THE OREGON STATESMAN, SAL&M, OREGON thuhsday iro?.Nii: TTTT.TT .r i ir.n , Mi:' J U 1 i . 4 ; E Forty-Mile Line Over Desert From Lund to Cedar City Is Projected SALT LAKE CITY. July 24. A 40 mile railroad over the desert between Lund and Cedar City, rushed to completion in S7 days at a cost of $1,049,000, was one of j the incidentals In the recent reception by the state of Utah to President Harding. .-'..'... in April 2, last, the right of way men, acting for the Union Pacific railroad, , secured, posses sion of the needed ground for the construction of the railway from the ' Salt Lake route main Tine at Lund to the entrance of ZIon National Park, and on the same ' day the first scraperf ul of earth was turned on the grade. The contractor strung his men out in sections and as fact as the r section was completed, the track laying crew took possession and the ties and rails were set in . place. Crowding upon their heels was the ballast crew. And so the work was rushed toward Cedar City. ; - "'v.. In the r midst of this orgy of toll came word that the President of the United States would risk Zion Park, providing ' the track was' in shape for his big special train upon his arrival in the west. Every man on the system from the highest executive to the lowli est Section hajid plunged into the work with redoubled energy. ' Whereiip there came the an councement that President Hard ing's trip to southern Utah had been cancelled, . and the work dragged. - : But again came cheering news, definite this time., that the pres ident would come. Ignoring dust , and desert heat, the men plunged Into the Job again, determined to finish the road In time. Only 48 hours before the arri val of the president' train the depot site at Cedar City was strewn' with foundations and de . bris left: from the removal of houses that had been carted away -or torn down. Ballast trains brought In clean white gravel. An approach 20 feet wide for auto mobile travel was graded and surfaced and grounds were roped off. ! - ; A " t - Twelve hours before the pres ident's , train was due the elec tricians were- erecting poles and .stringing the lights along the railway track and the station :-yard. y Y Y Y The superintendent of the work rode into Cedar City on a pilot train, ahead of the presidential ! train and met his yard foreman. who was just completing his sec ond continuous 24-hour shift that week. ; He was covered (with dirt and grime and a half-Inch growth of rough beard bristled on his Kace. I I I The superintendent pre ailed ; upon him to get cleaned 'up and take a little nap before the president arrived. The-man dragged himself into a car within 600 feet of the spot where the president's special was "parked." and slept so soundly that he nev er even saw the highest executive t During the construction' of the f new branch, ballast trains bring ing gravel were given right of way over every other train on the Salt Lake route main line. The biggest day's output was 119 cars. In the 87 days nearly one-half million tons of gravel were haul ed an, average distance of 100 miles.; , . ' i Radiator Stethoscope .... Hew Device to Save Coal CHICAGO, July 25 The leaky VadJator and the 'radiator ' that sounds like a strige in a boiler factory must , go. The research committee of the National As sociation of Building Owners and Managers declares it has discov ered means of saving thousands of tons of coal a year by prevent ing wastage of steam. The committee has Invented a stethoscope. It works quite like the one the doctor uses when he tests your 21ungs or your heart. The escape of steam in the radia tor traps can be gauged the way the doctor finds out about a mal functioning heart. The stethos cope i placed against the radia tor trap and the operator listens to the music of the steam. Whe ther It murmurs, gurgles' or pounds, the radiator trap doctor knows Immediately what the mat ter is by using bis stethoscope. It is claimed. The committee In charge of the ; work was headed by Col. Gordon Strong: of Chicago, assisted by -professors and ' students otLewis Institute.' where the actual test- Ing was done.- ' j . . , . . -UVESLEY NEWS : ; XIVESLEY. Or., July 24- Fred Fltznater of Cal. visited dur ing the week with his sister, Mrs. Bud" Stutesman. Gordon Greenstreet of Portland is spending his vacation with re latives and friends at Llvesley. Fores Edwards and family spent the week end t the coast, DES HI SHE TO ORDER THREATENS i I v j "C 1 . 6 v- f 7f'3itk I i? Af l 4 y : k - : "V j , sskt i ' J ) ; j ? - . ? n - ' : - - ! . . i ' I in LJ .J.I.JII1II ! 'trK-. I Mrs. Jack Edwards returned with them after about two weeks stay at the beach. - ;.t' ; Earl Blankenship has gone to eastern Oregon to help in the wheat fields. , Miss Alice Wood had the mis fortune to sprain her ankle the fore part of the week, but at this time it is much Improved. The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman McDonald, are spending their honeymoon at Newport and beaches. j . Miss Alta Lefley who has been visiting with her aunt in Albany "or some time, returned home during the week. I - Marie Fitzwater is visiting with her grandmother In Portland dur ing the week. 1 ,. C. D. Query, Floyd and Julia Query Gordon Greenstreet and Francis Dressier attended the mu sician's picnic atiWlllioit Spring Sunday. All report a good time. L YMCA Institution in Berlin Attracts Russians From :"; Many Countries BERLIN, July 25. Forty-two hundred Russian refugees, scat tered all over the face of the earth are taking courses in the corres pondence school which the Amer ican Y. M. C. A. is conducting in Berlin. " . . j ; j " A hotel porter la Cairo is stu dying bookkeeping. Three Rus sians who have sought refuge in Tunis are studying farm organiza tion. Eight refugees In Turkey are taking courses fn stenography. A ; former Russian officer who found work in France oiling steam engines Is taking ! a course in steam engineering, f Down in the heart of China one Russian is taking a course in road building. Six Russians .in Cyprus are studying radio! telegraphy. A Russian In Brazil is taking ma chine drawing, j Bulgaria has a larger number of correspondence j students than any other country 864 In all. Most of these are studying math ematics, but there j are also many there who are taking courses in farm organizations' and bookkeep ing, and 127 Russians In that country are taking electro-tech nics. t Eight Russians In the United States are taking courses from lhe Berlin school.; most of them mathematical courses. But Bul garia, Rumania; Jugoslavia, Cze choslovakia. Poland and uerm &ny the ; countries where the greatest number of Russian refu gees are. lead all others in their enrollment. Poland Is second with 810 mall students. The new Baltic; states, Latvia, Lithuania and Esthonia. arealso well represented in the list, hav in from 150 1 to 400 students each. Algeria,? Morocco, Syria and Palestine also are represent ed. "The 14-year-oid bad man" Is the latest thing In burglars. But wait till the "GJyear-old porch climber" comes along HUM SCH LURES REFUGEES MRS. MALLORVS TENNIS REIGN. MISS HELEN WILLS TO Interesting Paper Read By Brigadier-General F. H. Williamson LONDON, July 25. A most in teresting and - Instructive paper was read before the International Air Congress, recently In session in London, by Brigadier-General F. H. Williamson, director Of postal services of the British gov ernment. General WillianfxiD predicted that the United States, Canada, the West Indies and other parts of the North American continent would soon be linked up by air with Great Britain. Connecting air lines would also run to Egypt India, The Straits Settlements. Australia, New Zealand, and Af rica. "It- Is not rash to predict," said he, "that the next generation will 'see its railways and its steamships supplemented by a complete system of communica tion by air." ; f ; General ""Williamson . said the Cairo - Bagdad air mall service, now in operation, saved 20 days over the old land route which ran via Bombay, Karachi and the Per sian G'ulf. The mail planes cov ered the 850 miles in a single day. Discussing the future of mail transport by air, the speaker said that the conveyance of the whole of the malls by air was an un likely development unless and un Quality ROUTES IN AIR COVER EARTH IN PRINT1NOUI reflect your personality in yourBusiness. Correct office forms and busi ness stationery increases effic iency, accuracy, economy and pleasure in --. . ' i : 1 Our commercial department is equipped to give you immediate and satisfactory service at prices that are right. Suggestions at your request. The Oregon Statesman Commercial Printing Department r Is Mrs. Mai lory s reign i as queen of American tennis about to end? Close students of the sport Jwtto think so are basing their belief on the rapid strides made by her strongest rival for the title Miss Helen Wills of California. This seventeen year old California girl who, at ; fifteen, beat some of the I top ; ranking stars of the country and. was rated twelfth natlon- ally. Is to play her first match in the East in the Seabrigbt i tournament, which opens on July 30. and critics will see for I themselves just how ' much i nearer she has moved to the f top of the tennis -standing. til there is a very marked change in the cost of air transport, and in the financial limitations under which postal services are compell ed to work, limitations which re quire some sort of proportion be tween the postage charged and the cost of transport, j : ; "Moreover," the General added "an essential condition of mall service is regularity under all conditions, in all weathers, and at all times of the year. It Is commonly assumed tnat ir a me thod of transporting mails can be devised which is considerably more rapid, even if more expen- I sire, than anything already in existence, there is an immediate public demand that it be used for the carriage of mailsj There Is, of course, some truth in this; but the experience that the Import ance attached to the mere speed of mail communication can easily bo exaggerated. : "It Is probable, therefore, that for a long time to come air mails must be limited to urgent corres- pondence on which a special fee is charged, and that such corres pondence will only be a relatively small fraction of the total mail. The actual volume of air mall carried will depend on three fac tors, regularity, gain In time, and cost of conveyance; that is, exact ly the same conditions as those on which the development of passen ger and goods traffic will depend, and to which the technical devel opment of commercial aviation must be directed." ! hoison ivy TorliT itch and sn and smart DDly II lightly do .not V8S lightly do not rub in do Run your Business. " I - . 1 and estimates given n Adele Garrison' -w Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER NO. 363 THE MESSAGE DR. PETTIT CAVE TO MADGE As Dr. 'Pettft drove his car ud bealde burs. I noticed through my U?rrur,.. us if one, part of iuy brain were working .-mechanically, 'that e threw the gear into tirst im mediately upon stopping, evident- r with the lash of hurry in get ng away spurring hitn on. Al- mp3tV without my own volition I put my own gear in equal readi ness for starting oft at once,1 lis tened tensely to his reDlv to Dicky's queiy as to what had hap pened. ( "I don't know," he replied tersely. "Jerry Ticer telephoned me to come to the larm at once, and said f I saw you to tell you to hurry, fhero had been an accident. Jood-bye." , At the last, word he released his . clutch and the car shot for ward. For a second the sky and earth seemed to merge and re volve around my bead, and I heard Dicky's voice, strained, wild with anxiety, gasp:, "Shall I drive?" j- But I had pullea myself to gether and sent the car forward swiftly. 'Keep Quiet !" "No, It would take too much time changing seats. I'm all right now." I heard my voice utter the words, end it sounded like that of some stranger, it was so .hoarse and creaky. ! I had delayed but a second or or two, yet Dr. Pettit's car was already far down, the road. With the thought that my baby might be dead or dying at the end of my journey for like all mothers, my fears flew first to my child I was sending the car madly along, forcing it to its utmost speed, when Dicky spoke again. ."You can't catch Pettit, Madge, m isn Is the Eighth Anniversary of the Great RE 0F The Most Serial elations of T? f. ror eigiiL "REVELATIONS OF A - i '.Y ; ' Y ; I '' ',',' 4 You can start reading this famous like meeting and making new friends He has a powerful car and the start. And this road isn't very good, especially that turn." ; J Hh voice was low and controll ed. It I had been myself I should have realized that he was crush ing down his emotions, was watch ful of every complication, and that he feared my hatse might result in some accident which would delay our arrival. But to my overstrained nerves his words simply meant that' he was being over-cautious, and that the im pulse to criticize anything I did was stronger than his anxiety for Junior. I turned my'head Toward him and, fairly screamed at him: "Keep quiet and let me get to my baby!" . , As If the car' were a sentient thing, and knew that the j brain directing it hud baen drawn aside for an instant; it skidded, rocked, swayed and for a sickening, heart stopping flash of time I thought we were going to topple over into the ditch at the side of tha road for which i" seemed headed. How, I ever managed- to get it under control and started in the right direction again I don't know, but In some manner I accomplished ihe feat, and, 'white and subdued, slowed my speed down a trifle. Anxious Moments. "Sorry. Sweetheart," Dicky's voice, tender, apologatic, sounded In my ears. "Steady, now, we're nearly there." He must have realized that I needed just the soothing j words lie gave me, and a dim, remorse ful realization' swept across me of the double, burden he must be carrying, that of his own wild an xiety and the necessity for help ing me. But remorse, tenderness, every other emotion was swept out of my mind as we neared the driveway, and I saw a group in the Ticer front yard. It seemed to me that all living within a mile were gathered there, and I knew that something most unusual had summoned them. Dr. Pettit's runabout stood in the driveway, and he was no where, to- be seen, neither was any member of our family nor the Ticers, save only the lad, Jerry, who stood on the porch, his face white beneath his freckles. 'My baby!" I gasped, clutching Jerry's arms as we reached the steps. "Is he dead?" W: GARRISON TODAY velahon Popular Newspaper Ever Published First released for day to day publication on July 26th, a Wife" won instant Za. .....1 !Mn4- fivrA rrvrixkm years iu apcitx uiu unciwi - w tw ever increasing audience. Today 20,000,000 constant readers are tribute to its never ceasing freshness and humanity. ;' : y;'' "y1-1. No newspaper serial ever published has maintained such a record. appears He Bhook his bead dumbly, and I saw the tears in his honest eyes. "No, Mis' Graham, but " Dicky's arm was around me, and he hurried me onward through the open door into, the room which Mrs. Ticer had given us for a sitting room. My child whimpering cries of pain came .to my ears as I ran into the room iud saw him in his grandmother's arms with his head wrapped in a blood-stained bandage, one little arm hanging limply by hi:-, side. "Oh Baby Darling!" I cried, breathlessly, as 1 reah Hi -..'his?' side. "What has happened to you? Givii him to me!"h I held "out nry arms, hut my mother-in-law looked at me with such awe and grief In 3ier eyes that I was hushed ior the second int-. silence. .. , ,j " ' "Hush, child," she said. "Your baby isn't dangerously hurt ad you aro needed yonder.". I looked in the direction he indicated, saw Dr. Pettft bendinV over an inert little heap on the couch,, while Lillian knelt at. the side, her face gray with terror, her eyes fixed searchlnyly upon the physician's face os if .she. would tear the verdict from it. (To bo continued.) j. Civilian Fliers Will Race to Big Air Meet ST. LOUIS, July 23. Elabor ate plans to stimulate commercial aviation among civilians, are be ing made by the St. Louis Air Board and Flying club, in conneci tion with the international afr races to be held here October 1, 2 and 3. Three of the events will be open to civilians only, although they may enter two of the others; . Yv:-:' .- ' - - OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. Salem, MANUFACTUKERS Sulphite, and Manila Wnippings, also Butchers Wrap pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Gbssine, Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties. JULY 26th f -'-- V' ,Y- ' ' ADELE " W' favor with the American v 'V .--fc; Y .! Y"' ".-J t f - aauy in serial now TODAY. It will be just the kind you never want to give up! Boy manufacturers of model air planes propelled by only a rubber band have not been forgotten in the list, of events. The MulvihiU trophy and $300 in prizes are of fered to the member of the Junior Flyinfg league whose home made airplane model fjie.s the farthest in a total of three trials." The only, motive power will be that derived fr6ni :the use of rubber, band.;. ( Y . ; Some men are forever harming about --wanting Might ber restored to them, but tne bartender says that most 6f them called "for datk Veer in -the days that he lemem-. Ler3. ' . - mm aaoDnaaottU Suffered 25 Years T AM entirely free from cay Piles 1 and aches and pains, writes one of my former women patients who, after suffering 25 years, was cured by my painless, non-surgical treatment. But this case is no ex ception, as scores of letters in my FREE illustrated book will testify. I use no knife, anaesthetic, clamps, Uv tures, stitches, burnlntf or other disagree able or dangerous methods la trtiii3 Piles, and CUARANTE2 results. Remember my guarantee means a positive aad per manent cure no matter how severs year case mn K. - OHMCtSVVS. J. DEAN 2ND AMD MORKXSOM PCSnAN,C MtNTlCNUTMIS pK whim W HIN9 , - . - - .: - -Y f Oregc Km Heart Story . t . -i i v GARRISON 1915, "Rev- CT-fa4llvr VATffVl i j v WIFE I r . IBBIHSHHSHH .Y