me w it m 7 V - m A m m THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 20. 1923 V -.1 "... m t- . H EfAOT!EENT IN THE HISTORY OF 7 ., . I : 1 ! . ' . . ! ' , i . I 1 OREGON MADE A STATE FEBRUARY 14, 1859 SALEM BECAME THE CAPITAL 1864 ' CHERRIANS BECAME A FACTOR 1910 . ! j MAN'S SHOP OPENS FORBUSINESS JANUARY 1,1922 . 1 A Unique Business Policy Inaugurated Our Duty To This Community ; Is to serve you daily in capacity of Real Service Personal Service Quality Merchandise at prices as low as a consistent business policy will permit You, our customer, must and do command our at tention, first in our; buying merchandise relative to serviceability and the proper retail price; second - the article you purchase here must give you satisfactory service in fact you must be satisfied. Percentage of reduction means little. How low were the original prices is the thing and how much , , lower are the sale pnces now is what total real value and so we introduce our : . STARTING TOMORROW .S'i:'!;;;: Thursday, June 21 j, ";! :;.:! , t; ' . . F6r a Limited Time Only ? " THE EVENT EPOGIAL TO y6u l!i;:-fc;:FOR MANY YEARSgBtt 1ES su THREE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES -A SAVING UNEQUALLED AT $33 5 i Original Prices $25.00 to $47.50 i ' - ; " " " ' iv- " . . . fcmmm . ' S Alt) 1 - : I x v , r ' ' '' J . ... ; i i :ii v T v k . v 5 : Jvf; W..:r?-.:3f-x----l .; 1 f-' 1 Fine Merchandise Low Prices Definite Savings There is a plain honest and sensible reason for this sale, . It is part of our service to offer this community each season the broadest possible selection in every department. L : Individual preference varies from season to season. Result that at this time of the season finds us with some wonderful merchandiserrPerhaps just what you wahtthat our business L , - We proilVDy Clearing our stocks zo receive zne coming seasons mercnanuise uu yiunj. nui uiuy uy price muucemenzs ouz uality and definite savingsnly made possible at this particular season. - ; . , , T- iWeknowyoui judgment will approve ot '!:-, ; I k-,, , . , ---. i -IV.. ; r 4 : . ' .; - . . . . 1 . . . . - 22 1. . ?. SHIRTS A wonderful collection of patterns and fabrics A beautiful assortment of fine silk neckwear. of Percales, Rep and some Madras-T-shirts that ' Every tie in the house that sold up to $1.50 sold up to $20 are placed on sale OC 1 placed in one large lot, an exceptional QC at V d I buy at each .j:..........-..-.....;. Oo i Here vou are Mr. Man A I real Hat Sale A wide selection of styles and colors in the best - ' . - - r ; High grade dress shirts in a complete array of patterns and fabrics. Tine Madras also Satin wearing felt hat we have ever sold tfo QC stripes; j A real value at $3.00 each. QC Values up to $6,0?. Your choice at J)03 For this special event L1.... PlD . ... t i .. .. STRAWS All the season's best straws in the clever up to the minute styles, wonderful " braids our regular $5.00 seller, for , the oppor- QO QC -tunc days . NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Men's negligee shirts made' with soft flat col lars, neat stripe,4 Percales Also plain colors a shirt serviceable for dress and outing QCp -Regular $1.50 value. Now VO L TROUSERS You'll not rbe surprised at thfe long wearing quality of the-fabrics in r our I separate pants and we are offering a special induce- OA PKR . merit off the regular price of ..i... ICENT ! PAJAMAS To place ! this essential ' garment of a man's wardrobe on sale; gives you here an opportun ity to purchase your needs now re- OA PER duccd under the Regular Price ......... 3 CENT KHAKI CLOTHING UNDERWEAR An extra heavy weight khaki cloth pant. Well A fine"quality;men's knit union suits for sum- maae, gooa pocKeis anu ueu loupj- u-j i.ufi wear, uuius m. aiu umy mauu Kauri ................ OJL.J Regular $1.75, at each ii HOSIERY We are. offering you the greatest value in men's pure thread silk! hose Cooper knit $1.00 regular 4all colors, blue,' black, brown, grey and white; Listle top, heel, foot ( and toe Excentional atJ Dair ... Ui 1 J1" SEE OUR WINDOWS J EVERYDAY .. t--'-l ;. j re 'Hi : - '. : 1 ' . , :. -:: ... ; P9 sleeve and ankle length, a value at $1.50 HI? per garment.: Now special ...... ...... 7vC Your unreserved selection of any cap that re tails at $2.50 and there are sure .some clever caps in cloths and styles now for that QC new cap, at special M OD STILL BETTER COME IN WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SHOW YOU ZOSEL & COOLEY 416 State Street ;... r - : : t j p r SALEM, OREGON n H'' ' . Nf- i J i 'Ii 1 1 . I r t 1 tVf .r Ii- I- ii 4 f Ii II "