; i, . sOv"rrsS5 f v.-e i THE OREGON "STATESMAN, ftALHM OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1923 '1 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS " ' Rate par word: re insertion , . 2 - Se . Se 20c Three Insertions , One tMk (six insertions) Ono month 1.. Si months' icontrsct, par mo. .15e la, months' .jeoatract, par Ba....12 Minimum tot any sdvertisemeut.t25e . NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resident Agent S71 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K.I FORD (Over Ladd at Bath Bank) I NEW TODAY ;ix)R jsale or trade Cadillac f ' four I piiuafw : sport. - A wonderful car priced "right. See Lee Eyerly. rear of Oleson'n garage. , it. i i - I '- .-- Y ICOMMERCIAI. STREET RESIDENCE Very attractive noma of six rooms on first floor, second floor unfinished. h a wMm ww HI -i ; with lot of shrubbery and fruit, foil L, i .eemeot basement and furnace. Ownar fl. leaving fity. A bargain at $4500; on t I reasonable Jtenna. Phone 9 14 J. VriNTED TO TRADE ACRES eocoaaat and vegetable land in Mes for your aqnity ia city or farm property land some rash. 'Address IXT-" Statesman. M- - ,? ART TAUGHT IN WATER COLOR, and oil. 60a br. 185 8. Winter. MEALS AND SLEEPING ROOM FOB 1 r 3 yon as men at 185 8. Winter. I LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED f.boat two week picking yeti Via ant and Bona. Garden road. i WHY NOT INSURE TOUR AUTO WITH to Oregon) Fire Relief, next time it . Oxpire I Our rates are reasonable, ptaadley 4k Foley, Agent. cherries; wanted Lamberts t' aad Black Repablieaa. Highest prieee. ': jCaa aleeaae alighUy cracked eker Iries. Ward K. Richardson. ? FOB RENT STORK ROOM ON STATE Si J. K lantermau. Hotel A'go 1921 Ford - Roadster .8240.00 1S30 Ford roadster 125.0O 1018 Ford touring - - ... 125.00 1020 Ford coape 485.00 : ( C. H. BROWN j 319 State St, Paona 037 GOOD COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER iwsnts position. Address "Bos 10." ear Statesman. ' Si ROOlf NEW BUNGALOW : EAST J lfn,l ... h.mI aoui ' I ..w w.w .. ., vww. - i New Irangxlow. corner lot. streets paved, J80O.f 1 " : room iaagalow all nvodern axeapt fur aaee. 83&O0. .. i - , - ..... 6ERTRUDB J. it. PAGE j 493 N. Cottage St. U A RACE FOR RENT 318 NORTH Church. Phono 1074. FORD DELIVERY BODY IN O O O D ) condition, j Pneae 485. , , rooat baagalow, farnaea. bath, lights, lot 100x100. 1304 Fir Prica 0275O. Corner Meyera and Fir streets. Taraaa. COPTON BEAU ESTATE .j . 469 SUta St. ; . . S l ORDj TOCRINO IN FIRST CLASS aaap. Motor jast over kaa led. Sell at . kargaia. Can bo saea after 5 o'clock at 104O Nertk Front. fHILDREXS CLOTHES A-8PECIALTT, also jotkor sewiag. CaU Mr a. Miaaia Masaoy. phono 1873 J. 451j North Higk. THSEK ROOM VnSM1Kytm t.vt.vr ti aorui suamtr. xwo taree roeo; apartmaata, 109 Soatk Conuner eisl. j Paene 630. ANT ED TO BENT S OR C BOOM osse with ar withoat farnitare. WU Uag to par good price for good leea tioa eloso ia. E-0O Statesman. f CRN I SHED HOUSK TO BENT. BEN 9. WEST, 8704' .State St. i?( jo intra vr 1 1 hnAt . urn- n, wwa l&AA, VIVC goa to trade for auto or track. ; JB roooi awdara I treaieaeee, ; wel I be bought oa !New i 5 ! room ho 8 rootn amodara hnu. all An well located. S40O0. Caa aaay terma. . sauk wall kait.ta rt placei basemeat. , Jk kargaia at 83800; tarau. i5 room iosuoi . tin 'r k..v kailtria kttckea, garage, $2100; terma. ! a a a a " Winnie Pettyjohn -' - 318 Oregoa BWg. For Sale. $80 Per Acre Farm of IPS aeroa 4 miles Math of Dal ian,: 85 caltiTsted. aU UllabU. 7 room heaee. large barn, farm fence aad croaa fenced. Pheae far fall parUeolara. da- aeriDtioaJ aiOO ttmr m-rm Si 3 w Latham for bargains, 553 N. Charek St! rstoi 40t w. EMPLOYMENT "iVJUAWNS MADE AND CARED FOR CALL 18IJM, j . 1 BAU AID 7XMALB WANTED MXX AND- W0MXV .TO , ka farm paper abscriptloaa. A good , prooesiliea to the right pooplo. Ad- raaa the Pacific Homeatead, SUteaasaa Bkdc Saleaa. Or. - FOR RENT APAXTMXNTI FOR i feEKTi f- NICELY TUB aishei hoasckteplag apartmeata aad , ttecpiag room. Iaaaira at 194 8. Cot . taga or phono 1094. ' TJYB ROOM UNFURNISHED APART- k meat. jeloto la. Adults. 485 Center. PIBTUKVT FOB Brvf 1K VOBTU jfOB RENT -APARTMENTS, 891 NO : Commorclal. JTOR RENT FURNISHED APART me tl and 1 single room. 488 N. Lib ' arty atraet. ; jt; rukxa FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN . fBo room flat, first floor, at 88 Ferry St, f5 a moata. Immediate posses S maa. Paeaa 33. or call at Stateamaa kasieeae office. . , -. , BOT7SBS I , LAROT OOMMODIOUS HOCSR CLOSE tm, ai, unitr xirs xioor isr-a bed). See Wm. FUmUg. 841 State mrtuum eue wr BMwao, iia. FOR RENT Continued BOOMS OUR FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED downstair rooms. Close in at 444 N. Com' I. St. ' : . I : j -. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE J4" BY wording ''Furnished Booms," price 10 cents each. Statesovsa Baaineaa Of fice. Ground Floor. . .'() ' PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14"rBY T". wording " Rooms to Rent," price 10 cants each. Statesman Baaineaa Of fice. Ground Floor. ! j FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping room. Leonard Hotel, 254 N. Froat Street. I .-1 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY ?V4". wordin "For Rent,t' - price JO 1 cents - each. Statesman Buslaesa Office, on Ground Floors I PIANOS NEW PIANO FOR RENT 88 PER MO. H. L. Stiff Fornitnro Co. ! i PERSONAL I GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL i paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. ,' WANTED i WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1327. MISCEIXANBOUS WANTED ' EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Beat priroo paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. : 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 FOR SALE BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PETS BULL PUPS FOB SALE FLAKE'S Petlaad. 273 State. ! f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU GOLD metallic window and auto sign latter work. Phone 775, 3 to 6 p. m. daily. PIANOS j GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO, f 150 Terma if desired. H. L. Stiff Farai tare Co j i FOR SALE OOOD USED MAHOGANY piano left with as to sell. Price 200; terms.; , H. L. Stiff Furniture Co, Ma- aia department. - '..- FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper. Bend : 1 So to the Pacific , Homestead. Salem, Oregoa for a three months' trial aubseriptioa. Meatioa tkia ad. FOULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for siecisl three months' ) trial for tko beat aad oldest journal la ' the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the , poultry -breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem, Oregoa. PHONOGRAPHS PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 8125.03 Victor 8150.00 Victor 9150.00 Patho 8145.03 Columbia 75.00 Victor ..f 95.00 115.00 67 .SO -. 110.00 62.50 i i Tarn as low at $1.00 par week H. L. STITF FURNITURE CO. Phoae 941. 404-450 Court St. WOOD j FOB 8ALX 18-INCH OLD FIB AND second growth 4-foot. . Pkone , 19FS. 1 M. D. May field. i L . Best Grade of Wood 4 foot and 18 lack mill wood. 4 foot aah aad second frowtk fir. 4 foot aad 18 inch old fir. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. Prod B. Wells 805 8. Charek. Ph. 1542 EXCHANGES ! WILL TRADB TRACTOR AND PLOWS for touring ear. Address "E89" care Stateamaa. , . , MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE ABOUT 200 PRUNE boxes. $10. Phono Crothera, 0F4. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 . . eeata a bundle. Circulation department Oregoa Stateamaa. ' Jf: FOR SALE ONE MAJESTEC AND ONE gas range. , 975 N. Com'l. Phone 588. Beautiful Oregon Rose Aad elerea other O r o goa songs together - with a fine collection of patriotic aoaga, " sacred aoaga and many old-time favor ite., . f .j . ALL FOB 25c. - (Special price la quantity lota) Especially adaptable for acbool oemman- - v Ity or home singing. Send for U Western Songster ; . 78 pasi now ia Ita third oditioa Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. ( Salem. Ore. AUTO DIRECTORY battxst and exectricias PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical - work. Ferris Bros.. Phone 1803, 418 - Court. .---. ... ., .. - , R. D. BARTON EXIDK BATTERIES starter aad generator work; 171 Soutk ' Commercial. - p.. ; TEMPUS::TODD :7AxyTrHG r DO GlTS HB INTHoJqlZAM WKCH t pomt Do nothin' r Grrs in kc-Kse THE 7WIRTFEKTW ,t$W AN THfc STORK hrHttVr ORAfoC Mr "JT HAP A SftOKCrs f-CC AUTO DIRECTORY Con. RADIATOR 8t FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bsir. 849 Ferry TRACTORS A C. HLAAG A CO.. 444 FERRY ST. Phon4 210. Cletrao tractors. OliTer im plemeats. TIRES AMD ACCESSORIES u USED PARTS 1-3 to 12 OFF. MIKE'S Au to j Wrecking House; 424 North ComnMrcial. Phono 528. U8ED CARS YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 1920 Chevrolet; 3 almost new cord tires, spotlight, etc.. 3175; $75 down, bal ance teasy. Phone 22 or 1752M. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEPT. - i 349 N. Commercial St. GOOD USED OARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co.. 371 Court. VICK BROTHERS USED CAR BULLETIN 1915 1 Studebaker-4 ,....... 75.00 Ha'tay Davidson Motorcycle 75.00 1919 j Maxwell Touring 250.00 Dodge Tearing .L.....'. , 375.00 1919Oak!anl Touring 350.00 Ford j Touring . ; 200.00 Buick 0 . ...300.00 Case i l 0-1 8 Tractor, like new &00.00 Ford mo a Trvtor ... j 200.00 S-imaon Tractor -aJ .:6oO.OO Avery Tractor 6-eylinder 300.00 Light Trucks ........ .250 up. VICK, BROTHERS ' Hick St. at Trade f USED CARS i 1920 Oldsmobile apeed wagoa la A-l ahapis. $500. 1S21 Ford touring ... ....$250.00 118 Ford touring I 175.0O 1920 Ford tonring with extra equip ment ; 325.00 1919 Chevrolet . 150.00 1918 Dodge touring ... 400.00 1917 Maxwell touring 175.00 i Terma BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. I Phono 423 . 1J8ED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1930 Tonring 1930 Touring 19X0 Tonring 1921 Roadster 1921 Roaiater 1920 Coupe 1920 Coupe ... 1021 Coupe ... 1920 Sedan 9225.00 240.00 285.00 225.00 265.00 885.00 425.00 465.00 885.00 395.00 525.00 195.00 290.0O 65.00 45.00 250.00 1921 1922 Sedan . Sedan 1910 Delivery 1921 Touring ltl4 Delivery 1918 Touring 1920 Truck All cars guaranteed to be in good run ning order. 1923 license on every car. Liberal Terms. Open Sunday a VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY I 260 No. High. Phono 1995 ; " BICYCLES AMD REPAIRING LlOYD E. RAMSTTEN DAYTON BICY felea aad repairing; 887 Court. ? f Ladies' Wearing Apparel i DBESSMAKXNO MISS E. S. SCHUETT. DRESSMAKING, Phone 1091,' 265 'N. Commercial. PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY-7", (wordinc "Dressmaking" ; price 10 centa each. Stateamaa Business Office Ground . Floor. HEMSTITCHING Salem elite-h emstitohing I pleating, buttons, stamping and aeodlo I work; 328 Oregoa Bldg.. Phoae 372. MRS. C. S. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil- ler'a store. Phone 117. LADIES TATLOBINO O. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN I and womea. 474 Court St. W. J. MAYER LADIES' TAIIORINO. long costs aad suita. Boom 7. McCor- Back Bldg BUSINESS CARDS 1 rUfAMCIAL I ABM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects agaiaat adversity. City loans. . loweat rates, monthly installmenta, pro-payment privileges. J. C. Siegmuad, room 2. over Ladd h Bask snk. AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER I. B. TAI30T. THE L livestock, furniture aad farm aaloa i auctioneer, 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg Pkoaa f 470 for aalo dates. ARCHITECTS FREEMAN STRUBLE. REGISTERED Arehitecta, 510 Bank of Commorea Buildiai. CARPET AND KUO WEAVZNO RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Call before 9 a. m. 84F21. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rue Works Rag and fluff rugs - woven any aixe without scams. New ' mattresses mada to order. Old mt ' tressea remade. : Feathers renevatod. I : buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff ' ruga. 13 aad Wilbur streets. Phoae 1154. Otto P. Zwicker. Prop. - - - N6i Much1 Enthusiasm. r?rrrrmmm " 1 1 vr.vy.';-: .""." .w. ..M 'i ..un. i 'i i.'...',i..i.n....i jm i.k.'i i .. jn .nr..'. .iii.i i i '.' .-' i "..'I . ' 1 J '.. .'."-i - .... ji"swrrm trouolk: S TSottm-lv if Clad Vou 4 KCoin'aa FRon, aa r J:r.T7f J m l wmmm jtt.am:m? n i i-ja-.;.;;;.)'...;... a.i.! "tmmn cmvtialI vbni uiT7j has n- miMpw.i i i '.rwi rywrn r m n in - a. -1 s i 3.x.--.:i r.-:.-.'vr--T?-.--y z-...-:.; w n j8bw wa sv a. m mi - mm tm''.ii!'-z.';.-!t:'.u-z.M,: u BUSINESS CARD Continued CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 867 8. Capitol St. Phono 1153M. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Constructing Engineer. Surveys, esti mates. Jno. H. Neef, 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. CLEANERS AND DYEBS SPICK N' SPAN CLEANERS AND dyers. Phone 195. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits cleaned and pressed, $1.50. Suits sponged and pressed, 50c. 1215 8. Com'l. Phono 1868 DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS." 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC building.: Phone 1200. j HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP EI.Cf trical i machine repairing, contracting 337 Court. ' PbonO 488. ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contrsct. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court St. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 223 N. Liberty. TRATERMAX, LOYAL ORANGE I.OIXJE JASON LEE Memorial No. 530 meets in Odd Fel lows' hall every first, third and ' fifth Tueaday of the m onth. All Orangemen welcome. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING FURNACE cleaning. F. Councilman. Salem Hard ware CO. ; : ." I FINANCIAL HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. CITY LOANS, lowest rates. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5ft per cent. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce MONEY WE LOAN ON CITY OR farm property at low rates. Sea us first. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregoa Bldg. i j FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and 6Vi PER CENT , i ANDERSON ft RUPERT Oregon Bldg., Salem. Ore. 1 L : FARM LOANS Insurance money, any amount 6 per cent. for 5. 7. 10. or 20 years, with full . prepayment privileges entire Willam ette valley. HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregoa Bldg., Salem, Oregon FURNACES SKAGROVE FOR FURNACES PIPE had pipeiess; 198 8. 12th St. Pkone . 885W. FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. -QUALITY farnitare for lose money. . 873 Court Pkone 1464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORK NEW end second hand furniture; 271 , N. . Commercial. JXTHX JVmtt WE BUY AND 8E1JL. FURNITURE, tools, and Junk. 975 North Commer cial. Phone 688. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 81 S. Liberty street. Phono 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. YALH LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IN A PO- sition to reader yon the same efficient service as before the fire which de stroyed our old building. All kiade of . laundry work, also cleaning and press ing. Phono your waata to 195 and we will all CAPITAL CITY STEAM IAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. MACHINE SHOP THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, vulcaniiers aad tube plates. Perry 0. Campbell. 317 N. Liberty. WECHTER ft SMITH MACHINISTS, engineers. welders. Heald cylinder grinding service. Phone 562-345 Ferryr MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. NURSERY STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE lino trees. Office 161 8. 14U 81 Phono 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fru ita. ornaments. Capital City Nur , aery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg.. Phono 75. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 237 State. PAPEEHANGIN0 AND PAINTTN0 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE ; decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. TEN CENT K ALSO M I X I X E IN BEAUTI ful colors: $1 does a room. Msx O. ; Bans; 170 N.' Commercial. i BUSINESS CARD Continued PAPERHANG1NG, PAINTING. KALSOM ining: E. R. Brack, successor to Aub rey H. Clark. First etaaa work, T9S N. Capitol, phone 1607R. j PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397-J. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfsey.i SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinds removed. Cespoots cleaned. Phone 167 or 10U7J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (Suc cessor to Neal Scavenger) Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed ljy the month. Reasonable r a tea. Phones : Office 529; residence 2058. , SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sella! second hand furniture,, tool and junk; 320 N. Commercial. Phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CI Til ing and shoes. Best ' prices' paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phone 1368-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED -r 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sizes 26 to 28 in. high. Paints, oils 'and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop books. Salem Fence and Stove Works.) 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER-HAULING REASONABLE HAULING; QUICK 8KK vice. Phone 1122J. Tiinme Transfer, 640 N. Commercisl. TRANSFER HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND CHIP HOUSE hold goods. , Our specialty is piano aad furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call oa us for prices. Wo give good meaaurm, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phono 930 MOVING AND STORAGE REASON A bio figures. 975 North Commercial, pkone 688. ; ; ' ! CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO ,226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and atorage our specialty. Get our rates.. - j , , TRANSPORTATION? j CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE ; Central S'age Terminal, Hslem, Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves 8alem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m.; 3:15 pint.; 5:15 p m.; 7:30 p. m. ; to Corvallis only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager ; Central State Terminal Salem, Oregoa. SALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem. Central State Terminal; 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. ns Leaves Silvar'.on News Stand: ' 8 m. ; 1 p. m ; 6 . m. Salem-Independence- Monmouth Divisloa : Leavea Salem. Central Stage Terminal: ,1 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. m. 5:10 p m leavea Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: i 8:15 a. m.; 1 p.. m.; 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence,' Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a m, ; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 6:30 p. m. : Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. m; 5:10 p m. Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a. m.; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. r -We , make connections at Salem to all . parte of the. valley. Extra trips by ap " poiutment. . I '. J. w; PARKER, General Manager. VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY STORE CHINA . ware, glassware, toys, notions, and mil- ,. linery. j ' - WATEB SALEM WATER, LlGHT ft POWER CO. Office. 801 South Commercial St. Ten t per cent discount oa. domestic ' flat , rates' paid ia' advance. No deductions for absence or any csase nnlest water 'Is shut off yonr premises. MUSICAL A COURSE; IN BUSINESS PIANO . playing. ) Popular syncopated standard music. Semi-classics and ballads; 12 lessons. 1 Waterman Piano School. Me Cornaek Bldg. MCUSI0 8 TORES SHERMAN. CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music House, 415 Court street GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO - graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, aad pisno studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; '432 State, Salem. , " TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co., Music Dept. j PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING : -( EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey Moore'a. Ma . . sic House f PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuaer. Leave orders Will's Music Store. . i. PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 686; 173 8. liberty. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN . disease. 153 & High St. Phono 283. PROFESSIONAL Continued CHIROPODISTS ' Da S. t F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA tional 'University S.ieuces, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phono 640. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUSES, ingrown nails; all foot trouble. -Price Shoe Co. Pkone 610. CHIROPRACTORS JK. REDMOND, 328 OREGON BLDU., ; Phone 957 . DRS. SCOTTjA 8CHOFIELD. P. 8. C. Chiropractors, -414 19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828 R. DRUGLE8S PHYSICIANS MAGNETIC j HEALING ' DR. , A. I. F.-ants. Acute snd chronie diseaaea. PhOrie 786. 495 N. Commercial. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREO tors, 210 Canter. Phono 1656. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Off. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE, AND chronie diseases; 415 Oregoa Bldg! Phone 110. . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. ! -. physician ' graduate. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC and surgeon. Kirksville 404-405- U. 8. National Bank f bldg. Phone, ..office 919; res.. 614, DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIC Pftysiciani and Surgeon. 403-404 Ore ; gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394; res. 58r'5. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg Rooms 301 to 304. I GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW. OP tical Co4 325 State street, opposite Ladd Aj Bush Bank. "Use Quality ' Proven Shur-ons." REAt ESTATE PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 714" wording j'For Ssle, Enquire at." Price 10 cents esch. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. WHEN YOU THINK OF REAL ESTATB think off I Robinson His listings are complete. Bopus Loan Deals I hsve two new Bnngslows that csn be hsd on Soldiers Bonus loan terma. Quick possession. See Wm. Fleming, 841 State St. Phone 803 or House 1734M. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 8A lem property, 10 room home; built sev en yesnii in Veneta .near Engeae on Coos Bsy line. 82500. Timber aad ' mill work are available or purchaser may take ever my eresm, egg snd poul try business. P. C. Pratt, Veneta, ' Oregoa, Good) and Worth While 5 room hoese and two lots for $1250. -4 room modern kouss in excellent order. large lotl and bearing fruit. $2600. 4 rooms snd sleeping porch, nice lot oa paved street, in good order inside and out, $2200. Bath toilet and electric light, j . $2400; $400 down. J. A.I M ILLS. 331 State St. Court Street Property Located at 1389 Court St. 6 room honse with corner lot 70x68 XL boar' ing fruilj. is worth! Price 3700. ; This property more money. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Ststo St. W. H. Woods Bargains Six room house, basement, furnace, built in fixtures, sleeping porch. Two lots on paved street and csr line, bearing fruit trees rid berries. Swell loea- ; tien. gaftuO. '' Also 100 other houses all prices. Apsrt- ' ments for rent close in. Choice ;3 sere tract with good buildings, close ia oj Pacific highway- $4000. F. L. WOOD. 341 State St. FOR SALE AT 1090 NORTH 5TH street, one of the few strictly modern : 8 room homes in the city of Salemv It must be seen to be appreciated. Call any time Sunday, or before 8 a. m. or after 5 Jp. m. during the week. WONDERFUL BUYS 5 room plastered bouse ia N. Salem, 4 large lots. Garage and chicken coop. For $2000; with $500 cash; balance .. te sui:. j ' r 7 room modern house, bssement snd fur nice, large lot. fruit, east frontsge on N. 20th-St., for $40OO; will consider exchange for Portland honse up to S3006. j Small house 16x24 feet; good lot, east frontag for $450; now vacant 1 Dandy garage, bouse, corner lot in gard en, for 9775. Ses Childa A Bechtel, 540 tate St. 1 J SPECIALS 2 fine lots, N. atreet to be paved soon, 9250 esch. 3 room , cottage, electric lights, path tub not in. Lot 52x132. , in good (district, close to school and car Hi.. $1050. A350O to josn will divide. Wm. McLaren Co. 180 N. Com'l St. Phone 43Q FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM rott tgs balance close in, $2200. $700 down, like rent. 410 Oregoa Bldg. Story by REAL ESTATE Continued BEAUTIFUL HOME Of 7 rooms close in, modern in every way. Nice large lot, east frontage, garage, and paved street. Lawn, flowers and shrubbery. Price $6500 and real val uc. See Child A Bccbtel, 540 State ft. FOR SALE NEWLY BUILT & ROOM house, full basement and aafiaisked upstairs. Prica $3000. very good terms, f . - ' - FOR BALE OR TRADE 20 ACRE, It ecree in prunes, 7 scree la togana Good 7 room honse, 5 milea south Q 8a.em. On account of sickness ownei wll sell very reasonable or take sows Salem property ia trade. Rick L. Kei arnna. Realtor, 229 Oregoa Bldg, pbos 1013.:" it--:'.-... i , DAIRY OB STOCK RANCH BARGAINS '355 sense -1 1 . iniier east of I-bsnon. 40 acres under rnltivation; 40 stump pssture, eultivsble. 90-acres Ssntism river bottom land; 600.0OO feet fir tim ber and about 2000 cords of wood in standing timber. 40 bbl. .custom flour mill; water power; good buildings; 7 head cows; team and implements; well watered; good roads. .Price $11,000. A, C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple. Salenv, Or. To Exchange A nice 40 acre home 3 tniies from Salem on paved road for' stock farm near Brownsville. - 4 room house and 2 lots, good buy f 01 $1201. 3 room modern house, paved street sal csr line. Snap for $3300; with $10t dowe. i 3 hoc ses for rent. 1 Thomason ; ( 331 Stats St. . I Best Buys and Exchanges 22 1 seres, 20 cultivated, 2 1-2 acres timber, house, barn, coop, 2 1-2 'milea from Salem, oa good road, electric light and telei-hone line.' $2975. This '-is the best buy ia Salem vicinity. 5 acres timber running stream, oa rock road, close in, $575 cssh. 1 acre, 5 room bungalow, ' garage, coop, lota of bearing fruit on Pacific kigh wsr, 1 miles north, $3000. . Will exchange for Salem ) evidence. 5 room new modern bungalow, fireplace, builtina, basement, east: front, pave mentr garage. $3000 terms. This is the beat buy in Sslem. . 7 room modern bungslow; -rents for $50, wsnt smsll acreage with good 5 room bungalow, on good road and electric light line. 3 aero chicken rsnrh close in, good im provements, lots of bes. ing fruit, 150 chickens, 1 cow, all toola, feed,, fruit and garden. 94OOO. - r Socolofsky . Realtor -' : ; 841 State St. j FOB EXCHANGE - AT CORVALLIS. NINE ROOM MODERN housoi with full basement,, east front and located one block from College. Will exchange for Salem residence property. If interested write E. A. Sc-nwieaing, 204 Kings Road. Corval lis. Oregon. - PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. i - - . . Sealed proposaH, endorsed "Pro posals ! for Heating Plant Build ing" will be received at the office of the Oregon State Board of Con trol. Capitol building.1 Salem. Ore gon, until 11:00 a.' m. Friday. August S. 1923. and, not thereaf ter, for furnishing labor and ma terial for construction of a heat ing plant building at the State In stitution for Feeble Minded, in ac cordance with plans and specifi cations of the architect, Al. work to be Included in general cor tract except, plumbing and heating, and the erection of a steel water tank and steci lower, on which separ ate figu;ce are to be taken. Drawings, specifications and blank; forms of proposals may I.e obtained from R. B. Goodin, sec retary Oregon - State Board of Control, Capitol- building. Salem, Oregon, or from Jay H Keller, engineer, Worcester build ing. Portland, Oregon. The de posit of a certified check in the sum of twenty-five . ($25.00) dol lars will be required on each set of plans and specifications and shall be returnable only upon1 the return of said plans and specifica Hons, in good - condition, within four days after receiving same. Each bid Is to be presented un der sealed cover, accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Oregon State Board of Con trol, in the amount equal to ten per cent (10) of the amount of said bid. which check shall be for feited to the state should the sue cessful bidder fail , to execute the contract within ten days (not in eluding Sunday) from date of noti fication of award. The contrac tor to whom award Is made will be required to furnish bond from a surety company authorized to do business in Oregon, in an amount equal to fifty per cent (50Kof the amount of contract. Proposals shall be made only on form furnished by. the architect. The envelope, containing same to OCTAVUS ROY COHEN XUmstrstlona by H, Westoa Tsylot ' be marked "Proposals for Heating ' Plant Building. State Institution for Feeble Minded." ' ' : The right is reserved to reject ; any and all proposals or to accept ! the proposal deemed 'best for the state. , ' .. Dated this Htb day of July. ! 1923.'-- .. l-vU;-, ,.; , R. B. GOODIN, Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. NOTICE TO OXTRACTORS. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Pro posals for Central Heating Plant' will be received at the office of the Oregon State Board of Control. Capitol building, . Salem, Oregon, until 11:00 o'clock a. m. Friday August 3, 1923. and not thereaf ter, for furnishing labor and ma terial for the complete installa tion of a central heating plant, in cluding all steam and plumbing pipe, two water tube boilers, aux iliary apparatus, complete at the State Institution for Feeble Mind ed, In accordance with plans and specifications of the architect. Drawings.! specifications' nd blank forms of proposals may ba obtained from R. B. Coodln. sec retary Oregon State Board of Control, Capitol building. Salem.. Oregon, or! from Jay H. Keller, engineer, Worcester buikd Ing, Portland, Oregon. The de posit of a certified check in the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dol lars will be required on each set of plans and specifications and of plans and specifications and shall be returnable only upon the return of said plans and specifica tions. In good condition, within tour days after receiving same.' Each bid Is to be presented un der sealed cover, accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, . In amount equal to ten per cent (10) of the amount of said bid, which check ehair be forfeited, to r the . state should the successful bidder fail to execute the contract within . ten days (not Including Sunday) from date of notification of award. The contractor to whom award is made will be required to Turnish bond from a surety fjom pany authorized t6 do business in -. Oregon. In an amount equal to fifty per cent . (60) of the amount of the contract. . Proposals shall be made only on form furnished by the archl tect. The envelope containing same to be marked ''Proposals for Central Heatinx Plant, State In stitution for Feeble Minded." The right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the State. - .; V'. " - - " Dated this 14th day of July. 1923 , ... . I . R. B. OOODW. Secretarj Oreeon State Board of Control. SALEF.1 FMRKETS GRAIN AND HAT. No, 2 wheat No S red wheats sacked Cheat hay i. 4 Oat hsr U , 1 -ns : .97 ...812 818 811 818 Clover hsy. baled' $13 & 813 . Prices quoted ore wholesale snd . are prices revived by farmers. No retail prices sre given, except aa noted: I ' EGGS, BUTTER, BUTTERTAT Creamery butter , .. 43 Q ,44 Bntterfat, delivered . .40 Milk, per nrt 3.-20 Eggs selects : . 4 : Stsndarde .22 Pallets ,,,, .20 POULTRY Hesvy kens- .18 Medium .18 PORK, MUTTON AND BEET Hogs, top 150.228 lbs., ewt 88.75 Hogs, top. 225-275, cat '. 88.25 Hogs, top. 275-300 lbs., ewt .... 87.00 Light sows ewt $8.00 Rough hesvy, . 04 04 Top 'vest, dressed . 07 074 Top steers ..i.J-.705 .044 - Cows ..::.... 3.04 Vfci Top lambs ; i. '-- 0i Heavy lamba . ; , BANANAS , Red Cord, the distinguishing mark si toaUty fruit. Quoting crated, per lb. JIM ORANGES Bonded" Brand oasklst sloaeUa-i Offering: , : - ' US' aad larger ., $5.81 ISO's snd smaller $4.5 CAXITORNIA GRAPETRUIT "Snnkist" 84's, 80's $4.54 All CHrng f raits ia kslf-case lota. lOe additional. ' .; .A7PXES Grsvensteins, 4 tier '......".J ... ...83.25 ; . LBHOVa Leffinrwell "EEE1" oil sites, esse $10.00 NEW BUNCHED VEGETABLES , All priced by tke dosea bsaebsa. Seets. Turnips. Carrots ,, . , 1 , Kn. Radishes, long or round a SACKED TEGETABLRa New Yakima carrots, per ssrk . 82.25 New Tskims Turnips per ssek .. 43.50 AU Ssek Vsgstsblos le per lb. kigkof when desired in ' less thsa sack lots New beets, per Ssek' 12.25 fsklms rutabsgss, per seek .$3.30 New Vegetables Cauliflower, flat crates .. $1.75 New celery, per bunch .81. SO ' Green beans, per lb. . lO .$2.00 - Summer squash per crate Tomatoes: The Dalles, per 2 Isrer bos Cabbage, local, crated per lh Head lettuce local, eratea - $2W 02 $2.- -gg pljnt per-TJb 2S New potatoes, new Oregons, lb Icll peppers, per !b.. Green peas, home grown, per lb. .02 K .. SO 10 Cucumbers: Onions, Walla Walla Globes, ewt...$2.75 Th Dalles outdoor $1.56 Parsley and Onions . ,. SS '. Potatoes ; fakima netted gems, per ewt $1.50 Oregoa Whites, per ewt.... $1.21 New Fruits . Apricots.3 4-bssket ersto Wstermelons, rrsted. per lb $1.78 IS Cherries, Lamberts -" , I Rsspberries, selling u $1.75 : 82.O0 Turrsnts. selling ogsaberrifv selling todar 31.50 Blaek caps, selling today .-.8a.S5, Bartlett pears, per bos .... 1.. $.7' Plums, per 4-basket crate $2 oa Cantaloupe New district, from Waaco: Htsndsids. per crate L, $5.50 ' Ponies, per crate ; ...$4.7S Flats, per 'era tar- . ... 32.85 Peackes Fresno and Red Bluff Dist's. Pine Elbcrtaa. per box . $1.35 Early variety Oregon- grown - -- per box . .-. , 41.10 It '4 9 B X p o ft