Tflfi OREGON bTATKS?tAH, SALESl; ORfiGOtt . FRIDAY MORNING,1 AUGUST 101923 MO VIE GOSSIff BLIfill 2 ; ; Hoot Gibson ' "Kindled Courage" 'Miracles of the Jungle' i ine nearest thing to a wild 1 horse of the kind that one would ; naturally expect Edward (Hoot) Gibson to be riding, that appears J In "Kindled Courage." his Uni , versal vehicle at the Bligh, theater J 13 a flivver with a hesitating steer I ing wheel, The story is of the jj west, but it isn't a typical western ij picture br a long shot. Beatrice I uurnnam 'is the leading woman and William'Worthington the di- rector. - ' - Florence Vidor and Monte Blue, two of the most" talented persona now gracing the silver '.screen, bare the featured parts' In "Main Street, the screen adaptation of Sinclair 'Lewis novel, announced by the Oregon I theater ; manage ment, for a ran of three days be ginning Saturday; ' - '! -t 1 It Is doubtful If any other story has caused such a ripple ot com ment as has "Main Street." Even now, several yeari after its publi cation, it has its, hold on tie peo ple of these states. Gopher Prair le nas Decorae as ra miliar as .-a f al ry tale," "an d'a" 'synonym" for everything good, bad and indiffer ent in a Main -Street town, while ; Carol Kennicott, the young hero I Ine, now symbolizes all woraen j with the crusadfng instinct ' who come to- small tewas with a -'de sire to make it. more "realistic "Main 'Street" is th storv of Carpi Kennicott's fight to make the natives "of Cosher ttirle: ac-' cept her ideas spruce up, become advanced, and ly short, change in to a bisr town. " j Supporting Florence Vidor and Monte Blue in the 'cast are Harry Myers, Noah Beery, Louise j Fa tenda, 'Robert Gordon, Josephine CroweU, febrdon?, Griffith, Otis Harlan and Alan Hale. If there la anything to be told by titles. "Who Are My; ParentsT' should be Tilled with1 heart inter est. This William. Fox corpora tion feature picture comes to the Liberty theater next Sunday Sfi8MD;-38B Seat &ale Opens Tomorrow 10 A. M. Cntire- Low?r Floorr .). .-. 1st 3 Rows Balccjny i I . Kcxt 2 Rows Ealcony . . . ... Gallery (not reserved)... 12.75 . 2.20 .1.65 .1.10 thdSUrthd ry Jirs a it Investiture DO-FEOrrlOa NEW SHOW - TODAY :j 5. O'clock 77. Has More Laughs and Thrills' to the Minute Than the Heroine Has Sdiors ' I 1 -I .J ' 'A ) frS A V ' O -v-: J U Li LI Li I " STARRING VIOLA DANA Ouf of respect to our late will be closed nntil 3 p. m. i f i - i i t i 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hera is a monster screen drama F which, presents a- problem of the ages. It is a splendid photoplay that should appeal to. those who cate for good dean, dramatic ma terial. The author of the story, "Mr. x;" has worked with the single idea of holding the interest of the spectator from start to fin ish. To accomplish this he has diversified the action by the In troduction of a number of appeal ing j kiddie' characters and given them' many- charming revelations of child .nature : J. Searle 'Dawley, wIkt directed the picture; ha brought in an amusing episode In which tho kid napping of the mother of a litter of "puppies by the dog-catcherrfig ur,i In' a pathetically, humorous way, The picture also contains a pointed rebuke to the class of so ciety women 1 who refuse to pre sent their husbands with a fam ily ' of little' ones'J but : have plenty o$ time to devote to a pet dog-. . Peggy Shaw, who iwaa a former favorite with "Ziegf eld ; FoJIIes.1 has one at the leading roles! "She appears as the true hearted daugh ter of a stern father who attempts to stop her when she accepts the lore of a fine young chap who is long on good looks and short on cash. : ' , -i -;:. - .,- ' Florence Billings .plays' the el der sister, who is -devoted to her pet poodle, and Roger Lytton is the Colonel Lewis,1 the selfish, hard hearted parent.1 Other "Im portant parts were i entrusted ' to Ernest Hilliard, ' Robert ; Agnew, Adelaide Prince, Niles Welch and Marie Reichardt. j A pair of clever youngsters, Florence - Haas ' and Jimmy Lapsleyr have appealing scenes jvhich they, act with re markable skill. . r- .;; i.: Chairman I think we'd better begin. , : ' r ; LecturerBut, there Isn't any one in the hall. 1 ' j 1 - ', Chairman Ah, I forgot ta toll you. The lecture. is. being broad cast. London:. Weekly Telegraph. VI 6 When Back Harts Flash " Your ' Kidneys as Yoa Clean Yonr Bowels. ' ::t Most iolks forget t,hat ; th kid neys, like the Doweis, someumes get sluggish and clogged and need a: flushing - occaslorraTiy,elsewe have backache and dull misery in the . kidney region, ' severe, head aches, rheumatic twinges,' .torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts, of bladder disorders. Ton simply must "keep your kidneys active and clean'; and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region begin drink ing lots of water. Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here,: take a table spoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few -days and your kidneys will then act. fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with ; lithla, . and Is in tended to flush clogged kidneys and help stimulate them to activ ity,' It also helps neutralize , the acids in the urine so they no .long er1 irritate, thus helping, to relievo bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive,' makes a delightful effervescent JJtbia water drink which , everybody should take now - and then to help keep their kidneys -clean. ; - . -'A well" known local druggist says . he sells . lots ,of Jad Salts to folks who believe in trying to. cor rect kidney troable" while it., is only trouble. By all means have yout physician examine your kid neys at least twice a year. Adv. .if: President this theatr? Continuous totli p. m. TS HOT OS Saivation Charioteers i Holding Meetings Here ; Salem Is this week entertaining fhe Salvation Army. Charloteere, a group of erangellsts trateling under the command of Command ant J. Barnes of anywhere In the world that -he may happen to be. Just now, he comes from; San Francisco,5 though he has been one of the 'most commanding figures in the Salvation Army of the coast for the past 30 years. His son is one of the party, and , the" others are devout army workers, music ians and extorters. They were out on the street Thursday after noon with their band, which ren dered very excellent music for an organization of-its size. i The travelers have their own gospel chariot, a two-ton truck, with, giant dual tires, and a body that is a real home for tLe tour ists. It has a chef's kitchen, day seats, and a regular Pullman-car set of let-down beds, two double beds and two singles. : They tray, el with this car, -wherever a truck will go; to the logging and mining and construction camps, to the lit tle towns wherever they can find audiences to listen to their-message. The big car, so well equip ped, makes a comfortable home in almost any kind of weather, i .The Salvation army will hold a .special President Harding memor ial, at the barracks, this evening at 8 o'clock,- with the visiting of ficers a part of the program. Cooper Will Make Survey i Of Santiam Water Sites r.... . Ray D. Cooper, Salem engineer, has' beerr "selected to make a7nr vey of the, water sites on th San tiam river on which the city re cently filed, and to estimate the cost of . Installing a reservoir and water system for Salem. The city council authorized the survey and appointed .Mr. 'Cooper. . - ,Tp be prepared for any emer gency is the desire 'of the city council and no action will be tak en by the city for some time. The survey . is expected, to .be com pleted about November 30, ; ? The committee of the ; council In charge is composed of George Wenderoth, 5 Ralph ( Thompson, George Thompson, A. F- Jdarcus, L. J. SImeral and B. , B. Herrick. "Rastus say Pahson Brown done kotcb. j him In Farmer Smith's chicken coop." " "';'. r-: f "M-m, boy! Don Rastus feci ,iflamed?', . - y-y I "Nossuhr ' De pahson- am" ! d f-feel:,shame. H kain't .'SDia'n how come1 he done kotch RaStns dar." Legion Weekly. STARTS TOMORROW Greatei Than the Book Told in a s MONTE BLUE iTcU4.ty ; Out of rettpect to one late will be closed until 5 p. m- -' i . LAST TIMES TODAY PIERCETKr Governor Believes Convict Tells Truth and May I Grant Him Parole Governor Pierce said yesterday that he is considering a parole for J C. Conners, convict who recent ly wrote him a " letter complain ing that he had not received jus tice from . the state parole board. The governor believes Conners Is telling the truth and also that he is Imprisoned Illegally for the rea son that he was convicted on a forgery charge. ; This , belief is shared, it is said,, by John H. Logan, former member of the parole board. The basis of "this opinion is that Conners used a fictitious name and did not forge the name of another person, and it is believed the charge against him should have been th'a of ob taining money by false pretenses, it was Conners who, after he had been conditionally pardoned by Governor Withycombe, went 'into Yamhill county and persuaded the father and mother of William Branson that if they would let him have j $250 he. uld obtain the pardon' of their son, ' Branson at I that - time was doing life for-the murder ot William Booth. , His parents-g:ave' Conners the- money and he made off "with it, but liter TODAY it- HOOT GIBSOIM , ; - K ln . "KINDLED, COURAGE" MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE ' . COMEDY IB ESSCiW?-'' Wonderful Way With AND FLORENCE VIDQR orate of the Novel? A LIGE3 SINCLAIR LEWIS .HAIUtT 6EAUM02T1 President this theatre Continuous to' 11 p. m. , . ,' was -apprehended anoTreturmed to the prison. ' Branson later , was pardoned by Governor Olcott; who received evidence convincing: him that Branson was innocent ox" the crime of which be was convicted. Habit Gotten In Prison. ' Conners story to the govetrnor is that he acquired the morpibine habit while caring for prisaaiers who were ill with influenza, land that he visited the Bransons while under the influence of the dmg. It Is true that he did good service as a nurse at that time, and it Aras LARGEST i CHAIN ; . - DEPABTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION - T -" "" " T V 4: rf a Droilc over the tirnnncpr'a Your dollar will eo Tiered dDmerenc e goodfare &&ll$S$Zmr ? "Seconds." "Job lots.- -'bankrupt nnherttatoS S?J?htf BatIsfa-CtIon- Should anything bought here prove differently than ' ' at I&e Our buyers. are .Jlie lowest' mill prices,' receded. Note the tempting prices listed here. Unbleached Muslin . woven of j well selected yarns. 38; inches wide. Yard ... T. . w ...... .12c Bleached MnsUa 36 In. . wide, in a poular med- - ium weight Yard . . . 18c - - k' -, '. ' . Honor Muslin Our own brand selected for you. An excellent quality with a pure soft finish, offered to you at the t low price i of, yard . . 1S Honor Unbleached MoUn, . in a splendid grade, 39 inches1 wide. Yard ...17c Wide? Sheeting Your choice of 8-4 72 inch bleached or 9-4 81 in. unbleached fine, firmly : woven sheeting: Yard 59e - 1- . ; .- 9-4 ' Bleached Sheeting' r Of , the same gopd qual- -ity. Yard j . . ., .' ...... .. ; . Ready Made Sheets of.,... ,. good "medinm;-; wefght,-y:('r; size 72x90, exceptional - ly 'low priced.: at . . . -. 98c; 475 ECONOMY; 5P(piS:fc" TP HE .continued growth and expansion of the NationWidie institution of J. C. ? Penney Company Department Stores, is absorbing lo4 npw communities and four 1 . additional states, Alabama, Arkansas Kentucky and Tennessee. . "The figures ia the above map give the number of our Stores in each state." 3fe : -:v ';i's"; " .' - ' ' ' 4 ; r ' . - py,,'! ;; v; - ji: V v .More anfl More the Great American, FSAEc , V r You only need to stop and thtak of k extensive advanUges ihat accrue' In buvinr in the leading markets for inch ah enormous combination of efficiently conducted co-oaerative StoreL .w j . j: . " "v participating, because - of Ibis ' that the condi tional pardon was granted by Gov ernor Withycombe. 3: .Conners .has told Governor Pierce the story of bis treatment in the "bull pen" after his return to prison, claiming that he was forced to sleep on steel slats that were almost bare of bed clothing, that- he was at times fed on a diet of bread and water and that he was allowed nothing -to read. He says, a : minister once came and left him a Bible, but that after the minister had departed the 475 160 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon never order qtiality taken but of our cdoZi in ovdar dvertue "reduced priced" Sfis low i5S tfaq: : YOU WHO SHOP HERE HAVE OUR PLEDGE "ttsie ere over price ana quality. nHra tn n ani i tar "" , "Z sum am ajmeera constantly searching for cotton and you can: see for yourself Penco Sheeting The de mana is increasing for . -J this high grade range ' of sheeting tubing, sheets, and eases. For quality, finish-, and gen- ' 1 eral' satisfaction we cannot speak too high-'- ly of it. Yqu'U agree that our prices are 4 right, and the very . - lowest possible. Penco . r Sheeting 94 or 81 in. " wide. Yard . . . ... . .60c . Penco 81x90 . Sheets ready to use . . . . . . f 1.98 Penco 42 inch Pillow Tubing. Yard ....... 43c Penco 42x30 Ready Made Cases . . ... ........ ,45c Pequot Sheeting, Sheets, " and Cases . are carried . by us in a complete. - range of sizes.' ;Our di-i ' rect mill : ' conhectioii , 7- permits us to offef this1' ' : brand at attractively low trices.; V .!,t,cs Bed Spreads, full size cf o- ; j " cheted or honeycomb Spreads in a .satlsfac- V tory quality for ., Ktvj" t tuiiiuiuni.j'wvncBi Bibfe Board In Good Faith. - The fact that the - state - parole board at its meeting "last Monday recommended to ihe- governor the parole of 18 convicts Is not due to the communication that was received by the governor from the convicts tin. the previous Saturday night demanding; that the parole board- change, its policy. ' Ward Irvine, the governor'. secretary, and a member Of the parole board says that when the board was In prison T officials took . the awatf trrrm film. - 1 ' " " '" DEPARTMENT STORES 1 m We have but ' one. prlce-r-that ,. . . . . . or "z11-, uere is no aeviauon irom that price. goods of rellafle quality at how.thoro Scalloped Crocheted Spreads In large double bed size, rich designs; with , cut -corners only. . . . .$2.98 SaUn Finished Bed Spreads in unusually .pleasing - designs; plain hemmed , or with scalloped edces . and cut corners, . . . .3.98 Feather ' Pillows Cured all feather pillows in a good size, 17x24, cov ered with art ticking,: a popular number at 98c Feather Pillows of fine, ; v soft cured feathers, covered with art tick ing, size 20x26. Su perior quality . . . i .$1.98 No. 60 Berkley Cambrio 29c tio: 60 Berkley Nainsook 29c Not' i 00 Berkley Cambric' S3c Frultel the loom THuslln 29c Z s-m. Indian Head . . 29e 3 6-in. Indian Head .V .',33c 27-iirAmoskeag Outing 23c 3 6-in. Amoskeag Outing 29c 36-lnr Ambskeag Daisy 33ci in -such a targe wav. in bavins session Monday it did not; kne of the communication to the go ernor, and did not know of it nt tltJ Tuesday. (T OUR STOIVfAC: KSl " eatises bud breath; ry pains, EM eoated toagu and belcMng. twites ytsr stosuca aaj IrwUi t Ti R e a d the .Classified Ads Tin :"lc2nvic3 ; v. . ctc: I owm-m-j. ;7-f fixed upon a fair margin of f. . . 'u w stockV - and oher undesirable represented we cheerfully and r.: J-C. Penney- Street firssiss : i For Women , Linen, Voile and; Ratine with embroidery of drawn :;..:i$CL9(x-',.v Of Wash. Fabrics, Votle. Tissue Ginrham. : Silk SMrts ' White and Colors -Plain or pleated in a variety of styles. . : 1 For Summer Plain or printed Crepe de ' CMne, ocerblouse styles; - , $2.9a Hocia Aprcsi ' Rabberized r ..,k Attractive patterns In ; 7 ! checks and plaids; ? 45c, 49c s2 90c I:-. ; ) : Hair Crcshei ?. , v For. Women : . . , !' Aluminum face ; black 'stiff bristles. 35c 98c : Pcn-i-bct Hair Nets Strong durable nets made of human hair. 8c 1 pressing Cczibs ' of White Ivory . ' Extra heavy; qnalityr coarsa and fine, -teeth. fCcrlox . ; : t Hair Curlers. .Cannot -break hair.: on card. - . FITS 10c 4 Tire Hair Piss Assorted Iiengths. -, Crimped and straight. Per hoi A X - ... 4c-tt- rrHock'en'd Eye Tcps - Non-Uasting Black or white: spaced one ' Inch apart. -Hi i9c Tirilkd Tap 2 ( Black. or White . English, tape ia various. widths; 10 -yd. mil. '. 12-' l1"- If - fhis Organuation-.rEachf Store i, a local enterprise, partly owned by its ManaEer:. jBid ipating ia the civic and social affairs of; its Community. - f y $ Te yirci:! WgLJEeagey Co. UctgValk '4 -1 i;iT?f--..i .;. , ' ; "t- Li : JACK HOLT - U xc"::Drr:zv;3 , ;:' '