The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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    l i ItJued .Dally Except Monday by I
' ' J- i 215S. Commercial St.'., Salem, Oregon'
(Portland. Office, 722 Board of 5Tade Building.., Phone Beacon 1193)
j I The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the nse for publi
cation or ail news diapatehosj civdjted to it or not otherwise credited
m mis paper ana aiso tne local news publlsned herein.;
TIj J. Hendricks -Stephen
A. Stone
Frank J&skoskl - - ;
,., . i ; TEfr.WpnbNES:
Business Office . - -Circulation
Office V -
8rlety Editor - - -
Job Department V i -
.Entered at the Ppstbfflce io.Ca'lmOregon, as second class matter.
! (It Is edifyirtg lirtd Refreshing to reread the following
cditqrial3articie, printed !irily two years ago, July 28, 1921,
in the Slogan issue of ht 'date preserving the comment for
:vhat is printed in parentheses below:)
j I 1; 1 Salem. Was or a School Town ; " js
! The founders W Willamette University -started - Salem..
The school jwas 'bfbreThe town, kndHhe school .made the
excuse for 'the 'town. The town grew' around the school
; U Andtthe'city'cotitfmies to grow around the University.
'The University aftd the city struggled together in the
early years of both, and now they are growing magnificently
together,; and rare destined to so grow throughout all the f u-turei-4:-vr..r,j.;,J,
; ,-, ,;- j , ,
I Salem's jfreatdst Asset is Willamette University and the
other educational institutions thai have come because Wil
lamette 'University was f here.- and the splendid system -of
publfc schools. - ":' ' r !
Willafnette University is greater andf richer, now than
ever -before. It has become a million dollar school. James J.
Hitty the empire .builder, said, when he gave $50,000. to the
endowment f un'd 6f Villarhette University, that any educa
tional institution Vih5 a $300,000 endowment; fund would
live -forever and -'so Tie helped to make it possible for, Wil
lamette 'University to have a $300,000 endowment fund, in
order to give it life everlasting i ' j
But, since that time,-there have been large additions to
the endowment f un6f 'this institution, until it nowlms more
than double $300000 in its endowment fund,' with-nany
more bequests that are already in Course of being arranged
And, with its grounds and buildings and equipments, it
is more than a million dollar school. , f ; .
f But it willsbcm be :a twd, million dollar school, for the
General 'Education ('Board; founded by Rockefeller, has offi
cially signed and scaled and delivered its offerjof $350,000,
provided $650,000 be added by .friends of the institution, to
make up a full million dollkrs more 6f endowment funds; and
arrangements are now under way to begin the great work of
securing pledges for the additional $650,000. That this will
be successful, in due time, goes without saying-f
VAjnd when Willamette University becomes a two million
dollaV -institution, this will be only ajbeginning of its greater
future, for with "schools as with institutions, "to him that
hath : shall be giveti." Greatness attracts greater greatness.
Men who give large sums or small amounts to schools like to
assured that .theit giving .will be enduring; and they like
to know that their Denefactions will render useful service.
The Salem district has also several Catholic schools of
prominence, including Mt. Angel College and Mt.1 Angel Acad
emy, making a Catholic educational center, of such magnitude
1 -
i 1
mill M I
-1 - Manager
Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
' 23
Aim ; I im f a I In
HI EirilDALL, according fo Celtic mythology, was tne perfect' senti
nel His hearing was so acute that he cbnld hear the wool grow
ing on a sheep's back, liis eyesight was so keen he could see every
thing that happened even though it occurred while he slept
Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for
ycri. It guards you against fraud and inferiority. It protects you
against rnaldrig unwise andf dffatisfaqtory purchases.
Merchants and manufacturers who advertise most give full
value because.they have good names to protect The makers of well
known products and the stores that sell these products often value
the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize
the worth of these names hy selling any but good goods of full
measure and fair price.
So. you can bank on this. AdcertiHed goods' must be as adver
tised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisersan d to buy ad
vertised products. I v i i
Advertising is
as to begin to compare favorably with any In the whole of
the United States. ? j " j
, The Salem district has also the Oregon State Normal
school at "Monmouth. - '"
There is a wonderful growth going on, too, in the music
schools of Salem. The Capital City is becoming a great
music center, attracting students from a wide territory and
destined, at the present rate of growth, to make a mark in
this field that will render Salem famous all over the coun
try. Too much cannot be said of the importance of this new
growth of Salem as an educational center.
This is all good business. It means wealth and culture
It means training that will spread the fame of Salem and
bring added wealth. Salem has a good public school system.
But it will pay her people td make it a better system; to
provide the means necessary and to insist upon the highest
possible standards in this line. The public school system is
the foundation of our educational greatness. We cannot af
ford to have this weak. We can afford to make it strong
as a part of the scheme; for seeking wider and more favor
able' attention to Salem as an educational and a cultural cen
ter, in the development of which we have made splendid pro
gress, and in the further growth of which lies our surest pos
sibilities for the building here of a big and rich and substan
tial city.-'-; - S M:;
(So much for; the situation and the sentiment and the
hrnnhfw of two veara airo. Well, the endowment fund of a
million dollars for Willamette University was raised; with
over $250,000 on top of it for new, buildings and equipment
and other purposes. And the people of the Salem school dis
trict, a few months ago, voted $500,000 for additional build
ings and equipment. : So Willamette University is now more
than a two million dollar school; and on the way to peing
a ten million dollar school. And the people of Salem llrave
shown in subscribing most liberally to the Willamette! Uni
versity funds, and in voting public school bonds, and in other
wavs. that they are fully aware of the advantages to Salem
of remaining an educational
more so. There is another thing not usually mentioned in
this connection; several things.; It is the fact-that the State
schools for the deaf, for the blind, for the feeble minded, for
delinquent boys, for delinquent girls, are all located in Sa
lem. Also, the Salem United .States Indian Training School
is the largest institution of its grade in the United States,
approaching the 1000 mark in attendance. It is probably the
largest Indian school of; any grade in the United States.)
Born in a school . . -.
That was Salem's beginning.
H -r
And Salem was raised from in
fancy a school town. f
W . "W r
And Salem has grown . to man-
- ; : :
Joly 28, Saturday Printers and . pob
libera of the Willamett talley to
; picnic at Silverton city park. :
July 29, Sunday Union church serrieeaj
Willson park.
July 30, itonday Second term of Willa-
mette nnivenity summer school to
f open. . - - '
July 31, Tuesday Annual picnic of
Marion. Community Club federation,
tats fair grounds. . -1
August X . to 29 Annual aneampment of
Boy Scouts at Cascadia.
Agg-us 5 Sunday 162nd Oref on infan
i try picnle at Clackaftaa. ''V!- ;
August . 16-9 - National . ttuard ; rifle
matches at Clackamas rifle ranee. , . ;
September 19,. , Wednesday WilUmetts
nnir'arsity opens.
8eotemJbr 24 to S Oiwcan.atat fair
Ible Qu ar
your guard'
I ' .
center; and of becoming much
hood's' estate an educational cen
ter. :
Is S
Salem and Willamette univers
ity were born twins. They have
grown in twinship and are ap
proaching greatness as aj team
pulling together.
V .
As. long as there are trusties,
and as long as there are j bone
heads for guards, there will be
prison escapes. And there will
always . be boneheads and ! there
will always be trusties; but the
latter will be few and far be-
tween comparatively when the In
dustrie9 within the prison walls
are developed,as they are being
But even when there are only
a few trusties; as will be the case
before very long, how would you
like ; the Job of choosing them?,
DdTrou think you. would not make
mistakes? If you do, you would
be Jolted.
v v
, T Jfo Chinaman., ever .ran away
from the Oregon pepltntiaf y.
Bjit one or two life timers evr
ran awaf. The men who run
away ore usually the hort term
fellows: and very oUen the very
ones who have theniost to los
and the least to gain tlie ones
you wouldthe least expect to take
French leave. 4 ;
W. R. Powers, the well known
farmer near the asyluri farm, a
few months ago had a J couple of
trusties from the penitentiary
working for him. Thejj were en
tirely trustworthy. He often
went away and left his house in
their- charge. They frequently
talked of how foolish it was to
try to. escape. ; One of them had
escaped, some years ag and ht
said he was in misery every min
ute he was out. One night they
skipped out; left part of their be-,
longings.. Did not steal a thing;
not even a pocket knife. Just
failed away. Mr. Powers was the
most surprised man in the Unital
States; and he uscyl to be a sher
iff, back in North Dakota, and he
thought he was a judge of men.
He has changed his mind. IIo
has lost all confidence in his abil
ity to Judge men. And lie does
not believe any one else lives who
Is a good Judge of men under
prison sentence.
' . r .
Miss Georgia Malarky of Bea
verton; and Miss Virginia. WHson
of Eugene are guests of Miss Wil
son's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
C D. Wilson, 996 Mill street.
"Miss Ida Vogt, a sten9grapher
at the Cherry City, is spending
her vacation in Gellingham and
Seattle. I
-Miss Molly Schauauer will be
hostess at a dinner party tonight
et the Gray Belle for Miss Lu
ella Patton, who has just return
ed from a . three months visit in
southern California. Covers will
be placed for eight.
'Miss Myrtle. Knowland, asso
ciated with Salem music houses
for several years, has' just accopt
ed a position with F R. Austin
Music company of Portland and
wilL have charge of the sheet mu
sic department of the G. F. JLohn
son. Music house.
Miss Knowland has been iden
tified with, various music houses
in Salem for several years. She
formerly owned a part of the
Moore Music house later selling
her Interest to Air. Moore and
continuing to work in the store.
. Miss Knowland is just now tak
ing a vacation and will take up
her work September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W.
Thompson are spending two
weeks at Seaside.
.:-;' .
Mr end Mrs. Frederick Brock,,
Jr, Mr. and Mrs.' Raymond Hart
man, Mrs. II. Hartman and Otto
Hartman spent the week end at
Tillamook. - ;
-i' ' -J" : ' !
Mr. and Mrs. William Walton
are spending a short time in Van
couver B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huckestein,
and daughter, Margaret, have just
returned from Newport where
they have been fortwo weeks.
" ' ; .' ! ' '
Miss Elizabeth Levy and her
motaer, Mrs. S. Levy are spending
a fey days at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moores
and their bafey son. Kenneth Jr.,
have retrttned to Portland ryafter
a few days visit with Mr. andT jrfrs.'
A. N. Moores. Airs., Kenneth
Moores will visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dabney in Portland
while t MfvMoores . will return at
once to LaSalle, 111. I
' Mr. and Mrs. David Wright re
turned Monday night from a short
vacation trip to southern Oregon.
They visited Crater Lake-and The
Oregon Caves., j
96- , '
Mrs. Edith K. Bartlett ad her
daughter, Anna M. Bartlett, of
Seattle are guests of King W.
Bartlett for two weeks. . .
Mrs. Frank Murphy and the
Misses Ruth' Osmund and Ernes
tine,' Hicks of Ashland are spend
ing a few, days In Salem as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C L. Par
menter. - The party, in company
with Mr. Murphy has been spend
ing the past few weeks in motor
ing through the northern and
eastern part of the state. Mr.
Murphy was called back to Ash
land by the press of business. Be
fore returning to southern Oregon
the party Intends to spend a few
days at Pacific City. ; 1
The Artisans have postponed
the picnic which was to have been
held tonight at the fairgrounds.
It held next week instead.
The regular lodge meeting will
be held this evening, j
DETROIT, Mich., July 2.
Howard Neal, and a man believ
ed to bei Eugene Ranchard, were
burned! to death when their air
olane burst Into flames 1000 feet
if CTZ '
if - !
. After being compelled, to drive his car, commandeered by the
six convicts who. scaled tne walls of the Eastern Penitentiary on
July 14. as far as Elk ton, -: Md 'Thomas J. McAllister. Jr. (shown
above with his wife), an automobile tester, was bound, gagged
and tied to a. tree. lie made his way back to Philadelphia and
told a dramatic story of his kidnaping and experiences while with
the convicts.. He said, they h,ad every detail perfectly planned as
to what they were to do when they landed on-the outside of the
prison walls. . A reward of 1250 for each prisoner has been offered by
Philadelphia authorities. - -
Bulgarian Princesses
Engage in Charity Work
SOFIA, July 25. The princess
es Nadejda (the name meanj
Hops) and Kvdokia, sisters of
King Boria and jdauglters ; of
Ferdinand, former king of the
Bulgarians, are endearing 1 them
selves to the charitable Workers
of Sofia by their active interest
In the welfare work in and around
the Bulgarian capital.
Accompanied only by a servant
the two sisters of the king make
frequent visits to hospitals, nur
series and similar establishments.
They paid a visit to the Red ross
Hospital on the outskirts of the
city, recently, spoke to every pa
tient and inquired of the physic
ians and nurses as to the delacies
' Things
I To Do
TheBoys and Girls Ne wspaper
The Biggest Little Paper fai the World
Copy right, 1023, Associated Editors.
q : . r-. ; O
o . ' - - o
The "Pumpkin
Fishing season is here! ; These
are the days when every hoy, with
hook and worms, spends long
hours beside a warm inland brook
or .pond, f With many a teasing
nibble and a frequent catch to
make the day successful, he re
turns at night with his string dn
which are; very apt to be some of
the bright-colored little food fish
es known; commonly as "Pump
kin Seed" or Sunfish. . i
In-mali bodies of water from
Maine to Florida and particular
ly in the northern part of the
Mississippi 1 valley these fish,
which rarely grow to be more
than 10 inches in length, are
found.' j
Color Changes -;
It is a peculiar fact about them
that the brilliance of their color,
a yellow , .orange,, like the sun,
which gives . them their name,
changes according to the condi
tion of their health, and the tem
perature of the water. " Special
3Ir. Foster tried hard to extract
The meaning of "crackle and
The words "camp" and "cow";
He understands now.
Though they first formed a mys
tery black.
t ' '
'Crackle, vacuum: quack,
camp; cow," Mr. Foster nervously
read the. words for the third time
in the last hour. First, he had
discovered them jotted carelessly
on the telephone pad in a hand
writing he did not recognize, then
they were type-written on a piece
of scratch paper on his desk, and
now, he had discovered them half
erased but still plainly legible on
the back, of the typewritten let
ter his secretary had jus"t brought
to him to sign.
"Of course." Mr. Foster had to
admit, "on the surface they don't
mean anything. It must be a
code. My work in the army gave
me experience in this line and 1
intend to ferret out this mys
tery." I
- - -. " , n
which the patients Jnlght be per
mitted to accept. These delicacies
were afterwards "sent- frtom. the
palace. ...
SILVERTON. Or., , July 24.
(Special to The Statesman.)
n AtiimAr Nifeht arid -Mor nine
lffs Har Clean, Healthy fvXN,
(SriS K thy Tire, ItcK -t 1
'0RGfjy Smart,Bum or Dis
711 in FVP V' chargeitSoreIrrj
UULIll CI Law tacL Inflamed or
CranuIatecL use Murine - often.
Soothes. Sale for Infant or Adult.
fWIVMyiW M-HaSrBs4C; ft East OUs Bt CUcai
Seed" or Sunfish
varieties are the Copper-nosed
Sunfish, the Blue-Spotted and the
Long-Eared ones. -
The Sunfish; you will notice, is
wedge-shaped onf both ends. This
enables it to. move rapidly -'.with -a
wigwag motion.. It -is usually
caught in mid-water.
Fisherman's Favorite Bait
All fish are more or less can
nibals, which means that the lit
tle fish, or minnow, which you
see in the picture, must (often
scuttle for his life if he doesn't
wish to become the meal of his
enemies, the big fish. The min
now is an ideal fishing bait.. In
the river bottoms are found goK
den shiners, a minnow with a
small head and a body nearly an
inch in length. There are also
surface feeding minnows called
killifishes. On the eastern and
southern coasts, the '-K common
minnow is the mummichog.
(Next week: "The Mud Cat and
the Channel Cat.") !
Mr. Foster was a man of ac
tion. He wasted iin tlma ft.
liminarip.s but immediately rang
Ao uvu ior nis secretary. He
had decided that, she must be a
spy. But the secretary looked as
urpnsea as ne had at the five
mysterious words . on the back
of her last typed letter. "No,
sir," she denied. "I never saw
them before. Oh, where could
they have come from? They
frighten me. Do you' suppose
something dreadful Is going "to
happen and this is a warning?"
It was plain, to be seen she was
worried, but not fn the way Mr.
Foster had thought she would" beV
"If she's not Innocent, she's a
mighty good 'actress," he thought
as he handed her the letter to re-"
copy. "I don't believe she knows
anything about it but I'm sure it's
some sort of a code Just the same.
Crackle and vacuum "make . the
first sentence; quack and camp,
the second: and cow Is. the last.
You can tell that much by the
punctuation. I'll bet C. O. W.'are
the Initials of the sender."
Suddenly. Mr. Fpster's mouth
flew open in surprise. Charles
O. Williamson was his biggest
business opponent In New York.
Without a had something
to do with him. Mr. Foster felt
that he was making some head
way. Grabbing, his ditionarv he
fell to work In earnests lie had
always secretly believed that a
fine detective had been lost to, the
world when he entered business.
Charles Mills, who was recently
hurt in the donkey shed at camp
10 died Sunday evening at the
Silverton hospital.
Old London Theatre to
Give Way to Push Carts
LONDON.- July 25. Shall it bo
"Opera" or "Onions", is the ques
tion agitating holders of business
premises in Coyent Garden Mark
et. '. Business has grown to such
an extent of 'late that dealtTa al
lege the Opera House, which is
admittedly old and decaying,
should be demolished. and the sito
utilized for an extension of the
congested market.
While people complain they
cannot get to the opera. with their
motor cars ; because the market
wagons h'lock the way, fruit and
vegetable . merchants , assert that
a food market is. more Important
to the general public than 'Faust'
or 'Tannhauser
Catholic Priest Guilty:
Forged Liquor Permits
DENVER, Colo,, July 25-The
Rev. Father Walter A, Grace, for
mer pastor of the Shrine of .St.
Anne," near Denver, was found
guilty by a jury In federal court
here today. He was tried on a
charge of having forged the name
of Sister Germain'e of the Mul
len home for the aged here to an
application for a government per
mit to ship whiskey into Colorado.
The penalty is one to five years
in the penitentiary and a fine not
to exceed $10,000.
At all Druggists,
Load .
Of Fun
- I
Edited by John si. Miller.
Here Is the first of a series
or six r stories about fish.
You'll learu where differ--:
' en t AWthl America n . fish . are
found and some of the hab
its. .What fish is "the shark
of the lakes' . What fish
"walks on dry land" Where
are salmon found? - Follow
these stories and you'Jl find
out these and many more in
teresting facta.
Answer to today's, picture puz
zle; The four garden flowers are
Coxcomb, Foxglove, Harebell and
vdU any of you fellows lose a
roll of bills with a rubber band
around it?" .". ;, - . ,
Chorus of voices: "I did."
"Well, I found the rubber,"
means . to make a . slight, sharp
explosive noise.' Not much sensa
in that. And it doesn't spell any
thing backwards, yell, to. go on.
Vacuum, 'a place devoid of all
matter.' .A. cracking void!
Sounds like something bad any
way. Quack, the noise a duck
makes,' and camp! WelL it
sounds pretty bad to me. I think
I better set a detective to work
on the' case." Opening his draw
er for hi telephone book, Mr.
Foster's eyes got big with horror.
He pulled out a whole paper cov
ered with "Crackle, Tacnum;
quack, camp; cow." "Worse and
worse!" he shivered. "I say, this
is getting serious." ,
Just ; then the door flew open
and Mr. Foster's .daughter, Elea
nor, rushed in. "naddir im r
leave .my typewriting lesson 'here?
fVl . -
wu e, you nave it! My, I was
so worried for fear I had lost it.
I had the worst time getting It
done, i stopped In here yesterday
when you were conn and ori
your typewriter. . I forgot my
OOOk SO had tOall on th teacher
at t1xe. .."Rainess college to get the
lesson. .
Jin the 'air. v .
"Crackle," he"' rcu:? 31M "It