THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1923 I 1 W I. HA- i t if I i -i . : ) i i r j j V ' ; - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate per word : Per Insertion r- Thrae Insertion .. ....s On iMk (six insertions) - On month .J. ... Six months contract per no.. .. 2a . 5c 8e 20c ..15e IS "months ' contract, per no. 12c Minimum for any advertisement.-25c I f 1 NORWICH UXIOJ WEE INSURANCE SOCIETY i . W. H. Burgharct, Jr. V Resident Agent 71 StaU St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real EaUta i . 1 T. K. FORD fOver Ldd Bush Bank) NEW TODAY FARM HOUSE FOR RENT. 81F2. HIMALAYA BLACKBERRIES FOR CAN n.liff. Phone nine.' vruer " - j ! T44M. r ' : ' -V - . OR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED I sleeping rooms and housekeeping apart 1 neat. Inquire i - ' J TOR RENT 6 ROOM rvw- , ap.r-.nwnt for "dulu. tricit, and T. 0. Albert. 860 ' , , v-.'V71XYB7' T nui. , t n USED CARS . 1921 Pord touring 1275.00 mo Ford touTinc . 325.00 150.OO 150.00 400.00 650.00 175.00 500.00 400.00 350.00 1919 Ford panel delivery 1921 Chevrolet delivery 920 Oldamebil Speed wagon 1921 Dodge Commercial ear . - 191T i Maxwell A-l ahap 1919 Baby Grand Chevrolet. A-l i. ehape,, look a new 1918 Dodge touring . 1917 Dodca touring " - 1 - Torn! 1' BONESTEELB MOTOR CO. j ; Phone 423 .. . I.ET : THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF IS- aura year as to mobile. Very reaeoa- a tie rate. Staadley Foley, Agenta, t Mui uenjc mag. .. - -; ' 'PRIVATE FURNITURE S A 1 E" Price tower than aaetlonv Owner leav i in state ,mnit sell varythin at one. before Wednesdsy aig he C arly. ! Electrie balb 15e: kitehea ehalra 25: j aalid oak dinera $1.75; rocker $1.50,; i table 75; extraaien table $1.50; kit chen cabinet 93.50; drop head Singer j $10; nearly aew 6-hele range $30; gaa i plat $2; tare Iron Uds. esoie $5; spring mattrcst good bleyel $10; Upright piano coat $400. tin ahape. sinn Alt 4Ukea and ntuneroua item j half priea. Albert Chapman, 484 Water 5 etroat. BaJom. , i. VIM.. TRADE LOTS IS SALEM FOR j good team, wagon aarneaa. ,1107 i rif. -.v.- -r--.-- FOR 8AI B FRESH COW. THREE yeara old. Giving over fonr gallon. r 82S 8. 12th. . Phoaa 1824J. YESTERDAY A MAS DROVE A CAR i into oar ahoo from Scott Mill Oregon ! We inanired how he had heard of a - and why he had paaaod p town mack 1 r nearer to com to n. He replied that ! on of hi neighbors had advised him - i.te com to . There's a reason, and that reason is the service that w give. vv alter e.. urawi, m.jvr poaite U. 8. Nat'L Bank Bldg. 8 "GET ACQUAINTED RIGHT Doerfer Motor Repair, 410 8. ; Com tnarcial St. A' ,:' ' The niftiest Bnlek ' roadster that Ton nav aeon in month for sale cheap. good tire. la fact s car ' I that yea can ran tor moi f : I h-.v to ipend a cent on il ! 1 Exchange, 173 S .Liberty, FOB BALE 3 YEAR j f j aree. 8- room house. ntha before yoa it. Oleeon Ante Phona 666. IEA8E 8 av room honae. barn. . chicken . . a tm .LI .1. j plemeat. Joining Salem mil street I ' rmnlA'L.1 r.r.t. ARCk Bt.t. POB CEMENT WORK CALL AT 667 8. I j Capitol St. 'K ( USED CAR BARGAINS 1922 Chevrolet tour, disc whels.-.425 IS22 Chevrolet touring . 350 12J Chevrolet touring , -. , j-",.. 845 1920 Chevrolet touring .' 250 1919 Chevrolet tonring 1 195 J919 Chevrolet touring r 175 if- Phone 22 or 1752M i CHEVROLET USED CAB DEPT. , j 349 N. CommreiI GOOD CORNER LOT, TWO BLOCKS j south city library on Winter street. I 91200. Phone evenings 1422 3. , ! f BOMB WONDERFUL BUYS Tt this week, with special reduced price ion mi, and well worth looking np. 9bM nouse on room. j . 9825 boo 4 room ; ' fllOO Modern bungalow 5 room. j 9310O Modern . bungalow, . basement. furnace, stationary waah trays. I 940O 3 lota on paved street. Assume assessment. On car line. 93750 Well improved; 2 a e r e tract ' worth more money. j 9300O Dandy improved 5 cr tract clost in. , - 5500 Beautiful and well improved 10 aT tract net far out worth 37500. F Boeiag ia believing. See Childa A Bech tel for real estate bargains, 540 Stat ' j tre-V iv. ? Special To Exchange 7 room modern horn for city Or improved acreage, near Taco tna. Wash. : i. 8 room modern house on naved street. A rood bay for 93300; with 9100 down. . j f vw wurs n room Douse ana gs- irag on paved street for rent. I P 91SOO to Joan. ; , I i hi1 -Thomasoh VI K J - .... I ; i 831 State St. ! I FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING "- ANTJ sleeping rooms. 160 Court street. . EMPLOYMENT MALE AND FEMALB WANTED MEN. AND. WOMEN .TO j tax farm paper subscription. A food j prosositiou to the tight peopl. Ad . dress th Pacific HomaaUad. 8utsmn : Bldg.. Salem. Or. .. . . MALE AND FEMALE ATENTIOS HOP PICKEUSt wr ire regi.tring picker for two of the best jfsrd near Indcpendenc and SO acres Cartia yard near Talbot. Good camp ground, teate. tables, benches, wood. ' and clean atraw furnished free. Store on grounds, mail delivered daily. About BP "k picking beginning about Sept 1. Register early. For further information call or phon JtuSTJSIS GREENBAUM ! 'l 298 N. Com' I St. fDURBTN a pnovnvrii t Jj C. Penney store, 160 N. Liberty St Phon 491. Offlc hoars 9:30 Bood EMPLOYMENT Continued LAWNS MADE AND CARED FOR CALL 1613M. I. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS, -891 HO. Commercial. ; APARTMENT TO RENT AT LIVESLEY station, 4 mile out on paved road. C. V. Query, Phone 1 77 F2. FLATS FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN five room flat, first floor, at 66 S Ferry St, 945 a month. Immediate posses sion. Phone 23. or call at bta teaman basin office. HOUSES LARGE COMMODIOUS HOUSE CLOSE -in, ,391 No. Cottage (first floor fur nished). Be Win. Fleming. 341 State . St. Phone 803 or house. 1734M. FOR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern except basement. All newly tintai and painted, at 1259 S. Liberty St. Oarage and I pavement, larg lot Price $40. Call ! at 360 Miller or see S. O. Kightlingrr. Phone 384M. ROOMS FOR REST APARTMENTS AND looping rooas. Leonard Hotel, 254 M. Front Street. j FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED OR unfurnished room. Old couple prefer red. 1609 North 4th. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room and one two room furnished house for rent, j Mrs. Rosa Markie- viteh.'730 N. Front. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BX-llfr". wording "Furnished Room." price 10 cent each. Statesman Business Of fice. Ground Floor, j PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY wording "Room to Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Of fice. Ground Floor. : PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7j". wordinj "For Rent." price 10 cent each. Statesman Bnainea Office, on Ground Floor. J I FOR RENT GARAGE. 160 S. 15th. PIAS0S NEW PIANO FOR RENT 80 PEB MO. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. 1 Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. , WANTED : WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1827. lUSCXLLANEOUS WASTED CHILDREN TO CARE FOR : in a Christian home, by experienced ' caretakers, by the day, week or by the hour. Mis Million. Phono 707 J. WASTED EVERYTHING IN HARD war and fnrnitnm. Boat prion paid THE CAPITAL HARD WASH FURNITURE CO. 285 S. Commercial St. Pbon 947 FOR SALE. BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETI BULL PUPS FOR BALE FLAKX'b Pettand. 273 Stat. BTJKXXSS 0PP0ETUSITIE8 FOR SAt COFFEE AND LUSCH stand on Salem j Public Market. Phone 168 V OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD metallic window and ante) sign letter work. Phono 775, 3 to 8 p. m. daily. A - SUCCESSFUL. WOOD MANUFAC tnring plant, located , in Salem, offers n opportunity for n couple good men who desire to beoom interested both In terries and investment, where the position will be permanent and in vestment profitable. ' If interested write for interview P. O. Box 482. oi phone 1476R, Salem. LIVESTOCK FOR SALS FRESH COW. PRICE 940 Phone 16F3. i . -V PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. 9150 Term U deairad. , H. U Stiff Furni ture Co 1 . ; - FOR SALE GOOD-USED MAHOGANY piano left with a to soli. Price 9200; term. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, Mo- .... si department, j . . FARM PAPER IP YOU WAST TO GET THE BEST farm paper. Bead 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for n three ' month' trial subscription. Mention . this ad. ( . . POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special thro month' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The article and advertise ment are of special interest to th poultry breeders : of th Northwest. Aorthwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial a treat. Balem, Oregon. WOOD Best Grade of Wood 4 foot nnd '16 inch mill wood. 4 foot ash and aeoond growth fir. -4 foot snd 16 inch old fir. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Frad E. Wells, 305 S. Church. Ph. 1542 TEMPUS TODD Something . " fTHlS IS THP HORNIhQ OF THG Ofc j AuTXt Racc. r Goes OH TlMC J AROUNO 7ie TRACK A.N' THhl ) FOR SALE Continued WOOD FOR SALE 16INCH OLD FIR AND second growth 4-foot. Phone 19F3. M. D. May field. PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 9125.03 Victor ... 8150.00 Victor . 9150.00 Pathe ... .3 95.00 . 115.00 . 67.50 8165.03 Columbia 9 75.00 Victor . 110.00 62.50 Term as low as fl.00 per week H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO. Phona 941. - 404-450 Court St. naHOELLANBOVS ONE GAS K.VNGK FOR SALE .975 S. Com'L Phone 588. POTATO AND GRAIN SACKS FOR sale. 975 N. Com. Phone 588. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS . 10 cent n bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. APRICOTS 91 PER BOX 15 POUNDS net. Parcel Post Prepaid. L. J. Har . vey, 50 E. 13th St.. The Dallea, Or. Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Or gon aonga together with n fine collection of patriotic aongs, . sacred song nnd many old-tim favor ite. ALL FOB 25c. (Special price in quantity Iota) Especially adaptable for school commun ity or homo singing. Send for i Western Songster- ! 76 pases now in it third edition Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. Salem. Or. AUTO DIRECTORY BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferria firo.. Phono 1803, 418 Conrl R, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. RADIATOR ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FESDER8, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair. 349 Ferry TRACTORS A C. HAAO CO., 444 FERRY ST. Phon 210. Cletrao tractors. Oliver im plement. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-3 to 12 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking Hons; 424 North . Commercial. Phon 528. USED CARS GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co- 871 Court. VICK BROTHERS USED CAR BULLETIN 1915 Studebaker-4 L -9 T5.00 Ha: ley Davidson Motorcyel 75.00 1919 Maxwell Touring 250.00 Dodge Tonring 375.00 1919 Oakianl Touring . 350.00 Ford Touring 200.00 Buick-6 300.00 Ca 10-18 Tractor, lik new 500.00 Ford son Tractor . 200.00 Samson Tractor 500.00 Avery Tractor 6-eylindar 30O.00 Light Truck . '. 9250 np. VICK BROTHERS High St. at Trad USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1920 Touring 1020 Touring .9225.00 240.00 285.00 225.00 265.00 885.00 425.00 465.00 885.00 -895.00 526.00 192Q Touring .. 1921 Road star 1921 RoaJater 1920 Coup 1920 Coup 1921 Coup 1920 Sedan 1921 Sedan 1922 Sedan 1919 Delivery 1921 Touring .... 1914 Delivery 1910 Touring J 05.00 . 290.00 65.00 . 45.00 1920 Truck ; 250.00 All ear guaranteed to be in good ran ning order. 19S3 license on every ear. Liberal Terms. Open Sundays VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY 260 So. High. Phon 1995 j BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E.( RAMSDES DAYTON BICY eles end repairing; 387 Court. : Ladles' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAXXNO MISS E. S. SCHUETT. -DRESSMAKING. Phon 1091, 265 S. Commercial. PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7", wording "Dressmaking"; . price 10 cent each. Statesman Busineaa Offlc Gronnd Floor. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 872. MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons.. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. : Phon 117. i ' LADIES TAILORING D. H. M0SHER TAILOR FOR MEN and womea. 474 Court 8t. Ladies' Wearing Apparel LADIES' TAILORING W. J. MATER LADIES' TAUORINO. long eoata and suits. Room 7, McCor nack Bldg. - . ' BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft STKUBLE, REGISTERED Architect. 510 Bank of Commre Building. " ' CHIMNEY SWEEPS) CHIMNEY SWEEPING F C R N A CE cleaning. F. Councilman. Balem Hard war Co. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION : Constructing Engineer. Surveys, esti mates. Jno. H. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg. Fhon 775. CLEANEBS AND DYERS SPICK N SPAN --CLEANERS AND dyers. Phone 195. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS : Suit cleaned and pressed, 91.50. : ' Suits aponged and presaed. 50c. 1215 S. Com'L Phon 18ff8 CARPET AND RUO WEAVING RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Call before 9 a. m. 84F21. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any sis without seam. Sew mattresses mad to order. Old mat--'. tresses remade. Feather renovated. 1 ; buy all kinda of old carpets for fluff : rugs. 13 and Wilbur s treats. Phone : 1154. Otto r. Zwirkor. Prop. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 175 N. Commercial. Phono 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. building. Phon 1200. MASONIC UALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP Et EC trieal machine repairing, contracting ; 837 Court. Phono 488. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es timate furnished. Phon 980, : 414 Court St. ; ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phon 1934. 222 N. ' Liberty. . t rXORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS i funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithsnpt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. i Phone 380. -U-.. FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial So. 630 meets in Odd Fel j lows' hall every first, third and ; fifth Tuesday of th m onto, AU Orangemen welcome. . FTNANCIAIs HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. lowest rates. . GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5I i per cent, 303 Salem Rank of Commerce FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and - 6 PER CENT ANDERSON ft RUPERT . Oregon Bldg., Salem, Or. FARM LOANS Insurac money, any amount 6 per cent. : for 5. 7, 10, or 20 years, with full ' prepayment privilegea entir Will am ! tt valley. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST "i longer time, no commission. Protect : against adversity. City loans, lowest i rates, monthly installments, pre-pay-ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room i 2, over Ladd ft Bush bank. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES Pipt ; nnd pipeless: 198 8. 12th St. Pbon. aadW. FURNITURB STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUA LIT i ; furniture for less money. 673 Court I Phone 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE -NEW and second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. JUKX JDMS WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, tools, and junk. 975 .North Oommer- ' elaL Phon 588. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 810 S. I Liberty street. Phon 25. Oldest largest best. Establiahed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ) Quality work; prompt , service; 1264 Uroaaway. Phone 165. - YALE HAND LAUNDRY PERSONAL bundles ' a apedeialty. Also cleaning - and pressing. 1691 Bellvue. Phon 8 PAPERHANQINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENS ADAMS FOR H0 decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMINISE IS BEAUTI ful colors; 91 doea a room. Max O. Bohi. 179 S. Commercial. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. KAL80M- ining. E. R. Brock, successor to Aub- ry H. Clark. First clsss work, 795 ! S. Capitol, phona 1607R. Suspicious. THB CAft QELOHCS TO MB AHYHOf SO -T ANf Ooin' NtmnN' wnouc a bloPimc wy with T- Ah' r GOT TO LAuCH hi&4 r RSFLBcrt Hour Mis'ArOLe Jo uah Jung ah- Ccl.pstau IS CWIMB OB yvneN X" RBfoes Atse V A L..w. r-. . . . . . - . . ' Z I H 1 1 ' - BUSINESS CARD Continued PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1387 J. Shop 127 Union street. A. h. Godfrey. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, rulcanisera and 'tube plates. Perry C. Campbell. 317 N. Liberty. v WECHTER ft SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers, welders, Heald cylinder grinding serriie. Phone 562-345 Ferry. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT- AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 ia. high. Paints, oili and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Work a. 250 Court street. Phono 124. NURSERY STOCKS FKLilTLAND NURSERY COMPLETE tin tra. Offlc 161 8. 14th 81 Phon 1140M. ; - ... COMPLETE LINE. TREES SMALL fruit, ornament. Capital City Nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. Pbon 75. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 23T SUto. , " e SCAVENGERS i SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinda removed. Cespools denned. Phone 167 or 1007J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE - 1 Suc cessor to Seal ; Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinda removed by the month. Reasonable r a t e a. Phone: ' Office 529; residence 2058. - SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and Junk; 320 N. Commercial. Phono 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN ClaOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phon 1368-W. . :: TRANSPORT ATXCT ; CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK Central S'age Terminal. Salem, Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m.; 11:15- a. m.; 1:15 p. m. ; 8:15 p'm.; 5:15 p m.; 7:30 p. m.; to Corvallia only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stat Terminal iSalem, Oregon. SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central State. Terminal; 7 a. m.; '11 a. m. ; 5 p. m . Leaves Silverlon News Stand: 8 a. m. ; 1 p. m; 6 p. m. Salem-Independence-Monmoutli Divirion.: Leave Salem. Central Stage j Terminal :. 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. 5:10 p m f j 'staves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: . 8:13 a. ni.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Besver Hotel: 8:30 a m.; 9:50. a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 6:30 p. m. j Leave Central Stags Terminal. Salem, for Dallas at: . 7 a. m.; tll:10 a: m; 5:10 p m. Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at . 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. W make connections at Salem to all parte of the valley. Extra trip by ap ' pointment. f J. W. PARKFR. General Manager. TRANSFER HAULXMG REASONABLE HAULING; QUICK 8ER- vice. Phone 1122J. Timm Transfer, 640 N. Commercial. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE- - hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and fnrnitnre moving.:. We also make conn try trip. We handle th best coal and vrood. Call on na for price. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Lnrmer Transfer Co. Phono 930 vovrsa and storage reason a bio figures. 975 North Commercial. phono 668 '.,.. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St. Phon 933. Distributing, for warding and storag our specialty. Got our rate. VARIETY STORES 4ALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA war, glassware, toys, notions, and mil ; liner. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. So deduction for absenco or any cans unless water is shut off your premises. . MUSICAL A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music., Semi-classics and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano' School, Me Cornack BUg. ' . MUSIC STORES SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO., PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore s Music House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing 'machines, ' sheet music, and piano studies. : Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State. Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni , tur Go., Music Dept. , 'PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, 'Moore's Mu sic Hons You seem Poi Put- , trfKH IS UQU To CTt has Got. r ecu c rriMeU- HJL.T I AH A IMPULSE -miliar. AUTOMOBILE GjXCE an' t THIS A-FTSRAOOA FAtlt MUSICAL Continued PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI- ano tuner. Leave ordera Will a Music Store. PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE S A L E M AMBULANCE SERVICE Pbon 666; 173 S. liberty. CHIROPODISTS DR. 8. F. SCOTT. GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phono 640.. DR. WILLIXM8 CORNS, CALLOUSES, ingrown naila; all foot trouble. Price Shoe Co. Phone 610. 1 DRUQLE88 PHYSICIANS MAUXETI0 HEALING DR. A.' I. Ftants. Acute and chronio -diseases. Phon 780. 495 ft. Commercial. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 8. High St. Pbon 283. CHIROPRACTORS UK. KKDMOND. 828 OREGON BLDG.. Phone 957. DRS. SCOTT ft SCHOFIELD. P. S. O. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Pbon 87; res. 838-R. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO tors'. 210 Center. Phon 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronio disesses; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. !-. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office 919; res., 614. DR. JOHN , L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-404 Or gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394; res. 68F5. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 801 to 304. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieal .Co. 825 State etreet, . opposite Ladd' ft Buh Bank. "Us Quality Proven Shur-ona." . , REAL LSTA1E FOR SALE FORTY ACRES AT UB- erty. : Will include stock, new machin i ery. Terma. Low interest. Address rout 3, Box 144, Salem, Oregon. PRINTED CARDS, 8IZE 1" BY 7" wording "For Bale, Enquire at." Price 10 cent each. Statesman Business : Office. Ground Floor. 1000 ACRE CATTLE RANCH NEAR - Baker, will trad for 8alem property. It join the reserve and . haa good water right. D-l, rare Statesman. FOR SALE AT MONMOUTH. 8UVA.N roomed house, concrete foundation, modern. Central lot 83x150. 92200. Mrs. Q. Rash, Box 181. Monmouth, Oregon. Best Buys and Exchanges 7 room modern bungalow, basement, ga rage, for quick sale, 92750; terms. 6 room, modern. 2 lots, garage, fruit, only 92250; easy terma. 20 acre. 13 acre in commercial fruit. . 6 room house, barn, coops, well fenced. Electric line, on pavement, 2 miles ess for a quick sal 910,500; 92500 cash, balance 6. 81300 to let on city property. 3500 loan wanted on 50 acre ranch. Socolofsky Realtor 341 Stat FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 8A . lem property, 10 room home, bnilt sev ; en year, ia Veaeta .near Eugene on Coo Bay line. 82500. Timber and mill work are available or purchaser may take over my cream, egg and poul try business. P. C. Pratt, Veneta. ' Oregon. FOR SALE EXCEL! EST RESIDEXCE property on. Fairmount Hill. Price 95500. ... A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Or. SPECIALS 2 fin lots, N. street to be paved soon. $2i0 each. . 3 room cottage, electric light, bath tub not in. Lot 52x132, ia good district, close to school and ear line. 9105O. . 53500 to loan will divide. Wm. McLaren Co. 180 N. Com'l St, Phon 430 Court Street Property Located at 1389 Court St. 6 room house with corner lot 70x68 1 bear ing fruit. Price (3700. Tat property is worth more money. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stat St. For ale Grocery and confectionary about 81200 4 room house and 1 acre close in $800. New house North Salem, 9800. 5 sere tract with running water and building! $2000. . 80 acre well improved in S. Dak, trade ia; Oregon. DUO acre stock ranch in Calif, for Ore gon. Car for sale 9300. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St Story by OCTAVUS ROY COHEN Illustrations by H. WESTON TAYLOR , SOMBTHIN' TBLLi MB- THAT ALL AlAlT AS IT HAPPihFSS. M Y OAiP MISS CeteSTAL.K-me SHOULD QS-OfL w - - TBMPu IS fNTELY TOO JAPPY, ReCKO T vettbk. Keep C RAVIN To Lose Hope Vot is GouiNOS TO UrATCst tie A that race: - " "-"Viyasaa REAL ESTATE Continued FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM eotttga cloaa in. 92200. 9700 down. balance like rent. 410 Oregon Bldg. WHEN YOU THINK OP REAL ESTATE think of Robinson . His lifttiB ar complete. 5 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW EAST front, paved street, 94Oti0. New bungalow, corner lot, streets psved, - 93800., ' .. - . .. 5 room bungalow all modern except tur naca, 925O0. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE' , : 49? N. Cottage St. Good and Worth While 5 room house and two lota for 912&U. 4 room modern house in excellent order large lot and bearing fruit. 32600. 4 room and sleeping porch, nice lot os psved street, in good order inside and out. 12200. Bath, toilet and electrn lighu. fc " . 5 room house, - modern except basement. $2400; 9400 down. J. A. MILLS. '83115 BtaU St- Bonus Loan Deals i t hav two new Bungalows thst can be had on , Soldiers Boons loan .terma. Quick possession. ' Bee : Wm. Fleming 841 Stat 8t. Phon 303 or Uouar . 1734M. FOR SALE. ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM cottage eVose in. 92200; $700 down, balance lik rent. 410 Oregon Bldg. -; FOR SALE NEWLY' BUILT 5 ROOAt house, full basement, and. unfinished upstair.. Price $3000, very good terms. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 ACRE. 1 aeroa in prune, 7 acre ia logana Uond 7 room bouse, 6 mile south o' 8.em. On account of sickness wni will sell very reasonable or tk aomt Salem pro party ia trude. Rich L. Rot sua, Bealtor, 229 Oregon Bldg, pbon. 1019. GOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE,' BATH, BUILT in kitchen, garage, well located, $2100; term.. - t . ! v'. ' 6 room bungalow on Chemeketa street, furnace, garage, corner lot in good con ditio 94000. Fine modern homo at 740 S. Commercial Street, an excellent value at $5775. ff room bungalow, new and strictly mod ern. East Salem; $5500. Winnie Pettyjohn 210 Oregon) Bldg. GOOD BUYS - 5 room bungalow with basement and ga rage. Thia .property ia in good, condi tion, located at 610 8. 18th St. Pries 92200; terms. . ' : 5 room bungalow at 535 Lesli St., elds in. . Price $3150; easy terma. $1850- buya a. good six room . house oa paved atreet. t cash. 7 : Modern 5 room bungalow complete la very way, located 6 blocks out. Price $7000; 910OO down, balance terms. 6 room house at 1389 Court St., $3700; term,' Summer Street . lot close in with all im provement in. $1500. 5 room bungalow wfth fireplace on S. Church, $2800. 5 room cottage in ood condition, price 92100; easy terms. ' 6 room modern bungalow with fireplace and furnace at 340 Leslie Street. Price $5775; terms. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 275 State St. U. 8 Bank Bldg. ' ' FARMS . To exchange for city property W. H.JJRARENHORST ft CO. : ' 275 State St,"- . FOR EXCHANGE AT CORVALLIS, NINE ROOM MODERN house With full basement, east front nnd located on block from Co Meg. Will . exchang for Salem . residence property. If interested write E. A. 8chiening, 204 Kings Road. Corval- lis, Orogon. t - DRIED FRUIT . NEW YORK, July 30. Evapo rated apples dull; fancy state 11 l-4c; 11 3-4c; prunes neglect ed; Calif ornias 5 l-2c 13 lr2c; Oregons 5 l-2c 9 l-2c; apri cots unsettled; choice 10c; extra choice 12c; fancy ' 15c; peaches dull; choice 8c 8 l-2c; extra choice 9c 9 l-4c; fancy-ll 3-4c 12c. Rai3lns quiet; loose muc catels 8 l-4c 10c; choice to fancy seeded 9c .9 3 -4c; seed less 8c 16 l-2c. - . ": HOPS Firmer. State 1922, 23c, 29c; 1921 15c (i 17c; Pacific coast 1922 20c 22c; 1921 17c 19c. :". . WHEAT Minneapolis, July 30. Wheat Cash No. 1 northern $1.07 3-8 81.13 3-8; No. 1 dark northern spring choice to fancy -$1.23 3-8 $1.33 3-8; good to choice $1.13 3-8 $1.22 3-8; ordinary to good $1.08 3-8 i$1.12 3-8; July $1.06 5-8; September $1.06 3-8; December $1.06 7-8. . ' . Liverpool, July 30. Close, July d higher; 9s, 11 l-2d; October unchanged. 8s; 6 3-8d; December higher. 8s. 5 1-8 d. Buenos Aires, July 30. Open ing wheat c lower; August .97 1-2; September .97. R e a d the Classified Ads. ark THAU THAT. a4' eve o hjm if Taint jhy FavokiT 5en IBIfJG'S Lira EFFECTS IffiETS Opening PricesHeavy ; Sel ling By. Professionals Is Feature of Day NEW YORK, July 30. -Prices sharpened in the latter part of to day's slock market upon the lift ing of selling pressure which had been in evidence since Friday morning. Opening prices were heavy, due to an accumulation of week-end selling orders, but many of the standard .industrialists ex hibited a rally. Much of the sell ing came from professional trad ers but commission house also was extensive, particularly from western points. This was Influenc ed in part by the president's ill ness; the unfavorable condition of the wheat market and the pessi-. mistic news from abroad which was also reflected in the - lower foreign exchange. ' One of the Interesting events of the session was that of another' low for the year by United States Steel common, which touched 85 3-4 and then rallied to 87 1-8 lor a slight fractional gain on the day. Heaviness of this issue and that 30 blast furnaces had closed down in the Pittsburgh district. How ever, the quarterly report of the corn outlook which Is to be Issued after the close of business tomor row is expected to show an Increase-in earnings over the first quarter Shifting of funds inciden tal to month-end resulted in a stiffer rate for call money, which opened at five per cent advance thence to 6. . Taking their' lead from London and Paris; the foreign exchange rates were slightly lower. Demand sterling was off nearly a cent at $4.57 5-16. French francs dropped 2 points to $5.86. Marks held fair ly steady around $1 a million. 'I I FINANCIAL ) i Total stock sales 752,300 shares. ; Twenty Industrials average 88.11; net gam .78. "Twenty railroads averaged 78.13 net gain .73.- High 1923, 90.63; low 76.85. I SALEM MARKETS I GRAIR AKS HAT No. 2 wheat J No 8 red wheat, sacked Cheat hay ..97 ..$12 0 $13 Oar hay $12 & $13 Clover hay, baled .$12 $13 Price- quoted are wholesale and .are prirea revived by farmers. No retail price ar given, except aa noted: EGOS, BUTTER, BTJTTERTAT Creamery hotter , . 3 Q .44 Batterfat, delivered . .40 Milk, per cwt. , $2.20 Eggs selects - . .24 StaadaHa : , - Pallets " . . .21 , POULTRY Heavy hen Medium .18 .1 . I P0KX. MUTTOX AHB BEET Hogs, top 150-225 lbs., cwt . $8.71 Hogs. top. 225-275, cwt, .. $8.2 Hog, top. 225-275, ewt... $5 3 Light sows cwt .$a.O Rough aeavy, ; : 0 OtU Top veal, dressed 07 07 Top steers 05 ,0i Cowi .... ............. 03 04 T.p1ambi .f........j., 1: 09 Heavy lambs ' 0 ORAKQES 'Bonded" Braad 8oakls YaUacla-. Offering: tie aad larger $5.51 t50'a aad entailer ... -$4t APPLES ; Cookiag varietiea $2. SO Oravensteias. 4 tier $S.OO XXKONI IffinrweU "EEK" a!t site, esse $8.50 HXW BUXCKXD VEOBTABLBS All priced by th dosea beaches. !. Ta.aipa. Crrou .SO Radishes, loar or rnand ...44 BACKED YS0ETAB1XS New Yskiru ; earrota, per aaek $2.25 All Sack Vegetable le per lb. higbat whea desired la less thsa sack loU. New beets, per ssck ... $2.2-1 Yakima rutabagas, per sack $2.50 New Vegetable .Yew eelery, per bunch -...$1.50 Green ' be-Bs. per lb. ..... 08 Sumiaer sqvash per crsta . $2.00 Green corn, per sack of about 6dos.$1.7S Tomatoes: . Mercede4, In lug . $4.0(1 The Dalles, per 2-lsyer box .. $2.23 Csbbafe, local, crated per lb. ...02 2.2S tiead lettuce local, crate Ff plant per lb. . -,.. ... New petaioe. New Oregons, lb Bell peppers per lb Green peaa, home grown, per rt .. ....20 02 ......20 on Cacombers: Tha Dalles outdoor ... ,....$1.23, Onion,, Walla. Walla Globes, ewl $2.25 Parsley and Onions .. . 8i tato Taklma netted gems, per cwt .$l.S0 crrsgon Whit, per cwt ..$I.2 Trultg Apricots. 4- batket crate ...$1.65 Watermelons, crated, per lb. . ....041 Raspberries,' selling 41.75 ' ogsnkerriea. Belling today S1.5Q Bartle4 pears, per box . $2.50 Plums, per 4 basket crate . $1.5a - Standards, per erst .....$5.23 Ponies, per rrale $4.23 -Plats, per crate v $2.00 Peachea Freono and Red Bluff Dint's. Pino Elbert, per box $1.23 . Earlv variety Oregon grow -. pej box . 75 $1.23 PORTLAND MARKETS 1 CBACf - PORT'iAND, July 80. Orain futures: Wheat, bluestem and baart. July $1.04: Auruot $1.03; September $1.02. Soft white,-western white July August $1.02; . September $1.01. Hard winter July, Aug ust 05; September .94. Northern spring July .95; August September .94; West er red Jaly .94; Augu(: .93; Septeai- ' be 9i. COBJf No. 2 eastern yellow shipment spring July $38: August $36; September $35. No. 2 while feed. July. August $24.50; September $24. Sam, gray Jul. Aagust, $23.50; September $22. ; -I--:...--- hat... ' f .-' -. Baying price, new crop, alfalfa $1J (I? . $18.50; clover $13 Gi $14; wheat $13; alley timothy $18 fji $19; ats and vetch $13 i! $16; at bsy $14 & $15; . straw $9 ton. 1 Selling pric 2 too mtr. , .. .) ..... ....... f ! f- ,i .- :. -y ' ' -,:.,:JC