The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 20, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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1l: - - Issued . Daily Except Monday by
.'''-' 215 S. Cum mercial St., Salem, Oregon r
(Portland Office, 723 Board ot Trade Building.- Phone Beacon 1193)
t- The Associated rjeis is exclusively entitled to the use for publi
cations! all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
: R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone
Frank Jaskoskl
. Business Office - - - -Circulation
Office - - - -Society
Editor - T .'"
Job Department ; - ' - '
Entered at the Poetoffice In Salem,
L'nGer the authority vested in the transportation act of
1920, the Interstate Commerce Commission can order the con
struction of railroads into new territory or into territory not
properly served ; provided that the proper showing is made
that public service demands it, and that the extensions will
not impair the road's ability, to pay a fair return ;on its in
vestments. This is not a guarantee of railroad investments;
it merely demands that the railroads serve the people accord-
. jnjr to ineir cnazxers as duduc
s a. ai i x v i ?
vy requiring mat a proper snowing oi ousiness pe maae De
fore the roads can be ordered built. The act goes farther in
that it' empowers the commission to refuse to allow rival
roads to do foolish, competitive building that self-evidently
' can hot pay-4ike the great suicidal railroad war between the
. U.iP.-and the Hill roads up the Deschutes canyon'a few years
f rro.-.- ; v. -! ; :''.,-, .4 :.
' - -Balancing these two powers, the act seems a remark
. liy statesmanlike enactment; as between forcing roads to
l'l)uild for the pubUc;c6nyenienc;erand refusing to allow them
to run" hog-wild over a. .bit of personal pique and building
- jealousy, it seems a truly Solomonic law; j Under the first
clause of this act, the Oregon Public Service Commission has
brought suit before the interstate body, to demand the
- building of about 350 miles of
central Oregon; and through them, .the whole people of the
United States-whetheror not the roads are anxious to build
-cow. ' ' : -
- - - .Oregon has 30,000 square miles of territory as innocent
cf railroads as the day the last Oregon volcano heaved its
iast sigh, and the Columbia started to dig its channel to the
seaJ l Some of this country is not much more than map-making
material. But there is already about half a million acres
under Irrigation, or ready to be put into irrigation inside of
Thin 1
To Po
TheBo ys
. , '. .. , : The
Copyright, Associated Editors.
Vhy and How an
:"An airplane is able to keep, up
' because U does not stay on any
one patch of air long enough, to
' -glrcthat patch -of air time enough
. let the plane sink. It is Just
- like a rock, skipping oTer the wa
ter. The rock doesn't sink because
r it doesn't stay on one pari of the
surface of the water long enough
to get a chance to sink. Both the
' rock, and the airplane must have
. speed to stay alift.
The upward pressure of the air
-i ' on the wings is one factor which
'holds the airplane aloft, but not
' the greatest factor. The wings ot
the plane are curved, or cambereo
and as they enter the air at a
high rate of speed, some peculiar
.) things happen to the air. One of
. these Is the creation of a -power-.
i ! ful vacuum at the rear, or trail
ing edge, of each wing.- This vac
uum is the most powerful lifting
; force about the airplane, and the
........whole machine is constantly bouyr
; ed up in its aUempt to 'rise and
destroy this vacuum.
TVute Must Slide Easily : r
Everything possible is done to
i let the, plane slide, through the
. i !j
i . -. t -. u -j
Marie could repeat ev'ry word ;
Of the strange conversation j she
, ' heard; ' ;'; . .
"How romantic,, Ihe signed r
As she dreaniOy tried . -jTe
picture Jut what had ecarrrO.
Marie's eyes opened wldelher
breath came In excited little gasps.
he crouched low beside the hedge
straining every nprve to hear what
was going on on the other side.
She had completely forgotten that
she was eavesdropping.
"Sweetheartv-you have made me
ery . happy. We will bo mar
ried Monday. Your father will be
gone, so he can't object."
. Marie had to grab the hedge
for support. How horribly thrlll
' ing! I She recognized the voice of
" ; J
- - Manager
- Managing Editor
J Manager Job Dept.
Oregon, as second class matter.
servants, ana it protects mem
a .. i m a a a
railroad to serve eastern and
and Girls Newspaper
Bigseet little Paper Is the World
f -I -
"Airplane ; Fiics
air as, easily as possible and with I
little resistance. To am in mis.
practically every exposed : part! f i
an airplane is streamlined.
, A man flying.. an airplane has
to keep its' nose ' from' wobbling
up or down, has to keep the wing3
from tilting up or down, and must
see that the plane does not skid.
He has a set of two controls to do
this. . . - i 1 -V',
One. of these controls is the rud
der bar which he works with his
feet and which governs the action
ot the rudder and aids the plane
In making turns, with the assis
tance of the ailerons.
. Joy Stick Is' Control
.... The other : control is Uhe . joy
stick, which comes up between the
flyer's knees and which he work3
with his left hand, as a rule. Mov
ing this stick forward or backward
sends the plane down or s up -forward,
down;! backward, up. Mov
ing this stick to the right or left
controls the ailerons and will send
the plane over on its side right
side if the stick ia 'moved to the
right; left ; side if -the stick Is
moved to the left." ' r i . :ft
r hi m i ii
. A ill A t ',;iJ..'i:,j.;.ri5M
their minister's son. Through the
hedge she could see him bending
over the fair young Miss Good
hart; who lived next door.
And they were going to be mar
ried! It Was .too exciting foi
words. :; She knew . no one f ever
suspected such a thing. The cou
ple slowly fot up and moved away.
"We'll have -to gojgjefe Florence
now," . Miss Goodhart said.
'Here's where she comes In." :
What usder the sun did they
want with j Florence Pratt, Mario
wondered, j She finally decided
they were going to confide in her
and she would help them to ar
range the wedding, j She would
be the only one jlhey would telli
Suddenly MarleV hands went
to- her biirnlng face in shame.
What : had she been thinking
about? Here she had been de-
liberatelyllstehing to a conversa
tion that was not meant for' her.
Oh. how terrible she was! r, She
sneaked Into the house with burn
ing cheeks. " j
She was glad no one was- at
home, so the was not attempted
to tell hefexciting news. She sat
down to think what it Was best
for her to do. What would her
mother ?ay"ff she found out iiow
she discovered it? . ... i;. ''ni
--4ut how could she, erer wait till
1 T " ' v ? Ami -why iff 1 ther trSfo
one or two years. The country.has reached the limit of its
powers, until it gets transportation. ; They can't raise crops
that they can't get to market; they are at the absolute end
of their rope. They must have transportation; with which
they will be ready to absorb thousands of people into the
splendid business of producing food for the world. The tim
ber resources to be tapped by these roads are almost beyond
measure. Col. Greeley, national forester, estimates that
within the next five years Oregon will be called upon to quad
ruple her present lumber production; and much of this pro
duction must be the yellow pine of the east slope of the
Cascades, served by these projected roads. It's time to get
to work, for the whole world is calling Oregon.
It is not possible that any comprehensive plan for state
development can meet the approval of every locality, every
interest. If any one big agricultural or lumbering center
could have a monopoly of the new service, it would be human
to desire it so, and let the next locality starve. But the com
mission, considering all Oregon as on an exactly equal basis,
can not play favorites. i -v . i ; ... .
It has studied out a comprenensive pian may ervc mc
timber interests of practically the whole eastern siope oi ,ine
Cascades; of every important irrigation district; of the great
f rvV ran cp territory"
fhoro is mineral wealth there,
commission could hardly withdraw a foot of its present de
mands, if it is adequately to serve the state as a whole. j
The hearing comes on at Portland, August 10. The com
mission has gathered an immense amount of statistical ma
terial showing what Oregon really has and is. It will be a
magnificent presentation of a vast portion of a magnificent
state; a section that has been neglected, despised, outraged,
but that has the possiDimies
Oreeon. The case is the biggest of its kind ever tiled; line-
" " . .
-i,o ya mnst statesman-UKe,
most humane. It ought to have
Ml fcj. . ,
: ' v ; , .... 3 .-. : .- ;V-;-;.-.
The attitude that Oregon should assume, was vividly
presented by one of the boosters at Burns, where the State
Commission held a meeting.:, They haven't a raUroadat
Burns; they are gasping for the transportation that wU
save their Uves on a splendid irrigation project. But he said,
replying to another man who told what Burns would get out
onhTplani "For heaven's sake, forget this Burns gain, and
think of all central Oregon. We've all got to stand for rail
road deveCmeS as a whole, and help each other to make our
country big enough to pay the men that serve us- No more
of that stufr?It's goodTor our own town;' what we want
il for ua all!"' How they cheered the speaker!
' All Oregon for, all Oregon, and raising grain and spuds
and timber and steers for all the world to buy and .gW-r
that is the story. All Oregon could produce the eyidenceto
make the building order as certain as the dusk or the dawn.
The new Salem hospital build
ing must be finished and occupied.
There must be no thought of giv
ing up the task till it is done.
I "
Of Fan
Edited by John M. Miller.
, Fcter Puxzle Saji
"By using the same three let
ters in different order you can flu
in the blanks in the following sen
tence: 'When the fishermen haul
ed in the there were only
' fish In it.' " ' ,
"You can change 'bed'? to 'cot
in four moves, changing Only one
letter at a time. For example,
case, cast, mast, fast, fact."
"If you put the same letter at
the .beginning of the: following
groups of letters, they will form a
sentence: , aul idted olly's retty
oaies." " , ' '
Answer to Today's Word? Puz
zle: ; The two wordis are:" net,
ten.:' ..'
Answer to Today's Word Puz
rle: To change "bed" to "cot:"
bed, beg, bog, cog, cot .
Answer to Today's Word Pus
sle: "Paul picked Polly's pretty
posies." f 1 '
it a secret? Why did they want
to be married while Mr! Good
hart was away? She was worried
about it all week. But most of all
she worried because she had done
Something r she ' shouldn't. : Sht
had listened in! iU-kil
"-' Saturday night Marie went with
her mother to a play given by the
young people of the church. Some
how she didn't enjoy- it much.
She was surprised to see ' who the
hero and heroine' were. Wouldn't
the church people be astounded
when thty knew .what she knew
about them? She was only half
listening when i suddenly some
thing about the play struck her as
vaguely familiar. v
"Sweetheart," the hero was say
ing, "you have made me very hap
py." ? Marie heard no more. Be
side her Mrs. Pratt 'was whisper
ing to her husband, "Now. It's
almost tinio for Florence to come
In."- ' ., . -
hip SoM PISH STOlUE f,
were TRue. - - h
that is still a national asset; ana n
that too will be served. The
ot jgwu uiiuiw , J
.a. s - AAmoriMiiTiva t n u
me uwsi w.-
all Oregon back of it.
The new hospital facilities are
needed. It would be a disgrace
to Salem to allow the thing to
hang in the air. And if would be
poor business, too.
, . . "
One thing about a third party
is that it nearly always finishes
Peru made .July 4 an official
holiday. 'It is a courtesy to Uncle
Sam, but holidays come easy
South" America. .
The worry about coming In con
tact with the new counterfeit
$1000 bills Is chiefly confined to
daily newspaper reporters. ,
The "Slogan editor will show
next Thursday that Salem is the
best school town Jn the country
If you can help, please hold up
your nana. -
The machines will no doubt
help; but the wise flax growers
Who have fields ready to pull arc
not taking any chances. They
are pulling it by hand, jj ' .
Everybody in Salem now real!
zes that there is good business
in beauty; that The City Beaut I
ful will be a, good, cijty to stay
in and do business in. It will
keep growing, and Its growth will
be solid.. .Also, there -will be
never ending Increase of business
on account of the established fact
that Salem is the bulb center of
North America. Next week's Slo
gan pages -will tell about the ad
vantages coming to Salem because
this city is an educational center.
At the time Mr, Crews took
office as Oregon state compora-
tion commissioner j several com
panies were operating In Oregon
engaged in the sale of installment
savings bonds and similar secur
Hies which appeared j to him to
bring them within Jtne statute re
gulating-building and loan asso
ciations. ' .
The first concrete case submit
ted to this department under this
administration was the plan of the
Municipal Reserve , & Bond Co
for a permit to dq business of a
like i nature, and the department
being of the opinlon,that this case
as well as the others now doing
business under a similar plan
should be brought under the pro
visions of the building and loan
statutes, submitted that casa to
the attorney general for his '' op
inion with the foHowIng letter:
June 1 9. 1923
"Hon. I. H. Van Winkle,, At
torney General. State of Oregon-
: 1 .
Jaltr 20, Friday Band roarert, ViHoB
prk i- i f ? "
Jnlv'22. Snnliy Union rhrr.-a errire
Willsoi, part.
July Jj, Weilnrsflj.-r AnnuI WUronsia
, pirnir, fair ;rnoil. - . ' '
Jnlr 29. KundT l"ni-on etufh aerTlra,
WilUon park. ' .
July SO, Mnn!T trond Iptib of Will
mm a. t. .nmtm .i-lliHil 4 Am
I own- " ', ' .
Aacaat 1 ! 29Xnanl .aaeaaipKaak af
, Bor Scoata at' Caeca.. : ;
f Aipt t- 9 stiwiwt faar J rills
matcW -at Clackni tifta raa(a.
fitptambaf 2 ta 2SW Orfoa atata tall.
Dear Sir: This department has
now under consideration the ques
tion of supervision and regulation
of several companies whose prin
cipal business is the sale of in
stallment savings bonds which
mature at a fixed time to their
face value in consideration of he
payment ot regular lireiaiimenis.
The companies in question all
operate on a plan identical to the
savings and loan plan amd are
the following: The Municipal Re
serve and Bond company, the
Western Bond and Mortgage com
pany, the - Columbia Bond and
Mortgage .company, the Mortgage
Bond company, all oi Portland.
and the Investors Syndicate of
"Section No.j 6948. Olson's Or-
egon Laws, provides that The
name building and loan associa
tion shall include all corporations
J . doing' a savings or loan or
investment business on the build
ings' society plan whether mutual
or otherwise, and whether issu
ing Icertitificates of stock; which
mature at a time fixed in advance
or not. ' j
"In Tie w of the fact that the
plan of operation of all the above
mentioned companies is the same,
the ! law : applying to onej would
apply to the: others. For this
reason I am submitting! to you for
your consideration the- prelimin
ary i statement ot the; Municipal
Reserve .and Bond company to
gether with all papers pertaining
thereto and request that you fur
nish . me with your opinion . as to
the following questions: ' j ,.
"1. Is the plan of the Munlc-
Ipal Reserve .and Bond company to
be . considered as an ! investment
business on the building
of Sec.
plan, within the meaning
No. 6948, Olson s Oregon
"2. Should the Municipal Re
serve and Bond company; be su
pervised and controlled jby this
department as a savings and loan
association?. i'1 j
"For your Information I am
submitting herewith a copy of the
report of Mr. Jay Morton, audi
tor of this department, j on the
matter above questioned. ! which
fully described the plan of opera
tion of the company In Question.
Respectfully submitted, !
"W. E. CREWS,"
Corporation Commissioner."
Thereafter, on the 16th" day of
July, 1923, in a very elaborate
and carefully considered opinion.
the attorney general submitted to
the corporation department- his
conclusions where he held as fol
lows: , ' j -
L"It is my opinion that (the busi
ness proposed to be transacted by
Mutual Reserve and Bond com
pany brings It within the! scope of
Section 69.48, Oregon Laws, and
that said corporation should not
be permitted to do business in
this state upon the plan1 Indicat
ed by the documents submitted
with its application until it has;
complied with the statutes of this:
state relating to building! and loan
associations and savings jand loan;
associations, and that, when it
has complied with such: statutes,
it will be authorized to transact
such business only in the manner
provided for the transaction of
business , by ; such associations,
which does not include the right;
to issue bonds . or Investment cer
tificates 'which mature it a time
fixed iu 'advance or to transact!
business on any other than a mu-f
tual plan provided by
utes.',. -"'. " ,.
said st'atl
The " interests of tae people
of the .state of Oregon are
concerned in this atter, in this
way: They are entitled to have
their - investments in. j sach eej-'
curities conserved andt protected
n every reasonable possible way.
But a hardship may be worked
upon Oregon investment concerns
doing a legitimate and safe busi
ness, though issuing certificates
maturing at fixed times, if there
is no vay to allow them, under
present laws, to continue to issue
such certificates. If present stat
utes do not cover ' the
matter, a
new one ought to be nacted at
the next session of the legislature;.
There .certainly should be a vir
found to allow sound home in
vestment companies tc do' busi
ness; and still permit the corpor
ation commissioner to have strict
supervision over their (operations
and this .latter statement ap
plies with especial strength to the
foreign investment concerns doing
business in Oregon. 1
; Statistics for the pasi ten yeats
show that 85,000 murders haje
been committed during this period
in ihe United States. Every hour
during ' the year someone is as
sassinated, the proportion - being
one out of every 12,00(1 men who
die by the murderer' jHatjd. In
this we have the unenviable dis
tinction of leading the civilized
world in' the ratio of sjaylngs, as
in Europe 4he figure stands' at
one murder for every 634,000 In
habitants. ' "t , " i'
The causes of the murders are
many, but criminologists lay
greatest .blame at the public's
door. Technicality and sentimen
tality are the chief foes of law
and order, they maintain, and the
assassin knows when be commits
his crime that these two assets
Will be of tremendous value in
saving him from the gallows and
In many cases from long confine
ment in prison. Also modern
psychoanalysis is blamed -for rais
ing in the minds of the people the
idea that the criminal is mental
ly deficient and therefore irres
ponsible, and as a result he is
not infrequently let loose on the
community to commit ' further
j Commenting on this situation.
Sir Basil Thomson, the former
Chief of Scotland Yard, remarked
tjiat the number of police em
ployed in American cities in pro
portion to their population ' is
much smaller than considered
sa fe in European countries. The
agents of the law are so over
worked that it is impossible for
them to take adequate steps look
ing toward crime prevention, : In
which branch of police ' activity
the Egnlish and continental for
ces excel. 1 Then, too, according
to Sir Basil, the "ordinary prac
tice In some American cities seems
to be that when 'the newspapers
lose their interest in a case the
police allow if to drop. They are
so much overworked that they
have no option." The result ! Is
that the malefactors feel reason
ably safe in their criminal pur
suits, as such a staggering number
of murders attests.
The name ot Spain is associat
ed with toreadors and bullfights.
But, according to a Madrid news
paper,. the glories of the bull ring
are departing and the popular In
terest in this 6port has waned.
The Spanish public has turned
enthusiastically to i. new and
bloodless sport, the "American
game of baseball.,
The Madrid writer hails this as
a victory for the moralist forces
in Spain. The best' Spanish auth
ors have been waging a wordy
campaign, against bullfighting for
a decade or more, because of the
brutalizing effect on the audien
ces. The high cost of living lent
a helping hand, also. ' Matadors
began demanding tremendous and
ever-increasing slaries, causing
admission prices to ascend beyond
the reach of most purses, and the
public turned to cheaper amuse
ments. Those who paid the ex
orbitant prices for tickets felt
themselves cheated, as the Hu
mane Society usually took a hand
In the proceedings. ' eliminating
r SUM1M1EI5L (Sh
! JD) Vicious .. j
v . a
everything the name
Ton will find TRYE'S
HAM. The best part of
the bacon side Is used to
produced it. v
It v is economy ' to buy a
HAM. And yon save money
when yon buy FRTE'S
l 7
thOBe gory details that formerly
held the spectators enthralled.
The bull's horns were wrapped
and scarcely a drop of blood was
shed: Under such circumstances
we have the word of the Spanish
writer that the performances of
the brave toreador cavorting ar
ound a harmless bull had a sus
picious resemblance to the com
edy of Charlie Chaplin. . .
Not all of the Spanish public
Is pleased with the passing of the
bull ring, however. .SOme lament
it as the -death knell of the old
fighting spirit that , once led the
Conquistadores over the seas ; to
subjugate a new world. But the
majority- feel that it Is - a step
upward and will do much to im
prove the "reputation of Spain In
the eyes of foreigners who have
been repelled by the brutality " of
bullfights. ' . .
When the s. in of an Illinois
dog-catcher bough three brewer-
ies people were mildly Interested
When he built .a palace, bearing
golden door itnobsj they became
downright suspicious. ; , He also
had a fleet oJ five limousines with
platinum trimmings - and he had
almost priceless rugs dangling on
his walls. .. No wonder the old
crowd looked, on with amazement.
Now the. internal revenue collect
or has dropped in with a demand
for some 8300,000 of evaded in
come tax and the prohibition en
forcement officers are checking
up the breweries. He Is accused
of making real beer in three brew
eries and supplying it to a large
section of the state. - He seemed
to have political protection 'and
he was on his way to getting all
the money in the world. But he
developed social aspirations.' He
was blackballed by a club in
Jollet and got revenge by buying
the building in which the club
had long been housed and turn
ing It Into the street. Then came
the house With the diamond-studded
door knobs 'and with it the
visits of the government officials.'
If ' he had been content to run
his three breweries and remain
an unassuming .bootlegger he
might . now be merely . one of the
world's richest men instead of a
defendant in various actions
brought by the government- The
society Dug was his downfall.
f This young ; "camp cook" knows
that she has. a pleasant surprise in store
for the members of the evening picnic
party when she serves them cold baked
knows . because at home Mother h3
given the family a similar su prise and
has told her that FRYE'S DELICIOUS
'is the Very best ham you can buy!'.
tender, grain fed pork, cured and
smoked in hardwood smoke after the
Frye process which preserves the mild
rich flavor and retains the line natural
juieesa '
There are some things that
even ' Jollet, will stand. . "A:.,
them is -a dog-catcher with
en door knobs on his castle.
After Justice Clarke, had r.
signed from the supreme cc
bench the president Is underst
to have offered the appointic
to Senator Underwood, who I
been a close friend during all i
Washington ; career. But t
southerner , believed the era:
was not his destiny and declf:
the honor. , Now it looks as :
Underwood himself . would be i
serious ! contender with Hard!
for the presidency. It is belleT
however, that the friendship n:;
survive the strain. '
; Secretary Denby of the t
department has'1 found the per"
.aliAn - Tn mnro than twpnl,
. - ft - n f
j -he slIghtesi; lnfractloa
the regulations. He has al?
been where he was wanted i
never a :moment late for any-1
or assignment. Perhaps the 1
that he was born in the towa
Liberty had something to do :
It.' He never got liberty confc
with Ucense. He was born
Liberty, Missouri. ;
The government is the natl;
best advertiser. During the 1
four years the war departm
alone has spent nearly S2.000.r
In newspaper advertising and 1
got rid of supplies and mater:
left over from the war that t
something like 82.000.000.C
Advertising seems able to in
almost anything from a -whf
barrow' to the greaf pyram'd.
Wear Glasses
A well-dressed r woman v
wont to step In a departm
store. ' The clerks would appro
her, asking her what she want
and. her answer always was, J
looking," '
One day a clerk more br
than' the rest, approached her i
on getting the usual reply, sa!
"Madam, if you will take t
elevator in the Union Cent
building and go to the top fl
you can see a great deal farthe
For Coughs and Colds, Head -4
achef Neuralgia, Rheumatism
and All Aches and Pains
35c and 6Sc, jars and tubes
Hospital sirs, $3.00
Mil 'h M