The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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, . v : ...Succumbs ta Strategy
: ; BERGEN, Norway, , JuuaS, -
'Strategy plays. Its part nov and.
then la Norway In. : tn taking- of
runvrunner and the recent cap
ture, of : tna JOQ-toa . German
jacht Elisabeth Is a case In polai.
. Standing . off the Norwegian
coast: the , Elizabeth was .- in need
of eoal, and sent In a motor boat
and 17 . men to get a -anppiy. TJie
. Doai- waa seized, ana men re
placed yty 1 7 .armed . police and
. customs officers. I Approaching
the Elizabeth, thet police signalled
for three men. to coma oft in a
row-fcoat to helpi witn tae- unload
ing .of, the coal supposed to D
aboard! y When they reached f the
. motor boat they were overpower
ed and hand cuffed. r The police
then drev alongside-' the Eliza
lethc and boarded her.' ' "r
i The Germans still on board the
yacht made a desperate resistance
. and one- of them loosed the ship's
dog, a gigantic vGreat Dane, -who
leaped at the throat -of one of the
police, fmt was shot dead.- Even
tually the' smugglers were over
powered and put in Irons.;
Speaker 4flain Employs,
Shift in BattingOrder
CLEVELAND, June 2 8Man
ager Trie Speaker, of the Amer
ican Leagnera "na again- resorted
tt the-shift In hl "batting rdr
that M . ased when - he- won-A the
pennant-and'' world's champion
ihlp fn lSMf. The shift, whlctt is
not encommon in nbaseball, Iftd
been discarded Speak
er. ' It is the changing of players
to meet right or left' handed
pitchers, ; ; , : :'
' JWitli v; a. southpa-r, .worttter.
Speaker Will' nse Louis i Gutsta at
first, CNelll behind the prate and
Joe. Connolly,, a . recruit obtained
from' Little Rock.' InrlKht.fleld.
,When. a? pitcher Is working- .the
rls-t -"arm." .Frank, "', Brower, . a!
oulred! In- a trade wlth. "Washing
ton will be on the Initial sack
Hyatt will catch and Homer Sum-
ma, will play right field, "When
Uhle. Is pitching, however; O'Neill
will . catch regardless' of whetlr-
er the opposing slabman is right
or left handed. . Speaker" consid
ers : Uhle more effective when
O'Neffl'.ls- catching; ' :
- With' a right ta'ndedT pitcher
worfcfsx,, against.. thet .Indians, t
;eaker will be able to sent tight
left handed: hitters to: the- plate,
brovidln5 iaate. Edwards or
Czalth la pitching for Cleveland-
lziU fey Unlca Abstracts
i I. " M. i" S
Carl E. Reynolds and iwif e to
Emma E. . Burch, . part : of lots 3
and 4, block north, of blocsr 25,
, galea, $10.; r ' -f -'-i'Cv. V '""
t R. O.. Greene aid wife,to ;G.r.E.
Ciks, lots-3-and 4, block II, En
f lewood addition to Salem, $10.
iTTilUaTn'B. Snmmerriner and
wlf e- to; MlchaeJ. "R,. DeSart and
1 Wife, part of block, , Roberts' ad
, dltlcra. ta Salens $10. J- .'.-.
' J. L. Eidson and wife to George
P. Russel and wife, part' of lots
17 and 26, SonthrSilTertont $10
, . Darld Ripley and wife to W,
lUIf. Spiers- and -wlfe land in
claims 58 "and 69, 4-1-WU $10. :
.. Christina Esson. to Alhyn Esaon
land In clais-4-5-l-W., $10.
S. ZJ CulTer and wife to G. H.
Crabenhorst;lanjr fa ; clalnt1 47-3-
- iP. C Butler and wife to C S
Clone, land- in claims ZH and 35,
IT. D. Robinson and wife to J. E.
Hizlltt and wife part of lot S.
block 54, Salenv $10. ' -:'
. nngn WPtier. ntf wife to. An
con B. Canning ham, lot 9,. blk. 3
Burlington addition to Salem $10.
, ' AItbC . Thomas and iriffr to Jos
eph Pleser, part of blkl 4, ,Stay-
ton... $1200..,, ; - .v -."; 1'
Lena Thompson ta Frank Biua
Jca lots 3" and 4, Tract 4, "Wlse-
Thost - L Darldsoav and wife to
"Wilford W. npranams' and - wife;
land! in cla!ni,M 3-T-3-T7, $10. ,
' Geo.' Lassas and wife to Eliza
, teth Keher, loU 13 and 13, Ens
addition to Mt. Angel, $10. ;
7 Elizabeth Keber fo Geo. Lassas
, and wife, lots 12. and 13, Ens
addition to Ut. Angel, $10.
: Anton Stenger and wife to John
Etenger and wife, land in Thomas
Chase D. 1. C, 51W, $1500. f
,i John . Uamer and wife to Fred
Proaser and wife, land in claim,
3-e.-i-w.; $io.: - , .-.
Fred A. . Prosser and wife to
John llamer and wife, land in Mt;
Angel, $10;. " '
3?redt Prosser nd wjfe to John
A. Unger . and wife, land in Mt.
AhgeV.fl.V;v7-"'-B:.;":, . - '
T Xlaora t. Ellihgson and husband
to. J. IL Daley, land in Jaa Whit
lock D, L. C. -l-W, $10. v
VXdward E; Swaddell and wife
to D. R. Schram and wife, part of
lot 2. block 41.- UnlTersity addi
tion to Salem l.jf-..M
Olaf Qleson'and "wife..tP Robert
d. iriller aad wlfsvpart of lot t,
tloclc 502alenv $10:;r:
. Frank Wodzewoda to Agnes
Wodzewoda, land in claim 52-7-2-
T7, $1000. i :yk c ;-,.r v.
,: Barbara -BUlman and husband
to Jcin J. ITosteteler; part'of lots
5.. G, 7, . East Salem, F. F No. 2,
Fannie Clark, to John lf. Hosfe
i''"r, r art of tbts 5.-6 7t: East
. Lilea x F. JJo, 2, tlO.;",v'.-' e $u
G. F, Brand 'anf wife to ."Edna
1 ic.n.ariot 7 tlo'dt fr. KcCoys
' i to Salem. Oregon, $10.
lot 37. Hanshaw, F. F.; Marlon
county, Oregon, ".$3 00. ,
. H. W. Waters : to , Jacob . Gott-
hardt, lot 37, Hanshaw, F. F. Mar
ion county, Oregon, $10.
O. F. Brand 'and wife to w S.
wouon, part or lot 1 block ' 9,
Boises 2nd Add. to Salem, Oregon,
Lane Morley and wife to Fayne
Moriey.: part 6t lot 6, block 17,
Tew park , annex . to Salem, Ore
gon, $1200. . .r' . . ...
Willamette UnlTersity to Paul
Traglio, lot 5 and 6, block 19, Sa
lem, Oregon, $1.
Paul B. Wallace to Paul Trag
lio, lots 5 and block 19, Salem,
Oregon,"$l. ;
Mary E. Smith, and husband to
Hay Lv Smith, and wife,; land in
els ,48 and 61 7-3 W, Marion coun
ty, $10.
D. L. Webster and wife to J.
E.- Lucas and wife,- lots 3; and 4
block 2, J. Myer's add to Salem,
Oregon, $10. -!" 1 j
Wm. Sorrlll and. wife to J. Jo-
siah. Nunn and wife, part of lot. 3
block 20, Englewoodadd to Sa
Jem, Oregon,. 3116.66.
J. H. Drake3 and wife to Hen
ry Saalf eld and wife, land in G
Settlemier D. L.? C., 6-1- W. Mar-
lop county. Oregon, $10.
X R. Pollock, and wife to U. G.
Shl3r,and wife, lot 12, block
8, Fairmount Park addition to Sa
em. Oregonjilieoo.
The statesman Publishing co
to EL VA. Rhoten, lot 2, block 4,
Cardweatl's add to Salem,, $350...
Ruth K. Pratt. t al by Sheriff
to War.1 -J. : McGllchrlst, land In
Nob Hill Annexe block 31, to Sa-
em, Oregon, $163.
City of SaiCm. to D. S, Parr, lot
S. block 5, Oaks A.dd to Salem.
Wm. A" Ryan, to A. F. Bailey
lot 3. Blk 15. Riverside Add to
Salem, $10. I s
; Ella'M. Roney and husband to
ilosenhineV N. Parrlsh - and ; hos
band.;r part of lot 4 and all of lot
67'Rallroaa Add to Jefferson,
$1500. - . !
'LA Harris -and wife to Ore
gon and California R.' R Co., land
ini- CL' 61r7-3,I WW, Marion rCo-,
Ore.. $10.t . - -j ; '::: t
1 Clara Wlnell et al to W. F
Wellman and wife, land in CV 42-
51 W. Marion, county,, Oregon,
310,000. " I ! '
' v John Palmer and wifa to War-
renf Gray and wife, land In Cls
ft y.l " i
Miss . Blossom ; Martin,
years old, office assistant in the
- home of Dr. G. W. McAuliffe,
New York - city, was strangled
to death by Eulogia Lozade, a
manservant - in the household.
Lozade was arrested while at-
tempting'' to dispose of the body
at Mariner's Harbor, Staten Isl
- and. He is now locked up on a
charge of homicide, and will be
formally charged with the mur
der. Miss Martin and the yftung
Filipino were sweethearts, and
the cause of the tragedy was a
quarrel' over their love affairs
. and her insistence that he set a
. date for the .wedding, according
to the alayer. Patrolman An
thony A. Piscopo arrested Lo
1 lade, while he was attempting
, to dispose ' of the body. The
, victim., is . described I as ' very
pretty.' The features r and ac
tion of her Filipino sweetheart '
reminded . the detectives ' of a
character in the jungle films.
! 1 "1&F vx x 41
! ir '- n
lv J )m':
Ir hi
t I:
Iiiiiiwiihuiih n iwnimiinn'i ii ..n.i-r ii.i,.Vi fea
Marlon , county, Oregon,
27, 52 . and 58, ; Marion county.
6-1 W.
$5000. ,
Statesman Pub. Co., to E. A.
Rhoten. lot 9, Blk 14. Highland
Add to Salem, $350. -
Geo. Ft. Hammon fay Exe., to
the Bank of Woodburn, lots 3, 6,
11, Hall's Home Tracts Marion
County, Ore $275. . ; r ' U s j
Orpha- P. Dawes and husband
to Ira Page, lot 9, Blk 17, Nob
dricTts,1 part of lot1 2, Blk 4, Uni
versity Add to Salem, $$1
Lester L. Larsen to Guy WW.
Hnnt,' part of lot 2. Blk 4, Uhl
versitr Add to Salem,f $1. ;
Charles W.-Enuoett and wife
to Lester L. Larsen; part of lot, 2,
C. G. Miller and wife, to Vick
Bros.," Lot 10, Bile 10, Richmond
Add to Salem, $10,. v .4 .,
I. C. Smallman et al to John
Smallman, lots 6, 7, Blk 3, in
Settlemler's Add to Woodburn!
Oregon, $1
WS? Sem WnuB ker of
Geo. Hinsdale and wife to R. B.
and MrFL - Duncan; part of lot 6;
Itnr1 26. Salem; 23127. 1 ?
Karl G. Becke and wife to Carl
Smith and wife, lot 10, being a
part of , subdivision f of lot 1,. in
Tuxedo Part Ad to Salem, Ore-
eon. 310.
VIroffVH. Ritchie and wife to
Katherine A. Evans, lota land 2.
Blk; I, KtrerTiew Park Add to? Sa
lem. $10: " "-.V i:iv ' JV&'r
I Jacob Taylor to Blaine B.
Coles,! lot 4V,Blk 6, -Fargo Orch
ard" Tract and lot lz, Blk A
Fargo Orchards Tracts. Marlon
County,' Oregon $10.
Vesta. Coles et al to Jacob, Tay
lor, lot 4, . Blk 6, i Fargo orchard
'iracis ana wi i, w . , "ru dih da! l ilsktw
Orchards. Marion Co Oregon; Baker Project Likely
$10; -;rt i jo be Aoopiea boon
- M. Jiesier ana wue xo..-. v .
Dimlck and wife, tracts 27 and 281 Early adoption of the Baker ir-
DImiclu Homestead . F. F., Marios I rigation project as a federal en
CoOre., $10. ' , , terprise is indicated in telegrams
Nancy J. Boyd to Martin. Con-1 received by Senator McNary from
stad and wife, lot 6, Blk B. north fO. W. Pugsley, acting secretary of
sid add. to Bilverton,.$L60. , agriculture, and D. W. Davis, oom-
W.'CV Johns, and wife, to H,y. fmlssioner of irrigation, and Sena-
PenAiaton' and wife, land in cl I tor McNary . has so Informed the
Sl-5-2 W Marion , Coi, . Oregon, j Baker. Chamber of Commerce by
H. V.: Pendleton, and,. wife to w no inrtner questioning oi ,us
T. J McClnra and .wife land in ui iieasiauny.
81-5-2 W. Marion County, Ore..
lot 1, Blk 2, Oak HMili Tracts,
Marion county, Ore., $10.
.. Mary A. Holmes to J. W. Childs
lot 3. Blk.., 4 8, University Add to
Salem, Oregon, $10,
H. " F. Joryr and wife . to J. W.
Childs, part of lot 3, Blk 48, Uni
versity Add to Salem. $L
Anton F. Will, and wife to J.
Nelland and, wife, land in; CI 61
5-2 - W., MaTion county. Oregon
Charles Meyer and wife to E.
W. Gerver et al, land in CI. 2-7-1
W. Marlon County, Oregon, $f.
F. C. Butler and wife to C S.
Stone, land in CI 34-8-2 W. Mar
ion ounty, Oregon, $1,
$1500. ,. ; I
Norton Vanderhoof and wife to
Walter A. .Wood, part if lot 2,
Blk: 47, University Add to Salem.
$450. h
Dora Newman, lot 1, Blk. 22,
Pleasant - Home Add to Saletn.
Oregon, $10.
Thurlow O. VanVlacK et ai to
The telegrom from Mr.
sald- -
"The present situation respect
ing the Baker project - is - that ad
vice from the. agricultural depart'
me&t is expected. I shall keep in
touch iwth this and, try to promote
a declslpn, as I share your interest
in agreeing upon-a feasible pro
ject for Oregon ond securing its
The adjice of the agricultural
Arthur F. Marshall and wife, lot department expected by the inter
1, Blk 23, Pleasant Home Add to lor department and referred. to by
Salem, $650.
1 -Wm. McGttchrist, Jr., and wife
to -Emilia Meyer, part of Blk.. 31.
Nob Hill Annexx to- Salem, Ore..
Carl Bahtturg and-wife to Em-
ille Meyer, part ot Blk. 51, .Nob
HillrAnnex to Salem, Ore., $10."
John Wein'era and wife to Aug
ust WeinertIots 1, 2. 10 11. and
par of lots 8 and 9, Labish F. F.
Marion County Oregon., $10.
Mnrton DeGuire and wife to
Fred M. Stevenson and wife, land
in CI. 476-l WW, Marion county,
Oregon, $li
William Bruckmaa to Fred M. !
Evenson and wife, land In CI. 47-
Mr. Davis- Is-contained in the tel
egram-, received-by the senator
from Acting Secretary of Agricul
ture Pugsley which says:
"Since congress has made an
appropriation for Initiating J this
niect we arejadvWnf uT'Bte,?"
lor department that it does not
seem , advisable - for this depart
ment - to ' reopen the question of
its feasibility unless directed by
congress to do so j .J'
-it 1 only had the capital," ev
ery man knows how he could be
come rich, but if he had the cap
ital the chances are some other
man would Cake It away from him
before he ctfuld eay scat.
' Hotblison Painfc Store; .;
I - Wc. Handle ihe Reliable Rasousson Line .
: Work Done by Day or Contract
Phone 534. 1 15 4 S. Com! St.
Euy-Ycui? Paint .iii- cuPaint. Store .
. .... .... :.r , , .
IVi were hosts Wednesday eye
r " nlng at a dinner party and
dance, on the occasion of .. their
wedding anniversary. Dinner was
served at a charming table set In
the Rose room of the Spa. A bas
ket of sweet peas, candytuft and
canterbury bells in . pastel shades
centered the table.
: The guests went to the David
W, Eyre home following the din
ner, party for an evening of danc
ing. The invited guests for thV
dinner and dancing party . were
Mr. and Airs. Curtis : Cross, : Mr.
and Mrs. David W. Eyre, MrJ and
Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Frank Spears, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Walton,. Mr .and Mrs. C. B.
Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
McAllister, i
Mrs. Ivan Martin will entertain
1. -.'I ' ; ...1. ,11"
the members of the. Woman's Al
liance . ot "the Unitarian . . church
Friday afternoon. - :
Out. going, officers of the Salem
Arts league 1 will be honored to
night at a reception jtiven at the
F. S. Barton home on No"h.Can-
itol. Mrs. Barton is herself a for
mer president of the league.
- The outgoing officers have each
served two terms. .Mrs. John-Wal
lace Harbison 'is . the . ' outgoing
president and others to be honor
ed- are Mrs. ; Mollle Brunkv Mrs.
Gertrude Robison 'Ross, Mrs. E.
C. Richards, J." M. Clifford and
Miss Renska Swart. - i
- The hours of the reception will
be from g until 10 o'clock and
friends aid members of the Arts
league will be guests . ;. -; ti :
The , first band concert of the
season given. thiSj, evening.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar will b
one of the 6olists ; and 'will sing
"The Spring Will Retnrp With
You," by O'Hara. Oscar Gingrich
will be another .solo singer at the
summer band concerts this year.
Mrs. Almlra Hale, Miss Laura
and'Miss May Hale, Instructors in
the Salem schools, left ." Tuesday
night for Oakland where they will
attend . the National . Educational
convention,'- They will; visit with
friends' and relatives in t Califor
nia and Utah and;: spend; several
weeks in Idaho before returning
to "Salem. ' " r
The Womens' : Relief , corp . will
have the quarterly birthday ; din
ner Saturday June. 30, at McCor
nack hall. The dinner will be for
members - of ""the- GAR ant the
WUC who . are invite4 to be pres
ent . - ;crtjvi;-
A program and entertainment
will be given. All are asked to
bring a basket lunch except the
honor guests who Include , those
whose birthdays come, in April,
May and June. r
Mayor Works VViihciit Pay
.: To Clear City of Debt
. " -f v.. . .
A few. years . ago the city 'X of
Jacksonville , was fbr.eke." It.' was
so crippled, financially, its. credit
wasn't good for a- 60-cent - tele
gram Its then chief executive at
tempted to send. Today It has a
credit of many thousand times 60
cents. -- - : :
The change has been brought
about, it is said, I by an, efficient
business admlnlstrationo given by
a mayor ana a city- ; commission
who do not draw a cent ot salary
for .their work for th city;
Elected. three times without giv
ing away so much as a nickle ci
gar or. making a single, public po
litical speech. Mayor Edyard Crob-
tree i Is. now- in the midst of his
third term' with the aim -to .make
Jacksonville one of the- best busi
ness cities in the state. Mr. Crab-
tree says he never gave a dollar
to a campaign fntfd and never ask
ed tor a single vote. v ' '
When he- returned to Jackson
ville after two years of worlc in
liberty, bond drives during, the
war, the citizens of the city urged
him to run for mayor. He
promised to do so on the sole con
dition that he -bo paid no salary
and that several of those boosting
him for the position ran with him
for council positions on the same
platform. ' . . ' ' -- . -
Jacksonville has . a nonulatlon
or 1B.O0O and a total . taxable
property worth of $ 1 2 ,0 0 0,0 0 0. It
was. tha first city , in. Illinois - to
go "bone dry", and' was one of the
first to adopt the commission
form of, city government.
law' provides, three-fourths of the
annual income from the accumu
lated, fund Is paid . to the- city
treasury, with - the principal still
allowed, to grow by the amount
of the city's contribution and one
fourth of the Interest.
' .To start the plan the;-present
administration has de--$406,000,
, In .the amort!-
fund, -Another $250,000 la t3
deposited next January 1. v.
t&is rate continued, It la est!
ed. that Milwaukee's debt '
appear in-40 years, and tie c
tax: rate will have been rt : ;
one-third.. . .' 1 ; : .
Milwaukee Take Steo ;
; To eliminate Publid Debt
MADISON. Wis.. Juno 2.Thi!
gradual elimination of. its'. public
debt with a consequent reduction
Mr. and Mrs., Orris Fry return-1 f taxes, Is to be undertaken h-w
ed yesterday from their wedding the city of Milwaukee -as the ire
trip into British.; Columbia.; Mrs. 8alt of enactment by the Wiscon
Fry was- formerly Miss ABernice "In legislature of a bill ..creatine
l. Mr: and Mrs, Bliss Darby are
home from a trip . to Ashland
which was made, by automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton
are. In Seattle for a . few. days.
They left Salem Wednesday and
will visit in British Columbia be
fore their return.
Danish Farmers Welcome
Plans for Russian Trade
Plans for a direct steamship line
from Scandinavian porta to Petro-
grad have been made by Norwe
gian, British and Danish capital
ists, to be opened this summer.
The new line is being establish
ed as a result of the pdellmlnary
Russian-Danish trade afreement
whch was signed in Moscow re
cently. . r.
The Danish farmers are partic
ularly interested in the new afree
ment as It is looked upon as pro
viding a market for their surplus
a public debt amortization fund
The Wisconsin city la sairi tn Ha
the first In the United stat.
take auch.. a step. ; : w , s ,
under the new Milwaukee plan
the cfty fa compelled annual) tn
I et .Ide $25a,000 This groVlng
fund is allowed, to icnmni.t.
with compound interest until it
reaches an amount equal to three
lourtln of tha cltv'm w-
debtedaess, Aftei- that time, the
:?vi y MM
All Over Tiii
, i. ,.S f I .
. p v ' ;
Salem Store
466 State Si.
Portland SiCc?
33X ACcr St.
; -
r J
when you "save
the surface"
with .
OR 7
The Outwardand VisibleSignoianInwa:rdahd
1 Spiritual Grace
the boys who fought and fell .
' , Surface-protection is. Um firat stspv ta
MTiag home mnd buildings from th
weathr-wer ofll seasona. VJ
Investment in Rasmuuen Pure Paint
today will save you many dollars in the
rears to come in protect
rT XlOSPZr l Furthermore, a well- f,
V hQl)Cw U peinted home end builA,
Afto1 mS present a profper. -
W , tut ' x Tv tai 11 Ppwanco whlcn ; ijl
'. ililV fiek vesh - 11 yea sere money ' , on
' fell-'DWrreSt ' 11 your next pelnting job. I1
.-flfeS ft Drop in and look at ; ! :
j ' laQi II pur Rna color
- " ' CMOiar
; Hutcheon 1 Paint Store
r ' 'SALEM, OREGON" ' ' f
f 154 S. Com! St. . ; Phone 594.
j , " - ' ; - - - - 1
' " "
EVERY STATESMAN READER should have a bright, fresh flap; to fir
this season. The old flags bought during the -war are now word out
and soiled., . :r". -.r , . ,:' ; :'V;. U(;: . ir ; .
THIS OFFER makes it possible to fly a Brand New flag This Iiide
pendence Day!. " u.C. i :-: V -'f ' v, rCr 4- " ' ' 1 ' ' .. .
These flags are 3x5 feet which are 'mbsC popular for aTerage1 every "day
use. They-are made in first class manner and-the workmanship is guar
anteed. 7 Each flaig has sewecT stripes printed unions with fcea yy canvass
heading and grommets., The white stripes are unbleached cotton bunting;
No Family Should Be-Wiii an '
How To G& OH
Fill out the coupon below and hand in-to our office or -mail -to- us
and secure this splendid 3x5-foot flag. -
: r tag Lsoupon l.
This coupon and 98 cents, when handed in or mailed to The States
man Office, 215 South Commercial Street, Salem; Oregon, entitles bearer
to the large 3x5-f oot flag as advertised. , : .
: If flag is to be mailed, fidd 10 cents to cover cost 'of mailiog-aho
be sure to wyite name and address plainly.
! ; I Cy V'Z to IL W. TJatcrs,