IliOREGON STATESMAN,, SALEMCREGON,, 'sVTTfRriAY MORNING.-TTfilTST H, 123 ESS v,,Tuod Dal,y Except Monday by - ; ,TATRSIAN PUBLISHING COMPANT ..',.. z K-i Coninu-rrlal SU Salem. Orecon ""'u"nfl wn?. S3;Rrwrd of Trade Building, Phone Beacon U93 ratlin t Tii W 1 ' ' is e"luively entitled to the one for puoll- i iVZ "iwae civaued to It or rot otherwise credited lue iwai news published herein. It: J. Hendricks I Z Z 7TZ I 77 John L. Bradv .... . ' . Frank Jaskoskl - J - . - - f - I - Manager - - Editor Manager Job Dept. i TELEPHONES: Business Office. ... . Circulation Office - . i Society Editor - . . . Job . Department . - . - . 23 683 10t 683 Enter,ed at the Postoffice In Salem. Oregon, as second class matter. REFORMATION, NOT VINDICTIVE JUSTICE The. Statesman is printing in its news columns this morn ing a letter that was written by; Supreme Judge John McCourt to.' the parole board of the ; Oregon I penitentiary- This is .done because it elucidates some points concern ing the parole system, .which is under discussion in Oregon at this time , ,'. : ; ; 1 I ' J :; . 3 And no one would accuse Judge; McCourt of any motive outside of the general good and the just administration of the laws. ;K - . - . ..jtivl flfflj The case in point is this: t When Judge McCourt was on the circuit bench in Port land, three men were convicted of j robbery. One of them, named Hall, was given a sentence of six years, the second, ? Higginbotham, two yars, and the man whose case is in ques tion, Langdale, was sent up for eight years, because he was the leading spirit and had committed previous crimes f though never before convicted- r Through the operations of the parole law, Hall was free in two months, and Higinbotham in six months. They both i had influential friends on the outside. 7 Langdale is still there. He has served forty-two months. In the mean time; he has thoroughly learned the trade of, a f shoemaker, and hie has studied and improved his mind until he is capable of thinking straight and of writing a letter - that- would do credit to v most educated citizens of Oregon, The main principle at stake is given in the following paragraph from the letter of Judge McCourt to the parole board: j ' : ' , - I . . ' ; ' "In fixing the sentence in Langdale's case, as in all such cases, punishment and the protection of ' society was considered, but those purposes were sub- :" ordinated to the principle of reformation, considers tion of which! is enjoined upon the Legislature and courts in respect to the enactment and administra tion of laws I for the punishment of crime. The '" Constitution provides that laws' for the punishment of crime 'shall be founded on principles of reforma tion and not of vindictive" justice? j Article 1, Section , Judge McCourt. goes onto say that inliis opinibrufurther U:jtiprisnment wil likely impair, if ; not utterly destroy, the ; effect of the reformatory benefit of his service in the case hof Langdale . ' j -. . .. , .. And, he cites the unfairness of the workings of the parole, law as applied to Langdale and his accomplices in crime, saying that a "wholesome administration of the parole j law does not admit of any such inequality of treatment as is .shown in the release of Hall in two months and the retention of Langdale in prison after forty-two months" 'I ' And he speaks of the "denial of a precious right to -which M has absolute titled , : ! -A argument and response when tbey are right..: That will be the acid test. Congress does not meet un til ; December, but, it is possible tnen . to enact Such legislation as will make this radical wing un necessary. On the i other hand. failure to do so, failure to meet the demands of the radicals means a battle to the finish' next year. Up to this time it has been pos sible to keep the radical forces di vided. By adroit maneuvers poli ticians have pitted man against man. and rendered futile the strength of a great need.- If there is to be a radical, certainly the sen sible thing to do Is to get the one who Is the least tinted with com munism, or those ideas of govern ment held by the IJ W.! W. and kindred organizations. The republican party j will de mand leadership leadership out of the chaos that naturally sur rounds any new administration. and leadership out of the serious condition that enmeshes so many farmers west of the Mississippi river. The call for a Moses is as emphatic as it was in. the olden days when the original MoBes ap peared. The people must be given a fair-mmaea leaaer wno win re spond to their real needs. POSED ON THE BACK OF THE PlSl- FARM CREDITS Farmers, .through the war board, have been -given . an ex tension, of credits. jThis is very good as far as it goe3. - A great many business men can get out of their difficulties if given a credit leeway for Immediate pur poses. To other men the credit Is opportunity for further specu lation and larger disaster later on. The farmers are just as mucn business men as the bankers and dry goods store owners. ' Credit Is a great thing If rightfully used. It has saved many an Institution from wreck. The withdrawal of credit on its part has caused a good part of our financial diffi culties. J 'A: However desirable It is to set additional credit at this time, come way must be provided for a better distribution. You have done something for a man if you hand him a few dollars to invest as he pleases. Tou have done more for him if you step in and regulate distribution so that he can market his wares where they are needed, and not dump every thing Into an already glutted cen ter. Farm credits Is the , first step, but transportation and dis tribution Is ' the final i solution. Give a man markets and the ne cessity of credit will soon disap pear. Give a man credit alone. without markets, and he 1 has a palliative rather than a remedy. im i -m xi a- 3 a; it i , - ine snowing ox me unjust tuummsLraiiuii uj. lue ytxrvic law as exemplified in this case is rather glaring- . But still there is no "absolute ' title" to the right of J-parole. on the part of Langdale, and Judge McCourt. did not J mean this in the way some readers might construe it. lie 1 jneant that a just and impartial administration of the parole , law contemplates that all cases should be treated alike, and 'lAVith equal justice, in so far as this may be accomplished. - Notwithstanding such in j ustices, the record is , that 7 : .per cent of the paroled men from' the Oregon penitentiary - become law abiding and more or less useful citizens. Only 22 ' per cent go wrong again. The chances are in favor of .Langdale making good, if he gets his parole. And the con v stitutionaP principle against "vindictive justice" is being y violated by his further retention in prison ' Provided. Provided what? ! Provided that there is a reasonable chance, in the minds ' r.of the members of the parole board, that he will not return to criminal wavs and become a menace to society. That is the i Important thing; but the next most important is the reforma tion of the man convicted of crime. . - The parole system in Oregon, as the law now stands, is as important as the judicial system in the treatment of men j convicted of crime. The parole board has very responsible ; duties standing between injustice to prisoners and the ' protection of society- There are no more important duties 1 than the duties of the members of the parole board. - LKADERSI1IP DKMAXDED ship, we all realize that It Is ab solutely . necessary. Leadership changes a crowd from a mob to an army. If Mr. Coolidge pos The'1 renublican party Is not without leadership, j However. It happens that there Is no' outstand-J seBsea the peculiar faculty of lead ership, be can win. ' uut ne wm be beset on every hand by men of smooth manner and intricate designs, who know exactly what they want and seek to get 1L Unless Mr. Coolidge Is strong, very strong, he will be led Into devious , ways and the . men ,who lead him there, wllf be the first ones to desert him There is a conflict 1 n - the re publican party now that must b reckoned with. : It Is what is called the radical elemenC I v It i was a protest at. first, but has T grown to the dignity of a wing of the party. It' will not do to ignore this element or wing. We mnst make up our minds that the lssuef brought forward by these men are to be met in good temper and with Ins flcure rieht now. EUhu 1 Root, who possesses, the greatest ; mind In America. Is too' old to be a continued political asset, tfudge Hughes had his chance 'and failed and America ls nol much of , a . place to give a man a new oppor u tunlty. u ; . , vU , ' , President Coolidge faces a most ' ' difficult proposition. ; ; He baa never been a national asset to the party. - His nomination was the . enthusiastic outburst jof aentl- ment.t No one figured that a pres Ident was being named- when, the '"second place on ' the ticket was being -filled at Chicago. The fates f have decreed otherwise, and today . .Calvin Coolidge Is the i ' leader ."'of the republican party. . Despite all of, our anathema against leader- CARIXG FOR AVRKCKAGE Four people were killed In In dustry in this vicinity the last week. . Multiply this by the en tire country and we find a real problem of tbe ; conserving of human1 life. .Manufacturers are careful of the life of their work men for the double reason that they value human life -'and need skilled workmen.' However, de spite 1 the most careful efforts, there are always accidents, and always will be until machinery is substituted for human beings.'' We talk about the efficiency of the human mind, yet f no man's mind is fool-proof, while a good deal of machinery Is. ' . However, It was not that phase of the question that we started out to discuss. If a man is brok en on the wheel of Industry, no matter s whether it was careless ness or some defect that could nol be forseen, industry jmust take care of this man's family In such a way that the great loss may not be 100 per cent. Industry must be organized to take care of its wreckage. The people appreciate this and will never complain of that part of the price that they pay for commodities, f t ADVERTISING SALEM V; ' - 7 ' s ' I '" (. : i $ f , , A L ,- 2 i i n 1 S) The President, accompanied by Mrs. Coohdve just as ... , ift the Pennsylvania "station. New Tork city, lor the nation's capital on their hurried journey from riymouth, Vt. - . . . . .k n nra and I resented strongly on that accounL "Look Out!" " "Of course," he gibed, but with 'a disarming smile, v , ! "And. besides." I w5nt on with ' reminine inconsistency, "even If ! . . . n ia a tilt err i sne is juciiuvu ' - dominant " I "Go to the head of the class. Dicky Interrupted. ''That word Is all to the mustard!" . I can't Fee what difference it would make in Robert Savarlns' case." Yon can t, eh?" Dicky rejoin- j ed scornfully. "Well. Just let mo tell you something! uooen rin's one of the greatest artists of his time, a real genius. A man like that is in a class by himself. He ought to be put on a peaes tal and reverenced, and his genius-guarded. Can you see old Lll taking aJiumble attitude toward anybody " I glanced at him curiously. H was not the first time l.had heard this note of reverent admiration in hU tone concerning Robert Sa- rvarin. That it was a feeling ab solutely distinct from bis very real liking for the man, I know. It was an impersonal sort of hom age to a genius which he humbly acknowledged as something far above his own undeniably talent. "I don't pretend to understand your attitude." I said, "but imag ine Lillian do. You forget that the. was his pupil years aj:o. and that he gave her the first chance she ever had to cultivate her own talent. I think she shares your admiration for his genius. "r And as for guarding !t ' ; - "Oh! She'i' do tho maternal, all right," he admitted. That's her strongest characteristic. But let me tell you that when unusual people like these two get into the marriage game there's bound . to be Interesting fireworks. It's bsfd enough with dubs like us, but when real genius effervesces look out!" ; I did not answer him, because I totally disagreed with him, and knew that there was no chance of cither of us changing our opinion. But secretly, his cocksureness troubled me. Had he read Lillian and Robert more accurately than I? I had grown so accustomed, to regarding marriage wii: Savarin as the solution c. problems, that any doutt ing its wisdom bothered : than I liked to admit. "Of course, you diFc me," Dicky said loftily, t minute. "But if this th: come off, and we live to tesults, you'll acknowk right. Better speed "up a dear. You haven't many i ' (To bo continued) Albany- Corvallis Rc: To Be Closed Terr ALBANY. Or., Aug. 1: Benton road on the weit the river between Albany : vallls will be closed wltL: . days, according to W. K. resident highway eagin A new bridge will be replace a wooden struct the new bridge will be j that the sharp turn In t necessary for the old It: be done away with. TL is located just out of A: the West Side road. T from Corvallis to Albany : graded and graveled this : it will be paved next year, ; lng to present plans. The steel bridge across t lajnette river Is being r Traffic to Corvallis is t' ed over the east side .rc. tho other side Is closed. j FUTURE DATl AunKt 1 to 15 Annol m o( YMCA. Trk riw. Augn 1 t ,2i Annual eort KS 8-u CcJi. Aucatit 12. Sunday Anneal n ion' Count Jpiwy Cattla . Brother' farm, cix mile ,o rrtos. . A a coat 12. Sunday Horn. Court Street Christian rhor AncaKt 12, Funday-rTfcird an -nmias of Aaroavilla I'ioii - tioa. ' -j. i August 14. Tneadajr Kuinner ial o! "40 k ." . Auzuvt 13, Wednefcda Miuu' nir, at"la fair grounda. Aurukt 17. Friday Iowa pit " - ground. August 16-19 Nation! jruat i matches at C'larkamas ride r September 19, Weinvaday ' vnireraity opens. September 24 to 29 Orrgon , we shall be when we come to the full realization of our hopes. The federation of clubs thougXU better of the agitation to proxt the erection of a one-story busi ness block at the corner of Court and Liberty streets and the sub ject ; was abandoned before the meeting last night. In speaking of the matter one of the substan tial business men of the city said: "Of course there will be some blP jection : te a one-story building but . the objections to my mind are Ill-founded. For my part 5 1 would rather have a one-story temporary building erected than a substantial two-story one. The proposed structure will give way to the right kind of a building in a few tyears. whereas a two-story structure might prevent a large building going up: on that site in the life time of any man now in business." When The Oregon Statesman appeared yesterday with a notice that the federation of clubs forecast a protest a vol unteer committee of business men was immediately formed and the true situation explained to the leaders. In discussing radicalism in pol itics, simply remember not to con fuse it with progressiveism. Radi calism is progressiveism gone mad. We need , the ; progressives for a-balance wheel, but'we must be careful not to go to the extent of turning the country over to the radicals. A progresive simply wants to make progress always, and a radical is very apt to be a bull in a china shop he can make a political ten-strike by putting an Oregon man in his cabinet. ' Is'ote: Chester A. Arthur suc ceeded to the presidency much as Mr. Coolidge did, but his;party lost the first election it had. lost since the war. i HOLDING A HUSBAND .AUcIe Grrlm"s New PbrMe of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 378. I"-"- " 'I Tblncs To Da I- -I TheBoysand Girls Newspaper The Biggrot Little Paper In the World - I I I. Copyright, 2. Associated Kditor. Edited by John I'. Tales Our Fisherman ; Tells A Yarn of a Boy, a Game Warden, and a Pike Fish 1 It is a fact that Salem waked up and became a . city before a good many people knew it, and in spite of what some of them who did know it. could do. This is not a situation local to Salem, as it Is happening in live communi ties everywhere. In the last four or five years Salem has taken a new lease on life and has become one of the most progressive up-to-date cities on the coast. A re cital of the activities1 here aston ishes even the closest observers and is so much more than any of us expected. - t r Salem is meeting its opportun ity and meeting it in a manner that is, causing the citizens to get up' on their 1 toes, go after busi ness for all that they 'are worth. The old Idea that Salem ? was merely a capital city, therefore coutracted in its business, has been replaced by the idea that men are going after business hard and the longest headed men are dropping the most persimmons. We have a fine picture of Salem through the recitals of the slogan pace of : Tho Oregon Statesman, but it does 'not yet appear what Man cannot live by self' alone. We touch elbows an'd have a meeting of hearts and minds. We cannot be Indifferent to the trou bles of the world morally, politi cally and economically. The world appeal must be accepted by America. The court of public relations offers a meeting-ground for united action. Jess Willard is a pugilist turned lecturer. We trustthat Jess will not be a disappointment on the platform as he was in the ring. Just what ' message a lubberly prizefighter can have for. an aver-; age audience remains to be seen. Congressman Johnson of Wash ington has appealed to President Coolidge for relief from the Im migration congestion. A most delicate situation here has been sidestepped so long on this coast that it will take the heavy hand of law to straighten things out. The deer season opens August 20th as usual. The doctors and the undertakers flourish in this season because so many hunters fire away on the theory, hit if it is a deer and miss if it ij. a calf."; ..; ;. v - ,y;: -A; President Coolidge is credited as being a smart man. He prob- 1 ably does not need lo be told that THE "CAUSK FOR TIOUCIIT M DICKY GAVE MADGE; "I say, Madge." - Dicky spoke j abruptly af ter a silence which for him was un usual.' It had lasted two' or three minutes, and I was' beginning to wonder if I had said anything to offend him. ' i I slowed the par down immedi ately, -in which I we were going to meet Robert Savarin, and an swered dutifully; , "Yes Dicky, what is it?" . "D'ye think ,Lil really means to ditch old Harry "and roarrv Savarin?":. V. j' v. I winced at his query.' Dicky is! not-prone to crudity, but evi dently his disapproval of Lillian's attitude had goaded him into th- uncouth speech! ; ;It. isn't a Question of her ditching Harry," I replied cold ly, my distaste) for his -expression betraying itself involuntarily. . 1 jA thousand pardons, MIsa Puritan schoolma'am," Dicky mocked. "I didn't mean to shock your refined ears. I suppose you mean Harry already has perform ed that little Job, and you're right. I don't pretend to defend him, but yau mark my "word. Lll was hap pier with him than sne, ever could be with Savarin." . . i -. "I fail to see how you inafco that out," I said spiritedly. "H;r life with" that man was one lon martyrdom of her own tastes and instincts. Why! Don't you r mjember how she dyed her hair arid ranged so outrageously be C3ise he Insisted upon her doing it?" : :" ;:. ' ; . - ; . f, You Are Absolutely Unjust." '"Yees.''! Dicky admitted, "but while she humored Harry in little things, like that,' .yon forget that in their manage she was it.- Harry always; deferrerl to her judgment in belt' affairs ; and his own, fnd I, never knew a' man put so high a value on a woman's mentality as he did on Lil's. And, you know Lll. She's the 'best old spoilt n the world, arid I owo her more than I do anybody in tho world j outsld my. family, but it t-he tran't b the, 'bride at.'the wed ding and the corpse at the fune ral. lfe has no savor for ber." ; I "You are 'absolutely uniust," 1 flarcI, fot hw bad struck tbis note of 'criticism of; Lillian so frequent ly In the la.t year that, it had be come Ja goad. I sHspechd, that It was conceived in an absurd jeal ousy of my dependence upon her. Our old Fisherman knew more tales than any other fisherman alivej At least he was never lack lag" for" a good story to ;tellJ Ho used to sit down by the lake in a half-fslouch, resting position, his soft hat pulled to shade his mild blue eyes, and for an hour or more he'd never say a word, nor even make a motion except for shifting his tobacco to theother cheek. But soon the 6tory would come, in a slow, drawling voice. One morning he was sitting down on the pier. When his line began to tug and stretch, he 8il ently pulled it in. "Now you know, this do remind me," he began, "of a story a game warden told one time, p'rhaps 20 years back. Boys was as smart in those days as they are today, I reckon, for this particular boy, who went out fishin in a boat in the lake yonder, wasn't lackin? in a ready answer. You see, this boy had the good fortune to catch a fine wall-eyed pike, like the one I hauled in nowj bat it bein' the closed season for pike fishin" he just tied it on a string and fast ened it under the boat. "In about 15 minutes the game warden, who was out for a little look-around, .come along, and see in the boy, rowed up to him. Now the pike was noue too well hid den, down inhe water, and about the time the warden got along side that pike began splashin around. The. game warden got hold of the string, pulled It im looked from fish to boy and says: . . ;- " 'Don't you know it's unlaw- I ful to catch pike at this season of the year? ' Whereupon- the boy, who was a glib little shaver, answered him: ' ! " 'Sure I do. But I'm not fish in for pike, sir. I am fishin' for perch, and that big pike was chas ln all the other fishes , away, so I had to tie him up until I got through fishin,. (These "stories were gathered from an old fisherman In the great North Woods hjr-A. 8. Child, for merly a AVlsconsin Game Warden Watch for another next week.) READY FREr; r m- Ready Freddy Just I hang around your desk c phone he Isn't happy t helping you to rememt :, sooner you make him . him oa doty the happi; be. Freddy Isn't partlcul what his suit is made c' cut In the style he like From a piece of br!v doubled, cut his suit like line in Fig. 1, making it 2 least 8 Inches long. In c cut two buttonholes for In the legs, and' anoth wide near the end -of sleeve. . Now sew the It together on the wrong e' ing at the neck sr around, then turn right For his head, cut two ces from plain pink, wt. cloth,- sew . .together Mark his hair -and face pad with cotton. Sew and suit together, bans pad of paper around his stick a pencil In each of ets and a ruler up V Hang him up beside j and Freddy Is at your s. I THE SHORT STORY, JR. I : T1IK L.VMBS CAMPING, TRIP The children were all on their Kard; -To bear the hot weather was hard. 'Twas a snd situation Still they had a vacation, ly ramping right In their back yard." "We can't go" Anne's Hps trem bled pathetically. Can't go!" Herbert's voice con tained even more concern than his sister's.' ; Kven Mrs. Lamb's eye3 were moit as she shook her head. "Daddy says he can't afford to take a vacation this year. lie's so worried. Don't you suppose you chifdren can hide your dis appointment from him?" "Of course, we can." they acrerd bravely. "Why we've always gone camping every single sum mer. We don't know how nice it may be here. It isn't like we were down in the city; It won't get very hot out here In the su burbs." Mrs. Lamb-smiled wanly. She knew how hot It could get arid how long and lonesome a summer in the suburbs could be with all th. neighbors gone camping. The first tw0 weeks of the sum mer dragged slowly by. They were even worse than Mrs. Lamb had feared. There was nothing for the children to do. But oie morning. Mrs. Lamb waa awak eued very early by stifled 'giggles In the next room.1 She heard the children softly steal downstairs and then there was much bumping and laughing going on In the kit chen. She crawled out of bed and hurried down to see what it was all about. "Whatever are ycu children up to?" she asked: "Don't you know It's Just barely four o'clock?" - ., "Oh, mother, please go buck tn bed and don't tell Father," they begged.- "If going to be a sur prise. We'll call you when we're ready." -.... : - .,,.-: ,. . Mrs. Lamb hadn't seen tho chil dren so excited all Bummer, be sides she was too sleepy to pro test. She. crawled back to bd but not to sleep. The children saw to that. She heard them tear ing up and down from attic to cellar.- She couldn't see how her jiu&uana rouia caimiy sleep on through all the racket. Poor man! He was so run down and tired. She did wish they could have gone camping for his sake i? the children's. y Art last, he awoke wKL Someone was pounding dishpan right tinder t dow. They dressed as Q possible and hurried do? backyard where all the r coming from now. At t they stopped short In t There before them was t camping tent and out u apple tree the children wt ing breakfast.". "Come on." Herbert crir " Ing a stick at them with a of crisp bacon curling on t' of It. "breakfast is eervri." Everyone talked at fir they alBIaughed at everytt! was said.' They decided to cots up and sleep ont the r the summer. . "And we kl" going to do all the coc: Anne announced as she -fished a grasshopper out coffee. "It'll be lots of fu the end of the summer I' Mrs. Lamb both declared . been the finest camping tr' had ever had. thought so, too. The Ci.