TOE OREGON STATESMAN.: SALEM OREGON WEDNESDAY T.IORNING, JUNE 20, 1923 r I " CLASSOTED ADVXETISXStlirTt " .. . y! Roto per wordi ' " IPer tatlo ;.. Three lueertloBa ,. I om wash slc- haaerttoaa) .Hto . 4e AOe I Dm Mst gig Btoatha eoatract, per aso 15o It moaUs' eoatraet, t ' 1?t for r edvertieemeat26c 4 NORWICH UNION - nan insurance socurrr " 1 W. H. Barghardt, Jr. Cetldent Agent - J 71 SUt 8U ": MONEY TO LOAN 1 i On Real Eatate) " -. ' - T. K. FORD , : (Otbt Idd Jt Bosn Bank) NEW TODAY WANTED! A - CAPARLti GIRL FOR ""general housework. Call at 773 North , Church iiUr Or phono 2 041 J.. ," . . ' WANTED EXPERIENCED MAS AND woman 'for drygood and 'grocery de ; yartments. . Write People' a ?, Depart ment Store. Kelso. Wash. ; ; TOR BALK TWO BIQ TYPE POLAND China aowa, both registered. Also 6 shoate. Call phoae 35F25 between 10 : " aad 6.- '- . iyy J- ', i r0 S ALB BOO UNITS. AT 90c PER unit la NorthwesUra . Drilling and . leasing Syndicate. P. O. 'Boa 278, . Portland.. , -. y"V" ". .. ROOM AND BOARD FREE BATHS, 640 . ChemekeSh. s . -j" --. ; 4. BUSINESS I CATION , FIXTURES and lease on StaU street. " Gertrude J. . M Para. .. , J.y:,,, : - , ' vyy" . -;U,y y N1b room houae .$1600. , Doable bouse ..$3000. -.42K. Apartment hooa -. t - Large apartmeat house . 914,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. - ' ; ' i Goldea Rule Realty Co. y, TOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE, T ROOM .house, 5 room house. $35 per month, i "four room apartment.; y-Room and ' board.". Certrni'e J. M. Paje.! 492 1 X. 'Cottage.9 phone 1186. ; ; A firm established aiaea 1866 needs lie aerrlcaa of men with braina and epf, .t yon are loCkingr for a ; parmanant al tion, with a real future." whi will) pay I 'O.OQ per week ta tartt man "with cars yeferrad bat -'not' essential, telephone 1334. or eaU at 222 N, Uberty SU for ointment, ask for Oibbona. ' " BOARD AND ROOM IX ATIRST CLASS : torn a an North Cammercial 8U Sea -. Cer trade J; it. Page. ';.v .r. PAPERHANGINff, PAINTINO. KALSOM . iainf. - E. R. Brock, auecessor ta Aub- ey H. 'Clark., First -elasa work, 795 , N. Capitol, phone 1607R. ;"; FOR SALS i BURNER OIL RANGE aad oven, good a new:- elothea cabinet litrhea treasurer, 849 S. J2tn, upstair between 7 a. n. and 4 p .m. today. FOS 5 SALE CHOICE EAST FRO XT lot South Salem, with one room honlte aad tent hooae, easy terms or will take Ford ear. IP. L. Wood. 841 State St. J'JrrS CLEANED AND PRESSED tlO Prompt aad efficient aerrice. 8alam Claaaara and Dyera, Phono 1868. : OTICE TO SCHOOL CLERKS WE can write your bonds for $3 per thou sand. W. A. Liston, 48 Court St. : roa rent 5 Room cottage at 625 North 16th. ' Modara. 830 ; per month. - Apply at Statesman business - .olfice, or phone 23, , -'''..v' Vv-""' i in i ' -' " T ITH THE IRY SEASON HERE, TOU -. hoold see that yon are adequately in ' tared. So Staadley Foley for ratea. Both Bank Bids, 1 - , To Exchange . 11 a res most alt in rrop, fair baildiairB rrl"a 800.i will' trade for (large farm and asaumo same. . ' ; J , A anap, 0 Iota with new house not f nUhed for, $1200 with $200 down. ' Small 1 room hooae nice lot for $700 with $100 down. . - ' . J J Thomason ; S31Vs SUte Streets . ; - USED FORD CARS FROM AX AUTHOR l IZED FORJ DEALER . ' 1515 tonring . 1 83.00 120 touring. .. 270.00 1310 tearing .. 285.00 1320 tonring 200.00 1923 touring 450.00 1320 roadster 225.00 1320 eoupe - 895.00 1920 coupe ' .. H9.VO0 1920 aedaoT 415.00 1a?t stilan i -aoo.OO sedan . S95.O0 11 delirory 5.O0 1917 delivery . . . - 155.00 -1921 delirery : . - 195.00 1921 daUTory .,J,., - - 890.00 192 truck . ! 250.00 All eara guaranteed to bo la good mn- ' ntng order 192$ lieense on every 1 car. Liberal terma Ope Sundays - ; VAIJUET MOTOR COMPANY 260 ST. High ; i- Phono 1995 Notice of ImproTement of . Maple Aveuue Between Highland Are 1 use and South Stre?ct. " Notice 1 hereby siren that tho common council of the City of Sa " lem, Oregon; deems It, necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and ' intention to 1m i rrore Maple ayenoe from .the Boulh line of Highland iTenae to - the nor til, line of Sooth street, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of -the abntting and 'ad jacent property, except the street Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed y the City, of Safera, by )&rlngin; aaid 4 portion of Maple avenue to the established $rade, constructing, cement con crete curbs and paving said por tion of said arenbe with a aix-fnch rement concrete parement In ac cordance with the plans and epeci , ficatlons therefor which J were adopted by the 'CQmmon council June ISth. 19t and which a r hereby referred to and by refer ence made a part horeof." , f The common council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to 'make the above described im prorement ty and through, th street improvement department of . ' the City of Salem, ' , r . By order of the common foun 1 ' cil the ISth day -of Jane, 1923. , - - M. POULSOT, City Recorder. j Date of first publication hereof !j Jue-3 2'), . NEW TODAY Continued COiKJOLI,0M RUGS EVERY SIZE AND ! 1 color, beautiful. . Money back if I yoo want iU Max 0. Buren, 179.NCom'l 30 ACRES 4 IN BEARING APPLE OR ; , chard. ' Smalt house. On - account ,-. of death of owner, will be aold for $1100 cash. . See Arent Robinson, 32 Orrron Bldg.- Insnruce. Loans and Real Ea ; , tate. Phono 4018 or any time at any day, except Sunday , 17 19R. , i ' i VOH, KALE BINOER ; SEWINO 1 Mi : ; chine $20.00. C38W. , .riU -v'i. - .-, TO LOAN $1000. 7 PER CENT. COUN- tryor city property Address E 73" care Statesman.. FURNISHED , APARTMENT-. I BLOCK north of j State House, 292 North i8um- Salem's used ear center, spends lJnooy In . Salt mm iWe do not I ; our cars in! so ita tfteiem. buy some other atate thus taking money from our own community. Patronise a firm who support Salem resident. Oleaon . Auto Exchange. ; . '. X ONE OF . FINEST . SALEM HOMES : $3000 lesa than, house would cost to day. Many ethers in big photographic display Tell mo when to bring it for , yottr inpecUop. Harris, 1942-J. TO TRADE MODERN WELL FINISH : ed.5 room house, with basement, for a modern 8 or 9 room house . ' s FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN $2100. Easy terms, a bargain. - Rich L. Reimann ! 229 Oregon Bldg. , j Phone llOia. r i, t X ' The best mechanic is none too food, be eauae a poor mechanic may abaolutely ruin your car..; Jack; Doerfer Motor Re pair, 41 0 S. Commercial. . A Wonderful Improvement Is made by discarding that old, ahgged, ahabby abp and letting - Oregon'a busiest top shop' fit your car with a new top; WALTER E. GRUNERT. 256 State. v EMPLOYMENT I MAXB 't WANTED-hSOMEONE TO HAUL WOOD. Phone 39 after 8 o'clock. .' - v; WOOD CUTTERS ? WANTED PHONE 132J. SALESMEN WANTED TO THE RIGHT , party wo ha-re to offer the beat aell 1 lag ' proposition la . the " atate. This Industry ia expanding very rapidly and . tha largest of ita kind in the j world with a wonderful , future. . Promotions ' Tsry rapid to those who quality This la a real opportunity -4o makei good. Call for Mr. Kankel. Terminal Hotel. or phone 1090 for appointment.; rXMAXJa- SALESLADY WANTEDr-HAYE frEX inj for saleslady ea our saUnforce. ; The best aad fasteM sailing roies tioa en the eoast.'this ta a real;' oppor- ! tunity for you. Call for Mr. Knnket, Terminal hotel, or phone 1090 jfor ap .potBtment. " . : MAXB AJali FEMAXB - f.- WANTED TO ENGAGE CHERRY PICK - era. Picking to begla ea or before June 25th. Royal " View Orchard on Salem Heights car lies. -Phone- even : jngs 847 M. . Children, under 16 nt ae- - "P- -'rl ' "' WANTED MEM 5 AND WOMEN TO - take farm paper subscriptiona. good prepoeiuoo M me rtgui pavpw. drees tke Faeifia iomaaiaao. Bldg, Salem. Ore. . , PERSONAL I GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pablUaad. Free for a tarn. Oir ideas. Talaao. OOJa , 1 FOR RENT APARTMENTS , APARTMENT FOR RENT ADULTS, 735; North. Commercial. t f FXATS FOR KENT FURNISHED MODERN fire room flat, at 664 1-2 Ferry St $40 : ; a month. Immediate: poaeeaaloaL Joae 25, or call at SUteamaa buslaeaa office. BOTJSEB FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE, MO dera, at 72T 8. 12th St. $25 a month. Call at Stateemaa bualnee of rice., or phone. 23. ; t VM1 -, i a , , .-t.".- ROOK FOB RENT .'APARTMENTS AND aleeplng re ease' Leonard Hotel. 854 K. Front Btreet v -y PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7"", ' wording 'Rooma to Boat," prieo 1$ ' cent each. SUteamaa Boaineea Of fice, Ground Floor.- -: PRINTED CARDS, 81X8,14" BT,7tt". wording "Faralshad Booms." price 10 ; eeata each. Statesman Baalaeaa Of fice, 3rand Floor, r . --:'--.; TELIPUS TODD - 1 ! - ' tr, . --TW.:Trvr. i ' ' Jl ( (DRIV&ME HOHaT TEMPOS. SCCWtRY IS .y f I KNOW A HP OS,TCMWH J DOW t'iLo lusAiJFrf Mf AN W0THlWG- I AJHT GOT MO MOWTY ArD) I lTH6 nOSTEST THtNG J CRAVES J mfy& U-DeHSTAND HOW COME VOO TO BE WlttwG To vVORK BROTME R JU N -FJZJ UtSO HAVe , 0W THAT. ISC TeiAJItoT I" LOOK AT. J- LCX W MC WITHOUT NO WAGE'S ? : ... .. ' '. ( IS EST ABOUT THE FOMOESTy- fry, TOoJ 1 1 ( ths OCEAM SELUMG FO' TEN CEWTS X f I 1 - 111 r 1 'i . C VmA.1 J II -mt tf.WM- II s raA-l . i t . "4 r IK, - - - . I " J u V t 1 r wk jp&: :-W'smK Ksi 1 iiii 1 -it i frj mmSr'Ah UV'I If i ''ft .1 ! rfJ5?- t'Vt Ui ,' - 2ft J7 ' aV' a I- 1' ' ' I V I r rC II - 1 J II , 'OO-V 1. - n - Of - 11- J ' FA'y ;.;a''o - TOi' '-mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm n . ill . ,i ......... : .... .. .-:!-::. - : ;- , ,. - -r -- s. T" - '; . - " - ' '. .... v -; - - . - "J' "-'....'' ?: ' FOR RENT Continued ROOMS' SLEEPING ROOlfS FOR RENT. - 1185 Chemeketa. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7H", :. wording "For Rent." price 10 cents each. SUteamaa BaaUeaa Office, on Groaad Floor.' t PIAH01 MEW PIANO FOB RENT $ PER MO. H, U SOif FuraiUre Co. :' ; LOST AND FOUND : XX) ST LOST BLACK TRAVEMNQ BAG" B& tween 20th at. and Highway ; liberal reward. Phone 694. - - WANTED aCUCEXXAJTEOUa WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, ETC , Phone 511. ... . WE ARE STILL BUYING ROYAL ANNE . Cherries. Wilson and Etterberg atraw ; berries. .1 Mangia Broa. ; 542 Bute OLD MATTRESSES 'MADE OVER , CaplUI City Beddiag Co. Phone 19. : WANTED EVERYTHING IV HARD wara and fnrnltmra. Beat prieee paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE e FURNITURE OO. 185 hT. OeaamercUI St. . . Phoae $47 WANTED FURNITURE, TOOLS, MA chiaory, atock, ate. Will buy 'for eaah or aelL on commission. Phoaa $11. W-oodry, The Aaetioneer. FOR SALE BIRDS FXOWERS AND PETS BIT.L PUPS POR SALE FLAKE' 8 Petlaad, 273 Stated '. KXCHAXGES TO EXCHANGE GOOD DEERING IN, r der for wood. L -Cn 1078 aTenings. FARM PAPER IF TOU WABT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, tend 15e to tha Paelf ir , HomaaUad, Balam, Oregon, for a three - months' trial abacriptka. Man tioa thi ad. ,. ; ,- POUXTRYMEN w SEND EIGHT TWO eeat aUmpo for 'apeeiel three anoatha' . trial for the boat and-oldeat joaraal ta t the vast. , The articles -aad drertlao manU .are of special iatereat ta the poultry hraodera ox the Northwest Northwaat Poultry JouraaL $11 Com mercial atraot. Salem. Oregoa. PIANOS GOOD USED MAHOGANY PIANO, $150. Terma If desired. H, L. Stiff Fami tara Co.-',, . FOB SALE GOOD USED MAHOGANY piano toft with ua to aelL Priee $200, terma. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ma nia dapartmoat. PHONOGRAPHS. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125.00 Victor $150.00 Victor $150.00 Patho $165.00 Columbia $ 75.00 Victor J$ s oo . 115,00 . 67.50 110.00 . 52 JO . ' Tama as low as $1.00 par week ' - H, I 8Tmv FURNITURE OO, Phoas 841. . - 404-450 Court BL - . W009 ; . -1 FOR SLE 16-INCH OIJ FIB AND ascend growth 4 foot Phow 1467-; I FOR SALE 4-FOOT WOOD," SECOND growth fir. - Phone 621R. . -i, t 4 r Best , Grade of Wood : ; 4 foot aad 16 Inch mil! wood, i - ; ? ! 4 foot'aah and aeeond growth fir. 4 foot and 16 inch old fir. f Prompt dolirery aad reaaoaable price , - Fred E, Wella, $05 B. Church.' Ph. 154$. MZSCEXutarzoui flat 5: MONARCH RANOE, GOOD CONDI tion, sell for $50 cash. Call 1731 . Broadway street. ; . .' v . ; i- Hand boarded leather traveling bags, lesther lined, reduced to $10.80, Max O. Buren 179 N.-Cem'L ' j f Suit eases. 24-inch, dark brown, matrons' wooden body only $2. Max O. Barea 179 N. Com'l. ' : FOB 6 CENTS, IF YOU USE THE COU pon. You get a 35e can of Jap-a-lae any color. Max O. Baron, 179 North . Commercial. : : J FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eonu a bundle. Clreulatioa department, . - Oregoa Stateemaa. . -. . ; . .... i.; Beautiful Oregon Rose and eterea other Oregoa aonga, togethar , with 0 fine eoUoetloa of patriotta aonga, aaerod songs aad many aid-timo favor- ttea, - ' - i- - ALL FOB 5o ' - (Spoeial prioeo U uantity lota) -Especially adapUble for sehool soauaaa ity or homo staging. Bead for Western Songster 7$ pagea. sow la ita third aditloa. : Published by -- OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY -$1$ 0. Commercial St. ' j Balsas. Ore AUTO DIRECTORY , BADIATOE FENDER REP AXES RADIATORS FENDERS. - BODIES, aaado or repaired. J. 0 Bair. 49 Ferry - - Homeward Bound AUTO DIRECTORY Con. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS Ourtaiat to order, prieee reasonable Andereoe-Teed, 171 B High 4; BATTERY AND EXEOTRIOIAJT PBESTO-LITB BATTERY SERV1CB : 8tetka. Expert battery aad aleetrleeJ ;- work. Tarria Broa. Phooa 1801, 41$ 1 Ceari, , .... - , R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES Starter and gaaarator work; 171 South .i Commercial. . A , OAMEIrlZED BATTERY NEVER meeda a drink. , O. M. Carlsoa. $4 K. ; Commercial St, Salem. Ore. AUTO PAINTING AUTOS AND x FURNITURE - PAINTING Co, factory : finish - at d reaaoaable -, price. 175 N. Commercial, in rear, g. Phono 167. nRES ANT ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1$ to 12 OFF. MIKE'S j.Aato Wrecking Hoaaa; 414 North 1 Cossmereial. Phono 62$. ERAOTOR8) FOR SALE FAGEOL TRACTOR AND I doable dUk. Phoae 1140M. 161 So. f 14th. V:-'J iVvi,.;;,-:.. A. 0. HAAO CO, 444 FERRY ST. Phoae $10. Clatraa traetora, OUrer lm ? plsmsata. - . :V. USED OARS GOOD USED OARS GINGRICH ltO- tor Co. $71 Oeart. ' FOR SALE FORD TOURING. 1920 Mo- del, $245. 1921 model coupe, aew . : paint. $475. 1917 touriaf, $100. Dodge touring, $325. 219 8UtO St. ; -i - USED CARS '.1921 Dodge roadster, A-l shape $600 ' 1921 Ford touring L.. $350 1920 Ford panel ,...$150 i 1920i Briseo touring -.$325 ; ' 1919 Chetrolet touring $250 1921 RepubUe 1-toa , truck pneu-; matio tires, A'l shape - -...,. $750 ; v BONESTEELR MOTOR CO. . . ; '.' ' , Phono 423. - - -'J:- VICK BROS, USED. CAR BULLETIN Studebaker, 4-cylinder, . 1918 ?.$200.00 Studebaker, 6 cy Under, 1918 300.00 800.00 40.00 1O0.00 200.00 Buick , 1918 Ford touring.. . Ford deUery . Ford touring . Msswells. .50 and op Oakland touring. 1918. 800.00 575.00 875.00 350.t)0 Oakland tonring. 1920. Dodge touring. Orerlaad 4.1920 Cherrolet, : 1920 250.00 225.00 Chevrolet, 1920 Motorcycles ...... ,....;, $40 and 'up Used trucks and tractors of , serersl 5 v.; -: 1 - makes. " ' a .' Here are just a few good used eara. we hare there just as good and at prieee that you ordinarily pay for old used cars that hare been turned 'in on new' ones. We pay cash for oar eara and buy only the cream of .the market. 1923 touring, we aaro yoa $100' - ; f Latest model touring $375. ,1923 touring, : orersise tires, . large wheel and lota of extras $400. Latest model touring, Hatsleta and' lota of oxtraa $425. ' :v;. : . 1923 Ford eoupe, lota of extras $560. .1921 Ford coupe, extraa, $415. . 1921 Ford touring, fine condition, $275. USED CAB CORNER Ferry and CommorcUL -: BICYCLES AMD BZPAXRXaTO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY else aad repairing: $87 Court. Ladies1 Wearing AppareH j 8 A L B M ELITE HEMSTITCHING, : ploatlag, battoaa, atampiog aad aeedlt warki $2$ Oregoa Bldg. Phono $7$. MRS. a E. MILLXB HEMSTITCHING. siamplag. buttons. Room 10, OTar Mil. jlar'a stars. Phomo Ut. 4 ' 7.4PTT.S TAXLOEZN0) D. H. MOSHER TAILOB - FOR MEN oa. 474 Court street. W. 9. MAYER LADIE8' TAILORING; laag eeata, aad suite. Boom 7, MoOor aack Bldg. Phoae $92. . DRESSMAKING) SPENCER ' CORSETS TO ORDER . Draoamakrag. - Oarrlo . Piahar, Mo- Ooraack Bldg. . PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY ". ' wording , "DreasmakUg' ' J . price - .1$ cento each. StaUsmaa Bastasos Offles, -j Orouad Floor. - r BUSINESS CARDS AUCTXOITEEJUS AUCTIONEER F. H. WOODRY, THE : livestock .furniture, real eataU auction-ear.-' Phoae 511 for sale da tea. Boa, ; 1610 North Summer. , ARCHZTECTat : FREEMAN A 8TRUBLE. REOI8TERED 1 'Architects, . 510 Bank of Commerce Building. .M..-:- rSATEENAXi LOYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEE Memorial No. 630 meets la Odd Fel ' Iowa hall : every first, third and : fifth Tuesday of the month. AU Orangemoa waleome. CTT.EAETItS -JUTD SYEES SPICK 'V SPAN , CLEANERS AND : dyera. Phoae 18$. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Sulfa obmaed and proaaod. $1.60. 1 Buiu spoagod aad press s 4. 5ou I 121$ 8. Oom'L Phoae 1368 BUSINESS CARD Continued 'Hi CARPENTERS CARPENTER NEW . BUILDING. GAR ages. remodeling anywhere. Frank E. Way, 1618J. . ! , ' " CARPET AND BOO WEAVXHO BAG CARPET AND' RUG WEAVXHO Call before $ a. as. $4121. SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rag WorksA-Bag aad fluff rugs : wovea aayaiae with bat eoama. .New mattreasoa made .to order. .-; Old atat traaaea remade. ' Feathers aeaovated. I bay an klada of old earpeta for fluff - rus-a. IS to end Wilbur strata. Phoae 1154 Otto T. Z wicker. Prop. ' J- CSZMJaCf . fWZZ7l f CHIMNEY SWEEPING W DIIIOI oleaaiag. P. Oouncilmaa. Salem Hard : wart Oa, DETJQ STOEES WM. NEIMEYER JUST DRUGS." 175 M. CosamereiaL Phoae 187. FURNACES 8EAGROVB FOB FURNACES . PXPX aad plpolsaa; 108 S. lath St. Phoae : 886W. SALEM BXXCTRI0 CO, MASONI0 buiVUng. Phono 1200. HALIK'S ELECTRI0 SHOP ELS0 trical saaohiro repairing, ooatraotiag. V $37 Court, Phoae 48$. ,., -, - . - AR0HIB FLXENER, ELECTRICIAN r Hoaaa wirtag by War or eoatrees, Xa timatoa farnlahed. Phoao $38. 414 Oaon -v . ELECTRI0 FIXTURE AND BUPPL1 Co. Phaao 18S4. ill I, liaorty. $10,000 PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN ON farm. 744 N. Com'l. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 , per seat, $0$ Salem Bank of Commerce ; Seven Per Cent. Net I can place a $1000, or near and. se cure it oa Salem property selling now at $2500 no cost te'you., Wm. Fleming, $41 - farm: LOANS Jasaranee money, . sny amount 6 per cent, for 5, 7. 10 or 20 years, with1 full prepayment privileges, entire ': Willametto valley. ' . ' - - i' I'-l w ' HAWKINS - ROBERTS -1 -' 205 Oregoa , Bldg, Salem. Qrogoa. f t FARM LOANS , , AT 0 PES CENT aad" Vft PER CENT a " ; -1 r : i : ' . - . ' - ; - ANDERSON RUPERT ! Oregoa Bldg, Salem, Ore.. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 5ft PER CENT Five-year-period . with . . prepayment privilegeo of $100 or any mnltiple there of oa interest dates. . . v .- -. . , ......v .. j;' I-- ' BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS t PER CENT . , Five year period' wuh payment priv Iscea. '. j - - - - .' i ' I " - - NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS ., - Salem' Mortgage Correspondent, ' The Prudential Insurance Co., of America. . , HAWKINS ROBERTS , 205 Oregon bldg. .1 nOBXSTB CUT FLOWERS AND FLORAL PIECES. Delivery. C. F. Brotthaupt. floriat. 123 North Liberty street, j Pheafe 880. ruBarmrsB stores, OIESE rURHTTURE OO. -m QUALITY faraiturO fa laaa aaoaey. $7$ Court PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW aad aoeoad haad faraltara; . 871 B". ; JUNK JTJNX WE BUY -ANDj : SEIA, FURNITURE, . tools, snd junk. . 975; North Commer ciaL Phono 588. , I . - .. I XJlUNDRIEaV T SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 810 S. ; Liberty' atraot. Phoao 25. Oldaes a largest hast. Establiehod 18$$. YALE LAUNDRY IB AGAIN IN A Po sition to reader rem the aaaae efficient uaerviee so h afore the fire which de : atreyad our add building. AB kiade of laumdry work, also aloaaiag aad praaa- tag. Phoao your waata to 1$S aad ws twill CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt Berries S 1204 ISO. . .- MdCTTTsTB SHOP THE GROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boOera, . vuloaalista aad tube plates. - Perry 0. Campben, $17 V. - Idharty.' .v'rv-. .-. r- WE0HTSR a SMITH MACHINISTS. . saglasara, weldora, -i Heal4 eyliader griadiac aorvioa. Phoae 663-845 Ferry. htUSZCAS SALEM CONBERVATORT OF MU8I0 AB breaehee toaghV diploaaaa granted. Joha R. Sites, direetor; 1837 Court Phoao 680. - i - . . . , A COURSE IN - BUSINESS PIANO playtng. Popular syaoopated ataadard ataate. ; Somi-alaaaioB aad baOads; 1$ lesaoao. Watermaa Piaaa Echool, Mo- Badg. f 'U' -y-s'-i, afEDTOam MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY 417-W. BUSINESS CARD Continued PAPERHANGINa AND PAINTING Eadursnce . house . paiat, superior .la quality, handsome in color harmony, see the woods, get a color card, yea will be delighted at the difference. Max O.aBur ea 179 N. -Com'l, ; MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS Stoiawaya. Duo-Art aad others. Moore's Muale Houae, 418 Court TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. 8Uff Farai tare Co, ICaala Dept. OEO. C WILL TXAN08, . PHONO graphs, sowing uaaeklaaa, shoot masie, aad piaaa studied. Repalriag pkaao grwpha aad aowiaa manhlnas; 433 OSBSU, MEN'S STOEB ED. CHASTAIN CLOT KING OO. BUTTS aad ovorooata. Use my eteira; n pays. $08:8tate St, PAPERH ANQING AND PAINTING - PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE , deooratiag, paper haagiag. fdatiag. ate Reliable wori TEN CENT , KALBOMINB IN BEAUTI ful eolors; $1 dooa a raosa. Max a Barea, 17$ N. Coat'l. - N U A&SBY . STOCSE FRUIT LAND NURSERY COMPLETE line trees. Office 161 S. 14th St Phono 1140M. 4 ; COMPLETE LLNB TREES SMALL traita, oraameata. Capital City Bur aery Cav, 420 Oregoa Bldg. Phoao TA FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TRII8 m. Poarey Broa, 237 SUte. FLtrhCBXNG GRABER BROS. PLUMBING AND r heatUg; goaoral repahra. .- Phoao 550. 141 B. Iderty. . '. PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOII work. Phoao 1S97 J. Shop 187 Ualoa otroet. A L. Godfrey. , 1 PIAJTO TUEZES 1 EDWARD WELP 1 EXPERIENCED PI oao.taaar. Loavo ordsr WiU'a Mailt Btora, SECOND taoODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sella eecend haad ruraitara, tool aad . laak; $80 N. OoauaoreiaL Phaaa 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- . lag aad shoos. Boot prieee paid. Cap lUI Exchange; 842 North Coniurrrisl Phoao 1S68-W - BCAYEaZX8 SALEM , SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, rofaso of oil. kin da removed. Oaajtils aloaaod. Phoao 167 or 1007J. BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE (8 U& aoaaor to Noal Soaveagar) Garhara aad rofaso of aU klada removed by tha smooth. Reasonable ratea. Fhenee: Offlao $2$, roaidoaos 205$. . STOVES AMD STOVE ESPAZEUTB TTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED . 40 years' -axparioaoa. Depot Natioaa) feaee, aiaeo SO to 8$ U. high. Palata, Ua and oaralahoa. etc, legaa berry aad . hop hooka. ' Salem Feaee aad Stovs Worka, 860 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER HAULING MOVING AND STORAGE REASONA ' bio -'jfigurea. 975 North Commercial, I phoao 588. .1 , We move, store and ship houss- i hold goods. Our specialty la piano end ! farai tare aaoviagj. We aloe soafco eoua- try tripe. .Wo handle the beat ooolasd . wood. OaO oa aa for prleos. Wo gi good smoaaaro. good aaality aad fo x aaailuo. Larmer Traaafar Co. Phoae $$$ CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER OO - 224 etase St. Phoae 988,; DistrlbutUg. for- ' warding aad storage oar specialty . Got our rates. VAEXBTT STOl SALEM, VARIETY 6TVRB CBINA- .uraro, glaaswaxo. toys, -aotlaoa, aad mil- Hairy., -v . TEANSPORTATIOH i - PARKEB'S STAGE LINES i"s J.- W. Parker, General Maaager Central StaU "Terminal Salem, Oregoa, s ; 8ALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves 8slem, . Control BUge Terminal: 7 a. m, 11 a. m, 5 p. as. Loavea Sllvortoa Newa SUadi . 8 a. at, 1 p. m. p. as. . ' ' Salem Independence-Monmouth Dirisioa: Leavea Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7 a. m, 9 a, m, 11 a ja, 8 p. nu , 5 p. m.. i ' ' " '-' .. Leavea Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: : . 0:15 a. m, 1 p. m, 0:15 p. as. ; Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: .. 8:30 a. m, 10 a ja, 1:15 p .as. ' 4 p Ja, 6:80 p. nv . Lssves Central Stage Terminal. Salem, for 1 Dallaa at: ' . 7 a. m, 11 a. m, 5:10 p. an. Loavo Gail HoUL Dallaa, aV . -. . : . $ a ja, 1 p. m, 6:15 p. ss. Wo ' make connections at Salem ' to aU : parts of the valley. -Extra crips by ap pointment. ;' . ; t J W. PARKER, General Manager. CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central 'Stage Terminal, Salem, Oregoa 8ALEM-EUGENE Leavea Salem '7:15 a. m. ; 0:15 a. ac; 11:15 a. aa.; 1:15 p. aa.; 8:15 p. as.; 6:16 p. m.; 7:80 p. an. to OorvaQia oaly WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. : Offioo. 801 South Commercial St, Tea i per ooat dlaeeont oa domoetie flat : rates paid la advaaeo. No dodaetlona - for abooaoa or any eaaas aalesa water ; as abut off your presniaoa. Story by fvnu Savs hyMDS.TlbUAM.Bvr THEY DOtoY MEAN NOTHING I OWES 'THAT. THE ULmW sCOtXD NT WMY : PROFESSIONAL AKBUXAJTCB SEE VICE 8 A L B M AMBULANCE SXRYICX mt Phaaa 868-17$ & Liberty. ' A7HXROPODXSTB DR. 8. f P. SCOTT. GRADUATE EA tieaal Uaiversity Soleaeaa. Chicago , . Moaosie Temple. Phaao 040. - DR. WILLIAMS CORNS, CALLOU8I8 , Ugrowa aaila; afl fool troaMa, Friaj Sheo Co. Phone 610. .-- ; CaigXgB PKIgXClAE DR. U T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN r aiseese. 1S8 8. High St. Phoao 888. ... ,y, CHIEOPRAOTORa CT DB. H. D. REDMOND. - -Chiropractor, 825 Oregoa Bldg. Phoae 664 DR. LENA A. BOONE, 475 8. COMMER 'oiai. ..Phoao 1415 DRS. SCOTT 8) SOOFIXLD, P. C. ChJropraetora, 414-10 U. 8. Bank Bldg Phoao 87t roa. 82$-R DRUGLEB8 PHTKOTANS MAGNETIC HEALING DR. Fraata. Aoato aad ehreaie Phoae 780. 495 N. ' Commercial. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DXRXC ten. 210 Center. Phoao 1656. . XATTJBOFATHXO PB. 1 81CIAN8 DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE ANT ehroaio diaoasos; 418 Oregoa Bldg 110. . OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Or : tical Co, 825 StaU street, opposite Ladd a Baik Beak. .Uaa Qaality Provaa MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE goa Bldg. Rooms , $01 to $04. 08TE0PATHI0 PBTYSICIAES DR. W L. MERCER OSTEOPATHIC physsehsa aad oargsoa. Kirkarine gradaato. 404-405 U. S. National Baak Bldg. Phone, of See 81$; roa. 814. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH 08TEOPATHI4 Physiclaa aad Smrgooa, 408-404 Ore goa Bldg. - Phaaaa. affioo 1894; raa "$-r$. -. . , . . .. .. REAL ESTATE SNAP MODE RX" 0 ROOM COTTAGE large lot. South Salem, only $1500 down balaace like- rent, priee $4200. Childa A'Beehtel, 540 StaU St. . $1,000 -TO- LOAN. 7 PER CENT. 1-3 . acre and j . 4-room ? bouse, not far out; . $1,500,'. terma on balance; $500 down buy s . a $ 22 00 4-room plastered' house, on psvsd street, near, ear line; 5-room houae and Urge lot, $1,150; $300 '. down, balance by month. See J. A. Mills v v - 331 StaU 8t. y--'- ' ' f. . NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT - Timber. Goaeral Load Office, Waahiar toa. D. 0, .May 16, 1928. NoUce is t hereby given' that subjeet to the condi tions and limiutioaa of the Acta el Jane 9, 1916 (39 SUt, 21$) aad Jans 4, 1920 (41 SUt, 758), aad Depart- ' mental regulatioas of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D, . 447) snd Juno 32, . .1920 (47 L. D, 411). the timber oa the following lands will bo aold oa Juae 86, -1923, at 10 o'clock a. at, at public aao : tioa at tha, U. 8. Lead Office at Port .land. Oregon.. to the highest bidder at .aot lesa thaay the apprsiaed -value aa , shewn, by this notice, sale to bo. subject to tha approval of tha Secretary of tha 7 ' Interior. The purchase price, with aa - . additional anna of 1-6 of -one per cent I thereof being conunissioaa' allowed. 4, matt , bo depoaitoa- at time of eaie. money to be returned if sale -is aot ap proved, otherwise paUat will .issue fd the timber' which must bo removed with- . in ua rears. -Bida wifl bo received froa ; eitisens of the United SUtea, aaaoeio " tioaa'of such citiiena, and eorporotloat orrsnitod under the lawa of the Uaitol States, or aay State, Territory or Dis trict thereof only. Upow applieatlos of a qualified purenaeer, the tamoer oa any 'legal eabdiviaioa will bo- offeree1 . aeparaUly before being iaeladed la aa offer of a larger unit: T. 7 8, R. 2 K, Sec. 1, 8W NE U yellow fir 750 M, none of, tha timbai . . oa this tract to bo sold for loss thai - 61. SO per- M. ,T. 18,31 E, See. 28. NE 4 SB 14. red fir 400 M, yellow . fir 2550 M, hemlock 25 M, aoao of the timber on this tract to be sold tat ' loss thsa $1 per M, for the red fir, $2 per M. for the yellow fir, aad 60 eenaj per M. for the hemlock. T. 4 S.. R ' 5 E, Soo. 7. 8E4 SE red fir 130 ' V, BW 4 SE. 4 red fir 1100 M. aona of the timber oa theaa tracts at be aold for leaa thaa $2 per M. " T. 1 N, R. 2 W, See. 16. NE U. NE U ro4 fir 1640 M, NW U, SB H red fir 740 . M, SE -4, SE H red fir 1020 M,.BW 14 SE rod fir 520 M, cedar 10 M SB M BW i red fir 400 M, yellow fir 600 M aong of the timber oa thoae ; tracta to bo aold for loss thaa $2 per M. T. 0 8., R. S E, See. 5, frL NWH, NB M. fir 920 M., SE NE K, fir 020 M. . BW NE K fir $75 M,. frv NE..H NW .14 fir 750 M, frl. NW M NW hi fir 650M, SB '51 NWU fir 750 M. NE 14 SE 14 fir 880 M., NW 14 SB 14 fir 490 M, NE 14 8W 14 fir 420 U, aono of the timber oa theao tracts to be sold for leaa thaa $1.50 per M. T $ 8, R. 8 E, Bee. 13, lot 6 rod fir 225 M, : whito fir 25 M, cedar 40 M, aono of ' the timber oa thia lot to be aold 101 leaa thaa $1.50 per M. T. 8 8.. R. I E, See. 81. NB M, NE 14 fir 2780 M elHSEH fir 2580 M, SB U BE it fir 2190 . M, aono of the timber oa 1 these tracts to bo sold for less thai $1.75 per M. T. 9 S , R. 2 E., See. $ lot 1,' fir 2940 M, SE 14 NE 14 tit 1640 M, NE 14 SE 14. fir 1700 M. NW 14 SE 14 fir 1$40 M, none of tht : timb'Sr oa these tracta .to Bo aold fa .. leaa than $1.50 per M. Winism Sprj CommiasMaer,' General Land Offioo. OCtAVUS ROY COIlEll Xnaatratloaa tor H, Western Taylor , y - I AJHT tOT hto NWtT rru. ISC TELUH WTWIWS OCLUWI. rv 1 cr, -ww.. WASH C HA"lW. REAL ESTATE Cent- 20-ACRE SNAP ALL CXDK.1 C LTI ... vat Ion, 8 room-house, barn eni t. ; 'tailding, good torchardTc, iu..e-.i j poasession. only $300 down. . Trice $2500. Childa A Bechtel. 540 Ctala "'.atroet. V '.-- FOR SAliE OR' TRADE 'Modern haose, 6 room, garage, large lot a Chemeketa St. Ideal location near the State Hoaso. Price 6000, terms. . V,"i:i trade for a modern resideare io Portland See ChUds A Rechtel, 540 StaU St.. For Sals The tea acre tract oa South 32nd afreet formerly owned by Geo. Fendrica at a bargain, .good land, good buildings look thia over aad make aa offer or call aud 00 Bio. ,.' l I have for sals a swell five room bur j alow at 25 per cent less than cost, A five-room, house.' needs: some repairs for $1000. - Good house for rent at $30. V. L. Wood. 341 State St. 300 acre dairy ranch with atock and equipment $40 i er aero. '; - - For Sale " 8-room . house snd two lots in v. i Saleta; .price, $850; $150 down, t.I ance $20 per month. i'-W. K. GrabenhorstjiSt Co. Realtors ' 275 State Street. - $2000 AND $1500 TO LOAN OX COC - city or farm security. . , W. McLaren Co. . Phone 430, 180 N. Commercial Et. To Exchange ' , Good homo ia Salem, price $3500 f.r SmaU improved tract, N. . Good 7 room homo on paved - str f, trade for timber land, must be aesr c toad. -. - ' Almost new track, trade for cat Ua r Iheep;- ..;i:-v ' - $1000 to loaa oa .city property, v $2000 to loan oa farm property. v Thomason f KL $31.14 StaU St, Phone 175. Best Buys and Exchange:, ' 8 room molera' home, baieneat, , ice. $24 N. Church, $4750, tertus. 6 room, modem resideaee, 1692 r " vue, $2250. . $500 cash, balance f 2 5.C monthly. ." . . . .10 room modem- residence, . 2 lots, a $5000 property. 1973 Hill suet, c. . I sale $3500, teraui. 10 room strictly, - mod era retIi"f , good aa new, late type, worth it I t $10,000, quick! sale $8000, terma or v accept smaller residence. 244 acres, 170 cleared, goo! l-r , fsirbntldiags, ', 15 acres baaricj rr. 114 miles to railroad town, i t $35 per aero,' terma. Socolofsky, Bonded 0::".:: , - ' . $41 StaU. . Lease and furnishings of three r menu for - $1450. Iaeome of SI' ; ) -moath. Faraishiags' of wicksr, new t '. attractive.1 -:- - ; - 4 room bungalow, bath, cement ' ment. pared atreet, $2250, cash. 9 room houae with modern, roar--' cos, paved street, lot 71x143. ? will trade for suburban home of 5 t and twoy er three acres, - 6 room strictly modern tome, fjre-a Croplaeo, paved street, $3300. ; Winnie Pettyjohn 21$ -Oregon PRINTED CARDS, 6123 14" I Z ', '. - wordiag "For Ealo, Eai'ro tt" :. 10 eaau aack. - etataia' I ' Office. Ground Floor. V ForaBu:!dcr y: $ fine building sites, psvins'ra'I I two other big lots without ps!3 $1500. oa terms. On D Et, cer i iUl'St. .A big bargain. Wm. 11 841 StaU St. . , . 2 good dairy r-Stock farms far i en easy terma. J . " " - ,' Ai C. Bohrnstcdt - ' 407 Masonic, Teirpls. Eaka, Cra. f GBAZ3 ACT TUL? Ko. 2 wheat No. 8 red wheat, aacked Chest hay Oat hay Clover har. baled '. Priees aooud -are wholesale a - ! prices received by farmers. 2'o i ti prieee oro rirea. exorpt aa . -,: EGJiS, EX7TTZ2, . 17". !': Creamery batter ',; . . i . Batterfat, delivered Milk,' Per ewt. Errs selects etaadarda ... .no Pulleta POULTRY Heavy bene Medium foes. inrri::i Aro rr:r Hogs, top. 150-225 lbs., ewt ? Hogs ,, Up, 225-275 lbsM ewt i Hogs, top, 275-800 lbs, ewt 1 Light sows, ewt . $475-1 Rough, heevy, ewt Top veal. -dressed . .. . . .. . , Top steers ., ....' .05 ( ' Cows 1. 4 10 Q 11' Top lambs Heavy lambs - BANANAS '; Red Cord, the distiaquisblcg mark ' anal fly fruit. Quoting era tad, per lb. .11 ' "Bonded" Brand Suskist VeleaeJsi Offering: 216's sad larger 1 "." 250'a and . emaller ' -.' - Xl m TiTTO ESIA Ca-FZ.2 "Sunkiaf 64'a. 80"a 1 3 " All Citrus fruita in half case 1U. 1 additioaaL CUBAB PJS2APPXX3 Per erato . $T. - -." . .. Aprixa . Astrsehana ' ,.f " Ex. fancy Winessp Jumble 8pitenberra ii EEW BUNCSrD. vesstail::i All priced by the doiea baache. Beets, Tnmlpe, Canrots Radishea, locg or round , local Onlona .. I pohtla::d v. .. . . ' ' Craia - .. PORTLAND, Oro.. June . 13. Ct t (urea: Wheat, soft white, we 'to Juna 140; July. 1.07: bard winlfr, ' theru spring, western red, Jum July.lU): - Oiti .o. 2, SO pound aat-ar., . Jaly 84.00. - . - ularler: 44 pound mSniuium J. ? July1 27.50; pound ' mint . u r7.S0"; .Jaly 27.03. - - : " Cora o. 2 eastern yellow t Juao 38.00; July C7.7S. - (MiU rua June 29 0; July i ( . PORTLAND, Ore, Ju 19.- changed.