THE OREGON STATESMAN. aALKM OREGON 'Friday MORNiNG;auEir27; 102 t'A7 , I- 4. ri i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS j Rat per word: Per insertion .. , Three insertions .. : On weak (six insertions) .. I On month .., .....j.... Six month contract par mo...... 12 months contract, per, mo Minimum for any advertisement. 2c I 5c j 8c j Oe j i15c I .12c 1 ..25c j , .1 I NORWICH UNION I , FIRB INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Barghardt, Jr. Resident Agent 871 8tata St. MONEY TO LOAN, ; On Real Eitat I T. K. FORD I (Over Ladd Bach Bank) NEW TODAY WAXTEI AT OREGON' STATE Taberculoaia Hospital, a aecond cook ' and a woman for laundry, dining room and kitchen relief. Board, room and laundry 1 furnished with each position, rkoa 433 or address Rt. S, Box 28. KOR . RENT TWO AND THREE room apartments with garage. Clot in. Phene 98F5. PRACTICAL NURSING, ASSIST hoasework. Phone 113. j I WANTED PLACE FOR SIX-YEAR old boy. Farm preferred. Would pay to 913 monthly. Address "E87' car ' Statesman. - USED CHEVROLET8 AND FORDS both open and closed models. Some exceptional bags in Ford eoapea, one 1923 Ford coop, lot of extras. Phone 22 or 1752M. - , ' ' - CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP T. i 349 North Commercial I f ! OUR REPAIR SHOP HAS ESTABLISH ed a reputation aecond to none! in Ore gon. Let' get acquainted. Jack Doer-fe.- Motor Repair. 410 8. Com'! St. BABY GRAND OVERLAND TO BE aaerificed for quick sale. Phone 666. WANTED j YOUNO LADY DESIRES . position in doctor' .office. Cam fur ' nish reference. ' Phone 1615 j . INSURE YOUR CHURCHES 'and achoola in the Oregon Fir Relief Asa' a. Low cost. Sfaadley M Foley. A rents. Fhon 347. j Special Beat hay mear Salem. 10 acre 5 mile ' cast, paved road, good 5 room bona, barn, large new chicken bona, good -water ay atom. About S acres in prune some berries. This place ia efferod at a bargain for 94200. Will tak email bona inn Salem; balanc long tima at 8. Thomason ! 331 Vk Stata - Good Material I ; Good Workmanship, "Low Overhead These ar things .that combine to make good auto top at a price you can af ford t pay. Walter E. Grunert, 238 - Stat St. -' "" ' ' ' ' !".-'-. Best Cash Buys I ! 4 room bungalow, partly modern, corner to:. 31350. i - :-'!' ? : j J HW WW! " , ' garage. ou. r 7 room modern bungalow, garage, fruit, 93O09. ' i " T room house, garage, 92750. j . Well paying lunch room, good location, 1 31658. t ' v I' Want n 935O0 loan on SO acre ranch at l rata Mnr. : Socolofsky, Realtor ; - y 34 1 State. , EMPLOYMENT LAWNS MADE AND CARED FOB CAIX 19131.1 - : :p: i! - L ' ,- I HALS AYS FE1CAXB j - i wajttid icen and- woket jto - tak farm paper subscriptions. A good . prooaaiuon to tno ngm yrvptm. ! 4 rest the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg., Salem, Or. ; . '.. , ATEXTION HOP PICKERS WE ARE registering picker for two of jth best yarda m Oregon. 117 acre. Mitoma yard near Independence and 30 acres Curtia yard near Talbot. Good camp - groan Je, teats, tables, benches, wood, sod clean strsw furnished free. Store . ea ground, mail delivered daily. About . three week picking beginning about I Sept 1. Register early. For further - iaformatma) call or phono i ROOTEIN A GREENBACK . 208 X. Caen'l St. I j DUBBIN A CORNOYER Over J. C. Penney store. 160 N. Liberty 81. Phono 491. Office hour 8 :30 a , 3 p. m. ; - j: -i - - : . :t tAT.T.lafTnT WAJTTED WANTED t 8ALESMEX FOR CITY work. Be Mr. Riley. Bligh hotel, be tween & aad 7 today. FOR RENT i. APARTMENTS FIVE ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- neat, close in. Adult. 465 Center. FOB RENT APARTMENTS. 891 NO. :, CommorciaL ; - - FINISHED APARTMENT FOR TWO i Adulta. DtMirabl location. Phon i 1516M. . ; . . ; ::l FLATS FOR " RENT FURNI8HED I MODERN f room flat, first floor, at 6 Frry oi, ws moath. jmmai poe sW. Pheaa 33. or call at Bute man ie"e office. BOTJSB LARGE COMMODIOUS HOUSE CLOSE ta. 891 I!. Cottage (first j floor fnr niahed). 8e Wa. Fleming. 84 1 But St. Phon 303 or boaae, l734Mr. ROOKS FOR REFT APARTMENTS AND : sleeping roan,. Leonard Hotel. 254 N. Front Street. i TUBES, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING - rooms and. one two room j furnished ; boat for rent. , Mrs. Rosa Marklo itch.;! 730 N. Front. ! ' I :-. PRINTED OARD8. SIZE! 14" iBY . . : riiig "Fnraished Room.j' pric 10 rnis eacn. . bistetmsa uusimwa v. ffic. Ground Floor. i ROOM ma, RKST NICE PLEASANT ) room for rent. 5 blocka from business a. i ""for. Genllemaa preferred. Phone ;., ;973B. ' t ,....:: '.i fUKTen fusna nrtti". l- wordiag 'TRooma to-Rent,'! prtco lo . ; .. . . t '"i eaca. tttatesmaa tJUSinese vr Gtud Floor: i FOR RENT Continued ROOMS PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "For Rent." pric 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, on Ground Floor j i PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT 36 PER MO. II. L. Stiff Furnitnre Co. : PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for. stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED WOOD SAWTHO WOOD SAWING, PHONE 1327. MISCELLANEOUS CHERRIES WANTED LAMBERTS and Black Republican. Highest prices. Can also use slightly cracked cher ries. Ward K. Richardson. WANTED EVERYTHING IX HARD war and furniture. Best price paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE ' A FURNITURE CO. 285 X. Commercial 1 St; Phone 947 I FOR SALE BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETS BULL PUPS FOR SALE FLAKE'S I. Petlaod. 273 j Stat. - j ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAI COFFEE AND LUNCH stand on Salem Public Market. Phone "1681. -. j . j OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD , metallic window and auto sign letter work. Phon 775, 3 to 6 p. m. daily. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO. 9150 Terma if desired.! H. L. Stiff Furm ' tur Co : j FOR SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY - piano left with os to sell. Price 9200; terms. H. L. Stiff Furnitar Co.. Mi ' si department. 1 i FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO .GET THE BEST farm paper. ! send 15e ttf th Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' : trial - aubacription. . Mention . Una ad. ly . .'( . ; ' POULTRYMENj SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal In the west. The article nd advertise ments are . of special interest to the poultry breeders' of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregon. PHONOGRAPHS I PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 3123.03 Victor1 3150.00 Victor 3150.00 Path .. 8165.03 Columbia 9 75.00 Victor .... .9 05.00 . 115.00 . 67.50 110.00 52.50 Terms aa low aa 91.00 per week H. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO. Phon 941. j 404-450 Court St. WOOD FOR SAf E 16-INCH OLD FIR AND secoad growth 4-foot. Phon 1BF3. :M. D. Mayfia'd. , i Best Grade of Wood 4 foot and 16 inch mill wood. 4 foot ash and second growth fir. 4 foot and 18 inch old fir. Prompt delivery and reasonabl price. Fred E. Wei's, 305 8. Church. Ph. 1542 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAI K WHITE SEWING MA chine, 96. 938W. DIRT FOB HAULING LINCOLN and High 1446. streets. - For hauling phone FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cent a bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman.- SWEET CORN FOR SALE ORDER Himalaya blackberries foKcanniag now ' Cucumbers, bean home grown. ' Ernst Infer, Phone 116F4, rout l.W-1, -." Salem. - : j ,' Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Or gon songs together with a fine collection of patriotie songs, acred song and many old-tim favor ' itet. v i : L ALL FOB 25c." (Special prices In quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school commun ity or horn singing. Send for 1 Western Songster 76 page now in ita third edition Published by 1 OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. . Salem. Ore. i AUTO DIRECTORY BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE . Station. Expert .battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros, Phoa 1803, 418 rerrji Court R. D. BARTON i EX1DE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South ; Commercial, i . I ' - - . ? ' TEMPUS TODD TEMPUS TODD A Record L. RJtff fiwtOOY WAS TBWMHb) ffOB re trAS V : L- -7 V-Sria&2L fw-WRilMY CAl.CCLtST-Ai.") I THAT lYou AN' HSft trAsJ I StTTIN' OUT HEAH, L V" flSuWNVi HOPBS VOU $ SPFAKv'J X JJf mss U is lr -lJi &i.t of arrtf-AM ife stwW truth, tmpus. xuse ,r r evenf . WSf? if f AUTO DIRECTORY Con, RADIATOR ft FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair. 349 Ferry TRACTORS A C. HAAGr A SX.. 444 FERRY ST. lhonj 210. Cletrae tractors.. Olirer im- piemen ts. - - ; TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-3 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wrecking House; 424 North Commercial. Phone 528. USED CARS GOOD USED OARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co.. 371 Court. FOR SALE OR TRADE CADILLAC four passenger sport. A wonderful car priced right. See Lee Eyerly. rear of Olesoa'a garage. VICK BROTHERS USED CAR f BULIETIX 1915 Studebaker-4 -9 75.00 Harfey Davidson Motorcycle 75.00 1919 Maxwell Touring .......250.00 Dodge Touring 375.00 ltfl9 Oaklanl Touring 350.00 Ford Touring 200.00 Buick-6 . .300.00 Case 10-18 Tractor, like new....500.00 Fordson Trvtor ...200.00 Samson Tractor . ..500.00 Arery Tractor 6 cylinder .....800.00 Light Truck 9250 up. VICK BROTHERS High St. at Trade USED CARS ' 1920 Oldsmobile speed wagon in A-l shape, $300. H21 Ford touring '. 9250.00 1918 Ford " touring . 175.00 1920 Ford touring with extra equip ment' - 325.00 1919 Chevrolet 150.0O 1918 Dodge touring 400.00 1917 Maxwell touring 173.00 Term : . BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. ' Phon 423 USED FORD CARS FROM AX -AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1920 Touring .. 8225.00 1920 Touring - 240.00 1920 Tourings .. 285.00 1921 Roadster 225.00 1921 Roadster 265.00 1920 Coupe - .'- - 885.00 1920 Coupe - 425.00 1921 Coup ..j, 465.00 1920 Sedan ..- 385.00 1921 Sedan . 895.00 1923 Sedan 525.00 1919 Delivery . 195.00 1921 Touring 290.00 1914 Delivery 65.00 1916 Touring 45.00 1920 Truck , 250.00 All ears guaranteed to be in good run ning order. 1923 license on every car. Liberal Terms.' Open Sundaya VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY J 260 Xo. High. Phono 1995 BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEX DAYTOX BICY cles and repairing; 387 Court. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING MISS E. S. SCHUETT. DRESSMAKING. Phone 1091, 265 X. Commercial, PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 cent each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, atamping and needle work; 328 Oregon Bldg., Phon 372. MRS. C. S. MILLER HEMSTITCHING tamping, buttons.- Room 10, over Mil ler' store. Phon 117. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court . St. W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAI1-ORINO. long costs and suit. Room 7. McCor naek Bldg. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. E. TAT.BOT. THE livestock, furnitnre and farm sales auctioneer, 202 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 470 for aal datea. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Architect. 510 Bank of Commerce Building. i :,. V- CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY 8WEEPIXG FURNACE 'cleaning. F. Councilman. Salem Hard war C. CONSTTLTINa ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION - Constructing Engineer. Surveys,, estir mate. Jno. II. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CLEANERS AND DYERS SPICK N SPAN CLEANERS AND dyer. Phone 195. . SAI. EM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits cleaned and pressed. 31.50. Suite sponged and pressed. 50c. 1215 S. Com 1. Phon 1898 Preparedness. BUSINESS CARD Continued i CARPET AND RUO WEAVINO , RAO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING ; Call before 9 a. mj. 84F21. SALEM CARPETl CLEANING AND . Fluff Rug Works f-Rag and fluff rugs i woven any sis without aeams. New " mattresses made to order. Old mat- ' tressea remade. Feathers renovated. L i buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff j rugs. 134 and Wilbur streets. Phone - 115. Otto P. Zwiicker, Prop. f CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 667 S. i Capitol St. Phone 1153M- DRUO STORES WM. NEIMEYER - "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial Phon 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC ICO. MASONIC ' building. Phon 1200. 4- H AM K ' S ELECTRIC SHOP EI-EC-trical machine repairing, contracting 337 Court. Phon 488. ARCHIE FLEENER; ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es- timatea furnished i Court St. Phone 98Q, 414 ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. t222 X. Liberty. FRATERNAL LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. 530 meet in Odd Pel; lows' hall every first, third and fifth Tuesday of tb month. All Orangemen welcome. FINANCIAL HAWKINS A ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. lowest rates. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 per cent, 303 Salem Bank of .Commerce MONEY WE L0AN r ON CITY OR farm property st low rates.. See us first. G. W. Lsflar. 410 Oregon Bldg. MONEY PLENTY OP MONEY TO loan at 6. Pay us back like rent. G. W. IsAFLAR 410 Oregon Bldg. farm; LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and 6Vi PER CENT ANDERSON A RUPERT Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. FARM LOANS Insuratc money, any amount 6 per cent, for 5, 7, 10.. or 20 years, with full prepayment privileges entire Willam ette valley HAWKINS! ft ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg., Saiem, Oregon FA RM LOANS longer time, no LESS INTEREST, commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, . lowest rates, monthly Installments, prepay-. Dent privileges. ). C. Sirgmund, room 2. over Ladd A Bush bank. FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE and pipeless; 198 8. 12th St. Phone 85W. I FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lea money. 873 Court Phone 464, PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 X. Commercial. I LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 S. I Liberty street. ' largest best. Phon 25. Oldest Establiahed 1889. YALE LAUNDRY' IS AGAIN IN A PO- aition to render; you the aame efficient service aa before the fir which de ' stroyed our old! building. All kind of ; laundry work also cleaning and press ' . ing. Phone your waata to 195 and we I will call. - , . CAPITAL CITY STEAM I A UN DRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 ' BroaJway. Phone 165. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths' snd decorations. C. , F. Breithanpt, Florist, 123 N. Liberty Street. Phon 380. JUNK JUMat WE BUY AND SEli. FURNITURE, toola. and junk. .975 North Commor ciaL. Phon 888. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ', Steam boilers, t plates. Perry : i Liberty. vulcanisera and tube C. Campbell. 317 X. WECHTER A SMITH MACHINISTS. ; engineera. - welders, Heald cylinder i grinding service. Phono 563-343 Ferry. PAPERHANG1NO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN I ADAMS FOR HOUSE . decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. ' Reliable workiqaa. TEN CENT KALSOMININE IX BEAUTI ful colors; 91 doe a room. Max O. j Buren. 179 X. Commercial. PA PERU A NGI NO. PAINTING, KALSOM l ining., E. R. Brock, successor to AuB- rey H. CTark. j First class work, 795 . N. Capitol, phon 1607R. Breaker. I BUSINESS CARD Continued MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. NURSERY. STOCKS FRU1TLAND NURStKY COMPLETE line tree. Offic 161 8. 14th St Phon 1140M. COMPLETE IJXE TREES SMALL fruits, ornaments. Capital City Nar , sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg, Phone 75. FRUIT. KUT AXD SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 237 SUte. .. . . PLUMBING PLUMBING , REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397-J. Shop 127 Union street. A. 1 Godfrey. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of ' all kinds removed, Cespoolt cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007 J. SOOd SCAVENGER SERVICE (Suc cessor to Nesl Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kind removed by tho month. Reasonable rates. Phones: Offir-e 529; residence 2058.. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE - BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and junk; 320 X. Commercial. Phon '492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CIOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Pnone 1368-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 in. high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks, i Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phon 124. TRANSPORTATICtT - CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central S'age : Terminal, Salem, Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m. ; 9:15 a. m.; 1.1:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. ; 3:15 p m.; 5:15 p m.; 7:30 p. m.; to Corvsllis only. . PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stat Terminal ttalem, Oregon. SALEM-8ILVFRTOX DIVISIOX Leaves Salem,, Central State Terminal; 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m Leaves Silverton New Stand : . - 8 a. tu.fl p. m; 6 p. so. Salem-Independence-Monmouth 1 Division: Leavea Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. 5)10 p m ' j leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. . 4 p. m.; 6:3fl p. m. i Leavea Central. Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dalla at: ; j 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m; 5:10 p m. Leave Gail Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a. m.; 1 p. in.; 0:15 p.' m. We make connections at Salem to all parta of the valley. Extra tripe by ap ' poin'.meat. v J W. PARKFR, General Manager. TRANSFER HAULXMO REASONABLE HAULING; QUICK SER vlee. Phone 1122J. Timm Transfer, 640 N. Commercial. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP H0USE ' hold goods. (Our specialty is piano and furnitur moving. W also make coun i try trips. We handle the beat coal and ...wood. Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good ; service. Larmtr Transfer Co. Phone 930 MOVING AND STORAGE REAS0NA- ble figure. 975 North Commercial, phon 568 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 . State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get - our rate. ' : VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA ware, glassware, toys, notions, and mil linery. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount ; on domestio flat rates paid in advance. Xo deductions for absence or any dause ualesa water is shutvoff your premises. MUSICAL A COURSE IX BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classics and 'ballads; 12 ' lessons. Waterman Piano School, Me Cornack BUg. : MUSIC STORES ! SHERMAN. CLAY A CO., PIANOS. Steinways, DuotArt and others. Moore's Musio House, 415 Court street. "GEO. C. WILL i PIANOS, PHONO- graphs, aewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines; 432 - State, Salem. . TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Music - Dept. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore' .Mu sio Hons " PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI- ano tuner. : Leave order Will' Music Stors. I " i ' - - " i - ' ' V ! PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALE M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 666; 173 S. liberty. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T.- DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 233. CHIROPODISTS DR. a. I SCOTT. GRADUATE KA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonie Temple. Phon 640.. DR. WILLITMS CORNS, CALLOUSES, ingrown nails; all foot-trouble. Price Shoe Co. Phone 616. CHIROPRACTORS DR. REDMOND,' 828 OREGON BLDG., Phon 957. DBS. 8COTT A SCHOFIELD. P. 8. C. Chiropractors. 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phono 87; res. 828-R. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC HEALING . DR. A. I. ! Frants. Acute and chWnic diseaaes. Phone 780. ,495 X. Commercial. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREO tors, 210 Center.; Phone 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AXD chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phono 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. L, MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physician ; and surgeon. Kirksville graduate. 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone, office t)19; res., 614. DR. JOHX Li. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394; res. 58F5. " " OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooms 301 to 304f GLASSES FITTED BY THE"BOW Op tical Co., 325 State atreet, opposite Ladd A Burh Bank. "Use Quality Proven Shur-ons." REA1 ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 83500 STOCK OF merchandise for Salem property. Comp ton Real Estate, 469 State St. FOR SALE AT MONMOUTH, SEVEN roomed house, concrete foundation, modern. Central lot 83x150. 92200. Mrs. O. Rash. Box 181, Monmouth, Oregon. FOR SALE AT 1090 NORTH 5TH street, one of the few strictly modern 8 room home in the city of Salem. It must be seen to be appreciated. Call any time Sunday, or before 8 a. m. or after 5 p. m. during the week. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7" wording ''For Sale. Enquire at." Price lO cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. i Bonus Loan Deals I have two new Bungalows that can be had on Soldier Bonua loan terma. Quick possession. See Wm.' Fleming. 341 Stat St. Phon 303 or House 1734M. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 8A lem property, lO room home, built sev en years, i Veneta .near Eugene on Coos Bay line.' 92500. Timber and mill vnrk ft . 1 1 M a nnrlaav j may tak over my cream, egg and poul J try business. P. C. Prstt, Veneta, vregon. SPECIALS 1 i fine lots, X. street to be paved soon, $a 50 each. 3 room cottsge, electric lights, bath tub not in. Lot 52x132, in good district, close to school and car line. 91050. S35UO to loan will divide. Wm. McLaren Co. 180 N. Com'l St. Phon 430 Good and Worth While " 5 room house and two lots for 81250. 4 room modern house in excellent order. Urge lot and bearing fruit. 92600. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, nice, lot on paved street, in. good order inside and out, $2200. Bath, toilet and electric light. 5 room house, modern except basement, $2400; 9400 down. i. A.. MILLS, 3311 Stste St. Court Street Property Located at 1389 Court St. 6 room house with corner lot 70x68 1 b e a r ing fruit. Price 3700. This property is worth more money. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. . 275 Stat St. 5 . ROOM NEW BUNGALOW EAST front, paved street 8000. New bungalow, corner lot, streets paved; 8r.8ou. 5 room bungalow all modern except fur nace. 92500. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Cottage St. Ii6 ACRES. 3 MILES NORTH OF Veneta. 90 fine timber. 12 cleared, balance slashed. Family orchard, 5 room house, good large barn and oth er bniilings. Land all fenced. Spring I water pitted to buildings. Value $iOfM. Trade for smaller farm, chick en ranch, garnge, or what have- you I Box 123 Falls City. Ore. Story by Story by OCT AVUS ROY CX)HEN Illustrations, by H. fcrESTON tAYLOR REAL ESTATE Continued FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM cottage close in. 92200 ;. 9700 down, balance like rent. '410 Oregon Bldg' FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM close in. ? 2 200V 8700 down, balance lika rent. 410 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE NEWLY BUILT 5 ROOM house, full basement and unfinished upstairs. Pric 93000, very good terma. - FOR SALE. OR TRADE 20 ACRE, It acre in prunes, 7 acres in logsns Good 7 room house, 6 mile south i 8. em. On account of sickness ownei will sell eery reasonable or tak aom ' Salem property in trade. Rich L. Rel niann. Realtor, 229 Oregon Bldg, phon 1018. For Sale New Bouse and -one acre good land close in. Must be sold. 9800.'; easy terma. New bungalow," not all finished. 6 rooms, 81200; half cash. 100 acres half timber on paved highway 8 miles out 97500. A Snap. ' .' P. L. WOOD j 341 State St. PORTLAND' RESIDENCE FOR SALE Very centrally located 10 .'room- .house. Hardwood floors ; full cement' base ment. Heated with new hot-air fur nace and Hector ks heating system. Modern gas and electric fixtures. In stantaneous automatic hot water sys tem. Dunkly ' stationary electrio vac uuin' cleaner. Attractive grounds oc cupying quarter of city block. Every modern- convenience:, everything in good condition. Within short distance of public and private schools and churches. Served by. two car ' lines. Address Sam Mishkind, 269 Oak street, Portland! -Oregon ' - - . TODAY'S SPECIAL . Three bungalow bargains. Each' one with a special reduced price for this week onlr. One cozy "bnngalow of 5 rooms, bath, electricity, fine lot. some fruit tree and berrit-s. 9500 down, balance , ,iV rent. Price for this week $2100. Another . bnngalow 5 rooms, bath, e'eetricitr, basement. Price reduced for this week to 82650; terms. ' . . And another one that is a dandy for 93100; good terms. Modern 5 room bungalow,' basement, fnrnaee, electri city, bath, wood lift, large lot. Garden lawn, flowers, th rubbery, best buy ia town. Immediate possession. See Child A Bechtel, 540 State St.' Special : A snap, 3 room' bouse, lights,- water, toilet, wood shed, coop. Nice' lot in gar den. For 9800 with 9200 down. A nice 8 room house on, paved street and ear line for 93300 with 100 down.l ' 4 room house 2 lots, good- buy for 91200 with small payment down. . 3C0 acre farm for rent. Thomason 331 State, St.- . DAIRY OB STOCK RANCH BARGAINS 353 acres 11 miles east of Lebanon. 40 acres under cultivation; 40 stump pasture, cultivable. 90 acres Santiam river bottom land : 600.000 feet fir tim ber and about 2000 cords of wood in standing timber. 40. bbl. custom flour mill; water. power; good buildings; .7 head cows; team and implements; well watered;, good road. Pric 911,000. A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. 40 ACRES NEAR GOOSE . LAKE, j-E-gon to trade for auto or truck. 8 room modern house, all modern con veniences, well located. 94000.. Can be bought on easy terms. . New 5 room house, well built-in. fire place, basement. ' A' bargain at 8380O; term. ' , ."'.,-'. : - :-' ' 5 room house on paved . street, . bath, , built-in kitchen, garage, 82100;. terms. Winnie Pettyjohn ;.J 216 Oregon Bldg. - FOR EXCHANGE AT CORVALLIS.' NINE ROOM MODERN house with full basement, east front and located one block from College. Will exchange for Salem residence property. If interested write E. A. Schwiening, 204 Kings Road, Corval li, Oregon. . FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT LARGE HAY AND, GRAIN farm. Box 5,- Turner, Oregon. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposala, endorsed "Pro posals for Heating Plant Build ing" will be received at the office of the Oregon State Board of Con trol. Capitol building, Salem. Ore gon, until 11-.00. a. m. Friday, August. S. 1 923. and hot thereaf ter, for furnishing labor and ma terial for construction of a heat ing plant building at the State In stitution for Feeble Minded, in ac cordance with plans and- specifi cations of the architect. A;, work to be included in general cor tract except plumbing and heating, and the erection of a steel water tank and steei tower, on which le.-ar ate figu;et. are to be taken., Drawings, specifications. ' and blank forms of proposals way te obtained from R. B. Goodin, sec retary Oregon : State Board of Control, Capitol building. Salem. Oregon, or from Jay H. OCT AW S ROY COHEN Illustrations by H. Weston Taylor Keller, engineer. Worcester build' mg.. Portland. Oregon.; The de posit ot a certmea cnecs in tn Bum of twenty-five ($25.00) dol lars will be required on each set rf nlan nnrl nnerlfifatiang and - r - m shall be returnable only upon the return of said plans and specifica tions,, in pood condition, withlu four days after recelYing same. Each bid is to be presented un der sealed cover, accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Oregon State Board of Con trol, in the amount equal to ten per cent (10,) of the amount of said bid, which check shall be for feited to the state should the suc cessful bidder fail to execute the contract within ten days (not In cluding Sunday) from date of notl- iicaiion or awara. ine xonirsc-, tor to whom award Is made will be required to furnish bond from a surety company authorized to do business in Oregon, in an amount equal to fifty per. cent (50) of the amount of contract. Proposals shall be made only on form furnished by the architect. The envelope containing same to be marked "Proposals for Heating Plant Building. State '.Institution for Feeble Minded." The right is reserred to reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for tha state. Dated this, 14th day of July. 1923. - ' R. B. GOODIN, Secretary . Oregon State Board of Control. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals! endorsed "Pro, posals for -Central Heating Plant" will be received at the office of the Oregon State Board of Control. Capftol building, Salem, Oregon, until 11:00 o'clock a. m. Friday August 3, 1923. and not thereaf ter, for furnishing labor and ma terial for the complete installa tion of a central heating plant. In cluding all steam and plumbing pipe, two water tube boilers, aux iliary apparatus, complete at the State Institution for Feeble Mind ed, in accordance with plans and specifications of the architect. : Drawings, specifications end blank forms of proposals may be obtained from R. B. Goodin. sec retary - Oregon State Board of ' Control, Capitol building, Salem. Oregon, or from Jay H. Keller, engineer, Worcester build tng. Portland, Oregon. The de posit of a certified check In the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dol lars will be required on each Bet of plans and ; speclficatlon-and of plans and specifications and shall be returnable only upon the return of said plans and specifica tions, in good condition, withlu four days after receiving same. Each bid is to be presented un der sealed cover, accompanied by certified check made-payable to the Oregon State Board of Control In amount equal to ten per cent (10) of the amount ot said bid, which, check shall be forfeited t the state should the successful bidder fail to execute the contract within ten days not Including Sunday) from date of notification of award. The contractor to whom award is made will be required to furnish bond from a surety com pany authorized to do business In Oregon, -In an .amount equal to fifty per cent (50) of the amount of the contract. ; Proposals snail be made only n frm furnished by the archi tect. The envelope containing same to be marked "Proposals ior Central Heating Plant. State In stitution for Feeble Minded." The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals'or to accept the proposal deemed best for the State. Dated this 1 4th day of July, 1 923 R. B. GOODIN. Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. SALEM MARKETS . GRAIN AND HAT . No. 2 wlieat - X- . mmrtmA . 91 l tf Cheat hay 13 $13 Oat hay :fZi-... : 2 13 Clover bay. baled .,..,.. I & 13 Prices-quoted are wholesale and are prices revived by farmers. No retail prices are given." escept as noted: EGOS. BUTTER, BUTTERFAT Creamery butter ... : 43 Qi .44 Butterfat, delivered - . . -40 Milk, per evrt. ..- 3 .SO Ej(2S selects ; . ,. ,24 StanlaHa : .22 Pullets , POULTRY Heavy bens . ' 1 Medium : . U PORK, MUTTON AND l!rgs. tup ljll-'.'i lbs., ewt Hogs. top. 225-275, wt Hogs', top, 275 300 lbs., cwt IJght sows evt BEEF .....tS.75 $8.23 ST.ft .. . 04 di 0114 Rough heavy. "Top veal, dressed .... Top etrers . : Top lambs ... Heavy-lauibs : BANANAS Red Cord, the diatinqsishi ..07 US 074 ,...05 .04 ...3.04Vi U. ..ot .. ov ag mark at quality fruit. Quoting crated, per lb. .114 r PORTLAND MARKETS I : : : ; WHEAT ; POBTI.AXD,' July 36. Grain futures: AVheat. hnrd white BH baart. July $1.03; Aupist. $1.03; Septeralier $1.01. Hot unit July $4.0J: August $1.1)1: Hptern- L le.- $1 Western white July $1.02: Aug ost $1."1; September $1. Hard winter Jul -..:' August ,4: HeptemWr .83. Northern spring July' .05; Aegust .94; ptemlter .93. Western red. July .95; August .94; September .83. CORN X. 2 KY shipment. July $.50 bid, $10 asked; August $37 bid, $39.50 ask ed; September $36 bid, $34 asked. Mill ran: Augutt $18 bid. $21 asked; Sep temln:; $17 bid. $21 aske L j HAT - Buving prtre, n,v rrnp, alfalfa $16 $18.50; clover $18 ftt $14: cheat $13; valley timothy- $18 ( $19; oata aad vetrh $15 fii, $1S; opt $14 (d, $15: straw- $9 ton. belling price $2 toa uwis....: ...... r , ... , ., :- . ....