The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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Special Entertainment to Be
Put on at Lone Oak
Track July 4
r he stage is get fori the 7blg
Fourth of'Jnly automobile races
at the BUte fair ground and fall
is in readiness (or the word 6 the
oiuciai starter. .,
. The schedule of events has been
completed, advance tickets ' are
moving rapidly at the various
places where they are on sale, and
most of the entrants are in with
their positions allotted, and" all
la waiting for the arrival of July
Fourth. -v;,
Special cars ' and- their drivers
are here listed: -
Templar Special, Brownie, Se-
j Lue Special, Ray JLbst, Salem
Pike's Peak Speelal. Harry
- Crane, Salem. :
Spark Plug Special, Ira Cook,
Silverton; owned by B. Google. ;
-. Oakland Special, unknown. .
Cowan's Special. Go waft, Port
land. .
, Lockwood Special, Reddle, Rose
berg, v.
McDonald Special. McfSLlee, of
Portland." . v
Essex; Walker. Med ford.
Dodge' racer, Chet Haulk, Med
. . Goody Special, Goody, Medford.
- viaxwell racer unknown. -:
Maxwell. Special, Affejt. -
Portland Racer, unknown, Port
land. ' .::" . . - '-
Etockr cars which have -been en
tered and their drivers are as fol
lows: V ' -'''-'"",
rtudebaker. Smith. Salem.
ITssex, Cowan, Portland. :
Jewett, unknown.
KedTBird Overland. VIck Bros.,
Calem. . '
The motorcycle event has been
sanctioned by the il. and W. T. A.
The riders and machines so far
Mill be: tvt' -
Cecil Brown' wlttf a Harley" Da
has the urban ; community. .The
farmers have seen where their in
terest lay and 1 have been t more
prompt and energetic, in adopting
effective measures "- to promote
them, than the people of the city
andn town have been. There is
need to ave 'working'. and practi
cal cooperative j- associations of
producers in the country and at
the same time to have equally ef
fective cooperation; among the
consuming communities' of the
cities and towns; and, finally, to
link these two sets of cooperators
together In a coordination formu
la. t -.,;';.
"I believe it Is possible and de
sirable that systems of credit and
finance should be developed, un
der public auspices, -to encourage
both these, kinds of cooperation;
and to draw them together into
a harmonious working scheme of
widespread distribution at the
lowest possible expense. -
Aids to Citizenship
"The aim and object of our pol
icy must. be. the establishment and
maintenance of ' Independent and
self respecting reliant? and7 Indus
trious, intelligent and self ' help
ful American citizenship. We
must seek to encourage thrift, to
promote saving to make the Am
erican home the headquarters : of
an ever broadening- culture,- a
larger understanding of the Com
plex problems of our times' and
of a determined aspiration for the
full measure of economic and so
cial justice.'
Paul Ramaley. Harley Davld
f on;. Portland. ( Vt - --"-
3. R. Vail, Excelsior, Portland.;
Yala Smith, Indian, . Eugene, j
r:;il Davis. Jlarley Davidson,
IJImer Smith, Indian,-Eugene.
IMll Crane, Harley Davidson, Sa-
l.-i.- -.;.-,
-T'.idses named are Tuttle, George
Ci u'fith, George Vick. Dickinson
: -i.l Davis and O. p. Gingrich,
! : keepers, and Frank- Watkins
:ir been named referee. . ' !
Immediately before the races
- ' a there will be parade; of ;
: cars on the track, and it Is
Z ?cted that Portland, Salem, Eu-
c-a, i and "other", nearby dealers
t.T,l owners will enter. -Vocal se-;
: :tl:"i bjr Biddy Bishop and oth
er s w tU be presented," asa HghCer
I It c ! entertainment.
(.Continued from p$Z J
a v olation of international law
!i l;rbidding foreign Teasels t to
Ixl: z liquor within . lu waters.
Tli 3 , first Is that foreigners trad-I-S
with ' a country must; comply
' its laws; the second Is that
vt ry sovereign. Independent state
: t j preme over al - persona- and
: rc arty within 1U dominions, in
i!u Ins ships fa It? territorial
rs." ; .- 1
I'nstiCse Good Sense ::'y
"That is the ) strict Interpreta
tloi of the law.bat there are
cii r considerations ' of .scarcely
: : ;ior validity and Importance.
' L j principles, to, whlcb I bT9
rtr rred cannot be. pushed-to pfr
trc es, but must be applied with
: ration-. and . good ; sense.. ;r A
! j Is a traveling Itxnlt, passing
fit i one state to another, and
t! :.efore cannot (escape -the ne
:ty of .complying with i other
: : l systems which majr. not be
latent witb the law of the pari
i:: !ar country itt happens to, be
! :t!ng. Furthermore, It la nnl
: ally : recognized that ahip
; . 5 a particularly close relation
to the state whose flag she
, gud on- many, mitifera it Is
rs,ny eoavenient that all gov
: lents should recognise the law
: t be flag state a paramount.
I ;-; net result of Ibis" has been
. ;,i on many matters the practice
i grown np that a state should
t exact compliance wits its own
even, though a ship is within
3 waters, but leave such ques
1:3 to be regulated by the law
I he flag state.
&ezl Ereaklnsf Ignored .
"This, however. Is lnternation
! ract ice. rather-than Interna
il law, and Wccordingly ; de
are from It means a breach
t of internatiohal - law but of
comity of nations. Tins, if a
33 acts nnreasonably toward
: !;'7s of otbey nations the lat
. rzz j retaliate." " ; . ":
1 :i irln g to the breaking of
British customs' seals. Lord
tea explained that the seals
j not sacrosatiet ; outside of
' "1 waters, and ia general "re
. J the recent statement made
? prime . minister, . Stanley
la, which was t? the effect
t! :re was no groundlof a
th!j score "i and ' that
rriizln recosnized Ameri-
r; -; tt3"fcalSl3
One of the largest if not the
largest of audiences that' have
beard' thar president give an ob
servation platlortn addressyHtBtfcr.
ed to the chief executive here, ,
Two Addressed Today .i
Governor Moore Introduced the
president here as f at v Pocatello
earlier in -the i dayv The t goverr
nor'si Introductory address at Po
catello bad been a matter of com
ment among, some members: of the':
party - enroot - here and he- told
the president of the course of his;
remarks that wo; (the people of
Idaho) aro with yon Intyoaf re?
fsal to recognize foreign nations
until they recognize: right from
wrong., ;t This declaration was In
terpreted by some . aa having re
ference to Rnssia and In that con
nection Senator) Borah's advocacy
of the Russian recognition 'was
recalled. ,; "J- :
The president anad Mrs. Hard
ing were' kept, busy during their
three hour stay here, one of the
features of their visit an Inspec
tion trip to a new Irrigation pro
ject. The . presidential train left
soon . after , six o'clock for Mon
tana, wbere tomorrow the -president
will make, two addresses, one
at Putte and the other at Helena.
vlded man understands Him and
the availability, and application of
His power.
Was not this the thought of tha
Psalmist when he .sang: "If I
ascend up Into heaven, thou art
there; if I make my bed in hell,
bebold. thou art there. If I take
the ..wings of the morning. and
dwell ' in the uttermost parts of
the ' sea; Even there shall thy
hand lead me, and thy right hand
shall hold me." (Psalms 139). '
There is ? no problem; no. con-
dition, that can come to
God's power is ever available for
If satisfactory solution.- t
Continning this same thought
of the multiplication table, aajcra
schoolboy how long be thinks
eight times eight have been 64.
and ten times ten 100. Doubtless
his answer will be "always-" How
long he thinks it will remain so?
Answer -"always." : And 'that is
correct. As idea of Principle does
not" change, so the multiplication
Jable, as idea of the principle of
Mathematics can " neyer change!
Principle does not change nor
does its idea or image. Likewise
d)vine Principle is eternal, in
violable, unchanging, always op
erating. Principle ' Is not moved
by the breath of praise j or flat
tery, or by entreaty or threat. In
the thought of God being ; Prin
ciple, Christian Scientists have
gotten away from the 'old belief,
that God Interferes in the affairs
Of men because they are asking
Him to do .- this, that, ..or... seme
other thing, ; or ', that God,,jbauses
the-unnatural. or supernatural, to
be happening In the lives and afr
fairs . of men. , It . teaches that
God'a work Is already perfect, and
complete. ). Indeed the. Bible says
that. "God. saw. everything that. he
had,, made, and. behpld, r it t was
very, good.' ,
The. mission. of. scientific Chris
tianity fa to reveal tha perfectness
and completeness of God's work,
tn enable us to overcome in our
own lives and experiences every
thing and every thought that-Is
j unlike God and His creatlop. Does
pot this thought bring us nacx to
(hat rule pf conduct which Jesus
gave, that we should do always
the thing -that Is in accord with
the Father's will? r
(Continued from page 1.)
TdieM Iteady-to-Wear
t, O. Shipley Co.
Harness 8hop
F. E. Shafer,
i ' Meat Markets
Midget Market.
Cross Market.
Peoples Market.
Public Meat Market.
Steusloff Bros. Market.
Mena Clothing
C. P. Bishop.
: O. J. Sphel.
; ... Al Irause. i
AK A. Clothing Co. !-
Millinery , I
Mme. Bnffe Morrison
Mrs. H. P. Stith. I " .
i 8h,oe Stores
Prlee Shoe. Co.,
; Buster Browne Shoe Sloret
-.' John J. Rottlet I
and all will . be appointed by the
governor except those fori Mult
nomah county, who hold over un
der a law previously enacted.
The governor! sa id J he probably
wumq announce the names of the
appointees before asking accept
ances from them Under the act
no : person- is qualified who is a
member of any other tax levying
body, such as the legislature, a
school board or a city council.'
' So9n after the appointment
are made the governor will call a
state meeting, probably in Salem,
and will ask for at least one of
the members from each county
to be present. - This . conference
Tax Commissions to Be
Appointed About July 1
Governor Pierce said ' yesterday
that he will ' have ready tor an
nouncement about " July 1 tha
names of the tax supervising and
conservation commissions for each
county of the state,' as provided
in a law enacted by the 1923 leg
islature. There will "be a com
mission of three members in each
county,; or 108- membra in all.
(Con tinned from page 1) '-.
addUkm,- subtraction - multiplier
tlen.t it Is-easy- to see- that-1 hie
principle -an be -everywhere at
the same time. , The millions, of
Europe Asia, Africa,-: or America,
can ' all have the multiplication
table at t he same time with all
of its power and facility, without
interfering 9 In' the slightest par
ticular with its use anywhere else
In the universe, always with one
proviso that they do understand
the multiplication table and ap-
ply"it.:r7' h 'f i" 1 ,
In a, far larger sense God being
divine Principle, Infinite, unfail
ing, is. everywhere present, able
to solve man's every problem pro-
Darg&in Day Special
'T '; $S5 KreH player piano.
like - new, WIth rolls and ,
, bench, ' $225 $10 down",
$2.50 per week
803 8. 12th 8t.V.'('
jne rfgnt jveiijor
Pearl QH, bwrned iz.a ppod oil cook
stov?f saves the housewife a lot of un
? necessary- drudgery.
No coal or wood tocany no ashes to
shovel put. A clean,, cool kitchen, with
- all the heatconcentreted-directlyun .
dejr "thft tjit?nsflsV where it is needed.
No trouble to operate an oil cookstovev.
if you buy only Pearl Oil the cleaxv
economical kerosene that is refined
and re-refined by a special process.
Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by.
name Pear) OA. , , , :
? (California)
argfa Day
cdihav aniv CATimniiv
' 27-bth Fa.t Color Ghgkzzxf YZid
1 j 32-bch Dress Gmghznis, ysrcL-:
36-inch Percales, yari.::......:.....:.....i..:......J..:..:..:..i
; .. 36-inch Cotton Challhs, yard...;.
' ; 3 6 -inch Extra Quality r.IarQaisett3...........U..................
;. Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, eachJj....
Men's ICcitted Four in Hand Ties, eacL.....L.....................
Tzhh Napldas, size 10x18, each. '.
72-bch EhscLfid Shetiayt.yairfd....L:.:.-..;.....I.l..;...;.iJ..M
,81-isch Dlsachd ShciHnsr, yard...........:
42-iEch Vcsrwell Pilbw Tcbbsr,- yard
Llea't Click'-cr CcrdsTaa Hose, p?xr........T.:..........L... .....
Lien's Heavy Clue Chnmhray Shirts, each........:....'..;:..........
Many . unadyertised:bariains. all oyer 'the
V - " ! ' : t' entire store.
; ...gals & company.; ;
5.r Cc7rzrcid cid Ccsrt Streets -
irJII attempt to ' devise ways f
means whereby real property c
ftp relieved qf some of . the birr
deriofVtaatlon,'and to lUtrliyt
the tax load- tov other clashes c
' TI
160 Nor thLiberty, Salem, Oregon
Joat imarbael fZOflZOJOOO worlH of tarcKana! Orders to tHs eaotmt fer; V
been placed by o?r Ccmpm Quantity boyinar enaUet n$ to pforia tie best-fa-tovna
TaTrtrt, rW"j y wiag V fa a year'a time, mean healthy action to woo
These Itemo and Many Others Sanacst Your Quick Acticn
! Palm OkVe : Palm OIiVe Palm Olive f Cuticura Sosp .
Toilet Soap. 2 bars . .....15c ; Shampoo. 39c Shaving Stick ................23c Box of 3 bars ... . C;
Peprodent Pro-phy-Iac-tic -t ! : Paja Olive. r vi IZzjs Qtrt
Tooth Paste 39c tooth trusties: ; Lwi J Cold i Cream in; jars 5 45c ;.Wide Weave
. .. . ..- . . ' 1 1 ' 1 I 1 sss.aysassaiasMsssMi I I II .1 i '
' Safeguarding '
: The greatest care is exer- '
clsed in the selection of mer
chandise presented In our
Store. , Only Uhe most reli
able grades -are placed on
sa.Ie. Your own compari
sons are sure to prove this
fact. ..... x'. : .
There ' are, no imperfect
goods, ' no "seconds," no
bankrupt stocks of shopworn
mvcbandlse nr. .pther-u -desirable
grooda. '
-i,.v. ' jr, !':;-. . '
Quality, of. a hlgln order,
ia tiafaUlnrlT- maintained ,
throughoutthe.. year.. While
the large buying for oaf 3TJ.
Stores, permiisusto:always
qot rock-botlOnt. prices,
qualiy ia never sacrifice
; Combined. our? Stores,;
j serve more thana a mililoa
homesv" EJarpest effort is
mad , to serve-; t aejjx ; betfer1 :
than ordlparily. . "
O In New Sport LlbdeLs ?
The accompanying illcrtratlori.ehoTTa esa(.ttCa
Wish i suits for yocxs laez-jre bzj Ecvcrcl cr-jp;
attractive model- 7 J rT"'T
attractive models,
M .Wool CaualzeM.j.
WoirU Shirts
Extra Sizes
. ' We carry in stock
- shirts . for- stoat and! .
slim workmen in all
our well-knownj j
,: makes yomr. size -ii
. here, I
"Coaopaaa Drand
Blae and rriey BloabaU
IChala Shirts
MBlc Mac" Brmiid
Cut foU tarourhontt
wU ptmd; servicWbl.
Extra Heavy
9a; full cut.
Men's Overalls
Heavy 220 blue denim,
full cut sizes . .91.8U
Union Suits
For men, athletic style . .60e
Union Suits i !
For men. good balbrlggan
suits. with short sleeves and
ankle lengths 79c
"H nTi vitt ag
mjmm avwn UOI filirm I H i m
m Uz demand for them from tha
- ,
All mahogany calf Shoes
handsomely perforated quar
ter and tip. - Half rubber
heels. Single sole welt. Good
looking shoes and made ex
ceptionally well. .Unusual
values at .
12 H to 3 , tW to 5tt
Ci en
iYoutHo, Long-Panto Suit?
SizcxlS to-18 Ycara. ' ' .
f ToBtia Jnat ateppinsr out ia their first Ions1 patSa gtiSSa ydS
rf find oar new Spring xnodela deddedlj attractiTe
.. . Thla Smart Style
' has a yoke and plaited back, open"
eater Taut and half belted.' TUe
patch pockets have flaps to button.
AU Wool CMsimere
la greys,' browns ana tens and the
newest pattema. These anils are
"weA tailored, and finished., choice -
:fn quality at these popular prices:
Fine Shoes
For Men's Dress for men
rtlteiJed "Tip"' Go?d f . h
lookinp: welt shoes. tip half rubber heela-
High- quality1 - foot- ?igle sole welt. A corn-
year for onlv fortable last and only
$4.98 $4.98 '
Cap s S bI
New Shipment I
Wonderful Valueii
Our caps this season have at
traded, wide attention, making
this early second shipment neees
aary. . Manj styles are presented.
. 98c;to fJl 9S '
. ,. iij ij - s Ulw
WilhTtra KcJc!:tr
. t - - -.-. ..
Al 1 vr o.o 1. ssrtSt
tweedj and' fancy cas
simeres in the season's
smart aport atyle.
Carefully tal2orei.L:
gTeys, Cn, hrovrcs,
greens , .
- Fhy Sails ": 1
; 'True Clue" LZ&o.
Striped lndJo!jt-"i
Vfcaki dzilL
. Boya' Shirts 1
la Zlisafn '
Elies 11U to 14L Tecrl
Coysr Hbxs
Our own brand 'No. 202.
an excellent value
;; Men's Socks
Extra good values, black
or brown ,
Dress Skirts
For Men, neat patterns
with-' collar attached:
Heckferd Sox
The only reliable brand,
25c "
Vcrli SHrb
For Men, good heavy b'lne
chambray shirts