The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Well Known Teacher Visltnr
? MLss Elisabeth Cornelius, who
"was formerly a" well known teach
er in tho schools of Marion toun
" if , anT. who Is now principal of
tae Sylvan ' Echool, Portland, is
'spending, a tew: weeks vis ting
friends In Salem, .Turner, Brooks,
rcerral and the Waldo Hll'a.
: Electrid Globe Prim RmIimA-
- Get them nr IrKwnnn
- -w av w
- location 247 ' North . Commercial,
Does This Interest TonT '
'-tIt yoa are looking for a Job, or
jz yoa need to employ heln. use the
ctty trttr employment bureau at
tne ymca. Adr. . 1
Secretary lilnkle I
J. - Grant Hlnkle, secretary, of
state for the state of Washington,
arrived In Salem last night to
confer with Secretary ' of State
Sam A. Kozer, and W. E. Crews,
state corporation commissioner,
relative to the enforcement of the
bine sky law. A law similar to
the Oregon, statute was enacted
in Washington by the 1923 legis
' laturo and ;?nt ; into effect , this
( month.". There" are" several angles
' whereby the tyrv stales are mu
tually Interested !a the admlrte
. tration of the act. Secretary
tinkle Is registered at the Bligh.
Many Extra Specials
la dresses and millinery during
i bargain days at the French Shop,
.,115 High St.-iAdv. - : :
-CargaJa Day Special i J ..r
i $850 -Kxell , player piano' like
I new, with rolls .and bench ,$325;
$?udoiHtr$2.6B pcr -week. Tall
j man Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St.
Leaves Feeble MInlel Schorl
Charles . Uncbartcur, an - Inmate
of the state school for . feeblcd
minded, wanderel away, fr m that
Institution car'r .last- night ac-
f cording to a report received ' at
d6)Icie station. Ha. is; described
as being 40 years of, nge,, six feet
fin nielght " and weif h'r g a - little
. ever .200 pcun..-', . '.V;
Women "Wanted '" " -t
'To work in cherries , and logan
berries atj Starr : Fruit Products
Co., corner Church and Mill Sts.
Phone' 43 9. Adv. 1
i ; Ite C. InisH ,
i 5
5 Ir Glib r.Ufcst 5-I,cs1 -
4-iiahhiaii biu)j. ;
V-'T' aa4 Lvtrwarev .
, Plicde Caiem, Oregoa ;
" 1 1.73 C Liberty Ci. ' -I
galea -' "' - .',7. Orcsoi
; Capitol v'Jiinlz
(fo' CO. ;
t -
. r ' f
: All lihiis ct jenk and
pay fu3 ttIss.
215 Center Street
Phcna CC3 '
ilrt 0 . 'rf.
Bankers ..
, Eatablished 1863 ' '
'7 Genbrd Bsklnz Bcxbsis
;U:-'4vn,.Offlc IIoGrs frora
1 1
'." i-, .a :--s- ' J- r'f'. Tf- i ?, . .-f
"" .i. Jp.
I ! .T4 For. bargain,; day ,we
jruu fi i jf uui cvcijr iiccu
County 19 irealthfnl r
-Only one case of contagions dis
ease Was I rpnnrtoH r
county for th; f.eek fending (June
the Btate board of h'earth.' ' This
was a case -of smallnox.. Th a hni
letln does 'not show- where the
case was found; i IO!
Today is The Day
Baragin giving in every depart
ment. Millers Adr.
From Feeble-Minded School
Two boys ; who were reported
yesterday; to have escaped,, from
the state. training school are said
to have escaped instead from the
state Institution for feeble mind
ed.; The boys were found at Eu
gene and have. been returned . to
the Institution. . ... ..
My Shop Cloaca
Sat., night., Bverythlna coins at
cost. Mrs. Troyer. -Adr. t
Attorney Files Suit
D.- A. Norton, an attorney, filed
an amended complaint., yesterday
against Wllleta May and James
WheatoW Molt, widow and son of
the late . Dr. William Mottr for
payment of $2825 which, he de
clares is due bim for attorney
fees. He alleges that in his ca
pacity as attorney for Dr. Mott in
1919 he straightened out certain
difficulties surrounding the estate
which comprised about 17.000,000
feet of timber and valued at $74,
000.' Through hi9 services, ' he
declares in the complaint, he pre
vented a foreclosure and found a
purchaser for the timber for $34,-
000.. Creditors had threatened to
foreclose, he alleges, having ob
tained judgment to the amount of
$28,000. i ,
T"ft' f
$800 Player Piano $355 -
..Terms, Geo. C. Will, 432 State.
Wetoa Ce HeaH- i ;ii '
The state supreme court yester
day heard arguments on the sec
ond appeal of the case of the state
against A. f J. Weston, , .arho. was
twice convicted i in : Deschutes
county on a charge of killing Rob
ert Krug and twice sentenced to
life imprisonment. The first time
the case, y as reversed by the su
preme court and: remanded for a
new trial. 1. 1: .y- . t -
y-r i V . V i r -
Song Shop's Anniversary'Sale
i r Everything reduced. Adr.
Cose, Lawn Mowers J
And garden tools at cut prices.
H. Lv Stiff Furniture Co, Forced
to Vacate Sale. Adv,
Reimann Applies
Rich L. Reimann of Salem has
applied to the public service com
mission for authoritr to construct
an Industry spur track on the Corr
rallis & Eastern railroadTnFox
Valley. The spur,' It tonilt, will
cross a public road.
9 lOOO "Wortli I :'' ;
Of the most beautiful and dur
able Chinese Grair and Reed fur
niture in our Forced to Vacate
Sale. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. Adv.
U ll
Lebanon Rates Stayed
Pending a hearing on the Ques
tion of higher rates tor the La-
" wrappers, if one loaf Is
'.bought front us, entitles
. 7 any child to a "Bang
Gun" absolutely FREE.
Center at Twelfth. Phone 1S57
"' 60S U. , KsUmal Bm BuiMlaf
Ekoa 859. i Fhoae 46S-J.
Dr. B. H. Thite
4 OstMsala TkmOMM sat fargMa
pUcsoaU mad
(Dr. Ataams
Has Moved to His New
.J, Location -
249 So. Cottsje Street
I Phone 11S2
f I 1 : If
10 a. xa. to 3 p.m.
are prepared -fotfurhish-
in uatunaiCi
' brief
banon Water, Light & Power com
pany at Lebanon, the public ser
vice commission has issued an or
der malting a compromise between
the contentions of the city and the
utility. . The utility filed an in
creased rate schedule to become
effective July 1. Tlje order, of
the ' commission . reduces this
schedule, but leaves it higher than
the rates that have prevailed here
tofore. , .
The CooleM Spot In Town : -i .
Park your car in the shade
Court street near Miller's, Friday
and Saturday during Bargain day.
Adr. . ,
Bargain Day Specials ; a
Electric appliances." Two years
guarantee. Curling irons., $1.75.
Two slice toaster, $2.95. f Special
prices on electric fans. , Discount
on electric fixtures. HALIKS
Adv. ', . j
New Track Asked
The Southern Pacific company
has applied to the public service
commission for authority to con
struct a track at grade across
Jackson ; and Clark streets,' and
across a public road at Med ford.
Extreme Bargain Giving
i Miller's i subway Friday and
Saturday, Adr. " t r " t ' ;
Watkins Complains ; ' , ,
J. B. Watkins of Portland has
filed "with the public service com
mission a ' complaint against ; a
wooden trestle over Fanno creek,
on the Southern Pacific West Side
Electric railroad at Olsen station.
He 'avers that the bridge' Is un
safe. My Shop Closes ; p t
Sat. night. Everything going at
cost. Mrs. Trover. Adv. r '
Complaint From Spokane 1
The Spokane Merchants' asso
ciation has filed a complaint with
the Oregon public service commis
sion against the American Rail
way Express company, asking; - a
lower rate schedule for shipments
in Oregon. ,
Dr. Davis Bean
Will be a phone 5 8F1 3 part of
the time out of office ' hours.
Adv. i ;? ; ' 1 . r
Second Appeal Made ..' :. -;
; The public service commission
is making a second appeal to the
shippers of Oregon to send in data
for use In a hearing before the
interstate commerce commission
at Seattle July 17.. and another
at Suokane July. 30 and 31, rela
tive to the adeq uacy of transpor
tation f acill ties in - the northwest
states.' A letter was ' sent -' April
12, asking for data. of this; kind,
but very few responses have been
Going to Prize Fight ' - i -i
A party consisting of three wo
men and one man, in a closed car,
passed through - Salem Thursday
on their way up from Oakland to
Shelby, Mont., to see the Glbbons
Dempsey fight. : They are travel
ing easily,? and expect f to reach
there In plenty of time. "
Recital . This Evening
Mrs. Ruth Johns Newmier, so
prano, and ' Delbert ; Moore, Wil
lamette violinist, are to be on 'the
program at the students' recital
given this evening by the pupils
ot Prof. T. S. Roberts at the Rob
erts stndio, North Summer rand
Marion streets. A general Invi
tation Is extended to the public
to attend. The Roberts recital hall
is one of the show music rooms
of Salem. - ? '
Carnival of Furniture Bargains
H. Tu. Stiff Furniture Co. Forced
to Vacate Sale. Adv. ,
Song Shop Anniversary Sale ' ,
- Everything reduced. Adr. . . , :
Will Motor to Oakland "
' ! Bupt, George flug of the
Salem city schools, ' accompanied
by his wife and one. Son, are to
leave early this morning for an
auto trip to Oakland, Cal., to at
tend the 'National Educational as
sociation, in- session . therel next
week. ? They 'will be away from
Salem, about 1 10 days. ; .The-National
Educational association Is
the great teachers organization
of the country, one , of the most
influential bodies of such, nature
tn the world and-its--sessions- at
tract many thousands, from, all
oyer the United; States. ! 'j ! i
- ' ; .
. . . t i- . f -
Women . Wanted- ., jj ; i: . ' :-
To work in cherries and logan
berries at Starr Fruit Products
Co.r corner Church and Mill Sts.
Phone 439. Adv.
Leading Fcseral .
Directors ' .
Expert Embalmers
Nebraska Family: Visits
i -Hayden aad :two daugh
ters,f .Mrs. Louis Gable and, Mrs.
L. D. Perdue, of Lincoln. Neb.,
have arrived in the city for a visit
with another daughter and sister,
Mrs. C. BT. Amsberry, 640 North
Twenty-first "street. "Mrs. Paul
Kopecky, who was unable to leave
her home in Denver to, make the
trip west with her father and sis
ters, is expected 4o arrive next
week, while Mrs. JIayden and two
daughters w jll arrive in the near
future. This is the first time the
entire family hate ' been together
for more than 12 years, and It is
planned to hold a family reunion
Mr.' Hayden is making his first
trip west &ince his boyhood days.
Though he is over 70 , years of
age. he is very , active for a' man
of his years, having followed the
roofing business until recently.
Bargain Day Special
; Don't miss them. John J. Rot
tie. Adv.
Buy Tour Furniture
This week;' Will sell at low
prices rather than move to the
warehouse. H. L." Stiff. Adv.
Experienced Operator Wanted
3 At once. "Highest salary paid.
Call.. In person. , ' Kalke . Sisters
Beauty Shop, Miller's Store. Adv
Shore Building Rapidly
Work la going along with al
most 'dazzling rapadity on the an
nex for the Salem ' high school
building. All the foundations are
in, much of the framing is up for
the first floor partitions," and in
every way Contractor Engstrom Is
establishing a record ' for speedy
construction. Under his "contract
he would not be obliged to get
the building ready for service at
the opening of school, October 1,
but he has assured the board that
the building should be finished so
that the school can open up in
these new rooms at the same date
as in the, old, and at the present
rate he should hate a good mar
gin of safety over even, the verbal
promise.- V
Women's Pomp 3.0. i : " '
Ona'Tilv lr nf whmfin'a nnmnn
Values to $9.50 will be offered at
the extreme price' $3.95. Millers.
Adr. ; ,
Architect Appointed v ; , ''
Governor Pierce yesterday-p-;
pointed John V. Bennes ,of Port
land 'as a member of ' the' state
board of architects to succeed" J.
E.; Wicks , of 'Astoria, whose term
expired Fay 30. Mr. Bennes; is
the architect employed on the new
dormitory for the state school for
the blind and has built . most of
the Important buildings . a Ore
gon Agricultural college tor serf-;,
Fl; jrears. . . ,-T, ..y.gU
. Scalp treatment gives new life
to the hair, stops falling of the
hair snd promotes its growth. Mil
ler's Beanty Shop, managed by. the
Kalke Sisters, Phone 104 7. Adv.
Girl Pays Her Fine
Gerline ' Selig appeared before
Judge Poulsen yesterday and, paid
a fine of $5 for having no drivers'
license in her possession.
Tents,, wagon covers .r
Flies and camp supplies at cut
prices, at Stiffs Adv.
Bargain Day Special , , -t f
Wheelock piano, worth $800
one of those rare old pianos that
are so highly appreciated by those
who are a judge of .tone. . Only
$165 $5 down, $1.60 per week.
Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th
Stv Adr. - " f
1 ''
Violates Traffic Law .- .f
r Passing a street car at Commer
cial and Miller streets yesterday
drew a. $5 fine for A. PearsaU,
route 4, when he appeared at po
lice headquarters. C I,
Bargain Day Special s. Y""V-
,Doat miss them. "John J. Bot
tle. Adv. way . ?
Appraisers , Are. Named -Vt,,
Appraisers for the estate of W.
J.- R. Jones, named Thursday by
Judge'-M.tBu'sheywilVbe S. G.
RoblnspnJ.'HVDunlap'and T. R.
wenger. - o
Loans! Loans! Loans!
"See 'G.'lWrLaflaf "410 "Oregon
Bldg. Phone 646. Adt,
One. License Issued
r Only ene marriage license was
; Oregon Electric Ry.
Albany - $1.30.
Corvallis - - - $2.00
Eugene - - $3.80
Woodburn . - ,-.v$
Other points In proportion.
Return good tor 15 days. '
Use the fast, comfortable
electric trains of this line.
, i Trains ' leave ' Salem 7:15,
9:45, 11:15 A. M.; 1:40. 4:00.
5:30 and 7:50 P. M.
Time of other trains1 and de
tails will be furnished on ap
plication.. ' i ? '.v
Oregon Elactricily't
J. W. Ritchie, Agent
Issued by the county clerk's off ies
yesterday. For some reason ap
plicants shy at Tfitfrsday, for on
the two. previous Thursdays, then
were no licenses issued. - The ap
plicants, yesterday were W, Willis
Clark, Spokane, and - Flora Roef
ling, Salem.. .: - v : ;;. :- - ;
Women; Wanted;' 'U"K-?'
To , work, in cherries' and logan
berries at Starr Fruit Products
Cb.corner Church and MiHSts.
Phon 439. Adv., v:"-V'?
Big Specials on Meado brooks
w Two bargain days, Friday and
Saturday at The French Shop, 115
High St. Adv.
Gun .Shooter Fined ' ry;
4 Virgil Roberts was fined 15 ves-
terday by Judge ' Poulsen. Rob
ens was cnarged with shooting a
.22 caliber rifle within the city
Ludwlg Piano $245
Terms $7 a month. Geo. C. Will
432 State. Adv.
Legal Blanks .
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application
Failed to Report '
When. John Schoenheit purchas
ed second hand goods he neglected
to make a report to the police, as
is required by law. He was fined
$5 Thursday.
I .. . V'-'.r
Bargain Day Special
Pon t miss them. John J. Rot-
tie. Adv. " c ' 1
Failed to Get Permit , .
Failure nf W P Shnrt A rt
a permit from the public service
VL A cause ot mmny 1IU. Harm--J
lul to elder Ijr people. a
! Ahtey ntUt fa Imkmg ., -
Eiy plcaaant affective only 2S
: More Womeini'
j -
Steady Work Until Christmas
- .. ; Come Ready to5 Work 7 A, M.
, r ' i .-, . -
Front and Market Sts. " r
Bargain Days, Friday and Saturday
To Clean Up Our Dress Goods
all wool
.a dress
' 75c
66-lncn.' .
. Broadcloth
Navy, Brown
and Grey
yard . .
A lot ol other dress goods market down
to a fraction of .the original price.
Oil Cloth
, a few
Bargain Days
at, yard -
Swiss '
Blue and
Pink ;
75c values
All our colored silk umbrellas at 20 oo discount
: Ladies' -
' Gloves
Small Sizes
A Bargain
V pair , r"
. ' 4 5-inch
. Indian
' . ' Tubing'
Bargain Days
Mercerized table cloth,
75c a
. 60c Tissue 4 0-ln. Voiles Apron Check 36-Inch
, Gingham " r Bargain Day Gingham- Silkalene
39c 29c 12 l-2c 15c
yard j; - yard i yard. yard
' Lots of bargains in the
50c -;
10c Wash
Remnants 25 Percent Discount on Bargain Days
Ladies' - Ladies' $2.50 , Ladles' $1.50 Ladies' 69c
Linen SiIk Hose Silk Hose Silk Lisle
rn... " ' Bargain - Bargain Hose
- Vw $1.00 43c
75C .! - l.OU . Pair- '
I commission to operate a machine
for hire cost "him $10 when -he
appeared la the justice court
Thursday. . . .
Men's and Children's All Wool
"Saxonknlt" bathing suits $2.45
to $3.95. A real bargain In a
genuine article. A. A. Cloth'os
Co., Masonic Bldg.- Adr.
"Sneeler Ts Fined
pave Humphries, Vancouver, B.
C. was speedlngx on the Fair
grounds road. V Flre dollars 'was
donated to Police Judge Poulsen
yesterday by the visitor. v -
Well Furnished Flat for Rent
Modern; first floor; large five
rooms. Immediate possession:
$45 a month, at 666 Ferry street.
Call at Statesman business office,
or phone 23. ' - y"?-r
Had No Licen
Jack Borle was fined $10 yes
terday by Judge P. JKunts for
operating a motor vehicle with
out a license.
A Claasiffed
Will bring yon a buyer Adr.
Pierce Petition Approved x
Petition of H. G. Pierce Grand-
Hear Win. M. Simpson
- - ; Evangelist '
Critic and critique. "All
Truth teacher and . healer. .
Sunday evening 7:30 and
- ieach - evening - through the .
week in Derby Hall, Court
and High Sts. Admittance
free Bring the sick for ?
.' diagnosing - and healing,
'specially children. '
wmwmmMmwwwwmmmwM mi 11 awtrnwiiiiiiim
4.0 o; Figured
all wool
- suiting
. yard . ..
11.75 All
wool Poplin
Black, and
v Navy ,
' Organdie -Pink
A .Bargain
' yard
50c Sateens"
A Bargain
' yard
Muslin '
Bargain Days
yard i
Ladies' and
- : in -
Department 98c
2 yds. wide, a bargain,
store not listed in the ad
Lace Curtains
12 1-2C
JUNE 29; 1923
view, WashI, that his younger
brother Paul Pierce, .? Milwaukie,
Or., be appointed administrator of
the estate of Mrs. Mae Pierce, who
was killed in an auto accident
In Tillamook county on June ,24,
was approved by Judge -W. M.
Bushey. yesterday. The estate has
a probable valuation of $3550. W.
H. Burtls, James F.' Graham and
Herbert W. Delaclain werd named
as appraisers by Judge Bushey.
Gas Explosion Kills Fire
Bos in Washington Mine
TACOMA, Wash., June 28.
Steve Mecham. 64. fire boss for
the Carbonhill Coal company, was
killed late today by gas In a coal
mine at Carbonade. .Mecham an
nouncing that he smelled . gas in
the mine went to investigate.
"Thr o w iTKeir i Hat
into Bargain Day
:; Our Lower. Priced Store, ilia
v GROUP. AT 5c iJ.
29 Child's Turkish Bibs;:,.':!' ; '
30 Ladies' Small Tea Aprons ..
'VV 'S -GROUP' AT 10c-
7 Ladies' Brassieres Soiled. "-"7
2 Ladies' Dark Small Aprons.
6 Ladies' Lace Cuffs. -
2Infantvs Bonnet and
o nuaren's iieits and
v a .uaaies isouaoir. tJaps. .-
2 Ladies Brassieres. . j, v - , s
2 Ladies' Small Dk. Aprons.
13 Ladies' Lace Collars. . ' ; St ?,
10 pr. Ladies' White Muslin Drawers."
5- Misses' White Muslin Skirts. - r ; '
' 3 Children's White Lawn Dresses, age 2 to 6.
12 Children's Gfnsrham Dresses, age 2 to 6.
30 Children's Gingham Rompers, age 1 to 6.
;19 Children's White Rompers, age 1 to 6,
35 Children's Bonnets aiid hats, silk and lawn
. quality.',",:; : ; : '
9 Children's Wool Mixed SweAfpra. "
3 Ladies' Boudoir Caps.," , ' : ": '
2- Collar. and Front Combinations. ' '
3 Ladies' Wool Throws. ' ... -
. v 2. Auto Veils. :
54 Ia dies' Collars, Lace and Combinations. '.
GROUP AT 69e' j !
- 9 Ladies' Lace Collars.-
7 Misses' Crepe Gowns, White, 11 to 13 years siz:.
3. : Children's Embroidered Aprons
1 . Ladies IHght Gown, j : ' 'V ' .
':rl::y GROUP AT 75c ; ; ;
9 : Ladies' Whte Skirts; Pique and Gaberdine.
14' Infant's White Dresses, Lawn. . ' . -
7 ' Children's Colored -Gingham Dresses.
3" Infant's White Pique. Dresses. .
3 Ladies White Lawn Waists. '
1 Ladies', White Boudoir Cap. -
2 ' Ladies White Satin Bloomers.'
2 Ladies' Colored Sweaters, Sleeveless.
4 'Ladies' Gingham Outing Suits. (two-piece,)
2 Misses' White Middy, Blouses. " .
1 Ladies' Gingham Dress, Small Size. - V
4 Ladies' Girdle Supporters.
8 Misses Two-Piece Cotton Serge Bathing Suits.
2 Ladies' Embroidered Aprons.
4 Ladies' White Organdie Waistsj
6 Infant's White' Organdie Dresses. ,
V: X'-: .GROUP AT S1J29 W
Ladies Sweaters, Sleeveless.
Ladies' White Waists,4 Organdie.
Ladies' 2-piece Gingham Dress, 38. r
Ladies i 1 piece Gingham Dresses, Small Sizes, r
Man's Heavy WoolSweater, Maroon. ;
Misses' 12-Xear White Middy Dress, v
GROUP AT $1,69 .
Ladies' Wool Sweaters, Values ?4.S5.
t'M Jk
TheJMove list give an inkling c$
what we offer
When he did not return scir..!.
lng parties; went into ts ttitt
and found hie bod. ' The z-l
man leaves a wife and four child
ren at Dnwamlsh. .
" it is claimed that the war that
has broken out - in "Bulgaria U a '
civil war, but how, loig will it re
main so 7 i ,
"Eanvis Control"
Investigated by U. S. Bureau
of Entomology. 50c. Free cir
culars tell about only logical!
sound, safe, cheap, sure
method: No broadcasting. In
side amd - Outside. Anytime.
Investigate and save money.
Fred Relnlein, 144 West Kii
patrlck Street, Portland, Ore.
it- f
Caps, Sflkand Xawn. '
Hose Supporters.
for Friday and
c j
Rigdbn & Son's
TJncrrualcJ Service
Lots of Bargains, Bargain Days
2A0 & 246 NortliommerciakStreet