4 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1923 CLAMXWUD ADYXJtTiaXMKHTS Bala paw wHt , far taearttea ... i $ Tare tesortioae i OO Om Mk ai taaortioaa) N Om Mtlk i . , ' torn its Batka witrM per m: , - 1M IS miUi' mtnii par .., . sttalaraan tor My advertiaeaseatM - NOHWICH UNION ' riR insurance society W. H. Barchardt. Jr. RatldBBt Agent 171 8UU 8t v MONEY TO LOAN Ob RmI EtUU x T. K. FORD (Oral Load A Bill) But) NEW TODAY yon WLK-SEW l ROOM Bt'XGALOW $26f0 with $650 cash. W. A. Luton, agent. . Csed .tin of n e r i t. Oleson into Exchange. BARGAIN SEW I'XnXISITETJ 6 room bungalow with modern plumbing. V Price 91260 if Ukn soon. i W. H. Grabenhorst & Co; 27$ Stat St. JCIT3 CLEANED AND PRESSED 91.10 : -romp aaa amciaat ssrvice. bkh Cleeaere u( Dyere. I'hono 1BBS. WHEN OTHEH3 FAIL TBY JACK Doorfer Motor Repair. Wo bar a complete equipment, of time-eaving tools. 410 8. Commercial. SNAP 5 ROOM BCXGALOW IX GOOD condition with basement, modern ; plumbing, garage. Located at 810 8. Hth Bt. Price $22O0;$100O dowa. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. . 273 Stat St. . . . , j Auto Tops That pride of . potseasioa in an automo i bile win be greatly atrengthened iif ' have a nice new top on it. Walter - '. Greaert. 256 State St. FAIR-MOUNT HIt.L ONE QUARTER .'block, beautiful view, email tiouie. '. Price 250. -: -' , . j . - j, !W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. -.1 275 State Street. . ,' , ,' 10 H REST 5 . ROOM LX FURNISHED - apartment. Close in. Adults, 465 Cen- ; " "' ' : ' ' I (iTfU. WANTS HOUSEWORK. ADDREBS Mia : Praaeis. 513 E. Tyler Bt, Bl , 'eta's. RojUnn;- r;' ' i.;.Vul-: ! 1 t4 ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LAND, 5 ' acres aader cultivation. Owner, going )avar. nut . aell at a sserifice price. $100: some terma. On of the beat aero tracts near Salem. Ideal far , poultry farm or track garden. (I Two ;roem hooaO. i mile from highway. I mile from town. -Addreea ,ESl". ieare Statesmen. - Job : SALE SUMMER STREET LOT paved atreet. alley an ad aidewalk. Clean 'in. Priee 91500. I W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. -' :r'"r FA&BISH GROVR TRACTS CHOICE , hemeaitea to central. ' high-class, grow iag community at modest prieeo. Har ris. 624 N. Capital., phone; 1942J. - Look J ?, . A toed , 7' room modern home on pared treat and ear line; fine buy for $3300 with 9100 down and 950 per month. Thomason , $814 State St., Phono 173. : VOR ;, 84LE 10 - ROOM ; HOME WITH jOae quarter block f with fine ahrubbery m J 't . ! a a . I . . - I i . oat. ;l-f.0OO. t hi . I a r n.-f - -c ivr. n. uraoennorsxvot uo. -. 275 Btato Street. THE OREOON, FIRE RELIEF'S BU8I- - aen u iacreaaiag at a very rapid rate ;eer laat ;ear If yoa are not dOw iaaared frith them, get their ratea next .lima roa iature. , Standley fe Foley, agaaU. Bush Bank Bldg. .'). ' 8 ALE SUMMER COTTAGE. 4 .noma. fnrnUhed. two lota, located at .'Newport, Oregon. . Price $850 eatb. -For a abort time only. -JW. H. Grabenhorst & Co, - - ." 275 Stato St. j ' - ' TUB SALE LOGANBERRIES TWO jrent pound. Pick them youraelf. Mihto. 921 Saginaw St. ' ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY NEW. BATH lot 76al75, abundance of fruit. 92750 f tarns. Hodern 9 room Itonae, fine location, a -bargain at 94000: easy tense. - " : Winnie Pettyjohn- . - ' 210 Oregon Bldg. to .m $300 Down Bays, a good five room house with bsse . aaent. r modern plumbing and : light. ' Priee .92000. For bargains, see us. Located in South Salem. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co, ; ?v '- -"i 275 8tate St. ; Some Bargains in Lots nmbt below the current market - t price; scattered: and one in particu ' -af; Fairmount hill. See ' FLEMING. 841 State St. Joly 7th. 1 1923. at 2 m. I will ; sell the 13 room resideure at ' 413 north 31t St., and abont I A seres f frtoi ground on sealed bids. Owner reaervea one .' W. k Bids must be dated, sign- ' .d. sealed and delivered to owner's agent not later than 2, . p. m. of the day of the aate. If ' itfterested see agent who will ex- ' ' plain the prvpositioa. Socolof- ' r- ky realtor.. owaer's agent. 341 '.k State St., phone 970. : ' - j i . .1. ' " ' ' -m , 000 : MODJKRN- 1IOU8E TO KX .taaajta for, small farm near Salem.- 8 am hodke ou paved street and car 1 Trade for Timber land near ta Uti. ,- . ,, , I homason.. 'wtr ette-trer N EW TODAY Continued WANTED TO - EXCHANGE LOT IS West -Salem for Ford ear or Ford Bug. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 375 SUt St. - A Driving Buy Of a '5 room ww tmngalow and garage. CirvutDktiOcrB make it . worth : our j attention. ' FLEMING. .311 State St. EMPLOYMENT 'FEMALS EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE- sires position at oar. References given phons S77. UAXJB AND FEMALE WANTED MEM ' AND WOMEN TO sake farm paper subeefipttoaa. A coed preposition to the right poopio. Ad droaa cao Paelfte Homsitead. ahstseiaa Btdjg. lav Ore. FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENT FOR RENT 735 NORTH Commercial. j ; WELL FURNISHED 3 ROOM APART- ment, 565 8. Liberty, phone 536M. APT. FOR RENT. LIGHT. WATER AND pbone free, very desirable. 446 Union atreet. phono 580M. , FLATS FOR RENT AN ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM flat near stato house and university. Phone 1521J. t f i - FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN five room flat, first floor, at 666 Ferry St., 945 a month. ' Immediate posses sion. Phone 23, or call at Statesman bnaineaa office, I BOUSES WANTED MAN AND WIFE 80 TO 50 year to live in, fine home close in, furnished, and board old lady and man. Call 1292R. 3 FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE. Mo dern, at 7278. 13th St. 925 a month. Cell at Statesman business office, or phono 23. i FOR RENT 3 ROOM HOUSE. LIGHTS wate. garden. i j Compton Real Estate . 4J. Stato St. phone 621 R. ROOMS AND BOARD 823 N. COM- mereial atret. . j ; . " . 3 room furnished apartment 930. - 4 room furnished apartment, 935. 4 roam unfurnished apartment, 922. Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. Cottage St. Roohn FOB RENT.. APARTMENTS AND sloop tag room a. Looaard Dotal. 964 N. Front atreet . ( . : . PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14'' BT wsl --Jsoema so Kent." piiee 10 enta each. Statoama Baainoaa Of (lea. Ground Floor. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7' worawg "ruraished Rooma." prion 10 eeata each. Btateaman Pvslasss Of fieo. Ground Floor.. , f PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT. weruue "For Rami," priee 10 roots onrh. r Statesman Baaiaesa Offieo. oa Greaad Floor, j -i,.- BOARD AND BOOM BOARD WITH OR WITHOUT ROOM 8. ,640 Cnemeketa.; Block north of post Office. . . . . . riANOS NEW PIANO FOB RENT 6 FEB MO ts. ij. pun rurnitaro On. PERSONAL1 9ET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAt paper pauuaed. rroo for atom. On wMidows. Taladnv. Ohio . WANTED WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING. PHOOTT1327. TrnTXTBTA 4 NROP1 BING AND LAMBERT CHERRIES wanted, large fancy quality. Must be prayed for worms. Ward - K. Rich- ardaon. 2395 No. Front. Phone 494. WE ARB STILL BUYING ROYAL ANNS Cherries. Wilson and Etterberg straw . berries. Msagie Bros. 643 Stato St, OLD MATTRESSES MADE OYER Capital City Bedding Co. Phone 19. WANTED EVERTTHTNO IN HARD ; nn and furnitoro. Boat prieoa paJd THE CAPITAL HA ED WARN r a FURNITURE OO. 995 N. CommereiaJ St. Pbma 949 FOR SALE BIRDS FLOWERS AND PETS BULL PUPS FOR SALE Petlaad. 273 StaU. i ' i.i J v.POTLTRY i .FLAKE'S WHITE ROCK COCKERELS APRIL 1 hatch. Purebred. Good laying atrain. F. Allen, Box 18C. Route l.i Sslem. ' -. FARM PAPER - - tf TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST fane paper, aend 15e to the Paeifi' , Homestead. Be lorn. Orroa.! for a throe , mentha' trial onbaeriptw. Mention POULTBTMEN M SEND BIGHT TWO oat stamp In epeeml thro asoatka' trul for the boot and oldest joomnl In th vast, . The artlelee and advertiao maaU are of apoeiai Intereet to the poultry breed are . of the Northwest Nortkwaat Poultry euraal. ; 911 Com mereiaJ alraoa. Selem. Orogoou i- LrVE8T0CK . FOB SALK'I REGISTERED: HAMP hiro tows from largo producing stork. Priee right, satisfactiou . guaranteed. - John Mace. Central Point. Ore. rxANoa T GOOD U8ED MAHOGANY PIANO. 910 Terma If doairod. H. L. Stiff Fmrai ' sura On. t ; a FOB SALB GOOD USED MAHOOANT piano loft wish oa to e-IL PHno 9300 torwM M l., UMff Furaituro Cm,. Ma ia department . ' , . ' ; tewwat FOR 8f LE 16 INCH OLD FIB. AND . eeoeed rwtn -4 foot . PtMsy 146T . Best. Grade of Wood 4 foot nod 16 lack mill wood : 4 foot ash and aeaoad growth fir, v 4 foot and 19 inch old fir. prompt delivery and reasonable priee TredE. Wella. 90S 8. Charch. .Ph. 1543. Uae'fefsulman nsifled Xdf FOR SALE Continued PBOXOGitAPBS. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. 9123.00 Victor 91SO.OO Vletoff 9150.00 Patho 9165 OO Oolnmbla T5.0O Tletmr J$ 9S 0 . 113.00 . 87.6V . 1 10 OO . 99.60 Tarma m m aa 91.09 per week H. U STIFF FURNITURE CO.. Phone 941. 404-460 Osul It MISCELZJsSrEOUl FOR SALE A 1 OATS AND VETCH hay. 912 per ton in field Phone 67F3. FOP. SALE GRAIN AN1 VETCH .MAY. Priced right. ' W-illiain Do Vries, Pra tum, Oregon. fOR 8 ALE OLD KEWBPAPXSR. 10 aeala a bandla. CireaJation deportmeat, Oregon Btateaman. concession ron rent at rivkr- siIe psrk. Open July 3. See Mrs. White on the grounds. Beautiful Oregon Rose ' and aievaa other Oregon aoaga. together wNh n fiae oolloetlon of patrtatis aoaga. aaerod aoaga and many old time favor ALL FOB loo (Special price in quantity -lata) ; Es pee tally adaptable for school commun ity or home atnglng. Send tor : ' Western Songster f pagoa. now tn ito third edition. Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 919 8. Oammareial St. Salem Oro AUTO DIRECTORY AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS Oartaina to ardor, prteoa roaaoaablo. Aadoraoa-Teod. 1T1 B High RADIATOR FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES, made or repaired. J. O Balr. 949 Ferry BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY BEN VICE Station. Expert battery aad oleotrleal work. Farria Bra. Phono 1909. 419 ' Court. - R. D. BARTON EX IDS BATTERIES atartor aad gon orator workj 171 South Oomntareiat - A CAMEL-IZED BATTERY NEVER aooda a drink. O. M. Carlson, 649 N. Oommereial Bt, Salem. Ore. .- TRACTORS FOR BALE FAG EOL - TRACTOR AND double dUk. Phoae 1140M. 161 So. .' 14th. A. a RAAQ 9j OO, 444 FERRY BT Fwm 910. Oletrae traotars, Oliver. lm- lmoBti. V AUTO PAINTINO ; AUTOS AND FURNITURE. PAINTING Co, factory finish- at a reasonable price. 175 N. Commercial, in roar. Phono 167. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 1 USED PARTS 19 to 1-9 OFT MIBTB'9 An to Wrecking House ; 414 North . OommoreiaL Phoae S29. WASTED ' USED TORD TOURING OR roadster. 219 State St. GOOD OBED CARS GINGRICH BO tor 0. 971 Coari, LATE 1921 CHEVROLET'S. ALMOST new. Tirea in perfect shape. Only driv en 0O0O milee on pavement. 9112 down, balance at 920 month. Chevrolet Used Car Dept. . 349 N. Commercial. Phono 22. ' USED CARS . i- 1918 Dodge Touring, A-l shape, run 70OO milea. 9250. ' I . 1021 Dodge Roadster, A-l shsp .9600 1921 Ford Touring 9275. 1020 Ford panel . 9150 1919 Dodge 1 . 9450 BON ESTEELB MOTOR CO. j Phone 423 VICK BROTHERS USED CAR ; : .. BULLETIN - . ' l 1915 Studebaker-4.. 75.00 Harley Davidson Motorcycle..- 75.00 1010 Maxwell Touring 250.00 Dodge Touring . j 875.00 1919 Oakland Touring j V .350.00 Ford Touring U.200.00 , Buick-6 300.00 Case 10-18 Tractor, like new 500.00 Fordeoa Tractor 200.00 Samson Tractor 500.00 Avery Tractor, 6 cyl.., 300.00 Light Trucka : 8250 up. VICK BROTHERS ! , High St. at Trade USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHOR IZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring ;' 85.00 1916 touring i 135.00 1920 touring .. 270.00 1919. touring ns rtn 1920 touring f nn nn 1923 touring U 450.00 1920 coupe , ' 895.00 1920 coupe 1 995.00 1920 aedan 616.00 1920 aeden ,. . , 400.OO 1920 aedan " S93.00 1910 delivery '. 95.00 1917 delivery , 165.00 1921 delivery . , , 195.00 1921 delivery . , 290.00 1920 truck i ; 250.00 All car guaranteed to b in good run ning order 1929 license oa every ear. Liberal terms Open Sundays VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY 360 N. High Phoa 1993 BICYCLES AND SEP AWN. LLOYD B. RAMSDEN DAYTON B10T : also aad ropalriag; 997 Court. Ladies' Wearing Apparel LADIES TAXLBBXN9) D. ; H. MOSHER TAILOR .FOR MEN aad women. , 474 Court. L J. MAYER LADIES TAITdJRTWG; long ooata. aad aurU. Room T, MeOar aaek Bldg. Pboao 999. ' - ' PRESSMARTNO) SPRNOER CORSETS TO ORDER Dressmaking. Oerrt Fmhar, Mo Cwraaah Bldg. ;? PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14' BY Tdj". wording "Dressmaking"; price , 10 eoat each. Stataamaa Butlaaa Office. Groand Floor. . . 8 A L M BLXTB HEMSTTTCHINe. . pleating, kattonav ahsmping aad a die : wrk; 919 Orageg Bldg. Phaa 979. MRS. a E. MILLER HEMrrrrcHTNa. osomptag. hotteoa. Rooea 19, over MU- loc'a a tor a. Fheae lit. .- BUSINESS CARDS ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A 8TROBLE, REOISTEREU Arehitoeto. 910 Bank oi Oammeree Bnllding. - AUCTIONEERS ALCTIONEEK I . E. TALBOTT. THE liveslork, furniture and farm Sales auctioneer. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 4 TO for sale dates. : . ! CABPENTEBS . CARPENTER NEW BUILDINO. GAR ages, remodeling anywhere. Frank E. Way. 1618J. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOP. CEMENT WORK CALL AT 667 S. Capital tit. Phone 1153M. OARPBC AND ADS UTBAVUia RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING Cell before 9 a. m. 94131. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Worka Rag aad fluff ruga wevea any sse without seama. . Now mattreaaoa made to order. Old met tresses remade. Feathers renovated. 1 buy all kinda of old carpet for flufl ruga. 13 and Wilbur streets. Phone 1154 Otto F; Zwlcker. Prop. OLEANEE9 AND DYERS SPICK 'N' SPAN dyer. Phone 199. CLE AS BBS AND SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS -Suit eleeaed and pressed. 91. 50. Sulta sponged aad pressed. 60. 1915 B. Oom'L. ' Paoao 1969 CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U B N A 0 E cleaning. F. Oouaeilmaa, Batoam Hard war Oa. T" ELECTRIOIANS SALEM ELECT RIO OO. MASONIC buiVting Phoa 1900. HALIK'B ELECTRIC 8HOP XLBO ' trteal maohire repairing, oentraating, i 997 Court. Phono 499. AROHIB FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Hon wiring by hour or oontraet. Ee Umataa farniahad. Phoa 999. 414 Oourt St. EL EOT RIO FIXTURE AND SUPFL1 , Co. Phoae 199A 299 N. Liberty. : DBUO STORES . . WM. NEIMEYER JUST DRUGS," : ; 179 N. OommareUL Phoa 197. FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FAOtH 5Va per ooat, 60S Salom Bank of Oommoreo 7 Per Cent " '!'' ; I can place on good town property loana of 81200 aad 91500 at 7 per cent. FLEMING, 341 State St. f . ; j " FARM LOANS t Iainrance money, any amount 8 per cent, for 5, 7, 10 or 20 years, with full prepayment privileges, ontlre Willamette valley. HAWKINS A ROBERTS V 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem, Ore roa. FARM LOANS AT S PER CENT. and SVfc PER CENT ANDERSON RUPERT -Oregoa Bldg, Salem. Ore. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 54 PER CEltl Five-year-period with prepayment privilegea of 9100 or aay multiple there of oa intereet dates. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS SVb PERCENT Five year period with payment privi lege. NO DILAY IN CLOSING LOANS ' Salem Mortgage Correspondent. The Prudential Insurance Co, of America. H HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregoa bldg. - FRATERNAL ; OTAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. 590 moeta la Odd Fel . low' hall vry fires, third ' and fifth Tuesday of the month. : A'l Orangemen welcome. FLORISTS " ' Peonies, . Rosea and bulbs. Order : now and ssvo money. Our choice collection of all color peonies, 50c or five for 92. Also verblooming Tea Rose all colors 50c or five for 82. Also Corwin Tulips 40 for 81., Narciasua.' 30 for 91. and Hyacinths 20 for 91. All prepaid. R. J. Gibbiaa, Mt. Holly. N. J. FtTRNAOES SEAOROVa FOB FURNACES PIPE aad pipoleaa; 199 B. 12th St. Phoa 98IW. FTJBBTZXTRB STORES GIESB FTJRNrTTJRB OO. QUALITY fa ml tar foe laa money. 879 Oourt PEOPLE'S rURNlTURB STORE NSW aad aoeoad head furniture; 9T1 N. 1 or rial JUNE, JUAK WE BUY AND 8EI L FURNITURE, toots, and junk. 975 North Commer cial. Phoae ; 588. XaAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 819 8. Liberty street. Phoa 95. Oldest largest beet. Eatahliahod 1899., j YALE LAUNDRY IS AGAIN IN A PO aitiou'to reader you the aamo efficient aerviee aa before the fir which do atroyed our aid building. All kiada of asuadry work, alao eloaaJng aad proas lag. Phono your waata to 196 aad ws will aaU. : i CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt oerriao; 1994 Broadway. Phoa laa. :: rsfAOHZVB SHOP - ! THE CROSS AUTOMATIC BIJCCTRIC Itaam boilan. valoaaiaara al toho ptatea. Parry a Campbell, 917 V. .Liberty. WEOHTEM A BMTTR VAOHTNISTS. ongtaaere. welders. Heald oyltader , grinding eervioe. Phoa 62 846 Ferry. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phoa 81T-W. MU8IO BTORBS SHERMAN. CLAY A OO, PIANOS Btoiawaya. Duo-Art and ethera. Mr Maaia Heuaa. 415 Oourt atroos. GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graph, eewtag maehiaoa. aha atuale. aod piaao atadlee. Neparrtag phooo- ' rropha aaa aowtag mashlaoa; 499 : .. State, Mas. . v ;. ;,: u TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Vtotor w Bruaswink. U. 1 Stiff FaraT tare Co, Masls Dept. v BUSINESS CARD Continued mvkzoax; SAJEM OON8ERYATORT OP MUSIC . All branchea tanchv diplomao cr anted. ohn R. Sitae, director; 1237 Oourt Phaaa 999. : . . j A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playtag. PopsOar eyaoopotod I atnadard muato. Boml-elaeetea and bojlada; 12 loeeona. Watarmaa Plana School. Mo onset Bldg. ' NURSESY arrooxa I ... FRUITLAND NURSERY -line trees. Office 161 Phone 1140U. 1 : COMPLETE 8. 14th 8t COMPLETE LIN B TREES SMALL fruit, ornamaata. Capital City Nar aery Oa, 428 Oregon Bldg. Pheae,75 FRUrr. NUT AND SHADE TREBS Poarey Bros, 187. Stat. j I ' : J : "LUMBINO j V - - . i- PLUMBING REPAIRING AND C0II work. Phoa 1897 J. Shop 197 Union atreet. A L. Godfrey. ; .; PlAJro TTJaTER .(. " , - ' EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI .en toner. Leave ordora Will' Ma sit 'Vtor. . ;-; ' I : , 'I.. ' I . - PAPERHANGINQ AND PAINTING ! PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE decora tiag. paper hanging, ttattag, at Reliable workman TEN 1 CENT KAL80MINB IN fat ooJoret 91 dooo room Burea, 179 N. Oom'L BEAUTl Mag O. PAPERHANG ING', PAINTING. iKALSOM . ining. . E.' R. Brock, successor to Aub rey H. Clark. First, clsss workr 795 N. Capitol, phoa 1607R. BOAYENaEBJ j SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, rofuae of all kiada removed. C as poo la aloaaod. Phoa 167 or 1007J. BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (SUO oeeeor to Neal Bcavaagar) I Garbage aad refuse of all kinda removed by the : moath. Reaaonablo ratea. ; (Kfieo 699, roaidenoe 9068. TRANSPORTATION j CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE , Central Stag Terminal. Salem. Oregon BALEM-EUGENE -. L Leave Salom 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m.; 8;15 p. m.; i'.li p. m.; 29S0 p. m. to Corirallit only PARKERS STAGE LINES J.;W. Parker, General Manager Central 8tat Terminal 8a1em. Oregoa SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Loavea : Sslem." Central Stage 1 Terminal: 7 a; m, 11 a. m, 5 p. Leaves Silvertoa News Stand: 8 a. m, 1 p. m, 6 p. 1 Salem Independence-Monmouth Diviaioa: Leavea Salem. Central Stage .Terminal : 7 a. mi. 9 a. m, 11 a .m., 9 p. m. ' 6 p. m. ' -i I : Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: ? 9:15 a. m., 1 p. m, 6:15 p. m. Leave ladependenc. Beaver Hotel: , 8:30 n. ra, 10 a .m, 1:15 p .m. 4. p n, 6:80 p. m. Lesvee Central Stage Terminal. 8alem, for Dal laa at: 7 a. m, 11 a. m, 6:10 Leave Gail Hotel, Delia, at f 8 a .m., 1 p. m, 6:15 p. m. Wa make connection at Salem to all part of the valley. Extra tripe by ap . pointment. . ! J W. PARKER, General Msnager. TRANSFER HAULING MOVING AND STORAGE REASONA- fk. t ' sTi nr( a.r a t. u : t J VJ9J JilSsRrffBhp : .. Ef9 Ur9aaV VOIUsUfirCiaVI, phoD 688 9TB MOVE. 8TORB AND SHIP HOUSS hold gooda. Our apoeialty 1 plana aad furaitur moving, W alao mak ceua try trip. W haadla the best ooal and wood. Call a as for prion. W gli good moasara, goad quality aad -goof aerrioa. Lai-mer Traaefer O. Phoa 99t CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO! 99 , StaU St. Phoae 999., DiatrlbnUng. for warding aad ate rag ar apoeialty. Got oar rata.: .; . -i 1 , . 1 1 1 1 1 SECOND HANS OOODS 9ALEM BARGAIN HOUSB BUYS AND sail Moaad head furaitur. tool and - Junk; IM N. OommoreiaL Phaa 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag aad shoes. Beat prieoa paid. Cap ttal Exchange; 949 North Oommoreiel 'Phoa 1969:W , ; i j STOVES AND 8TOVB REPAIEINB TTOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year' experieaoe. Depot Natloao) feaoe. aiseo 96 to 29 la. high. PainU alia aad vanish, U, logaaberry aad bop books. Salom - Fanee j and Btort Work. 830 Oourt street. Phoa ltd AEEBTY STORES SALEM VARIETY STtrKR CHINA war, glassware, toy, aotlsnn. aad mil. -j Umary. j j . " - T WATEB . :'. I, -. ' . - SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER OO Of fie. 901 South Commercial St. To , Bar at dlaeount on domes tie flat rate paid la adreaea. N deduction. for ebaeaeo r any eaase auloa I hut off your promlsoa. MUSICAL PHOXfJfJlLAPH ItKPAlIUXG ! i ' 1 EXPERT REPAIRING ALL MAKES OF phonographs. Jay Bailey, Moore'a-Mu- tie House t' , PROFESSIONAL AMBULANCE SBRVIOB 8 A L B M AMBULANCE SERVICE Phaa 966 176 8. Liberty. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURE3 ANY KNOWS diseass. 159 S. High St. Paoao 999. CHIROPODIST I DR. 8. P. SCOTT,: GRADUATB NA tlooal Ualversity Seioaoe. Chlaag Maaonie Temple. Phone 940. OR. WIXJjIAMS OORNS. CALLOU8E8 ta grown nails; all foot trouble. ; Priet Shoo Oo. Phoa 619. U : CHIROPRACTORS DR.-..REDMOND, 326 OREGON BLDG, 'Ph-n- a .",7. I j j DR. LENA A. BOONE, 475 8. OOMMER eial,. Phono 1415 '' : I . DRS. SOOTT SCO FIELD. P. B C. Chlropraetora, 414 19 U. 8.' Baak Bldg Pboao 97 s ra 838 R. j . DtOOLCII FBTY8I01AN8 1 MAGNETIC HEAUNG DR. A. I . Fraata ! AeuU aad rbmala dle , Phoae 760. 495 N. CammorcUI. . - FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tore. 210 Ceater 1 Pboao 1666. atubopathio PirraioiAJfa OR. A. SLAUGHTER AOUTB AN? krul dUoeaes; dlB Oragoa Bldg . laaa 119. . :. ' : ; '.. ,.: ' Use Statesman Classified Ads i PROFESSIONAL Continued OSTEOPATHIO PHTSIOIANB DR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC 1 phyaieiaa aad aurgooa. Kirkavtlli grsdaato, 404-409 V. 8. Natieaal Baal Bldg. Phone. ofQco 919; roa, 914. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIA Phyaieiaa aad Sargooa. 409-404 Oro. goa Bldg. rkeaea. otQee 1S04; rem ah F6. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE- 'goa Bldg. Room 901 to 804 GLASSES FITTED BY THB BOW O.- tleal Co, SI'S State' gtroot. appoeiw Ladd Bank Baak. "Caa Qaality Proven 8hur-oaa." . . RE At ESTATE GRAIN FARM NEAR SALEM FOR house and lot, stock of goods, or small uereage, near Salem. Address "E-T9," car Statesman. . , PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 74" '. wording ''For Salo, Enquire at." Prim ;j 10 eenta each. Statoemea Buaiaosj Of fie. Ground Floor. ', 190 ACRE STOCK RANCH IN MARION count)-. Old building, orchard, lots of ttrakW and running wat.r. Will Ii-aHa 2276 Fairgrounds road. j SNA P MOST BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT 75x150 feet in Fairmount park addi tion. Paved atreet, clear title, priced way below value. Some terms. Own-' " er here for a few day. Will . aell at a sacrifice. See Child & Bechtel, 540 State 6t. IXR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE 93250. 5 room' house 94200, i 6 rAom modern house 90900. 5 room modern bouie 92500. 1 : ( All close in property. i Gertrude J. M, Page 492 N. Cottage St. FOR SALE THREE ROOM COTTAGE. full basement, electric lights, hath and toilet. Lot 72x108, 910O worth of furniture, all for 91250. A snap. i W. McLaren Co. 180 N. Com'l St, phone 430. ONE ACRE. NEAR CAR I1NE 8650. Easy terms. Corner1-building lot near car and , school, sidewslks in, 9400, 5 room comfortable house, large lot, 91150. Easy terms. r J. Ai Mills ' 331 Stat St. FOR SALE NEWLY BUILT 5 ROOM house, full basement and unfinished upstairs. Price . 93000, very ; food terms. FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 ACRE. 10 acres in prunes, 7 acrea in logana, . Good 7. room house, 5 milea south of Salem. On aeeonat of aicknesa owner will ' aell very reaaonablo or take some Salem property in trade. Rich L. Rei mann. Realtor, 229 Oregoa Bldg, phoae . 1013., 3 ACRE SNAP Owner going away, must sell at a sacri fice price. 91550,; some terms. One of the best 3 acre tracts nesr Salem. Ideal for a small poultry farm. Dandy ' 3 room- plastered bungalow, ' 1 electric lights, hot and cold water. Just off the psrel rosd. Let Childs ft Bechtel, 540 State street show you this wonderful . barg-iin. ' i Best Buys and Exchanges 1 acre fruit. 7 room house, coop, oa pave ment, priced 91200, to exchange on a j 6 to 10 rrsidense in Salem, close in, ' will pay cash difference. 684 acre atock, grain and alfalfa ranch, 70 acres in alfalfa, fair improvemeats. South Dakota, want Willamette . valley ranch up to $23,000, might assume. 40 acres, all cultivated, house, barn; close to Lebanon' want: Salem reaidenee not over 94250. S j 7 room strictly modern, herd wood floors. '985 north Summer 87500 terms. 6 room modern new bungalow, garage, close in,. 93850, 9 1000 cash - balance terms. '.. ; 5 room modern, two lots, gsrsge, fruit.' garden '82230, 9500 cash, balance like Tent. ... f 920OO martgage secured by" . 54 acres, drawing 7 per cent. j Socolofsky j Realtors .- 841 State. , 8 ROOMS NEARLY MODERN HOUSE, close in on 'paved street 94500, good terms. , . 1 1, 3 room, one block of S. Com, street ear, 92800. amall payment. 4 ' room plastered and paved atreet, - 92300. '- i 410 acres,- 254 in crops and 54 ready to crop, strictly modern buildings and one of the beet equipped-. and improved ", farma in the valley. Priced to sell for cash and . will accept" a smaller farm near Salem aa part payment. An A-l proposition. Robinson 229 Oregon Bldg, phono 1013 or nny time of any day except Sunday 1749R , ' 1 Exchange 124 acre farm for Minnesots. 50 acre farm for Colorado. ' 320 acre farm for wheat ranch. 5 acre tract for house. I Stock ranch for valley farm. ' , Largo house close in for small house. T. L.' WOOD. 341 State St. PUBLIC NOTICES I. - SAM A. KOSER,' SECRETARY OF State of the. State of Oregon' and Cus todian of the Seal of said state, do hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of sections j 8069-8082. Oregon laws,, the application of Edw. Deneer, whose place of business it route 3. box 158, Citjoof Salem, Coun ty of Marion, State of Oregon, for the exclusive use of a mark or -brand de scribed as follows: "RED HILLS BRAND" as applied to and to be placed upon fruit and vegetables, fresh, dried or canned packed in boxes, car tons or containers, sold by j Edw. Dea rer, was received, filed and recorded at 1 :30 o'clock p. m, this 26th day of June, A. D. 1923. UR1KD FIIUIT : ' NEW YORK, July 3 Evapo rated apples, quiet; prunes, -slow; apricots, ..unsettled; peaches, ne glected. ' , j .'.'',- HAY AXI1 GIWIX SEATTLE, July 3. ; Hay and grain, unchanged. , 1 v . San Francisco Kecefpts, hay, S4 tons; unchanged. Donald MacMillan hag Started off on another Arctic Jaunt; Don ald, has made many voyages to that part of. the world, but the chances are he will find a num ber of new garages- and filling stations erected since his last trip.'""'. jXtf-'Ttir "VA ;'t V'": MI UNSETTLED ! BbT HAS ADVANCE Black Rust, Bullish Corn Estimate Bring Upturn i in Grain Values 1 CHICAQO. Uuly 3. Black rut. together with a bullish estimate of corn acreage led to an upturn in grain values today despite the fact that prices at first were low er. Wheat closed unsettled. at to cent net advance, wRh Sep tember $1.03 toV1.03s and December 11.06 to $1.06. Corn finished H to 4c lower; oats at- a shade to - & c gain, and provisions at a rise Varying from 7 to 15 cents. ! . With reports indicating favor able weather both for the harvest ing and the growth of the domes tic crop wheat opened easy in re sponse to lower quotations at Liv erpool. Later, however, rains in the southwest and talk -of black rust danger in the northwest aid ed in. swinging the ' market up ward. " "One expert, wired from Bradley. S. D., that conditions were right for the spread of black rust' snd: another expert, wired from Fargo, N. D., that traces of black rust had developed in many fields during the last few days. Under such circumstances, a sud den jump In the corn market gave wheat bulls a decisive advantage throughout the - remainder of the day. . , j J'. - I . According, to "figures, issued, by a recognised authority the amount of land needed to corn this year as compared with 1922 show's, a reduction of more than 1,000.000 acres., It. was this estimate which stimulated the ascent of the corn market, and this indirectly. affect ed wheat. Previous sellers of wheat made haste to buy, and with the usual' pre-holiday even ing up of accounts the -market at the last held most of the day's gain. July was in special demand fora big elevator interest. HOLIDAY REFLECTS Many Issues Show Dullness While Price Movement Is Reactionary NEW hfORK. July 3 Reaction ary price movements predominat ed in .taday'tt stock market, the usual pre-holiday ' dullness' . being apparent in many Issues. Opening prices were firm, but the market turned heavy in re sponse to heavy liquidation in sev eral low-priced shares. Several of .the dividend-paying railroad shares, were pressed for sale Just before the close. Oil shares showed a ' steadier tone on reports of substantially reduced oil well completions east of the Rocky mountains. Call money opened at 5 per cent, dropped to 5, then AM per cent, where it closed.! The time money market was dull with 30 day funds offered at 5 per cent and the longer maturities' at v 54, business being confined largely to renewals. , ; Continued weakness, of sterling which established a new low for the year at $4.55, was the feat ure of the foreign exchange mar ket. Other European . currencies rallied slightly, the German marks being, quoted slightly above ,0006 cents. '-; '- ' J TURNER WEWS J : - TURNER, Or. July 3. Mrs. Jeanette Moore was ; much" sur prised Thursday evening by.- 40 friends who jinade up a farewell party, as Mrs. Moore and husband leave this week for. a month's trip to Yellowstone park. After re turning they1 will locate -at' Mill City. . ',,J- : .' ; ' . . H. R. Thissefi anade a business trip to Dallas Friday. . Arthur and William Salisbury are working at Mill City. '. At the i election Saturday the town' voted a tax for helping pave through town through Main street and out on I) street. The opening : of the- annual convention I Saturday has . drawn many vhitors and , prominent church people 'to town. ..Wj. .T. Riches and family drove to Mill City Sunday. ' . Prof. B. Shaefer came from Cal- CaliCornia i ecently to join his wife-. ;;. t ;- - -. . S.lH. Baker and family while in Portland were driven into and had their auto badly damaged. C.i W. Hewitt and family return ed -Saturdajr from . Clatskanle where they were called Tuesday by the sudden death of Mrs. Hew itt's father. 1 ' ; ' . E. T. Pierce of Aumsville re cently bought I the Turner State bank. G. II. d Moore will act as cashier.,. ;'' . ;. ..''-".- I- Richard Gray spent a few days with home folkn. . Gerald Orover of : .Raymond, ON STOCK MARKET Wash., will visit in Turner a few day and return by Newberg to visitf his parentHi t- i 'f :n:-.:.i ' f- ', - :-: - v SILVERTOfJ WEWS I SILVERTON. Or . v jlv (Special to The Statesman.) Mrs, C. W. Keene is visiting at Spokano this week. ) r$ . Miss, Esther Saunders fwhq has been spending the.: past three weeks at the home of Miss Lillle Madsen returned to her home at Baker Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thostrud of West Timber are atl Silverton"' for tho Fourth, j Miss. Alice Jensen, Miss Esther Saudersy Miss Cora Satern and Miss LIHie Madben spent the week-end In Spring Valley. Mrs. R. D. Boyles and daugh ter. Miss Rae Boyles. are spend, ing the summer at Sllverton.. Miss Dagna.Llndquist. Miss Vc- . lene Kaarhus. Miss Thelma Strand , and Howard Jergeson wcru mons . those spending the vreen-end at, Eugene. " " Max Hubbs has taken aT pbsi tion at the Steelhammer. Drug store'for the summer. John Larson, who has been at tending the University of Oregon during the past winter, is employ ed at the Silverotn bakery. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Swift and littel son are here from Helena, Mont., and expect to make Silver- ' ton their home at least for the present. - Mrs. W. F. DeGul'6 who has confined to the Sal am hospital for a short while has returned home. Mrs. DeGuire is reported greatly improved. i; Mrs. Homer Stahl Is a guest, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Berge Borravik Mrs. Stahl is from Portland. . Mr .and "Mrs. C. H. Fischer have returned to their' home at Council Bluffs. Ia. ' Their daughter. Mrs. L. Daggett, whom they. have been ' visiting, returned tolpwa with them for a short visit. : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Torvend entertained a few friends ' Satur day evening,- the occasion beins their 10th wedding' anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ITert, Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. ISlas Torvend. Mr. and Mrs. John Moe, Mr. -and "Mrs. Martin Hattebergv Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Satern, ,Mr. and Mrs. George Elton. Mr. and Mrs: Henry Torvend anad Mr. and Mrs. Jelmer Refsland. , . I SALEF.1 MARKETS I OEADI UrtJ BAT Km. 2 wheat . No. 3 rod wheat,, aackod Cheat hay Dat hay Clover har. baled Frleea .qootod are wholaaalo and or prieoa received : by farmers. - Ko ratai prieoa are giv ICP aa aotod SOOS. BtTTTZS, EUTTEETAT Creamerr hattor- -,,,-,.,. ,;.43 . Q ' . Butterfat, delivered . Z A1 Milk. Per owt4 $2.2 Eras aeleeU7';. ,'..U "Btandarde ..4. . ' .18 Pullets ,..J .18 . TOTTLTET ' Heavy bona . II Medium .ia a 11 P0EK. MTTTOST AK BEET Hon. top 150-125-lbs., cwt ... g.25 Hogs, top, 225-275. ewt. ; ;7.25 liorj, top. 275 300 lbs., , cwt 7.0 Light sows, ewt ... i 0.0 Rough, heavy, irwt , ..04 fi .0"2 Top veal, dressed . 07 0$ ..07 't Top stoera ", , .... .05 f$ .o Cows I r. 4M Top lambs , j ; , . , . . no Heavy Iaraba . .08a :.: I sakavas Bod Cord, the distlaquisMag mark of quality fruit. Qnotiaa crated, par lb. .114 " OEAKOES , "BoBded" Braad Saakist Valeoeiaa Dfferiag: 6'a and larger ..-..3.51 150'a and smaller a fl.51 CAUrOSHIA aEAJrXnttrZT "Snnkikt' 84. 60'a ...$4..H All Citrus fruits ia half-ease lota, 10 additional. APPLES 13.08 Aatrachana Ex. fancy Wloessp , ...,,3.83 tffingwetl. "KKK" all sixes, ease 11.00 : xew bwcexd veasTuus All rrir'd by , the dosoa baacbea. . BMits.; Turnips, Carrots . . .. 50 Radishes.' lone or round , . t SAOIEED TECrETABLES ; Nw Caliorois Carrots, per ssck 13.00 New California Turnips par aack..t3.53 All Sack Veretbles le prr lb. kichaf whoa desired 1 ia . less thaa aaek lota. Now- beets, per : aack ...$3.00 Yakima rutabac-as, per aaek $2.3G . " - Haw Vecetablaa Aapararaa, Orrfoa frown, vary fancy pet doxen bunebea f 2.0 Cauliflower, flat : rratea . ...$2.50 New celery, per buneh ......2.30 Cwcumlters. hothouse per dosea t U Crn btin, per lb ...1. . 12 't Spinach, per. bo v . ... .tl.oo Tomtit o(it from Texas: . .- 4-baaket era (es per rrata $3.00 Mers-eds ...4 ...$3.0 Caljbajte. local, crated, per. lb .....03I4 Head lettuce, local,- rratea .$2.5') Egg pUnt pet lb. :.. .....25 New potatoes,!' new Oregnne per lb.03i Onions, new -yellow, per ewa .$3.50 Bell peppora per lb....;.. .... ; 30 Ureeu Peas, heme. grown,-per Ib...12 4t, j' Potatoat New California whites, ia sacks, par lb. - 4 cants ;',,''" v ' j Vakima netted! gems, -per ewt $1.50 Oregoa Whites, per ewt S1.S3 iKaw rmlta Aprlcota. 4 basket crate, -..$1.50 Caataloupos-Imparial valley, ataadard . rratev ......( , .......i $1.00 Pony cratesi i.....$3.25 Flat : - rrjtea i . .. ."$1.54 Watermelon. icraled, per lb . 01 Peachea Triumph and. June Elberlas. 84'o and lirger ",....1.50 Plums, smsll red variety or crate....$l.2 Cherries, l.amJrfrts l. Royal Anaesi. . . 15 Strawberries, f selling .. : SI.". Kaaplerries. sellini; . Currants, aolltog r$J.f" Rhubarb, peri lb. 0 Ice cream oielboH. per lb. 04" Plums per 4 -Basket Grata For mo. j ....... i..... ... . $2.00 Vacaville........ j ..$J 1 Santa. .Koso .1 .$I.7j Beauty L. .... . $1.25 loganberries, selling "today $1.75 Black Cap, .tolling today. .$2.5'i PORTLAND MARKETS OBAXH July a. Graia fatureat HAt July 8. Hay onclUDg'i, POKTUAX Ko session. PORTLAKli . u. tao a "2 ; t2l