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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1923)
, j ..... f - ' " '' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . ... - - j- f FRIDAY MORNING AUGUST 3, 1923 - J .:- 5 4 CirF ffig ft IN BRIEF May Sparto Estate Farms Permission lias been given to L. p.. Aldrich, executor of the estate of Josephine J. Herman by Judge- Bushey to operate the farm of the estate and! to harvest all crop. ftlSO VIctrola Coosolette- Model, walnut ; finish; special, $114.75. Very eaey terms. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.4 Modem Furnlbel ( Houses. H. li Stiff Furniture co-Ad., . . , J' f. I''. Viae .Webber Piano 23S ? , ! ifi a' month. Ceo. C. Will, 32 State street. Adv. ' i i ' Trade Your Old Piano For a new VIctrola or Bruns wick. H. I Stiff Furniture Co. Final gale ' , i On all summer gowns, . most i numbers at ost price. To all fnurchasers ot gowns on Friday, Saturday and Monday we will al-l low the selection of any summer hat at $1.50. The French Shop. 115 High street. Adv. Manhattan Shirts . , r Semi annual sale,-a real tim to buy and; save, all new- patterns, tee our window. The Man's Shop. !U1C State street, Adv. Wen Fnmiatftd TBkt W ftemU- Modern; first floor; large five 'zooms. ; immeaiaie possession, $45 a month, at 66 ff Ferry street. I UAiaess omce, i ior poofl - 1' r ji f.i ' 'Alliance Meets. 'Today - - s ' The Wptnan's Alliance "of the Unitarian church will meet this afternoon with Mrs? Russell Moh- nev at her home, .91 4 Saginaw : street, at 2:$0 o'clock. Used -Department ' " ' Now -In basement. Furniture Co. Adv. H. lu Stiff 9500 Kimball Piano $123 Terms. $6 . a month. Geo. G. .Will 432 State street Adv. Buy Manhattan Shirts Now c.f mnaii sain & rnal savins to you at this time on this high crada line of shirts. The Man's Shop, 416 State street. Adv. City and Farm Loans : Lowest rates. J. C. Siegmund Adv. More Money Raised -'V Better results were secured by ' the hospital, canvassing commlt- tee - Thursday - than some of the other days tils week. The work ers garnered $276 in cash and notes for their day's work. This ' leaves a total of $1517 yet to r For Gifts That Last DlalomdaWatcli9ewefry wad Silverware Phone 12SS. Salem, Oregon Salem Ambulance Service Day and Night I PH0HE 666 I ' 17S 8. Liberty St. , !, I SSlemT ' Oregoa j a. "I I , ; capital: junk co. j I Wj'ANXS J i All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We. pay" full T&Ine. 215 Center Street Phone 393 LADD&BUSH Bankers! established 18S3 ' General D&ckiss Baiiaest - ,- : i v. . f " . i. ' - Off let Iloars from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. BWGIITON '& 'SaARCDS 4 ; HARDWARE. PAINTS. OILS. GLASS r i J There is noiargument but quality considered here. tVWe deafonly In standard quality merchandise, and then tjneil" at a very .small profit. - - - 286 N. Commercral SL " r. 2 .t raise to clear the institution and give It a start in life. The com" mitteemen's tongues are hanging out, and they are limping from corns and leg-weariness and lack of sleep, but they, are still going and . they say they'll never quit until the money is all In. Hundreds of Records--. 25 cents each. II. Furniture Co.- Adv. . Li. Stiff Have yon Eaten Steak , Cooked to order at, the Royal Cafeteria? If not, try one. Adr. Wanted. Contralto; Law Good reader. S. I." Statesman. Adr. ; 1 . AH Those Interested In the discoveries of Dr. Albert Abrams of San Francisco will be glad to know that Alexander Marky. editor of Pearson's maga zine, will lecture on the "E R A" and the amazing underlying Elec tronic Science at the Hellg Thea- tre in Portland this evening. Ad mission free. Go and take your friends. Adv. James C. Fisher Piano In good shape. It carries our exchange privilege, $150. II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. AdT. " Marriage 'license' Issued Marlon Guy Crites and Mary Jones, both of Scotts Mills, were Issued 1 a marriage license Thurs day.- .' '. i ' i f 1,000 Knabe Piano f285 17 a month. . Geo. u. win. State street. Adv. Manhattan' Shirt v Semi, ;annaalalej a real time to buy and save, all new patterns, see our window. The Man's Shop. 416 State street. Adv. Any Snmnier j Hat ; J For $1.50 regardless of former price if purchased with one of our dresses during our sale Friday. Saturday and Monday. The French Shop,' 115 High street. Adv. I . . ' . New Pianos for Rent- It L. Stiff Furniture Co.- -Adv Judge JJlngham Finishes Cases After siznine his decision in the Massey divorce proceedings yesterday Judge : Geonre O niv- bam -breathed a sigh, of relief, for with the lastj flourish -of-n. a pen he put an end to his Judicial wor ; ries for the present. . The Massey lease was the final bne'upon "which a decision had to be made at the present. Trade 7 Your, old furniture. H. Stiff Furniture Co.. Adv. - Tr. A. Berner i Associated ! with Dr. Pound. General dentistry, 40 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 2040 Adv. Rd Manhattan Shirt Now -Semi annual sale, a real. saving to you at this time on this high Frfldn line of shirts. The Man's Shop. 416 State street. AdT- Beantif nl Werner Mahogany ( finish, terms. II. L. Stiff Adv. I - $350; easy Furn. Co. r ' S06 V. 8. National Bank nauaing Pkons s59 t " Kc Fbob 469J DR. B.H WHITE jy-. 0tepatMc PhymieU and SnrsMt EtodrMM ZMkCB TrataiBt Dr. Abrtwa MUiM . Salem ; i ; j regon DR. C- H. 8CHEWK lias Moved to Mis lew v - location . 249 So. Cottage Street Phone 1182 DR. C. I- mRSHALL Osteopathic physician and i ....!.. . -,. Snrgeon - y Oregon Building Phone 85 r J Wants to Become Citizen Although Hermann Kunzler has been in this coi?&try but 11 days he is anxious to become a citizen and yesterday filed his declara tion of intention of being natural ized with the county clerk. Kunz ler owes allegiance to Switzer land, where he was born on May 27. 1894, but came Jo the United States fron Buenos Aires, Argen tine, landing at San Francisco on July 22. Kunzler is a machinist by trade, and with his wife have taken up a residence at Silver- ton. . Including English, he is able to speak riour languages fluent- r:t: See La , ... . : ; For'lfTc6 ta'rniture. II. L. Stiff Furniiuro Co. Adv. Hawkina & Roberta- City loans; lowest rates. Adr. Good Starr Piano $89 $5 a month buys It. Geo. Will. 432 State street. Adv Soda Water Fountain Everything complete. Will give some terms. H. L. Btifr Furni ture Co. Adv. . . Doe This Interest You? If you are looking for a Job, or if you need to employ help, use the city free employment bureau at the TMCA. Adv. Marriage Licences Slump ! Marriage licenses issued by the county clerk's office during July numbered 33. one less than last year for tb'same month, and two under the number Issued In July. 1921. : July licenses totaled eight less than one-half the number la- sued during June, the popular month. Licenses issued for the first seven months of the current year total 263. Camp Supplie Tents, etc.: II. It. Stiff Furnl- ture Co. Adv. JO. . I- Big Carnival Dance At Dreamland Saturday nigni. The Travelers Melody Men. Adr. Legal BlaiUts i :' Gat them at Tn statesman flee. Catalog on appucauon AdT. ;- A masMiiea s- - - Will brtig yon a buyer aot. AT HARDING DEATH Statesman Extra Sells Rap idly on Streets Phones Are Kept Busy The announcement last night. over me ASSOCiaicu "" President Harding was dead, caught The 1 Statesman as little prepared for the news as an of fice could well be. The force was scattered .practically vail over the Willamette valley. The pressmen and the newsboys and the "tlrcu lating force were everywhere but at the office, and not dreaming of service until the next morning. Enough ot them were located, however, to get out a real extra editlon, a better one tnan mosii of the "wuxtrys" that come oui under rusi conditions from even the big city aauies. t Il",u -1 erous acts characterized as cruel short time a complete story tneand inhuman1 treatment, centering nresldent's death naa oeen sv uy. printed, and tne papers Ing circulated all over the cllf'ljudge Binghim, after hearing the QAnia wpm rusnea w vuwiuc a a. a r, a r A towns. It was the fastest ana ine DIED 771 BROWN At me n;..- ... N. Cottage street, early Angus t 2. Mlse Edlth'G. Brown, daugh- ter or Mrs. P. W. Brown, sister ot Mrs. Ethel Ward of Montana .t.h Dr. Glen Brown ' ot i-on- land. Funeral services will be held Saturday, August 4. at 4 o'clock from the Rigdon mor tuary, concluding service - City ; View cemetery. MTTCHELL At Portland, July 30. WllUam E- Mitchell, age 72 ! years, husband of Mrs. Je aneixe J Mitchell, father ot Mrs vvuu Harris of Clements, aiu.. xir - Calif.. Mrs. Rnencer F. Hunt oi a r r- WIS u Cisco, and Mrs. rea i. Hon of Portland, r unerai ser vices wiU be 1 held Saturday. August' 4 at 2 o'clock from the Rigdon mortuary, concluding service CUy View cemetery Webb & Clough Leading Funeral ' Directors r Expert Etnbalmcrs Rigd6ti& Son's JIORTUARX: NOW SEE WHERE Daniel li Ryan, foimerly Deputy "Transit Commissioner of New York city, who has been named secretary or rammany Man, suc ceeding the late Thomas F. Smith. "Dan,? as he la popularly known, was a newspaper man of merit and won his spurs on the New ?ork Evening Telegram. .. -' most successful extra" ever put out in Salem. Through radio, and grapevine. and the shouting of he "extra" sellers, the news spread electri cally over the city that something unusual had happened. No accu rate count was kept, but hundreds of people called up to inquire "the news.- Some; Inquiries canre in from outside towns. " ; In some unexplained way a ru mor of the president's death was circulated in New York and also in Salem two; days ago. a num ber of inquiries came to -Tfae Statesman that! night askfng for the real storyi But last nlgnt the story was true only nobody was ready for it. Some, of the boys made a real harvest through the sale of ex tras. Some bought a few ( papers on creaii, rusnea oui uu them, aBd then had money to boy a larger consignment. " Practically every paper was sold. ; . i JUCge BinghaiTl Finds That I Con rt Moiifoc nro - About Equal Minnie G. Massey was denied a divorce from Virgil II. Massey, Woodburn attorney, by a decree signed yesterday afternoon by Judge George G. Bingham, who Btated that "the faults of the par- I are about equally balanced. findings of facts and conclu- ,ons ,Q tQe .a8e D Judge Bing- t t th nlaintift had I cnarged the defendant Vith num- round the defendant's alleged I conduct with! Mrs. Lulu I. Liny evidence, found that these acctt; sations, so far as they related to misconduct, were denied by .Mas- sey. That tne lamuies oi iwm . . . i m a.Mt. Maswv and Horace Lilly were .... . . . the tntAA first ot 1922, was also inciuaeu In the statement. Both the Lillys and the Masieys lived at Stayton and visited back and forth f reauently. However, according to the Judicial opinion about dune 11921 Mrs. Massey commenced to criticize Mr, Mas se on account of his attentions to Mrs. Lillev. and that the ae- fendant. not: being of.a too ami able disposition, frequently quar cuiminattn With -the i saU snaker ,ne,dent on May 10 of this a There were QO improprie . u ls Btatedt bat on aceoun DIVORCE DENIED - IMIIFIUY lllllllllla iiwwmb J'i Pf?hr plaltftif rs protests it 1 was seek ml , for! the defendant to seek WlOt IUI : UC a, v. Mrs. Lilly's society, .even with th knowledge knd consent of Mr Lilly. If the! defendant wished to maintain harmony in the family. For some time prior to May 10, continues the decision, the defendant was afflicted with rheumatism Jo Buch an extent that he found it necessary to: go , to - a hospital. .While suffering with this affliction he was irritable, and the plaintiff's suspicions and accusations; easily started a quarrcL ; ! 1 ' ' - ' "The court finds that the cou pjs 1iad been married, .about ' 13 years and have three children, ranging In ae from 6 to, 18; that they had' been industrious i and frugal and have raised their child ren weir and given them prober educational advantages," thercou cluaion stated. ""Ttoer started life without 'any property - and up to HE'S LANDED! s: 1 :11llr'" Ill ! L ?CV II Vs " ' j -..:yiwi:- ! it j the present they have not accum ulated any.'. Gross - income of Mr. Massey was found to be $150 a month, with a net income of one-half this amount. Holding that the plain tiff was. not entitled to the re lief prayed for in her complaint, the case was ordered dismissed by Judge Bingham, without costs to either party. Paderewski Buys Tickets For His Own Performance PARIS, Aug. 1. Ignace Jan Paderewski, the famous Polish nianist and composer, received one of the heartiest welcomes ac corded him since tils return to the concert stage ; when he appeared before a Paris audience recently. Thousands of ijeople thronged to see , him pass on his way to the theatre, and he was again beSleg ed when the v concert, a benefit af fair, was concluded. The. French press re-told at great length the story of how the noted artist was ; expelled from Russia years ago by Emperor Alexander HI. after Paderewski had played before the court. "You are a great artist, and an honor to Russia," the emperor is reported to have said. ; "Pardon, Your ; Majesty. re- nlied Paderewski, To roiana. The next day the pianist receiv ed an order to leave rtussia, auu he had never returned since. ; The newsDapers here also men tioned the fact that on the day of his j first concert, Paderewski drove to the theatre box office ami nnrchased nearly a hundred EVER PICNIC? -I- Get -Your -Cold Meats, i Sliced Ham,. Etc, Here. Little Lady Store renter at 12th. Phone 1337 ' A raSS. aH itfo the Inbztea tloa that iH""1" tiB Ufa f your car. Does jtt not lite eood Ti ftifiiMi to a better oQT WsTvcrly, JJl 100 PaxafSna Kotsr Lubzi- wCl add to tne lite of your motor and to the plenty vre ex uxlvlus, Tlwrt wy Ween an mad WsMrty. Afl QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY seats at regular prices, .which; be distributed among-his friends. . His only request to the man agement was that he be given a dressing room, so that he could let his hands soak , In very hot water for half an hour before .the concert. He explained that h6 had found this the best way to make them supple.: -: Workers in Steel Mills H To Have Own Golf Course PITTSBURG, Aug. 1. A mod ern golf course for workmen in the mills at Ambridge, waere structural , steel is manufactured in great quantities, is the latest development of the game in the Pittsburgh district. The plan is fathered by W. C. FoWnes, Jr., the-ireteran goiter, who is financially interested In one of the mills, and construc tion of the course has been placed In the hands of . Emil Loef fler. professional at the Oakmouht Country club. . Ground on , the hills bordering the mill village and near enough to be reached by a few minute V walk, has been purchased, and the work will be started in a short time. : Present plans are not to make the course free to workmen who may want to play, but to keep the cost so low as to make it availa ble for any of them. It is design ed for men ancL women of the mill community whp do not go in for other sports, and will provide them with, recreation at - a cost which hitherto has, been looked upon as beyond their means. ' ' Harding's Death Saddens People at Band Concert Last night the Salem band was giving Its gift concert to the peo ple of West Salem, and had play ed through the delightful pro gram all but the last two numbers when the word was received of the death of President Harding. Director Oscar Steelhammer an nounced the bare, cold .' f act, very briefly and then the . band took up "The Star Spangled Banner," which brought the audience to its feet like a human wave. The fact was announced 'within a few min utes, pf the president's death and the audience carried home the memory of the song as a fitting tribute to a great and good presi dent, and a great and good man. The old porch swing never ex ceeded the speed limit and no body was ever killed or mangled by It. ; ' , I- BITS FOR BREAKFAST I L : 1 A nation sorrows. - President Harding in the de mocracy of death becomes the ONLY Advantag Bripgus youi old shoes and we will allow you 10 per cent discount on any pair you buy here. Shoes for men, women and children. " ; .;. , ; in TRAUf MARK FtS.US-WT.Cf I a tr-TTTf-f brother; of all men.. The Statesman extra was on the street last evening about, an hour after President Harding's death, and over 1800 copies were sold. That is the record for a Salem newspaper for street, sales. y v. v ..a,;..v-fi:r'. It . seemed to the members' of the office force that about 18,000 people called up to Inquire about the president's death. The broad casting stations had announced he news, and the' radio fans Bounded like more than 18,000. The president ; of the 'senate will be chosen from among its members - by that body when It convenes. .' , ..r The alem Deaconess hospital yesterday called "' General Henry E. Morris, leading the movement for funds to complete the Salem hospital, and subscribed $50 This subscription came entirely unsolicited, and was unexpected This New Science discover falling, A -M- iniccuon vaeDumi. now qtnckljT overcomes ii. '; Hair actually grown on 91 heads in 1C0L This is to offer you new hair lustrous, beautiful, attractive or money refunded under our 90-day treatment plan. : - ; - . It offers, too, to stop falling hair. If we fail, the treatment costs you nothing-. Your own druggist signs the guarantee. Hence we assume the risk, , . Thousands of women have made this test. Results are amazing. The charm of wonderful hair is now available to any one who chooses to have it . . The Infected Sebum in Your Hair Sebum is an oil. It forms at the -follicles of the hair. Its natural function is to supply the hair with c.;L - -; ' But frequently! it becomes in fected. It cakes on the scalp; clogs the follicles and plugs them... Germs by' the millions breed in VAN ESS LABORATORIES . r 6007laPtekAvn,Ciacafo s . i '. :..:-": - ... ' ' - 1 . ,v Now on Sale at iAN. J. FRY, Druggist J; C PERRY, Drug Stored ' : and other leading Drug Stores. MORE K - TUESDAY, AUGUST 7th Is the IstgDay .auL!' lit'..' 1 VH; and Wear a New Pair Giit ..." . .. ,J Joliini J. " ? - . j . t - " - . - r . - - r - Rotfile- 167 N. Commercial Street ' : ' -,il Salem; Or. by- the, workers, i. It was Appreci ated-that' much more by. -the & k- ers and by the management of the hospitaL Manager Wedel ot-th'j Deaconess hospital stated that the - Salem hospital, people had been so kind to them and showed such a spirit, of cooperation that they desired ;toV have a handin the completion of that institution. In making that volunteer gift .--he. has shown a friendly spirit of co operation that Is in accord wU'a the Christian character of t ha .in stitution and will imean 'much that will follow. - Dr. Morris an nounced, that with the reports of workers, turned in last evening there remained" about $1300 to raise, and 'they were determined to complete the fund this week, if possible.1 ' -" ! -' ""' Good Practice Piano, $69.00, terms .$ 5 dowu, ' $ 1.00Terfe k. Here is one of the best buys we have. "We will take it back any time at full purchase price on a new piano. Geo. C. Will, 432, State-Street. Grow Hew Hair in or Your Money .Reffcndc! CosU rioliinj tratoaa wi araw aaJr. Th Vaa Eaa S-bottt traataaat l tki. Iat1r caaramtaad. Toa ara tka el Jndg. Th wimit mwm draaartot. All w r4mir fata aiM tr ,kwlar too to av -rah.M a, -Bty.4ay . r.t 'mrat. U tt fail w rafaa4 r fmar taanar. U6e'ya tin 'a ; rW . mattm? ri. A If Vr M Wajsr. lustreless h&iy'due to dzzrsia it, then feed upon the hafr. Soori your hair begins falling. You note too how lifeless It appears. In a short time, all the natural lustre an4 beauty are gone. . But and note this scientific fact remove the Sebum and the hair reverts back to the softness and brilliancy it, displayed when you were a school girt. ; -, t- The Van Ess treatment accom plishes that result. We know yeta W"I doubt it. So we tyusrantee it. We urge yon to rive this new way . m fair trial. It is folly not to tStt Uj for, remember, yon take no risk. Go to soy drug- jr f gist or depart jnent store today. Ask for the Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage, on the 3-bottle treat ment plan. Writ ten, guarantee accompanies it. DAYS x. J ,'t - ----- v ik. w V U S TAT r.