- ' ' - - - . - - - j i. .. - ,i - 1: SUNDAY? MORNING, JULY 15, 1923 FGliuER SJ11EM DIES AT SANTA WZ l? M?fe fe Type of uiuzen, wim Many f riends I ; ? in Two States W. Wj Morley, a former well - knnwn. 0 1- . . waicm timen ana Dusiness man, died at his home, 92 Barson street, Santa Cruz, Carl., at 4:30 m Wednesday afternoon last. July .. ' . William Walter Morley came to this country from London, Eng land, when he was a young man, settling on a farm at Frankfort, -Kansas, with I his e t mother and father. He llred there until the death of his father when he went to California with his other for a short; stay, afterwards coming to Salera, where he engaged In the hardware business. In 1905 Mr. Morley went to 'Santa Cruz and married Mrs. Eva Nevins, J bringing her back to Sa lem where they made their home for two years. ' Sixteen years ago Mr. and Mrs. Morley jwent back to Santa Cruz where Mr, Morley Invested in real estate And had lived there since. A man of sterling character and beloved by all who knew him, he win De mourned by a host or friends In ' both" California and Oregon. -' '- 1 j ' 'y ' ' The son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshia Morley, Walter Morley was born in London, England seventy-one years ago and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eva Morley, a step-son, Earle S. Nevins of Oakland. Cal.. a step-daughter, J Mrs.: J. A. Zeller, of Stockton, two grandsons, L. S. Nevins of Oakland and Earl S. Zeller of Stockton; a cousin. Mrs. C. D. Mulligan of Santa Cruz, her daughter, Mrs. Merle Wilson of Montague, Calif., and C. D. Mul ligan. Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan lived in Salem for a long time, and Mr. Mulligan was associated in business here with Mr. Morley. OLDER II DEFENDED What WcaH You Do? (No. i3.) Johij Smith bought a team of horses, for which he paid 1200 cash, and gave his note fori 9100 for the balance duel The person who Bold the team transferred the note to yon. When you go to Smith to collect the note, you) find that the team has never been delivered, and he refuses to pay you- Would you be able, to force Smith to pay this note? , Jusi another practical prob lem that our students come Into contact with In their regular daily work. We plan ta give our . students train ing to meet ACTUAL inci dents In - business life. New classes .in all subjects started, a short time ago. Write or call for Informa tion. - - h - " I' : ) - : Saiern Oregon, High, and Ferry. LlYESLEYii NEWS LIVESLEY, Or., July 14. The neighborhood picnic held on the Fourth of July by the Sunday school was a gTeat success. After a bounteous picnic dinner the crowd was divided into two groups .-reds and blues for the after noon. These, groups participated in different contests. The first was an indoor: baseball game in which nine from each side were chosen . The second was a vol leyball game, and after this came races of various kinds, and finally a tug of war. 'The red side came out victors. ; j f Carpenter brothers are busy harvesting their loganberries. : Mrs. A. Bradburg and daughter Florence, who. have been camp ing at Quimby, I have returned home. "' ' j ' Wallace Moore visited with his mother in Salem ( Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. E.'P. Trescott and nephew, Leo Purvihe, of Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook on Friday. - I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bishop of Stillwater, Okla., Tisifed for sev eral days ; with? Mrs. Alice Cool- idge and Mrs. S. L. Spurrier. While here they took a trip up the Columbia highway. y J. P. Dressier is marketing hia early peaches. ', J . . - The Petition Submitted Board of Control With Reference Thereto to I ; NEW CORPQRTIOfJS I ine Home Beautiful Service, Inc., of Portland, capitalized at llOuq, filed articles of incorpor atjon here : Saturday. ; The incor porators are George H. Green, L. w f ronaska and William . H, ttrashear. : : ..-. .: i '; ' Articles also were filed by the Uavies Balanced: Piston Valve company of Portland, capitalized at 140,000. The incorporators are F, C Da vies. Floyd Mott and Thomas F. Burke. - r T";T HIGH CLASS j OK Wednesday, July 18th, at 1:30 P. M. I 640 NORTH WINTER ST. 1 tt-Oak i lounge. 14-UVOak Spanish leather Spanish rocker. leather seat and. back. 2 Oak roll- seated rockers. 1U-Oak library table. 1 -Oak round extension ' 'table, 48-inch top. 1 i4oak chiffonier. 2 -Oak dressers. lr-U-Oak hall tree. 1- U-Oak combination writing i desk and book case. 1 4-Oak stand table. 2 Oak rockers, small. 1 Oyerstufled Spanish leather i rocker, ' . 1 Reed rocker. 1 14 rOak bedstead. 2 Good springs. 2 Silk, floss mattresses.. 3 Extra good J : ; Axminister , rugs, 9x12. ;, 1 Extra good Axminister rug, i 8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in. Other carpets and small rugs, draperies, curtains; Royal Sewing, machine; .Very fine refrigerator; oak - extension table, square; 10 oak diners, j , y-A Tent 12x16 ft; garden tools; . carpenter tools; t dishes; kitchen utensils; large ward robe; house plants; : 8-day. mantle; clock; step ladders; iron wheel barrow; Jaberettes, breakfast table, : and many , other ' articles which space will not permit to advertise. :- JOHN CLEA WATER, Owner, 64Q. Winter St. F.N.WOODRY, Auctioneer. i 3" FUHmHED BEACH HOLIE AT Saturday, July 21, 3 P. M. Sharp Cornet; of Spruce and Coast Streets' Consisting of good 4-roomed furnished cottage with two ery desirable corner lots located in the best residence" part of Nye Beach, Oregon, being only two blocks from stores and natatorium with an unobstructed ocean view; the house has four rooms ! with pantry and basement, toilet in house and city water; house is well built, sealed inside .and newly shingled all over on outside over painted rustic, with back and front porches, making it an air year around home; has a good barn.! This home is well furnished and will be sold with the home. Terms made known on dav nf rrioai- oUfront f ;n ,;n - . -w wma. uhw mw vx a. a lie vv ui u iunusnca tne purchaser. Sde, Saturday, July 21st Time, 3 P. M. Sharp ' "Buy a Home at Nye Beach" A.E.DI ;-EE, v F.N.WOODRY, 0w, Nye Beach. Auctioneer, Salein, Ore. F. E. Bethea, owner of the "old Eldridge ranch," which has been offered to the state, along with other sites submitted to the board of control as suitable for the proposed new location for the boys state training school, yes terday submitted to The States man a copy of a communication In the hands of the board of con trol In reference to this farm, asking that it be published. This request was made on account of an attack in a local publication- hinting and claiming that there is something crooked behind the offer of this site to the state for tho purpose named, which Mr; Bethea, on his own part, resents, and the implications and charges he also denies and resents as to the other persons named and re ferred 4o by hint and lnuendo. Without taking any part in this matter, The Statesman complies with the request by publishing the petition, as follows: The Petition tp the Board "To the Honorable ' Board of Control, State of Oregon, Salem Oregon Honorable Sirs: We the undersigned petitioners having in mind the welfare of the State of Oregon and its i institutions re spectfully petition your honorable body to give earnest and careful consideration to the following facts concerning the merits of the "old Eldridge ranch" now owned by F. E. Bethea, for Oregon train ing school purposes. "Location Twelve miles north of Salem on the Salem-Champoeg road, 1 mile west of Concomly on the Oregon Electric railroad. Also on the east bank of the Willam ette river. 3 5 ' y ''Adaptability This is one of the very best farms in Marion county, having 50 acres of cleared upland, and 15 acres of upland timbered for fuel purposes. There are 400 acres of river bottom, 315 acres, of which , is clear and the balance 85 acres timbered. "Soil We are thoroughly fam lliar with the crops ; that have been taken! from the soil and know; them to be good. The amount and quality of the crop or crops taken from the soil we be lleye to be true representative manner of , ascertaining Its value. "Health- The ; community Is known to be very healthy; one of the boundaries of the farm being the Willamette river, , which, will assist sanitation and take care of the sewerage problem. r ''Economy The price per. acre, $110, Is reasonable, and in view of the adaptability, of the farm for the purpose, having the loca tionf soil, drainage, Irrigation If necessary, and river for sewerage. wa strongly recommend this farm with, affirmation to the honor able board of control that the foregoing Is true." T (Signed:) John Marthaler, F. It. Du Rette, John Imlah, G. A Miller, A. I Collins. Wm. M. Keene, Geo. W. Brown, Arthur Griffin. Arthur Lindsay, Wm. H. Egan, D. M. Keene, Julian De Jar din, Homer Gouley, S. A. Harris, A." E. Harris, Mrs. E. A. Harris, J. W. Fitts, It. Patterson, C. A. Hannegan, U. G. Eldridge, A. W. Nusom, Francis It. Nusom, L: F. Wintermute, Theo. Rubens, J. W. Fahey, A. F. Aral. Ed. Tuttle. A De Jardin. Cutsforth Bros., A. M. Byrd. F. A. Mangold, J. R. Broy- les, E. E. Keene, B. J. J. Miller, Joseph Rubens, W. J. Wargnier, Jr., Jack Bean, Al Vanderbeck, Louis Aral. F. H. Lamm, A. C. Keene. r ter and friends. Charles E. Earls was divorced from Lavina Earl In addition to the use of improper language. Earls charged that she associated with men and women of, bad repute, among them a man who had been convicted of. con tributlng to the delinquency of i minor and two others now await ing trial for the same offense In order to help make thing3 mis erable for him, Earls declared that she used to punch a hole In the gas tank, simply to, annoy him They were married in April, 1918 E THE FLAX PULLER WILL PULL FLAX There Will Be Eleven ' Ma chines in the Fields by the Last of Next Week Supplementary Water I k 1 ? , Pijrppei: ton, Silvertoh : SILVERTON, Ore..' July 14. l( Special to The Statesman)- At a rQceui . uieci'iis ui iui; ck; water commission, a ' contract was. en tered into which will 'provide Sil verton withja single stage DeLa vaLcentrlfugalpump. This Is o be, used only as. an auxiliary to th present gravity . system in or dqr , tot insure' safety against any give away, in the system now used. The pump delivers' 1000 gallons of waterper minute--which would amount to 1,440,000 gallons pel day.- ; ; Divorce Decrees Signed by Judge George Bingham ' ' . j . - " ; Two women and one man re ceived divorce decrees signed yes terday by Judge George O. Bing ham. These were Calrsus M. Mills. Mirable L. Suklls and Charles IE. Earls, ' 1 Custody of Glenn Mills, 14, was given to Cairsus Mills In her sep aration from David J. Mills. She charged abandonment. ' The cou ple were married in North Caro lina, January 21, 1900. 2 . Restoration of her maiden name of Mirable L. Abbott was award ed Mirable L. Suklis In her com plaint against. Pete S. Suklis. The couple was married An Portland November 22, 1919, and he de serted on. March 18., 1921; accord ing to the complaint. VT - ) : Because his wife Is said to have used vile and profane language in the presence o their .minor daugb. The flax pulling machine : in vented by Joe Bartosz was tried out on the P. E. Thomaeon place near Turner yesterday afternoon Mr. ; Thomason told the reporter over the phone that it worked bet ter in the riper flax than it did In the gren flax on the Bartosz place on Friday; and he said that he believed they, would make it go all right. H. O. Tenney, the manufactur er, told the reporter in Salem last night that Mr. Bartosz and him self had found out that the en gine 'used was not strong enough to - handle the bundles properly. The machine pulled all right; yes terday, but it did not bind to their satisfaction.' It is a five horse power engine. Mr. Tenney went to Portland last night, and he will send up an eight' horse power gasoline, engine tomorrow. It will be put on, and the machine will be set to work for the season's run on Tuesday. It will not stop till the flax harvest is over; ; I Will be Eleven Machines ! Ten more machines will be fin ished this week, and they will all be ready to go into the fields by i next week, if enough flax is ready for them then. They will all have eight horse power ; en gines for binding, of course though It will be necessary to dis pose of the ten five horse power engines that had been arranged for. I Mr. Tenney says he will run 16 hours a day if necessary, l and thus each machine can handle 10 acres of flax a day. j He expects to fill all his con tracts to pull all the flax there Is to be pulled in the Salem dis trict this year. If there are no miscalculations. the end of flax harvest will be reached much sooner - than could have been possible by hand pull ing. . MOS Ti G New System Is Tried Out in New York ton Protection of Careless Drivers Commissioner Frederick Stuart Greene of the New York State Commission of Highways has dir ected the use of a distinctive method of marking pavement at all approaches to railway cross ings, which merits the, attention of every similar organization in the United States, according ' to American Automobile Association officials. Approaching the ; tracks from either direcHon of the highway the automobilist will first be icon- fronted by two wide parallel stripes painted one foot wide and placed five feet apart. These stripes will stretch clear across the' pavement and will be placed 230 feet from; the nearest track The second guard against careless ness will be a third warning .stripe also one foot wide painted 125 feet from the nearest track. The third and last chance: given the driver to save himeslf will be a final warning. In the shape of a signal two feet wide painted with white and black diagonal bars sim ilar to the markings on railroad guards and it will be located 25 feet from the nearest track which if the driver is not running beyond the legal rate of speed -will give him an opportunity to stop before crossing the track. . ' " "The grade crossing is one of the most menacing dangers that confront the motorist today," de clares 'M. O. Eldridge. 'Executive Chairman of the A. A. A., "and the American Automobile Associa tion Is heartily in sympathy with any movement that tends to warn the automobile driver , of his ap proach to one of . these crossings. Commissioner Greene has taken a step in the right direction and we hope to see other highway offic ials follow his example. ; I BUS FOR BREAKFAST 1 ! . Dr. Dan A. Poling Will H Preach in Salem Today 1 Dr. Dan A. Poling, associate president of the United Christian. Endeavor societies, has been visiting with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Poling, for several days and will preach this morning1 at the Cottage Street Evangelical church. Dr. Poling came to Oregon from the Christian Endeavor conven tion In Des Moines. He will climb Mt. Hood with a party early this coming; week, and Friday morning will leave for .New York city where he is pastor of Marble Collegiate church. i He will be accompanied back to New York by his son, Daniel, who came to Salem this spring from Arizona with his uncle, Paul Pol ing. ' - v. Dr. Dan A. Poling was In Franco during the war and visited Ore gon three years ago following hia return. Dr. and Mrs. C C. PolT ing have only been In Salem for about six months. Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results MAKE . a. e. YonrNext Goal . V" -" : irn htf ftnUhtd. 'high - school ; and, lik 11( wida , swsk graduates, are look lag to college. The State of"OrROB offers ; xou ths bett of training and I " a collegia! degree in tho leading v pursuits and proes: ion, as follows : , : Engineering. Agriculture,. ; Commerce, Forestry, Home , Economics. Military Science i and Tactics. Mining. Phar macy. Vocational Education, and Music Student, life at tho College is rirh in opportunities for leadership and personal cul ture. FALL TERM OPENS ; SEPTEMBER 28,1923 For information writ to THE REGISTRAR -Oregon Agricultural College ' Corvallis ' - The flax puller will pull. , V mm It will also bind: it did last year, with an eight horse engine. , S H ?The try-out Friday and yester day was with a five horse power engine. But that is not power enough.. 1 fi-1 . . s -m '. : fj.- There will be eleven , pulling machines, end they will all have eight : horse engines to do the binding. Mr. Tenney. the manu facturer, j says he will be able to harvest afl the crop, and do It In much shorter time than, could, be accomplished by hand 'pulling. ' j: V V V ry The! 100. tons of loganberries in cold pack must go to the bakeries for pies. Who has another. scheme to handle the rest of the crop . . I . V. v The hospital drive must go over. Salem's reputation as & first class city is at stake. ." ' . : A Portland lady wrote- to the mayor the 'Other, day. Inquiring when the band would give e con cert and the electric Ibuntain would, play, She said she wanted to be present. j W S "Parties, drive here from Al bany, j McMlnnville. ,Silverton, Stayton, Woodburn, Oervais, Hub bard, lAurora, and all the rest of the surrounding towns, to attend th$ band concerts and see the fountain, and hundreds telephone In from the country, who want to know jthe days and hours, so they can come and do their trading and attend the concerts." 1 A well known Salem man says we do not make enough of our band j concerts and . our, electric fountain. He 'says "Pap" Waite and Mrs. E. M. Waite, from their places in glory land, if they can look down on the happy crowds on band concert evenings, must be delighted at the pleasure they helped to give, by providing for the electric fountain, from the savings of long and laborious and joyous and useful lives In Salem. dren in always staid and decora tlve poses. ' ' :r But these are the games which Chinese boys do play, , more ; than any others, according to Dr. Hou-Ki-Hu of Nankin, China, who Is studying In this country on a fel lowship of the International Board of Health'; of 1 the Rockefeller Foundation. As part o( his field work toward obtaining the degree of Doctor of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Hu is now engaged, in making a study of the work of the American Child Health Association,, a na tional . organization working for the improvement of methods and standards of child health care, with a staff of health, and educa tional experts engaged In research and jyactlcal demonstration thru out the country. "Before American games, .cais t with the. Americans .into. Chin" ' Dr. 1,8168 children, did not play at least not in your sense of play. My . grandfather and my father did not play games and the games I learned when I was a boy in schqoj,w.?re Ameri can' sports. "Little girls In China used . ta sew and . learn household ; tasks, but they had no actifft games. Now Chinese children play like children in this country. They have learned how in the Ameri can schools,; and , through Ameri can workers who have brought your kind of play io the children of China." Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results American Games Played By Young 'Chinese NEW YORK, July 13. Chinese schoolboys playing baseball on the lot, or lining up for football prac tice in the school yard, would probably make an unexpected pic- ure with which to replace our American fancies of oriental chil- No More Grey Hair or Dandruff That's what thousands of men and ! women are telling their friends. The falsa Appearance which gray hair gives and which handicaps one socially and in business, has been banished and the blight; of dandruff removed by the truly wonderful tonic NOURISHINE. This scientifically compounded t o n i e feeds and nourishes the bair, prevents its fall ing, promotes ita growth and pleasantly, harmlessly restores to original color whether black, brown or blond. Cleanses the scalp. Unfailingly removes dandruff. One bottle usually is effective. . No mat ter what yon have tried try Nourishine today. Price $1.25' per bottle all dealers, including J. C. Perry. Nourishine Positively Not a LADIES- ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR WOMAN'S MODERN UNDERGARMENT We are showing a wide selection of styles of this much-wanted, cool-keeping underwear, . . ,' - ' Step In and make your selection today. 51,19 $1.49 $1.8? . GALE, & CO. " .. Commercial and Court Streets r SAVE 75 TO $3O0 ON A Used PAY ONLY $5 DOWN, THENi $1.50iWEEKL We are offering for one week only a very rare selection of fine used, slightly used ajrid rebuilt pianos. Every one of these pianos are f ully ' guaranteed! andj will be taken back on a new one any tiipe in one year SMiPUTcHimP! r t This Good Practice Piano C2 t " a. $5 D0V.U-$5: A; IMW. $800 used player J in. perfect condi tion.' Ten rolls of mnsic and "bench free. , $355 - J v: f : $10 dov:;-$.io a , a:m GlgncQ) Ovqp This Licijvllhcbi Act; . i i 4 m wr n a w a m. . OOU MA1CK I'lANU .....'.L.: . ... SQ5 $500 KIMBALL PIANO .;.. .... $97 $600 NEWBY AND EVANS PIANO .. .... .... $175 $600 LUDWIG PIANO ....l.... ..!..... $265 $1000 KN ABE PIANO i. . $345 $750 WEBER PIANO ,:. .. :.: $233 $500 KIMBALL PIANO .-J.JL .. 2Q $600 LUDWIG PIANO I ... .. $365 $350 HAMILTON PIANO $125 $700 SHONIGER PIANO j. $215 $500 KIUKMAN PIAN . -$100Q GRAND, PIANO .-: $300, SCHUBERT PIANO , ......";... $250 HEALYt PIANO $500.SCHAF PIANO:.'.;'- - : $550. H ALLET, & DAVIS PIANO $700 J & C FISCHER, PIANO $625 WEGMAN PIANO $ 100 BAILEY PIANO . .... $600t HALLET; & DAVIS PIANO .......... Thcsb pianos cannot be duplicated: for TffE PRICE $125 ;......$365 L...i..$l60 ;$9o $195, $180. .$175J -$225. $275 1-. $145 WILL BUILDING GEO. C.; .WltfcfSWsr; f T