i ! ontouirxox . - - .-.' imari for Jait, 123: , . s Sunday wily . 0ft3 , Dtily and 8aiHiyn ...... 5402 ATrr for-ix mMths ending Jan !HJ, 1925: . ; SandaJtf only - VHr" "mIT - .5492 . IJT TUB CITT OF SILK ui (iMnrktr la Vatioa d Folk Oomatlag HmtI; everybody rftU ' ' The Oregon Statesman ram hcmcs Kxwapxpra- ill SEVENTY-TIIIRD YEAR. 'i SALEM; OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY. 4 1923 price five cento , , . i til 7 ..' " 1 i SHELBY FEEL ill IS ELSEWEBE Prediction Made That Not Wore Than O0D0 Cash Customers' Will Be in Arena TTiis Afternpop 4 TICKET DEMAND POOR STATES NIGHT REPORT Thousands Are in Town But f Few Are Jarring Loose f ' With Much Money i SHELBY, Mont., July 3. (By the Associated ' Press-) This' oil-cow-town oY Shelby, slauated ' far away on the prairie of Montana, today became the mecca of ; fistl a nna. For tomorrow, the battle for the world's heavyweight cham- pionsblp between the titlehblder. Jack Dempsey, and " contender, Tommy Gibbons, fa to take place In an arenaTconstructed to' aceona m'odate 4 0,0 00,' fight fans. T But' at the' latest' 'reckoning . there will not be 40.000 cash customers-present. The enthusiastic ones are predicting an attendance or between 7,000 and lu.uyu. i final count wH depend upon the arrivals tomorrow. Virtually all the; trains " arriving j today -were crowded and; several private cars were switched on to side tracics Among those who arrived In "pri vate, cars was Mrs." Ray- Baker fnraiori Hf. Alfred d. Vander bUt-- Prank, Conley,. former "vete ran-warden, of the. Montana pent tentlary, headed another delega tlon from. Butte. ' ;.,, '.- In addition to "those arriving on trains, 'many hundred -came in rfiirlnr th'.dav In, automobiles. The big? automobile camp, pro vided by Shelby for the occommo ffatfan of Visiters. M well tilled before night. Whether all of the visitors are going to 'buy fight tickets Is another question. There- are fight ticket for- sale Js. every store in Shelby. And at : m lota nnn tonirht; the tickets were reported to be in poor de mand., A number or mercnanm were-accusing other, merchants of selling tickets at a 'cut rate. In fact,' a majority of the merchants who" took " tickets for cash ad vances they made" toJ promote the fight," are " declared! to b selling tseir admissions at a; much lower rate than, t advertised. ' 5 Many SftlA "Broke" f - While f the town seems rather congested on the day - before the battle, Shelby citizens are disap pointed lis the attendance.' While Main-street on", "the ; shady, aide, seems like Broadway on a busy Saturday, night, the sunny side of the thoroughfare Is; deserted. ! And the concessonarlei are still bemoaning their- luck. Most .of the sidewalk-stands are not doing enough T business" to "warrant the retaining off: the concessions, -The constant plaint Is that ''every brie seems to be "broke." . - Has Traffic Cop : Shelby may be dubbed a village, bet at least, she has Installed a traffic officer, with a brand hew, stlny star, . today 'took his place t a busy corner on Main street asd directed the stream' of auto mobiles that were coming and go' lag. While he boasted no new uniform, and his shoes were In conspicuous with "their "heavy coating: of aikill dust, he wielded a eavy club 'and " traffic hnmhly obeyed tbe wafting of the official wand.....;, - . . 1 Few Beta Made An fADiAnf ln T1 rhamnionsbic Ptjze fights la the betting. Usu ally the amounts wagered run in to the hundreds of thousands. But If there -are any sportively, inclin ed gentlemen in Shelby they have not ? been discovered. f Several taall bets have been reported but no inoney of any consequence has made its appearance. J It la said that' no bets have been made on tte "result Ojfv the championship bent, and that the -small wagers - " (eon tinned" pn page 2) am, THEYEATHER 1 OREGON': Fair Wednesday. r ; LOCAL WEATHER t (Tuesday) Maximum temperature, 78. .j 'Minimum. temperature, 55. Hainfallj none." Hiver, 9 Inches; falling. Atmosphere, clear. "-TIad, west..' mm ;:.. 1 . Wm AT SHELBY TODAY 4 l WOH GEBBUFIS - in Mima miiV,. ' - - T f 'i:; ;;.x.::.::? ... . C ' - S v - t f f:' - - i ff - 1- y i t iimji "n I'm" jf A' r i- r " .J r fth... .t........ . . r a, ajiAoaJt i " ; . -.-wH' 1 . . . . y . . ALLEGED i WW ACT IS OlfHITTOIBS Syndicalism Charges Placed r Against 27 Attrabt Sever : al Japanese Jurists L03 ANGELES, July 3. Twenty-seven alleged members of the I WW,' acting ' as their own at tor-' neys in their trials in the superior-court here on-criminal syndi calism charges, today attracted an audience of distinguished Jap anese jurists and lawyers who ex pressed, a. lively Interest in the proceedings. . t- : The visiting ; Japanese were members f of a com missiovt dele gated by the Tokio government to study the operation of ; the jury system In courts of the United States and England. ' s Two defendants, John Pugh and Ernest Erickson,' testified at to day's session concerning the na ture of strike bulletins issued by the IWW In connection' with the longshoremen's strike at San Pedro recently, j i FnSrJGE RECALLS r FOURTH OF JULY Millerand Cables Message of . Renewed Enthusiasm to President Harding PARIS, July 3. (By the As sociated Press.) President Mille rand of France sent a Fourth of July cable message today to Pres ident .Harding saying that "with ever - renewed enthusiasm tne French nation' associates " Itself with all its heart with American independence day." i j ; Further. ,ln -his message - the French premier said: "The anni versary recalls that hardships yon sustained in achieving national ,'ibertv' and the sufferings France and the United, States endured fointly to preserve the freedom of the world. " The French nation pan never remain", indifferent, to the manifestation evoking them." Oregonians Flocking to: , Get Glimpse: of Harding PORTLAND,, July 3. Thou sands of people from all parts of Qregpn and southwest Washing ton, Twer pouring;1 Into? Portland throughout today to attend -- the 4th: off July celebration cat which President Harding' will be the honor i- guest , tomorrow. Fair weather In prospect. ' Finishing touches were put on street decor ations and Anal' celebration plans vfera' corapleted today. . . , -" .. V-- -- T . ' - .- -1. t-'-i lllinilll MM I Hnl'l L' IL'nllllM I ll Li t I Lit duivid uuinflbLo oiviim mui,u SAID COWARDLY ! PBESIOEflCOUGE President Brunet Appeals for ar Solid Allied Front -Against Germany BRUSSELS. July 3. (By The Associated ; Press. ) President Brunet of the chamber of depu ties, in greeting the cabinet of Pre misr Theunis on its-return to ser vice today, made, an impassioned appeal in the chamber for a solid allied front against GeTmany. Re ferring to the bomb; outrage at Duisburg last Saturday .nine vic tims of which were buriea today, President Brunet, , who is a mem ber of the socialist party, charac terized the act as a "cowardly deed which has excited the indig nation of the entire country by Its savagery.". '- ' J ' ' V ' V j. ----- w ' -" - " ' Eddie Hearne.. Tommy Milton and Earl Cooper averaged 115.3 miles, an hour. Milton won the In dianapolis , race. - ' - V f Jimmy Murphy, who leads in the American, automobile associa tion championshfp contest. so far this year .circled: the. eclipse at 109,. Bennett Uill clipped off 113; Ralph De v Palma . 108.2; Frank Elliott 1 0 4.1 7 Corum 104; Harlan Fangler. 101.3; Davis Lewis 191.7; Jerry Wund erlich 102,7,. and Ora E. Haibe 110.5. v Haibe replaced "Howdy" Wilcox, originally entered for the contest. " Association Plans to Educate Millions Throughout Entire World i SAN FRANCISCO. July 3. The i worlds conference on education late today adopted three-" resolu tions calling for formation of., an International commission; on il literacy for appointment of edu cational attaches for all embas sies or leg4tions, and for organi zation of a permanent bureau of research and publicity to enable all nations to exchange education al periodicals and articles. ; ii The " commission on illiteracy, to consist of .representatives from everyf nation, will seek to provids means for the education of. ml'.- lions of illiterates, "described as persons over the age of 10 who neither read-not write. As preeenteO I by a committee which included Cora Wilson Stew art of Kentucky,, the "resolution stated that the' committee would work to remove, illiteracy from all countries "by 1935," but this was amended' to read "as soon as possible." , rn nrrnnn ii ir t : lEUUUHIUnOvVHISI HIS mm - - - - - Governor Named Democratic Contender; Party Will Seek Modification I j NEW YORK, July 3. Norman E. Mack of Buffalo, democratic national committeeman, announc ed tonight after a conference with Governor Alfred E. Smith that the governor would enter the next democratic national convention as a contender for nomination for president. ' lie said he believed the democratic national platform frould carry "a plank calling for modification or liberalizing of the Volstead act. ! Mr. Mack added: "All of the powerful eastern seaboard states want the Volstead law modified. The greatest opposition to modifi cation comes from the western states, which are normally repub lican. , - -.' j f "The southern democratic, dry states will go democratic even if the party pledges for a more liberal- alcoholic content." "' Santa Fe Limited is Derailed : Near Domingo at Early i ' Hour Today j ALBUQUERQUE, N. M..; July 4. At least five, trainmen were killed and. several passenger were injured, some of them possibly seriously, when Santa , Pa train No. 9, westbound Chicago to Los Angeles, was derailed near Do mingo, 30 miles north of ..here. Wrecking -j crews, , doctors . and nurses ""were sent ' from here to the scene of the wreck 'The ac cident' happened at I2:10"a m. The train was a double-header, and both engineers and both fire men were killed, reports said., Employment Agency Plans i To Place Harvest Hands SPOKANE. July, 3. An em ployment agency for placing sev eral thousand harvest-, hands on' the harvest fields' of the Inland Empire was established here to day by the harvest labor commit tee of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce and the federal employ ment office. It will work ini conjunction- with the' city- free, em ployment office. '.f i " ' 1 " ILLINOIS PAYIXQ BONUS SPRINGFIELD, II., July 1 3. -Payment of the 155,000,000 Illi nois soldiers bonus started, today. FIVE F KIIIED BOOZERS SENT TO CHURCH BY POLICE JUDGE Jail Will Receive Men if Sen tence is Violated; All De- : f endants Are Willing . CENTRALIA ' Wash., July 3. A new kind of ju-stice was meted out in the local police , court last night when Judge L. H, Dysart sentencedfll, men, found guilty on liquor chkrges,' to attend ' church four times In three months. Thei defendants, who expressed willingness, to .comply with the terms of the sentence, w.e re as signed to three ministers. Rev. W. J ; Sharp. Presbyte,rian ; Revr Fred Luke., Episcopalian, and ' Rey'4 O M. Andrews, Methodist. If kaej. fail to report al church four. times In, the period specified they have to serve jai sentences. will FUTURE MCE SAID II El "Osteopathics Declare. Nation Creating Vicious Nation al Psychology ' NEW YORK, July 3. America is rearing a race of starch drunk ards and the prohibition of alco hol is creating a new, and; vicious national" psychology, in the opin ions of two speaker at the Ameri can Osteopathic' convention today. Thei'name starch ' drunkards" was coined by Dr.. Grant Mitchell of Chicago in a debate with Dr. C. W. . MacGregor 'of that ' city on diet. - - ' V- , "The, white race is dominant because, ages ago It took up abode by the sea whence, it .' obtained foods rich In iodine." eald Dr. Mitchell. That position how is threatened because j wie have be come a nation pi starch drunk ards," He enumerated 18 ways In whicfa cooks prepare! food, but as serted "every attempt to improve on nature ruins it." . Dr. Herbert Bernard : of De troit told of his discovery of- the vlclous psychology'. a disease or an insanity-for which he held prohibition- responsible. Profes sing not to go. on record against prohibition, he saw the deliber ate violation1 of the Volstead' law creating an "hectic, unhealthy way of mind" that permeated, not only large cities, but f hasj crept right Into the American and into the minds of the younger generation." 1A Leviathan Has Records as j German Warrior, Trans- yJi i auu i aoiciig,ci . NEW YORK, July 3 A super ship of the seas, the United States shipping board's reconditioned Le viathan,' will sail tomorrow. on her maiden voyage as a passenger ship under the Stars and Stripes, car rying more than. 17 00 passengers to Cherbourg and Southampton. The Leviathan todav is in her third Incarnation. She first sailed the Atlantic! as the Vaterland. pride of the once great German merchant marine. Seized by the United t States unon fht of. diplomatic relations' with Ger many In February. 1917. she wan overhauled and became the great est troop transport in history. T nniir s UIIUI SUPER'S PS S BLOW B BLOW, JAB BY JAB; STATESMAN GIVES RETURNS ON BIG FIGHT 7 Beginning, atMl. o'clock (today, The Statesman will re- ceiye. fight returns, from the ringside t. Shelby, Mont., where; Jack Dempsey, world heavyweight champion, nd Tommy Gibbons, his challenger, will battle for the cham pionship title. ; ; , The first returns to be received . will be relative to pre liminary, events. jReturns. on the main event will begin coming soon after 1 o'clock, Pacific coast, time. ; a Associated Press correspondents will - be at the ring side, and their stories of ..the fight will go out by the A. P wires as the fight - progresses. The Statesman ' returns will come in blow by blow, and the Statesman will be prepared i to announce, them by. megaphone in l the, same way. In just a jiffy, after Gibbons clouts, Dempsey in the beezer, or Pempsey. slams Gibbons, in the slats, it will ie. announced by The Statesman megaphone man. , III S U.S. Canby, Dallas, Marion, Sil verton, and Other, Points Invite Crowds to Indepen dence Programs AUTOMOBILE RACES DIVERSION IN SALEM Cherrian Band and March ers Will Participate in Parade at Silverton , Celebrations are being held at a number of neighboring towrw to day, that will; attract man hun dreds of Salem' people. ' One of the biggest events is at Silverton. The Cherrian 'band Is to play, along with . two other bands, and about 40 Cherrians in uniform will take part n.the par ade at 9:30 this morning. The Cherrian (band will appear for the first time In the new uniforms which are works of real art, and as harmonious as one of their' best overtures. , . ' Legion Doing It , The American Legion s stag ing i the celebration . at , Silverton as part of its campaign to raise funds for the 'soldiers memorial building, and already the event promises to pay them some good money for a most worthy cansel A number' of Salem people- plan tjo drive over to attend the parade and some to stay over the dinner hour, returning to Salem in time for the afternoon races at th9 fair grounds. - Dallas is in the throes of a three-day celebration, with today as the biggest of all. It will be a frontier day program, with the sterner sports, exemplified. : ; Other Towns Celebrate Canby. Marion, , Aurora- and Woodburn all are inviting the world to their hospitable borders for the day. And the call of the real: wild is even more inviting. Many plan toUtke to the moun tains, to theseashore, to the fish ing streams; for Ahe day.; Practi cally jll business will fce at a standstill. ' The Salem, races this afternoon, however, promise to have a record crowd. Speedy little gas demons were flitting about town all day Tuesday,, getting ready for , the starters gun.. There are 17 cars promised, and they look faster than any. collection of. cars ever gathered for the - Salem track. Tuesday afternoon one of the cars clipped three econds off the track record, and th,e driver said he didn't know he was running. - - : Lightning Bolt Fatal to Pueblo Man During. Storm PUEBLO, Colo., July 3. One killed and one. seriously injured was the -result of a severe thun derstorm that swept Pueblo and iinito lotx thin afternoon. F. W. . Henselman was killed' by a , bolt of lightning in he residential part or town and Miss Pearl Bush, who was walking with . him. was seriously Injured by the flash. Late tonight th(e girl had not regained consciousness. f At the peak of the storm water stood at a depth of more than a foot In some of the downtown 'streets, but reports tonight wee that damage from flood - water would not-be great., Considerable damage was caused by wind and Mil. -::'-:.; ' ARE OB BIRTHDAY JULY FOURTH FEATURED BY RIOT IN EAST Strike Sympathizers Battle With Springfield, Mass. Police Nearj Exchange SPRINGFIELD, Mass.. July. 4. An extensive riot broke but afc 1 o'clock in the vicinity ' of tho Springfield." exchange of ' the' New England Telephone & Telegraph company, when a gang of 2.000 men,! strike; sympathizers, were charged by a dozen regular police and more than 100 military police reserves. At 1: 30 there had been three arrests. The riot followed several 'dem onstrations and ; fights, between strike sympathizers and reserves in which bottles and flower, pots were' thrown . and ; the officers showered with exploding giant cannon crackers. 1 - Believed Precedent is Estab : lisKed for. Celebration of July I Fourth PORTLAND, July 3. The fir ing of a presidential- salute on the Fourth; of July by a'; British warship , la an American port is to be a feature here tomorrow of the celebration in honor of Presi dent Harding., Capt. Stanley L. Holbrook of HMS Curlew, which arrived here today 'for the cele bration, -conceived the Idea, and, It was at once accepted by the celebration t committee, The Cur lew's salute . will be fired while the , presidential, train is crossing the Willamette river bridge upon Its arrival. . The. Curlew lies; at anchor . directly, below the , bridge and 'will be in. full sight of the train. For a British man of war to celebrate the .Fourth - of July by saluting . the - president of the United; States is believed heret to be a precedent-setting project. Head of Social Science; De partment Tenders Resig I nation, to Board Prof. : C. N. Panunzio, for the past two years one of the faculty of Willamette university, has ten dered his resignation as head of the social science department of the university,! and the resigna tion has been formally accepted, so . that he is now, a free agent. He has not definitely decided as to what he shall do for the corn- Ing year, but he may go on with his studies at one of the higher universities, in California or in tho east,. . ami take . his doctor's degree;, Hs resignation .was ten dered In, a formal letter to the board of trustees, which by their request is not made public. Mr. Panunzio has been one of the leading exponents of - a closer business, social and personal con nection of the. university with the business and outside world, and he has, been in great demand as a lecturer on , social ? topics lie has written two books, "The Soiil of an Immigrant;" i the was born in Italy, and came to-America as a homeless lad) and "The Depor tation Cases of 1919-1920," that have been hailed as models for studyr and'- for political insight His... professional Jstanding Is. con sidered of the highest, and bis In fluence in Willamette has been of the best. President Doney said of him:! " ; . -" 1 : : ' "Willamette nnlversity I re luctant to lose his services as an instructor." He has represented a high type of scholarship, the finest industry, and has unusually Impressed himself upon students; faculty and community,- The uni versity will - appreciatively follow him, feeling confident .that large results will accrue- from his en deavors. Nevada Prohibition) Law v Held Unconstitutional RENO, Hev., July 3 The state supreme court at Carson City this afternoon declared uncbhstitution al the Whlteley act, the stater pro hibition enforcement ; law, passed at the last session of the state legislature. ' ' ; . - '". -;: r The decision Is based on the re lation of the title of the act to the contents. r .. toIlSodikg NTS A ilTNIJME IS IffiiLlff Would Like to Believe Story of the Pioneer r,!issicnary Whether It is True cr L'ct, He Declares. . CAYUSE INDIAN TRIBE MAKES OPEN COMPLAINT Chief Sumpkin Says Th'sy Are Unable-ta Adjust Affairs With Agent (Note: President Harding's Mea cham address. In full, - la glyea , on page -3.)' - MEACHAM, Or.V July 3 Pres ident Harding stopped, here today on his western trip to pay homage to the memory of the sturdy pior neers who founded Oregon and saved- to the nation 'the great northwest. 'The president in delivering hla address managed to avoid a con troversy which raged in Oregon for years and still Is occasionally stirred up. ; This dispute hinges about the question, of whether Marcus Whitman, the pioneer mis sionary, saved the Oregon cqnntry for 'the union by a plea to Presi dent Tyler; 'There are those in Oregon who say that he did, arid others, who declare that '.Whitman' had little or nothing: to do with. It. . - -. - T': i Aware of Controversy . Mr, Harding in his address for today, written before he left Washington, headed, straight into the controversy by relating the story. of.: Whitman's appearance before President Tyler. Newspa permen, knowing of the disputed nature, of the subject, got. word to the president of the danger fce might encQuhter, with the result that after , relating ' ttiV Whit incident In the course of his ad dress, he added: : "I have recited this story mind, ful of the fact that it is a subject ot; controversy. Wnether it It correct or not It is an insplratloa and should be handed down fro r.x generation to generation. TLa same is true of the stories of Paul; Revere'si , ride and of Barbara ruenie, notn or which have beea attacked' as' unfounded.' I do not like the iconoclast to com? alons; and take away' our finest stories. t like he story of, Whitman. It it' isn't true it. ought to be. Program Cut Short ' : At the conclusion of his address the president -Visited a. nearby 'Indian-village and then participated in the dedication of the Oregon Trail highway with the unvellin of a monument at.' Immigrant Springs near Meacham. It had been, planned, to leave Meacham about mid-afternoon, but ah lencth nf lh ntflfrim riAlavoA A parture for Portland where t j presidential party will spend tha' Fourth of July until late In the day.: . Even then several' events on the program had to be dlspecs-' ed with, JOIN- INDIAN TRD3JC ' MEACHAM. Or.. July 3 (By the Associated Press. ) President and Mrs. Harding today became full-fledged members of the Cay use tribe of Indians. The chief executive during his stay here today had noted on tbe official program as a "pow-wow with members : of the Umatilla, Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes. The Indians had put up thIr wigwams on the ' side of a hill and the president and Mrs. Hard ing at, ...the -conclusion- of tit speaking ceremonies, walked 'over there.' 'The visit turned out to be a" real pow-wow. - - Reply Pleases ' Cap Sumpkin, chief of the Cay uses and spokesman for all of the Indians, speaking through an in terpreter, made a long address to the president, declaring the Indi ans of Oregon were dissatisfied with the treatment they were get ing from the j government and were unable to adjust their trou bles with the resident . Indian agent. The . president,, replying, said the government desired to deal fairly with the Indians sni advised the chief to take his griev ances - up direct with the Indian commissioner in Washington. - The reply of the president erf- dently satisfied the Indians, c they, proceeded to make tin er Mrs. Harding members of the C.'; -nso tribe, presenting hfm with r, pair of gloves ; and her. Trl:?! ,