The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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Fees of Graduate Xuncs'
a Association of Marlon county:
Nursing la hospital, 6 per day.
patient paying nurse's bnaH
Nursing in home, $6 per day, $2
for each additional patient. Nurs
ing In contagious diseases, J 7 per
"day, -with laandry. Nursine in
confinement cases, $ 7 per day.
New Two-Burner oil Stoves )
$12.75. J H. Ij. Stiff Furniture
Co. AdT.
Hawkins & Roberta
1 City loans; lowest rates. Adr.
Elizabeth Ardrn'a -
Venetian Beauty cream and lo
tions. r Central Pharmacy, 410
State street. Adr. : -
Breaks Her Arm
Mrs. S. B. Catteriin, who llces
at 465 North Twelfth street; and
who is past 80 years old, fell and
receired a broken arm as a result
Saturday, j She was at work In
the yard at her home when the
accident happened. . I-
Electronic Reactions of Abrama
1. Dr. White, 506 U, S. Bank bldg.
Adr.f j
relby Electric Globes
Prices recently reduced. ! Buy
at Lockwood's. 247 North Com
mercial St. Adv. ' 1
' Game Hearing Thursday'
Application for a temporary in
junction against the proposed
) change in the deer hunting sea
son was heard by Judge George
L Bingham yesterday, and the
case continued until Thursday at
10 o'clock. It was stated by
Judge Bingham that the case
would be argued on its merits and
probably upon a demurrer to the
petition. There will be no evi
dence offered. The case is being
brought by Attorney Winslbw, as
ai i protest i against the game com-
Osteopathic Physician ana : 1
Surgeon I
22S Oregon " Ba tiding j
Phone 259
I 1 . . , , , , I
I ! For . Gifts That Last
Diamonds, waicnes, eweiry
and Silverware. ' j
Phone 1253. Salem, Oregon
Salem Ambnlance Service
"Bay and Niffht 1 -
173 8. ibet .
Salem . ' --"011 I
All kinds of junk and I
second-hand goods. We.
pay, full value.
. W: .. " . V "
215 Center Street
. Bankers
Established 1868
Geser&l Dsxkiag Boxisesf
Of flee Hours frora
ymmmmmmm 1 1 . , , . - , . ; a
Under U. 8. Government Supervision
Member Federal
' .
Any Ma
can carve out his own success if he has the right tools.
And the most helpful tool of all la the habit of syste
'matic savings. -' ' , .:i M 1 . :; . ,J- .
Others have used it and found it safe and sure why
.not yout -v. - . " !-
Isn't the assurance of a comfortable future worth the
little effort required to t
United S tatea
- The Bank
mission shortening the jhunting
season to Include -September 10
to October 31, rather than from
August 20. the past dates. Wins
low contends that the Reason has
been, designated by statute and
that the game commission has no
aumoruy to cnange the season.
White Footwear on. Sal
. All white , footwear.: including
white buck, white j kid and fine
white fabrics. See them now
Miller's. AdT. f 1
Money to Loan j
We hare local clients that' have
money to loan, sums $500 and up:
no delay. We do our own Inspec
tion. See us for sacrificed prop
erty or exchanges.! Radcllf fe &
Waring, S41 State street.-iAdr.
Will Inspect Project J
i C. E. Strickland. I assistant
state engineer, wilt leave at once
for Umatilla county where he will
inspect the Teal Irrigation project
of 16,000 acres. 1
Sale of Pillow Cases i
a Royal Society made-up pillow
cases, stamped and hemstitched
assorted patterns, j Oh sale Wed
nesday. Only $1.25. Miller's.
Adv. j r
New and Used Records ;
25c each, at H. I. Stiff Furni
ture Co. Adv. t
Irvine on Trip j
Ward .A. Irvine, secretary to
Governor Pierce, left by automo
bile Sunday for southern Oregon
on a j combined trip of pleasure
and 1 business for the state. He
will be gone about' 10 days. Miss
Celia Bollman. one of the steno
graphers in the governor's office,
who- bas been away for two weeks
on a vacation at Tacoma, returned
Monday. , ' ;
Tents Purchased of Us
Can be returned at fair rental
pricesj H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Adv.. I '7 . s
Pastor on Vacatio
:;Rev. J. J. Evans, pastor of the
60S V. 8. national Bank Bnlldln
Paona 85 Bm. Pnona 468J I
Osteopathic Pnjralctaa a.d Burgeon
Elactrtnla Dlacaoattrai! Traatnaat
Dt. Abrama Method.)- J
Salem , ; ;, , j t J
Has Moved to HJ Mew
249 So. Cottage Street
: Phone 1183
Need not cost yon micfc.
We, have a larce shloment
of suitcases, bags and trunks
which we have, bought at
sacrifice prices and are go
ing to give you the benefit of
our fortunate purchase, j
. "We also buy used suits,
shoes, etc. Phone us for
prices. Phone 13 8-W.
Opal Exchange :
S43 N. Cora'l.
10 a ra. to 3 p. m.
lieserve bjkwb
National Bank
Tna riervice uuiiv
! U
i i ji I
First Christian church, and fam
ily will leave early this week on
a vacation which probably will
be spent at Yachats. on the coast.
Mr. Evans will be absent from
his pulpit three Sundays. Ar
rangements have been made for
Rev. Albyn Esson to fill the pul
pit two Sundays. i
Cooked to order at the Royal
Cafeteria? If not, try one. Adv.
Maytag Washers '
Our Specialty. II. i.. Stiff Fur
niture Co. Adv. ,
First Meeting In 40 Vear
A. E. Sears, wife and daughter
arrived Sunday from San ;Jose,
Cal.. and will visit for a short
time with W. II. Osborn. whose
wife is a sister of Mr. Sears. This
is their first meeting in 40 years.
Mr. Sears is a son of Rev. A. E.
Sears, who lived near Derty many
many years ago. He was a preach
er in the Methodist church!
South, and organized a number
of churches in the Willamette val
ley.' ' ." :
A Clanntfled
Will bring yon a buyer AdT.
Trade In Your Old-
Furniture. H. L. Stiff FurnH
Co. Adv
Ricycle Is Claimed ;
Albert Umbanhower of Dayton
claimed one of the bicycles re
covered by the local police yes
terday. He reports the bicycle
stolen on June 13.
Stolen- Auto Recovered
An automobile belonging to
Louisa E. Kraps, 451 North
Twenty-first street, was recovered
in Portland yesterday, according
to a wire from the Portland po
lice department. The car, a Chev
rolet, was stolen from Court and
High streets Saturday night.
We Have a Big Stock !
Of used goods in our basement.
Hi L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv.
Doea Tbl Internet Yo7
If you are looking for a Job, or
if vou need to employ help, use the
city free employment bureau at
,e TMCA. Adv.
Shaveland Makes Answer-
In his answer to Anna S. Shave-
land, who la seeking a divorce
from him, J. E. Shaveland denies
all allegations with two excep
tions. He admits that he is cap
able of. earning, a good .living as
a mechanic and that he has re
fused to live with the defendant,
but has lived in another house
on the same premises.
Bond Is Satisfactory-
Bond of Charles R. Irblae. ad
ministrator of the estate of Mary
M. Savage, has been foand satis
factory by Jadge W. M. Dushey.
Wilsoai Garage riw-Klarlwd j
Five tires and $2- in cash were
stolen from the Otjo J. Wilson
garage. North Cqpimercial and
Center street." Saturday night, ac
cording to a report made to the
police. Entrance to the building
was effected by removing a grate
over the sidewalk and coming on
upstairs through the basement.
Drunk Fined 20
Beinr drunk Sunday night cost
J. E. Adams $20 in police court
yesterday. He was arrested by
Officer Olson. (
Trade Yonr Old Piano ?
For a new Victrola or Bruns
wick. H. I Stiff Furniture Co.
Mrs. Brown Makes Choice j
Mrs. Edna J. Brown has elect
ed to take her share and dowry
interested provided by law instead
of provisions of the will of J. M.
Brown. ; : : 1 .
Final Accounting Approved !
Final accounting of the estate
of ScottrA. Rises was approved by
Judge W. M. Bushey yaclerday.
Adelia C. Riggs. executrix, was
discharged from her trust.
Cottage Farm Maw Kwcapes
Ij. B. Yader escaped from the
Cottage farm Sunday night. His
age is given" as 4 1 years, weight
145 pounds, and is said to be
about five feet.eTght inches . in
height. The police have been
notified of his escape. ;
Disorderly Pa'r Are Fined f
Charges of diwrderiy conduct
cost Robert Johnson and Delta
Pratt $10 each when they ap
peared before Police Judge Paul
sen Monday afternoon. In ad-
Leading Funeral i
Directors ,
Expert Embalmers
Rigdon& Sorts
r Uncqualed Scnrlce f ! ,
dltlon Johnson was fined $10 on
a charge of carrying a concealed
weapon. The couple were ar
rested early Sunday morning at
Mission and Winter streets by
Officer Victor. The patrolman
searched the man in Bush's pas
ture before. taking' him to the sta
lion, where the additional charge
was i placed against him.,
Well Furnished Flat for Rent-
Modern; first floor; large five
rooms. Immediate possession;
$45 a month, at 666 Ferry street.
Call at Statesman business office,
ar phone 23.
- . 4--'
New Planoa for Rent ;
II. L. Stilf Furniture Co.-Adv
Legal Blanks
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application
Gram Wins lecblon
That C. H. Gram, commission
er of labor, was right in refusing
to issue a license to A. G. Lyon
and II. J. Bennett, known as the
Star Employment agency, doing
business in Portland, was con
tained in an order handed down
yesterday by Judge George G.
Bingham. The demurrer to the
alternative .wrifi of! mandamus
brought by the two men was held
to be well taken.- Gram refused
application for a license to the
agency, taking the ground that
statute provided for the issuance
of such a license to a person and
not ' a partnership. The men
sought to get the. license upon the
payment of one fee.
Several New Bedroom Be
To select from. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co. Adv.
Bear the Iatest Victor Releases
I At II. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Worker Injured ' ij
B. D. Delapp. an emplpye at
the Spaulding logging mills, suf
fered a broken ; jaw last' night
while at work in the mill. His
brother was wording beside him
but did not see the accident. It
is thought a boh hit him. The
injured man was taken to the
Deaconees hospital, where it j was
said last night be was getting
along favorably.
Up on Mails Money for Fine)
A short time ago Jay H. Upton,
president of the Oregon senate,
traveled too fast while driving
through the city limits and was
arrested, though he did not ap
pear at that time. Yesterday Jus
tice of the Peace Hunts received
a check and a letter from Mr.
Upton. The check was for $15
in payment of the fine and- .the
letter said the sender thought the
fine a little too high. ' '
Krusehke Suit Answered ;
Answer upon the part of VI r
gil C. Krusehke and Custer E.
Ross, who are made defendants
with O. C. Krusehke. in a suit fil
ed by Minnie Krusehke, was filed
with the county clerk yesterday.
They contend that C Krusclike
became Involved in debt and tiat
they bought property from him,
not knowing he was in litigation
with' his wife over a divorce suit.
They ask that the suit be dis
missed and that the certificate; of
levy made upon the land by the
plaintiff be cancelled.
Date la Reserved
. Believing that to be ahead i Of
time s to be just on time, the
Daughters of the American Rev
olution have reserved the use; of
the Chamber of Commerce' for,
evening - of September IT, two
whole months off, for one of their
important conferences.' This is
the farthest advance of all meet
ings asked for at the Chamber
of Commerce this year.
Loganberry Pie
Maybe the rest of the buying
world claims to be fed up on lo
ganberries, but tonight the Cher
rlans are to be fed loganberry
pie a full - inch thick, made by
the reputed finest pie-maker ""in
Salem. The occasion Is the reg
ular monthly dinner of the
Cherrians i at the Chamber of
Commerce at 6:15: It is partly
a jol!y-up for the caravan that is
to start, for southern Oregon on
Thursday morning. They , will
count noses for the excursion, and
make the last' of the plans. : A
special menu all down "the line
will accompany the prize pie, "so
that It is to be a gala night. '.
Street to be Paved-
South Liberty street, from
Trade to Ferry, the section be
tween the -Traglio warehouse aod
the Northwest cannery, is being
filled up preparatory to being
paved. The pav'ng will not be
put in until next Beason in all
probability, but the filling of a
foot and a half of dirt and gravel
.is being done to have it settled
ready for the paving The stree
that was such amunicipal eye
sore only a few monfhs ago, will
soon be a real mun'cipal orna
ment, i ' .
Father Very 111
Mrs. Elsie Kisaman. former po
lice matron., received a telegran
yesterday that her father, a rea
ident'of Oklahoma, is very ill and
the attending physicians enter
tain little hope for his recovery.
Mrs. Eisaman is employed ": in
Portland.but ; will remain in Sa
lem until she receives additional
news regarding her father's couhe
i . . . . . i i 11 i i .....
dition. Mrs. Eisaman' has not
seen her father.; for a number of
years. :"
New Truck In Service v
P. M. Grpgory, ice cream man
ufacturer, has put a new truck
into service to replace one of his
machines that suffered a broken
frame while (trying to carry a
load? of iced dainties as big as
the general public was demand
ing of him. This hasn't been an
exceptionally good ice cream set
son, according 16 Mr. Gregory,
because of the rather unusual
number of cool ' days, but the
local factory has ran steadily with
a large enough demand to keep
four trucks .in service, and a con
stant force inside making the var
ious forms of ices. A large quan
tity of this Salem product is de
livered to outside points.
Will Visit Prison
Meade Elliott, boy's secretary
for the Salem YMCA, is to take
a group of boys, possibly a dozen,
through the penitentiary today,
by Invitation of the warden. On
Wednesday about a dozen of the
boys are to start with him for an
all-day hike, probably to Falls
City, and they will camp out over
night and walk ,home on Thurs
day. The boys will carry all their
own forage, except a place on the
ground to cook their meals and
to sleep.
Made llira.velf at Home
Thinking a crazy man, had en
tered his house and had begun
to talk with his wife, a resident
of the 1500 block on South Thir
teenth - street phoned the police
department for help' about 8
o'clock last night. Officers Smart
and Olson responded and found
the man asleep under a tree near
the Southern Pacific tracks. He
was crazy with liquor. He was
booked at the station on a charge
of being drunk. ,
Motorist Loses Wheel
-loo nuoti fOL 'uujnftDre pXom
tage street, was going toward
Dallas, near Rickreall, when his
car was struck by another; he re
ported to the; police Monday eve
ning. One wheel on -the Mc
Quinn car was broken. The other
machine failed to stop. G. C.
Glvens. 264 State street, reported
a collision with the Marion bus
at the corner of State and Com
mercial " streets.
Kola Neis, formerly of Salem,
is in town on business. '
Roy Cain of, Missoula, Mont.,
is spending a few days with his
brother, W. B. Cain, clerk at the
Hotel Marion. ;
C. E. Spence, , state market
agent, was here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dane, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Townsend and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paulsen spent
the week-end at Newport.
Mr.' and Mrs. Howard Rex, Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse George and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Reed Rowland re
turned Sunday from a week at
Newport. . 1
. Henry Reucel, 16 years old, a
resident of; North ; Commercial
street, has recovered from an op
eration for appendicitis and has
been, removed to his home.
J. H. Walker and son. Jack
Walker, left, Sunday on an auto-
mobile trip to California. i
Suffered 25 Years
1AM entirdytrextTora my Piles
and aches and pains," writes
one of my former women patients
who, after suffering 25 years, was
cured by my painless, non-surgical
treatment; But this case is no ex
ception, as scores of letters inmy
FREE illustrated book will testify.
I use no knife, anaesthetic, damps, liga
tures, stitches, burning or other disagree
able or dangerous methods la treating
Piles, and GUARANTEE results.
Remember my guarantee
means a positive and per
manent cure no matter
how severe your case
maybe. : '
Famous For Its Zest
In Bottles on
l- Distributed By '
Gideon Stoltz Co.
aa i . -i i
' ' TUESDAY MORNING; JULY 24, 1923 5
T. Allen of the V Western
Forestry and Conservation asso
ciation conferred yesterday with
E. a Elliott, state forester.
Mijis Molita Wolf returned yes
terday, from Portland where she
visitdd her parents for a couple
of wfeeks..:, . ' 1
Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
statel and T. A. Raffety, chief
state traffic inspector, have gone
to Vancouver, B. C, to attend a
cohfiirence of traffic officials of
the lorthwest.
Mi", and Mrs. L. S. Geer and
Mr. ;ind Mrs. C. B. Webb rave re
turned from a motoring "trip of
two weeks to Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C
Dr. E. C. Hickman; president
of Kimball School,. of Treology,
will leave today for New York
where he will attend a conference
of presidents of theological
schools of the Methodist church
Mir. and Mrs. M. L. Prunk of
Eugpne, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Prunk of Salem. Mrs. S. E. Mof-
f itt land. Russell Moffitt motored
to silver Creek falls Sunday.
Eric Butler, local manager of
Western Union office, spent
week-end in Portland.
Charles H. J. Truman, a prom
snent undertaker of Oakland and
Francisco, accompanied) by
family, were guests of Mr. and
G. E. Terwilliger Monday,
Ignorance Bane of Farm
Industry, Realtors Say
That the farming industry is
fairly well financed, but that it
is suffering from fundamental ig
norance and neglect of good mar
keting practices, was the consen
sus! ot the opinion expressed at
tnej noithwest Realtors' associa
tion that closed its four days ses
sion at Portland, Saturday after
noqn. The realtors had up for
their most Important discussion,
thej problem of making farming
more prosperous a; the only basis
of healthy, permanent prosperity
for the whole country. The wast
age in unnecessary middlemen,
the lack of definite knowledge
of marketing . conditions, and the
violent but only intermittent or
ganized efforts to remedy the con
ditions, were pointed out as the
salient points to be remedied.
jche Realtors took Friday af
ternoon off for a social session.
Thby drove up the Colombia high
way, to the fish hatchery, then
returned" to the Shrinets' inn.
where they dkied sumptuously
anb danced divinely. Close to
50p delegates attended the con
vention, from the northwest dis
tricts which ( includes Oregon.
Washington, California, Idaho,
British Columbia and Montana.
The national association president
was one of the distinguished
guest. The raising of the stan
dard of salesmanship, end the
broadening of the vision of land
salesmanship Into a great force
for civic righteousness and pros
perity, were the general trend of
thie whole convention.
jSalem sent six delegates
George GTabenhorst. president
Bd1td!: Wit InlB
for every department of Salem's Greatest Department Store, to
assist in rearranging the stock and to help, in reducing prices to
affect an immediate disposal. APPLY AT ONCE
Blanks That Are Legal
We carry in stocl over 115 legal blanks suited to most any-busincs3
transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a big
saving as compared to made to order form3.'
Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will form3, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage Form3, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form,
Bill of Sale, Building Contract," Promissory Notes, Installment Notes Gen
eral Lease, Tower of Attorney, Trime Books and Tads, Scale Receipts, Etc.
These forms are carefully prepared for the Courts and Private U3e. Price
on forms range from 2 cents to 12 cents apiece, and on note book3, from
25 to 50 cents. I ,
The Statesman Publishing jGo.
leIgal blank iieadquartes W k
At! Business Office, Ground Floor. ' "
of the, Marion-Polk County as
sociation; Judge John Scott, A.-. C.
Bohrnstedt, W. O. Krueger, A,
W. Bstes, Franlc Johnson, and
Miss Martha Bartholomew, sec
retary of the local association. .
Hood River County Has
Fewest School Districts
Hood River county has the.few
est organized school districts of
all counties in the state, accord
ing to the annual report to the
state educational department by
L. B. Gibson, superintendent of
schools ; in that county. There
are only 15 districts in the coun
ty. The county has 22 school
buildings where 2405 boys and
girls are taught by 86 teachers,
only 12 of whom are-men.
Hood River county has' only
three one-room schools, many of
the districts having been consoli
dated. While the state law re
quires 160 days as a minimum
school term. Hood River county
schools were in session but, 176
days. ' : '.
Forty-six of the 47 pupils en
rolled in the high school were
graduated in June, and 237 of tha
147 pupils enrolled completed the
eighth grade. . -
The total amount spenjt : for
educational purposes in the coun
ty during the year was $218,934.
Read the Classified " Ads.
100 1
Register at U. S. Labor
Bureau, with Salem Y
M. C. A., or phone 12.
Buys all kinds of junk household goods rags t
Faper, Rubber, Sacks, anything you have to sell,
Phone 523 or Call 4Q2 N. Com'I St.
The House of Half Million and One Bargains
The Public is Asked to
A Ur. Black the other, daywas
charged with forging the najae of
a Mr. White to a check. The
judge remarked there was "noth
ing else to do but commit him,
since the court had the evidence
In bliack and white. Exchange.
I from the 1
from the
rr mi iff
RlXa''Crols TPyr AWA
a But -h''
If the proper and care
ful filling; of your doc
tor's prescription will
save your life.
We Will Save It