't J? 1' f-.r-. li t 4 ! i I? Eeg on J . ; J ' , Issued Daily Except Monday br - THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY - - ' ' - 216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon (Portland OffUe. 723 K,ard or Trade Building, j Phone Beacon 1193) p MKMUK1' F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pi ess la exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all fietvs dispatches credited to it or rot otherwise credited fa this paper and also the local news published herein. , R. J. Hendricks - -8tepben A. Stone - Frank Jaskoski t TELEPHONES: Business Office - - - - '- ' Circulation Office Society Editor - -,- Job. Department - - - .-- Entered at the Postoftice In Salem, Oregon, as second, class matter. REMEDY IN FARMERS' HANDS V ''The fanners have the remedy; in their own hands, and the Jremedy is to grow less wheat, turn ing their attention to the growing of more sugar, beets, more sheep and more of other commodities W. of which thereJis a shortage m this country which - has to. be supplied by the importation of foreign - products." American Economist. i f V , : i Yes; and the writer in the American Economist might rzrL go further and still Remain within the truth ; He might say that if the American 1 farmers, with the help of the American capitalists and manufacturers, would live fully up to their opportunities, there would be no call for the advice to raise less wheat I V- j For there would be no surplus grown here ; it would be , all consumed in this country and more--!; That is, if the American farmers, with the cooperation ' of the statesmen and the moneyed interests and the manu ' fajcturers'ofUhis country would produce' all the sheep and : wool we need; and all the flax fiber and linen goods and flax seed we need; and all the sugar we need, and all the other things that may be produced as raw materials and turned out as manufactured articles in this country, merely in suf ficient .volume to take the places of our imports of such articles, there would not be a bushel of surplus wheat to exDortr- ; -'---':'-"!: -''.--.' . - ; I ,'' --- - '' We would need it all. t : a , Here is a" theme and a fieM worthy pf, the attention, of our greatest Americans in political, financial and industrial life. . ' ; :' ; : i ; r : :v.:-v,: HAWAnAN CANE SUGAR PRODUCTION Hawaii is the largest cane "1 I Things To po The ToeBoys and Girls Newspaper 'Copyright, 1823, Associated Editors. How to Give a (This is the first of a series of fix articles aboat the popular mar kroette show ' how to make one, and plays tp pat on.) " If there is a clnb or group of boys and girls in any neighbor hood that wants to make some money, and have a I very good time, too, a marionette, or pop pet show. is Just the- thing... Any one can make the- walking, talk ing dolls and the stage, end once you have '.thera yoatnay hold as many different shows as you wish. ' ' piako Stage First ' It is best to make the- stage ffraf. .tnr than VAfi-in maVa the ' , dolls to flt iCTae sUge. for aLThls hides, the. puppeteers who ii)atDet .how is last 2ik4 that irf IUnd on the bae&of the table and real theater, only very small. The v --best thing to make it out of is a wooden box about two and a half or three feet in slxe. which you ' can get at the grocer's. Have the t -boards of f on two sides and set 1-- - - - - -' It on a table so it is open at the front and top. Thns you have the fcTHE SHORT STORY, JB.J THE D. Lj. T. LOS. i - -r. Now who do yon think let it oat? What the name of the club was - - . about; : -.. " , Though they promised so well r" Five girls had to tell : That they'd talked Mots" there was little doubt. When I was a high school kid with a long braid, down my back, (yes, it was away back In the time before bobbed hair came In Btyle). X belonged to the D. L. T; U's. The D..L.. T. I.'s was a club a very select club. Anyway we thought it was select. Only North End girls belonged and then only If they could, measure "up to our standards in manners, morals, and ' mischief, especially mischief. If girl could think up exciting enough things to do we often overlooked! the first two pre-requisites. South End' klrls ' were green with envy. t 1 ;,The D. Lj. T. L.'si was a secret organization. What those tour - . . I - . I III THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON iatesmms - Manager Managing Editor Manager Job Dept. 23 CS3 10 683 1 .f sugar producing territory of Biggest Little Paper la the World Puppet Show- floor, sides and back . of your stages The top must be left open, so the puppeteers': may stand above1 and work the 'dolls. Finish Stage Like Real One To finish the front top of your like a real one, hang a stage "drop across, this being a piece of cloth 9 to 12 inches deep.. Fur nish the room, with doll furniture. Do nbt have much furniture, or the strings of the puppets will get tangled In it. ; ; , . ? M For your curtain, set your stage! on the table In a doorway between portieres which are pin ned 'together just over the stage. make the dolls act and talk (Next week; How to Make the DollsJ") i I ) - 1 Better Look Into It There is more to this submarine warfare than appears on the sur face. ; I ! .:; ' V - mysterious; letters stood for was the secret J : A. South End girl would have given her neck to find out. ! At least, , we fondly supposed that she would. But, as soon as the secret wat whispered to; the Initiated, . right after; she was made to eat onions and spaghetti with her eyes blind folded, she had to promise never to tell a single soul, That is the only way to keep: a 1 secret It is really a wonder that more people didn't guess our secret. We lived up tothe name so well that you would have thought any one would have known. D. L. T. U stood for, "Do little Talk lots." That as our name, motto, purpose, constitution and by-laws, all combined. ; ; . . , f I don't JJike secret organizations very-well4 5 It's so , awfully, hard always to remember to make every one you tell the secret to promise beforehand that she will never tell. But I am sure I did and so you can imagine how ter ribly surprised I was when one day our secret got out. . I can remember yet the conster nation when Philip, one of the boys in our; class, announced In the hall that D. 1. T. I stood for, "Do little, Talk lots.- And the contempt of the South End . girls now that ! they knew our secret! Oh. it was unbearable! 5 ,?E-' Of course, J didn't say anything I was scared to death because 1 remembered, that Philip's cousin the United States. It had 53 in nnprfltion in 1921. with It is worthy of note that out of this average only; 119,855 acres were harvested. This was due to .the fact that there are in Hawaii three crops of cane in the ground at one time. As one crop is being harvested, another is being planted, while a third is being grown to be harvested from six to ten months later. Cane matures in from 18 to 24 months. During 1921, Hawaii t produced 564,562 Itons j of raw sugar, or 4.71 tons per acre. The highest amount of sugar produced on, one plantation was 48,500 tons and the lowest 537 tons, the average being 10,652 tons per plantation. Of the total amount of sugar produced 488,869 tons were ex ported. ' ' . , .J This interesting information about an interesting sub ject was gathered from a bulletin issued by the Bureau of Statistics of the, United States Sugar Manufacturers' Asso ciation. Washington. D. C. Those who know anything about the sugar cane and cane sugar industry in continental United States will realize that the conditions are very different in Hawaii. It costs almost twice as much to produce a ton of sugar in Hawaii as it does in Cuba, while the cost in Louisiana is about three times the Cuban cost. It is thus evident that we must either have a tariff on sugar sufficient! to protect it from Cuban com petition, or else we must abandon the industry and allow Cubans to charge us what they please for the sugar which we consume. Without domestic competition prices would go "sky high." ; r j The Cherrlans are adrertteing Salem as the city of welcome. ;' If you are the most beautiful girl in Salem, be sure to enter the Petaluma poultry show contest. It is np to the Slogan editor to proye that this is a good sheep district that there should be at least a few sheep kept on every farm. You are invited to neip. FUTURE DATES I July 28. Saturday Printers and pub lisher of the Willamette railey to picnia at SiWerton city park. ; July 29, Sunday Union church aerricea. -' Willson prk ( ! July 30. Monday Second term ef Willa mette university i inmmer achool : to open. ' July SI, Tuesday -Annual . pienie of Marion Community Club federation. . tato lair fc-rounda. ,; f.,. j,"- August 1 to 29 Annual eneampment of Boy Scouts at Caseadi. ' - August 5, Sunday lfl2nd Oregon infan try to pienie at Clackamas. August 16-9 National guard rifle matches at Clackamas rifle range. - September 19. Wednesday Willamette nniyeraity opens. September 34 to 29 Orejou atate fair. Loads Of Fun Edited by John M. Miller. A Traveling Buterfly U Everybody knows that birds mi grate yearly to warmer climates as the1 chill of winter creeps through their feathered coats, but for a fragile butterfly to attempt & long flight across mountains so that his .lifo may endure longer in a sunny climate is a strange part of natural history. This mystery belongs to the large red monarch butterfly, one of the so called "milkweed butterflies" from the fact of its breeding on the milkweed, f U ' The monarch may be found In all parts of the United States and Canada during the summer. The insect here lives its life cycle of transformation from egg to grub, chrysalis and butterfly, and lays eggs on the milkweed plants. Then as autumn comes on, the butterflies collect in large num bers to begin a great trip to the south or west where they may en joy a mild winter. - Perhaps the most remarkable fact about these butterflies is that they seem to have an innate sense which makes! them seek; out the trees which j were the winter haunts of their parents the year before. Here ; they live until April, when the swarm scatters, and by summer the butterflies are dead. ; n. October ; their children, hatched from the eggs left on the milkweed, begin to arrive, finding the trees their elders left to them. was one of I the persons I made promise not to tell. If resolved never to speak to her again, j But it was' queer that none of the other girls i asked him how he found out. I went off down the hall feeling just like a traitor. Suddenly Agnes grabbed me by the arm. "Peg," she gasped, "it's all my fault. I told Philip's sis ter, but I never dreamed she'd tell. She promised she wouldn't." Just thn Milred pulled her away from me and at the same . time Helen grabbed my , other arm They both looked worried and 1 heard Milly confessing to Agne3 with one of my ears while at the same time I was listening to Hel en with the other. "Oh, I did it." she almost sobbed. "I told Aunt Edith and she's a good friend of Philip's mother, wouldn't tell." She I said she "Oh, girls!" Dot came tearing down the hall and bravely accost ed us all. "Yon girls will never speak to me again. I made Philip promise he wouldn't tell, but' you just can't ever trust a fellow., It takes a girl to keep a secret.' : I sugar cane plantation companies 239.710 acres planted to cane. This consummation would mean millions more of wealth in the Salem district. Whrf art the three i prettiest girla in the Salem district? All the town3 of the Salem dis trict' are invited to get into the poultry contest. Perhaps one of the three prettiest girls in the Sa lem district is in Silverton, or St'ayton, or Turner, or Aurora, or Hubbard, or Dallas,1 Independence, Monmouth, Dayton or Falls City. Lost, strayed or stolen the Democratic party in Minnesota. . Senator Underwood ; is back from a trip to Europe : and says he must have time to make up his mind as to what he wants to do about running Jor president. He possibly wants to consult Father-in-law Woodward first.- Ex change, i , ' As a result of the visit oi President Harding to Alaska he finds that the woes of the country have been largely magnified. Many things require adjustment, but the principal idea to be incul cated is to make Alaska a perma nent homeland of tomorrow in stead of a bonanza land of 'today. Tn the meantime the capitalists who are seeking t'o grab all the things worth having in Alaska must and will be restrained. Much fog has been cleared: from' the Alaska situation by,, the vUit o( the president. . M' The allies are getting out of Constantinople again, j Now ir something could be done about the dogs. Since the adoption of prohibi tion, in 1917, the consumption of milk in the. United States has in creased from 84,612,000,000 pounds to 102,562,000.000 pounds. I, More babies get milk now. More workmen! carry a milk bottle instead of a beer can In their dinner pails. Exchange. POLICE BUSINESS Lots of folks need jacking up every now and then. The police department reports to the mayor that 93,438 persons were charged with misdemeanors in Los An geles during the year ending June 30. This is about 50 per cent' higher than was ever known before. There were 82,488 con victions, so that there must have, been something to the charges. It seems, however, that 59,189 of the cases were for violations of the traffic laws and ordinances. This is a new business for the courts that has been developed within the present generation. There are still numbers of drunk ards and bootleggers, but the speed- maniacs outnumber - them three to one. Los Angeles Times. HELP FROM FAILURES Our past failures father our fu ture philosophy"; today sprang out of yesterday's folly. Each day is indebted to the sufferings of the day before. Education is even the child of sweat and groans.- Arkansaw Thomas Cat. ' ! THE WEDDING RING ; There are now fourteen differ ent styles of wedding rings, while in , grandmother's day there was but one. There's only about one pattern of ball and chain, but it seems to hold 'em better than a dozen fashions in wedding) rings. There is no safety (In numbers. It would seem that by introducing variety In bridal rings some folks developed a passion for a full set. BOTH ENDS MEET; ; In an eastern town ah under taker proved also to be the com munity's favorite bootlegger. The two occupations seem almost hap oily interlaced. There was no waste in coffin varnish of em balming fluid. After he bad serv ed a customer faithfully In his capacity , of bootlegger he could put on his crepe necktie, call in a handfull of pallbearers and complete the other angle of b's profession. There was no robbing Peter lo pay Paul. ; He was simply playing double-headers. - THE RIG XOISE Magnus ! Johnson says he was elected to ; the senate because of the principles he stands for. As a matter' of fact he" was elected because of the voice he sits up with. ' ;. THERE'LL BE XO i'OllE Some Canadian; Burbank is said to have propagated a coreless apple." - At that, he may have tak en a lot of joy out of life. The core had a deilnfite value in child hood days and arts of diplomacy and merchandising were exercis ed In it's procurement. Save the core. ' . v -: -. BAD ACTORS It Is reported that fifty-five Wobblies, including most of those recently sent from this county, are now in the bull pen at' San Quentin. (They re guilty of mu tiny against prison , regulations. They will not do any of the work assigned them', nor will they ac cept the discipline of the institu tion. They cannot behave even in the penitentiary. Los Angeles Times.' v '' . j i : LITTLE TELL-TALE DUKE Evidently fired j with enthus iasm by the spectacle of the suc cess and. publicity achieved by Margot Asquith in her all-revealing biography, the Duke of Man chester has ransacked the treas ure, chest of his memory and pro duced a thrilling , article in the Sunday Herald of London. ,. The Duke has been known for years past as an indefatigable and pro lific writer jof features, but the Iate3t article! has aroused the most excitement, as it reveals con fidences and secrets between him ind sundry-American millionaires when he visited this country as an eligible bachelor in the long ago. The article teems with informa tion regarding the fond and rich fathers in this democratic land who endeavored to lure him into matrimony so that the family might sport a duke as a son-in-law. Names and dates are freely furnished,' as is the fashion in modern English revelations. One famous mining man Is re ported as saying, "Now, Duke, what will you take to be my son-in-law?" and when his grace re fused the proffered , honor the daughter naively inquired if it was because her father's offer was too meager and' would - he make her his duchess if she doubled the amount of cash to be given him? Innumerable other episodes are recounted1 of the attempts of the irst families to ensnare him and we might' wonder at his courage in turning down such offers were it not that he informs us that, he Was already madly in love with the girl who became his wife. Now a discussion is raging " in London as to whether the Duke has -violated the traditions of no bility In revealing ' these hitherto buried secrets and gaining so much publicity. Inasmuch as his grace states that he is divided be tween choosing a career in the Hollywood films or the Canadian gold : fields, with his preference for the former, there may be method in his bid for wide public ity. ' - In the circumstances one may be pardoned for joining in the wondering inquiry of the young lady' whom he scorned. SENATORIAL INVESTIGATORS Senator Brookhart of Iowa has returned to Washington from Eur ope, ' after a sojourn of several weeks as the guest of the Bolshev ik! at Petrograd, with what he considers very valuable informa ion for the state department. So great was his concern that he has tened to call upon the secretary of state the morning o't his arrival in the national capital.1 Judging from the press reports of his interviews with the news paper men he seemed to expect that the recognition of the Bol shevist government would be con cluded before the day ended. La ter dispatches indicate, however, that Secretary Hughes was not very powerfully impressed by the information imparted ; by . Senator Brookhart. t , ; It is possible that the secretary of state knows something concern ing the ' record j for accuracy of Senator Brookhart as an investi gator. Before leaving for Europe the Iowa senator did some inves tigating concerning the operation of the American railroads. On March 14 he disclosed to the Prairie Club at Des Moines what he had discovered. He said that the operating expenses of the rail roads in 1921 and 1922 under pri vate operation were Jl, 200, 000, .000 more per year than in 1919 udder government operation, de spite the-fact that the wages paid employes; were less than in 1918. Like most of the senator's gen eralizations, this would be highly important. If true;' for it would indicate, that the railroads were charging excessive freight rates to cover what might be termed "'wa tered" operating expenses. But the official reports of the inter state commerce commission are a flat contradiction of the senator's figures. In 1919 the operating ex penses of the railroads were $4, 399.715.515. In 1922 they were 14. 455.650.215. an increase of less (than 156.000.000 In place of $1,- 200,000,000. - . : ; Accord 'ng to the Interstate u FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1923 commerce commission reports, the wages paid to railroad employes averaged f $179 a year more in 1921 and $136 a year more In 1922 than J919. -It Will be recall ed that congress increased the pay of the employees at the time the roads were turned back to their owners, so the- railroads are still paying war-time wages. If the average wage had been no higher in 1922 than in 1919 the cofetof operation would have been $214,000,000 less. When one stops to consider how far. Senator Brookhart missed the mark-in his statements concerning-our railroads, where he had every opportunity to get the facts, one begins to appreciate how much confidence the secretary of state would be Justified in placing in his reports ' concerning condi tions in Russia. Senator Brookhart is one of the class of investigators who have a faculty for seeing only what they want to see. They make up their minds about a condition first and investigate afterward; and every thing that fails to conform to theirpreconceived opinions Is re jected. ; ' : No one will seriously doubt that' the Bolshevik! were prepared to supply the Iowa senator with sta tistics to prove any assertion he might want' to make. They have a way In Petrograd of supplying statistics while you wait. If Sen ator Brookhart desired to place his plea for recognition of the so viet governmtnf on the argument that the per capita wealth In Rus sia is now greater than that in his own" country the soviet commis sioners would have supplied him with duly attested statistics to prove that assertion.'' When a reckless investigator offers the testimony of scoundrels to support his assertions the sec retary of state is justified in mak ing a few Independent investiga tions before he' acts.' The state department has maintained un prejudiced investigators in Russia forthe past two years; and it is upon their reports, not - those of strolling politicians, that the ad ministration relies for its informa tion. ' . In his interview Senator Brook hart relates that he visited . the French foreign office in Paris -and supplied it with, the information he had gathered in Russia about the stability of the government and Its willingness to side with France against Germany In return for French recognition. As the French government also main tains its own investigators in Rus sia it would be interesting to know the opinion of the head of the foreign office concerning Ibe competency of United States sen ators as Investigators. Some other senators, by the way, have been making personally conducted investigation tours in other parts of Europe this sum mer. It' makes one fairly shudder to consider the mass of misinfor mation that will find its way into the Congressional Record when they are given "leave to print" what they found when congress reconvenes. In Hundreds and Hundreds of Bargains all over this Great Store. Now the time to Buy. Many Things You Need at Extraordinary Savings. It's the Greatest Sale We Ever Held YOUR MAIL ORDERS receive careful attention. We pay express or parcel post within radius of a hundred miles. . Did the three most beantiful women especially the daughters of poultrymen in the Salem dis trict note the offer to send one of them to be Queen of Egg Day at the Petaluma fair, in the 81o gan pages of The Statesman of yesterday morning? It Is a chance to advertise this section as' a poultry producing district and It costs nothing; nothing but the trouble to send In the two photo graphs. We will win If we lose win the chance to show the peo ple of the greatest poultry district on earth, and ; poultrymen every where, that Salem Is a poultry center and aspires to the premier place in the world in this respect If we win, the Salem district lady chosen will have a free 'trip and a wonderful time, as the guest of honor, of Petaluma and the coun ty that is the home. of ! Lutber Burbank; and she may,' at her ROSTEIN & HIGH CLASS NEW HAND BAGS AND VANITY CASES 100 different; kinds from which to make your selec tion, i The most desirable, and are now so popular. Most dependable materials and workmanship. Hand bags in paisley, moire, silks and leather novelty vanity cases. If interested be sure to look over this big assortment i Mercerized Suiting White Only Yard 94 Unbleached Sheeting .. Special Yard 28c 50c SLIPON SWEATERS Children's all wool new styles slipons. Green with tan trims. Tan with brown trims. Very pretty and durable, price only $2.50. Fine wools, Angora trims $3.00. Ladies' wool sweaters, $3.25 and $2.50. . .. Ladies' All Wool Bathing New Collar Laces - Jap Crepes The Very Latest Beautiful Colors' 8 and 10-inch Width Good Grade , Yard . 'Yard. - . 75c '25c Wall Patterns "Ladles': .. Lace SOc Oil Cloth :- Union --Curtains Brassiers Yard Suits Pair 3 for 25c 48c $1.25 $1.00 Nashua Wool Nap , Ratines " Blankets 66x84 f Blue, Pink " Pretty Plaids and Yellow Pair $5.00 J -- Yard 69e-r- Turkish Laces Cretonne Towels -Towels Yard 36-inch 23c 1 7c 5c; 25c MILLINERY DEPARTMENT New Fall Hats, t Velours and Felts. Reasonable Prices. 240 and 246 N. COMMERCIAL STREET ly Gleafaece Will soon pass his into Only 'four days left. Salem Stor 4BO State, fit, option, choose one of the contestants as her chaperc.. any other lady. And her chaj will also have a free trip aaj tertalnment. Please hurry the photographs. Let us , think of missing the chance. Bavaria Seeks Water For Power Pure MUNICH, July 26. Ban will have one of the world's gr vest power plants when the car ization of the Middle Isar R; Is completed. Seven thousand workmen t engaged in constructing at bed for the river which will nu it possible to develop an elect current aggregating 480.000.C watt hours yearly. This will i suit in a saving of 500,000 t. of coal annually, the cost of wl; has been estimated at 400,0. 000.000 paper marks. GREENBAUr. MERCHANDISE 36-Inch Silkalene sSpecial . TYard . 15c Gainsboro Hair-Nets Double Mesh,.- 10c 75c VOILES FOR 47c Dark grounds, woven voiles, small neat patterns, 47c. 65c voiles for 29c. Dark or; light colors, plain or figured extra good values, only - 29c yard. Suits, Pretty Colors, $4.75 Sale toiry. Portland Silk Shop 883 Alder St. t