The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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1 1
To the
. i
. jrs t
. ' Oregon Products
King's Food Products Company
Salem Portland The Dalles
-' ' Oregon ; ; . . j :.
, Gideon Stolz Co.
Manufacturer of
Dependable Brand
Lfane-Salphor Solution .-.
The brand you can depend
' " ' on for parity and test
Prices upon application
Factory near corner of
' .Summer and Mill St.
Salem; Oregon
- Asscch&a V
' The oldest' Association In
the Northwest. : -
. W. T. JENKS .
Secretary and Manager
Si -J
Trade Hten Sta.
Calga, Oregon
, Warm Air FanMH, plumblas
katting tsi skt vUI wrk, tia
as grsTvl rAf lag; sBrd Jo
hlwg ia Ua aad, calvMis tra
ssa okoMkai at. pm ie
Dixie Health Bread
Ask Yonr Grocer
At Ycx Service
The trolley Car"
It's safe, : comfortable, con
venient and economical.
. '
Scsliirn Pacific Licss
lag th nati ( tt witiMl Job ,
printing trd
Proof pltlT ti ar priatsn
f vorta aa aurit.
- Hewn mn! ms
as tPACllCinl fx
The Way
to Build
Is to Patronize
The Largest Growers of This Delicacy Are F. B. Chase &
Sons, Eugene and a Member of the Family and Firm
Gives Something, of the Methods and Dangers
Editor Statesman:
Oregon's most important green
house vegetable Is tSe cucumber.
Even though the market is fairly
tfell supplied with thte semi-luxury
and is not expanding as rapid
ly as with many other lines, the
cucumber Is still in the lead.
One of the -principal problems
In cucumber; culture la the one of
developing a strain which is adapt
ed to local conditions . and ' de
mands. For this ' reason most
growers in the state are following
the practice of choosing their own
seed. )aris Perfect and the White
8pine types are the ones most fav
ored in Oregon. . .JjU- -v.,
- The most desirable type is dark
green In color, long and slender
and - of even diameter, with both
ends well filled out. .The best
grades are from Iff to ,14 inches
In length though seed cucumbers
of 18 incaes in length and 12-inch
circumference are not uncommon.
The better grades! have no diffi
culty in bolding their own against
inferior grades which are shipped
In from California where they are
grown out ; of doors. Usually
about 24 to 36 thousand cucum
bers are produced in a 40 by 200
foot bouse. !'.; : " ;
- : Methods of Training
Two methods of training , are
commonly used tn greenhouses.
The I most; common is that of
stretching parallel; wires about six i
feet above ; ; the ground in the
houes and running strings to the
ground to allow the vines to climb
to the overhead wires where they
are trelllsed. Thus most of '.ho
fruit grows; on the overhead vines
and is picked from below.
The second metnod of training
Is by mean of parallel wires form
ing an-A-shaped trellis The pick
ing Is done from Inside the trellis
while watering ie carried on in
the space . between the trellises.
That a j well planned system of
training ! the vines Is necessary
i. . " t . - t
Wire Screen, Screen Hard
ware," Screen f Enamel and
paints will brighten up and
preserve your old screens.
Fail City-Salem
Lumber Co.
349 SoJ 12th St.
v i Phone 813
A.;B. Kelsay, Mgr.
. KUblUM 1880
' i ?;.! v;: '
Founders Machinists and
' Blacksmiths
Corner Ttob 1u 8t.
Vanufactnrcrk I th Shmd
pam for irrinwa ud thr
pnpMM. Correspondence aolio
i ited. lwrigUau luformatioa up-
. Ud.
Ualr.r f 8lm Trom Works
, Drs Bwa.
lOO rooms of Solid Comfort
A Home Away front
Devoted to Showing Salem District People the Advantages
and Opportunities of Their Own Country and Its
Up Your Home
Your Home People
Selling Salem
This campaign of publicity for! community upbuilding has been made
possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public
spirited business I men men wjhose untiring efforts have builded our
present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving
yet greater progress as the years go
may be guessed from the fact that
vines often reach the length of
30 feet or more. ;
The Watering System
The overhead spray system of
watering has succeeded the old
hand ' watering method in most
greenhouses, as it is found to give
more satisfactory results and al
the same time requires less labor.
By this method the foliage is kept
moist and the atmosphere is givec
a tropical .humidity which is very
favorable to the development of
the crop. A light sprinkling onct
a day keeps the air moist, and al
so keeps down insects and disease
to a considerable degree., j ; ' ;
The Principal Dangers
Three principal dangers beset
the -path of the greenhouse cu
cumber. ; The red spider eato parts
of the leaves and the plant event
ually dies from the effects. The
white fly has a somewhat similar
effect to that produced by the red
spider. Sprays or fumigation are
the only ways of killing the pests,
and both are difficult and danger
ous to the plants. Frequent spray
ing with water to keep the atmos
phere moist is the. best check to
their growth.
The third enemy of the cucum
ber IS a jelly-like mold which at
tacks the main stems . and will
soon kill the plant unless remov
ed. The stem must then be kept
thoroughly cleaned
Generally speaking, the growing
of greenhouse cucumbers is an en
terprise which demands . constant
and careful attention if a. really
marketable and profitable product
i' to be obtained. Very truly
yours, . .., .
-Chase Gardens.
Eugene, Or., July 3, 1923.
(The writer of the above lis a
member of the firm of F. B.
Chase & Sons, Eugene;. Or., grow
ers of fine celery, asparagus, rhu-
Buy the
CO. u
Foundry and Machine Shop
17th & Oak Sts., Salem, Or.
- Phone 886
Wi An Out After -Two MUltont
V are now paying over three
aartera of a million dollar m year
to tb dairymen, of this Mctios
for mil.
"Marion Butter"
la the Beat Batter ;
Mors Cows and' Better Cows la
' tte crylns aeod
Salem,- Ore. . . Pftne 2488
Salem Carpet Cleaning
and Fluff Rug.Works
Rag and - fluff rugs woven
any sizes without seams. , New
mattresses made to order. Old
mattresses remade. Feathers
renovated. I buy all kinds pf
old tarpets for fluff rugs. :
Otto F. Z wicker, Prop.
: Phone 1154 j
13Vi and Wilbur Streets
District is a continuation of the
! Pep and Progress Campaign
barb, hothouse tomatoes! cucum
bers and lettuce. Chasd Willam
ette Brand Vegetables" I isi their
label. Their Jtarm Is ;thfee miles
east of Eugene, with rich river
bottom soil. ; They are tl ie largest
Oregon concern in! t leir line.
Their land under glass Is the most
The Production of .Cucumbers Under Glass Is Carried on
Here and Will Be Extended Wonderful Vegetables
for Pickles Can Be Raised, and in Endless Quantities
The cucumber industry in the
Salem district is capa le of great
expansion. There h a e two dis
tinct branches of
cucumbers under
the industry
glass, nd cu-
umbers raised in,
t ni open field.
I The Portland pickle factories
contract for considerable tonnage
each year'of cucumbers produced
in the opsn field. The Gervais
section furnishesj a iot of t these
cucumbers. ; This branch of the
industry should be very much ex
panded. Salem bugat to have
pickle factories.
Enough cucum-
bers could be produced here for
large operations j in this line; es
pecially fine ones ajre grown on
our "beaver dam" lands.
Cucumbers J Under Glass
Our largest growter of cucum
bers under glass is! H. . Field, of
Chestnut Farm.j jusjt east, of be
main buildings ;ot jhe state asy
lum for the insane. H. Field is
x woman. She) is Jfiss H. Field,
md she succeeded her father.
Dexter Field, who was a pioneer
gardener, greenho use operator
xnd fruit grower, a id a writer of
note on the subjects wij.h which
he was familiar, and who died
some years ago.
The Field place.
contains .25
icres, devoted, to gardening and
general farm crops and there are i
two pieces of lane under glass,
one 72x 150 feet, (and the other
30x90. The larger plat is now
devoted to tomatoes. In 'the
spring it was devoted to-lettuce, '
and in the fall to! spinach. The
other plat is kest! going the year
through, also, but the . .rsummer
:rop la cucumbers!
Miss Field uses! the Davis Per-,
feet variety of jeucumbers ; but
she is not altogether satisfied
with the presentproduction from
the strain of seed she used. There
is about as much in the strain as
;n the variety. She has been a
luccessful grower ; of cucumbers
mder glassy, however, and she
will overcome the present disad
vantage. In their present loca
tion, hen cucumbers have not so
far been bothered to any extent
by red spider. But she has had
her troubles with this pest, and
all others. In fact, successful
hothouse or other gardening, any
where, is just one battle , with
bugs after another battle with
bugs. But Miss Field has never
iven up the fighfi, and has no in
dention of being beaten by the bug
forces. . . "
Miss Field has found something
ately bothering herl
1 the green
m the outside oa
Houses, that resembles injury
from the red spideij.
If this is
the trouble, it is a
hew thing, to
her, in the way of riest ' lnjury
Savajco Gardens Coming Bark
H. W. Savage ralsbd fruits and
vegetables for the Salem markets
for many years. He
reward some years
passed to his
ago, but the
gardening operations are ) goirte:
on. , His sons,; J. wl and Bea H.
Savage, are carrying! on the oper
ations This is the 46th year for
he Savage market" gardens, which
are on the Garden Road, just out
side the Salem city limits.
They have been out of cucum
ber raising under glass for a little
time; but they will be In it again
tho coming year,
and Towns.
by. j
extensive in this state.
Its areas
are sufficneitly large to nllow of
cultivation with teams; The writ
er; understands that thty eaiploy
18 men in their greenhouse oper
ations. Their products go to all
the principal Oregon markets,' and
into other states.- Ed.)
t . r.
J. W. Savage iays this is a good
cucumber country, and that Sa
lem ought to have a pickle fac
tory,! to besupplied with cucum
bersfrom our rich farming lands,
especially the "beaver dam' soils.
. The Savages take an especial
interest in the broccoli industry.
They have . raised broccoli f or
many years. This year, they have
six acres in this wonderful vege
table.that does most &l its grow
ing in the rainy season and comes
in for harvest in February' and
March,, . . ' ", ) . : '
l. h
Wonders of Ages
By Party of Ag
Past Seen
College Students
Viewing woncers preserved
from , past ages, visiting the bur
ial grounds of ancient sun and
fire worshipers, andj listening to
; addresses by leading authorities
on Oregon archeology were fea
tures enjoyed by 40 Oregon Agri
cultural college students who
made the annual surrtmer session
pilgrimage; to prehistoric : mounds
Of Lrinn county some days ago, led
by. Dr. J. B. Hornferi professor of
history.' . . . j .j ;
Leaving the campus In auto
trucks in the morning, the party
went first tip the Hill and Craw
ford museums in Albany, where
they examined exhumed skulls.
mortar3 and ' pestals and ; trinkets
dug from nearby mounds.' "
' After' visiting the mother church
of the United Presbyterian church
the ' pilgrims journeyed to the
mounds near Tangent where luncb
was eaten on the Blevins farm.
Upon reaching the -first mound
the party was addressed by Pro
fessor Horner, J. G. Crawford, and
George W. Wright, authorities of
mound research, who told of pre
historic races and the methods of
mound building. 'Two more
mounds were visited. ' 1
Ignorance) Is Bliss ,
John D. Rockefeller. Jr., said in
a YMCA address In New-York:
" "Scientfic management is here
to stay. There is no donbt about
that. And the men who oppose
scientific management, are., as a
""'w. lax and shiftless as the
bid) terL , , -
Tue old earlr before going into
the bathroom toVdress for dinner,
for some reason or other, one eve
ning countedl his money six x 5
rolM. j or 30 In all as he" topk
It out and laid it as usual, on his
aressing tabled ' ' ;. - .
"Well, when the old earl , re-
turned, fresh and
ruddy, from the
perfamed and
bathroom, his
valet was putting the pearly but
tons in his evening shirt, and one
of the six 6 notes was missing.
' "The old earl looked ruefully at
the valet; then he said to himself:
" 'Hnmoh. A loss of 5. I never
counted my money before and I'll
never do It again. It doesn't pay.' "
If. iO nn TTv
U15 1 K
Surest Way to Get
Industries Is to Support
Salem Slogan and' , .
for greater and
Savings in Cold, Hard Cash, Maying the Best Investment
From Many I Different Standpoints Comforts for
Winter and Summer Seasons You May See Plans
Here in Salem 1 1 J
Permance of construction is an
item to which the homebuilder
today is giving particular atten
tion. Construction costs are at a
level from which no substantial
recession is in sight. It is today
more' than ever before important
that a house represent to the full
est a dollar for dollar value of the
money put into it. Flimsy, shod
dy construction with its excessive
rate of depreciation, is a luxury
that the average man can no-longer
afford, particularly when mod
ern science has made permance in
home building possible at but lit
tle more than the cost of frame.
' Prospective buyers . who "have
made careful inspection of thai less
permanent types of construction
offered for sale today are dismay
ed at the condition of these build
ings even when new. Sagged
! 'The San Diego,
face brick.
hollow til
floors, warped walls and cracked
plaster are common occurrences
and promise - speedy f and ' ; ever
mounting repair bills. ;
13 Per Cent Against 40
-. The possible resale lvalue of a
house is another. Item always
borne -in mind by the thoughtful
investor, who knows that sickness,
change of business or any one of
a dozen factors may make Unnec
essary or desirable to sell. And
with this in mind he figures that
a house constructed of burned clay
building material, on which the
depreciation Is less than 15 per
cent in 10 -years, is worth more: to
bim than the less desirable types
on - which the depreciation in the
same period will be 40 per cent or
As a result,, home buyers are
more than ever concentrating
their attentions on permanent, fire
resistive types of house construc
tion. The wise home builder of
today knows that a five per cent
increase in the cost of his bouse
to -obtain materials that will not
burn, decay, warp or require fre
quent painting maintenance H
money well Invested, and it can be
shown that, this money will at once
beginr to earn a return for him.
Saving in Cold Cash'
Construction ofT)urned ,lay
building materials -brick 'and
hollow building tile is fast be
coming the refuge of the home
builder who- Is Intent ; on safe
guarding his investment. A mo
ment's analysis-will show that thei
savings - offered by the home con- j
rructed of burned clay materials
are far from Intangible they are
in hard, cold cash and 1 start as
soon as the house is ready for oc
cupancy. The more important
savings are listed:
(1) Painting Only sash and
doors to paint; many owners can
do this work themselves, saving
from $75 to $100 a year on the
average, - ' -
iioi mmm i
More and Larger
Those You Have
Why suffer with Stomach
1 (2) - Depreciation Appraisers
et the depreciation at two per
cent for brick houses and four per
cent for frame houses, but the de
depreciatipn does not begin with
a house constructed of burned clay
materials until the third or fourth
year. . , Saving in depreciation
means an annual saving of at
least $160 on an $8000 house.
(3) Heating Owners of hous
es built of brick or ' of hollow
building tile report savings in
fuel at from 25 per cent to 40 per
cent per year. In Salem, where
mo6t of us use wood, -this will
mean a saving of at least three
cords of wood per year, and, what
ia of 4nore..Lmportance, the bouse
is always warm and comfortable
in winter; while in summer It is
cooler than the frame, house.
There is also an incidental advan-
e construction faced with rug or
tage in that there is less liklihood
of frozen pipes should the fires get
low. ' .. . ..
(4 )-; Repairs Repairs ; are
practically eliminated. . There Is
no cracked plaster on the iwalls
to be replaced, no wooden steps
and- columns on the porch to rot
out, and, if an attractive clay tile
roof 'is 'used or one of asbestos
shingles; the item of reshingling
may be crossed oft of the list in
definitely. ; .
Very Important Item
These items are all important,
and particularly when a house is
being built -. on-; a building loan
mortgage where monthly, pay
ments have to be met regularly.
they make it much safer for the
owner, to meet his obligations
promptly and without strain or
w6rry. To these very tangible
sayings in dollars and cents, how
ever, is also added those Import
ant, factors of Increased safety
from fire danger to tbe Jiome and
greater healthfulness. , : - .
Financial ; institutions lend
money on buildings built for per
manence and safety, because they
are not subject to the great losses
to which frame constructed build
inga are subject. Insurance com
panies also look upon homes con
structed of burned clay, materials
t For Permanence, Comfort and Fire-Safety
V "Just because Elijah went to heaven in a chariot of fire
is no reason , why you should build your house of match-wood
for your wife and children to sleep in not to mention yourself.
Use tested, fire-safe materials. . , y
... We have ah excellent line of samples of mantle brick and
mantle tile which we would be: pleased to show you.
SfSnufarturcrs of Brick and Burned Clay Hollow Building Tile.
Salem, Oregon. (Near Fair Grounds.) Thone 817-
We WiD
Give Our
. At all ttfflu to lulit la
any poslble way tba dvel-.
opment of tha rait and
oerry Industries In tnl val
ley. Packing
Trouble when Chtropractla wd
; Remove tho Cause
Your Health Begins When Yea
Phone 87
for an appointment
." ; : p. a. O. Citroptuctozu
Ray Laboratory 414 to 410 U. 8. Natl Ek,
. : mag.
Hoars 10 to 12 sum. and 2 to 0 pan.
as safer risks; ' consequently tba
insurance rate Is much lower,
s The Betet Investment
"5 Taken all in all the home built
of burned clay products is mncb
the best investment. "The Sai
DiegoV illustrated on this page.
Is but one of the many beautify
borne designs gotten out by tL
Common. Brick Manufacturers' as
sociation,' the Hollow Buildin:
Tile association, and "The Perm
anent Builder": the only building
magazine devoted exclusively to
permanent building methods. TL
Salem Brick & Tile company, oca
of Salem's valuable Industries, hzi
on file In its offices many of thes;
! pLans. which the o fleers would hi
happy to show to any one- interest
ed. They have stated that thej
would be willing to loan these to
any one interested who may want
to submit the desired plan to the!:
architect who can develop from it
satisfactory working" blueprint;
and specifications. .
Canadian Farmers Going In-
to Dairying and Will Need '
All Our Surplus
- , - , , .
Canadian demand for Jert
cattle opens a new market to Or i
gon breeders. W. Elmo Ashtcn,
field representative of the Can a- '
dian Jersey Cattle Club, writes c!
its field to P. M. Brandt, of tte '
Oregon Agricultural college dalrj
department. ; '
v Farmers of western Canada and -the
central prairie regions are "go- ,
ing from oats to dairying," in or-
der to meet export charges. I ,
costs them 86 cent's to markets j
dollar's worth of oats, in England t
while the cost of marketing a do! i
lar's worth of butter Is only 11
cents. "
"The day is here for Oregoc
Jersey breeders to show these far I
mers what Oregon Jerseys ar )
like," Mr Ashton writes. "I ''
think your men could do nothlc ,
better to advertise Oregon thai
make a 'showing of Oregon Jer
seys at the Important shows c' v
the western Canada circuit." ,
All milk is sold on a butterfa ,
basis, even fresh milk of high tes
bringing a premium of one do! '
lar a hundred pounds over tt t
price paid for 3 per cent milk. K.
limit to the Jersey business if prt
perly gone after is eeeri by Mr ,
Ashton. He had heard, he sail
that . Professor Brandt has bet:
working to interest Oregon breed "
ers in exhibiting stock at the' ;
shows. , Valuable publicity at r
prize money are Inducementi he! ,
out to exhibitors. . I .
Jack bad returned to-his at!
apparently under the influence c
drink, and was being interviews
by the officer of the watch.
That worthy, to prove whetkc
Jack was drunk or not.order
him! to reneat the sentence: "Tt'
Irish constabulary : extlngulshe
- jthe conflagration.'
Jack stood for a minute, blin
Ing," apparently stunned by tl
magnitude of the task.
Then, with a smile of trlumi'
he blurted out:
"The Irish coppers put the fl
out!" '
v I