The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Speculators Take Hand and
I Results Are Shown Down
I : Through Lists i '
NEW YORK, July 27 Finding
j that operators on the long side
- Lot the market were unable to
- i make any headway: because of
, ) the marked absence; of public par-.
I ticipation, professional specula
i tors for the decline took command
of today's stock market and forced
i recessions' of one to five point
; throughout the list, Nearly two
I score stocks established new low
f records for the year.' - Iti ' j ,
, . Circulation of reports that sey
F eraloll-j companies- are seeking
, : temporary i financing to provide
storage facilities, lower quotations
for wheat, cotton and other Im
f portant commodities arid unfav -
, orable cable reports inspired sell
ing for both accounts. The rapid-
t ity of the decline resulted in the
i closing ' out oft several weakened
f marginal accounts, the volume of
' sales being more than double that
r of yesterday. J
. , Call money, held ot 5 per cent
j. all day. Time money business was
quiet with brokers bidding 5 per
i cent and bankers asking Bb, a few
; three and four months' maturi
ties being arranged at the higher
; figure. : ;r' ;.-""t;--- . i
"Foreign exchanges ; were heavy,
"'demand sterling dropping about
' half a cent to $4.59. French
rlranca dropped; 5 points to 5.91
cents, and Italian lire dropping 2
points to 1 4.38 cents. German
"marks sold as low as 83 cents a
million but rallied later to f 1.G5.
. Total
sales, 734,200
" 'i
chares. .: w- . ." .,-
Twenty I Industrials
iv88.37; -'net loss, 2.69. t U
.- High 1923, 105.38; low, 87.64.
U Twenty railroads averaged 78.
i 12; 'net loss, 1.88. -, i :
u High 1923. 90.63; low. 76,85.
Dawson Scholars Are
-Announced at Cambridge
CAMBRIDGE, auiy- 25. The
winners of the,l P- Davison sch
olarships . for .1923-24 have been
announced by the University Com
mittee. ' . N
They , are W. P. Mscpherson
.(Harrow & Trinity-. Scholar of
Trinity, and CapUin of the Real
rennis Team, who will go to Har
vard: E. C. Moule (Weymouth
and Emmanuel. College) ," Scholar
of Emmanuel, and a Rugby foot
Ball player, who will go to Yale:
and H. St. D. Netleton (Eton and
King's College), Scholar of King's
lightweight boxer, oarsman and
actor, who will go to Princeton.
The finest, crispest, tasti
est loaves that ever turned
brown in an oven. The more
you eat . of bur bread, the
more you want It's so
light' and white and very
wholesome., Heed the little
baker boy and try a loaf or
two today.
170 N. Cont'l .St, Phone 808
Xo Store caa Merchandise a cheaply as the Merchant who
owns his OWN BUILDING. Business houses are having a
struggle to meet exhorbitant rentals. JYou feel it.' We "all ,
feel It. You feel it because yon, who are not in business, mast
help bear the burden Jnipoeed by the landlords on the Merchants.
Like a cancer that is eating into the very heart and vitals of the
city, high rentals has been one of the chief factors in the
present high cost of living. Chain stores (with their high
rents and enormous overhead expenses, cannot ' hope to com
pete with the Merchant who owns his own building.
Aumsville Flour , . . .... .$1.45
4 lbs. String Beans 23c
12 lbs. New Spuds ......25c
No. 10 Sack Rolled Oats . .49c
Citrus Washing Powder . . .25c
Best Creamery Butter .... 42c
Fresh Eggs, dozen ... ... .23c
4 lbs. Carvel Cut Macaroni S5c
Pink Salmon . . ....... 15c
Sauer Kraut .... . . . . ... .i3c
Bitter Root Peas, canV. ..15c
3 p legs. China Noodles . . .23c
8CQ Xorth Commercial Street.
Adele Qarrion' New rtuwe of
- i - , - h .
Junior's pitiful little wall for
me followed Lillian and me up
stbirs. I beard my mother-in-law
crooning io mm,, my lamer trying
to soothe him, but it seemed to
me that I could not mount! each
step t hit led me away from his
pain-laden cries. But Lillian';
necessity urged me on, though at
the foot of the! stairs she had
spoken in a lifeless fashion: "Go
to Junior, Madge."
"Not till we are ready for the
hospital," I replied firmly, i and
she madG no further protest; in-
i stead, she silently submitted to
my dictum that she sit in an easy
chair after taking the medicine
Dr." Pettit had given, me fojf her
and direct me in the preparations
sho wished to make
I knew that we needed but very
little, nothing; for the children.
except outside wraps to be used
at the doctor's discretion,- some
toilet articles, and a change of
clothing for each, of us if we were
compelled to spend the night at
the hospital. I pnt them all in a
small bag, glancing occasionally
with concern at my friend, I, who
sat stony and! pallid as a carven
image, looking into space, her
hands gripping the arms of the
Another type of woman would
have demanded action, hysterical
ly, but I knew, that she, with un-
utterablo tortured visions before
her eyes, was j simply marking
time, being obedient to the phy
sician's orders, i conserving and
marshalling her strength until it
should be needed in the battle for
her child's life. That she was al
so longing unutterably for the op
portunity ; return to the still
figure on the couch below, I
knew, but I realized that Dr. Pet-
tit had wished to get her out of
the way, for some reason or other,
and I packed things as slowly as
I could manage without arousing
her suspicions.! '
Mrs. Ticer Explains. i;
' Finally, however, there - was
npthing more to be done, and we
descended the stairs to the living
room again. There we were ar
rested by the sound -of Pr. Pet
tit's voice, quick, irritated, i -
"I can't make anything out of
that he said; then, with f per
functory compunction." "Thank
you, Mrs. Ticer. but I need a wo
man's eyes here. , Mrs. Ticer, tell
me what happened." 1
Lillian gripped my arm until I
winced. . j ,' . .
"Listen," she whispered "hoarse- i
ly. "Nobody would tell me be-
fore." ' j :-, '
A little premonition of some
thing to be uttered which should
prove a shock to both, of us chill
ed me, but her grip on my arm
held me no less than my own in
clination. I. too, felt that I must
hear what Mrs. Ticer, had to say.
"The children were playing In
the front yard," Mrs. Ticer said.
"There's a fence in front, but It's
kind of rotten, f Marion was giv
ing the little boy such a good time
he was Just rocking with giggles,
and she was so careful with him.
Just like a little mother "the
good woman wiped her eyes, and
I heafoVPr. Pettlt give an Impa
tient snort, but he evidently rec
ognized that, she could tell the
story only in her own way, for he
made no protest. l
"I was standln" on the ' porch
watchin em, when all at once
without any warnin the horses ot
that devil across the road dashed
out of his yard, and right across
over our fence. He's ah I awful
brute with horses, and 1 'suppose
he'd been doing something ter
rible to 'em. j At any rate, they
come so straight and fast for the
children that there was no time
to do anything. I screamed to
White King Washing
Powder, large size . .... 49c
6 large cans Armour's
Milk for if. . Isoc
Calumet Baking Powder. ..
1 lb. cans .x. .... : . . ,28c
2 lbs. Ginger; Snaps ..... .27c
Flyer Coffee K ; .33c
Best Hard Wheat Flour .91.73
Carrots. ' Beets, Onions.
bunch ...... .... . .'. . .".5c
Cabbage, pound .3c
Bananas, lb. . . 12 lie
- : . lfr' , ; -- .v.
Co. Joe's Llaitet
Fresh Meats and Groceries
Marion to run, and started down
the steps, but it was over before
I could more'n git started. j
Grieving Hearts.
Her voice trembled at the re
collection, but she controlled it
with . a visible effort, ' went 01
steadily, while Lillian and I, grip
ping each other's hands tightly,
listened breathlessly, afraid to
move lest we should break tha
thread of her story.
"It was the pluckiest thing I
ever see," Mrs. Ticer went an.
"Marion saw the . horses, and
she could have dodged them if
she had been alone or had left the
baby, for she's the lightest little
thing on her feet I ever did s-ee.
But she never seemed to thinTt
of herself. 1 heard her saf kiad
of soft. .'Oh, iuniorlf " Then she
grabbed him and threw him ore
side as hard as she could. Ho
struck in some boards Ticer had
left to fix the porch, and his arm
doubled up under : him, and his
head got a, bump 'that mads it
bleed.- But Marion the horses
went right over her. I heard her
give one awful scream, and tbn
she never made another sound
and when, we picked her up sho
was just the way you see her.
As if controlled, by the same
impulse. Lillian's hands and mine
naa iaiien apart, i lurueu io -.-
in her eyes the same horror which
had sprung into mine. It : had
been her child or mine, and hets
would she pay the supreme last
penalty, while my motherhood
went unscathed. For a second the
vision divided us as far apart as
the poles, then her face softened
and she put her hand on mine.
"Forgive me, Madge," she said
For a second I : hated you, ? but
of course. I know oni Marion
Marion!" ;
She clung to me for a shaken
second or two, then went calmly,
quietly back to her station by the
side of her unconscious chill",
while I rushed to my little son,
gathered him in my arms, 1 and
hushed his grieving wales. But
my heart was so full' of woe for
the brave child who had savs
mine that I could not feast my
eyes upon his little face. Inste-d
I must keep them watchfully up
on Marlon's still figure, while Dr.
Pettit cross-questioned Mrs. Ti
cer. -
(To be continued)
(Continued from page 1) j
iness was on the Union Pacific in
Omaha and the Missouri Pacii
at St. Louis. 8
Mr. Mulchay ig a Portland-boy,
having entered the railroad ser
vice in 1SS9 as a clerk in the gen
eral freight office at Portland.
He has advanced steadily from
various positions until In 1911 he
was appointed assistant ; general
freight agent - at Portland. He
was transferred to San Francisco
few years later1 in the sam"
capacity and returned to Portland
in 1921. as general freight, agent.
Mr. Ormanly likewise is a . pro
duct of the" Portland school ot
railroading, originally having en
tered the railroad service as a
telegrapher and serving in vari
ous capacities In the operating
and .traffic departments until
was appointed assistant general
passenger agent at Portland at
the close of federal control In
Mr. Miller's railroad experience
began In the station service back
in Nebraska. He came to the
coast in 1907 and became super
intendent of the Coos Bar. Hose
burg & Eastern, witn headquar
ters at Marshfield, and was ap
pointed to a position as assistant
general freight agent at Portland
In 1916. ; ; ,
, Mr. Stinger has been city ticket
agent for the Southern Pacific in
Portland since 1902. He began
his railroad experience with the
same company : as a messenger
boy In Portland In 1883. Mr. An
drews was district freight, agent
Ibr the Southern Pacific at Port
land from 1918 until 1920, and
formerly officiated as agent at
Corvallis. He served in Tacoma
and Seattle ' as traveling freight
and passenger agent, and Liter
as district freight , and passenger
agent. : , - : " ; : -
Mr. Brockwell's railroad expeti
ence began In the general freight
office in Portland as '; Junior
clerk, and. he has , been advanced
through various positions as" Tate
and tariff clerk, assistant ichief
clerk until 1920 ' when he was
transferred to Seattle as traveling
freight and passenger agent.
Mr. Hopgood entered service as
a FlggagemaiTat the union station
in 1907, having migrated to Ore-"
goa from Kentucky. He has been
advanoed through - various po
sitions, including cashier at the
union station, passenger rate clerk
and was appointed to his present
position in 1920. J ' j ' . ,
Mr. Rosenbaum ivho goes to
Medford as district freight and
passenger agent, becan with the
Southern Pacific in the station
service at Modesto, CaL, In 1834,
coining to Oregon io the ; same
service in 1898. He was local
agent at Medford ror 10 years,
being" promoted tron there to his
present position in 1,916.
; Mr. Graham began railroadif
at Newberg la the station service
in 1908. He was later tranf
ferred to Independence, goic?
from there to Corvallis.
."Another thing,' what did the
flappers, carry before, the advent
of the vanity boxes t t
Rhine Cities Stagnate
With French in Ruhr
STRASBOURG. Germany, July
26. Strasbourg! capital city o
Alsace-Lorraine! and .Mannheim
the inland Rhih port which is tho
chief commercial center of Baden
both are suffering greatly today
as a result of the continued
French occupation ot the Ruhr
Freights on the river are virtual-
!y at a standstill, and the tourist
traffic of other days Is no more
Hence docks are deserted and ho
tels enmpty. I
most all closed
factories are al-
down. The canal
connecting the city with the Rhine
is filled with idle shins. "There Is
little activity
on the railroad
trains cross ' th
yards, and few
DridKe. Touriss nave turned ;o
other routes, where travel Is eas
ier and not suhjj
ed to military in-
terference, and
the local hotels
and cafes are
empty. - With its
300.000 inhabitants. Strasbourg is
In a sad plight
and can be 111:
to a deserted orphan.
In Mannheim!
miles and miles
of warehouses
are closed and
guarded by French soldiers in
helmets and khaki field uniform
Hundreds of Idle ships and bar
ges line the canals and the banks
of the huge infier harbor, while
the extensive railroad yards ari
filled with dead io comotives and
fright cars.
The streets of the city are rela
tively deserted. Hundred o
factories are working only on part
time, and the oner of every good
automobile has
sent it away in
ear of confiscation by the' French.
Mannheim, with
its population of
a quarter of a
and fearful of
million, is listless
the future, and
seems like a city that has gone to
American Products Find
1 Growing Marjcet in Japan
popularity in
126. -The growing
Japan of foreign
shoes and clothing has opened up
a new market for American goods
and machinery,
sentatives here
American repre-
are doing an inc
reasing business. Some years
ago Japanese society,; following
the lead of the
Empress and lad
ies of the court, adopted Euro
pean dress but
latterly, although
the court continues
its use on
state occasions.
the women ; of
Japan have returned largely to
their picturesque klmona and obi
as more becoming
On the other hand, they are 1
dressing their boys and girls In -
foreign - dress as it Is easier to
keep clean and jgives the children
greater freedom of action in their
sports. Several of the big shoe
factories, including those i at the
army, and navy) arsenals, are in
stalling shoe machinery to take
the place of hand labor, Some of
them had this machinery before;
but It had fallen into disuse and is
being reinstalled.
There also is a big demand for
spinning machinery, but the man
ufacturers are holding off for the
present, as they
consider that too
being asked.
long credits are
Ads in The
Statesman Bring Results
One of the first to make him
- -.; anp
1 :
I - -J , ' i
' - "I" - :'
, ,:.:.-.-..yryfvi:"
Charlie Chaplin in
"Bough and Dynamite.
'The Exciters,
"Back Home and Broke.
Four .Acts Vaudeville and
Big Bill Fairbanks in
A new four act vaudeville road
show opens at the Bligh theatre
today for two days. .
Unusual interest is attached to
the booking of the big photoplay
production, ."The Greatest .Men
ace " which win be shown jn the
screen or. the liiigh tneatre i?r
three days commencing Monday,
This is a super-drama of rom
ance and adventure oased upon
the nationwide fight against the
drug traffic that has gained such
a hold upon the big cities. An
gela C. Kaufman sponsored this
story and spent time and money
in making it complete in every
detail. '. i
There are many popular come
dians In the screen world, but
when It 'comes to a fun maker,
who brings out the true essence
of ' the American youth. Johnny
HInes. the star in the new feature
comedy. "Sure Fire Flint,. biHed
at the Liberty theater tomorrow.
is in a . class by i t himself. Mr.
HInes is the typical , American
boy. Having lived . and been
brought up in a small town where
youth Is free to play boyish
pranks as every true blooded Am
erican lad does, Johnny has in
stilled in all his pictures Just that
class of comedy that is real "and
free from stinted. stunts.' It is al
most safe ' to say that Johnny
HInes is the most popular come
dian among the Juvenile set of
picture goers. His ' comedy ia
clean and natural. He plays just
the sort of pranks any boy would
play at a party, on his teacher.
or on his boss. He is ons oi
those fellows, who In his fun
making, can take a joke ! upon
himself as well as play it on the
other fellow. In none of his pic
tures does , he want to be the
whole show." i He likes to see
others get a chance. For that
reason his manager, Charlie Burr,
who produces all the comedian's
pictures, surrounded him with a
notable cast. They are men and
women of note and reputation and
while Johnny is the star, he de
lights in seeing others share with
him all that is worth while.
"Gome down to earth!"
An expression especially appli
cable in the case of Ronnie. Rand,
played by Bebe Daniels, co-starred
with Antonio Moreno In the Par
amount picture, "The Exciters,"
which is due for a rue of three
days at the Oregon theater starting-tonight,
Miss Daniels, as Ronnie Rand,
a typical example! 'of the modern
A new combination of
4 v to V " ;-
; ' ' - x?EAKINP speed records and men's -1 '
i mm
o '" '-
girl, t seems to take great delight
in leaving mother earth as far
behihd as possible. To accom
plish this, Ronnie, to the annoy
ance of her parents, forces into
service a number of power boats
and airplanes, either from her own
collection or those loaned by ad
miring friends. ( :
But Into the life of this care
free girl comes a certain Pierre
MartelK a supposed crook, who is
In reality a secret service agent,
thus employed for the same reas
on that Ronnie employs speed
wagons for excitement.
Fresh from his triumphs in "Man
slaughter,". Thomas Meighan add
ing to his laurels everywhere
with "Back Home and Broke,"
which is billed at the Grand thea
ter tonight and tomorrow. This
j new Paramount production is the
second, by George Ade for th
screen. Mr. Ade wrote "Our
Leading Citizen" and the present
story specifically for Mr. Meighan.
"Back Home and Broke" is
rich in humor, with delightful
dashes of , thrills, suspense and
heart tugs. The story deals with.
the, problems of a - young man,
who upon the death of his father
is left penniless. Made to feet
that he occupies an humble po
sition in the town, he leaves to
seek success elsewhere. Eventu
ally he returns to the old town.
but not as a conquering hero.
Apparently he Is broke and ridi
cule is heaped upon him. The
rest of the story travels in a swill
cycle -of excitement, punctuated
by humor which is sure material
for laughter, c" , )
Mr. Meighan's leading woman
in this picture Is Lila Lee. Alfred
Green, who handled three former
Meighan successes, was. the direc
(Continued from page 6)
Juvenile Court
Bower, O. P., serving
subpoenas,.,....... 3.40
Jackson, Hattie, travel
expense acpt. taking
Whitney babies to ba
by home... . 5.00
Dog Fund Account
Aurora Observer; public
notice of dog law.... 3.60
Gervais Star, do i . 3.36
Hubbard Enterprise, do. 5.75
Jefferson Review, do . 2.00
Miller, B. J.. acct. goats
killed by dogs. ..L. 20.25
Rise, Jacob A., dog col
lars .-; j.
The - Silverton Anneal.
public notice to dog
owners . . . I j .. 5.20
Silverton Tribune, do.. . 4.60
The Stayton Mail, do.. . 5.00
Turner . Tribune, do...... 2.00
Woodburn Independent
publishing notice to
dog owners . 4.40
! Earwhr Fund
Cherry City Milling Co.,
bran 21.4 2
Prager, P. G., neuralic
acid .25
Oregon State Board of
Co - Stars in a Melodrama that
line miles ahead of its rivals.
hearts flashing through life
the tune of whirling propellers and rac
ing engines. Tnat's Bebe, the Speed
Girt, in this speediest of all speed pic
tures. Tony Morena as a mysterious
crook whose final theft is to steal
Hebe's heart. f i
iyu -
' Horticulture, sodium '
fluoride........... 26.00
Van Trump,' S. Il.i cash
-- advanced for freight,
labor, etc., on earwig
poison .i... . ..... -10 79
Fire Patrol
Oregon State Board ' of
Forestry, account fire
; patrol . . . L. . . . ' 633.16
. Advertising ' :
Salem Chamber of Com
merce, . membership . . -
dues . . - . ..... .... v 50
(Continued from, page 1.) '
theD said "La Boise" meaning
woods. . It was due to the trees
along . the banks, of the river, as
like myself, tber must have trav
eled .miles without seeing a tree
but they travelled much slower
than I did. '; : .'
J drove around Boise, saw "the
capitol end the beautiful "streets
lined with large shade trees on
both sides.
Had lunch at Burley and there
a man asked me if T knew Pr. S.
H. Schenck of ' Salem, their for
mer postmaster. I surd -did I
rolled again and stopped in some
small town under some shade
trees to cool, off as the thermo
meter was then standing at 105.
Then I made ft down through a
canyon, and say, was it hot! If
you have never- been there you do
not : know what hot means. . It
was so hot you could not put your
hand anywhere on my car.rand
my gear shift lever was so hot I
could not touch it without gloves.
: In this little town under ' the
shade rees, some girl got her eye
on "Tootsie" and started down
the road ahead of me. I caught up
with her and seeing her ''hoofing".
It, wearing, high heeled echoes, I
slapped on the brakes, stopped
and asked her where she was go
ing. j'TO Baker." I asked her If j
she ;wanted to ride. Of course
she did. - I knew what she was out
there for, so for once again I was
not travelling alone. Then the
clouds commenced to roll, up and
before long it was raining again.
- , j r : rr-r-rr. I
Each One a Feature
Scenic and Gumps Cartoon J
969 fDgam
flashes across the
Another thunder, storm, r
you have heard it said it
pitchforks and this time i;
and just then bang went a
tire, the first and only fL,
I had on the entire trip,
what was I to! do? Change
the rain? I should say. not.
waited a couple of hours fo,
rain to stop, . and then we ,
at It. I say we, because this ;
I had a real girl with" he. ht
she worked on that tire as t
as I did. -
Finally wo had It on and t
ed. . Went around a curve
discovered we were only a qc
of a mile from Baker, wht
stayed over night. t
My lady thanked me for
ride and I thanked her for f;
the tire and she left, prot
never to meet again.
In my next I will tell you II
trip down the Columbia hlgt
in a sand and wind storm to I
land. ' ; -
' Classified Ads in The
Statesman Bring Rest
' i
The Finest lie Has Ever
r r
Baclt Home
and Brqkel
A PICTURE that ap
peals to everybody
with a home town and a
ense of humor. JAla
1 hals the exceptional
supporting cast..
Grand Theatre Trio