile of thanks for the past and of hope tor, ,tlie future. . - . - WHEAT .'. LIVERPOOL, , Au g. 1 0, Close Wheat October 8s, 5 l-4d; De cember 8s, 5 l-4d. ; - ' - Starting, Tomorrow A Vital Problem ui fllllClUJctll - Society f - - - ( -IlibertvI - - , - - ' - V. : I 1,1 I'll 111 W I - II II V -"V I i i I i ri ri i.i .y ii i i ii . . . A- -" ask U ; Arlrnloui mh . ' m - w mm i vVuviJ 1-V;n ..' Ili GUARD VAULT the procession the only gathering given this permission, i Estimates by eecret service men were that between 50,000 and 75.000 persons passed in the line yesterday and today lor a - last look at the face all knew so well. Mrs. Harding rode to the ceme tery In the fifth automobile be hind the hearse, j' In the car with her were George Christian, her husband's A private secretary and for years their next door neighbor in Marion aud Brigadier General C. E. Sawyer who was the presi dents personal physician and Inti mate friend. ' Y)r. Harding, the president's father, rode in another car. I : ' ; . As the body of the late presi dent was placed in the vault, an array bugler Bounded Vtaps." For a moment there was. silence and then the crowd' began' its sorrow-, ful journey back to the center of thecity. . i ' .-r ; - E 1 Bullet-Riddled and Whiskey- Laden Automobiles are , ; ' i ! Confiscated PORT ANOELKS, Wasb.. Aug. IQ.Win field M. Ilugget, Arthur Jeronie abd F. it. Brady,! alleged pilots of three booze running au tomobiles,: are In the county Jail here tonight, three bullet-riddled and ' Vhlskey-laden - automobiles are qnder, loek and key . and the running of; 55 . cases , of bonded whiskey. to, Seattle was halted at 4:45 this, mornng after a thrill ing chase around Hood's canal in which "Walter M. Justl and J. C. Llnville', prohibition ' enforcement men of Seattle were forced to puncture ,the booze runners cars with bullets before they, would atop. Justl and Lanvule were driving toward Port Angeles from Seattle and had reached a point 12 miles east of Hoodsport when they were forced from the road "by a : car loaded to the brim wfth whiskey and piloted by Wlnfield Hugget.tr j they said. The officers gave chase, and finally stopped Hnggett's car by puncturing the rear tlreiwltb a bullet. -- IWhlle they were placing THug gett under arrest Arthur Jerome passed them, speeding at 65 miles an hour, the, officers de clared. . Linville gave chaee while Justl stayed with Huggett and the first haul. After a 12-inile chase around Hood canal Linville final ly stopped Jerome. It1 took five bullet boles in the - rear of Jer ome's c4r to do it, however, v J While Linville was chasing Jer ome, F. R. Brady, came in sight ot Justl who put Huggett within range of his gun and held up Brady at the same tlmej, Brady refused to open the rear end of his car until JuetT started to open it with an axe. '-.Then ' Brady confessed it was filled with whis key, it is said. : , , r , tThen Justl and Linville drove here where they were due to ap pear at the hearing of the alleged rum runners.' I . -He took her band in his a::d gazed proudly at the engagement ring he had placed on her finger only three nays before. "Did your friends admire it?" he In quired, tenderly. . ; "They did more than that," she replied,' coldly. ' "Two of. thein recognised it." . - - P0HIMIT1 3 LIQUOR RU NES (n5)T?(jnn Starts Today r ' :" ' ' - ' ' ' rlorenceyidor, Monte Blic;and. B. tit toxAnarib miivrtlwf cmalt In T a, ff ' . I- 7lN , o 1V Pk!turizsi6n Special 25c mm speaks IT TWO MEETINGS F o r m e r, Representative Takes Active Part in Polk - County Memorials C. N. McArthur. of Portlanil, was ''the principal speaker at two Harding memorial exercises in Polk county yesterday. In t h e morning ho addressed" a meeting jit the Isis theater In'-...Indepen dence which was prt-sidod over by MayofHay M. Waltor. An appro priate musical program was ren dered -and- abort : speeches were Hiadd Jjy D. Fletcher, represen tative in . the . htate legislature from Polk county , and - Dr. , II. Charles Densmore, pastor of the 1 u d p e n d e n c e Presbyterian church. . In the afternoon Mr. MeArthur reviewed the life,, character and public services of Warren G. Harding and paid a beautiful tribute to the late president. ''Warren (1. Harding . always had in mind the welfare of his country,". Mr, ' MeArthur said. "His votes and. public acts were not those of a politician hut a statesman. , He never considered whether or not- he was ca tLe popular side, . but was always striving to be on the right side. He stood high in the affections of tne American people and when the history of these times Is writ ten he" will be accorded the dis tinction 'so justly due him." V " Mr. MeArthur served in the house of ' representatives during the entire, time of Mr.' Harding's senatorial term and for the two years of his presidential term. He was a memberJdf a Joint' congres sional committee of which Senat or Harding was chairman, and was a strong supporter of the Harding policies when the Senator became president. iNeiahbors of Woodcraft Hold District Meeting An open meeting will be held tonight by the Neighbors of Wood craft who ' have been , holding a district meeting, in Salem. The meeting - will be featured by a drill by 16 guards in uniform. Mrs.'Mina Olmstead of Salem, is district captain and wilf 'be in charge of the drill. - Th sessions will close with the evening meeting. Officers for the coming two years will be chosen today and other business details completed.., A banquet was given last night with a business meeting follow ing. . A memdriaf program for President Harding was held yes terday with special music by Miss Lens Belle Tartar. . , The morning session was given over to an address of welcome by Mrs. FV B. Southwick with the re sponse by Mrs. Minnie Hiner of Portland, grand guard. Alice Falk of Spokane and Mabel Haw kiifs of Toledo, also spoke. This ; evening is the closing session. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses " -. , '.'. . . -. ", - '- Garden Tools -Rubber , Hose at a great saving Steinbock Junk Co. 402 N. Com'l. Phone 523 House of Half Million and One Bargains. We Buy all Kinds of Junk. of y Mm CRAXH "Mad; Love MIlKItTV . "Who are My Parents . OIlKtJON "Main Street.' HUGH ;Four Acts Vaudeville. "The i;oww f a Lie." Vith an all-.. star cast. - - - Mabel JuUenne" .Scott,', Maude, George, June Elvidge. Earl Met cairp, David Torrance. Phillips Smalley, Ruby- LaFayette, Wins ton Miller and Stanton I feck are the "uotable artists' who handle !.va ' j' s .. . ' . principal: roles.: in the Universal all star production that will be shown at the liligh theater begin ning today. The story is "The Power Vf a Iie," originally a nov el and play by Johann liojer. a brilliant Norwegian thinker, who expressed his conviotiou on the subjuct of deceit dramatically and krankh. ; It is seldom that slbe. motion picture arts lends itself to so sim plo. a.. phenomenon of lifo as xle cett, in picturing faults and foi bles of the' human race. -But Unl- versal City executives felt confl lent that In the dramatic jand itrange story thero was material .v'hk-h would, lend itself to pictor ial effect beautifully and; convinc ingly. . - . . . The cast- Is assurance . of ' the" quality of interpretation. George Archainbaud. . a . gitted young French director who is conversant with the Continental viewpoint on stories, handled the filming of llo jera plot,.." The scenario was pre pared by Charles Kenyon, whose fame a3 a screen writer was pre' ceded by the .authorship of such' successful plays as - "Kindling,' which th'e' Urdnia League judged one of Ameri;a'8 .ive greatest, ttaga pieces! V. - . '.-. : . A new; four act vaudeville road opens at the Bligh theater for twd day's starting today. ' . If there Is anything to bo told by .ti ties, ' Who Are My' Parents 7't should bo filled with -heart-inter- est. This William Fox Corpora tion feature comes to the Liberty theater tomorrow. , - ; Here is a monster screen drama which presents a problem of the ages. It' ii; a splendid photoplay that should appeal to. those whd care for good clean dramatic ma terial. The author of the story, "Mr. X." has .;worked with the Eln,?J? ide, ofoldlnJthe inter est of the spectator from .start to finish. To accomplish this-be has diversified the action by the Intro duction of a number of appealing - : (5 TODAY TOMORROW ( M 4- ". "The Pi, V From tho : Bojer with . Mabel JullenH -v EartAIetcalf Comedy' - u Big . will, I , i , Jl; mssm- kiddle characters and given U many charming . revelations child nature. . . J. Searle Dawleyj who direc the picture, has brought iu nmutilntf aniasult in w h Ir h Iho I napping of the mother of, a 1U of puppies by the dog-catcher f ures in a pathetically, hum ore way. The picture also contains k pointed rebuke to the claHs of a J ciety women who refuse to pre sent their husbands with a jami of little ones, .but have plenty c time to devptdttoa pet dog. , Pesgy Shaw, who was a forme? favorite with '."ZieRfeld Follies has one of the leading roles. Sb appea,t as .the". true ' heartp ' daughter of a stern father who at tdmpis- to stop .her when sha Ac cepts th love.of a fine younr chapj.wlio is long on gobd",fook and! short on cash. : Florence Billings plays the elde. sister who "la."" devoted fo her pp poodle, and Roger Lytton I.- th, Colonel jLewIs, the selfish, hari hearted- parent. Other importan parts w'ere intrusted to Erhe: Hilliard, Robert Agnew, Adelaid Prince, Nlles Welch and Marl Reichart.' A.pair of clever young sters, Florence Haas and Jimmy Lapsley, have appealing scenes which they, act with remarkable skill. v . . . The screen adaptation of Sinclair Lewis' novel, "Mala Street,"- will bo -shown at the Oregon theater beginning today, according to an announcement of this theater's management, .,. .. ,.. , t ...... The, picturiaatlon. tot -the vnoval is declared to' nave made an- un usual, pi.ciurej wnereuv ne characr ters of the story live vividly,- it ii trmo;v or. experience',1 .1 ; giving tb6' Picture the" last jpejfect buchesi even going to the extent or studying Main Street , eondt--tiond Tand 4 peculiarities. Harry Beaumont, who directed the pic ture is himself a Main Street pro duct.'havriig been born in a sma:: town. r- Florence Vidor and Monte Blue play the feature roles, .with strons supporting cast made up c: Harry Myers, Noah Beery; Loul. -Faenda. Robert Gordon, v Jose phine Cro well,. Gordon GriffitLa. Otis' Harlan and Alan-Half. "Main Street" Is the Btofy'c: t?ardl Kehtilc6tt,f whd 'conies tc Gopher' Praf rfe a sinaU mid-Western' town.; ian'd instantly ' sets tc ChanglflgT if i& her -heart's deslr: at least she tries to. She start with her .husband. Doctor Kenni cott whom she considers bborisi and crude, because he Is practical "Sir. I am a bill collector. ' , "Then I can furnish you wi 1 one of tbertnbst: choice coUeetlc i In the world, alp authentic. 1 .thought you were after' moner-' r A - '' ' I 1 '4 ' ; . . -el by' Jfonarin r ' st including; 14 Maude George, v:rraftr;jE; ar-J- aw .... rn. r 1. ft Stit ! .V. Act