The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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-Tim oheg
- ,.. ' '
I if " '. ."
Thief Visit Motorist ?' : f '
v ; Some time early Thursday night
ra thief stole a ; motor accessory
from the machine of Edward Hee
ban. $52 North Summer ? street
while it was narked near Miller's
- store, it was reported to the police
jresieruay morning: j . ; :?
Official Barffmln 'Store d r -- 1
Bona tide; values here. MiUera
I n Sheriff GeU New Doarder
fc l 2 j Lynn V." Davis began serving 20
days in the county Jail Thursday
night on a charge of driving his
J machine while he was in an Intox
icated condition. In addition to
the; jail sentence" Davis was fined
S 2 5 by Blaine V McCord Justice
i of .the peace ol the Woodburn dis-
triet, The prisoner was brought
,to Salem by Marshal. Covey.- .
picnickers ."Welcome , .
Parrisn Grove will be available
without charge for picnickers July
i-A - W ; A Harris.-. .A Ayr - '
Occidents are Tlepbrted ,
Helen Hunt,' 1137 Court street,
collided with a machine driven by
W. W. Powell, 354 .Kearney street
yesterday x morning, Both V cars
-ve're slightly damaged. M.'1 D;
Jackson. 1805 'Fairgrounds' road,
was passed by "another car which
cut in too Quickly, ' causing-, hiin
to hit a render,, reported to the
police. - -
. , - -
4-- : V-
"WOW Dance.
' : Saturday ntghtvrA.dv.
XewiXfft IUd Good v;
" Unless there should be a heavy
rain between now andiluiy 4, the
Corvallis-Newport highway, will be
I S In excellent condition .for Inde
pendence day' ; travelers to the
rcoaat resort,' according, to , State
lone o , Coryallls . FdM - se-Nom
f." Highway! Engineer- Roy A. Klein.
15 ISrJ Klein and Highway Commls?
i sioner, Mtlone'of Corvallls made
'' "a trip ta Newport'over the road
; Thursday. They found the road
'dry and fconstruction progressing.
V.The bad detour at Hayes hill, has
. been " ellm mated -by new construc
I tloiL. v ; J r- i S. . - S . : 4 ' r--
' Bargain Day Special -V
t.;, 850'Krell player piano, like
new, with rolls and, bench i325;
$10 down, $2.50 per week. Tali
ban Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St.
"rAdr. ....
-Peyton Gets License 1-. .
V, v Paul. Peyton has Jus been, !s
' sued : ai , government commercial
I first-class radio operators: license,
lie Is one ot the youngest. men ta
'receiver V tirst-class ; - commercJai
; - Of tha most beautiful and dur
able Chinese Grass and Reed fur
niture In our Forced to Vacate
; 1' I Sale. H. L. .Stiff Furn. Co. Adrl
' .Law Interpreted ' '--'
; Directors ot Bchool districts ot
the firat class- and of union bJgb
f school districts' are required by
law to submit detailed estimates
; i of the annual budget to the tax
Dr. C L. IliKHsfl
OsteopathUi Physlciaa and
i Svfgeoa
' S3 Oregon Bofl4In :
- : pnoaa SS?';. ,
For - Gifts That Last
DianumdsC "Watches, Jewelry
Phone 1235. Saiem, Oresom
; Salen Ambulance Service
" Day and Klsbt
! Phohb 663, -
. . 17 S. Liberty St. ,
. '-m ' ' Oregow ...
- Capital Junk
AH kiaii cf iistTand
second-hand icoods; We
pay full r&lae. .
215 Center, Street
Phcne 203 .
Estatnshedl8Sa " . ' -
( . ! Gtntrd Dr.!r!-g Dsze:i .
. Cfflra Ucura frcri 10 n. rn. to 3 p. ta; l.
Wff IN
supervising and conservation com
mission of their respective' coun
ties before October 1 according to
an-opfni8ttor "Attorney General
Van Winkle, in response to an
Inquiry' by J.! A. Churehillt state
superintendent of . schools. :. Thi
provisions' of the law, do not ap
ply to school districts In which the
question of voting a tax Is sub
mitted to the -electors for( their
approval or " rejection.
Buy Your Furniture '
This week. Will sell at low
prices rather than. move to the
warehouse, H, I Stiff. Adv. "
Perry dale Turned Down
" The Southern Pacific company
indicates In a! letter to the public
service commission that it will not
accede to a petition to the people
of Perrydale, Polk county, to re
store a daily; passenger, express
and mall train to that place. The
daily service, wap discontinued May
10 last because jpf shortage of bus
iness there.. At present a mixed
train stops at Perrydale several
limes ,a week; n
Flashlight Batteri
'And." -electric Irons at Lock
wood's. , New location 247 North
Commercial St. Phone 866.
Adv.'--;., ,";;" m
Fatalitlee Reported v- t
put of a total of 751 industrial
casualties reported to the state in
dustrial ' accident commission for
the week ending June 28.' the fol
lowing iwere fatal; Frank Weav
er, Salem, ' laborer; j G. Gardipe,
Gates, laborer;; George C, Smiley,
Eldorado Springs, M04 4 snb-f ore
man; W, B. Beard. Grants Pass,
laborer; E. .Burt Brighton; la
borer; - Herman -- Zimmerman,
Homestead; miner; AT, Vanstrom,
Cascade Locks tucker. ' , Of the
total number of laccidents report
ed 700were subject to the work
men's compensation; act, 35 were
from firms and corporations not
having - come under the act, and
i6 were from public utility cor
porations not subject to the act.
Last Dance ai ftchmJedecke'a
; Barn.. Saturday night. Silver-ton-Salem
.road. Adv.
Bay City Proteeta, H -
The town of Bay city ana tne
Commercial ! club of that town
Thar filed with the Dublic service
commission a .protest against an
Increase la rates by the Bay City
Water .company. -.-. . ,
Miller's Beauty S1mp -
Specializes in hair bobbing.
Phone 404 tAdv.
Cara Plentllul ! V : h - ; ' '
The Southern Pacific company's
latest report to the public service
commission ; shows a surplus . 01
631 freight tears on- Its- lines in
Oregon. The Union Pacific re
ports no shortage. , :
Sons Shop's AnnlTersaT Sale ,
Everything reduced. Adr.
Dies at Hospital - ' .
Wright S. i Marks. J 4 3, died at
the state hospital for the insane
Thursdar nlghtl He was coni-
m It ted from Multnomah- county
Bargain Day Specials " , 1 . t
Electric appliances'. Two years
guarantee..!. Curllag Irons, $1.76.
Two elice toaster, S 2.9 5.,, Special
prices on electric tans. 1 Discount
on : electric fixtures. ! HALHCS
ELECTRIC SHOP, 337 Court St.
Adv.- TrTrSU:
Two Patlenta Escape 1
Two patients escaped from the
farm of the state hospital tor the
insane Thursday night. They were
John Johnson, colored, who was
committed from Multnomah coun
ty last January, and Charles Line
barger, who was committed from
Yamhill "county about Uwo weeks
ago, and ;who apparently has re
covered. ' Johnson Is about 130
years old and LInebarger about
rr.nt Wamm tTViTi
M. vv wmm
Flies and camp supplies at cut
prices, at ,Stlf rs Adv. - -V.
:i tr'i'J r .
lira. Fulkerson Taking Trip
"Mrs..Mary L Fulkersou, coun
ty school t superintendent, will
' trrsviitiwrf Bsaic BotMlBf X
Vkinm 59. Eh. 46M.
: Drl B. H. TTat4
OaUepstkU Tbytleiaa sad ttrgeoa v
- Xleetrsnie SUgaosls aa Trwaawat .
, , (St. AVrsau SUtaod.) ,
DUic. 11: sciiniK ;
Has MovedVto His News ,
. ; , Location- i
249 So. Cottcje Street
Phoie 11S3 . '-.
leave on the Shasta today for San
Francisco where she will attend
the National Education ; associa
tion convention. : She expects to
return to Salem about- July 8.
During' her absence routine work
will be' taken care of by Mrs. Cora
Held and W. H. Balllie.
Come tf Millers " a 1
Today. Our subway Is overflow
ing with bargains. Adv. "
AtX for Writ of Review ' ,
Declaring that several errors
had been made, IL F. Patton has
filed a petition for writ of review,
making Fred, J. Miller and Blaine
McCord, justice ot the peace for
the Woodburn district, as defen
dants In error. -
Community file at Lyons '
'F. N. Woodry, local auctioneer,
leaves today for Lyons where he
will conduct a large community
sale.- -5 ; ; v .; 1 - 5- -
A BCnm HnaltiAa Vam.:
Notice that G. L. Newton, Sa
lem and F. A. Williams, Spokane,
would engage in business under1
the assumed name of the Newton
Chevrolet company, was filed with
the county clerk yesterday. The
firm will conduct its' business at
227 North High street.
WOW Dance
Saturday night. -Adv.
Estato Appraised
Appraisement of the estate of
John A. Swanson has been com
pleted by August Huckestein.
Clyde Johnson' and ,H. S. Rad
cliffe. . :(. -
Doea This Interest Yon?
If you are looking for a Job, or
If you need to employ help, use the
city, free employment bureau at
the YMCA. Adv.
Bond Is Approved " -' 1
Bond of Theodore Bernards, ad
ministrator 'of the estate of Wil
liam Porter, has been accepted
and James Pf Feller, Frank Ber
nards and G. A. Cone named as
appraisers in an order signed by
Judge W, M. Bushey,.
Hose, Lawn Mowers
And garden tools at cut prices.
H. L. Stiff . Furniture Co. Forced
to Vacate Sale. Adr.
Mfirriage License Issued
' Again, but one marriage license
was issued by the county clerk's
office . Friday. . The - applicants
were John Gilmer, 332 North
Nineteenth street and' Clara Fel
ler, Turner, route 2.
Dr. Davis Bean . v if;.
; Will be a, phone 58F13 part of
the time out of office' hours.
Adv.; ;'
Wm Have Lights
. Burns, which has been without
electric lights,- is soon to have
them restored, according to a let
ter received by . the public service
commission ' from MI. M. Horton,
president of the Electric Light &
Power company of . Burns, which
Is In process of reorganisation.
Carnival of Furniture Bargains
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Forced
to Vacate Sale Adv.
Mayor Raises Boar V I - 1 i 1
The mayor of Maupin, on the
Deschutes river, has written a let
ter to the . public, service commis
sion complaining at a poor water
service furnished by the Maupin
Water company. The situation in
East Maupin Is particularly; bad.
the letter-says, and fire hazard is
serious because of low pressure.
The city and the water . company
are In a deadlock relative to the
service-' ;': . i ; : ' V
Song Shop's Anniversary Sale
. Everything . reduced. Adr.
Boater Bargain Shoe St
Offers for Saturday genuine
bargains on all . lines; no excep
tions. Come to he Buster Bar
gain Official Bargain Day Sales.
Oregon Trail Poem
The current numher of Oregon
Magazine. Murray -Wade's Salem
publication for all Oregon, con
tains a long, poetic story of the
Oregon Trail, written by W. T.
Rlgdon of Salem. 1 Mr. Rigdon
himself was really one of the orl
ainal Ore eon Trailers. He crossed
the plains Jto Oregon.! with his
parents, in 7850, and he rode In
an ox-wagon and saw buffalo and
bears and Indians and starvation
Funeral Notice
The funeral services for - the
late Sylvester "Walter will be held
this morning at 9 o clock from the
Webb funeral parlors. 'Interment
will be in the IOOF cemetery.
Leading Fcacral .
: Directors '
' Expert Embaliners
Rigdon & Son's
Unecjcaled Service
on that memorable journey. This
particular poetic story Is illustrat
ed by Murray Wade, with thumb
najl marginal line drawings of
Indian (camp , scenes, prospectors,
toiling oxen,' hayeaux hoop-sklrte
of the feminine world of that lime
and other stories that stand out
like bayonets or mountain peaks.
Will Return Here "'.,.' :.
A Loe Angeles merchant' who
came through Salem in, 1916 and
got his feet badly frosted by what
he saw here,- nevertheless Bet up
his courage to make another
business' trip into the northwest
and he' returned to Salem Thurs
day night, after seeing practically
the whole country north of Salem.
He Is quoted by a friend as say
ing that while business looked
like the yellow jaundice back In
1916, today Salem Is . the most
promising business location any
where in this corner of the United
States. He's seen them all. He
had an ' engagement back In ! Los
Angeles for Sunday morning, and
had to leave on the .10:30 train
Friday, morning, but the had a
real estate friend talking Salem
with him from' sun-up until train
time, and he met a man of the
business section of the city, and
said he would plckj out his place
and be back in a few weeks, to
stay. t :
Rail Game Sunday ' '
Oxford . park, 3 p. m. Wood
stock club,; of Portland, and 'Sa
lem Senators. -Adv.
Judge Brown to Speak
Justice George M. Brown of the
Oregon supreme -court Is to speak
Sunday night at 8 o'clock at : the
First Presbyterian" church on Hhe
general subject "The United States
and "the Permanent Court of : In
ternational Justice.": This Is the
world court: plan proposed - by
President Harding that he has put
forward as a , working plan for
adjudicating international prob
lems and . assuring the reign ot
peace and the abolition of war.
Justice Brown Is a careful student
ot legal matters, international as
well as 'local,: and . is held to be
one of, the' best authorities In the
northwest on ! such a subject as
this. -i s: '
Dreamland Rink . .
The - large and cool hall with
the smooth - floor where the
crowds go. Dance Saturday night
Dreamland orchestra; dance Tues-
Hv 'Tnlv 4 fibiaii nivliMtn rf
Portland; dance Wednesday, Jurf" SfS VJ' J'LSZ
4, Dreamland orchestra. - We aim,
to give best music. Adv.
Going to IMcnio i
Former Salem ' residents now
living In Portland will picnic at
Laurelhurst park. Jif K. r G1U of
Portland is president of the Port-
tand-Salem- association" and is in
charge of the day's plans. A brief
program and business meeting will
be followed by a' basket J supper.
Among those who wj.ll go from
Salem to attend the meeting are
Hal Patton, and Mr. and - Mrs.
Joseph H. Albert.
Ready for Picnic Parties-
Camp Santiam, Jefferson,.
Adv. '
Having Good Time-
Otto Busch, member of Salem
lodge No. 336, BPO Elks, Is now
enjoying himself In his old home
in Germany, says a letter to Sec
retary Harry- Wiedmer of -the Elks
lodge. Mr. Busch reports an en
joyable trip across the Atlantic
Bargain Day' Special ' :(
Wheelock piano, worth: $800 -
one of those rare old pianos that
are so highly appreciated by those
who are al Judge of tone. Only
$165 35 down, $1.50 per week.
Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th
St. Adv. -. i
Runaway Boys Wanted
. Police were notified last night
from Portland to be on the look
out for' two runaway boys, each 13
years old, who .were believed to
be beating their way southward.
One ot the lads. Willard Norton,
stole .$30 before leaving the city.
He has as a traveling: companion
an Italian boy, Tony Mariganl.
Both the boys were wearing blue
shirts .while the Italian had on
a light cap and tan shoes.
Legal Blanks :t..; ;:: -,y?:?
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on 1 application
Automobile Is Stole:
C. MI " Roberts. 1015 Shipping
street, 'reported to the police yes
terday that his Chevrolet road
ster, with a delivery body, had
been stolen, from. In front of the
Willamette Grocery company on
south High street Thursday night.
Police' In Portland. Roseburg
and Eugene were notified; but at a
late hour last night no report had
been received ot the ( stolen ma
chine. ,.",'--' , '
Well Furnished Flat tor Rent
Modern; first floor;; large five
rooms..'.' Immediate . possession;
$45 a month, at 666, Ferry street.
CalJ at Statesman business office,
or phone 23. - x- : : - ' -
Children's Picnic Today
Today the Salvation army-Elks
children's picnic will be held at
the state fair grounds. The street
car that carries the 1 0 0 or more
children, is to leave the barracks
at 9:3P, and will return, leaving
the " grounds at 5 o'clock. 'The
picnickers . will he In charge of
Captain A. - M. Holbrook, who is
carrying out the - program made
possible . by the generosity of the
Elks' lodge, .under the especial
direction of,- Fred Erlxon, : of the
Elks social committee. The chil
dren are to have Ice cream, lemon
ade, plain eats, and a supervised
A. Classified Ad'
Will bring you a buyer Adv.
Scout Bulletin Out ...
The first number of "The Scout
Bulletin," .a mimeographed news
paper issued by the Salem Boy
Scouts, , made its appearance Fri
day, It, is a foiir-page publica
tion, edited by Scout. Executive
Howard Zlnser, and contains much
information" of Interest and value
to those who care for scouts and
scouting. It covers . the Scout
news for a number, of weeks past,
but hereafter will be kept closer
up to date. . One ot thb important
matters discussed ishe announce
ment of the annuaFcamp at CAs
cadia, where 1 00 boys are expect
ed to take part in an outing. This
Camp Cascascan is one of the most
delightful outdoor enterprises ever
carried on In the state, according
to those whq have visited it and
others and are able to judge by
comparison. mi year the camp
will be held during the month off
Loans I Loans! Loans!
- See Gl' W. Laflar 410
Bldg, Phone 54 6. Adv. ;
f l-V
Club Members At Dallas
A number of Salem Rose Croix
club members attended a session
of the lodge at Dallas Thursday
hiight. About 150 members in all
were present from Salem, Silver
ton, Independence, Monmouth and
Woodburn. Oscar Hayter ,waa the
chairman, and he and Dr. Butler
of the Oregon State normal school
at Monmouth, were - . among - the
principal , speakers. . , Music was
furnished by Salem musicians,
Miss Iva Claire Love giving some
fine violin ' numbers, and Miss
Lucille Ross accompanying her' at
the piano, and appearing also In
solo numbers. The next' session
of the affiliated Rose Croix clubs
will be at Silverton in July.
Xesmith Deputy Sheriff
Linn. W. Nesmith, well known
In Salem and throughout .the Wil
lamette valley, is now; a deputy
sheriff .of Klamath county and is
manager- of the employment de
partment of the Pelican Bay Lum
ber company, according to a let
ter received from Mr. Nesmith hy
Elks" lddge In Salem. Nesmith
Is a member of the Salem lodge
and his. home is now in Klamath
'I' "Had 1 stomach trouble three
years' and finally was in bed eight
weeks " with : terrible ' cramps,"
writes A. L. Lyons, Dayton, Ohio.
"The doctor did' not help, and I
could hold nothing on my stom
ach. Tried Foley's Cathartic Tab
lets and now am a well man. Can
eat anything." Sour stomach,
headache, bad breath, bllliousness
and other digestive disorders
quickly overcome . with Foley Ca
thartic Tablets. -Do not gripe,
pain - or nauseate. Sold every
where. Adv.
C ierle Ivie. of the. county clerk's
office, is enjoying a few days va
catiOn.. He -will return to his
duties Monday. S " ' 1
' Manager Olin.-of the Hammond
Lumber companny of Mill Citj
was in the .-'city yesterday. .
Mrs. Hattle Jackson spent
Thursday in Oregon City on . bus
iness for -the county court. She
took two children to the-Waverly
home. j ,!.-
Mr; and Mrs. W. M. Smith will
leave this evening for San Fran
cisco to attend the National Edu
cation association convention. Mr.
Smith is assistant state superin
tendent of schools." 1
. Fred DodsOn," member of the
Oregon Ian staff, is In Salem to re
lieveW. A. Pettit, who will take
a vacation Of two weeks.
Robbin Fisher, a student of the
Portland Medical school, will
spend the summer in ' Pomona.
Cal., with his brother Dr. W. L.
8ha i 'a wins lMracwif and tti (
- hac foand oat that our bread U
at good as any ah tan bale her
" elf at horns, if not better. , The
children and rybody t bono i
prefer oar bread to any other kind,
s and 'aba ronaldera it hr duty ta
' plaaae them. That fa why w sail
. hnndreda ot oar oaraa. - '
! ' "Alvaya a bU better" iv,
170) -N. Com'l St. Phone 808
I r
Fisher,; He' will assist ' his brother
j Mrs.. W. H. Byrd returned from
La two mont&s visit in the east.
Dr. Byrd met her in Portland. '
- D. . M. -Brown, trafHc officer
from Grants Pass, Is In Salem. "
Represehtatrve Hawley
Addresses Lions' Club
' Congressman : V '.- C.y Hawley
made a notable speech before the
Lions' .club Friday noon, telling
some of the achievements and the
problems of the- national govern
ments ' He outlined some of the
costs! of carrying on a nation,
with $ 2,0 00.0 0 0,00 0 for al I sorts
of war claims, pensions,-Interest
on war debts, hospitalization" and
othr military xpenses, and only
$1,600,000,000 for all. other ex
penses.' The country-is spending
almost exactly -twice as much for
luxuries as all this other national
expense, or $3,200,000,000 ; for
"good times" that could be spared
if necessary. , " . , - - - ;:
Miss Florence Shirley, pianist,
and Mies Trista , Wenger, , singer.
with Carl Wenger as piona accom
panist, entertained . the club with
some pleasing musical numbers.
Gerlinger Not Guilty of , ;
Infringement on Patent
. DALLAS, or., rune 29. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) ' ..Carl
Gerlinger, one of Dallas promi
nent business men, was given a
judgment of not' guilty In-federal
Judge Wolver ton's court this week
Adder and Lister
: $100
F. O. B. Chicago
Call or Write for Circular
. . .Describing.
Don't Boy Till Vou See It.
247, North Commercial ,
v " Phone' 866 '
The Store today looks a little disarranged 'quite unlike the usual
. We will work tonight and get our stocks in order again, replcnisli
the bargain tables and be already! Saturday morning fcr aus&cr
day of .
We will not have everything that was advertised yesterday but
we will have other bargains and if necessary, go into our reuLr
.stocks. IVrS- '.v;''':V-C'.':m?.;-, - d.K;,:'n , '.r :r:
. -
j in a case instituted agaiast bin
by W S."Overlin for the allege 1
Infringement on a patent. ' X'
Mr.- Gerlinger Is the designer
and manufacturer; of . a lumber
carrier known " as ' the Gerlinger
Lumber Carrier,' and which has re
volutionized labor in. the saw-mill
yards ot . the . Pacific . northwest.
The machine : is : manufactured by
the Dallas Machine &. Locomotive
works of which Mr.- Gerlinger Is
the manager1 and heaviest stock
holder. Mr. OverIin, is ilao In
ventor' and manufacturer of a ma
chine eimikir in" many respects to
the. Qerlinger machine, but the!
decision of the court : was "that no I
a, . .1 s J: 4 ., "rw
AND put a new TorringtonElcctric Clean ;
JLJL ; ' in your home at once in the b2rr'in.
All you have to do is to turn in thiat c!d cbcc!:t2 )
sweeper that isn't doing you a bit of good, end
The Torrington Company will allow you $5
tor it to warn
No cxnditions, no strings,' no obllsa
tions. Your Torrington is delivered at'
once all ready to go to , work. You
have 1 2 months to pay for it, and it wd
be taking the dust and drudgery out
of housecleaning every day of every
month for years after it's paid for..
The Torrington Electric. Cleaner- is '
'the most faithful servant that -ever '
entered the home."1 - : : r K v: i
... vBut act quickly ThisAjfTer is txscesszzilf Un!: : 2 ,
1 -Come in today or-mczl tlis caz:':z::.
232 N. Liberty St.. Salem, Oregon:
Without any obligation on my part I would like a
Free Demonstration of The Torrington- Electr';
Cleaner and a copy of your book gi vis g 101 uses f;r
the Torrington Cleaner. ?V "
, Name . , ... , .......
'The Torrington Company "V- Ztt&Z&l It .
222 North Liberty St.
Shipley Annual
Gpociol Gotuirdoy
Linen Voile Dresses
- . .Co;:'
Where It Pays to "Pay c You
ratent ; -"was lafrJ.-;
chine. In addition to t- :;
Ing of an Injunctlop afalntt t
local company, Mr. Overlin es.:
for :$90.000 damages. . .
Bargain Day SpcchI
$850 Krell player r4-'
Llike new; With ro!i hm.i
bench. $325 $16 dj.n,
$2.0 per week.
1 VS'X 395 S. 12th St.
... .
.... . . . -j
it'. . .
and Supply Co.
99 :
1 V