The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 20, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    TEmbiitdc Oregon::
:ratDATiiORNika.JtJLY 20.
Rear Aisird Charles D. Sigsbee Dies Siiddclily from
Heart Failure ; Helped Seal Fate of Spanish Fleet ;
Also Inrcntcr of Deep-Sea Exploring Apparatus;
Naval Career Long and Famous ; Funeral Monday.
listed for the iiromm thli ere.1
nlng are as follows: j
March. "Sarasota" ., . . . .'.KING
Overture, In the Shadows" . .; .
"La Yajse Que Nous Airaons" . .!
- ' AAvcscy
Popular Numbers . . . . .-. .
Vocal Solo
i Miss Lena "Belle Tartar '.
Selection, "Faust" .... .Gounod
Idyl, "Tho Glad Girl" . .. Lampe!
Medley , Overture, "I've Got My
Eyes on You' ....... ; Da Witt
March, "In Storm and Sun
shine". . . .'. , . , i. . . . .
"Star Spangled Banner"
- r
becreatry of State Asks
Hoover to Cooperate
With the States-
tt oxr W YORK July 19. Rear Admiral Chas. D. Sigsbee,
U. retired captain of the ill-fated Maine, died suddenly
at his home here today. f , i
Admiral t Slgsbee had been in poor health for the last
Hoed ani A. Kozer, secretary of state.
is originator of an idea that may
lead to the establishment of a uni
form system of classifying rev
enues and expenditures of the sev
eral states of the union and uni
form annual or biennial budgets.
This, would be brought about
through cooperation of the fede
ral government with the states,
and Mr. Kozer has .taken the sub
ject up with Herbert Hoover, sec
retary of commerce, snggestin
two years. His death was due to heart trouble. He will be Pressing Fifteen Tons of that !t Dresent? d at the annual
Vtii r1 (m: A .J4. ttt l l i t v i . lit rN r Imectinsr nf the National lacnoii.
buried in Arlington cemetery, Washington, ! probably next
Monday. , ! ' . : ; j' ; .:
Loganberries a Day for
Juice; Improvements
Rear Admiral Charles Dwlght
Sigsbee rose to fame through tho
greatest naval disaster in Ameri
can history the' "blowing up of
the Maine." He was S3 years old
at the time, a captain, a veteran
of the Civil war. an Inventor of
' deep-sea exploring apparatus.
I Captain Sigsbee, in command of
the Maine, was ordered to Havana
harbor to protect American prop
erty and citizens during the crisis
of the Cuban rebellion against
Spain in 1898. On the evening of
February 15 he was sitting In his
cabin. Many f 328 men and 26
officers were Asleep. The cap
tain was enclosing a letter in an
envelope addressed to his home
folks when a - deafening roar
sounded through the ship. The
battleship began to list. Slgsbee
groped bis -way through the dark
to the deck. A scene of horror,
greeted him. - The Maine was
J ; Described Sinking
'None can ever know. he said
later, "the awful scenes of con
sternation, despair and suffering
.down in the J forward compart
ments; of men wounded, or drown
ing In the swirling water, or con
fined in a r closed compartment
slowly filling with water..- It is
comforting to believe, and - it Is
probably true, also, that most of
those who were lost were killed
Instantly.". , ;
The tragedy cost the, lives of
.264 sailors. The news spread over
all the world. The American ha-
01 A, G
YcziUzzt Goal f
' Yo harm 1 1 a k 4 high
aehoal ad, - lika all wlda
aw aka graduatM, ara look
i. lag la callaca. -
Tli BtaU of Orecoa affera .
7 tb beat t training and
t-tlffiata dagraa ia tha
leading paraaita and profes
sion t, aa folJew a:
Engineering. Agriculture,
i Commerce, Forestry, Home
Economies, Military Science
and Tactic. Mining, Phar
macy. "Vocational Education,
j and Music. :
,$tadaut lif at tha Catlxa
ia rica ia pporUmitiea for
., Iaderhi aad peraaaal. ' eal
:.'. tar. ,
f SEPTEMBER 28, 1923
"r Ufaraiatiea writ U
Orrgoa Agrlcaltaral College
- Conrallia
tion was aroused to a pitch of
frenzy, belcvlng the Maine had
been blown up j by hostile Span
iards. . -
He added . fresh laurels to his
fame in the. war that soon follow
ed the tragedy. As commander
off the St. -Paul, a trans-Atlantic
liner converted into an auxiliary
cruiser, he captured the Spanish
collier Res tor tnel, carrying coal to
C.ervera. and thus sealed the . fate
of the Spanish fleet at Santiago.
The cruiser Isabella II and the de
stroyer Terror' both hauled down
their flags and surrendered ' to
him. 7 -:. - l -: t
y " Bogan Career fearly ';
The naval career of .Sigsbee be
gan when lie Was only a boy of 1
years. Born in" Albany, N. Y in
1845, he entered " Annapolis . In
1859. At 18 he had graduated
and was eervingr with the West
Gulf squadron la tb Civil war. At
19, he followed ; Parragut as an
ensign through (the battle of Mo
bile bay. At 20 he was fighting
under Porter at Fort Fisher. At
23 he had been promoted to the
rank of lieutenant commander.
. .During ths , 33 yearsof peace
following the Civil war, Sigsbee
won reputation as an Inventor.
Among the other duties of naval
officers: through that period, it
fell -to his lot to explore the sea
bottom. Here i his inventive ge
nius came t to the fore, and he in
vented ' instruments for deep sea
exploration' that are used today.
Emperor William I decorated him
with the Red Eagle of Prussia, and
he received a gold medal at the
London international fisheries ex
hibition for these achievements.
, At the age of 58 Slgsbee was
raised to the rank of rear admiral.
He rounded out his naval career
during its last decade as chief in
telligence officer, as commander
of1 the League Island navy yard,
commander of the South Atlantic
squadron, and ! an commander of
the Second division of - the North
Atlantic fleet, f On Ills 62nd birth
dayhe was placed on the retired
list of rear admirals. He: fre
quently appeared In public as &
lecturer, and ott committees per
taining to the Maine. He was the
author of ."Deep Sea Sounding and
Dredging, "U. S. Coast Survey,"
and ."Personal Narrative of the
Battleship Maine, 1899."
Like many of his fellow officers
Admiral Slgsbee: seized the oppor
tunity presented by shore duty as
a proreBsor at Annapolis to mary.
His .wife was j Eliza Roges Lock
wood, whom he married in 1870.
meeting of the National Associa
tion or State Auditors, Comptrol
lers and . Treasurer, which will
meet in Ashcville, N. C, Septem
ber 13 to 15.
, Secretary Kozer some time ago
received a letter from R. P. Chase,
auditor of the state of Minnesota,
asking him to suggest some sub
ject for discussion at the conven
tion. ; Mr. Chase, apparently, is a
member of the program commit
tee. Mr. Kozer subsequently pre
pared . the loiter to Secretary
Hoover.- A copy of this he en
closed in a reply to Mr. Chase and
also in a letter tb Baxter Durham,
auditor of North Carolina, and
both have endorsed the J Kozer
plan. Kozer wrote Secretary
Hoover for , the reason that the
censns bureau of the ' department
of commerce each year compiles
the revenues and expenditures of
the states. - F
em Oregon Pleasures
With -President
There Is a development taking
place at 1010 North Commercial
street, Salem, that gives promise
of big things, j
There the Commercial Cider
company has come; under new
backing and management, and the
whole plant is being made over.
Warren Armington is ; the new
That plant has been equipped
for pressing loganberry juice, and
it has been turning out 2300 gal
lons a day right along, which
means 15 tons of loganberries a
day. Last Saturday 18 tons of
loganberries went through .the
presses and plant.
, WU1 Keep Tear
The juice Is purified by being
put through straining processes
three time3, and then it is pas
teurized. It is then put into en
ameled five gallon cans, and in
this shape it" will keep perfectly
(or a year.
The company has now 3500 gal
lons of the loganberry juice stop
ed, but most of it has been taken
TOSi'.SL' Cherrians May Share South-
selves .; haul away their cans of
juice and dispose of It. Some of
the growers have been making
good money, selling their julco in
Portland and other cities.
;. Loganberry Flower
.Nothing is to be allowed to go
tb waste by the ' newly organized
eompany. The loganberry pulp Is
being dried and then ground into
loganberry flower. It is to be sold
as a pancake flower, for the pur
pose of giving a delicious flavor
to pancakes. This flour, may also
be used for making loganberry
drinks, and it may be employed
in many ways in time. 1
A Cold S torage Plant i i
A cold storage plant, 50 by 50
by 9 feet is being put in. This
will be used for the storage of
cider, where it may be kept sweet
for a year. ; A concrete floor is
being put in, in the basement of I work out aright, and they will
the building. ? The residence in j divide honors wittt" the Great
the rear is being fitted up for a I White father in his ceremonial i
neat office. There is ample room I visit to the Oregon town.
on the site for a great deal of ex- At Medford a great public page-
pansion of the plant, and perhaps I ant, with 100 singers, 100 danc-
something has been started there I era and actors and actresses and
crowds in stage uniforms, is to be
presented, and the Cherrians . arc
to be its guests. They 'have a
home talent attraction far too big
for their biggest hall, so Sit is . to
be given outdoors.
were to have put them in their
yard were .not in a position to
care for them so the slips 'were
given Instead, - to the colored
woman .who cared for the Salem
woman's apartment. ! ; i
Time passed, spring time
brought one blossom and carefully
guarded it produced one berry,
whichwas not yet ripe when the
donor left for; Oregon. However,
she warned the owner not to pick
it until it was black, for other
wise it wuld not be ripe. '
; Perhaps next year ! the ! bush
will have more berries, then again
perhaps J Washington's t winter
wiuds will 'chill it for ever more.
Exchange Wants Many Tohs picked
nf lnit PriiH o IMA
Union Plant
the final glass - containers, and
this plant is being operated' on
that basis. Starting in so late in.
the year, the plant found it dif
ficult to get enough glass to care
for its product, but now the short
age is said to have.been overcome,
and the plant seems sure of a
busy year until the last logan is
Local Grown Variety o
Luscious Fruit on Market
By: Next Week
When the Cherrians set sail for
their long southern Oregon jaunt
July . 26 they will have in their
pockets some of the warmest in
vitations ever penned on the west
slope, to visit their friends to the
southward. One of the latest is
from V. V. Miller, grand high fizz
of the Ashland Lithians, who 'la
to greet them in person with a
bubbling welcome that will look
like Buddy coming home from the
war. Miller was formerly a Ber-
rian at Newberg,
The chief ef fervescer, J. H. Ful-
-iHuiupu ., peacnes, i tne suner
early-'peach jthat always, gets first
into tne local market, will be
ready for delivery - in Salem by
net week, it is expected. Triumph
peaches are grown in quantities
out ion the Beaver Island orchards
north of Salem, and it Is under
stood pn other orchards tributary.
The Beaver Island peaches cover
55 acres, j starting in with the
Triumphs - in July and producing
some of their latest Varieties up
Into October or even November of
exceptionally late falls.
It is understood that there is a
prospect of a fine 'crop this year;
pernaps even better than last year,
Not; nearly as many peaches set
on the trees this year, which was
fortunate, as they were so thick
last year that every orchard re
quired thinning, and most of them
did not get it. This year the fruit
being. less crowded on the trees
should be much, larger and so of
better quality and selling for t
better price. - i. .
More of the peaches were treat
ea mis year ror the brown rot
that seriously affected "; the fruit
In 1922 Tha hrnwn y'nt r
gous disease, would be especially
prevalent for a wet summer. It
is combatted by the use of, a dry
sulphur spray. The Beaver Island
orchards, the; largest in ihls part
oi. tne Willamette valley, l have
used this dust spray assiduously
this season, and they expect their
fruit to be clean for that, reason.
BALTIMORE, Mdi July 17.
Sir John HendrSie, president of
the Hamilton Bridge Works and
former lieutenant governor of On
tario, died at midnight tonight at
ler, regrets that he will be in the Johns Hopkins hospital here.
east at that time, but he Is gath
ering a gang to do the honors in
style. President Harding is to be
there that day, if all present plans
hat will make another very flour
ishing manufacturing concern for
Salem. ; It Is a busy place now,
and there is every indication that,
there is to be much activity ahead.'
Apply Sulphur jus Told When Voni
, Skin Breaks Out
Cherrian Band Will
Again Play at Park
.The Cherrian band will play
this evening in Willson park. The
program .was announced last
night by O&ar" Steelhammer, di
rector of the band. " The numbers
.5 '
One of those popiilJr Sweater of Brnstacd
Vooi .
-i -'-'- l . - l.-. -;s':' ' ' .j;;v,W vi"; ;--"r-"i'- '
Ocr Stock is Complete now; all
tizes end all cJctired t-olcrs -
t, k - ' - ! : - ' - - i - i. ' t
Priced fdm $2.75 to $538
" GALE 0l CO.
Corrtsierclal at Court
The following Oregon concerns
filed articles of Incorporation yes
terday With the state corporation
department: . -.
. Portland Industrial Loan &. In
vestment company, Portland, in
corporators H. E. Sanders. O. C.
Chadwick, W. P. LaRoche; capi
talization, $225,000. !
. Strauss & Co., Inc., Portland,
incorporators, A. Cohn, Lee Boyer,
James Prince Livingston; capital
ization, $1,000,000; grain and
Any breaking out , of the skin
on face, neck, arms or body is
overcome quickest . by applying
Mentho-'Sulph'ur. The pimples
seem to dry right vj and go away,
The4 Medford pear crop this year j declares a .noted skin specialist,
to take the place of sulphur as a
pimple remover. It Is harmless
and Inexpensive. Just .ask any
druggist for a small jar of Row
lea Mentho-Sulphnr. i and us It
like cold cream Adv.
: Loagnberries are being called
forj tons and tons of them, at the
Oregon . Loganberry Exchange
headquarters at tne old Salem
Fruit union plant. They must be
good, not-too-ripe berries,' that
wilji stand up for market use, for I an(j
mey are to be frozen In five-gal
lon; friction-top tins, holding 35 I
pounds of fruit, and kept in cold
storago for later use.
Just now, it appears that fol
lowing the announcement that
inainy of the growers would not
pick their fruit, the market has
decided that it couldn't do with
out the deliciously tart, beautiful
ly (colored logan; and it shows
signs of life, enough to warrant
the salvaging of most of the crop
that is still in condition to save.
A cooperative effort on the part
of the growersand some Port
land and Salem investors makes
it $eem probable that the growers
may. get a. good price. from this
frozen . fruit. Managers A. M.
Chapman authorizes the call for
all' the good not. too ripe logans
that the. cooperative association
can deliver. -
The Oregon Growers are pack
ing up In cartons, ready for the
retail market the dried ' logans
that are being produced and de
livered In immense quantities this
season. Tne quality of the ber
ries this year is very good. The
berries themselves have a size
that is fairly without precedent.
though the saccharine content is
not quite as large e$ in a dryer
year. But the berries certainly
was announced Thursday.
though not with the packers' au
thority to call for fruit, that the
local canneries were ready to buy
logans. In just what quantities
The Statesman Is not able to state
but with, tho suggestion that the
general loganberry market ; has
beeri' greatly improved Inside . of
the last day or two, it is suggest
ed that every grower get into
touch with the packers at once,
see Just what is sure. It : Is
tne general statement that then
packers .have bought at 4 cents
rather than precipitate a growers'
war by offering less, and that the
4-cfit basis will generally pre
vail all through the season.
reached mm
1 -themselves on sight.
Enough glass bottles have been
found for the juice plant at Wood-
burn, to Insure its running stead-i
il to capacity for the remainder
Kofi the season, accordine to ad
vices received in Salem Thursday.
TAe concensus of opinion is that
the way to insure the absolute
fresh fruit, perfection of taste is
tot get the juice immediately into
promises to be one of the" best in
nistory. Tne otner crops are
good.' and their, enthusiasm .in liv
ing IS up to the boiling point.
They expect to make the Cherrians
desert Salem and wire back home
for their families to come on the
next and fastest train. The. page
ant is the Gilbert & Sullivan pro
duction, "Iolanthe." ;
The caravan visits Albany, Cor
vallis, EUgeno and Roseburg, the
first day. spending the night at
Roseburg, after a drive; of 152
miles. It will appear at Grants
Pass and Medford the second day,
with a drive of 130 miles. The
last day, July 28, Ashland Is the
McCurdy-Danlels Insurance ag-1 nly place to visit, except the mere
ency. Medford; incorporators, C. I triiie oi ariving oacic home, 297
miles in all for the day. : The to
tal cost has been figured out at j
'about $11.25 each, for board and
rooms, and whatever it may cost!
for the gas and the garage and
car service, singly or in groups
as the cars may be loaded.
C McCurdy, .T. E. Daniels. (Julia
McCurdy, Lillian M. Daniels; cap
italization, $20,000. : : At
Gold Hill Mining company, Mal
heur; incorporators, Bernard East-;
man, I. R. Woodward, L. V. Patch
and others; capitalization, $100,-
ooo. f . ' j ;
Eclipse Manufacturing company LOQaJlberrieS Fail tO
or rortiana; incorporators, E. M PJIatlirP in Waihinntfh
smith, josenh van HoomiRsen n iviaiure in wasningion
E. , Douty; capitalization, ' $10 0,
000; engines. ; l , ' i i
Electric Tester Manufacturing
& Sales corporation, Portland; in
corporators, Lucy D. Johnson, C.
E.-Tcrwilliger. E. C Knight; cap
italization. $25,000. 4- " i
California Realty & Oil Syndi
cate, Portland; incorporators. J.
W; Lehman. iET. M. SImonton, R.
A. Diets; capitalization, $50,000.
Astoria Golf and Country club.
Astoria; incorporatorsC. W. HaL
derrrian, G; W. Utzlnger, Morton
Nelson -and others; assets," $6000.
A permit to operate In Oregon
was issued to S. W. Straus & Co..
a California corporation with . a
capiUlisation of $150,000. L. II.
Phillips of. Portland is attorney-in-fact
for Oregon. V t
. Amended articles were filed by
the Dundee Walnut Growers Co
operative association, changing the
name to the Oregon Walnut asso
- One blossom and one berry was
the sum total ' of the loganberry
harvest from several bushes sent
to Washington, D.C., from Salem,
according to a former Salem
woman who has been living in
Washington and Is now in Oregon.
The bushes were sent direct to
Washington, but Che persons who
The Day of the Knight Is Here!
Every day In every way the
Knights get better, their own
ers say."
WAVEELT Motor Oils
come from under ?cnn--sylvania
whence ; ccmes the
world's best crude petroleum.
They are 100 paraf fine. :.
Waverly, All Pennsylvania,
Motor Lubricants are - your
ear's best guarantee of long
service. "; ' ' ' ' - i r
That's why we sell and rec
ommend Waverly, All Penn
sylvania, Motor Oils.
.; . lTlgh St. at Trade 1 -, ,
The Day of the Knight Is Here! :
, ii.a
A few electrical
appliances to aid
you in your work
then a fan to insure
absolute comfort.
- 471 Oourt St.
Auto tents 7x7, 8 oz. com- : :
mercial. . .......... .$75
wan tents 7x7, 8 oz. com
mercial ............ .$5.05
we nave wall tents in all
standard sizes; auto tents 7x7
and 7x9 In white or - khaki
duck, 8 or JO oz.
I J-Ll.j.; : SPECIAL
Friday and Saturday, July 13
and, 14, one Jot of khaki
breeches,. Reg. $3.75-$3.50, to
ciose out at SL00 pr.
free " jz
With each purchase of $2.00
or over of regular priced goods
we will give one gas mask free
one to a customer.
Khaki shirts .... '. ... . .91.00
uiue cnamnray shirts .... 85c
Ladies knickers, khaki .$1.-40
Army roldlng coir . ". . ; .$3.95
4-Polnt Bteel auto bed
for two ........ . iojus
Camp chairs 70c
Camp stools ....... ....50c
' We can save' you money on
your camping outfit.'
Athletic union suits . ... ..49c:
Athletic undershirts ...... 25c
Hood Wurkshu built like . J
an auto tire .$3J19
Wise rent khaki hats . . . .59c
A full line of shoes that fit
your feet and give, you service.
Trade at United Army Stores
and save money. . ,
IT I t n.
230 8. Commercial St.
Canadian Black Rust Serves
to, Revive Commission -House
Dealings ,:. ; ;
CHICAGO, Jniy 19. All deliv
eries of wheat. rose today to above
Ha bushel as a result of commis
sion house buying, based, largely
on aarices about .black , rust in
Canada. The market closed
strong, in to 2 , cents net higher.
with September $1.00 $1.00
and December, $1.03 $1.034.
Corn finished Uto 1 cent up;
oats at to 1 cent gain, and Dro-
vislons 2 to 10 cents down. .
-At first the wheat market show
ed a downward tendency owin?
more or less to enlarged receipts
here and a poor response in Liv
erpool to -yesterday's 1 price no-
turns in America. : Besides. tra:-;f
ers here were somewhat distort
ed by announcement that the f ed- '
eral government was -asking if0r4
the names of all who were long Cr
short 500,000 bushels' or mcr;,: j
whereas heretofore . the, .reports
which the government had askelf
for required no names. i; f
; In the last part of the day, how."
ever, sentiment underwent a , de-;
cided change, current reports fron
the Canadian northwest InSIcst. I
Ing danger of serious damage 1
black rust. j :
It was pointed out that her
have been . recent , heavy rainS i,
Cahada wicre the 'presence t;
black rust had been establish e J
and that the Canadian crop wa ,
a long-way from -harvestv-WorI
of hot; weather in. South Dakcti
counted further as a bullish In
fluence, and .30., too. did gossip
that exporters were, bidding high.
er for wheat and that farmers ia
the domestic winter crop -belt wero
preparing to bold their,, wheat
wherever . possible. . Under such
circumstances the market close
at. about the day's top figures.
Corn and bats swayed with wheat.
Notice was given that lOO.OC,
bushels more of corn in publiC
elevators had become out of con-'
dition. . ?r ii . M
Provisions were depressed ly
the arrival of larger receipts cf
hogs here than had been lookci,
tor. " ' '
Mr. and Mrs. George ZelinsL!
are rejoicing over the arrival c!
a son, Donald Nolan. ; s
Miss Wilma Davis is . visitis;
her sister in Portland.
Garndpa Peterson and daugb.
ter, . Mrs. Williamson and f ami!
visited at SUyton Sunday. -
Rev. Luckey, W. A. Dunigac,
Homer Davis and Clifton Glee
ens attended the .Christian En
deavor conference at Englewooi
church at Salem.
iMIss Carrie Williamson is vis.
Ring her sister, Mrs. William
Hawkins. - . t
Riopm1 House i
lern 6-J
Big corner lot on carline. House just repapefed.
Every modern convenience. Bungalow style, un
usually well built. Must make a quick sale, am
moving out of the dty.
v Price very low
. Phone 1477-J or CaU at 2i05 Center
1 V-ri
. ' -. - - ' - - -:, - - .v- - f . . -'I' . -' -. -
You Now Doubly Save 'bn rt7ai:Ud Utrdiztiht
Have just received from ThA
Vogue Novelty Neckwear Co. of
Chicago a wonderful line - of
. ladies; collars, vestees. embroi
dery sets, - etc., as; these werq
receivea a nttie late they are
mamed very reasonable. See
tbem. "
Our heavy Jap crepes are ,
now marked ..... . .23c yd
22 and 25c Ginghams ..10c yd.
-anies' siik Hosiery, val-
ues to xi.25, now . . . .89c
Ladies',. . summer ..weight
unions are now ......,40c
10 and 19c Curtaining is !
now ........ . . .1214c
98c i. silk Draperies, ,are ; .
now . . ..... - . . . .790 y.
a- jfepperau . aneeiing is ; t
now .. .....ii.55c yd;
sc ievonsnirejs now .29c yd.
db-incn standard percales ; -
; is now, ... . ... , . , . . , 19c yd.
sac uiossom sua is now 69c yd.
uatning suits are l-u less ;
.. than regular.. 5
College Girl Corsets -1-5 .Jess.
Men's and Oiildren's
Furnishings: -
Small sizes in Army Jackets, '
etc, now . . . . . . . . . . . 59c
Men's denim jumpers '. . .".85c
Children's Coveralls . i . . .89c
Men's good quality of ;
-work shirts ,.70c
Men's cloth Harvest- Hats - 19c
Childs Athletic Union v..
Suits . . . ....... . .'. . . 150c
Childs heavy ribbed hose, ;
; 2 pairs -;
45c , -IIpse, now
2 Palm Olive' Soap . ... . .isc
lrge 2 can Hillsdale
- - Pineapple .29c
Pure Bulk Lard, per lb. ,15c
Red Ribbon Shrimp, spe- "
cial ........i.. 15c
5 large rolls Tissue Toilet
- paper ,3o
1 can Sugar Corn ....... ioc
Those r good tomatoes, 2 . .
cans . . . i . . . .S5c
Nice fresh heavy ; bacon
vPer lb. . i. .. . . . .24c
16-or. tin SchUling Baking,
.' Powder 45c
A. & H.- Soda per package .8c
Berry sugar, per lb. . . .ioc
Buy some of our 23c coffee
and let us run it through tho
electric charf - extractor and
have coffee as good as the us
ual 35c grade, or get the 33c
Peaberry and have as good as
45c grade.
Clearance Silt of Shces
$2.50 f Men's'tf Mule Skin
Shoes, now . 4 ....... . .91JDH
$2.75' Elk Shoes, how . .f3.S9
Ladies' . Tennis Oxfords,
now ....... .esc
1 -Mixed- lot children's
shoes . . .' 1 . . . . . . . . . .car
Men's "Munson- -last all
, leather work shoes
now ....... . . '
Boys Tennis shoes (1 lot)
now l. . . ; . . . . ... . . .$ii5
Ladies 1-straD Vicl Kid
Pumps, now . . ..f.l8
Numerous other shoes oulte
materially reduced in price.
What we advertise we do, honorable methods is earn
ing the confidence of trade, which is altended by our
increasing business. ,
254 11 co:ri
ciation, cooperative. ' '
, ' ' "X