SQtdtiD SECTION PACES1 TOO Autos, Society, Clzbs, Gczztd U: - end ClzsrJisd BCTENTOTHtTtD YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1923 PRICE : FIVE dOT: BILE D TRACTOR 1 ; MOTORCYCLES ACCESSORIES! TRUCKS AN -BICYCLES I " I 'I I """"" I as 3 SB GREAT EKQ Gardner -Four. Beats Every thing in it's Class in Econ omy Run, SecondTime- - Averaging 28.8 miles to the fal len, r gasoline, and using but one pint or oil and two pints of water over the entire 3 6 0-mile trip, the Gardiner Pour won the first place W. Pettyjohn, local dealer. This la the second time within three years the Gardner, has won cup in it class 2-E In the seventh annual; Los Angeles Yosemite Val ley Economy Ron, according to information just received by P. the classic The car was piloted by A..S. Robers, the same driver who won; the event in 1921. Not only this, batj the Gardner toot fourth in the grand sweepstakes for all classes,- being the lowest prieed .car to .' place. The car averaged 49.92 ton miles per gal lon of gasoline. '. Ton mileage Is determined by multiplying the gross weight of the: car in tons by the number of miles traveled and diViding by the , number of gallons of gasoline consumed. v ' The country through which the contestants drove varies In ele vation from sea-level to 6899 feet. Including as it ' does some of the most tortuous climbs in the coun try, the , route is ? well chosen, to test the - stamina, flexibility and power of a car as well as its econ omy of operation. - Many of the hills ' are 15 miles long and are 1 mJCt C-T-C Tires Conscrrc The Car . 30 tower Inflation 6 be able to safety carry 30 lower inflation in CTC I - Cor4 than so long insisted upon. i ior ordinary cord tires is the fnosf , etrildn proof of the treat quality - ,' k these cords. : ' ! ' - It is also the most striking featvre of enriceabOity rrer afforded, for - tower ifltLtiod witkotit injury means4 ; twring in tirs costs, saving in car up- s ktpr and greater ridm comfort. C-T-C Cord ars mors powerful, 'more 5 durable at a result of better materials and the highest skiU ia hand-workman- v . . ship. v y , - j . - CohunMai Tire Corp Tactory ' Branca,'. Carl IS. Haltanberg. Branca ftgt 71 Gmrt Bt . BzalU ft WatUaa, radaral Tlia Scrrlc Tick Broa. Ira rreaaen. Otasr IHalars taroasaont Conn try. Columbia Tire Corporation . Portland, Oregon. ; '-. 4 1 : mmmm- if m lit I "Acro'Alileo Pop Car Ulcliamara's ---vXir3-foz-t::-' fMM :. Trips EI BEWAIIE OP MI SINFOR3I ATION To those contemplating a long cross-country: tour .this summer, there are - sereral rery Important subjects in connection; with pre paring the ear, that ; were pur posely omitted i from our; spring house-cleaning series. .. These will be covered in" the near future, Since the first thing a prospec tive tourist thinks of is route in formation, we will deal with that immediately. j : Above all, do not gain a false imprsslon - of road conditlofis. It Is perfectly, natural that the spon sors of various trails across con tlnent 'will exaggerate the 'desir able condition of their respective routes. However, . every man experiences, and, If he is told ' through newspapers - and maga zlnes that a certain route is im proved. throughout its length, and selects a particular route on the strength of this Information, , he is a dissatisfied customer. If prom ises are , not fulfilled: ' Recently ah article came .to my attention In the automobile sec tion of a Sunday newspaper. It was dated Washington; April 21, discussing Improvement along the Lincoln highway. The heading in large black type read: ' '"The Lincoln" Highway 90 , per cent paved." Having crossed the Lin coln highway last eummer, I knew this statement : was false. However, since I acted as polit onthe first path-finding tour 'for 12 to 29 per cent grades. ,; ;j Starting in front of the- Los Angeles" Automobile club, where all cars were carefully checked by judges, the road leads to Fresno, then . winds up thruoghHerndon and ' Madera, through Raymond, 1000 feet higher. Grub gulch, at an altitude of 2600' feet, passes Miami ' lodge at" an elevation of 4000 feet, on through Fish Camp and "Wawona, passes the Big Trees and up the steep pitch to China quapln,' 6250 feet, and-then down into Camo Curry In the Yosemite I valley1, the end of the trip." ' jjif iS Coupe Two $1390 ' 1 I i s Qnallty-bttflt Aroughoult. Stee7tjaAefIed body. ' i, V permanent welded bcantifally finished. Wide, - ' , ' I 1 i 1 " "dtriskm windows. Two large storage compart- i'j ' i H f 1 1 1 ( r meats. Rcar-Tiew mirror. Windshield cleaner. Ofllllllll f '! i! Hi , . . Snnbbers. Vlecv. Nc-akki cotd ttrcs. ' &mptt' CM IIHIMI I I I . . - B E II 1 1 1 I r- ..mi : I I li t 1 VHir Uritrnrnt l I irniterL I I i i ' j. - ; r 1 1 ilili Hill f Order Your Coupe NOW Our Allotment IslJmiied Toa cam still get reasonably prompt delivery on this Conoe f rwm .if. -1 -r- .. wr iwo cry puling your orocT DOw, ror orny lies you Clrr still get a car that U without serious competition in. its field. A car of inrmllf qnaliry and of Hlgnlfl pppnn tTi at will ; worthily feprcscrit you upon any occasion A car with astx cylinder engine' carrying a 15,000 mile performance guar antee. A car that has won the most important national Econ omy, and Endurance contests. A car wherein quality and dependability are conclusively proved on the basis of "known mileage. You can purchase, this, or any other Oakland model, on Oakland's liberal Special Payment Plan. Km4sU till TwariBf Oar $1190 Sport Roads' r 1350 port Toor's S1370 C ft fire l60 Sedmn 1765 AU prices f. . b. Salem. Oregoa VICK BROTHERS HIGH HT. AT TRADE CO It, 'ill the sponsors of the Lincoln high way In the summer of 1913, when a group of prominent citi zens from the If oosier stale preached good roads and pioneer ed the Lincoln highway name )n the small and large hamlets on the first route proposed from Indi ana to California, I am therefore keenly interested In acOritie along the present route. I read ' the entire article in question, as any ' prospective tourist might and found the "true" meaning of the heading was in the last, par agraph, which read in substance. "90 percent from New York City to 45 miles west of the Mississip pi RiTer." To car owners in our great farming states of the west and south, there is little to be said concerning dirt roads, except vote for pared and gravel surfaced roads, when yon get a chance. Thy will more than pay in the long run. However, to the tour let accustomed ; only Col city streets- or those living in Calif ornia and east where countless miles of improved roads ; prevail, a new thrill is in store tor them when meeting with a sudden Slimmer ' shower on a ; perfectly crowned dirt road, or when cross ing some of the dirt' and adobs flats in the desert valleys, j.-. .- Road conditions might . be summed up briefly as follows tor trans-continental ! touring: : From Atlantic ports north of the Carolinas on the Lincoln high- early spring tours. Therefore, re member that on . the. northwest routes you can get through earlier on the Spokane to Portland route, and from Salt Lake City on the Gold field ,and Las Vegas routes, while the : routes through , New Mexico and Arizona are pretty much all year routes. After several,' more articles on cross-country and ; trans-continental touring -we will' discuss short ily trips. vacation jaunts and week end and family, trips, i l i ! . ; For the Owners. Scrapbook. - Last week-i-Bejforei starting on tours clean your "fuel Bystem.- Next week A sirbject of spe cial importance. ' (Copyright 1923 by The Christy Walsh! Syndicate. ) OUTPUT RECORD ISESMIffl STUOEBiKEB IS ' VERY POPULAR Big Shipment of Light Sixes Leaves Plant for Delivery to Eastern Dealer ker Light-Sir," according to the Marion Automobile company, local Studebaker dealer; - ' ( "To the majority of . these pur chasers, price 1 is a secondary con sideration. They demand a qual ity motor , car rugged 1 construc tion, dependability, reliable per formance, - thorough comfort: and handsome appearance. ' I -"The . territory covered by t!. Newark dealers includes many c the fashionable suburbs' of Ic York . city, I Thousands of Nc York business; men : make the! homes just across the' Hudso river Sin the New Jersey suburl which' constitute one of the mcs ( Continued on page 5) Ii , Establishing the greatest out put record in its history ,,the Ook land plant of the; Chevrolet Mo tot company on Tuesday, June 26, shipped to Chevrolet dealers 373 passenger automobiles. , Shipments from ; the- big Oak land factory Were "made 'both byi rail and a series of big dealers drlve-aways. ' The rail j shipment during his one day, included 75 solid carloads of passenger cars going to the various dealer organ izations throughout the entire Pa cific coast region, i y h . A notable feature was the j bis dealers v drlve-aways ' of closed models. Daring the ; period from 9 a. m. until 5:30 p. m.. 7 closed models; inclu,ding sedans,, sedan ettes and utility coupes were driT en away from, the plant, by dealers wt 'ahri Mntfnnal orf Trtftitt - the coast territory. .'Another the tourists will find good paved roads with few exceptions to Clin ton and Daren port, Iowa, on the former route, and to St. Louis, Mr. on the latter route. Also many optional routes can be taken' east ofChicago and "Cleveland; for In stance. Boston to Albany, Buffalo, then through Canada and Detroit to Chicago, or from Buffalo to Cleveland and Toledo west. Other popular and desirable routes are New York to Albany, Buffalo and thfr-west, or .New York via Elmira and Binghampton to Buffalo. Tourists from northern Atlantic ports can Jog down to southern California routes on good paved roads In Illinois from Chicago to St. Louis and from Cleveland and Toledo 1 via . Indianapolis to reach the Old National road. Tourists from southern Atlan tic ports; Florida, Georgia and Carolina ' can take the short cut via: New Orleans. However, the roads will not average up as good as northern routes east of Texas. From Chicago and Mississippi river diverging points to the Rocky Mountains, the j principal trans-continental trails' average up about the same, except in the case of the Lincoln highway across unusual feature of this day's big business was the fact that of the total shipments for this day. 165 sedans . and '4 2 utility coupes Were included.- : . : ; il ' . " -! The increasing pohiarity of flrtKoA ' rari was? rnnrliiLtlvplv df.m- onstrated by the grpaif percentage of closed models; included -In the carload shipments (from; the fac tory, and another evidence' of the widespread and ' jincreasing de mand for' closid models' is to he found In the facUthat fall of th ariYe-awars uom met uaKiana plant were elbsed models ; While-, this ; one day's shipment of automobiles established a new record . in ' production and ship ment, for the Chevrolet plant at Oakland, the demand for this pop ular priced," fully equipped auto mobile his grown far In advance of the manufacturing facilities. The Chevrolet Motor company is operating a number, of extensive plants at full capacity and hare recently erected three additional factories In easterns-cities; f still, the demand for Chevrolet is' far In eTtcess Of the supply all over the United States. ; - Out here In, the Pacific coast territory all Chevrolet dealers are A solid" trainload of Studebaker cars, consisting of 120 Light-Sixes has just been shipped from the big Studebaker factories at South Bend, Ind., to the Studebaker j Sales company of Newark, N. T. , This shipment is unusual in two respects. First, the entire 120 cars have been sold at retail and will be delivered to waiting buy ers just as soon as unloaded. And second, It is believed It represents the largest shipment to one deal er .of a single model of car' In the $1,000 class ever made by a man ufacturer. ' ' This gives fresh evidence of the Insistent demand for jthe Stude baker Light-Six that exists in the metropolitan district pt the east jn,st as it does throughout the country. , J "It is not surprising that these experienced - metropolitan motor carl: buyers ; should create s. tre mendous demand, for the Stadeba- i-. XT NOWS THE TIME TO f "BUY A We have all sizes at a price for. every pocket-book. Parts and Repairs BI LLOYD E. RAMSDEN '; 387 COURT avnapjanlii - o cV-o a rlnol r9 I f?. Iowa; which has :n.;ltui5ta' securing sufticieht5 cars the other routes, approximately . , tyn t 100 miles of gravel and some hard surface stretches. The : other route through Iowa compares very farorable with some grarel and parement and good graded -dirt roads. The trails from Chicago to Min neapolis and the northwest are desirable routes..lf Seattle and Portland is your destination. How ever, tor eariy summer touring. Snoqualtnie pass, through the Cas cade mountains, west of Spokane, is usually under snow until after the middle of Jane. Tourists can reach Seattle earlier via Portland route from Spokane. ' .The Uncoln highway from Reno to San Francisco was not. open until the last week in July last tour itnn writer ua.ii m riuo a huge snowdrift to get through on June 23, 122.) However, 'the coast can be ' reached by touring via Ely, Tonopah and Goldfleld. Nevada, west of Salt Lake City, For early summer touring tourists should follow, the Santa Fo trail west of Kansas City or the El Paso route. The former is a good graded trail throughout its length, witn very few excep tions, and easy grades through the mountains. r: Consider the above Information thoroughly before tqurlng too jar west in the early summer. I hive met tourists waiting weeks for roads to open orer the Sierra Ne vada mountains at Reno, on the east slope, and Coirax, Cat. on the west slope;, and I personally have had to detour several hundred Rilea J2 5?4 ftiouog'lhis pass on. to supply the demand j and In many, instances .dealers have, or ders! booked for frim . 60 to ' 90 days in advance Of the manufac turing schedule. J ' BICYCLE1 TIME Is here-fiet thajt old wheel In condition now Buy new tires at our special bargain priCQ8 I v Guaranteed; TiresT T-:'-::;(:Sl.75 , ' And Up Hairy W. Scott "The Cycle Wan" 147 Sot Com'l St. !.STyjlS BKEi 1 aZatBtlm 'JyniMm:9' ! (Hma&. 4. AS. Detroit, wtmvr H BSg. thepecil-gxd 1 earrk!cPttnigrli.fiKtiuitteahjiCua j Vast Resources Make Possible High Value at Low Price in Sttidebaker UghuSix Stadebaker's vaatt resources are tttaircd to rjoana faeture (not assemble) the Ligbt-Six compJete in the newest and nust modern la in the world. 6'- The Corporation's resxmrcea, consisting of $8S,(X)0r000 of actual net assets, fnrfrtdrng $45,0, 000 of plants make ft pftesibie for Stadebaker to oEer a six-cyfinder car, a less than $100, that is emphatically superior in yiesign, construction, per-.: . formance, comfort and dependability,' to any car within hundreds of dollars of its price. , By complete marxefacture, Studebaker not only -guards the quaty of each part, but saves the mid dlemen's profits, with the result that no other make . of car ever boSt, by anyone, at any price, represents so great a cksOar-for-doZter value as the Light-Six. Evidence of its mechanical superiority is found in its practical freedom from vibration. This is accom plished by the perfect balance of the motor. Perfect ' balance! is obtained largely through the complete machiacng of aQ surfaces of the crankshaft and . connecting rods. This requires 61 precision oper- ations. ' '' -.,- 'j . . This method is followed exclusively by Studebaker I on canvat this price. In fact, very few other cars have this; feature, and their prices are from three . toten times as great as that of the Light-Six. . It is significant, therefore, that the sale of more than 80,000 Studebaker cars during the first six months of this year broke all records. Bayers are justified in expecting more for their money in a Studebaker than in any other car. . . Power !to Satisfyithe Most Exacting Owner MODELS SPECIAL-SIX S-Fm; 119" W. B. 50 H. P. "Tocrins ..".-$1525 Koad&ter I (2-Paxs.) ..1495 Coup 5-Pass.) Sedan ........ AND PIlICB-f. o. b.. Salem LIGHT SIX H - BIQ-HIX 5-Pm, JI8" W. B ! 40 H. P. ronrin ..fll90 Koadntr ' : (3-Pas.) ,...ll'60 Cocp-Rnadster (J F.) 1450 3dB S2375 B. 2295 Terms to Meet rwnr Convenience 7-PaM . ias" w. 60 H. P. Toarinf . S2O40 9pedtfr (5-Pass.) ....92130 Coups . (S-Pasa.) $2935 Sod a a a. S355 1 Wit I I ' fjmilMryn. u tt ttaed cjctutiafete irthe NEW STTJDS3AJCBR PLAmS AX SOUTH m&jch arte cqofpmaitJar3cieafcnd cctnomacal mamxlacture. Tbe-Sofith IiicLriarxts square feet of floor pecc . i . They empoy . WjKf persons.. ' They ccgcn.t5ajCttL TheCoulih-Pepd Por? Ptaot cost $4jD05M5Ck. wtdch. akne is- more thaa the sota f mnm.it of magyt . - AuA&en there ant f TliciewfoandrieawL;! -wZlcost over $226,tZX Tbe pcwrT'sls uLIch . cost-$2C9,Cw Ju 4 - :Tbeassenitlycr Itfdz f 'ants which eo-1 $ SC- 3y COO, as w3 c: jsed rn4 epea body -yfarif-a, r- aiwpa,eB. ' EtadeJsak' , "ptarta,' ta cost and size. shc tLe-ct-9 cod largest of tlo wcell's sntxwobSe pbmts. Stndebakry itbefftd sti oug vstHamada? yrti8 1 laitoawbQe masaf .ctcrcra,' of the world. These facts saow wliy it is possible for Cltirtcba". t to produce the JLi " t-Cx.- trxiy leroarfcu.. a co.' tDooaand do&ara. In mcttudcar raJ doQar;of price the U. ; t BLx is ia a class by itscX No prospective bey er c f t jj automobile sbul i tt.-.lLs ea anything idiil j seen and dcivea - c2. ItisbackedbyacCTTo. ratiaa with SSSoa,cc j-cf sctnal netAxtets c&4 a 71 year repntstioa far- hoewsst product aad fair .dealnj. MARION AUTOMOBILE CO.' J .PHONE 362. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. : . -233 S. GOr.ri; T H I S I S A S T U D E B A K E U.JY B X Ha