CXSCUXdkTXOX JaVrar for Jan, 1922: nr ths cm or waTiT'.t and Uwfcara la Sunday only .6001 mm Daily sad Saaday. .5401 ' A.Trr for six anontha ending Ja so. win ua roue ugunaj Kaarly TTjbady.t da . Ihe Oregon Statecm gnadaya only - -- , " B8T1 Pail? and Kmidf-T Big 71 I j. SE VENTY-THIBn YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS (KM It. v. i liOIOGIED PMffllA V si I, HI s II I PF?ertII ui UIUI iu hi iiMjll Ui ininr ni nnirnl IIUUL. UU1UILII JJjj Ccpper River Ice Fields Vis- v. ited By Presidential Party ; All Are Enthralled By .spectacle HENDERSON SAILS ON: ' WILL STOP FOR SITKA Departure Froni Cordova Made Shortly After Re . turn Frorn Side Trip , , CORDOVA, Alaska, Jolj 20. : By the Associated Press) SUndlng beside the Copper Riyer, President Harding today saw one : of the grandest sights of Alaska. i; A quarter mile away; on the opposiu shore, towered the mas Its Ice cliffs of Child Glacier. . resplendent In their whiteness and In their delicate tints of blue and emerald, f ;4 Mote iWpresslTe than the glac iers' colore, howerer. were the manifestations of iu aetlrity and mysterious power, as huge por tions of it. some weighing hund reds of tons, broke away with a roar like that of heayy thunder, and plunred Into the rlTer , soon 4 to be dlesolred Into, water again after hundreds of years in a fros ' en 'state. . Childs Glacier, is one of the largest lire glaciers In Alaska for Chat matter In the world and although the members of the i president's party hare seen scores of glaciers, the one they . beheld today excelled all others. T I Railroad Company Host i 1 ,The . president and the other members of the parf, except Mrs. Harding, jjho. remained aboard the transport Henderson, made the 50-mile trip to the glacier as guests of the Copper Rhrer and Northwestern railway. Departing from here at fen In the morning and arrlring at a famous million -. I dollar bridge which the railroad built across the turbulent Copper river, the party left the train and walked, along a toot path a half mile until they could look direct ly across the stream to the face of the: glacier. ' ':'.-',:'- .o ,.,' , -( Seyeral minutes before they reached this spot , the travellers ' heard, the sound of breaking Ice like the roll of thunder. Imme- , dlately after they had taken their ' itaad before the glacier a large mass slid Into the rlrer with a roar that echoed and reechoed from fhe distant . mountains and fronrthe other side of the stream. Speaks at Cordova- , ! For nearly three quarters of an hour i the president viewed the ight enthralled. Told that a tunshot would usually - cause treat masses of Ice to break off, he ordered one of the, secret ser : vice men to fire at the glacier -1 with his pistol. Buf the distance i was too great. A pistol bullet 1 would afreet the walls of that glacier about as much as a small I boy's popgun would the side of a elephant. "One of fhe' most Impressive lights to be 'seen In Alaska," was the way the president described the glacier as he boarded the train for the return to Cordova. Back In Cordova the president and Mrs. Harding were taken for & ride about the town, which Is the southern terminal of the rail-f road. The road was built by the Comnhelm interests In 1907 for the transportation of ore from the rich Kennecott. mines, l : ; Before returning to the Hen dersoa, which departed late today for Bitka, the president made a trlef address to the citizens of Cordova, ' ' , THE WEATHER OREGON: Fair and continued warm Saturday. LOCAL! WEATHER (Friday) Maximum temperature. 85. Mlnloium temperature. '50. River, normal; falling. Atmosphere, clear. Rainfall, none. ' lowest. 7v: I A rhn Tiut RE MIM JIM Tno vr.PT po t..i.. Canal had been closed by a landslide, were contained m uiatiQns today by commis- radio messages received here tonight from the tankers De sioncr Blair or tho internal rev Roche and Imlay, on the way from Lbs Angeles harbor to the enue bureau, but persons who east coast; asking their agents for advices anq instructions according to the Los Angeles AoiTio. V,o nr avvva va a sw vuv n- y from the tanker Hughoton, statement "slide in canal." FEDERATED CLUBS . TD HOLD PICNIC Annual Event of County Or ganizations Is Set for Tuesday, July 31 Tuesday afternoon and evening July 31. is the time set for the annual picnic of the Marlon Coun ty Federated clubs. The picnic is to be held at the state fair grounds, and the whole member ship of the 24 community clubs affiliated with the organization is eligible to attend. Last year, the meeting was held at Spong's land ing. with only about 150 attend ing. This year it is hoped there will be anywhere from two to five times as many guests. . An excellentprogram of. ath letic and social games has been partly arranged. ; There will be footraces, three-legged races, tug- J of-war, baseball, baseball '. throw for the women and other events. It is the hope that all these events can be staged on the track In front of the grandstand, if : the track : management will permit it to interfere that much with the horsemen who use the track every day..- .. i ' - .' i "Barnyard Golf," the wonder fully fetching' game of pitching horseshoes. Is to be' made an es pecial feature. This will be open for both men and women. There are some . local women who have been playing this game with real ly professional ability, and they are expected to stage a spectacu lar exhibition. The "goff" games will be open : to all comers, ' In overalls or in gingham or In plain summer togs. s No particular uni form Is stipulated. ... ' Secretary Fred - Curry, of -J the fair association, is expected to be one of the , speakers for he day. They do not plan to have much oratory, but Curry is said to have a message i of good cheer to the people, in felling how he wants to utilize the grounds for the: bene? fit of the people pnd the- whole state, an d the Federation wants .everybody tp'hear him. : - -.';. x . TEXAS NEGRO HANGED TEXARKANA, Tex.. July 20. Without any sign of fear and pro testing 1 his Innocence, Sol John son, negro, was hanged at; 11:15 o'clock today In Bowie county jail at Boston. His body was cut down at 11:31. f MU. AO! -DRAWS IE0USMDS TO PARK Salem folks don't have to won der what to do these warm eve nings. They just go to the band concert and if they have any child ren they take them along to see the fountain play: otherwise they merely say they went to hear' the band play. Anyway, almost every one goes just as soon as the dish es are cleared up from the eve ning meal. ; From every street leading to ward Willson park on Tuesday and Friday evenings come father and mother, the kids, the dog perhaps. and baby's toys, not to mention mother's camp stool.; Then those who live several miles away and so must bring out the flivver, and those who live as far as two blocks and must needs , bring out , the Rolls-Royce, all come to the band concert. ; ' Other folks in. other big. towns may have band-concerts, but.they. CIMLSiDE: BY E TANKERS oa tj.. u to,o Examiner. . ; n radio wm al. so received here m at Salina Cruz, containing the Will Makfl Strone: Bid For ' I rw Cowo Illinois " Man CHICAGO, July 20. New York will make a strong bid for the democratic national conyen tion. George E. Brennan, Illinois democratic, leader annnnced. here today on his return from a con ference at French Lick Springs with Charles F. Murphy,- New York leader, and Thomas Taggart head of the party in Indiana. "New York City has not had a national'" convention for many years and Mr. Murphy said a they are going to 'fights hard j to get the .democratic " meeting i ' next year, said Mr. Brennan. Brennan said be expected Kan- sas City, St. Louis and San Fran cisco to join in inviting the dele gates. The meeting place usually is decided" In January, Mr. 'Bren nan said. PICRKSTA6ES CITED TO APPEAR Must Show Cause Here Aug ust 1 Why Permit Shquld Not Be Cancelled PORTLAND, July 20. An or der wia entered today by the Ore gon public service ' commission, meeting In Portland, .citing offi cers of the Pickwick. Auto stages to appear in Sarem, August 1, and snow, causa wny, tne cqnipany s permit to operate in i this . state shall not be - cancelled. ; Th4a ac tion Is chiefly due to i a recent crossing crash in Lynn county In which two passengers of a Pick wick stage lost their lives. If was announced at the com mission's office' that drivers of stages and busses must observe rule No. 73 , of the commission's regulations requiring that drivers of all cars carrying passengers for hire must come to a full' stop before crossing railroad tracks. -5 lack the electric fountain, so Sa lem Is In a class by itself. Those who do not like music usually like the: gleaming lights and colored streamlets, so alt have something to do these nice warm evenings. Court street ' was quiet as church last night, and the busi nesslike-looking "man .from head quarters" was . not kept so ' busy, apparently but that he enjoyed the concert. Those who came to listen fnHa tnnili .at In tholi a a rn RADIOS 7eB T51BE Court street or found seats on the "aen".nea woman late this at grass part, way down In the north- rnoo,n attempted suicide by west 'part of the park. Those who throw,j5f the Yakima came -to promenade and see who fTf'" he i else was there wandered around rKjIopolIce-, reports. .tftB up near the band stand and the WW Is in ihe hospital here un fountain. Those who went up conscious , and, wRh her skull near the stand with the; Idea of "U6llea a l,h u34 hiring the music were dlsap- VfW ,the rl r bottojp. pointed and felt that those near (Continued, parage ilxl a FRUIT JUICES MANUFACTURE IS PERMITTED Elimination of Possibility of -Kick" in Cider Ordered By New Ruling WASHINGTON, July 20i Manufacture of cider and other non-intoxicating fruit juices Is au- monzea wiiooai me iormamy oi make them must add preserves to prevent -rurtner alcoholic rer- mentation." Fruit juices may not be lawfully used, the regulations stipulate, for beverage purposes after becoming intoxicating. Under a. ruling superceded by; the new , : regulations manufac turers of fruit juices have -not been held responsible for any nat ural reaction of tho liquid. The new regulations define "preserved sweet cider" as that in which: alcohol fermentation has been prevented by the . addition, "Immediately upon pressing" ben ate of soda in the proportion ot not less than four to four one-halt ounces to each barrel of 50 gal Ions, or by immdiatasteriliza tion. Thpfe&ence of 4; per cent of acetic acid worild be consider ed as changing the cider to au thentic vinegar. Work on Motor "May Take Month Says Mecbanic- Water Also Leaked ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo.. July 20 Further flight in the airplane piloted by Russell L. Maughan, army aviator .until he was fore ed down here yesterday on the fourth leg of his proposed ocean to ocean daylight flight, is impos sible in its present condition and to repair the motor would require an indefinite' period. Lieutenant Maughan announced here tonight. Reporting the condition of the machine to the- army air service officers at, Washington, Lieuten ant Maughan declared in his re port that the investigation show ed that not only was his oil cool er leaking when he was' forced to abandon his flight," but that water was flowing freely from the cylinders and was mixing with tho oil. .. ; More than an inch and a half of the fluid had flown into the cockpit beneath his seat When he turned the plane around 20 miles west of Rock Springs' and nosed her back toward the - air mail field here. Lieutenant Maughan pointed out that either the water leak or the oil leak would have been sufficient to cause him to be forced down had he continued the flight. ' ! I Expert mechanics who investi gated the plane expressed great surprise" tonight that Lieutenant Maughan ever succeeded in reach Ing Rock Springs with the plane in the. condition that It la. . Water was pouring out of the cracked water Jackets at the ter miqation of the flight. The water jackets were of aluminum castings, it was said by Lair mail officials and could not be replac ed at any point west of the Miss issippi river. -: ' SUICIDE EFFORT Unidentified Woman Now in Yakima Hpspital; Recov- i ery Is Doubted i YAKIMA, Wash., July 20. Stripping herself of clothing, an Physicians hold out little hope for her recovery. She Is about 30 ?eara oldj and or jnedium size. MAU6H1 FORCED 0 WAIT REPAIR MWiEDIN - - ... & FDR WHEAT IS Better Prices Would Be 0b- 1!j1 V: O tamed By Withdrawal From Market, Declares Farm Bureau President WOULD CLASSIFY BINS ' AS BONDED WAREHOUSE Receipts Enables Grower tO Loan Under Credit Act, Says Bradfute CHICAGO. July 20.-A plan to -- 1 . withdraw 200,000,000 bushela wheat from the market and store it on farms until prices advance was announced today by O. E. Bradfute, president of the Ameri can Farm Bureau federation.! The. farm bureau plan provides for financing the project under the new Intermediate credit act; by which Mr. Bradfute estimated $660,000,000 could be made avail ing "their, surpluses." President Bradfute estimated that $150, 000.000 would be ample to store 200,000,000 bushels of wheat and thereby remove, it from the below a dollar market. , President Bradfute s declared that farm wheat bins under the intermediate credit act might be designated as government bonded warehousea'! for. which bonded warehouse receipts could be Is sued against wheat stored on . the farm. In this manner, he assert ed, . the grower would be enabled to borrow through the intermediate- credit , system up to : three fourths of . the market value ot his wheat with the warehouse re celpt as '.collateral, enabling him at the same' time to hold his wheat until prices, advanced and it became advisable to sell. ' Expect Immediate Effect The farm' bureau federation, President Bradfute said, expected to advance its plan through its 46 ! state farm bureaus including 1,-1 500,000 members in cooperation with the commodity marketing as sociations and the country banks. The Wichita, Kas., Intermediate Credit banki he declared is al ready advancing $100,000 a day to growers under his plan, with prospects for applications total- ... .a at A a v y AAA ling a daily peak of $2,000 000 the money being loaned at 6 1-2 the money being per cent. The withdrawal oi hnshels of wheat from the market and tho locking of It up under government seal in farm ware houses. President Bradfute said. will have an immediate effect on prices. .; A- Wheat selling below one dol lar a bushel Is a national trag edy 4n America" his statement said. "It is tragedy not only to the farmer who grows the wheat at a loss. but. also to the consum er the business man ana me la borer who must ultimately de - - . a i - 1 n pend on that farmer s wheat tloi lar for their continued prosperity and happiness. ' ; Solves NjtkBl Problem The American farm bureau federation believes that coopera tive' marketing is the ultimate so lution to the national wheat price j problem., We are now at wora on a national cooperan . M " ,, kic rmni- marketing policy, being formula- ted upon instructions! from our members. " Under this plan tne growers of theJ,nat!onal , will. In j effect, place their grain in a com mon bin and will merchandise it in an orderly way over the con sumptive period, instead of dump ing it on i an already, overwaoea market during the four months following harvest. T Cooperative marketing of wheat will unques- ., v..- th. nrirA nroblem 11UUAUI - OVI v ar- - . a" to the benefit of both producer and consumer." ,4 i The plan, except In ja few sec tions. Is not ready to function as I yet.' he said, adding that the new I Intprnjeaiary cregu law was iu pi- j tecu. nowevpr, ana, urging I cetary of agriculture to designate I mark wheat in an orderly manner and 1 still be provided with sufficient J capita, -to carryn-bU-business. warehouses on farms as KOTem-jtcp, today as tao result ot a stride meiil, irted" wareljopsea iojal-j bf telegraphers pn the line, from inw"ti rarmr ;fo market ""his 1 P fed ras Nle"cras to Mexico Citv. GIRLS' SCHOOL -1 f FOUNDER HELD FOR MANN ACT Illegal Transportation of One of 57 Adopted Daughters Brings Arrest j LOS ANGELES. July 20. Dr. H. B. Allen, said to b th fonnd- hi."? "pmtendent ot a gins- I ul oauuv, was arrested Li his Hollywood residence today I on an Indictment charging him wth Tlolat,on of the Mann act in irnBsyonins one oi nig ov aaopt ed daughters frm Sabot to Pifts- . j Department - of justice agents 0 arrested Dr. Allen also took mio.cusioay a woman who said she Is his housekeeper and two I were his adopted daughters. The former,' was held as a material witness and the latter, who gave their ages as 19 and 17 were placed in juvenile hall. i AL'corninr in iphpthi nriinmr A SI A . mm m Allen founded a school for oflgjri8 in North Carolina fourteen I yars ago and ' later moved the I institution to Sabot, legally adopt ing tne gins in nis care, when Indicted, they allegej, Allen fled west and his .wife departed for New York with seven of the girls. Dr. Allen today declared the lndIetmenf was the result of spite work and said fie was willing to return to the east to fight the jc,arge PIERCE PARDONS Dallas Man Convicted ; of Prohibition Law j Viola ! tion Is Freed DALLAS, Or., July 20. (Spe- cl al'to The Statesman.) Ralph Wagner ; of Salem, who recently completed serving out a 90-day jail sentence for driving a car while intoxicated has been releas ed from the county jail upon a conditional pardon granted by Governor Pierce. I The condition upon which the governor-granted the pardon was that Wagner pay his $350 fine as rapidly as he can earn the money. Wagner was arrested with Paul Tragllo, a prominent Salem man in the Traglio car in which two bottles of booze was found sever al months ago and assessed a, fine and jail sentence. Traglio's case so far has never been tried al I ao 11V v Va UU V ICU fti" thou JugUce Coad-took the po I ... .... ,. oiiiuu luai vaoo against UI izj should be tried. COETZ ELECTED Klamath Falls Man Succeeds Youel as Superintendent of Schools SILVERTON, Or., July 20. (Special to The Statesman.) Rft Goetx of Klamath Falls has been, elected by the Silverton i - - - school board to succeed Superin- tendent B. T. Youel as head of the sljTertott 8chools. Mr. Goetz has . . , - . . . , . been principal of the Klamath - Flls high school for the past four years and prior to that he was superintendent of the North Bend schools. He comes to Silverton wfth a salary of $2500 a year. The Silverton teaching personnel Is j composed of 31 instructors. B. T. Youel has gone to Santa "r V"" f w not sure where he would locate W tne coming year. TELEGRAPHERS STRIKE EAGLE PASS, Tex.. July 20 Both passenger and1 freight traf- iic. wasita- sianasuii on ne in- lernauqnai raiiruaa wiween .ri- dras Niegras and Saltillp, Mex- The telegraphers strike Is said to be a protest of the nomination of Superlntcnden Palmer. RALPH WACER HON ion yilLA'SiSMSSlKS DISCOVEffiPffilM' IY: FEDERAt mm General Martinez and petachnient of Soldiers D I: cc vcr I Part of Outlaw Ganr Near Parral, States Dirpilcu to Juarez Military Headquarters; InTestiSLtxra cf Shooting. Affair is Ordered by President Oiri EL PASO, Tex., July 20. (By Associated Press.) Three members of the band of bandits responsible for tha death of General Francisco Villa, his secretary, Miguel Trillo, and two body guards, were captured late today by a detach ment of federal soldiers under command of General '1Z. Martinez, a short distance froni parral, according to informa tion received at Juarez military headquarters tonight. AVAILABLE TEXAS Filling Station Rate War diasnes rrices ior com modity at Dallas : DALLAS, Tex., July 20 Eleven cents.- the lowest retail price for gasoline in Dallas in years, was reached at noon today in the thick Of a local, gasoline rate war, wherj one filling station, supplied by the Humble Oil and Refining company hung out the sign'Eleven Cents." .In 1913 it was recalled, this eve ning "a coupon" price 'of 9 cents a gallon was posted here. , ; For several days the fining .sta tion where, the new cut was made today'bas been selling gasoline at 13 cents a gallon", "in an effort to meet competition," according to the manager. --'V .' I POLK PRUITREES ED Alarm of Early Spring Van ishes Limbs Heintorced With Lumber DALLAS, Ore., July' 20. (Special to The , Statesman) Prune growers In this vicinity who a short time ago were predicting that- the shortest prune , crop4 in v oik , county's history would be harvested this year are now changing - their opinion and . are wondering just how the dryers in the vicinity will take care of the bumper crop. Orchards where shortly after the blooming "season', ft looked like there would be no fruit on the trees at all are now carrying about as much fruit as the trees will stand without breaking down and those, orchards where there was a promising show for a, crop early in the season, are in ' great danger of being seriously damaged by broken limbs unless the. Aug ust drop diminishes the heavy load now on the trees. Many of the orchardists are hauling thous ands of feet of lumber Into; the orchards, propping up the trees to keep the limbs from-breaking off, and unless the drop Is heavy next month, hand' pruning of the fruit -will : be necessary to keep the trees from being .ruined. '-l Although there are a large num ber of prune. dryers In this com munity, those growers who : have been delaying the contracting ; of their fruit to dryers are having hard times trying to get sufficient dryers to handle their crops. A number of new dryers have been erected this season and several more are either in the course , of construction or being contemplat ed and even with these : added drying facilities the prospect for those who have not as yet made arrangements for drying- their their fruit Is anything but bright So far no f ruif has been bought by packing, concerns In. this part of the county but growers expect that contracting may begin at any time. There still remain about two and , one-quarter ; million pounds ot frulf in this district of ast year's crop unsold and when this amount . is disposed ot the buying Is expected Co begin with m svisi9t ' . 1 nyFriLiisri MEXICO CITY, July 20. (By the .Associated Press.) General Francisco "Villa, one-time notel bandit leader and his chief of staff Colonel Miguel . Trillo, ' and three members of'. Villa's escort, were assassinated In an ambuscade early this- morning on the outskirts of Parral, in the state of Chihaohua. About a half doxen men com prised the band of assassins. They fired on Villa and bis men' f rein a' house they were passing and are reported to. have escaped rom the scene. Villa was driving an automobile on the way to; Guanajuato. As soon as the news;of the assassin ation' .reached here, orders were sent to search the-countryside ad jacent to the ambuscade in fin en deavor to "round: up the guilty f r- sons. , The body of Villa I3 ly! ? in the city hall at Parral, taa thousands of persons have viewed it.' President Obregon has order ed! an investigation Into: the as sassination. Lara Blake Report . Major: General' Egenio Ilartlnex at Cblhaahua, City has sent tr General Francisco Serrano, cecre tary of war, an official report he received from CoL J. Felix Lara, commander of the garrison at Par ral in connection with the killins of the former noted rebel leader. The report follows: "Villa, Trillo and three nen bers of their escort were killed shortly before 8 o'clock this mem-' lag with premeditation while Villa and hia companions were drivf r z in an automobile,. which Villa per sonally Was piloting toward Guan ajuato, a-suburb' .of. this city. The 6hots were fired -by six or ssvca men posted in a house on the read- way. :';. . ' : - . "I j immediately ordered an in vestigation rn cooperation with the civil authorities. I had learned that these men, armed with. 3 0-2 3 rifles, fled from - the house r : horseback In the direction of - ta Clara through the hills. H Early Reports Contradict rl "I had no cavalry and could r zl pursue them.' The most J could do was to order the various, de tachments In this sector to be on the outlook for the assassins. Th9 city authorities have ordered a de tachment of rurales to begin Pur suit." -...-' Geheral Marine reported that military detachments had left Jim- " Inez and Valle de Allende on th trail of the murderers. He added that he personally was leaving for Parral. ' f - . .. ' The report of Colonel- Lara seems tos. indicate that early, un official 1 reports of Villa having been killed by hia own followers were without foundation. Like wise It disposed of one report that the shooting had occurred while Villa was leaving a train. Francisco : ( ("Pancho"- Vina, guerrilla chieftain and ' bandit leader in f Mexico for more than 1 0 ' years, declared that ; he had ended his career of outlawry in August, 1920, when, at the head of 900 followers, the remnant of what had d nee been hie army of 3S.000 men. he entered San Ped- ro, Coahulla, 'and, amid the cheers of the populace, announced the in tention of himself and men of ac cepting amnesty and settling down as farmers. - r One of the most notable esca pades of Villa was bis raid on Columbus, N. M.r on March 6. 1916 in which he and his follow ers killed 17 Americans.- It re sulted in a punitive American mil itary expedition " under General Pershing crossing the border and maintaining a "dead or alive" pursuit of Villa which lasted more than nine ' months and cost tho United States government, accord-