v-c v-iV. q- i : j -v.r,T;, . -i THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1923 1 1 1 u li !! -1 4 x It i '- i Issued Dally THE RTATKSMAX ' ;i 21 b' Commercial St., Salem. Oregon ' (Portland Office. 723 IiuaidLuf Trade Building. Phone Beacon 1193 MKMltKP OF THR .Tne Associated i'reHs is exclusively entitled to the use for puoll- . suou ot an neg iiis.atciies credited to It or pot otherwise credited iu mis paper auu also me local " R. J. Hendricks ------ - . Stephen A, Stone - - - - Prank Jaakoskl. -: . - TELEPHONES: - Business Office - - -Circulation Office i - - Society 'Editor - 4" - - - Job "Department ' - - - Entered at, the Postofflee in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter PRESIDENT HARDING AND SALEM r. , President Harding is passing through Salem at an early hour this morning - ? 1 J ; And the people of this of not disturbing his rest that he needs it on account of bo far and the strenuous days that are ahead , . ' And the, people of Oregon's capital city are bjs friends and have been and will be his supporters j , , Because they believe in him; have faith in his honesty and good intentions ? regard him as an able executive; respect him as a fearless administrator of the Constitution and the laws of the countryv T - i , The people of Salem would have been delighted to show President Harding Oregon's capital city, 1 to convince him that it is the "City Beautiful," the Cherry City of the World ; the hop and prune and loganberry andflax and walnut and filbert and strawberry metropolis of. this great region; the ytity.'of welcome; the city of opportunity in the land of diversity .4c;.""..7- 'K Y '..; : I . The peppermint and blackberry and black raspberry and gooseberry and pear, and celery and poultry, and goat and hop center of this section '--r ;j Y i - That Salem took last year rtcans used in the Pacific Northwest in packing fruity and will use more this year . Y i: ! - t Or about twice the number of cans used by the whole - Columbia river salmon pack. Y f -Our people would like.to show- President Harding that there' could be grown and manufactured in the Salem dis strict on !and that is now waste, or fallow; , the 50 to ,60 mil '.. lion dollars worth of flax and hemp manufactures an4 seed 1 nhatomr;tuntiy Impbrtd ' annually; that Salem has the only . y fiber flax industry of consequence in the United States--I I VThat Oregon, Washington and Idaho could raise the t 1 beets to make the United States self contained in sugar manu-;;ffactaring-. -..:.;-:. H:. ... --j - . iuSome time, during his second " administration; r if not - before, the people of Salem hope they may. be given an op j portunity to show President and Mrs. Harding the beauties and to explain to tnem tne siiTTftiinHinir rnnntrv;. : Sbs Athet Armories of oregon " YA local publication that, for reasons which puzzle none, flrmarentlv has an' innate and incrrowincr aversion for any- thing; relating to the World war and the men who served in it. devotes its - whole editorial White, -Adjutant General of the. state,, for; his refusal to let Eugene V. Debs use National Guard armories in which to hold radical meetings. . . . : .'".-.' ; . : . ... r i One takes ; it; after leading the editorial outers that General White 'made a grievous error in not welcoming .this distinguished ex-convict into the armories and making him feel at home. j I No doubt it would have been a delicate courtesy had the Adjutant General ordered the American flag; sjtf ipped from Its staff on the armory for the occasion in honor of the man who was thrown into jail for lending aid and comfort to the 1 1 enemy during America's darkest hour t ; ; Y -JY;- For. the sight of the flag must always be something of an annoyance, if not an accusation, to such men as Debs and his advocates. . ; r- ,t ; General White "might also have had the regimental bands massed; to play the anthem of the Russian Soviet, and re moved the bronze tables recording the names of those valient American lads who left these same armories a 'few years ago never to return. j 4 Thereby, he might have won the approbation of Debs PAGEANT MARKS OPENING dF NATIONAL WOMAN'S : , i :.,.:,:,,,. .,i v: sh ; y iL -Vhv i i fey fr- i . f " r.u?? i - 4 , h v if S I i 1 J - , ' x is :t ! a ; i i k i vr , . - ' - .. .. . - I ir JV - " , .1. , 1 . ! "li .. ueiegates from every State j i t.n Union are gathered at 'j -a r-!.MY, forth, first , I a t -! I " ' J. Excent Monday bv I J PU11LIS1UNU COMPANY ! r ASSOCIATED PItKSS news published herein - , . - - ! Manager Managing Editor - - - - - - Manager Job Dept. 23 683 106 683 city are paying him the respect at an unseemly, hour, realizing the hard work of his journey more than a fourth of all the opportunities oi tsaiem ana its ...... S " page to flaying George A. after a lapse years. Photo l ward Oonli of ".cret. Hott) lapse of seventy-five hows Mrs. Ed- Seneca Falls and the editorial tributes of lanimous Americans. r But the writer is mighty exactly what he did Refused Debs admission refused it in a way that left by throwing Debs rotten war And no doubt nearly everyone else feels1 this same way about it. The war is five years in forget it. Y - But we must not forget that new sense of a united that came to us out of the war. Nor must we forget that their duty to our country in some men were the enemies It is dangerous to forget And so we should all be what he said to Eugene V. Debs. ANOTHER GEORGIA; Soviet domination In the an cient province of. Georgia has swollen the cost of living. .That section of the' " Caucasus ' moun tains used to be a snap for trav elers. One could live there for about half what it cost In Mos cow, nut it is ainerent now. u the landlord has to take Russian money he will demand 250,000,- 000 rubles for a day's board. Even n million-ruble notes this would make a bundle about the size of bale of hay. Ancient sports used to speak blithely of having more money than some people had hay. In soviet Russia a load of loose hay 13 worth' more than the same stack of paper rubles. March- ng through Georgia. Russia, will cost the tourist about 500,000,000 rubles a day. i -f . : i VILLA AXD PERSHING General Villa cost Uncle Sam more than $100,000,000, accord ing to the estimate of the war de partment, and seven years ago the government would have been glad to pay $1,000,000 for his pelt. But he saved It and now there is no Indorsement of his as sassination. Unsuccessful as it was, it was the Villa campaign that eave General Pershing his toenail gr!puon immortality. It made him .the logical contender for the great post overseas and that eufficed. BRIGHTENING UP The faculty in the University of Moscow will not permit' the stud ents to Indulge in the guitar, the mandolin, the ukelele or the saxo phone. These -are considered as the tools of the Idle rich and to have no standing under a soviet administration. Uncle. Sam might strain a point and try to recog nize, a government that has the courage to muzzle Its ukelele per formers. It would seem that here was a higher civilization than onr own. If Russia can snuff the Jazz there must be something to Its ad ministration, u after alL Ex change. - ':- 1 FUTURE -DATES July 28. Saturday Printers and pnb Usher of the Willamette Taller : to picnic dt SiWerton city park. July 29, Sunday Union church services. willson park. July SO, Monday Second term of Will mette university summer school to , open. .'. j .. , - .-.!. I- July 31, Tuesday Annual picnic ; of Marion Community Club federation. state fair grounds. August 1 to 29 Annual encampment of Boy Scouts at Cascadia, August 5, Sunday lfi2nd Oregon infan try to pVnie at Clackamas. August 16-9 National Kuard rifle matches at Clarkamaa rifle range. September 19, Wednesday Willamette university opens. September 24 to 2t Ores-on state fair. -HTS CONVENTION. Cnristopber of Seneca Falls (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) In the Pageant of 1848. In honor of the first woman's rights con vention held their seventy-five years ago. At the left. Mrs. Susie Latham Larzalere of Sen eca Falls as Amelia Bloomer. axter. wuom ui wen Known I T1 vr flabby, treacherous and pusil ( glad, for his part, that he did to any armory in the state, and no room for misunderstanding record in his face the background. We all want to its lessons nor must we forget and loyal American citizenship there were men who failed in that grim emergency. Nor tnat of their own country,. . such things as that. grateful to General White foi The voter who la looking for ex; citement In 1924 would certainly get his fill witTi these tickets In the field: For president, William E. Borah, Republican; James A. Reed, Democrat!, and Henry Ford, Independent. Tnat would be a situation that would send every body to the wopds. Exchange. The statesmanship of the day ought not to call for the cutting down of the wheat acreage, or the acreage In any other staple crop. It should call for the produc tion of more sugar beets, sugar cane, flax and provisions for , into articles of other crops, with their manufacture 'commerce to -the full limit of tli e things we lm- port, and more That is the big job. That is what J we should have a right to expect of construc tive statesmanship. Then we will have no surplus of wheat. We will need all w-raise.1 Perhaps one of the three most' beautiful girls tin the Salem dis trict is in Eola. Or in Brooks. There are eome fine looking wo men in both neighborhoods. It is their duty, tp enter the contest for Queen of Egg Day at Peta luma. Let's show the world that we are a poultry producing dis trict', and that we have the most beautiful women on this coast. The Canadian flax puller is due n Portland this morning. Its services for about. 20 days will be needed; so will be the services of the. 11 Oregon invented and manufactured .pullers, if they can be whipped Into shape and effi ciency. J There will be more than one sugar factory in Salem, if there can be had 1 he leadership at Washington that will put over the idea of self contained self But fiency. which ought to be the biggest idea of the United States, worthy of the! team work of the brightest, brainiest' and best men in the country!. Get into the Petaluma Egg Day queen contest and there will be a friendship established between the people of that greatest of all poultry districts-and those of the lalem district, who are in fiiend ly rivalry In this respect. Salem hopes to out-Petaluma Petaluma And there is not' a man in'Petalu: ma who would not like to see Sa lem go to it. The Auburn section ought to haveat least two of the prettiest girls In the Salem district. AIR TRAVEL An airplane service has been In lugurated between Newport anl New York City, so that' the tired business man may leave hia office in Wall stree . after the market is closed and reach his summer home in time to take part in the closing activities of the day. These are said to be among the first commercial planes in this country to run on a regular sched ule. v j -i- . " i In Europe sixteen companies operate air routes covering dis tances aggregating 8000 miles Passengers crossing the English Channel regularly avail them selves of the; airships for expedi tious crossing, and the fare' is not exorbitant. London may be readi ed from the Near East by plane,' and vice versa; it is a short' trip jto Berlin from tnat city, and Franee, Russia and North Africa are link ed together! in well-traveled air routes. ; 1 . However, when we come to con aider ( the tremendous strides made in utilizing aviation for practical purposes in -Europe we must consider that the European companies are aided by govern ment subsidies. American ven tures are dependent solely on pri vate capital, which is still wary of this particular fjeld. The French government disburses sums year ly to her three companies varying according tc tne A baggage and passengers parried and the dis tance traversed.. Last year they v-.e paid $8,000,000 from this source, The great feature of the emu re is the rapidity of -trans portation, which the government feels will be an important factor in many commercial ventures. T A DISEASE NOT. HABIT One million drur addict In iha United States is the tragic total compiled by the American Phar maceutical association. Complete cures are rarely made, although the pathetic feature of the matter Is tnat the majority of the victims ure irmi themselterrrom thetr-condmon of I slavery to drugs. .'. More will be saved, an authority on ; opiates states, when the public as a whole realizes that addiction to opium and derivatives is not a vicious habit, but a frlghtfsl . . disease which the sufferer is incapable of fighting alone, j Addiction to cocaine is compar atively easyo cure, .as withdraw al of the drug causes intense men tal torture, but has no harmful physical result. But" depriving users of morphine and other nar cotics of their usual dose fre quently causes convulsions, par- alysis and sometimes death. Many a cure has to be abandoned be cause the subject is too weakened physically to Btand the strain of further deprivation, despite his eagerness to overcome his unfor tunate habit. Pity for his misery, rather than contempt for what is believed his weakness, in not over coming a vicious habit, is recom mended by the expert on narcot ics. The old adage that an ounce o prevention " is worth a pound o cure would work wonders in hand ling this . situation. The first thing advised by the pharmacists in a campaign against the evil is education. This, they say. should begin with the doctors, for the great majority ;of the .victims have become addicts when recov ering from operat'ons. Prescrib ing opiates too freely In times. of suffering has the result that when the patient recovers from his Ill ness he ia in too weakened a con dition to begin the' battle against the habit he has acquired, v For the body of a person who has been given drugs daily for some weeks only approximates normality when the opiate Is present, and the sys tem weakened by illness cannot stand the strain of deprivation of the element that was formerly ued merely to alleviate pain, f Given the right conditions,1 the authority states, any one of us might become an addict, ilf we keep this in mind We can view the sufferings of these unfortu nates with more charity and set to work more earnestly to remedy the tragic situation. For among the victims are ministers, lawyers and others in the better walks of ife, as well as representatives of every other class.- And, since the greater per cent J of these, are slaves toi narcotics through no fault of their own it is up to the public to demand that greater care be exercised in the prescrib ing of habit-forming drugs. But the pharmaceutical j association warns against the reformer who would completely abolish the man ufacture of opiates. Jest those in excruciating . and unbearable agony be left with nothing to al leviate their frightful pain, r RESIXSIBBILITY; NO AUTHORITY A prolonged fight in the Philip pines between the executive and the legislature has reached the acute stage through tne resigna tion of the Quezon cabinet. Gen eral Wood has stuck to his guns and has refused to accept a posi tion of responsibility without au thority. Manuel; Quezon,' who may be called tie head of the home-rule party j in the Islands, has forced the issue, hoping there by to bring the matter before the United States congress for a clos er definition of the lines of au thority. ' -' - Government in the Philippines Is proceeding as usual, the under secretaries taking the places of the secretaries - who. have resign ed. But this, is only the fjrst move in ja deep political game the home-rule party, under Quezon has been playing for a long time. They succeeded . In winning . from the i Democrats .under Wilson cer tain constitutional prerogatives. But in attempting to control the actions' ol Governor Wood they struck a snag. Finally, unable to get their way, the Quezon cabi net, by resigning 'en bloc, has tried to force further congress ional action in the administrative affairs of the Philippines. A large part of the present con fusion is a -legacy bejueathed on the islands by the Wilson Demo crats. They started something VICTOR Adder and Lister $100 F. O. B. Chicago CAPACITY. Call or Write for Circular Describing:. Don't Buy Till Yon See It. a M. LOCKWOOD , 247 North Commercial' c SALEM, ORE. : -Phone 8G9 - iCi t ft .- they couldn't finish. To pave the way for . promised independence they increased the power : of the local legislature at the expense of the governor. Harrison, himeelf a Democrat, cheerfully acquiesced. But a change in the sentiment of the country returned a Republi can congress before- the Demo cratic independence program was complete. . . ' This, "left the Philippine people with half a loaf. General Wood was sent to maintain the other half for which the Quezon party is grabbing. And Wood happens to be a whole-wheat man. Just what the present congress will do In defining the exact rela tions between the legislature and. the .executive is problematical. The situation Is loaded and will require careful handling. The Quezonlsts are still fighting for the independence they were led to hope far by the last Democratic administration. General Wood evidently will never accept respon sibility without authority, The whole muddle, a left-over from the Democratic propensity to bite off more than it can chew is thus thrust on President Hard ing and the Republican' party. Apparently, the present sentiment of congress is opposed to Philip pine independence at thia stage of International adjustments. : Nor is it likely, unless - something 'at present unforeseen changes the Is sue, to favor it In the near future. Yet we must not forget that the native party has certain Just and fair claims to place before con gress. The Democrats opened the door of Independence Just far enough to give them a glimpse of the vistas beyond. Then Uncle Sam started to close it. But the Quezon party has its foot across the threshold. And this foot pre vents General Wood from shutting it up tight again. Congress has to decide whether the Quezon foot shall be sjueezed or the gover nor's strong arm restrained. ' The reader is reminded that what stands for the constitution In "the Philippines Is the law of congress under which the insular Things - j To Do j l TheBoys and Girls Newspaper Copyright, 1923, Associated Editors. ; ; O Lessons Champion Swimmers Learn I - .. , ; ; ... ... . , o i 1 SCULLING (This is the seventh of a series of eight articles by Plerson L. Maxwell, a swimming expert, who has taught boys and girls to swira at municipal beaches, ocean beaches and ' private pools. Mr. Maxwell has been a life guard and a racing swimmer for a number of years. He knows what he is talking about when it comes to swimming.- Clip these articles and follow them if you want to become a good swimmer.) If you have followed the first six articles -of this series' and worked so as to learn' what the7 have tried to teach yon, you Will be ready for some of these water tricks which good swimmers of ten use for their own pleasure and for the amusement of others. One of the fundamental points cf much trick swimming is "scull ing." which is Just one1 kind of swimming.: To learn to skull, turn - over on the back, put j the arms at the sides, and start using the crawl kick, to keep you; up. When you have started this kipk, start the hands moving, first away from the body, out to the 'sides, and then back into the body again. t THE SHORT STORY, JR. I . . A WOODEN BIRTHDAY RABBIT Little Dudley whittled away At a gift for his brother's birth ' day. . ... . -When a toy-niaker's eyes iHsrpvereil the prize, ;. He offered him fifty as pay. . , Dudley whittled away at the little wooden rabbit he was mak ing. "Oh. shoot," he grumbled, 'I wish I had some money -so I could buy Buster one of those soft, f nrrjr bunnies that he's s- crazy for. lie has so many toys that I've made him", he's begin ning to get tired of them." Buster was Dudley's baby bro ther and Dudley thought more of him than anything in the world. Dudley thought bitterly that he wouldn't mind being so poor for himself if he. only had money to government operates. The acts of congress are the fundamental laws. ',; " "t And they heed ' amending. There must be authority corre sponding to responsibility in the office of the governor ; general, else there Is a seed bed for trou ble and misunderstanding. Our congress should have men in It big enough to frame the pro per amendments, and a majority sufficiently far seeing and sensi ble to pass the amendments. And then Governor General Wood, if he is not big enough for the Job; for the responsibility going with the authority, should be replaced by a citizen of the United States who is big enough. If he is big enough, he should have the back ing of the full authority of the United States government- in ev ery arm qt its entire organiza tion. ' : . ' ; ' .' THE PRINCEL V BUSINESS The young heir to the British throne is. .known as the smiling Prince, but in the pictures taken of him of. late. there is a hint of melancholy. . The exactions placed upon him may be to blame. He is! about the busiest man in the em pire. c He has to open a fair, lay a corner-stone or make some, oth er public appearance in some sec." tion of the kingdom, an overage of twice a day. Naturally, it keeps him on the Jump and when I he is not in the hands of his valet, being fixed up for the next show. he is in the keeping of a commit tee of British citizens: or citizen esses who think they are showing him a good time. To. keep this up day after day and month after month must be wearing even on a smiling Prince. -If he would get married ' and settle down the Britishers would love him as much and treat him with more consid eration. : A BARMECIDE FEAST A more ' elaborate' expression which we meet occasionally to de scribe making some one's "mouth water" and then disappointing The Biggest Little Paper in the World Move Rapidly Do this rapidly, and you will find that you are 'moving through the water at a fast clip. If yoa keep the finger tips higher than the wrists you will move head first through " the water; - if the finger tips are kept lower than the wrists, you will 'move feet first through the water. By doubling up in: a ball, knee drawn in toward the-chin, and sculling with the right finger tips higher than the L- wrist and the left-hand finger tips lower than the wrist, you Will move around in a circle and look like 'a wash tub spinning in a -mill race. Put Arms Behind Head Now, if .you can scull a little bit, put your arms-out In back c.J your head., take a good breath of air and start sculling.. You will move forward, feet first, your head will go. under water and gradually your whole body will submerge and you will be. travel ing along . under kater. looking like a submarine. Come to the top when you are out of breath. (Next week : "The Racing Back Stroke.") buy Buster the things he want ed. '. . , . .- ( It wasn't quite, a week now un til Buster's second birthday. .Dud ley thought" of all the things i would have liked to have bought his baby hrotber. as. he, whittled out two long slender ears for his wooden rabbit. Then screwing on the tiny hinges he fastened the ears to the side of the bunny'r bead and the -rabbit was done'. He painted it a bright, rosy color. Buster's favorite color, and set it on the shelf to dry.- Dudley had been working In his grandfather's bam. As long as he worked -at home Bueter Insist ed upon being with . him every minute so he had to go away if he wanted to surprise him. Bright and early on the little boy's birthday Dudley "went down to his grandfather's; to get the raDDit. He was quite pleased wun tne toy. Hurrying along home confident of Buster's Joy In his new plaything, he was stopped by a man. ' :-. :.; '. . "Where did you get that rab bit?" the man. asked. ' . "I made it." Dudley displayed his rose-colored rabbit proudly. Encouraged by the admiration In the man's eyes. he. , thawed him how the hig ears flopped up and : mm, or any uisumsionment I lowing a deliberate drawing c of one's hopes, is a BarmecL feast," The term comes to t from one of the "Arabian, Night, tales. j Barmecide, a rich and heartk merchant of Bagdad, as the stc. goes, is annoyed by the lmportus. Ing of a hungry beggar. He C vites the man to his home, when, with cunning cruelty, he has t before the famished creature oil great covered platter after. anotL. en . And when the beggar ralii the covers he finds the disfcu empty. ; . . , J j That is the original "BarmecLV feast." -Jean Newton In Los Aa geles Times. DRESS SUIT ISSUE IN MINNESOTA It is set forth as a good rea:; for putting a senatorial toga c the rather impossible Magt i Johnson of Minnesota that he tf - er wore, and would never wear, swallow-tall coat of the convb tional pattern. The issue is t ; new In American politics. Almc ; half a century ago Ben Butl had to meet it in Massachusetts. He was : criticized for making p litlcal speeches in evening dress; some of tne Boston newspapers made merry freely at his expensa. His answer was to put on tls 'fancy togs" and face his constit uents at Lowell with th's explan ation: "It's my business as a lav yer, 'most every day in the week, to meet some of the wealthiest and most powerful men In Boat'os, and, when I do, a sack suit ii what I wear. But nothing is too good to put on when I aDpear be fore the good and friendly voters of Lowell to -whom I owe ti much.-- lie -was cheered to Cj echo. Brooklyn Eagle, '. Miss Margaret Wilson, daugh ter of former president Wiisc . has become associated with tl Blow company of New York, i national advertising agency. Si;, prepared herself for the work 11 months course of study and wi:: be engaged in selling work. r Loads Of Fnn Edited by John M, Miller. WHEN IT RAINS CATS AND, DOGS Old myths irom .Norway con tain weird tales of the Influence of cats and dogs on the weather As the cat represented the rak the dog was supposed to be the wind , that 'accompanied the rain. Therefore, "to rain cats and dogs meant, to rain and blow. The dog and wolf . were atteni ants upon Odin, the storm god. In old German prints, wind it represented by the head of a.doj or, a wolf from which issue greal blasts. English sailors still say that a rain comes when the ship'i cat Is unusually frisky. Witch were believed to assume the form of cats and ride upon the storm. To hear, .the .expression, "It's the cat's nose," you would not understand what was meant at all. But In parts of Norway it would mean, "It's the northwest wind blowing." There r are - two other explana tions of the expression to "rala cats and dogs." One Is that .it comes from the word "catadupfl,'' meaning waterfall or cataract "It is raining catadupes." The second explanation is that it is a corruption of two Greek words, "cata doxas," which meani contrary to experience, or in an unusual manner. . Never Thouglit of That. Teacher:. "Rastus. am 'pasts' a common noun?" Rastus: . "No, teacher; 'pant' am an uncommon noun." Teacher: "How-come, uncom mon nouni" ... t- Rastas: ."Becoz. teacher, pants am singular at de ton an nluri.1 at de bottom." .'Was it your own Idea?" t:v' man asked. "Yes, sir." . "How miich will you take for the Idea? I'm the manager of the toy shop out at the edge of town. Those bunnies would sell like hot cakes, I'll tell you what. 1 11 pay you $30 for the Idea, and give yoa a 'royalty on all the sales." Without a word Dudley hand ed over his rose-colored bunny. Fifty dollars sounded like a vast fortune to him. The man wrote him a check. "Say, did you e.r make any other toys?" he asked. "I've made lots of them for my kid brother. Come home with me and! I'll show them to you. But wait a. minute, I want to go in here and get one of these furry rabbits for Buater. lie's wanted one for ever so long." . . - And from that time 'on Dudlc-r continued to sell hs wooden toys and little Buster had all the nice, soft, furry things that any baby could want. . . -..