I wmwmmmP wwm 1 1 1 I . ! I f UltKUTV "Head Hunters 'of the South Soaa." ORECJOX '&rass.M BUGH IRENE CASTLE In , ' -"No Trespassing- ! "Miracle of the Jungle' Melodrama handled, with kid That's the answer for a , story, that contains, thrills galore aud which, with. .ordinary treatment, might bi regarded a& frank melo urama. Dut which,-because ot, a lavish production, nd the utmost r messe in dUecia ; Aud acting. ruws to tne level, of classic drama ? touch a picture is "The Woman With Four Faces. In which Betty Compton ,.and . Richard ; Dlx are iraigffu. -lt l3 a tiefpert, Brenon Parampf nt .prqductipn and will be on .view. at the Oregqn. theater for three days beginning next Wed nesday.- ',.;. , ' ' Tnt differs entirely from ordin ary melodrama" 4aid Mr., Brenon. discussing the picture, "because of Its treatment. Polish and beau ty 'of investiture are ty.o impor tant joints. The acting U of the highest' class.' - Following - thrill after Ihrijl.; the story moves rap idly and surprisingly to a fine cli- tna!C,(3nJ, the ending ia popular in character. ; Probably recalled by mo3t of his thousands of admirers in the city' ; wlf h'H Ti a - mnot Iaaohma .... V. ator of the name part in the great $ tagektrccesR, StronghearV Rob ert Edeson ts said to have created a role in the special picture with the co-starring cast,' "Any Night" which comes to the Bligh theatre Saturday and Sunday which sur passes anything he. has done In his brilliant career as a popular stage t avorite. In "The , Call of the North" Robert Edpson also "won new laurels." while 'his splendid : rtformance- as star of "The Light That Failed! is . remembered with keen appreciation by all who saw fhim"fn that great drama. "The Cave Man,; also gave him an ex. i ceptiona?ly good 'opportunity to display his rare talents.; But in -Any Nlghf in -which he makes the' most of the fact that the other strong characters in ; the power ful story are portrayed by such famous fellow-stats as William Courtleigh. Lysle Leslee and Tully Marshall Vs. Wid to give a truly reTaa'rkauie dikpiay ' of his gen ius. - 15Q0.!,ES OF. STATE . v iiTOLipSD BY PARTY i(ConlInud. from page 1.) tension of the present road be twCen'tJntario "and 'Crane, up to Burns, arid' tnen on to Bend. From Bend there' would be an extension to 'a junction at or hear Odell lake. From "there " the 'Natron, eul'-off would extend westward, across the Cascade range to the Willamette valley, connecting with the pres ent Soul hern Pacific at Eugene. Abroad wpuld be , built from La"ey!e.w up W this maltf east-jnd-westJ highway, and an other would come up from klam at;FaIlst Co maker the same Ore gon 'connections ' The total mile age is about 350 miles. Except for 'the Natron cat-off, most of the coustruc'tjoa would be fairly easy. ProbabTy one-half of It would al t 1 ' - " ' " " III RUL II WW 111111111 II . VTHETHER IT- IS. Ef.3PL0Yr.SIlT, KmOYpES-OR ' tbe sale cr purchase of redds -our ichs sifts cJ col- Kzziis will Telephone us 1 A THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON most build its own 'grader , . . . Fine RfHarrc-M Appeal The opening' of the tremendous pine resources of the eastern slope of the Cascaded would be one of J. he, results accomplished.' Klam ath county alone; claims , almost 50.600,000.000 .-feet of timber available.' and Lake county has one-guarter as much. The recent saje of a billion feet from the na tional forest north of Burns; and the promise of aj private logging railroad '50 miles ; In length to serve the timber needs of this sec tion, 'indicates what the pine re sources are;-- There is fully half a million acres of Irrigated or easily Irrigable land within ; the territory to be served by these new roads, land i that- produces marvelous crops. These lands have a permanent, potential production that looks almost as good as even the tremendous timber possibili ties. ' -f:. ' " ! Adventures Are Thrilling 1 The party bad some Interesting adventures' en route. One was the encountering of a series ef cloud bursts on the road from Lakeview northward ' to The Dalles. Land that looked as if it had been dry for years and it usually is dry. for some of the country has an annual precipitation of only about eight Inches -' a year was fairly afloat with the torrential down pours of the past few-days. For more than 100 miles the party fol lowed the trail of 'these storms, that were - accompanied by severe electrical disturbances. Twice the lightning struck very close to the travelers. Once it shattered the fence only a few rods away. The party drove into- one innocent ap pearing flat that 'fooled 'em and mired them down In. ' the desert for almost a day, without food or good drinking water. ; . ; j Good Croo Growing One of the finest crops ever grown' in' central i Oregon ts now being produced all through the section to be served by the Jro- posed group of railroads. There are some long stretches that are not inhabited, like-the one from Plash' to the Hanley ."00" ranch, sout'a of Burns,' almost 1 0 0 miles without , a watercourse,' without a single person, living. But wner- men do live the crops look as if they would make them happy; There are antelope in this open country as beautiful, as fleet, and almost : as Innocently curious as they were when the country was discovered, The . party found these animals,', and deer, and waterfowl innumerable, and coyotes, and one great grey wolf, all in this, Jour ney.1 ;V There are atfU some wild horses, running in bands up to 50 or more, but these did hot show themselves. 1 Imposing Figures Gathered ' The commission has - gathered an Imposing array or 'figures with which to prove Its contention that although. Oregon jneeds the rail roads from a humane point - of view it Is hard, profitable' busi ness for the interstate commission to order the lines built, with less regard for any local sphere of in fluence or hope oil monopoly. than for the prof it. and the service that can be made and given'.' The hear ing Is at Portland August 10." The party was headed; by H. K, Corey, Chairman ot the public service commission. , And you never, had to stop to change a ; buggy j tire on a net day. - ' - -. US, HELP fcrinj yep the rhslred results." ycdr iscnts iz! Phone 1 1 The Grcrrcn Statesman , 1 rl II I .1 I1IIUIIIIIIIIILLI , I U1IU IUIIIUIIIIUS1 Musical Comedy Has Good j Advance Seat Sale Ga- pacity House Evidenced I Shuffle Along" comes to the Grand theater; matinee and night. Saturday, July , 2 1, for the first time in Salem. ; This highly acclaimed musical cbmedy with its all colored cast,! is aptly described in one of the opening song numbers. "Simply Full of Jaxz," for while there Is ; a -plot, it is not allowed to halt the syncopated action which comes in the form ot sols, duets, double and triple quartets, dancing galore and not to mention a real jazz orchestra working overtime. Between tunes and dance num bers you become acquainted ,w ith two partners of a grocery store who are rival candidates for the local office of mayor of Jimtown. and the manner i which they both proceed to conduct and finance their campaign, is decidedly origi nal and at all times hilarious. ) John Vaughner is the tall, shut uing aarKey woo apparently wins ine election, xor ne is msiaiiea as wayan, ; wniie nis mue sawea-1 ou partner wun me runny voice bobs up as chief of police. The arf asslumfs a11 tbe dignitl 4Ur. BUU uuw l v, ..,. .u ,.Hv.4B w af- a" - ar gracefully. " r MJS !J!t?i a. o. . , ' , Sissle and Blake, and the com- 111 lnnl,l. TVo vTn. A7..v. I Nellie Brown, John Vaughner, Ed gar Conners and the famous col ored "Valentino," Theo McDoh aid. j Fruit Stands Spring Up ' ;: At Many Country Homes - Out along the Pacific highway there are pumbers of little fruit stands in front of the farm houses whpra hnmft irpnwTl frlllf 9 rftfrfi the public, usually it is one of I the younger girls of ; the family who attends the stand. 'But tht isn't the really important thing: which is. that the finest loganber ries that ; ever grew in" the Wil lamette valley or in the world. are offered under these big home-1 made Eigns tnat say, "Tnree ooxes i Loganberries, 10c,". or. some other similarly atrociously low price.- ! An inspection of the local city fruit and melon markets indu rates that the other fruits must have determined to equaliie the prices, for in general they have I shot upward like a rocket. s Little I melons that housekeepers, hoped! to be getting: at. about three for I a quarter sell at 15 cents apiece, and lit general the nbn-hcmle I grown stuff is about as cocky as a cauliflower in a cabbage con vention. "'' )'! ' , - BOY'S BODY FOUND I.PWTSTflN Trfahn JnW 19 The body of six year old Louis Goldsmith, son of Mrs. Anna Gold- j smith of this city.' who was drown-1 ed in Snake river at Clarkst'on. I Wash., last Sunday, waa recover- I ed today about four miles below the point where the accident oe- I 23. . ' i ' . I I HI : J&s;n I! I ' - i i. i.i : 'J-- J-j tL V fit MS : conniNG THIS WAY Air FsCOll to PrfiSififtht Will n,; n., r n:.. On July 31st f SAN DIEGO. July 19w Order- ed to duty as an alr e8Cort to tha president ? at the gigantic naval 8peCtacle in Puget Sound July 27, Nine De Haviland airplanes with the .commander r rne navy's air forces on. this coast In command. wil, wjng their way Irom NQrta Island tomorrow morning on the first leg of -the, 1141 mile flight l. .t. ?' , ; i With Captliniw Marshall: i"ee- alp head, will be Ten skilled I'l. .';oCi'.IV-,- ... .u auumuu iu mecuamcs and-photographers The first jump will be to San Francisco, a distance of 450 miles. The planes are expected to arrive at the bay city about noon tomorrow, taking about five hours for the flight. The next jump will 'be from San Francisco to Montague, Cal. 266 miles; then to Eugene, Ore 175 miles and Camp Lewis, Wash 250 miles. -The total distance td be flown is 1141 miles. uasey Mandate Recall Ms Deferred By Cour The supreme court yesterday by order continued for at least a week the question of whether a motion for recall of the mandate in the case of 'the state against Dan Casey shall be allow ed. .. 4 i Casey was convicted in : the lower court for Multnomah coun ey and sentenced to be hanged f$r the piurder of "Buck" Phillips Southern Pacific Bpeclal police of f leer. The supreme court upheld the lower court. When the man date of the supreme court was sent back to the lower court, pre- paring the way for Casey to be resentenced to hang, the motion was made for. recall of the man date, which ' would allow of fur tner consideration, one reason for the motion was that John L Burns, who was believed to be equally guilty with Casey, was ac quitted in the lower court. China Is Turning to 5 Intensive FaWlinS - i ; WASHINGTON. July 16. A remarkable develonment of lnten Uiye agriculture in China is shown Dy a' special study of farming in that' country, just completed, by the Department of Agriculture Clca "has" more than 759,000, 000 .farmers who. with their.. fam ilies, comprise 80 to 90 per cent of ' the natioh'f total, population. Of a total area of more than 2,- OOOiOOO.OQQ acres of land, about 212, 000,000 acres are under .cui tivaOon, Including 43,000,000 ac res ot wet lands used chiefly for price production, and . 16,000,000 acres of gardens and fruit, orch- lards. China ranks first among agri cultural countries In .the produc- I tion ot rice, tea, silk. ' soy beans and grain sorghums, the report says, and is second only, to . the United States in tobacco and possi bly in wheat production also. : On the average China produces 'more cotton to commercial use than I Egypt and. Including production I for local use, nearlly. as mucb as British India. PRINTS SOLD IN. LONDON LONDON, July 19 A valuable portfolio of "Hudson River Aqua tints' has been recently unearthed and' sold at auction In this city. The portfolio was published in New York, about 100 years ago and contains 20 fine colored en gravings of the Hudson rrrerV'It brought 135 pounds sterling.'; Finds Saving in'Cost 0! ; Making, Qegfricty WASHINGTON, July jCThe, "United States is oecohiin hn -Increasingly heavier user, of electri city, but despite the mounting power, totals, the consumption- ot fuel to : produce It is jdecr easing in kproportipp. GeoloigIJahyrey tlS-ures'show that the cohshmptioaf ot coal for that purpose la -19 XI was only 2.5 . poinds t tatt hour, as -compared with 3.2 "lbs.; In 191. j A total of 47.659,000,0-kilo. watt - hours' was generated Jast SHUFFLE ALONG"4-TOMORROW year. Of this amount 36. 1 per cent was generated by water pow er. New ' York 4eads the list of states in production, manufactur ing 15.57 per cent of the total for the country. Other states in or der are Pennsylvania. California. Illinois, Obia. Michigan. Massach usetts and West Virginia.'" Far Away Borneo Offers Easy and Cheap Living LONDON. July 16. British North Borneo - appears to be as near paradise as it Is possible for the tax burdened man of today to get.'.: 1 -:;J' ' ' - No income tax Is collected In the district. There is only a nom inal land tax, railway fares have not been increased since 1911, to bacco Is cheaper, than in any other place in the world, chickens : sell for: a shilling apieee and whiskey for eight shillings a bottle: - !; ' These facts 'are not taken from the circulars of -a fcolonizatioii agent but are found in the official report of the British government authorities .in the district. ' Incidentally the report s'ays the natives have given ! up their old habit of head hunting.' , Presbyterian Meetings Are Open in Eygene - - r. EUGENE. Or., July 19. With more than 125 ministers, and. el ders and, their-wives attending, the 33rd synod of the Presbyterian church of Oregon met here today for;a week's session. Officers for the session were chosen at the opening meeting this afternoon. Rev. W. C. Ross of La Grande was elected moderator to preside over he synod- Rev. (J.1 Y. Stewar. of Whiteson, permanent clerk, and J. L. Webster of Bend temporary Clerk. A stated clerk' to succeed Dr- Jchn A. Townsend. of Port land, who died since last session, has not yet been chosen. The ad dress of welcome was delivered by Colin V. Pyment, dean of the college of literature and arts at the Uniyersity of, Oregon, where the synod is holding its sessions.! EL 0 I IRENE H lJ LJtU-J '-J '-JI l)U I I II III . t ' ., No t '3 I Trespassing' C Miracles ot II , J if 1 rTj the" Jiingle J.J r V .. NOW SHOWING Marie PrevQ$t-4Monte Blue Harry Myers and Frank Keenan ' 1 mI : BRASS A ; fitter story of marriage j tftat . glittered like Gold but proved to-be brass. ". ; 1 FRIDAY MORNINGrJULY 20,-1923 ' niin iwnirntilii rfc i Clerks to Sort Mail In Speeding Airplane LONDON, July 16. A ''flying mall train," is the latest type of airplane to be developed in Eng lanid. ' , n the plane's mail chamber, says the Daily Chronicle's aero-: nautical expert, sorters 'will be able' to carry on their work just as 'they might in a railway mail train. It will 'have a radius of 200 miles and will be able to stay in the air 24 hours without alighting. , The Cfrew ,in. charge will " be provided ; with regular glef ping quarters on board. They will, In fact, work in shifts while in jthealr, some of them sleeping while t others are on duty In the control-chamber . , 5 If " necessary, when flying at night or immersed In fog or cloud, the crew will be able to bring into play mechanisms which will endow the craft with the poorer of automatic self-balance. The machine will virtually fly 11 seljf, . and all . the helmsman will haire to do will be to keepit on a coQipass course by means of the rudder. j . RUHR COAL HIGH . bBRLIN, July 17. Ruhr an thfucite coal now costs l,6il,000 marks a ton, gross, under the new GRAND4TOMORROW--HAI 2:15; EVE, 8:25 PRICE8 Night 50c to $2.00; Matinee SOc to f l.OO Seats Now SelJJng, make your .reservations early! I i . s m n y . v a ill r M . 1 a till i t i, : m i "V s i b : i i -m il tariff established by the Federal CohI association in markets in' un occupied Germany. . The; ' tariff shows a general increase In prices of 6? per cent. ; 7 y. Portland Nun Refuses to Enter Convent in East NEW YORK. jTuly 1 3. -The dis appearance of a woman dressed as a nun, who described herself as "Sister Theresa"4 of Portland, Or., whenb rought to children's cflurt Thursday to explain why Helen Maul, 11 years old, was . In her .care, was' reported today' by the superintendent of the Child ren's society where, the child was sent. '';,'- ' Arrangements were made, the superintendent ' said, by ' Father Hogan of the Church Epiphany to send the nun to a convent, but on arriving there she refused to en ter the building and walked away ounaing ana waiaea away.r. Tpurflapn. tQ De held here said at. the convent that Uugust.O taSeptemher: as ftp It was she had not been heard from. ARRESTED, . FJXED, 1 HOUR WALLA WALLA, Wash. July 19, It' was just one -.hour from the time T. Sudi, a Japanese, was arrested by a -deputy sheriff, here today -until - he had . been fined Slf for having moonshine in his pcsession and had paid his fine. SPECLL BARGAIN TRICE MATINEE AT 2:15 . . . . This Show Has Never Played Saleiq. Before ; . " . h ri r m w Today Today ANOTHER4 JUNGLE SENSATION'. Head, Hunters of Martin Johnson again startles, the civilized world. See the cannibals, derll-derils thetr head-houses; their frenzied dances! , NSee other strange sights primitite, animal lfke. people; amazing customs; Jungle beauty, volcanoes, earth quakes and sharks! ' - V- V ; " in IRISH FESTSTE JM LEAGUE President Cosgrave a n ' Large Delegation Are - Expected at Geneva TO Fl GENEVA. July 19. By the Associated Press)- President Cos grave with a strong delegation from the Irish Free State prob ably will come Jq Qeneva for the annual : meeting j of the assembly. . of the leagu of nation Jn Septem berwhen ihe -Tree rkatia is et pectedVf a. hevelected. a '.'member; of the- league. This . announcement was made today by Michael Mac White, "permanent representative of the Free Sute here. ." "Rest assured that Ireland will have iiar own independent, pro- gram toward the league,. , said Mr. MacWhite. "We are not tied, up with . other - European nations ae most of the members of th league are, - and "we feel by our very Independence that we can do good." -' f ' ' ... .".' .Ireland want , international help, he continued., IJer oppor tunity for economic development and prosperity is dependent upon a settlement of Eu"oes woes. Hence- Duhlin's kejn Interest In a . solution of the reparations problem. .' ..' . Record Entry Expected for v Horseshoe Pitciing pentest w CLEVELAND, July 1 6. Sever- . al hundred entr.an.ts are expected In the National Horseshoe Pitch--. result of announcement by local tossers'in charge: of arrangements that many state and county' fairs thronghout (thjej country are to . hold horseshoe tournaments to de termine entry in the national con test. -.. Harold Falor,. 15-year-old boy of Akron, O., will defend his Utle as : world's champion pitcher, he has announced. the South Seas 99