The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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J Complimenting Mrs. Claude
Catch' and her , daughter, (Miss
Ruth Gatch, who are guests in Sa
lem, Mrs. S. C. Dyer was hostess
Friday at a delightful afternoon
t the Gray Belle. .
Mrs,. Gatch and MIbb Gatch were
brief visitors in town while on
itheir way from Oakland, Cal., to
'.Seattle, i They formerly lived in
Salem and were prominent In Sa
lem social lite. I- ' " ;
I Those bidden to meet the guests
i jot honor wftre Mrs. A. N. Bush.
Mrs.! William Brown,! Mrs. George
! Burnett; Mrs. U. N. Smith, Mrs.
iW. Carlton Smith, Mrs. R. P.
J Boise. Mrs. Lenta Westacott, Mrs.
; Ada Istrong. Mrs. W. I. Dancy, Mrs.
fir. J. Bean, Mrs. Richard Cart
wrightj Miss Gladys! Cartwrlght,
jMrs. Brazier Small, I Mrs. Robert
Fleming, Mrs. JohnMcNary, Mrs.
i Lizzie Albert, Mrs. John Scott,
Htm I T n . Vaw ' Mwm : nv,..
Brown. Mrs: H. H. dinger, Mrs.
M. M." Chapman, Mrs. E. C. Cross,
LMrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. A. N.
Moores, Mrs. Robert Kinney, of
Astoria, Miss : Mabel Robertson,
Mrs.; Russell Catlin. Mrs. Frank
Spears.! Mrs. Fred Stewart, Mrs.
j Asa Fisher, Mrs. Charles "Gray.
; Mrs.,H. D.VThlelsen, Mrs. Charles
! Weller, Mrs. George Pearce, Miss
! Ellen Chamberlain. Mrs. Claude
! Thayer, Mrs. C. O. Rice, Mrs.
; Cunningham. Mrs. Milton Meyer3.
t Mrs. N.H. Looney, Mrs. John
I Sutherland, Miss Marguerite Loon
j ry and Mrs. W. Connel Dyer !y
'k.'- i f I ' H'H
J Mrs. Claude Thayer, a sister of
Miss Sally Bush and A. N. Bush.
I has come to Salem from Berkeley.
CaL She will make her ome in
: the ' Linn house at the cbnrer ot
North j Capitol and Chemeketa
j streets , Mrs. Thayer moved to
) California several years ago from
Oregon. ' Her many friends here
will welcome her back. iy
Mrfand iMrs. W, W. Moore and
! their two daughters Lucille and
t Dorothy, have Just returned from
f several weeks, in California.
f i j ;: '
Mr. an A. Mrs. E. C. Apperson and
Miss Mildred Apperson of McMlnn-
rille were dinner guests of Dr.
j ind Mrs. C. H. Robertson Thurs
j lay evening.
I, MisstIargaret Rodgers has re
r turned frora New York where she
! has been for more than a year.
: With her parents she will go to
" Geafhart next week.
. ? "rrtrrrr1 u - 1
. .-Capt. and Mrs. Earl Flegel will
. leave within a short" time for Hon
olulu where Captain" Flegel will
fc..suttoncd. He has been for
.jmore than a year in Portland at
1UI1 Military academy, !.
.. They will visit, in Salem with
( An Ideal
i Beach
When in Newport Patronize T
t z' ' mm
IS ...
y i-,- X
1- v hktWMj;
(Formerly the
At the waters -lge overlooking the Pacific ocean. View from every room.
Well heated, clean, comfortable, enlarges reaaonable. i A In. carte ervlce.
Free bus to and from hotel. j
wi " tor re-rTiitions or further Information address: t .
P. G. GILMORE, Prop.
. . A DVERTISING is the vehicle
Beet location on Nye Beach. . Wood. A . , .
light amt water furl8hed. Kree "i.K" hTK W
from boat p, . , ,. , delivered daily to the t thou-
from boat, lor Information write 8andg ot readers of the news
. GEO. G. SMITH, Box 423 papers periodicals. s '
NEWPORT, OREGON : Sl'.- t ; f
:.' v j ; : ... - : ii ( ' ' '
1 GROCERIES i "'. '
Hardware, Cooking Utensils. Dishes. Oil Stoves and Accessories.
j . - . Everything for your outing j
ir : W. A. CLAYTON j y
Order your Statesman to
-Agate CwMins and Monntt
Oregon Virturr Agate Jewelry
' " ' ' ' 1 Saiem Woman toSin8 for Radio -
"Most Honored" War
Mother Sought
.Idatio at-ek woman who gave greatest
-numbers of uana in World'
War;' trip planned.
Boise, Idaho, July 14. Idaho's
most honored f'war mother," the
one who gave the greatest num
ber of sons to the World war, is
being sought' by officials of the
state. Besides local honors, which
according to plans, will be con
ferred upon the mother designat
ed, she will be the distinguished
guest of the state at the national
convention of the National War
Mothers at Kansas City in September-
' . I i : ;
Mrs. FJegel's parents Dr. and Mrs.
R.- E. Steinefj berore their depart
ure. i " '
' ! N
Observing their first wedding
anniversary, Drj and Mrs. Phil
Newmeyer were hosts Friday night
at an informal party. Five hun
dred was played during the even
ing. . ' : . . '
The first prizes went to Mrs.
Beulah Mills and Dr. C. E. Bates,
while consolation prizes were
awarded to Mrs. Tom Galloway
and L. S. Geer. The rooms were
decorated with sweet peas
Guests who were invited for
the evening were Dr. and Mrs. C.
E. Bates, MrV and Mrs. Bliss
Darby. Mr. and. Mrs. C. B. Webb,
Mr. and Mrs-i Walter Spaulding,
Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Kirk, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Geer, Dr. and Mrs.
Prince Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Valiton. Mr and Mrs. W. F. An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ham
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmer
man; Mrs. Beulah Mills and Mr.
and Mrs. Henrjrj Compton. ;
Complimenting Mrs. Alvin Free
man Sersanous of Portland, who
Is passing a fortnight in Salem,
Miss Florence Cartwright enter
tained informally at luncheon on
Thursday, v Covers were laid for
six around an attractively appoint
ed table, centered .with roses and
delphinium. ; j
-. '
The' Thursday! Kensington club
held a picnic Friday evening at
the playgrounds. ; The members
remained later for the band con
cert and evening program? Those
enjoying the evening .were Mr. and
Mrs: F. Annunson, &Ir. and Mrs.
T. L. Davidson, j Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Doughton, Mr. and Mrs. N. C.
Kafoury, Dr. . and : Mrs. Henry
Moore, Mrs- Frank Powers. Mrs.
W. J. Thompson. , -Mrs. Charles
Wilson. Mrs. Herbert Hauser and
Mr. and Mrs. R.jF. Melson. '
' :.- !
Miss Dorothy Green of Lincoln,
-.v , 1
r"ff issn
1 i J:
, iWi
Cliff House- j
Newport, Oregon
Follow You1 to Newport
la fi)
J Xcb., was a guest of Miss Marion
Wyman Friday evening. Both
went to Portland early Saturday
and joined the Nebraska delega
tion at the Business and Profes
sional Woman's club on the Co
lumbia River highway trip yester
day. Miss Green Is attending summer
sessions of the University of Ore
gon at Eugene this year. Miss
Wyman came to Salem from Lin
coln, Neb., last January.
Miss Jennie Remington of Sa
lem was married Wednesday eve
ning to Charles Parks of Anaheim,
Cal. Rev, R. L. Putnam officiat
ed. Relatives and friends were
present for the marriage service,
The W. H. Steusloff family left
yesterday for their cottage at Pa
cific City. I
Mrs. Curtis Cole of Astoria and
her little son Howard, and daugh
ter Erma, have been, guests of
Mrs. Cole's aunt, Mi3s Christine
M. Harold. They are now visiting
with Mrs. Cole's father, iG. F.
Harold in Stayton. ' v
Mrs. Amos Strong left yester
day for the coast where she will
spend some time. I
: - ji
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts
and Mrs. Frits Slade of Portland
went to the seashore yesterday
where they will, spend some time.
The Rev. and Mrs. TJ, II. Gibbs
of Estacada, Or., are Sunday
guests of the Rev. and Mrs. H. D.
Chambers. Mr. Gibbs is the own
er .and publisher of the Eastern
Clackamas News at Estacada.
Miss Myla and Miss Inez Cham
bers are sending the week-end
with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. j
H. D. Chambers.
- J
Mr. and Mrs. A. F Adams and
daughter Alice are the house
guests of Mrs. Ben P. Taylor, 1437
Center street. Miss Alice is a tal
ented young musician. It will be
remembered that they spent the
winter in southern California for
their daughter's health. She has
entirely recovered her eyesight,
and will be able to continue her
studies this fall. They are going
to buy a home and locate in the
Capital City once again.
Miss Marjorie Taylor, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben P. Taylor,
1437 Center street, .had quite 'a
serious accident as a roman candle
exploded in her hand Fourth) of
July evening. The hand Is now
healing rapidly.
. L ; l
The home of Mrs. L. E. Marrs
was the scsne of a happy family
reunion July 12, the occasion be-i
hese Progressive Establishents
C4'-pHE REASON for advertising i3 to
establish and maintain standards of
value for merchandise and service. Success
ful selling depends upon public acceptance of
values regardless of price."
For Sale or Rent' j
Real Estate Insurance !
Dr. VS. T. Crocker, Prop.
Opposite Clif f Houm, Nye Beach
Open Every Day j Baths, 30 Cents
x Light housekeeping rooms, reasonable
rhlropmctlc, office in Building ,
' Chlroprartor Adjustments with baths if dcslrrd
jlng Mrs. Marrs 85th birthday an
niversary. Twenty-six relatives
were present, a brother, W. H. H.
Wade of Estacada, a son Robert
Currin, his wife and daughter ot
Estacada, a daughter-in-law, Mrs.
William Currin of Corvallis, five
daughters, Mrs. Jennie Lewellin of
The Dalles and daughter,' Mrs. F.
Pownder, husband and three chil
dren of Multnomah, Mrs Sarah
Fpurlin of Harrisburg and son
Floyd, wife and two daughters of
Corvallis, Mrs. Lou Hale and hus
band of Estacada, Mrs. Frances
Collins, husband and so of Spo
kane, Ellen Currin of Salem, and
a nephew, George Currin and wife
of Gresham. At noon a dinner
j was served on the veranda
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Eley were
hosts Wednesday night for their
house guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. R.
Mynatt of Long Beach, Cal., who
were here for a short time. Mr.
and Mrs. Mynatt are on their way
to Vancouver where they will visit
relatives. They plan to take in
other points of interest in the
Guests for the informal affair
included Mr. and .Mrs. O. L. Scott
and son Rus.sel, and daughter Pa
tricia,: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Denni
son, Mrs. J. Munson, Mr. and Mrs.
1JJ. O. Hinderman, Mr. .and Mrs.
. Brown, Margaret Munson and
Lester Brown. Refreshments were
The Salem girls in the Schubert
octett, which appeared last week
on the program Wednesday at the
Gladstone chautauqua, has been
asked to appear again before the
summer programs close. The oc
tett was asked to sing again "The
Little Grey Dove," a quartet num
ber with high soprano obligato by
Flora Fletcher. The complete
"Venezia Cycle," the most diffi
cult number on the program, was
well interpreted, the voices blend
ing perfectly.
The old favorite, "Kentucky
Habe," with its strumming accom
paniment done by Grace Fawk,
and the "Swiss Yodel 9ong" met
with much favor. The piano sole
by Bertha Vick, and the vocal
duets by Hilda and Delia Amsler.
were well received. Other mem
bers of the group are Gladys Stev
enson. Ruth Bedford, Ruth Reed,
and Myrtle Knowland, Miss Min
netta Magars is director.
One of the first ot a series of
"open houses" was held yesterday
afternoon and evening at the Gil
bert Art studio. Included in the
exhibit , were numerous articles of
interest from an intrinsic point of
view, as well as those which were
valuable from the fact that they
represented family heirlooms.
Several pieces of walnut, made
up in new ways, or old ones fixed
10 years in the Agate business in
Special attention to Mall Orders
Box SS,. Newport, Oregon
Removed to Beach St, Near Ocean
' - ' ,
The Redfcrn Cottages .
are the best at
A card brings full particulars
Box 241
up for pre3ent-day needs, were
displayed. Not the least of these
was a black walnut mirror frame
belonging to Mrs.. M. S. Bovee o
oorvauis, -which -was part of an
old table.
A .light screen made from au
J oldfashioned -foot stool which was
70 years old was one of the treas
ured pieces brought in for the ex
hibit by Miss Teresa D'Arcy.
Two pairs of .book -ends, made
cf black walnut and belonging to
Mrs. F. W. Seelee, were amour
the articles displayed. The wal
nut In the book-end3 came across
the plains. Mrs. S. M. Endicott s
lire place screen, also made at th'
shop, was displayed. ; m '
A number of original paintings
belonging to Mrs. T. A. Liveslev
were also shown. These Included
works of Jane Peterson Van
Vrecland and De Vannes.
A water color painting of. Dor
othy Fitchert, who has bdeni with
Blanch White of Salem at a Los
Angeles art school for two years.
was also exhibited. Miss White
is a daughter of-D. A. White, and
with Miss Fitchert has Just return
ed here.
A number of paintings by j Mr.
Copson, who is visiting with his
son. Professor Copson, in Corval
lis, were shown in a room of the
studio. Mr. Copson temporarily
took Professor McLouth's class in
sketching, following the death of
Professor McLouth early(this year
j ',. i"
AAUW Program
Announced by
The Salim' branch of the Am
erican Association of ! : University
Women will have a number of
members in attendance at the an
nual national convention next
week in Portland, Mrs. George
H. Alden is ' delegate from here,
but many others will attend. The
convention will be held in. the
Multnomah hotel. f
Mi3s Louise Fitch, who helped
organize the Salem branch a year
Sago last May will be one of the
women attending the convention.
She will arrive Monday morning.
She U editor of the association
journal. ! " '-jr
While this is the second annual
convention, it Is the 38th general!
Manhattan, Lake
Excellent dining service, furnace heat, hot water In
rooms, largest and most modern In .Tillamook beaches.
Twvt Lake land Ocean'
Write Julia M.
Fresh Fru't Fine Groceries Soft Drinks Candies Tobaccos
I Hardware Gas Oils Tires, etc.
rj ' ' At the depot . .;
SALTAIR i ' ' t't ' . OREGON
i Wa hare two-room homes and s few
larger onfi with bath, :n4 tpnts fur
hitihed complete for light housekeeping..
Electric lights, water and wood free. We
advise bringing top corerg and ilcr
ware v.'hen ronrenient. Ve have a fnlt
stork of groceries at tery. reasonahle
prices. We have the P.I O. and a Rood
restaurant where we aim to: have clms
and crsts and sea fish at all times, f 1
day snd up. For information and res
ervation rail our Portland office, the IVUe
Dental Co., 3d at Wash. BRoadway
T029. "or THE WISE WAT
Salem's Nearest Deatfi bjr-Anto
i - - i '
Stage leaves terminal three times daily for Pacific City via Mc
MinnviUe. This beach possesses more natural attractions than any
other beach on the Oregon coast. L
i . ; : 1 .
A scenic beach paralelled within five hundred feet, by the beautl
Jul Nestucca river, teeming with! every variety of fish salmon,
trout, clams, crabs, etc. j
, y i 1 - '
i Accommodations: Hotel, Cottages, Apartments, Tent IIouse3
Spacious protected camp grounds wooded hills'
Note tlii unparalelled combination. An ocean bench and river
fishing, boating and bathing.. All within three in in ut eg walk
i L '
Baseball games, concerts, dancing children's playgrounds and
;, other amusements
For particulars write-
Mrs. John
meetings of the Association of Col
lege Alumnae and the ISth gene-.
ral meeting of the Southern As
sociation of College Women. '
The international banquet that
is; scheduled for Thursday night,
with Mrs. William Palmer Lucas
of San Francisco as toastmistress,
will be one of the- record affairs
of the convention. -
Hansa Mehta, of the University
of Baroda, India, who will be the
house guest of Mrs. Fletcher Linn,
will be a speaker. Others are:
Senorita Maria de Maeztu, Ph. D.,
University of Madrid, Spain, will
be at. the Multnomah; Christina'
Stael von'' Holstein, Teachers' col-
ege at Stockholm, Sweden, will
be Mrs. Ralph , Wllbuifs house
giiest, arid Mrs. R. F. McWilliams,
president of the federation of
university women of Canada, will
be entertained at the C D. Bo
Dine home. Dr. Aurelia II. Rein-
hardt of Mills college will be Mrs.
George T. Gcrlinger's guest.
Miss Mina Kerr, Wheaton col
lege, Norton, Mass., newly elected
executive secretary, will arrive
today at 8 o'clock. Miss Ada Com
tbek, national president, dean ot
women at Smith college, will come
in early Monday morning, and
Mrs. Roscoe Anderson, recording
secretary, will arrive Sunday Jrom
St. Louis.
Lytle, Bar View, Saltair, Elmove, Rockaway, Garibaldi,
Netaris, Ocean
1 Trains all
Stop at
Parker, Mgr.
Or'Ron-s newest and most scenic beach resort, formerly known as Maxwell's
Pointy Situated 8 miles from Tillamook City, combination of rugged moun
tains, eamly ma-h and wonderful scenery. Pure mountain water, health
si vinK air and mfulern sanitary conditions. UanolnK. bathinn, deep sea
fishinB, torc restaurant. Ftorase Rarage, dance pavilion. Well equipped
cliihlren'8 playgrounds, bathhouses, etc. A paradise" for, the summer vaca
tion. Furnished cottage and tent liotiHes, all new. Southern Pacific through
tickets t Occanside and direct stage connections at Tillamook. Bell Phone
9F12. j i j
'j particnlars ' ...
r. It. BEALS, Pacific City, Oregon
J. Roberts
Mrs. Frances Fentoa Bernard
will arrive Monday morning from
Washington, D. C, and Mrs. F. S.
Baker of Tacoma gets in this eve
ning. ' .. . '
,'i.A special train carrying many
cf the delegates from the east it
duo early Monday.
About 300 delegates, most of
whom will come from the east,
are expected to attend the various
sessions. ' - -
Mrs. George Campbell of Ka-
lama, Wash.,, is the delegate from
Kelso, the new branch of the as-
sociation. and Hood River dele
gates are Mrs. A. Benton and Mrs.
F. S. Banks.
Registration will open Monday
morning Jon the mezzanine floor
and pre-convention committee
meetings! will follow. The bal
ance of . the official program for
the week follows: j;
Monday "Afternoon
Meeting of the board of direct
ors. . ' - "-. ." ., .
, Monday Evening.'
Reception at the home of Pres
ident and Mrs. Richard Scholz,
Reed college. Automobiles will
leave the Fourth street entrance!
of the Multnomah hotel at 7:30.
Tuesday .Morning, Jnly " 17 ;jj
Registration, Mezzanine. Tick
ets for luncheons and banquet
Side, Pacific City
New. noat, clean, homelike : will furnlnh you room and board at reasonable
ratH CAMP COMFY Furnished Tents and Cottages for Rent. Near
postoffice, stores and depotj Convenient to the bathtnff beaches.
- . For reservations address proprietors:
2& rooms of 8olt3 comfort ; everything
home-like, neat and clean. Strictly
home cookinK. Hot and cold water in
all rooms. ' Itates moderHte.-
. Kor reservations address
Rockaway Meat Market
Oiioslte S. r. Depot, riockaway.
F"reh and Cured Meats
Clams, Crabs,-Fish, etc.
A led market at Garibaldi
B..E. Eeynolds, Prop, y
Then bring your Films to Ui
Hand-colored Sea Scopes and Views
Large line view postcards
-45 Foimihhed Cottages and Tents
Only salt wster bay on the coat,. TJoW fishing. tineTeelled beach noted
KZrtif: sr"pba,Td62, 5ar1? In'conn?
ville. bo o.oy b. P. and, stage lines to Netarts via McGinn-
Step from 'your door to the Beach
should be secured at time of re
gistration. 1
9- 10 Meeting of the board ot
directors. y
10 Meeting of the board of
managers of club housemeeting
of nominating committee.
12:15 Luncheon. Greetings
from the North Pacific section,
Mrs. Frank S. Baker, director;
greetings f r o m the . Portland
branch. Mrs. A. W. Cooper, pres
ident. Toastmistress: Mrs. Jose
phine Corliss Preston, superintend
ent of public Instruction, state of
Responsibility of University .
Women in Iublic Affairs,
Speakers: "Public Health." Dr.
Adelaide Brown, member of the.
state board of health of Califor
nia; "Education," Dr. C. R. Mann,
executive secretary of the Ameri
can Council on Education; "Pres
ent Social Conditions," Dr. Maude
Bt. Miner, executive secretary of
the New r York Probation associa
tion.. i ' y ' .
" Tuesday Afternoon
Business meeting Mezzanine,
ball room.;
'Annual Reports President, ex
ecutive secretary, recording sec-
-etary, treasurer, educational sec
retary, sectional directors.
Committee on credentials, chair
man, Mrs.- h. l. stepnenson.
Sectional Meetings North and
South Pacific stations, will meet
(Continued on page 3)
" III!
Models for AD Types
in h line of FEEOLASET CORS
BpeHal Attention to Fitting
Conet Specialist
. 115 Liberty St.
" Have The Statesman
f Sent You by Mail
Write Circulation DepL
- Rates $2.50 per day
Room and Meals "
F. D. Wickler, Prop.
Cottages and Tents and Camping
Privileges Close to the Beach
pure water, clams, boating.
bathing, etc.
jXetarts, Ore. Bell phone 9F2
V1 t i. ,
, y : i
-;t,'fi?. iv;i-
"f --'I S
v ' .i t v-