The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    41 , '
',1'- - I
' ): - : ! - ; , y . ; I-
' Company ' Operating at St.
: Paul Will Make State-
merit tn Pnhlif. '
" A meeting is called for this
.evening t the Chamber
of rnmniAKA unHal room to hear
a statement pi the oil situation
In the Willamette valley. The
Willamette Valley Oil & Gas com
pany, that has "done considerable
prospecting work , near St. Paul,
Is putting down a -5 econd well,
larger than the first, and the of
fers are anxious to tell the public
Just the condition of the oil in
dustry so near' home. The com
pany Is. financed largely by more
or less local funds. Salem! invest
ors hare contributed heavily ' to
Its support, and Silverton and St.
Paula hare also forested liberal
ly In the prospect work.
The second" hole Is IS inches In
diameter, put down by a stand
ard deep-well rig, ahd it is felt
by most of those who are at. all
Interested, that It would be a mis
fortune not to prospect the ground
'at least to the depth of 2000 feet
if necessary.. The best and most
pessimistic authorities who hare
investigated, say that the heavy
oil stratum ought to be encoun
tered at a considerably; less depth
than 2000 feet. The first, well,
which was stopped at a depth of
1030 feet, had showed a Tine qual-
Ity of oil. In less than commercial
quantities, just before reaching
the 1000 foot mark.' This, oil
'showing, at this depth, had not
been expected by the geologists.
Von- Caa Bring: Back Color, and
f Lester With Sage Tea and
Sulphur. "
When you darken your hair
with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no
one can tell, because it's done so
naturally, so evenly. Preparing
this mixture, though, at home is
massy and troublesome. . At lit
tle cost you can buy at any drug
tore . the ready-to-use' prepara
tion. Improved by the addition of
other Ingredients called "Wyeth's
Cteg and Sulphur Compound." You
Just dampen a sponge or soft
brush1 with It and draw this
through your hair, taking on
mall strand at a time.' By mor
ning all gray hair disappears, and.
after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully
darkened, glossy and luxuriant.
, , Gray,, faded "hair, though no
disgrace, la a sign of old age, and
as we all desire a youthful and
attractive appearance, get busy at
once with Wyeth'a Sage' and Sul
phur Compound and look years
younger. Adv. " . -
omit bTuimmeir y acaftio
Where to Go and What It Costs
"Oregon's Old Favorite
CC AC On iSale Fri.
QD.VO Good 15 days.
0 C ft C 0n Sale Daily.
Good j until Oct. 31st.
Oregon's Caves j
Nature's Subterranean Wonder-1
land." i
Cl O (Ifk 011 Sale Fri."; and Sat. "
tpl7OU Good 15 days.
091 OC'On Sale Daily. i
)ulLO ' Good 3 months.
Sah Francisco
'The City Loved Around the !
World" '
iraU.a.) Sale Dates Daily. j
; " Good Until Qct. 31st. j
$2 Round Trip Sale Dsates: Daily
i--; I1': Good 15 Days " . " '-Vj '
EXCURSION TICKETS Also on sale to Oregon's Mountain, Lake and
River Resorts, nearby outing, places Yosemite National Park Shasta1
Mountain Resorts, and Eastern Cities , one or both ways through California.
JTlEE-Oregon Outdoors," : "California For The , Tourist" and other
booklets. Get your copy now.'
:: Ask our agents for further! particulars or write ,x
:, ' General Passenger. Agent,
- -; j :. ' y -V-:,--. Portland, Oregon . v - ':"f. :: -;f y j v
They had counted on striking the
oil in large quantities at a greater
depth, and this 1000 feet rein was
extra. ;. j , - ; ;
" Some of the prominent business
men of Salem and of the Willam
ette Talley hare nrged this public
hearing to get the public acquaint
ed with the conditions, jand to
show how desirable it is to pros
pect the country and see just what
resources this country really has.
The invitation is extended to ev
erybody to attend and hear the
story of oil. j j
Places Awarded in Athletic
Contests Participated
in By Boys I
The diving contest for boys was
the chief event at the playground
Saturday afternoon. Twenty-five
boys took part in the events.
The contests were as ji follows:
Shallow dive, standing Lawr
ence Alley, first place. John Creech
and Weslie Heise tied for second
place. Bob Needham and Charles
Hageman tied for third place.
Running shalo live Lawr
ence Alley, first. Charles Hage
man and Henry Clement tied for
second. Horace Stewart third, i
The pack knife iJohn Creech
first. Bob Needham second. .
The free dive, each boy naming
a dive then executing j: same
First. John Creech: second. Lawr
ence Alley. The high poin man
was John Creech first, and Lawr
ence Alley second, in all events.
Shallow -divlingiil with the
younger boys Edwin Cross, first
Frank Cross.; second and Robert
Thomas, third. f
The runnlnr shallow dive-
Frank Cross and Edwin Cross tied
for first place. Robert Thomas,
second. The judges were Hollls
Huntington and R. R. Board man.
The six boys selected I to take
part in the baseball throw for the
prize to be given by Anderson &
Brown Monday are Charles Hage
man. who made 21 out of 30. J03.
Neusbadm. 1 8, Stodgerj: Folger.
with 17, Elmer Ewlng, j wlth 16,
Lawrence Grotchow, it, Fred
Hageman. 15, Francis Finney, 15.
In the basketball throw Delbert
Schwabbauer was first with 12
out of 30. Elmer Suing second
with . 10, Joe, Neusbaum with 9,
Rodger Folgor with 7. i
Next week Mls Grace Snook
and Mr. Huntington are! planning
a number of other contests. Miss
Snook, has charge ot the girls. , .
, RIVERSIDE. Cal., Juiy The
earthquake of last night was
blamed today when officials' of
the city water, department discov
ered two . breaks In the : 30-inch
main which, brings water to Riv
erside from wells to the north of
the city. A, general warning was
issued for: economy in the use of
water and the sprinkling of lawns
was forbidden- . , . . i . ..
land Sat.
. 4
' $ . i
j - - : !.
- - : . : b
He Was at Great Celebra
tion at Meacham, Also
at Portland, July 4
R. L. Swartz ("Dick") is back
home after a visit' at Portland
and other points. ; Among the
points visited was Meacham, at
the summit of the Blue . moan
tains. He was a member of the
crowd of 30.000 to 40,000 peo
ple there on July 3 to greet Pres
ident Harding and his party. Mr.
Swartz had - the satisfaction of
telling Mr. Harding that, he was
at Meacham in 1852. And he
was barefooted at that time. He
had come from a point between
Chicago and Joliet, 111., in an im
migrant train of oxen. He was
10 years old then, and he walked
barefooted all the way across the
plains to Oregoix i
I Which makes Mr. Swartz 81
years old now. The only Salem
man Mr. Swartz saw among the
great crowd at Meacham was W.
T. RIgdon, and he was enjoying
himself thoroughly in the great
! The next day, July 4, Mr
Swartz attended the celebration
at Portland, and saw and heard
President Harding again. He al
so attended the annual picnic of
Salemites in Portland and met a
lot of the old time residents of
this city, many of them now liv
ing in the metropolis.
Mr. Shwartz lives on, the Pra-
tum road, four, miles northeast of
Salem, on a part of-the SwarU
donation land claim.
Frank Johnson Killed
and Bride Is Witness
Frank Johnson, employed as
a filer at Hammond Lumber com
pany camp 17, at Larson, was kill
ed at 7:30 Friday night while
fishing from the bridge near De
troit', when he tripped or lost his
balance and fell 30 feet, landing
on his head on the bedrock and
then rolling into the Santiam riv
er. Swift waters carried away tne
body. '-'.-.
The accident was witnessed by
his bride of fifteen days,' another
woman and two men. The body
was round Saturday morning
about one-fourth of a m tie below
the scene of the accident.
Mr. Johnson was a Wisconsin
boy. He has numerous relatives
both in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
At the age of 12 he came to Ber
lin. Ore., with his parents and
eleters and brothers, then to
Waterloo, where he resided for
several years. He has been an
emnloye of the Hammond Lumber
company ior tne greater pair oi
five years. Mr. Johnson was 25
years old. He is survived by his
widow, who formerly was Miss
Ruth Thomas of Harrlsburg. and
his mother and father,; G. E. John
son of Salem, .his brother of Port-
Tillamook Beaches
Portland's Popular Resorts"
CtC tt On Sale Fri. and Sat.
PUU7 Good 15 Days.
A C On Sale Daily.
VI Good until Sept. 30th.
Crater Lake
"The Sapphire Sea of Silence"
C9fi (Z( n Sate FrL and Sat.
V&O.UU Good 15 days.
On Sale Daily.
Good until Sept. 30th.
; ; Los Angeles
"Cosmopolitan and Ideal Tourist
City"- ?
Cfi9 C A Round. Trip.
aPUaVieejU Sale Dates Daily.
Good until Oct. 31st. i
land, one elster of Lebanon Ore.,
and one at Detroit. Ore.
He was an upright and ; con
genial man and lored. by all who
knew him.
i : Serrices were held at the Meth
odist church at Lebanon at' 2
o'clock yesterday 'afternoon. In
terment was in the Odd Fellows
cemetery. He was a member of
that lodge. The services were
conducted by the Odd Fellows.
Wallowa County Sends
Report to Churchill
The enrollment of the high
schools of Wallowa county dur
ing the last year was 339, an In
crease of 10 pupils over the on
rollment of the previous year, ac
cording to the annual report of
County Superintendent Conley,
which has been filed with J. A.
Churchill, state superintendent of
schools: i
The report shows that there
were 125 teachers employed to
teach 2125 pupils In the .public
Bchools of the county. The man
teachers received an average
monthly salary of $131 and the
women $110. There are seven
echoo! districts in the county, 60
of which are one-room schools.
Fifty-three of the 60 pupils
enrolled in the 12th grade of the
high schools were graduated in
June. From the eighth grade 131
pupils were graduated.
Youthful Singers to Give
Concerts in Portland Pre
paratory for Nation Tour
With three great out-door con
certs on Aug. 3, 4, and 5, in Port
land, of the Whitney Boys' chorus
uder the direction of H. E. K.
Whitney will inaugaurate. the lon
gest tour by any like organization
of singers in the world's musical
history. -
The concerts will be given in
Multnomah field with capacity of
50.000. Plans are now working
out to combine with the progrsm
of ensemble singing, solo work
and stunt pieces, the . best band:
in two states, noted speakers and
remarks by1 the executives oi
Washington and Oregon
The chorus will travel by st-e-
cltl train which according to
present plans will consist of eight
to 11 cars: observation car, PulK
man. two tourist sleepers, two day
roaches, four baggage, cars. t.n
route the chorus special will be
a veritable city in itself. For ex
ample one of the baggage cars
will be fitted up as a kitchen and
Although? the meals will be
cooked in the baggage car. they
will be served to the boys as they
aroun about portable tables in the
tourist cars and Pullman. The
tood will be conveyed by steam
tables very much like , cafeteria
tables In common use with the
added feature, of course, that
these will, be fitted with small
rubber-tired wheels so they can
move from one en of the train to
the other. One baggage car win
be reserved for band instruments
and pianos. Here will be fitted
n a k;nd of studio where maivm-
nal and group practice will be
held en-route.
It is possible that a third bag-
eieo car will be carried. Here
th hatterv ot typewriters putting
out publicity i will be in action.
Men will be building advertise
ments. Tickets will be cared
for. . . '.
TBs tentative plan, too,: calls
for a car to transport private au
tomobiles of the party. ,
still another car will Da re
ouired to carry the portable rais
ed platform, from which the chorus
will sing. This platrorm is semi
circular in shape and will be set
n to face srand stands In big
nut-door amusement parks where
most of the concerts will be, ren
dered. - r
Enough adults will make tee
trip with: the boy songsters so
that there will be one person over
every 12 boys. v
The boys are now being trained
to do fancy marching and the
parade features oC the chorus ap
pearance will no doubt be one of
their certain triumphs.
Details of the parade have not
been fully worked out but 11 Is
already revealed that a lad of 15
years old, 6 feet, 1 inch tall and
weighing 90 pounds will imper
sonate1 Uncle Sam. Another boy
of a feet. 6 inches in height,
boasting the poundage of 215 av
erdupois will march by Uncle
Sam's side in Canada.; wearing the
regalia of John Bull.' '
The concert to be given at Mul
tnomah field in Portland will
consist of Identically the same
numbers as the concerts to i be
given' on the tour of the contin
ent. ; ' 1
H. E. K. Whitney,, director of
the chorus is now bending everyi
effort to the production of a su
per program. In time past the
boys have scored musical triumphs
through the Pacific coast section,
having on one occasion thrilled
50.000 people during a week's en
gagement at the Orauman theatre
tn LiOS Angeles. However, it Is the
purpose v of the director to excel
all previous efforts in the Port
land concerts. !' " i ;;j : M
To this end the chorus la being !
drilled day and night now by com
petent instructors, the - best that
the northwest j a fiords. A private
vocal School is being ! maintained
where ; sopranos, altos,; tenors and
bass are drilled in groups. Occa
sionally they 1 come together fcr
ensemble work in tone blending.
The school is in. session from
1 o'clock to 5 every afternoon and
from 7:30 to 9:30 each evening
Betweeirthe periods of vocal work
drill eVblutions 'are bepg taught
the l&o hoys wno are to cross tne
continent in what promises to be
a continual musical triumph.
Fresie Goes to Headquarters
With Complaint and Is
Himself Nabbed
This may or may not get your
"goat." :
But Sergeant Minto Got Herman
Fresia's "goat" when ; the latter
went to the police station Saturday
night to complain about losing his
goats. ' ' ... x
Fresia appealed to Sergeant
Minto for assistance in regaining
possession of two goats that had
been taken ! from his automobile
while he went to eat.
"I was bringing the twdgoats
to deliver to a man across the
river," ; "was j the wail 1 made by
Fresia. ' My machine it had a
blow-out, 'and I left it at the Cher-
dy. City Feed barn; while I Went
to get something to eat. When I
got back Dr. Moorehouse, he take
the goats from my car and won't
let me have jthem. Dr. Moorehouse
did it for spite. I can prove that
he owe me some money and he
never, pay it," . ..
"Sure," obligingly replied the
sergeant, "I will get your goals
for you- " It will just cost you $10
bail money, for I have a complaint
against you.".
It was explained to Freisa that
it was against 'the taw to tie thej
feet of; animals and put them in
the rear of an automobile. When
the animals were found by Offi
cer Branson their legs were be
ginning to, swell. It was stated.
The matter j was turned over to
the humane society, of which Dr.
Moorehouse is the head. I
"But I only have them In the
car a little while, and hadtheir
feet tied with sofe string," pro
tested Fresia. "Goats is awful
tough animals. You can't hurt
a1 goat.! 'They won'i stay in the
car unless their legs; is tied."
Nevertheless Fresia deposited
the bail and was cited to appear
in court this afternoon at 2
o'clock. Officer Branson, who had
been endeavoring ,to serve tho
complaint, was notified that his
man had reported.
On again !
The Salem hospital drive.
It there can be; a few more
gifts like that of the paper mill
people, and a whole lot . of small
and scattered ones, the thing will
be finished. !
Everyone who knows the ; cir
cumstances is hoping for the suc
cess of the Oregon invented flax
puller. The inventor and manu
facturer, are hitting the line hard
night and jday and 1 tbey have
hope, though they; must be work
ing under a great tension.
Real estate is picking up in Sa
lem, decidedly. But we are still
somewhat behind Las Angeles
county. ' Cal., I where there are
2,000 instruments a day in the re
I l J 3!-YELL0VrPENCIL -a----i J
U iSSi the. RED BAND vSm
TV I" TT C O sO flfYC fbncs- Here In thLs assortment are the very materials you will re
JLKJImO'" ViVll JU O quirc for yur summer scw"g at prices that mean considerable savings.
corder's office. . The considera
tions for . the : real ; estate trans
fers there run to about $10,0 00,
000 a day. This beats either
Chicago or New York, or perhaps
any other city in the world.
The United States government
must back General Wood in the
Philippines or if this cannot be
done with complete justice, there
must be as man to represent the
United States there who can be
backed. To fail in this would be
toi invite never-ending trouble.!
Have all of our fruit growers
and farmers become familiar with
Hungarian vetch? The Oregon
Agricultural college is backing it,
and it seems to be the best thing
in that line that ever came to the
Willamette valley.. j
(Continued from page two) '
had much the better of a clinch.
sending both hands to the jaw
Leonard backed to the ropes for
a rest and stepped aside- when
Tendler moved up, allowing the
latter to slip through the ropes
When the latter regained his
equilibrium they shook hands in
the center of the ring. . Leonard
sent solid rights to the jaw, the
body and to the Jaw again and
had no difficulty in . avoiding
Tendler's leit lead. The cham
pion appeared the least ; worried
as they backed away from a light
exchange In answer to tho gong
Round 7 They sparred-for a
second after the bell and they
both fell away. Leonard gave an
opening and 't Tendler rushed in
with lefts to the jaw. Leonard
rested for a moment and : whip-
pea out two rights to his exposed
body. Leonard dug his right un
der Tendler's ribs. They ex
changed lightly and when they
came together Leonard sunk two
njiore hard rights jufct above the
belt. Tendler again walked into
the neutral corner trap, where he
was caught with a two-handed at
iacK ieaa. Tenaier, who was
making a poor showing, fell back
against the ropes and Leonard
used both hands to the jaw some
more. They sparred lightly and
Were boxing when the bell rang.
1 Round 8- Tendler's manager
used' force in his talk during the
intermission and the champion
had a margin by, now. Evidently
Tendler took the advice for he
rushed, twice into the lead, but
his accuracy was as poor as be
fore' and Leonard took a respite.
The referee cautioned Tendler
fpr using the rabbit punch. They
danced around. ' Leonard caught
Tendler with hard rights to the
jaw and sent in a few more when
Tendler clinched. Tendler land
ed two short uppercuts and then
took two body blows. Tendler
punched the champion's kidneys.
Tendler sent a terrific, right Into
the stomach that gave a resound
ing plump. Leonard jabbed with
his right. Leonard caught Tend
ler with three right crosses in
the champion's corner and the
challenger appeared worried when
the bell rang.
Round 9. Tendler's handlers
kneaded his muscles , and Leon
ard's continued to offer advice.
jrendler landed lightly with his
ight. They sparred around the
ridg and then clinched.:- Leonard
Used his left. Tendler walked in-
o a straight left and then ; was
Cautioned for hitting low with the
a me hand. The champion block-
d him effectively in two clinches.
Tendler walked Into Leonard's
tiff, right jolts and the cham
pion crossed and hooked.
I Tendler became more Inaccu
rate, and, missing with his left
again, fell- partly through the
Iropes. Leonard pounded Tend
ler's body with his right and then
forced the challenger away by
sending the same hand to the jaw.
Leonard uppercut sharply '.with
his right i and then lashed his
right to the challenger's stomach.
Leonard pounded some more at
- 1 - i
the body . They were separated
at the bell. ; 1
Round 10. The champion re
volved ; around the challenger,
who stood' in the center of the
ring. Leonard backed into a neu
tral corner land lancjetf swiftly
with two hard rights to the head.,
Leonard missed a short straight
uppercut. They clinched.' Leon
ard, easily ducked . Tendler's ad
vance, and stopped his next-rally
by holding out his left hand.
Tendler was again unsuccessful in
trying to break through Leon
ard's defense, stopping more jabs
and falling into a clinch. Leon
ard right-hooked and sent in a
right uppercut to the jaw In close
quarters. , They sparred. Leon
ard . whacked Tendler on the jaw
with a hard right and they were
sparring when i the round ended
Round' 11. They stood in, the
center: of the ring and again the
champion danced around his , op
ponent. Tendler fell Into a clinch
Leonard uppercut with his left
and hooked with his right. Tend
ler caught the champion and
hooked his left to the body. They
clinched. They boxed and danced
about, then they sparred. Then
Leonard laced out with his left
and absorbed " Tendler's advance
with a clinch. . They exchanged
short "body blows; They backed
away and did . it again. Another
similar exchange was followed by
light sparring.-' Leonard stopped
Tendler's next advance by stick
ing his- left hand under Tendler's
pit, punching him partly to the
floor. The crowd laughed and
whistled at Tendler's Inability to
get : beyond . Leonard's left Jabs
with which he protected his wide
lead. Tendler walked away dls
gustedly as the bell rang.
Round 12. They sparred clev
erly. They clinched. " They
locked their left arms and ex
changed rights to the body. Ten
dler was short four times "with
an overhand right. Tendler then
landed a light left, two rights and
another light left. Tendler stop
ped short and punched his adver
sary's head with his right and
then allowed him to clinch. Leon
ard was having a lot of fun with
hig left Jab, but he was serious
enough. Leonard"' speedily coun
tered Tendler's advance with a
right to the head, but was unable
to land an uppercut in a clinch.
Tendler's nose was trying to
bleed. They clinched. They
were sparring when the bell stop
ped them.
Round 13. Tendler's handlers
were excited and doused 'newspa
permen In their corner with
water: The fighters walked into
clinch. Leonard hooked with
his left and then hooked harder
with his right to the Jaw. He
smashed Tendler's mouth with a
battering right. Leonard upper
cut sharply with his right, then
pushedi Tendler away.f They went
into a clinch. Leonard whipped
right to the chest and they
clinched. Tendler . ducked two
IN PRINTING will reflect your
personality in your (Business.
Correct office forms and busi
ness stationery increases effic
iency, accuracy, economy and
pleasure in your Business.
Our commercial department is
equipped to give you immediate
and satisfactory service at prices
that are right.
Suggestions and estimates given
at your request. ;
The Oregon Statesmen
Commercial Printing Department
Clothes economy urges the thrifty woman to turn home dressmaker
There is a Wealth Of SUSrirestinn anrl inantmilnn in 41la -r
S6-inch Silk Poplins .
40-inch Georgette Crepe
40-inch Crepe de Chine
3G-inch Chiffon Taffeta
36-inch Cilk Messaline
36-inch Heavy Taffeta
36-inch Silk Paisley
36-inch Duchess Satin ..
36-inch Silk Messaline
40nch Heavy
u-incn ah wool Cream Serge $1.79 Yd,
52-inch All Wool Cream Serge $1.98 Yd
. Commercial and Court Street
easy rights and then fell aga!
the ropes for an opportunity
rub his nose. Leonard . hook
two hard rights to the head. I
then sent a hard right to the j.
and then a bard left. He ma.
ed a left to the body which i
Tendler to the floor. Tho cha
pion sprang to this advantage 11
a cat; but it was a question
whether Tendler slipped. WL
Tendler stood op he had time
rub off his gloves on his pan
Leonard sprang at him. punch!,
to the body and jaw. and Tend,
fought back. , One of his bio
was low and Leonard objected f
the referee. The belf rang tt
and Leonard's manager step;
into the ring protesting.
Round 14. They cllnchc
Leonard led lightly with rig'
They clinched. - Leonard pust
Tendler away." Tendler landed
left to the kidneys In a cllr
Leonard drove both fists to t
body In a short clinch. TL
sparred.1 Tendler was short w:
a lead and as the moment
spun him around. Leonard t
him jup with his right hand. T):
boxed around and then Leo
landed stiff blows to the heal
Tendler appeared slightly f:
gy and the champion1 was ami
for a knockout. Tendler cover
his. face with his two fists wl
Leonard flailed him briefly. Lc:
ard sent a short right upperc
to the jaw and then went Ir
speedy action. He whlppped c
his tight like a piston groved :
it mark. He, landed it "thr
times and then crossed with I
left, Leonard was punching I' k
when the bell sounded. .' ( '
Round 15 They clinched after
shaking hands. Tendler becama
active, but walked Into hard right j
and left swings, while a slight cut
beneath his left . eye began to
bleed. Leonard was prancing'
around very actively. He then
smashed a straight left to Ten
ler's face and drove him to tt .
ropes where he slowed down. " A
light-exchange and they clinche!
la the middle of the ring. Leon-1
ard sending a hard right to the
stomach and two hard rights to
the mouth that brought a stream -of
blood. The crowd was wellinj
now. Leonard pounded rlghta
and lefts to the body and then to
the head. He flayed Tendlerwlth
all he had. He pounded. Tendler
with both hands and had Tendle.
reeling... Tendler's seconds shout-
ed to him to hold up his hanc! ;, .
in the last 10 seconds. They wer
in an easy clinch when the f'lLt . i
- a - !
NO TIME TO HUNT for a doctor
or " drusr store when suddenly r-
eeized with agonizing intestinal crarr; i,
deadly nausea and prostrating aiarrhc : Su
gire instant warmth, comfort and cats :
from pain. , Never fails.
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Canton Crepe..$3.50 Yd