The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 15, 1923, Page 14, Image 14

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, ..... oapim, roroer iUrion and North
Liberty! streets. Evsngeliat II. Aurust
Hnadip win speak,, 11 oVloek, "What
r.Bi.v T" r01"1 8 of look ei
-nu jropuiar llutl" Sunday
:4S. B. y. P. U. ,t 7. A
fount IMDk from U.u...
cooauct this service, leaver
o . " t- r vutiuripu street.
Sandai in..rn.n, servicea at J I a m.
Subject lesson sermon: "(lotl." Sun
day arbeol at . . i ..
evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock.
Keattiu room 209 Masonic Tempi, open
very lay exrept holidays ana Sundays
ifrow Ji:i5 to 5:30 p. ra. AH are cor
dially ! hunted to our services and to oar
reading room. :-. - -
ReT. IIenriken will fill the pulpit thin
Sunday. This ia new work in Salem be-
Kun on request from several Salem peo
ple. -Yon are mostrordially invited to at
First Christian -hnr.-h j
. Hif h streets. J. J. Evana. minister.
( Bible school' at fti45 and church service
4 at lb will be -resumed following the post
l Jnent ot thti services during the re
s cent btate convention "TTie" pastor will
: speskj on "fellowship. Bsptism fol
lowing the sermon. No evening service
-fTn adeount of the onion meeting at the
; park at 4 o'clock. All the' elapses and
$ departments of the school will be in es
; ion at Come. . -r , -
Corner Xbrth 17th and Court streets.
R. Lf. Putnam, minister. . Bible acbool
8:45 1 a. m.1 'Morning- worship -11 a. ra.
Junior following observance of Lord's
Supper. Intermediate . C E. 6 p. ra.
; Senior Kndeavor 7 p. in. .EvangelUtic
, service 8 p. aa. ' Sermon. - 8e'(men, "The
Beatitudes.- Monday 8 p. m.. official
board meeting.' Thursday, 8 p. m.. spe
cial meeting of the workers of the church.
' All ' are welcome at every service.
First 1 Congregational ; Church, Liberty
and Center 'Streets. W. C. Kantner, min
ister. 10 a. ra., Sunday school. . 11 a.
m. The people of Salem will have the
rare privilege; of bearing Dr. Daniel
Poling, associate president of the United
Society of Christian Endeavor of Amer
ica this Sunday. He will make an ad
dress ia the early part Of the service at
this church and later speak in the Cot
tage street Evangelical church. Ir. Po
. ling ' is one of this country's greatest
public speakers; Yon will want to hear
him. The pastor will- also make a brief
add rem at thia service. Theme. Th
He iMight Bring Us to God." i Christian
Endeavor at 7 p. led by the pastor.
Prayer meeting Thursday at d p. m.
. Senth 18th street. Harry W. Johnson,
minister. Sunday school and morning
worship st 10. Young people's meeting
at 7. Preaching service at 8. Sermon
topic. VSaved by Hope."
St. Paul's Church. Corner Church and
, Chamekets atreets. Rev. H. D. Chambers,
rector. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m.
' Church school at 8:45.: Morning prayer
with short sermon and music at 11 A
hearty invitation ia extended to all to
worship with us. -
Pirst Evangelical, C. C. Poling, min
ister. The regular preaching services
Sunday, July 15th at 11 o'clock and 8
o'clock. At the morning services Paniel
A. Poling. LI. D., Litt. D.f psstor of the
Marble Collegiate Church land Associste
President of the International Christian
Endeavor Society, will preach. The pas
tor will preach fn the evening. Bible
chool at 8:45 a. m. and Christian En
deavor meeting at 7 p. m. This church
gives a welcome hand to all who come.
' - 7th and I Chemeketa streets. F. W.
Ltancr, psstor. Sunday achool at 10 a.
' sn. Edward Zinn will have charge. Ser
1 tnon at 11 a. m. 8ubjeet, 'God'a Keep
ing Power." Sermon at 8 p. in. Rev.
O. L. Lovell will preach. The Lord's
Supper will be observed. Evangelical
! Ieaguo at 7 p. m. i Prayer aervicee
i Thursday evening. Sermon at Auburn at
J . a p. -as. j.- : i - -; . .
South Salem Friends, Carl F. and Min
nie O. Miller, pastors. Sunday school
'JO. Preaching service 11 o'eloek. Chris
tian Endeavor 7 o'clock. Preaching serv
ice -8 o'eloek. ?rsyer meeting Thursday
8 o'clock. If yon have-no church -home,
. rome and worship with nt.
Highland Avenue and North Church
street. ' I. O, and Ida J. Lee, ministers.
Bible school at 10 a. nt. Preaching aerv
ices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. - Christian
- Endeavor at ' 7 p. m. Young people'a
prayer meeting and Bible study en Mob
1 day at 8 p. 1 m. " Prayer meeting on
1 Thursday at 8 p. m. : The public ia cor
I dially invited to all our aervices. There
' will be a special song service on Sunday
evening' beginning at 8 o'clock,
- atreets. Paster, Rev. Mortimer C. Clarke,
h: - f Ctraerjof Market and North Winter
Services: Sunday shoel at 8:4.r. Preach
ing hours at 11 and 7:45. .Class meet
f Ing at 71:15 p. m. Prayer meeting esch
Thursday evening at 7;43." Subject in
Ihe morning, 'Travail lor son's." In
the evening, MThe Out snd Out Chris-
tian," J All will receive .a cordial wel
' Mat at eacb aervice. :
Christ Lutheran church. State and
Eighteenth streets, Q. Koehler, psstor.
Sunday school conducted in English at
8:45r a. m. Preaching service in . Ger
. man at 10:30 a. m. Subjecti "Have You
Entered Through tb Narrow Gato.. A
hearty welcome. - - ,
English Lutheran services will now be
held at the English Lutheran Bethany
Reformed ' ehnreh, corner Capital i and
. Marian, on Sunday ' afternoons st 2
o'clock, beginning this Sunday. July 15th.
f J.! T.indneth and Rev. Wee, .ienriksen. t
i First Methodist Episcopal Church, cor
ned Church and State streets. Blaine ET
Kirkpatrick, minister, 'class meeting 9:15
a. m. in he northwest corner room down
sltairs - Sunday school 9:4.1.? Morning
worship 11 o'clock.! The pastor -has re
turned from his vacation and will preach.
Subject "Need and Supply." Visitors
and Strangers are specially invited. The
Senior Epworth League will meet at 7
'clock. - The Intermediates wll meet in
Epworth half at the same hour. The mid
week : service will be ; held ent Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock, v -. J
Jason Lee Memorial M. E. Church, cor
ner North Winter and Jefferson streets.
Thomas Aeheson, pastor. Earl officer in
charge of the- Sunior church, i Both Ju
nior and Senior ichvrches wilt unite for
their service, at" the Jl o'clock hour.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be observed. New members ' will also
bo receivJ into th church. Message by
the pastor. p. in. the Epworth League
will meet for devotional meeting. 7
o'clock a service of more than ueual in
terest will be held when Professor Pa
niinzio of Willamette ITuiversiiy will be
preseat end" 'li ill address the congrega
tion This probably will he Ir. Panun
lio's last public appearance in onr city
as he is leaving for other fields of serv
ice. McMnHay 7:30 p. m., ' meet in g of
the board-of stewards. .Wednesday 7:30
p." ni. Hid week devotional meeting for
junior and senior churches.1
Islie Methodist Episcopal- Church, So.
Commercial ' and Myers streets. H. F.
Pemberton, pastor f Sunday) school at
9:4A. Epworth League at 7 l. m. Morn
ing worship at It o'clock. Sermon sub
ject: Jesus. Our Urest T IB if hi Priest
Evening meeting at 8. Subject: A Va
cation in the Tesert with Jesns. Yon are
cordially invited to all these meetings.
Center street Methodist Episcopal, cor
ner .Xorth 13th and Center streets. Sun
day school 10 a. m. Oermaa and Eng
lish classes for-he children and young
people. Preachingi by the pastor 11 a.
m.m, subject : "A ! True Disciple of Je
sus Christ." No evening Service st this
church. The park meeting; will begin at
3:30 o'clock, all invited. , G.; S. Boeder,
minister. . j: '.- t ;.4 "
can not ome during the week, come-on
Sunday. (iood paved highway all the
way to the ramp ground, 'i mile north
of the ton. cloxe .to the .Southern Pa
cific railroad. ,
Tabernarle, Kerry Ktreet, Ijetween
Ohurch and CottaEe streets. Services:
Saturday the young people meet at 7:30.
Sunday Bible school at 2 o'clock. Preai-h'-
ing service 3 o'clock. Subject : '-'The j
Covenant of Fellowship." Evening 7:30.',
evangelistic service. Tuesday evening
7:45, prayer and praise. Friday evening
7:45, the subject: "Divine Healing.''
Prayer for tl sick ami sufferii Pas
tors: H. E. Caswell vend Mrs. Caswell,
425 Xorth Winter atreet. ' Phone 721J.
I Marion County Holiness Association
will hold their Annual interdenominational
eainp meeting at the state fair grounds,
beginning Thursday evening. July 19 and
continuing until the 2Slh. There will be
services each day at lo a. m., 2:30 and
7:30 p. in. Rev. M. K. I .ew is and wife
of Terre Haute, Ind., are the main evan
gelists. The preaching will be deeply
spiritual and thoroughly practical. Be
side the special singing of Mrs. Lewis
and others, there will be an inspiring
sons Service each evening, beginning at
7:50. Nathan Swabb, secretary.
j Glad Tidings Mission, 843 Court
street. V. S.. Johuson. pastor. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Services st 3 p. m.
Subject: "Kire'From Heaven." Services
at - ii p. m. Subject: "The Mystery of
tiodlinesd." Meetings on Wednesday and
Saturday evenings Msny are being
biassed in our meetings. , Come. Every
body welcome.
j ; ; Speaking of the range of a Ring
er, there is the one in the .kit
chen. -". '
Big Sale Authorized Simul-
.taneously With Openiru
of New Hotel
i rr
The. most Interesting develop
ment of the past week in Real
Estate circles ta the announce
ment of an unreserved Auction
Sale of Beach Resort Home Sites
at Gearheart By the Sea. The
Sale Is scheduled to take place
at Gearheart on Saturday, Aug
ust 11th and the officials of the
Gearheart Park company, owners
and developers of Gearheart. an
nounce that each lot offered will
be sold to the highest bidder with
out reservations. ia ' -j
The Sale of Gearheart lots Is of
particular interest because of the
character of the property involved
and again on account of the rap
id 'development now going on and
contemplated at Gearheart. The
magnificent $300,000 hotel 'which
is undeniably .the finest Beach
Resort hotel on the Pacific has
just been completed at Gearheart,
thereby providing a much needed
rendevoux for the people of, the
Northwest. The hotel is equip
ped with every conceivable con
venience and most elaborately fur
nished and surpasses anything ol
its kind in this part of the coun
try. Thisi enterprise, prompted
by some of Portland's most prom
inent citizens, is an assurance that
it Is on the threshold of unpre
cedented activity, and now r that
the Gearheart Park company has
authorized an unreserved sale of
part of its holding.s it .is- to be
expected that considerable .build
ing activity will be witnessed at
Gearheart in the immediate fu
ture, t -The
purpose of the sale, as stat
ed by an official ;of the selling
company, is to distribute as many
lots as possible, among Individual
home builders who will build and
live at Gearheart and for thia rea
son, in spite of the fact that it is
to be a sacrifice sale, the selling
company is offering easy. 'terms
to encourage .rapid development
at this beautiful Beach Resort.
"Prices will be no consideration
at the auction and terms as
as $10 a month are being off J
thereby making it possible '
all to participate In the Joy c
summer cottage by the sea." De
and title policies will be ia
by the Title & Trust company
Portland and arrangements
also been' made with the -Ti
& Trust company to execute t
for. Intending purchasers i4
might not be able to attend v...,
eale in ? person. An attractive s "
lustrated bookmap giving lull
scrlption of the property and ti
terms of sale has been prep .
and can be obtained upon appi: ,
tion at the office of Barry ft t ,
tin in the Chamber of Comme.
building, Portland.
Read the Classified A:
l'th snd Mill streets. David O. Has
sel, pastor. Dr. Lnndberg, Trrdent of
Swedist Seminary,! Evanston, III., will
(peak Saturday nifcht. Joly 14th and
Sunday morninjr Jnly 15. Epworth Leasrne
7 o'clocV, evening aervice 8 o'clock.
Prayer roertina; and Bible sti'dy Thurs
day evening 8 o'clock. . Come out to
these meetings and enjoy them. .
Pirst Presbyterian.; Sunday school at
9:45 a. m. Orchestra music begins 9:30.
The minister preaches st 31 o'clock.
Topic: "Why the Best People Go to
Church." This church hesrtiiy joins in
the gospel services, Wilson- parks .4
o'clock. Juniors snd young people meet
at 7 p. ra. at the church. 8 p. m. begins
a live cospel sing, aa a prelude to the
short evening sermon. "The" Mills of the
Oods." by the minister. Ward Willie
Long. Mid-week aervice, Thursday, 8 p.
m. - ' 4
- Comer 5th and Gaines, North Salem.
Sabbath achool at 10:30. Preaching at
11:30. Subject, ''Building i a Wall."
Sundav night snbjeet, "The New -Earwi,
What Will it Look Likef I it Worth
While!" Sunday 7:45, N. C. Erntson.
Regular services today. Holiness meet
ing st II o'clock. Snnday school at 2.
Y. P. L. 6:15. Big salvation meeting at
8. The aubject, "Firee of Sin." J. C.
Barker will be the speaker.,: Come ; all
re welcome. !-",!
Castle Chapel United Brethren Church,
corner of 17 th street snd Nebraska ave
nue. Sunday school lO a. m: C. P. Wells,
superintendent. .Preaching j 11 a. In.
Evening services:' Christian !, Endeavor 7
p. m. Junior C. E. 7 p. mi. Preaching
8 .p. m. Ladies', Aid Wedsesdsy after
noon.' Prayer meeting Thsrsdsy even
ing 8 p. m. Ton are invited to worship
with us. Come, and bring your friends.
George Chspman, ' pastor.
The Eirst TJnite.1 Brethrea church, cor
Tibbet, pastor. Sunday school at 10 Twelfth and Mission streets. C. XW.
o'clock' Preaching at 11 o'clock. Even
ing aervices: Christian Endeavor 7.
Preaching 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening, st 8 .o'clock. -
10th and Marion streets. C. Haward
Davis, pastor. Sunday services: Sunday
sehool 9:45. Preaching 11 a. m. bv Rev.
Mary T. Clirik. Subject. "Home Mis-j
sions. ' Evening service 8 p. ra. wermon
by -the pastor. . Welcome for all,
J . - I. B. S. A.
International Bible Students' Associa
iion meets every: Sunday ia Derby ball,
corner Court snd High streets (npstsirs)
for Bible study. I Hours from 10 to 12
a. m. All interested in Bible study wel
come. - '- - - i , . t j
1346 XoHh Church street. J. J. Gil
lespie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. ra.
Preaching service 11 s. m. Sunday
school st Salem Heights 3 p.. m. and
preaching service st 4 p. m. Young
people's meeting st ehspel 6:45 and
preaching service 7:30. Regular week
ly prayer meeting Wednesday evening st
7:45. Services will be dneontinned st
the chspet July 22nd and 2th, on account
of the camp meting at Woodburn. Ore
gon. We invite all who ran to eonfe and
camp on the ground. Bring bedding and
tent if yon have one, if not, there will
be tents for rent on the ground. If yon
Patronize Home Industry.
Sun. J0.. .,
i : y
t SW5 i!
At Factory Prices
Made in Salem .
f "
803N.r Liberty Street
Plione 1048-M
-a fitting sfogqnjbr
Every dav we resell numbers of customers who
have tried Western Giant Cord Tires --evidently
with great success, for many of them wahij a
complete set-then, too, we receive daily a num
ber of unsolicited praises from users the West
ern Giant Cord is truly "as good as you can buy."
Guaranteed for 1 12,000 miles ; Roadgrippers
10,000 (8QxS, 9000 miles) and the guaran
tees mean what they cay yotr can bet your last
dollar the tires are righi.
with each Western1 GUat or Western Standard Cord
(not given with Western Special or other tires) ii ; '
Standard Weight
(Standard oversize)
- S . '
(Extra ovarsiza)
Extra Heavy
(Aak foi Prloaa en Oihar SIim)
3oX3itosrn $io jo
Guaranteed 0000 Mile
For customers who still prefr Fabric Tires we
carry high-grade, dapendable fabrics and back them
up with a guarantee of 6000 miles on Nebraska.
7000 miles on Pharis and 8000 miles on Western
Gi&r.t Fabrics. '
30x38 .
32x38 .
31x4 .
32x4 .
33x4 '.
34x4 .
... $6.85
..; 7.9S
.. 11.05
. . 12.30
.. W.75
Waatcrn Giant
; (Other Sizes Quoted an Request)
At All "Western Auto" Stores
Notice, bv contrastl the luxury of modern "camping de luxe with
"WESTERN AyTO" camping efjuipment pictured below. Day? of the
"Covered Wagon" were hard days indeed. It needed sturdy "pioneer
stock, accustomed to hardships never met with ncrvV to stand the "bat- ' : ".
ties of the road" and existencerin a new countary. Today asphalt-ribboned roadways lead every
where, over which the motorist travels leisurely and in perfect comfort with every convenience
modern life affords at his command.
Camped Delight" Auto Tent
Barsa a roai aauaa to
. 11 va tn wban trswaUna
; or oaxnpina It fa Mpt
daily mmnatfd tot ooa
Yanlaaoa, la quleklr
i roOad up aad takaa bat
l llttl posv Extra wU
ry PMLfle. Our prloa
Wall Tents
Wenzel Poleleu Teata ... ...
Auto Tents. ........ .
$19.50 to $29.25
.$19.75 to $32.C0
.$ 8,25 to $145
Western" Palmetto Auto Tcx
Only ona centar polo.
Jointad In two ptaoaa.'
aaablaa tha folding ot
tha antlra outfit Into a
amaH. packaca and yet
1U aUa at baaa la 18x10
teat. It la tA teat high.
Tba material la : extra
heexry. Cornea equipped
with heavy floor de
alemed to keep the
water from running in
the" door, ' aoreen wln
oowa asd pocket.
Our Ptrleo. .$37.50
Wnlte Material... 29M
ihaki Ma.tarlal. . .3&M
r ; A Folding Table i
Comes in Handy
We have them in several dif
ferent styles and sizes. I You
can get one to suit your needs
for $4.50,
$5.60, $7.50
Cozy Camp Chairs
give real comfort. Sub
stantial v a r n ia h e d wood
frames with canvas seat! and
back- also provided with
arms. Our price $3.95. Camp
Stools, 70c. 90o and -15.
Auto and other Camp Chairs at
equally low prices j
Genuine Pyralin Visors
A prloa which enable a tavlnf of aereral
doUara ffenulna hick crad pyralin and
aubatantlaj bracketa used. Take advmnlaare
of tbla price today. ' - ' . .
Luuuajje Carriers
Are Necessary
A new adjnatabla carry In outfit that
can ba attached to tha running board
of any ojlt. Clampa on aeourely by
three thumb orewe. Easy to put aa
or take off. Polde trp oompaotly when
not in use. - Mad or eteeJ. atrona and
durable. v ., -
$15 to $4,2J? 5
Western Giant
Sparlc Plugs
Yon'U ret bettor results with these ia
destructible plugs and ther ere guaran
teed for two jesrs. . V
Eacn 80c; set of 4. with extra core. $3.20
Set et 6, with two extra eaten f.0
Folding Mattr
Made particularly for the camp
ing .motorists, it is so construct
ed of four sections, that it folds
up, making: it easily' handled.
Larse enough for two persons.
Complete .
Single . . ':. . . . , ....... $4.50
' k Spring Beds
. While en your -raeaUon or oafinpirxi
trip enjoy the comfort of your mpnsf
bed at home. Theae beda make eucn
oomforta nosaible. The woven wire
fsvbrlo of thia bed la constructed with
aprtoca at the enda and la ao deatned
aa te prevent aamrlna. Folda up into
man compact unit j
$13.50 and $17.60
Folding Cots.... ....... .$3.75
Runniog Board Restanrant
Specially built to meet every need and
till preeerre the nlffrest decree or com
pactneas. it la a aenalbla addition to tha'
csax equipment. '''...
The lanrer else la built to fit tha running
board of any car. Clarape are provided
for faatenlnc the eaee to the runnlns
board. , -f
4-Peraona Size ......... .$23.75
6-Feraons Six ..... . . . . .$36.90
- Camp Blank eta
Made by the largeet manufacturer tn
the country of exclualve quality blan
keta.r Made of Australian virsin wool.
; They are worm .100 Laches wide and
are ehrunk at the taottbry to thair tl-
- Inoh width. They represent tha wann
est, "cemfyeef and moat praotloaj
blasket procurabre. r ' - .
t $0.50, $8-75 and $14X0
! Tliermahrare Juj
P.t1! 7ropd K"P eoor "or "keep
hot" efflolency. On account of tta ln
ulated conetruction.- content are keat
at their original temperature for rnany
houra Month U larst enoua-k to allow
tne earrylna ot meat, potato ar mt&ar
food or Uquid?7- - - " Mr
half walloa On. ijlckaTplataT t5
rjllon tn enameL frmm
Gailon Jug (mttal
terior) " . . . n e
Hail Gallon Juir: J7Z
!- - w e w
..... V.'e $10X0
BeMPrepared for Tire Trouble on the Trip
Double Lock BW-Qut f " cbr- t SuperriMibuta
A streava and
durable, tnsioo
patch taat wtU
bold aaor ardl
nary bioar-oot
or ran cue
Loo k,a over
botk fa ile a
tana oreep.
ea tlnoad
eoda teBwVeat
ytnTrJTaT tnbe.
3- Inch Tire . . awfav-9i'.'23o
3Vg-Inch Tiro ..... 23o
4- Inr.h Tire ; - - -f irt - t i
EverUcdo Ruhber Patch t
30 aqtiare inchea. . . . .30c
72 aqnaxo hwrhes. .... 55c
Mica Tire Powder, can. .15c
Tire Gavuge,
a.i.So and $1.40
rRobher Pott" Repair On
Tire Tape,
Stamdard Tire Pmnpa
$10 I
r u e
Bastr I ,
Miniate ffCf- N,
anlaer I . . J
: - 1
The "i
mends all tuba
punctures per .
fectly.9 maklns:
repaira far su
perior to any
tuck - oa&
patch. Beat la
pr o d u o a d bv
burning a non-flamlnj; chemleai
taoh af tha twalre patch natta foratzhed
70 Sferee In tfte 17
9Aak for New,
at the Store
Nearest Xou.
Order by U aU
Protects You
Corner. Court and High ; Sts. , -, Open Till 9 P. Saturday
aa...... ...... a. ..aaaaaaaaaaaa A fm
j . ' - - : - - - . " "- -
S : .-. . ' - .