THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON THUlDAY CiaJWmiD ADTOBTI8XKXHT1 pay taaarttoa Tart teMrtioM Om week (six Uaertieaj). Om mui JOe U wmn eatreel. per lee 1$ aMtka' watrMt, per am lie aTtalataa tar. Mr advertiaeaaeat See NORWICH UNION riRB INSURANCE BOCIBTT W. H. Burghirdt, Jr. Racidant Agent 171 Stat 8t MONEY TO LOAN Oa .BsaJ Eatat i J T. K. rORO ! VtOrtr Ldd Jk Bosh Buk) NEW TODAY g BOOM . HOUSE. SOUTH, CORN ER tot, east front. 14 blorki from BuK aak; one block from Commercial St.. . $30OO; $500. bid. $20 per month. Boa t. VTest, 370 1 State St. ; 1 . aer chirken ranch. HaUf equipped. vUk good buildings; 18 acre of fruit, aono grin. With stock and equipment. For ft few daye for $15000. A; bargain. Baa F. Weet. $70 State St. WASTED FIVB EXPERIENCED WAIT reeeee at the Gray Belle. 1 8ALM0X RIVER HOMESTEAD BAR gain; 120 acre stock, dairy aad cheese I lead. Big photographic liat for ; your inspection. llarria, 192J. i DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH; 200 acrea under cultivation; balance pas tare and timber. Nearly 500 acrea ' laVall Reasonable price and easy terms. Other large and small dairy aad etook ranches at right prices. ; A. C. Bohrnstedt 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon 3THT NOT INSURE WITH THE ORE pa Fire Relief, when you can get your laonnce at very moderate coat in a XOX-ASSESSABl-E policy! Stand by Foley .agenta. Phone 347. The best ia none too good ia come te a reliable d ler. Oleson Ante, Excange. ASK i YOCR' NEIGHBOR WHAT HE 4biake of oar repair' work; or better : fet mis in and) ' let na repair your : rar,- Jack Doerfer' Motor- Repair. 410 ' S. Commercial. . ;-t rr,i.H1 ill liliTlTiTiiTiTtM? HlliU'WllfilljiP Tea will surely be proud of your car if ' ,we equip it with a new top. Walter E. Gnutert, 256 State St. Opposite V. S. Bank Bldg. ' CARPENTER WANTED FOR ? verk boob: take small house akd desirable lot. or vacant lot , as part pay Work and receive . part cash aad part credit on "property, pay balance In future installments. Phone 11 41 J. EMPLOYMENT XXXALB itKU WANTS HOUSEWORK. ADDRESS r Misa. Fraaria.iol2 E4 Tyler SI Jeea'a. Portland. ; , MAUI AMD rEXAXB WAMTEU MEM AND WOMEN TO take farm paper tuhaeriptioma. a goad ; yrepeeitlea to the right peeoU. Ad sa tae Pacifle Hemaatead. eto 14, SeJram. Ore. ! FOR RENT APARTMXHTS FOR "RENT S ROOM UXFURNISIIED aitartmeut. Close la. Adults, 4C3 Cen ; te. ' " 1 IXATI FOB RENT FURNISHED . MODERN Five room flat, first floor, at 0o6 Ferry - 6U $45 a month. Immediate posse s ties, phoae 23, or call at SUtesman Helreae off lee. '. "c i. . HOTEES FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE. ,MO 4 era, at 727 8. 13th St. f 25 a month. Call at 8uteemaa busineaa office, or one 83. .-' ; , . '-. TOT. RENT 3 ROOM HOUSE, LIGHTS U'. garden. . .. ? Compton Real Estate ; 40 Slate St. Phone 63 1R. ; KUOMS AND BOARD 823 N. COM aercUl atreet. 3 room furnished apartment $30. room farnikhed apartment, 935. 4 reiai unfurnished apartment. 22. Gertrude J. M. Page ' t :- 482 X. CotUge St. SOOl FOB RENT APARTMENTS AND Uepiag rooms. Lee sard Hotel, $54 N. " Freat street ;. : FEINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7ta". werdiag "Rooms U Rest" price 10 rats eseh. ! Btstssmsa Basis ass Of Greend Floor. - ; , P8INTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY woroiag 'rurniahod Rooms." prine 10 le eerb. Statoamaa Bueinoae Of fteo, Oroaed Floor. X TRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT 7b". rdiag "For Rent." prwe l mil '. 8stemaa Beaiseas Offieo. oa Greesd FWmr. ' ( ,' BOARD AND ROOl BOARD WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS. "4 Chemeketa. Block north of pot- office. - ; - - . : . ; ., PIAB05 - 88W PIANO POR 8RNT $0 PE MO. Btlff r.ruitare Oa ' LOST AND FOUND LOST r"iALB sprrz pcppt. si'itablk1 "ward, tor 1 return. Pboue oW. . PERSONAL Grr at A SRI ED -BEST MATBIMONIAL oooitahed. Free for stomp. Ca Mepeedent, Toledo, Ohio. - WANTED WOOD SAWIXO WOOD SAWING. PHONE 182T. aOSdZZAAaTBOTa BING AND LAMBERT CHERRIES wanted, large fancy quality. Must be ' sprayed for worms. ,; Ward K. Rich ardaon. 2395 No. Front. Phone 494. WE ARE STILL BUTINQ ROTAL ANNE vnerrtea. Wilson and Etterberg atraw berriea. Mangie Bros. M SUte BU OLD MATTRESSES ' MADR OYXS capital city Bedding Co. Pheae 19. WANTED EVXBTTHIHa IN HARD- ware and furniture. Bee prieee paid THE CAPITAL HARD WARM FURNITTTRR OQ. t5 M. Cemmarcisl Bt. ; Phone 94T FOR SALE BIRDS FLOWERS AND PETS BULL PUPS FOR; SALE FLAKE'S Petland, 273 8tate. j 1 POTJLTBT: WHITE ROCK COCKERELS APRIL 1 natca. rarenred. Good laying strain. F. Allen. Box 18a Route il, Salem. FARM PAPZX O TOO WANT TO GET THE BERT ' P. Mud 15e to the Paelflr Homes teed. Salem. Oron. for a three montha" trial euaoeriptioa. Mantioa POULTRTMEN BEND EIGHT TWO- ,eeat etampe for speeial three moaths' trial for the beat aad Ideal Journal la the: res- The artielac ead adrertise aieau are of epeeial in tercet to the Poultry trreedera of the Northwest Xorthweat Poultry JeuranL 311 Ceav areUI a trees, Salem, Oregon. - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED IIAMP- ahire sowa from large producing stock. Prices right, satisfaction guaranteed. John Mace. Central Point,- Ore. RAMOS OOOD USED MA HOG A NT PIANO. $150 Tema U desired. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. .'- i i . -a -.j FOB SALS GOOD C8ED MA HOG ANT . iptaao toft with aa to eoU. Frlee $300. terma, H. L. Stiff Tanltara Co, Me ale depertmeni, j . i FOR 81 LX lo-INCH OLD FIR ' AND aecend growth 4-foot Phosy t4T Best Grade of Wood 4 feet and IS iaek mill wood 4 foot ash and second growth fir. 4 foot and 16 inch old fir. . . Prompt ' delivery and reasonable '-prfee Fred E.Wells. 80S S. Church. Ph. 1543. raOBTOwsVAPUP -"TIT PHONOGRAPH BARGAIN A S139.0 Victor i $150.00 Victor i. $150.00 Pathe $165.00 Oolembie $ f 5.00 Victor U I as on 115.00 110.IW ao Terma aa hw ee $1.00 per week ML ' U VStrt 5 rURNTTCRR CO.. Paaaa 041. . 404-450 Court St FOR SALE A-l. OATS AND VETCH hay. $12 per, ton in field Phone 67F3. FOR SALE GRAIN AND VETCH MAY. Priced right. William pe Vries. Pra tum, Oregon, ii " FOR - SALE LOGANBERRIES TWO cents a pound. Pick them yourself. Minto, 821 Saginaw St. FOB BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS. 1ft eoats a beadle. Otrealatwa departmeat. Oregon Staaasman. Beautiful Oregon Rose aad eleven ether Oregon soags. together with e f las eelleetioa of patriotic soags. ssersd saaga aad asaay old-time favor- ttOUa ' ! f ALL FOB 85s (Special prieee la quantity tsts) fpoeUlly adapUble for eehool soauaaa Uy or hems sieging. Bead for Western Songster TS pages, now In its third odltloa. i- Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY $18 A Commercial St. Salem Ore AUTO 1 DIRECTORY AUTO TOPI AUTO TOPS Curtains to order, prieee reasonable, Aadoreea-Teed. 171 High RADIATOB m FBVDEB RADIATORS r FEND ERA BODIES, asada a repaired. 4. O Balr. 848 Ferry; BATTERY AMD BLECTRIC1AX PRESTO-LITE ! ; BATTERY SERVICE Stetioa. - Expert battery aad electrical work. Farrla Bros. Phono 150$. 41$ . D. BARTON EZIDB BATTERfES. starter end geo ureter work; 171 South & CAMEL-IZED BATTERY NEVER seeds a drink.' C. M. Cerlsoa. 84$ M. Coosmoreial St, Salom. Ore, TRAOTOB8 FOR BALE FAGEOL TRACTOR AND double disk.' j Phoas 1140M. 161 So. - 14th. ; . . a HAAG CO, 444 FERRY BT. Phoas 310. Oietrae tractors, Oliver Im plement, j j AUTO PAINTING AUTOS AND I FURNITURE PAINTING : 0o4 ;i factory 1 finish st s ressoaabls v price, 175 S. Commercial, la rear. M Phone 167.! TIKES AJTD AOOXSSORTE8 1 1 H K D P A RT 1 6 to 13 OFF VlsTS-R Aees', Wrecking Hoaae; 434 Berth Oonuooreiai ; Phoue 638. .1 USED OARS LATE 1921 CHEVROLET 5. ALliOST new. Tires la perfect shape. Only driv en 6CMJ miles en pavement. $112 duwn. - balaara at '830 month. Chevrolet Used Car Dept. -349 N. Commercial. Phone V1CK BnOTTlEKS USED CAR . T! BULLETIN - ; 1I5 Stwdcbal-ei $ 75.00 Harley. DavMson; aiotorcrcle. 75.00 l$l' iawell Touring.. ...2.'tO.OO Itodgo Towing .375.00 191-4klal Toaring. 350.00 Kord TnurtjiJ . . ..200.00 Huick-s ' ..8OO.00 Case. lo:i$ -Tractor. like new 500.00 Fordeoa Tractor... 20O OO Samson ' fraetor .500.00 A very Tfartor. 8 cyl -80O.O0 Ught Trufcs... .f 350 p. . VfCK BROTHERS , v High W. si Trade . FOR SALE Continafid USED CARS OOOD DBED OARS eiHOhUOH MO tor Oe. 3T1 Cow. ; USED CARS t 1918 Dodge Toaring, Al shape, ran 700O miles, 3250. i : 1921 Dodgo Roadster, A-l ahape $SOO 1921 Ford Touring , $275. 1920 Ford panel $150 1918 Dodge ' $450 BONESTEELB MOTOR CO. Phone 423 USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHOR IZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring.: 85,00 135.00 270.00 285.00 00.00 450.00 S95.O0 $95.00 415.00 400.00 895.00 95.00 165.00 195.00 290.00 250.00 1916 touring 1920 touring 1919 touring 1920 touring . , 1923 touring 1920 coupe 1S20 coupe 1920 aedan . 1920 aedan 1920 aedan 1910 delivery 1917 delivery 1921 delivery 1921 delivery . lB-O truck All cart guaranteed to be la good run ning order 192$ license oa every ear. Liberal terma ; Opea Sunday! V ALLEY MOTOR COMPANY 360 X. High Phone 1995 BICYCLES AJTD KEPAZRINa LLOYD K. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICY- eleo and repairing: 887 Court. v Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING SPRNCER ' CORSETS TO ORDER DreeeaMktng. Carrie Fleaer. , ate Oormaek Bldg. PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY Ttt". wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 eents each. 8tateama Buslneea Office, Ground Floor. - HXM8TIT1U HXI 0 8 A L M XLTTB HEMSTTTOHING pleating, buttoaa. stamping ead needls . work; $38 Oregon Bldg. Pheae 879. MRA O. K. MILLER HEM BT ITCHING, etampiag. button a. Boom 10. ever Mil ler's etere. Phone lit. LADIES SAXLORXXa D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN street. 474 Court W. t. MAYER LA DIES TAI!X)RIN0 leas eoats, aad satta. Xoeai T, MeOor aack Bldg. Phoae $98. , :' BUSINESS! CARDS ARCHITECTS i-REEMAN A BTRUBLA REGISTERED t Architecte. 510. Bank of Commeree jBaUdiag j : i . AUCTIONEERS; AUCTIONEER I. E. 'TALBOTT. THE ill restock, furniture" sad " farm : sales auctioneer. 202 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 470 for ssle dates. -- CEMENT CONTRACTORS i.i F0R CEMENT. WORK CALL AT 66T 8. Capital St. Phone 1I53M. ' . OABFBT AMD BOO WRAvTNO RAO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING - Call before 8 a. am. 64TS1. 4ALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Bog aad fluff rugs even nay else without seems. ; New atKrseasB made to Order. Old ; met troeeee remade. Feethere renovated. I buy all kiada of eld cerpete for fluff rags. ! 13 Vb aad Wilbur streets. Phoae 1154 Otto F. Zwieker. Prop. OLEANXS8 AMD DTER8 ' SPICK 'N' SPAN Q1.84NRR8 AND V dyere.- Phone 19. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS -Suits eleeaed aad preaaed. $1.60. t Suite sponged aad praassa, SOo. 1315 A OomL ' Phoae 186$ CHXM3TBT SWEATS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F D1I10I eloaaiag. T. Cosaeilmsa. Selem Hard . are Oa. 1 BLEOTRICIAJTB BLECTRIO CO. MA8ONI0 boiMing. Phone 1300. - MALIK' 8 BLECTRIO SHOP BLBO tneal avaehira repairing, eoatracting. $87 Court. Phoas 488. AKCHIB PLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or eeatreea. Be timetee faraUhod. Phoae 8$a. 414 Court St. ELECTRIC FLTTURB AND SUPPLY Co. Pheae 1984. 333 B. Liberty. DXVO 8TOBXB WM. K EI METER "JUST DRUG A" 1T$ N. Commercial. Phoas 167. FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS Sfe . per eoat, $08 Salem Bank of Commerce 7" FARM LOANS - : t ? Iaaeranco maey, any amouat 6 - per cent, for S, , 10 or 20 years, with full prepayment prisilegea, entire Willamette valley. -i ' HAWKINS A ROBERTS i 1 305 Oregon Bide Salem. Oregon. FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT sn 6 PER CENT ANDERSON RUPERT Oregoa Bldg., Salem, Ore. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 5 PER CEhtl ' Five-year-period . with ' prepayment privileges of $100 or any multiple there of on interest dates. ; BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS ' &tt PER CENT ?: Five year periodwtth pay meat privi leges. . . - - NO DSLAY IN CLOSING LOANS Salem llnrtgrge Onrreapondent, Th Pradeutial Insurance Co, f Amns. ' HAWKINS A ROBERT8 : 205 Oregos bldg. , , i ' ;. : ; FRATERNAL ; ; . , . j - I OTA I, ORANGE IXHWIB J SOON LE Memnrial No. ftSO meefa le Odd , Pel lews' hall evr ftr'at,"; third end fifth Tneadar Of Ue month. AW - Oraegemes welcomed j - - : rtoiuMTmn u Peonies, Rotes aad ' bxlbs. Order now and eave money. Our cbor cnllertion of all color peonies. 50e or five for $2. Also everMoominc Tea' Roues all colors 50c or five far $2. Also Corwia Tulips 40 for $1. Narcissus, 80 for $1. asd Hyacinths 20 for $1. All prepaid. K. J. Uibbina, Alt. Uslly, N. J. , . . . BUSINESS CARD Continued rtrRXAOxa 8XAGROVB FOR FTTRXACXS PIPE i and pfpeleae; 198 A IStb 84. PVeue I' 886W. ''.( iiTRirrrTJU btorxb GIESB rURNTTURB CO. QUALITY ; .furniture fee lass atoney. 878 Court f Paeme 44. , PEOPLE'S FURN1TURB STORE NEW aecoad hand furniture; 3711 M. JUNK 3VHK WE BUY AND tools, "and junk. eUL Phone 588. SE1L FURNITURE. 975 North Coramer- JhATMDRERS SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 81$ A Liberty street. Pboae 85. Oldest largest- beet. SsUbliabed 1888. YALB LAUNDRY 18 AGAIN IN A PO aitioa te render yea the earns efficient sorties aa before the firs which de stroyed oar old building. AH klada of ' laaadry work, eleo eleaalng ead; proas lag. Phone year wests to 195 aad we wOi ealL - i CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; , prompt service; 1384 : Broadway. Phoas 165. MAC HOT BH0F THE CROSS AUTOMATIC BLX0TRI0 Steam aoilers. vuleanUere aad take plates. Parry a Campbell, $11 V. ' Usorty. , . j WECBTER 8) SMITH MACHINISTS, aagiaeera, - .welders, Haeld syltader grinding sorrioe. Pboae 63-845 Ferry. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH RRMXDY Pheaa 1T-W. ; HT78ZO ST0XZ8 SHERMAN. CLAY A CO, PIANOS Steinwaya. Duo-Art aad others. Moore' : Mania House, 415 Court street. i GEO. 0. WILL PIANO A j PHONO graphs, sewing mechiaea, sheet musls. ! and piano stadia. Rep airing phono ' crepes aad sewing machines; 4St j a-- , (.. , TRADB TOUR OLD PIANO FOB A WW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furai : tare Co, Maale Dept. MVSZCAX , ! SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma granted. John R. Sites, direetor; 1387 Court : Phone 63A i A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular sysoepstod etasdard maale. Bemi-clssalee sad ballads; 13 Waterman Plana School. Me )omeek Bldg. 1 aTTRSBXY STOCKS FRUITLAND NURSERY ( COMPLETE line trees. Office lei 8. 14th St Phone 1140M. i OOMPLETX LIN 8 TREES SMALL . fruits, oruemaate. - Capital City Nar eery Co, 436 Oregoa Bldg. Phoae To FRUIT. NUT AND SHADB TREES Peercy Bros, 387 Stat, j ' 1 a-LmcBixa PLUMBING REPAIRING AKD OOIl work. Phoas 1397 J. Shop 1ST Ualoa atreet. A L. Godfrey, j PZAJro TTJaTBRS EDWARD WXLP EXPERIENCED PI aee tuner. Leave orders Will's Masts tors. - f - PAPERHANGIBG AMD PAINTING PHONB GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE dsoerstiag. paper hangtag. Stating, str Reliable workmsa. ; TEN CENT K ALSO MINE IV BEAUTT fal eolorsr 1 dooa a room. Mas 0 Barea, J7$ N. OomX t PAPERIIANOING, PAINTING. KALSOM ining. E. R. Brock, successor to Aub rey If. Clark. First class work, 735 N. Capitol, phone 1607R. SECOND HA1TD ROODS SALElf BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS ANI sells second head, feraitsre. tool sad uak; $20 N. Commercial. Phoae 42 j WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH " ing ead shoes. Best prices paid. Cap i Ital Exchange; $42 North Commercial Phoae 1$6$-W j i 8 TO YES AND 8XOVB XBTAZRXBv 1 TTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 ' years' sxperteaeo. Depot National fan eo. sisse 36 to 38 la. high. Palate, oils sad vanishes, stt. loganberry aad hep hooks. Saasas Fsaoe aad Stovs Works. 860 Court street. Phone 134. TXAJrSPORTATIOB CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Ceatral Stage Terminal. Salem,' Oregon SALEM-EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 8:15 a. m.; 11:15 a.m.; 1:15 p. m.; 8:15 p. m.; 5:15 p. m.; 7 :S0 ip. m. to Corvallie only' PARKER'S STAGE LINES 3. W.I Parker, General Manager Central State Terminal Salem. Oregoa. SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leavea Salem. Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.. 11 a. 5 p. m. . Leavaa Silvertoa Newa Stand : 8 a. m., I p. m., 6 p. m. Salem Independence-Monmouth 1M vision: Lea ree Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 s. m.. 8 s. m..' 11 a .m., 8 p. m. 5 p. m. I leavea Monmouth, Monmoath Hotel: V 8:15 a. m., ,1 p. m 6:15 p. as. ) Lesvss Independence, Besrer Hotel: 8:30 a. m- 10 a .m., 1:15 p ".as. 4 p .m 6:30' p. m. Iesvea Central Sitage Terminal, 8alem, for Dallas st: I I . ' 7 s. ra.. 11 a. m. 5:10 p. at. Leave Gil Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a .m., 1 pt 6:15 p. m. We make connectinne at 8alem to ell parta of the valley. Extra tripa by ep poiatment. I 3 W. PARKER, Genarel Manager. TRANSFER HAULING MOVING AND ble fignrra. pbune 568 STORAGE REASON A 975 North Commercial, WE MOVE. 8TORB AND SHIP HOU8X hold goods. Oar specialty Is ptano end faraitarr movlsg. Ws also, make eosn try tripe. We headls ths best eoel asd . wood.' Osll on ua for prices.. We gis geod meaaere. good quality n4 gno ' eervioo. Lrmor Treaafer Oo. Phene OAriTAL CITY TRANSFER OO $3' Stnta St. Phone SIS. Diatribetlas. tnr wardlag and atorega oar apeetelty. Get eat retoe. . VARIETY STORES SALEM VARIETY BTwRB CHINA ware, glaeewersv tors, notion, end mil - Unary. .'V ; WATIB SALEM WATER.' LIGHT A POWER CO Offieo, 801 Beete Commercial Si. Tes per eon dleevoM oa domoetie fie roue paid la advauro. Ma ded set lore t- fee sbaoaee ov aay esass anises wet . la shat all rear BUSINESS CARD Continued CATABGXAI SCAVENGERS GARBAGE rofuee of ell kinds removed Phone 167 or 1007J. BOOS , "SCAVENGER SERVICX (8UO sessor te Noel Seovanger ) Garheg . aad refaae of sll kiada removed by the mouth. Reasonable rates. 1 Paeeee; 'CMUmm 539. roaidoaeo' 3058. , j MUSICAL l'HOXOGKAPH ltEPAIRlXQl EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs Jay Bailey, Moore's Mu aie House. PROFESSIONAL i AM3TJXABCB BXXVXOB SALEM AMBULANCE BZBYICB -Pboae 866; .178 A Liberty. ! I 1 CHUTE SB PHY8ICXAJI J DA U T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 158 A High, St. Pboae $$. CHIROPODI8T8 DA A F. SCOTT. GRADUATB MA tienei Dai varsity Seieaoas, ' Chleage Maeoaie Temple. Phone 840. j DA WILLIAJfSOORNA CALLOUSES la grown nails; all foot trouble. Prist Shoe Co. Fteaa 616. j V CHIROPRACTORS DR. REDMOND, 328 OREGON BLDG, . l'hnne 957. i . . .' ., .-. ' I DA LENA A. BOONE.' 475 S. GOMMEB cial. Phone 1415 ; ' !v " . DRA SCOTT Av SCOFIELD. P.i I C. Chlropractora. 414-18 U. A Bank Bldg Pboae 87: res. 62 8-A ! 1 I DBUGLEBS PHYSICIANS ; MAGNETIC HEALING DA A. ,1 Fraata. Acute ead ehronie diseases Phoas 780. 495 N. CommerctaL FUXTXRAX, DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRE tors. 310 Ceater Phoas 1656.! NATUROPATH30 PHYBIOIAJTS DR. A. SLAUGHTER AOUTB ANT ehronie diseases; 418 ; Oregon Bldg ;. Phoae 110. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 8 DR. W L. MERCER , OSTEOPATHH physician - aad surgeon. KirksvlUi graduate, 404-405 D. A National Ban! Bldg. Phone, offieo 819; reaj 614. 4- DR. JOHH U LYNCH OSTEOPATHIA Physlciaa aad Sargeoa, 40S-40f Ore gon Bldg. Phones, office 1394;. roe 58 PS. ! ; ' - - ' OPTICIAN; MORRIS -OPTICAL- COKMPANY' ORE gon B dg. Rooms 301 te 804 ; GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OV Ladd Proven 4V Bash Bank. "Uee Qaalit? Shor-oua ". a . - ; ' i iREAl ESTATE GRAIN i'ABM XEAR SALEM FOR; i i . . 1 1 house and lot. stock of goods! or sjpall creagei nar Salem. Address! E-p," csre 8tatet.inan PRINTED; CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7" -wording "For Sale, Enquire st" Pria .10 cents., each. ' Statesman Busiaeo) : Office. Ground Floor. ! ' ; Nso ACRS STOCK RANCH IX MARION county Old building, orchard, lota of nd running water. Will trade t ,srai a irgrounds road. ' 1 1 l 1 ' J IA ' nrii nrr Ri iv- - Ot a 5 roim lew bungalow and Cirrumstlinrrs make it worth attentionl l . , m k-vrtvn ? 11 o... c 1 "r- "i 1 Look A good ? room modern boue en paved for $330O street ana car line; fine buy f with $10 down ind$50. pe J Thomason,' per inonth. 831 W State St.. Phone 175. SNAP MOrST BEAUTIFUL yiEW LOT : 73x150 lject in Fairraount park addi tion. Pavjed street, clear title, j priced way below value. Soma terms.. Owner-here if or a few days. Will 'sell at a sacrifice. See Childs A Becktel, 540 ' State t FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE $3250. 5 'room house $4200. r ; ft room jmodern house $6800. 5 room , modern bouse $2500., All rlosa in property. - j Gertrude J. M. Page ("492 N. Cottage St. ' FOR SALp THREE ROOM , COTTAGE, full basement, electric lights, bath and toilet. Lot 72x108, $100 j worth of furniture, all for $1250. A snap. ' W. McLaren Co, 180 N. Com ' 1 St phone 430. I v OXE ACRK NEAR CAR I INK $50 Easy terms. Corner building lot near car aad school, Mdewalks in, f (o. room i oinfortable bouse. large lot. $tlj. f Eay terms. J. A. Mills 33114 State St. FOR SAI E NEWLY BUILT 5 ROOM house, I upstaiia. ull basement and unfinished Price $3000. j very good " terms, j ' V 4 FOR SAR.B OR TRADE 20 ACRE. 10 acrea in prunes. 7 acresi in logana. Good room house, 5 miles south el Salem. On account of sickness ownei will sell very reasonab)eor take some Salem Property in trade. iRich L. Rei juisob, 1013. Real lor, 229 Oregon Bldg, phone $300 Down U"? sa J hI five room house with base mcnt, I'ri.U iUio'lcr-n. plumbing. and lights. 20(toi For barga ns, aee us. I-atefl in'Ht'Mith Sslera. W. H. GrabenhofvS & Co. 275 State St. Bcsti Buys and Extflianges l acre fruit. 7 ecoin house, coop, on pae inent. priced 12". to es'hancp on a 6 to t residense in ! llfu, close' lo, will 1 ir cash difference, f . Ml acr" nork. rraia and alfalfa ranrh, - "0 ar e la alfaifa. fair ItnproTement. South DaVote. want Willamette valley ranrh up to $;Vh, micht asasme. I' a-re, a'l -iiltirated. house, barn, !.' ! waut Palem residence not ntr $tJ5; ' . -7 room jstri-tljf modern. hrl ml floors. 3.t aorth Summer $7.VH terma. 6 room; modera new bungalow, garare. balance close in. $3H5, $Uf0 cash 5 roonf molern. two-5 lots, . gardfa $2'J5U. $.'lU cash j ' ventj garage, fruit. balance like 54 Seres. $'JtK martsase secured by I drawing 7 per cent. 1 ! v Socolofsky N , Realtors! 841 tsle. I i. garake. REAL ESTATE Continued Some1 Bargains In Lots A number below the current market price; scattered; and one in -particular; Fair-mount hill. See ...... FLEMING, 341 State St. 3 ACRE SNAP Owner going away, must sell at e sacri fice price, $1550, some terms. One of the best 3 acre tracts near Salem. Ideal fo. a small poultry farm. Dandy 3 ' room plastered r bungalow, electric lights, hot and cold water. Juat off the pare road. Let Childs A .Bechtel. 540 State street show you thia wonderful bargiia. i i Exchange , 124 acre farm for Minnesota. ' J , 50 acre farm for Colorado. 320 acre farm for wheat ranch. 5 acre tract for house. Stock. ranche for valley farm. ; Large bouse close in for small house. F, L.' WOOD. 341 State St. 0 ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY NEW. BATH lot 76x175, abundance ot fruit. $2750 easy terma. . y ; Modern 8 room' h4use, fine location, s bargain at $400f; easy terms. Winnie Pettyjohn 210 Oregon Bldg. July 7th, 1923, at 2 p. m. I will sell the 12 room residence at 412 north 21st St., and about 1 'acrea . of good ground 'on sealed bids. Owner reserves one ,1 bid. Bids mast be dated, sign ed, sealed and delivered to owner's agent' not later than 2 p. m. of the day of the ssle. If ' interested see agent who will ex plain the proposition. Socolol sky, realtor, owner'a agent, 341 State St., phone 970. . j GOOD MODERN HOUSE TO EX ' change ' for small farm near Salem. 8 room house on pared street and ear . line. Trade for Timber land near 6a letn. : - . Thomason S31e State Street - i PUBLIC N0T1CFS : i . NOTICE J Notice Is hereby given that I have impounded the following de scribed1 dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: One brown shepherd, male, white breast 'and white ring Around neck, bobtail. One white and brown fox terrier, maje, 1923. li cense. One black shepherd, fe male, Portland license. No. 2026. One large white male spitz. The above described dogs will be killed If not redeemed by owners, on or before July 7, 1923, as pro vided in said Ordinance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. July 2. 1923. I SALEM MARKETS I GRAIN AJTD HAY No.! 2 wheat : oa No. 3 red wheat, sacked Cheat hay $lf ..$20 $21 Oat hy Clover hay, baled $3! - Prices quoted ere wholesale ead er prieee received by farmers. No retsi : prices are given, except aa. noted: EGGS, BUTTER, 8UTTERFAT Creamery butter 43 .4- Butterfat, delivered .. ..4' $2.3 .2 .11 .11 Milk. Per ewt. . Eggt -selects J, Standards Pallets .......... POULTRY Hesvy hens , . .lt .13 Q II Medium : - PORK, MUTTON AND BEET Hog, top 150-225 lbs cwt ........L.$8.2S Hogs, top, 225-275. cwt. . $7.25 Hogs, top, 275-300 lba., ewt ... $7.0 tight aows. ewt ...$6.0l Rough, heavy, ewt , ..04 -04 Top veal, dressed 07 -07 Top steers .05 .0 Cows 8. 4M Top Ismba i . , .'. ; 08 Heavy lambs ; 08 BANANAS Red Cord, ths distinquishing msrk oi quslity fruit. Quoting crated, per lb. JIM ORANGES "Bonded" Bread Suakiat Valencies Offering: tl6'a and larger 1 $5.5 ISO's and smaller .. . $4.5t CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT "Sunkifct" 64'a, 80's .... ..$4.5t All Citrus fruits ia half-ease loU. 10t additional. . APPLES Astrarhana ,, a os, Ex. fancy Winesap .$3.BC LEMONS Leffingwell, EEE" sll sixes, esse' $11.00 NEW BUNCHED VEGETABLES All priced, by ths dossa bunches. Beets. Turnips, Carrots ..50 Radishes, long or round . T. .41 : SACKED VEGETABLES New California Carrots, per sat-k....$3.00 New California Turnips par ssck $3.50 All Sack Vegetables le per lb. highef when desired in less than eack lota. New beets, per ark , $3.00 Yakima rutabaga, per ssck ..f 2.50 j New Vegetables Asparagaa, Oregon grown, vary fancy pel doxen bunches .- $2.01 Cauliflowec, flat crates $2.50 Xew celery, per bunch ff.l .. $2.50 Cucumbers, hothouse per doxen $1 Jreen beans, per lb . , ......12 Spinach, per box .. . ,.$l.uo Toimtoea from Texas: ' 4 basket crates per crate ,-....$3.00 Mnrreda .....$3.00, Ciiliha'-. local, crated, per lb .,.J...031 Head lettuce, local, crates ....4. $2.50 Kjtg pi uit per lb. 25 Xew potatoes, new Orcgnns per lb.034 'nk)n; new yellow, per cwa .... $3.50 B"ll pepperg per lb..... . .4. 30 (reen Peas, home grown, per lb-.- 1-Vi Potatoes New California whites, in ssrka. per lb. Vikimi nycited gems, per cWt -.$1.50 Oregon White, per ewti ; .$1.2S New Fruits Apricots, 4 basket crate. - .$1.50 0-atalnupea-lmerial valley, standard crnt'i -, 4.00 Pony crate :. ..,..'1.25 . Flat crates .$1.50 Watermelons, crated, per lb .'- 04 Peaches Triumph and June Elbertas. Bt'c and I irger :...$1.50 Pluma, small red' variety per crate ...$L25 Cherries. Lambi'rta . -15 Rnyal -Annec . '. 15 Strawberries ' selling .,.........1.3 Raspberries, selling 'v.i.,.$2.50 Currants, melting .. ....:..$2.fMI Rhubarb, per H. ....L....... .Oa Ice cream melons'. er lb.' !..... .04 Plums per 4 -Basket Crste Formoa'r - .-.....-.2,0 Vaaville ....... ..$J J Santa Rose ......... $1.75 Beauty . ............ ..$. 25 jOganberris. aelling today 1.73 Caps, ae'.ling today,..:... ..$2.50 Read the Classified' Ads. D0UGHCOY MAYOR REELECTED BY MINNEAPOLIS "'' ""-"flln i nun ' 1 yweouvw. . .h. 4 u ' I Xl - 1 v J 4 -H Vy ' : t hf ' -;4 -h' ' SS - I K t' JS&esamm K - , . ' ' - -.- W ! .-.4 w;'- .v.. ':: j&tf k - - V ' r i George K. Leach, a world war veteran, who is seen, here in Ms "Carnegie Stetson." has won bis race for a second term In the Mayor's chair pf Minneapolis. He is looked upon by his follower!" as a lib eral. The rhan he defeated wn nari'ltcinn.l as candidate by reports that he had the backins of the Ku Klux Klan.. MEDFORD WINS BIG SHARE OF AUTO RACES iCwatiuued from, page 1) that' common drivers or rldersj can act. ' In the five-mile event, Cecil Brown of Portland won first place in 4:31, with Paul Ramaley of Portland and .Yale Smith of Eugene trailing him closely. Brown" also Won the 10-mile ev ent, with Smith second and Ram aley third. Both races were real ly two division events, the three star men running away from 'the other, entrants. -. Some of the ma chines entered are. geared up to run. 105 miles an hour 'on a suit able tracks , They recently ! ran at Tor1frrr1 nn th miln. and one- eighth track, ana made tar better time than " here, because of the far better footing. Stock Cars Few , Only two. entries appeared for fhe 10-mile stock car race-1-a Buick four, sport model,, and an Essex: ' They jockeyed, along, passing each . other in ; Alphonso Gastoa order, but the Buick fin ally ran awayj with the decision'. " Because of- the proven, unfit ness of the track as it now is for real auto racing, it la being pro posed that' the state build a new half-mile horse track Inside the present mile track, using the pre sent grandstand for both kinds of eventd. This would not in : the least endanger life or limb for the horse races and if would , hardly affect the vision from' the grand stand. It would double the ex citement in the average race for tne tnriu comes wnen me norees iare close at hand, and with this chang they would pass the stand twice in a mile race Instead of only once. If it did slow up the records, it. would affect all alike, and it wouldn't affect the purses. . Xo Oiling, Say Horsemen The two kinds of racing "de mand different' kinds of tracks. The auto drivers want a better banked course, and they want to oil It and stop the mud, the dust and the skidding. The horsemen will not hear to having their horse track oiled. ' As the present oval is valueless as it now is, it has been figured that to establish the two tracks, and turn the big ring Over to the: auto drivers and' let the horsemen have the Inner ring all to themselves, everybody could be satisfied. They aref doing this down at the Medford oval, where they .have a- track of one and one-eighth miles. The horse circuit.- inside will Te of jbalf-mile course. - Because auto racing is here to stay, and to Increase enor mously, it is figured that It would be a tremendous stroke of busl nesa to meet the needs of both kinds of racing on the one it - S KILLE0, 25 HURT W '" r V feaiajtoaaaiyj(iivr View of the wrecked Knights Templars train at 'Durand. Mich., Ia which Ave persons were killed and twenty-five ot more injured, most of them members of the. Knfshts Templar. The accident la beli- 'to have been caused by a defective, rail. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols of Ft. .Tnrir.a Krtth r.rr bo rpars of mm. were In the wreck, but escaped via cut$ nd bruiefs. aau.Amik.ii'LV -?srtaalaamoJW88W t . . vestment of land and grandstand and policing. . Results of Races - The tabulated result of Wed nesday's races are here given: lOmile race, for fastest cars -over mile course: First. Essex Special, C, d". Wal- r ker, Med ford, 10:25; second,. Templar Special, Floyd Brown of Salem, 10:35j third, Lockwood ( Special (Ford), A. Reddle, Med- ' ford, 11:57. 10 mile race, for Becond dlvl-! sion 'cars over mile course: First, Dodge . Special. "Chick'" Ilaulk of Medford, 9:49; second, Stephens Special, Reed, PortlandT -9:59; third, Maxwell Special, Mc- Donaldson, of Medford, lQ'.Qlli (fourth, Maxwell "Rabbit" Special, Rinehart. -Medford, 11:02." ; 2 5-mile free-for-all ; ten ' ca r entered: " ; - - - - First," Essex Special, C. J. Wal ker, Med ford, 26:4514; second. Dodge Special, "Chick". Haulk of" Medford, 27:13; third. Templar Special, Floyd Brown, of Salem, 27:27; fourth, Dodge Special, of Salem- , Five-mile Wptorcycle race: First, Cecil Brown. Portland 4:31; second; . Paul , Ramaley, ol Portland, 4:36; third, Yale Smith, -Eugene, 4:37Vi3 , v Ten-mile motorcycle race: First, Cecil. Brown, Portland second, Yale Smith, Eugene; third Paul Ramaley, Portland. Time, 8:32. ' - ' ' , SHELBY SIDELIGHTS (Continued from page 1.) - Sh(J,ihv. r,ra. Falls and other ; aionUna towns wnl be approri- mafely $80,000, the figures made public tonight revealed. 7 SHELBY, Mont., July 4. Ma yor Jim Johnson, the present 60 year old - executive of this boom town, who is reported to have, personally lost $150,000 in con nection ; with the championship bout, smiled a weak smile when seen standing in a doorway on the busy main street tonignt. wen, he said, ."we saw a fight, didn't we; "Slip rue the price of a shave. SHELBY, Mont.. July 4. Jim- -my Dougherty of Philadelphia, re-, feree of the championship battle,, declared ' tonight, that' he saw no foul blows struck by either Dcmp-s sey or the challenger. , : - SHELBY, Mont.. July, 4. The Shelby exodus began invmediately after the fight late today and con tinued far into the night. Spe- cial trains, automobiles, - wagons, buggies and airplanes carried tn thusiastic fans from the sccncLof ,the big battle. IN TRAIN WRECK , lr'