The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' , . : i r . SATTTRDAY MORNING. JULY 28. 1923 "
imere ana laverywiniins
Raising the Family you couJdrtt tgma IKo for betna-Sfceptlcgrti
twit's the 6E5r
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
Win New York-Chica-(
. go Game Postponed
x i j r if if
' I - : 1 .. :, I i .is I
Y 6 - Jr ' .NS-X:
x ? it? N-t I I
CINCINNATI. July 27. (Na
tionaI.)Caveney's single, a ! sacri
ff lce by Harris and a sharp single
to right by Bohne after1 two wew
out In the last halt of the 12th
; inning today - gave the Reds i
to-1 3 victory over Brooklyn.
Score i - f ' , R.
Brooklyn . , ... 1 ...... 3
Cincinnati 1 .'v. ..'..'. 4
.Grimes and Taylor; Rlxcy,, Har
rls and Win go.
-XI. E.
9 2
12 3
Pittsburgh 8; Boston
PITTSBURGH. July 27.4 (Na
tional.) The . Braves staged a
batting rally In the last inning
of : today's " Boston-Pittsburgh' con
test but fell short and the Pirates
won 8 to 5.
Score ; .'. R
Boston' ....
15 2
12 2
..... 5
Pittsburgh . . i - . . . . : 8
'Oeschger, Cooney and O'Neill,
Smith; Meadows and Schmidt.
iL 2
Philadelphia 3; St, Ixu
ST.- LOUIS July 27. (Nation-al.)-r-Ring
held. St. Louis to four
bits and Philadelphia won its sec
ond straight game from St. Louis
today; 3 to 2. ' sU - :
Score ; Rj H, E.
Philadelphia ..... . . . . ? 0
St. Louis' ..... 2 4 1
Ring, and lWllson; Sherdel, Bar
foot and AInsmlth.
. New York at Chicago, postpon
ed, rain.
Ruth Hits 24th: Home Run
Washington Wins Easily i
Over boston :
( American )-NwTdrk made' a
tllkn sweep of the series with
Philadelphia. . taking the final
CamJs-todayj 7 'to 3. Ruth; hit his
24th, borne run of the season in
the first inning. Score:
NewaYork.. 7 16 1
Philadelphia .... . . . . . . 3 .9 3
Peonock and Schang; Naytor,
Hejmach and Perkins.
u .
t .
Beavers vjin in Tenth Inning
on Gressett's Scratch Sinr t
gie With Bags Full
PORTLAND,! Or., July 27.
Portland made it four straight
from Seattle by winning in the
10th inning
sett's scratc.
today, 5 to 4. on GreS-
u single with the bas
es loaded and two out. It was a
high slow bounder to second
base on wh en. Crane made a des
perate effort' to throw him out
but failed by a step.
pitched a heady game for Seattle,
most of the hits off him being
made after two were out.
Seattle .. .4 11 1
Portland .L .1 .5 18 2
Dell and Yaryan; Eckert and
.Washington 10, Boston 7
. BOSTON. July 27. (American)-
Washington defeated Bos
ton, 10 to 7, today. s Six runs off
Ehrake in the first and one in the
second inning gare the visitors a
.lead that proved enough, to carry
them through. ,
Washington . ....... 10 14 0
Boston ... .1. 7 12" 3
. Zahn;ser. Mitchell and Ruel;
Ehrake, O'Doul and PicinlchJ
. Minneapolis 6; Columbus 3. -x
Milwaukee 4; LouisTille 1.
Kansas City 13; Indianapolis 2
St. Paul-Toledo, rain. .
: Of course it may sound un
gallant. but the Turk men seem
to have abandoned polygamy af
ter, the Turk women abandone 1
the ;TelI. Exchange.
i X i , i . .1. i
Angels 4.2; Oakland 3-4
LOS ANGELES. July 27.-r-Los
Angeles and Oakland divided a
double header here today, the An
gels taking the first game. 4 to
3, and the Oaks the second, a
12-inning affair. 4 to 2. Los An
geles cinched the first' contest in
the seventy inning seevtog two
runs on two doubles and a single.
In the second game the Oaks
broke a 2 to 2 tie in the 12, scor
ing two runs on two errors and a
single. -'-' "i- " l
FirsC game: . R.'H. E.
Oakland .'. .... f . ' -l 3 - 0
Los Angeles 4
, Colwell, .Wells and
Crandall and Byler. "
Second game: , R.
Oakland .j. 4 ......4
Los Angeles J.: .......2
1 MurchloJ Mails and Baker; Ly
ons, Thomas and Baldwin. .
eg 3
H. E.
12 1
,9 3
Salt Lake lO. Sacramento 3
- SALT; LAKE CITY, July 27-
Salt' Lake defeated .Sacramento to
day by a score of 10 to 3. .
Myers pitched fine ball while
both Shea I and Canfleld were hit
hard. Moses Yellowhorse, Sacra
mento pitcher, - who stalked off
the diamond in Thursday's game
was fined 1250 by Manager Char
ley Pick todays He was not sus
pended. I
Sacramento .1 ........3 11 3
Salt Lake I.', i 10 14 0
- Shea and f - Koehler;
Crumpler and 'Peters.
Frbco 9, Vernon 2
Playing the first errorless game
ht the week, San Francisco and
Vernon displayed some good, base
ball today, the former winning, 6
o 2. The Seal3 now lead in the
loight-game series; 4 to 1. Rod
(Murphy scored the first tally for
the T'gers in the second "with a
home run Into the left ' field
bleachers. The teams were tied
in the seventh when San Francis
co made fire hits, scoring, four
runs. Only one strikeout was re
corded and Shea turned the trick.
Vernon , . . .....270
San .Francisco '. . ... ..6-13 0
Foster and D. Murphy; Shea
and Yelle.
Bearcat Football Team r
To Play U. of W. Eleven
"It never rains but It pours likt-
WeiBe'r Dellf the very dickens," with Willam
ette university. The latest poui
is the football game scheduled be
tween the Bearcats and the Uni
versity of Washington at Seattle
for the only possible date j left
open during the whole season.
Early last spring arrangements
were made for the m Bearcats to
meet a number of other histori
cal and legendary opponents with
only one Saturday left open foi
the whole season up to Thanks
giving day. ; This Washington
game fills in this one last vacan
cy, and the Bearcats are now
pledged for as strenuous a season
as anybody could wish to get.
- Coach Rathbun announced thir
new engagement this week, and
he counting on the team mak
ing good all down the line, f The
Washington game , will be on a
guarantee of 1200, which ought
to take good care of the expenses
for the trip. Some of the other
teams will be asked to consider
the new Willamette team as a
real contender and not a mere
sco re-fa tte ne r as the locals have
been for the past year or two.
Thefe is good promise that; they
will have to think a lot better of
the Bearcats than in the past.
Coach Rahbun has not seen the
boys in action but be is 1 sure
enough of some of his material to
be confident that they will work
into a powerful team.: '
The new gymnasium is certain
to be ready for use by thje open
ing of the university year Sep
tember 19. ' -
(Continued from page 1.)
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the greatest capital-nation.
Mr. Harding delivered his ad
dress in the stadium at the con
clusion, of one of the busiest days
of bis whole trip. He began his
visit with a review of the United
States battle fleet in the harbor,
and then in rapid succession par
ticipated in an automobile parade
through the business section, at
tended a boys' picnic, and ad
dressed Seattle Press club. .-Tonight
he with ,Mrs. Harding and
the members of ibe party left by
train to spend a week in Califor
nia, beginning a visit Sunday and
Monday to Yosemite national
park. :
lUtTr 'iuSZJX! hfe ,,U8t ls f conference after
mower. He cures the bacon for the ch amnion o bring home.
President's Transport L
Rams Vessel During Fon
SEATTLE. July 27. (By The
Associated Press. ( President
Harding and his official party re
turned today to the continental
United States from their visl to
Alaska and Vancouver and heir
ship narrowly escaped sinking the
destroyer Zeilin, one of the escort
ships, which, bllrided by fog and
battling with strong currents in
the channel off Port Townsend.
was thrown off its course and in
to the path of the naval transport
Henderson bearing the chief exe
cutive and Mrs. Harding, on their
way home. The destroyer was
seriously damaged and when the
Henderson continued its way to
port was left listing heavily to
port, a hole torn into its side and
three of 'ft sister ships holding
fast with towlines.
Officers on the bridge when the
ship3 collided give full credit - to
; - i:K ' -. V 'i ti
the quick orders of Captain Allen
Buchanan, commanding the Hen
derson, which they declared avert
ed an even more serious damage
to the destroyer and probably
...73 4T,
...6." 50
...59 56 1
... 56 - 59 i
....54 59 :
....52 60-;
. .53 B2 ;
San Fmnciiro ..
Portland ......
Lou Angel" .
Salt Iika
Oak laud ..
New York ..
Cinciaiiati ...
Pittkluirgh ..
hicajcu ...
t. Luia ....
. I.
. . 48
44 i
Xetf York ...
.'loveland ....
St. )xuis ...
ietroit ....
i'hir ;K., :.f
.V!hington : ,
... 4 2
,4 4
prevented it being cut in half? by
the big transport. According to
witnesses on the Henderson, the
destroyer was first sighted cross
ing th transport's bow, in a posi
tion to be rammed amidship and
too-close to the approaching ship
for it to avoid hitting.
(Continued from page 1.)
gate receipts. ,. Mr. Brown, ad
vance agent for! President' Hard
ing, informed the committee in
charge in no uncertain terms that
the president was not speaking
any place where admission was
charged. The manager held out.
thinking perhaps they would come
to hla terms, so the story goes.
McXary JoiAs at Eugene
Finally it was decided, in lieu
of anything els which could be
done, to have the president speak
at the . stadium In the afternoon.
Mr. Brown, who had come to Se
attle with a day"s program to fill
In for his chief which would last
until 11 o'clock at night, filled
out the day, completing everything
by 7 o'clock, and put down In his
little black . book, "President's
special leaves Seattle 7:15," or
something to thiit effect.
So the president and his party
are to arrive in Salem before
most folk are up, just because Se
attle didn't keep him for as long
as they could have had him. Se
attle had the president and did
not want him,
lem wants him
through Oregon
burg. .
apparently. Sa
and can't have
have him. There you are.
Senator McNary drove to Eu
gene yesterday afternoon and was
to board the president's train at
540 this morAing. The presi
dent's first appearance in the run
today is at Rose-
Citizens of Afghanistan Are
Making Strong Efforts to
Become Modern
KABUL, Afghanistan. July 27.
Citizens of
their effort to
have established a radio station
at Kabul. This
irig of the first
Afghanistan in
become modern.
follows the ope.r
telegraphic com
munication between Afghanistan
and India. ; Thre la now tele
phone line from Kabul to Kand
possible to travel
by automobile between these cit
Since the abolition of slavery
In January of J921, great strides
have been made im education in
boys' school.
There is a , new
caring for '150
youngsters under 12 years of
age. and a schoorfor women, both
at Kabul, and several ; primary
schools have been set up in the
provinces. Compulsory school at
tendance nas been decreed though
at present scarcely one' person in
a thousand can read and write.
For the first time In the history
of the country ! a press has come
into existence, and five periodicals
have T been, established. j"
The greatest difficulty before
the new government is the finding
of men competent to carry out Its
reforms.1 The old officials were
strenuosulyi opposed i to these in
novations, and it proved neces
sary, early In 1922, to depose at
a single stroke all the provincial
governors. ! The new officials no
longer wear national costumes,
but dress in amusingly ' correct
European fashion. Their offices
are equipped with modern desks
and chairs! j and i i government
lerks. have been forbidden to sit
ryi the floor i while performing
their duties. , . i
' Immediately following the ev
ening prayer und the swift, sun
?et, electric ' street-lights are
flashed on and military bands
march through the city. In full
uniform, playing for the popular
amusement. ... -
Oil Prospecting Progress
Is Discussed at Meeting
i 1
i 1 . i
A number of Salem business
men attended a public meeting
at the Chamber of Commerce on
Tuesdar night to hear something
of the progress of the Willam
ette Valley Oil & Gas company. '
' J. AJ Mills was, chairman, and
(spoke briefly on the, obligation of
the community to test Its own re
sources and to prepare to devel
op whatever prosperity nature had
given it. J. E. Wendell, secre
tary, reported on the progress and
the financial needs of the com
pany. ! Frank Derby, an enthus
iastic supporter of the oil pros
pecting movement, told "of the
value of the community support
as an advertisement of, local en
terprise, outside of the value that
ihe development of a real oil sup
ply would be. . Walter Fry. of. Sll
vjerton. . told of having two farms
that he would sell and devote the
money to helping the oil prospect
movement, i believing that it was
reasonable and sure to win. -,
Dr. H, E. Morris and George
Vlck both spoke scatteringly of
the prospects, and of the commun
ity obligation to test the oil de
posits that the work already done
have shown; to exist. Robert Ken
zie, driller, told of the physical
progress i and prospects of the
work, and expressed his faith In
the Willamette oil! fields.
Financial Statement After
. Year of Operation War
rants Continuation
CHICAGO, July 27. Chicago
has gone into the wGrand Opera
business, and after a year's oper
ation,! the financial statement
shows that the city is making a
success of it.. f
Backed by a regiment of guar
antors, who are to be found In
all walks of business, commercial.
industrial , and social life, as well
as by the general public, the Chi
cago 'Civic Opera company has
become almost as truly civic as i
public library or a public park.
The admission charged for per
formances, which is moderate and
considered popular.' though insuf
ficient as yet to pay the full cost
of entertainment. Is the sole mark
distinguishing the Chicago Civic
Opera from other civic institutions
with a general appeal.
There are 2,200 guarantors who
stepped to the front when Harold
F. McCormicg and Mrs. Edith
Rockefeller McCormick contribu
ted their holdings to the then Civ
ic Opera Association.
It Is now announced by Sam
uel Instill, President of the Opera
company, that when the deficit
for the first civic opera season,
that of 1922-1923. waslinally de
termined and '. made known, the.
guarantors responded immediate
ly and unhesitatingly - and ful
filled their pledges' without de
mur. ' ' ' . .
Mr. Insull says: "Grand Opera
in Chicago thus has passed Into
a stage of Civic Gwmd Opera, sup
ported by as representative peo
ple as would be met by the; tax
collector gathering j sinews for
city government. The method of
obtaining support closely appro
ximates the municipal state sub
sidies provided operas' abroad.
the. sole difference being that Is
Chicago' a ' preferred list of tax
payers of all professions under
write opera, while abroad, iz
many Instances, - financial los?,
are liquidated by general taxa
Canadians Saving Money
i Bank Accounts Indicate
OTTAWA, July, 26. Savings
accounts in banks throughout
Canada showed an increase of
f 9,33.3,259 in the year ended May
1, according; to figures compiled
'ny the government bureau of sta
Mstics. "'j ! j. '" f ; ; , 'I
On the basis of population sav
ings accounts amounted to $146
for every 'man woman and child
in the Dominion. Total savings
on May 1, the v statistics show,
amounted to $1,317,855,790 com
pared to $1,308,522,531 a year
ago- - : . . . , -' '
The Increase In 'savings, lt is
pointed out, is due; to the return
of 'prosperity and stabilization of
business ! conditions throughout
the Dominion. - t i T .
With our painting the sport
lines of the ; car are properly
accentuated and the color
scheme novel but appropriate.
For a different" and better
job let us quote you and offer
. - : :. Phone 037 J
210 State, Corner Front
Special Showing of the Nationally Known
. . .. - ! .
Swimming Suits
The height of the swimming
season is now here. To enjoy to
the fullest extent the benefits of
this invigorating, healthy sport it's
necessary that you be comfortably
and stylishly prepared
So Sw
wim in a
"J A N T Z E N"
Two-Tone, Rubber Ad
justable Swimming
Suit Belts 50c
. All Wool Worsted Yarns
Perfect Fitting, Beautiful, Striking Color Combinations
Prices Range From -
$3 to $7 for Men, Women and Children
On your vacation be sure to include a Swimming Suit for
Real Enjoyment
-4r.- I III i LA