The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    I V-
Leather Goods of '
Bags, Suit Cane, Putteee
F.'E. Shafer
Phone 411 170 S. Coml
Salem, Ore.
On liMti'
On Xstaeds
"TU 9mt Only" , Ooepstia
Capital City
atfrnfit rffmalsatiM ewasa
attrly by ka (iatry. Ht ,
i '
Dates of Slogans in Daily Statesman
(In Twice-a-Week Statesman Following Day)
XamftBXri f BMttemp Batter
"A rm nw"
nM tit u? . omTiu
Loganberries. Oct. f .
Prunes. Oct. IS.
DalrylnivOct. IB.
Flax. Oct. 21.
Fllbertsj Not. 2.
Walnuts, Not. 9.
Strawberries, Not. It.
Apples, Not. IS.
Raspberries, Not. I0b
Ml&t, December 7.
Great cows, etc. Dee. II.
Blackberries, Dee. IX.
Cherries, Dee.. 19,
Pears, Jan. 4, 1911.
Gooseberries, Jan. 11.
Corn, Jan. 18.
Celery. Jan. 18.
Spinach, etc., Feb. 1.
Onions, etc, Feb. 8,
Potatoes, etc., Feb. 18.
Bees, Feb. 22. i
Poultry and pet stock. Mar. 1.
uoats, March s, -Beans,
etc.. If arch 16.
Pared blf hways. If arch 22;
Broccoli, etc, March 29a . j
Silos, etc April 5. -
Legumes, April 12. ,
Asparagus, etc April 19.
Grapes, etc., April 28.
Drui garden. May 8.
Sugar beets, sorghum, ete
May 10. :
Water powers. May 17.
Irrigation. May 24.
Mining, May 81.
Land, irrigation, etc., Jane 7.
Dehydration., Jane 14.
Hops, cabbage, etc., Jane 21.
Wholesaling and Jobbing
Jane 28. ! .-
Cucumbers, ete Jaly I.
Hogs. JaJy 12,
City beautiful, ete July 19.
Schools, etc., July 28.
Sheep, Aug. 2.
National advertising, Aug. 9.
Seeds, etc., Aug, 18. ,v
Livestock, Aug. 22. J
AutomotlTe Industry, Aug. 10.
Grain and grain products.
Sept. 6. .'
Manufacturing, Sept. 18.
Woodworking, etc, Sept. 20.
Paper mills, etc, Sept. 27. ;
(Back copies of the Thursday
editions of the Dally Oregon
Statesman are on hand. They are
for sale at 10 cents each, mailed
to any address. . Current j cop
ies, 6c.)
the cucumber as Oregon's most importan
house vegetable-f-
A . ...
And this industry is capable of much expansion;
supplying high class markets in a wide range.
Also, Salem must secure pickle. factories.
There is scarcely a limit to the supplies of cu
cumbers that might be produced here
Especially cucumbers of high quality on our rich
mm 'a iV ' " J- -
Donom tanas; ana suit more especially
"beaver dam" soils. .
on our
A wide and constant search ought to be made for
men who understand pickle manufacturing;. The
Salem district has outstanding advantages
them. . - , I
to offer
Tr "V
260 North High Street
Phone 1995
Boost This Community
by Advertising 'on the Slogan
;- . .....: Pages
DID YOU NOW That Salem ought to be the headquarters
and market center for a great' cucumber industry; that
more cucumbers ought to be raised under glass here, for
the local and outside markets; that many acres ought to be
devoted to the field cultivation of cucumbers, for pickles; J
that big salting and pickling works ought to be conducted !
in Salem; that there is money in the raising of cucumbers
here, either under glass or in the open; 'that, in fact, this is
the best cucumber country on earth, and only awaits the
right men with he right methods; and that a search ought
to be made for the right men?
- Eat a Plate a Day.
Sold KrerjwU-r :
- I.
y . v
Ice Cream
I O R M, Gregory, Mgr.
40 Sonth Commercial "St.
. ; Salem ' J -
Dodge Brothers
Sedan ;
Bcnesteel Llotcr .Co.
184 8. Coml St. Phone 4X3
U. S. Inspected
Full Directions on the Growing of This Important Market
Vegetable in Greenhouses in This District
(Following Is Circular 106 of
the Oregon Agricultural college,
the author being A. G. B. Bouquet
ot . the department ol vegetable
gardening: )
Cucumbers grown under glass
require usually 65 to 75 days of
growth from seed time to the har
vesting of the first cuke but this
time fwill vary , according to ; the
tkne of the year and the temper
ature' of the greenhouse. ' j -
Greenhouses In which to grow
cucumbers should, be wide , and
high at he eaves for the most
' economical , handling of the crop,
although In r some" narrow lower
houses, the "A" training may be
used . and - some good cucumbers
produced. v ;J.. .
Starting the Plants. There are
two ways of v growing cucumber
plants. First. by - sowing in a
plant box and then shif ting the
seedling to three or four ; inch
'POts (some growers use even fire
inch); secondly, tn eed jnay be
sown directly in the above sized
pots and the plants thinned to one
. or two plants depending on the
size of the pot. ; Boxes suitable
for starting plants are about 3
Inches deep. 16 inches , wide, and
24 Inches long.. These'should be
filled with, nicely pulverized soil.
A soft black soil sifted containing
a quantity i ot sand to keep It
loose -U'-f best. .This should be
smoothed off after it is pushed
down In the corners and along the
edges to l settle , and : pressed
smoothly and gently with a mas
on's trowel or small board after
.the seed is planted. Wter lightly
with fine spray" from sprinkling
esn using tepid ; water. Boxes
should be set erfectly level so
that seed will sprout evenly.
r The seeds will require very lit
tle' water to keep them moist un
til tney sprout and as soon as the
planU are an Inch or so high or
are beginning to show their true
leaf, they should be carefully pick
ed out of their bed and trans
planted to pots, placing them a
little deeper but high enough so
that the dirt will not bej washing
onto the crown In watering. Most
growers use 4 Inch pots, some
with the soil about Inch from
the top of the pot. The seeHllngs
t4n be potted 10 days from the
day1 the seed ! Is planted and the
plants then remain In the pots
two and one-half to three weeks.
Then they are carried to the house
where they are to grow to matur
ity.; knocked out of the pots and
planted In the long beds. Where
two plants are grown to a pot no
less than 6 Inches should be used.
The Plants.' Cucumbers, like
melons, will not do so well after
they have been checked as they
. will if they are "kept on the Jump
from seed time to harvest." II
the leaves are of normal else and
dark green and the growth is rap
Id. the plants should be O. K, If
leaves are yellowish or stunted
and slow to grow, the addition of
nitrate ot soda in small doses will
help to right them again. Plants
should not be allowed to get too
large before being set in the per
manent beds or benches. The tem
perature in which the seed should
be germinated , and the plants
.grown will be from 70 to 75 de
grees In the day time and no low
er than 60 to 65 degrees at night.
" fioiL it Is much more economl-
cal to handle cucumbers on solid
ground beds raised about 12 inch
es or 14 inches above the level of
the walks than to handle these in
raised '' benches. Cucumber ! soil
should be rich and a soil composed
of rotted. sod, compost and
rotted, horse or cow manure.
The soil should be deep and well
pulverized and previous to setting
the plants should be raked j off
smoothly, removing all coarse ma
terial. : ; j :: -:- ? y.: .
8pacing"and Training.' The "dis
tance between the rows! and the
plants in the row will depend up
on the ': method of training of
which there are two kinds ; the
"upright" or ?erect" method and
the ."inverted V" or f A'" method.
Both of .these are. used commerci
ally. ; In houses that are built low
on the sides upright training can
not be used. Thus the ,'A" trel
lis will be necessary in .such hous
es. Growers who train on the "A"
trellis space the rows 6 to 8 feet
apart and the plants a foot to 18
inches apart in the rows. . j Those
who , train upright setj the rows
from $ to 3 feet apart and the
plants two (feet apart in the rows.
J; Varieties.: The White Spine or
Davis Perfect are the two leading
varieties of forcing cucumbers.
One of the most important char
acters of the variety is that it is
productive and meets the market
demands as to size and color. Se
lected seed of a good strain will
give, with proper feeding, a nice
lot of cukes that are of a desira
ble color and length. $ j
-Watering.; As soon as the
plants are set they should be giv
en a liberal supply ol water. The
root system of the plants is con
fined to a small area at this time
and it ia necessary that water be
available iwhere the roots can get
at It. jh '; :
Cucumbers will makeuse of
large amounts of water particular
ly during the fruiting period and
will suffer for lack ol, sufficient
water t any time. V ;
thrive bea when it is given an oc
casional shower bath. It Is best
to ; make such applications early
In the daj and on bright days o
that the foliage will go into the
night dry. If the red spiders make
their , appearance, water thrown
with force against the under sides
of the leaves will usually Vanquish
the Intruder. . . .
; Feeding. Cucumber are rank
feeders and Eon that account must
be well supplied with j available
plant food. jAs a rule the appli
cation ot i manure to the surface
of the soil after the cukes are
planted in the form1 of a mulch
will help the growth of the plants
very materially and will help to
decrease the number . of small or
ill-shaped cukes. The mulch is
especially valuable i In preventing
the soli from drying out quickly
as well as supplying a constant
amount of . available nitrogen.
With an abundance of plant food
and water In the soil the water
ing properly done and the venti
lators used Judiciously, little trou
ble should result from cucumber
diseases. j " ivc'ft! ''i -rV--.."
Waning. It : has - been - found
that It pays to prune cukes syste
matically: and severely. - The usu
al plan Is to allow only one vine
to develop on each root. Ai soon
as a lateral on the main vine is
sufficiently developed to show tbn
location of the first fruit it la
cut off just beyond this fruit. The
first joint invariably bears a cu
cumber but if not, the lateral is
allowed to grow several joints
which will produce no pickles The
second and third laterals are
treated In the same way as they
develop and this process J is con
tinued for the full length of the
vine. There are usually a few
fruits on the main vine. The labor
of pruning is offset largely by the
less amount of tying necessary to
keep the pruned vines in position
as compared with that on unprun
ed vines. The dense growth of
unpruned vines make gathering
the fruits more difficult than when
the . vines are carefully pruned
and more open. 1 ; !
. Pollination. Cucumber bloss
oms can be pollinated to the great
est amount of satisfaction and eco
nomy by placing a hive of bees In
the house. The bees are usually
put in the house when the vines
are beginning to show their first
female and male blossoms. The
bees should be fed with sugar wa
ter frequently for the pollen from
the cuke flowers will not be suf
ficient food.; ' :-f: f i i
r Shading the Houses. In the hot
summer months, .the greenhouses
may get entirely too hot in the day
time and a cheap and quick way
to shade where one has quite an
area to cover is to take air slaked
lime which has just been slaked
dry by sprinkling lightly with, water-occasionally,
and spraying it
on with a spray .pump. J Skimmilk
thickened with whiting also makes
a good shading material to put on
with a brush. r-W -".-.: I : . ;
If fresh new lime is used, it will
be next to impossible to get it off
at all when not needed. But lime
just air slaked will stick a j good
while and will rub off easily. ,
Disease and Insects. I Growers
should be on the lookout for leaf
diseases. Proper management is
an important factor in controlling
these troubles. Lack of ventilation
and over watering favor their
spread. :
Powdery mildew attacks the
leaves and Is noted by the -spoisl
appear on the lower side of the
leaves. They soon show, on the
upper lde taking on a yellowish
ast. If the growth of the disease:
not checked it will soon cause
the entire plant to become sickly
and eventually die.
Downy mildew is caused .by a
parasitic fungus and Is spread by
spores. f ! : - i 1 I -
Anthracnose causes round dead
spots from one fourth inch to one
half Inch in diameter on the leaves
and somewhat discolored' j and
shrunken areas on ' the stem, j Tha
disease Is' also caused by a fungus
and is successfully controlled by
Bordeaux mixture. '' j j
7 Spraying with Bordeaux is to be
advised if any of these diseases
appear. The weaker forms should
be used and it Is Important that
the leaves be coated on 'the lower
side as well as the upper side and
applications made weekly.
s , High temperature accompanied
by excessive moisture or draughts
and sudden temperature changes
should be avoided. I ! I
Harvesting, Grading. Marketing
It Is customary for most growers
to pick every other day, sometimes
every day. The fruits will make
rapid growth ; in warm weather
and must be carefully watched.
Each cuke should be cut and nev
er pulled. A good method by
which to tell whether the cucum
ber Is of the proper, size to cut is
to encircle It in the center with
the thumb and second finger. If
these do not meet by about one
fourth inch to one-halt inch, the
cuke is of a desirable diameter.
Cukes marked "firsts' 'should be
fairly uniform in length, diameter
and color. One or two abnormal
specimens will spoil the' appear-1
ance of several dozen. The "sec
onds" should be . shorter 4 and
thicker and slightly oft in color.
They should never go, with the
"firsts" and likewise should never
contain any nubbins. These should
be sold cheap to a certain class of
people or thrown away. It never
pays to ship them. Each grade
should be plainly marked so .that
there will be no mistake by the
salesman. ; - i
The expense in growing cukes
is usually greater than . lettuce,
due to the work of pruning and
training, increased amount of heat
required and extra watering. Good
plants produce on an average of
3 to 4 dozen No. l's and one to
two and one-half dozen No. 2's but
with very prolific plants this may
be greatly increased. Good .strains
of seed and high feeding coupled
with proper pruning will give ben
eficial results and reduce the
number of culls to a minimum;"
Talking to an experienced, breed
er a few days" ago at Petaluma,
we naturally asked "How about
the 300-egg strains that are be
ing advertised more or less in the
poultry papers?" 1 :
"Well," he replied,. 'they cer
tainly are Important if true. Now,
just what is a strain? As I under
stand it. strain means a flock of
birds that breed reasonably true
to type and performance of Imme
diate ancestry. That would mean,
if it means anything, that.pulfets
of such a strain as ' advertised
will also be 300-eggers. But are
they? Not in my experience. Here
is what happens: Out of a hatch
cf 100 eggs half 'will be males; of
the remaining' females it Is quite
safe to say that there will be some
mortality, to put It modestly, jsay
10 per cent; that will leave forty
five. After culling down close to
egg type, we will lose on an avec
ape another ten. which; leaves
thirty-five. Of that number there
will be some poor performers.
birds that will not go over, 120
eggs, which may cut the (number
to twenty-five. Now if. ijhere- is
one or two 250 to 300 eggers in
the remaining buneh, you can con
sider yourself lucky. But ' does
two high-performance hens out
fifty constitute a 'strain' of 250
or 300-eggers? To ask the ques
tion is to answer it. In my judg
ment, these fellows who hit the
high spots with these so-called
strains are doing' the poultry In
dustry an Injury, The truth is
good enough. The fellow who can
boast of flock averages of 160
and up per bird has the goods and
is a much safer fellow to buy from
than the high spot advertisers."
In the Los Angeles Times.
In turner fields
Didn't Need the Pants
' A Wichita merchant recently
sent congratulatory letters to the
boy graduates of the AAausas
City ht?h school. One name in
the list apparently was a big am
biguous, for the merchant has re
ceived this letter in reply:
Gentlemen- The letter that ''
you sent me congratulating me
on my , graduation from high
scbool was both pleasing and
amusing. I am sorry to tell
you th'-it at present I will not be
able to use one ot your wonder
ful values in $25 suits with two
pairs of pants. I have decided
to wear a white taffeta ' dress
and a corsage of sweet peas.
Five Acres From Govern
ment , Pedigreed Seed
This High on Farm
The Slogan edrtor r The States
man has received from the farm
of P E.,:Thoma8on at Turner
several samples of flax that show
the fine quality of that plant be
ing, grown generally this season
in the Salem district. though
most of the crop on the Thoma
son farm will be above the gen
eral average.
There is one field of 1 51 acres
where the sample jshows 53 in
ches; and it is not yet in bloom,
will' be over five feet tall in an
other week. . ; . ; . ,!
"A sample from seed sown 'April
first shows the flax well along to
wards maturity. j j
The Thomason, farm is named
the Maple Lawn. Stock Farm, spe
cializing in pure fared (Poland
China swine and Toulouse geese,
as well as in pedigreed and othter
flai. ,.. ::. ' f , - " ; . 'i..
A Lot of Pedigreed Flax
Owen V. Thomason, son of P.
E. Thomason, sends, a sample
from his , field of jfive, acres of
pedigreed 'flax that shows up fine.
It. .too. . measures , 53 inches and
is not yet in bloom. It will go
over five feet wberi mature. This
pedigreed, seed came front the
United States, department of agri
culture. ,'The flax) expert ; from
the department, who visited this
section some time
ago, took a
fancy to young Thomason, and he
furnished . the boy some of this
seed, with , instructions as to how
to get the best results , from it.
Owen will have, a small fortune,
likely; from the. sale of the seed
which he will have from this flax;
besides the tonnage! of straw," con
tracted to the penitentiary flax
plant, will be large.
, Still More Interesting
There is a still more' interest
ing part of the sending of the
samples. It includes a nicely
worded invitation to the Slogan
editor to go out to the Thomason
farm and look over the flax fields
In that section, and enjoy a chick
en dinner-and to bring Governor
Pierce, and also Superintendent
Smith of the penitentiary.
. The fact that Mrs. Thomason
joins in signing this kind invita
tion makes it all the more at
tractive as those who know her
re .nation as a good cook will appreciate".-
' . k
The Slogan editor 'hopes', some
time, . to be able to take . time
enough off to accept a lot of such
kind invitations. Certainly; there
could be nothing morexenjoyable.
t farm products, it now proposes to
put the different kinds and quali
ties of hen fruit where they be
long. And this is a step in the
right, direction. Itj isall well
enough for 'cooperative marketing
agencies to standardize their pro
ducts, and for state legislators and
private concerns to da the same.
But i these - standardizations . 'all
show variations 'where federal
standardization will afford a uni
formity that1 is possible In no oth
er way.
. The department of agriculture
proposes to establish the follow
ing grades:
Five grades for eggs of sound,
clean shells, as follows (1) U. S.
Specials, (2) U. S. Extras, (3)
U. S. No. ln (4) U. S. No. 2, and
(5) U. S. Culls.
' Two grades for eggs- of sound,
dirty shells as follows : ( 1 ) U- S.
Dirties, No. 1 and (2) U. S. dirties
No. 2, and one grade, for eggs of
cracked shells,, viz.. U. S. checks.
Qualities covering these grades
are defined as follows: U; S. Spe
cials Shell ' clean, sound - and
strong; air cell, localized, regular
3-16 Inch in depth or less; yolk
dimly visible; . white, v firm and
clear; gbrms, i no . development;
size, uniform; color and weight,
as marked on the package. (A
tolerance of 3 per cent of U. S.
Extras and 2 per cent of U. S. No.
1 permitted.)
U. S. Extras Shell, sound and
stain free; air cell, localized, well
defined,, regular, 5-16 inch in
depth or less; yolk,' visible; white,
firm and clear; germ, no develop
ment;) size, reasonably uniform!
color and weight, as marked on
package. (A tolerance of 3 per
cent of the U. S. No. 1 and 2 per
cent of U. S. No. ,2 permitted.)
VI S. No. 1 Shell, sound and
stain free; air cell,) localized, reg
ular 7-16 inch in depth or less;
yolk, visible, but mobile; white,
reasonably firm; germ, develop
ment not over one-fourth Inch In
diameter; size, variable; color and
weight, asmarked on package. (A
tolerance of 5 per cent of U. S.
No. 2 and 3 per Cent loss permit
ted.) . . ' " .
U. S. No. 2 Shell, sound, few
Eggs may, be eggs, but the fed
eral government says there are
differences Having standardized
in a national way I most all other
Insist! on
I' I--
Broom bandies, mop han
dles, paper plugs. Cent tog
gles, all kinds of. hardwood,
handles, manufactured by
Oregon Wood
Products Co$
V'iWert Salem
Auto Electric Work
tit S. Commercial St.
Reedize the
rrr St at Trade
8taisd; air cell,, may .be bubbly,
freely mobile and over; mobile, 7
lGsinch. in depth; yolk, may be
fairly heavy to heavy, but must
be ;mobile; . white; may be weak
and watery; germ, may be well de
veloped, but no blood showing;
size, greatly variable; color . and
weight, as 'marked on the pack
age. ... (A tolerance of 5 per cent
"culls" , and 5 per cent loss yolk
U. S. Culls Eggs which are
heavily shrunken;, salted Or chill
ed, or-which weigh less than 20
ounces to the dozen shall be grad
ed as V. S. Culls. (A tolerance
of 5 percent loss permitted.)
U. S. Dirties No. 1 Eggs which
are of. the quality of U. S. Extras
or; better, "but which are . stained
or dirty of shell shall be graded as
U. S. Dirties No. 1. . . -
V. S. Dirties No. 2 Eggs which
are of the quality of U. S. No, 1
or lower, but are stained or dirty
of shell shall be graded as U. 'S.
dirties No. 2. -
U. ,S. Checks Eggs, which are
slightly cracked, but with the
shell membrane . ubbroken, and
hot 'leaking their contents shall
be graded as U. S. Checks. (Eggs
with slightly leaking contents
shall be classed as leakers.' Those
with. contents flowing freely from
shell shall be classed as smashed.)
Loss Loss is defined to mean
the eggs , which are Inedible.
U It will be noticed that " in the
foregoing specifications the fresh
laid egg has no mention; neither
is there any differentiation in fa
vor of fertile and unfertile speci
mens. Possibly-this Is to the ad
vantage of the industry. Eggs
meeting the above requirements
are presumed to possess nutritive
values," flavor and culinary quali
fications in keeping with the
standards or grades so establish
ed. Hence- a cold Btoraged egg, so
classified, would not be penalized.
and i ne'e it often possesses qual
ities equaling those of fresh laid,
there can be no valid reason why
it Bhould. It is understood that
these grades ; or standards are,
somewhat tentative In character.
Circulars- embodying these points
morein detail are to be had by
addressing Ray C. Potts, In charr-
of division of dairy and poultry
products,, department of agricul
ture, Washington, D. C. Sugges
tions and criticisms are cordially
invited from commercial egg far
mers, co-operative marketing or
ganizations, dealers and shippers.
" ; -' " - ' ' - -1
Germany declares that France
must take the responsibility for
the occupation of the Ruhr. An 1
it Is likely that Frances-will t
perfectly willing to acept it.
Zsf? a. A- U :!
- -i 1
Perfectly Pasteurized
Phone' 725
The Largest and licit
Complete Hostelry in
Oregon Out of Portland
Dried Frcit Pzdiziz
221 8. High St Balem, Or.
Always In the market fcr
dried fruits of all kini?
i Slogan l
children is a necessity ln To look after yout beat-
- ' fit UB?ral hms- evfM Plants and see that it 1$
.uch0?irvicr furnlih,n m good order, or it you are
r ? going to need a new one.
" : TGrwilll&er This is the appropriate
, time to buy it!
Funeral Home i
77 ChemekeU Bt. THE0M. BAPJI
Phone 734 Salem, regon 164 S. Com'l St.
: . I ' ' " - ,
Salem Ought to have big pickle factories and a I
: : large cucumber factory - : ;
- deserve the support of .
everyone who wishes
to Inculcate high prin
ciples of manhood Into
the youth ot our land
This space paid for by
Thlelsea A Raha
j,-" CarefnUy Grow a
jareriuiy rackea .
WW Give Satisfaction to
428 Oregon Bulldlss ,
Phone 17 63
Additional Salesmen 7a- 1