The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 o-'
day r
i A ,
r i -
j & ti
l, iicJlL
I' .it-; fir. 3 to llav r.'r.v Edi-
p - - -'I f p -
runs sro forwarded from
the Unltariaa church, board : at
EDstoa for a tew Usitarlaa chorea
.in Eilem-They, are' being pre
pared ty tha gc-rral church area
it :ctaral board, and Ehoald repre
e k. t th 3 I -: t t; c r i la - char ch- effl-c-cy
3 $r i3 rrcrici est ia the
over, tLa '
It: v. : .
il tl..3 I. ..
tl .
ri2 ncct"
ions all
r;r:;':-t!ia, pastor
ciarch, Ij dslighted
.-t cf this fine new
expects tai hare to
:f. tbarraOaey 'by a
. -d-to-Li-i grappla with tbelo
c 1 world, l"t;ha welcomes the
t"- ce f;r & soodV raaa's-size Job.
Ia LooJ rrcj ct
"Cf course, it's almost all local
: La sail, "and local ea-
iiz'.z:i, tad local 'peepla' who
tit It will be cur owa
cl -rch, tni if we doa't
: .'.3 we'll cev:r c:f it. Eat we
"1 i. u:'.:?; we shall 'spit oa our
; ; c ; l r'.rd r? oar loirs aad
t..' "! a 1 : j, dec? breath aad do
ev , ; il : r a nan should do
whea L 2 i '. rts la oa a bard job
and vo'Il da It. We doa't jet
. kcow "-t La. much1 xncaey we
shall :::lws, or juit what L!-i
cf a cburcli we shall bare, but It
will be a real! wcr'iv 1.11a cbarcb
lint, asl It's tzt rj to :t the
Uj job dena."; .
T9 church cczsrejitloa dsclrr?
to I :? its rrc---t attractive 1
c-:::a at Cc.::r3 cai Chemtketa
.rc-::s. E-t La cU building thai
.1 i i L
JfV - m r ... '-v ft I t I .
Oi ;l r
..-y tr: ;"iir' out or sk!a irri
' 1 cn'-f;i ,iCj. ct boJy II
-r;-:'- ::t ty ..:rrlybas
UiO-L:;i rrsaj-s a noted skla
:l!st.. E:.ras9 cf its germ
;rc rt;:r. rttlasT bas
lcca f:
t j t- a tl3 I!' -?
jr:- -r5.t!:3.tbit
c-'S;; ;.tla
t-:rr.'.-T er.l imiitlca.
. . .-tLo-Zalptar beaI3 eci::ua
i-Lt op, leavir the Bla clear
33 Eiaootb; It seldom fails to
tt: 'T9 .tbe t:rr :t cr clzflsure
A'i:t!3 J;.r cfr.0Tl:3 i:ca-
j-al--r 1-1213 la cllalned at
r drus ftcre. ,11','ii us?l4lL3
" ere an. .'. It
R-aj recently C-.-.l ty flra ,IU
Lata t3 ro. TLcra wta a 1IIU3
tali cf tLa e;v -ci district- restfns
tba strcctarsL for week-cay sertlce
a3 ta '-ii::iry tcbocl buUdlax,
since tba taw Qraat jurfsr Wsb
ccbool bcildiis caa not . be built
for tbia year. It ba beea iag
Ctstti to tl board fbat It' ralsbt
be ! poesibla t ' buy tb present
churcb building, and more It to
tbe Grant school location, adapt
lag it to school uses for at least
or 9 or two years, and 'gettias, It
ready for use at: tbe beginning of
school tbe first of. October, j It is
believed that this might be done
for a comparatively small sum. '
Practicability Is Seen. ' T
Thi xalsbt saem like s chimeri
cal idea under some conditions.!
Bat jast now If might ba Solo
monic wisdom. It has bee a fig
ured that building costs, incluila
Ubor, naterlal, service, hare ia-!
creased 27 per ccat siace tba first
of Harch, and the recent tlda ea
the proposed Grant school were
that muca ftbote whaf the bc-rd
had calculated oa. This .' would
make & building contracted on the
present scale lor the $103,000
tlat the test Grant school bids
called for, cost only about $80,
000 on the scale of costs existent
only elx months ago. Architects
and careful . business observers
eitlpiate that costs will soon re
cede at least to the level that pre
vailed last year. To wait even
part of cae year for the Grant
school would save at least $20,000.
The bids called for so long a time
that It would be ' Impossible to
have the new school before"mId
year; anyhow, so It ! would seem
poor business to contract on the
peak , pries for something that
wouldn't be of use this season j
V.- No' Action Tet " ' 1 ?
: If it should be found possible
to serve the cbildrea ty epeading
$5000 or'lSOOO ia eacX a' struc
ture as this, they could have it
this year when they will get noth
ing but tha loag wait it the new
buildlas , is started, and the dls
trlct could thea barn, thai old
church If if chose next fall and
be about 115,000 to ' f 20,000
ahead. : . .'J -: ; ; ''
The old school board has taken
no action on this matter," and the
new board . hasn't happened yet,
bo there's rothlss definite for
publication. But the- matter' has
been considered by some school
men, and It -teems to work out
very snootily ca paper,
V--v - t '
bcsor,Kaytcr Declines
1 h. 1 1 i ! .r
Portland District Wins
Award for Most Business
. . Hustled for Road
ICO 111
Villamette Valley Gas & Oil
Company Invrtes ruDUc .
DALLAS, Ore., June 9- (Spe
cial 5 t the Statesman.) -Oscar
llzyter, attorney -of ; tbia city who
last week was ' offered a 1 position
on the state parole board by Gov
ernor-Pierce, has declined the ap
pointment static 1 that his I busi
ness is sucjthat it rin cot allow
him to taka time frcra it ,f dr. the
position. " : - ' .
1 - T
Salem railroaders are, swelling
out their , chests , like a ' flock' of
pouter pigeons . over the; prize
plaque they helped win over all tha
rest of the Southern , Pacific sys
tem, and that is today on exhibi
tion at the passenger depot ia Sa-
, Lst year tha Southern. Pacific
inaugurated the system i of erllst
lag the men in its general I.'ht
for business enough, to. liva pa.
The system was -divided into U
districts, and a - prize ,was to be
giv? to the dUtrict;thaf mad a the
most points ia soliciting and land'
inj company business, freight and
passenger. Every , good word
spoken in pursuit of a passenger
or freisht shipment, every 4 con
tract that got tha customer's
name down; on ; tbe dotted line,
counted, for a certain number of
points.. The -prise was to be of
fered for each: of the four Quar
ters of the year; aad the district
that wins it three times owns it
tor good -twet V.i
The Portland .district . came
through with. . a- total oti 11,76$
points.1 Los Angelea, he next con
testant, bad 15,1JS; Tucson, 1S-
991; general office, 4,676; coast
district, 3,544; western district.
2.(71: Sacramento, "1,27$; Salt
Lake, 725: ' San Joaquin, 682;
Stockton, 657 r and Shasta, 895.
Good words and cooperation have
flowed Ilka a perfect torrent up
and ds-ra tha Trj.irsstta river.
and they landed-tha- prizo- for the
first' lan Of tha rac3. . " '.
It's' a really beautiful prize. It
is a heavy . o ak ' shield, with
silver rim and a splendid ebony
center, plate, surmouated by the
Southern Pacific, trade mark and
with; the Portlaad district name
and the- date ? Inscribed itf . gold
letters oa the ebony background.
The whole shield Is eaclosed" in ; a
massive mahogany case, a master
piece of cabinet making. The
prize was brought to Salem last 1
night, and will be at the passen
ger; depot ! todsyv Tomorrow It!
will be shown at the down town
freight office, and Friday it will
go on to Albany. It is to . go la
turn to every lraportaat office la
the Fortiand' division. i t
' Some envious Calif ornian said,
"Oh, they ;haadei- the . prize to
them Oregoaiaaa oa a 'silver plat
ter., they doa't have -any competi
tion, and. of course, they get bus
iness. ;Tha way the auto trucks
aad tha auta-atages have been go-
lag aad buying tank-cars foil of
gas to compete with the railroads
here in i Oregon hasn't looked la
bit like a silver platter to the lo
cals; it looked more like a leadea
knock-out. Eat the Salem rail
roaders have cooperated ' like a
lady's baud fitting into a loviag I
Etlmsa's tn.'t:! tlry .have
picked off the prize by a good '
margia. ? . .. .
At 2:30 this afternoon the Wil
lamette Valley Gas & Oil company
is to start work on Its second well
near St. Paul, 20 miles north of
Salem. The compaay has brought
la a new standard rig with a ca
pacity for drilling 40 00 feet. If
necessary, and this Is now; ia place
and ready for , continuous "opera
tion tnntil . the ; company Is satis
fied With the depth; achieved;":
Tbe first bit is 18 inches'fa di
ameter. This will be replaced y
a 16H' Inch drill a littre biter,
and a 15 Inch casing ,wril be let
down. The diameter of the casing
for the lower; hole will be reduced
according to the various stratas
encountered. 1 -'Xj.
An Invitation Is being extended
to all who may . be Interested to
attend and see the! start of the
work. The first well drilled to
a depth! of a little' more than .100$
feet, brought up xcelleat oil show
ings, enough to warraat the in
stallation of a far larger and more
efficient rig. It is understood
that the company, will be able to
Chlcasi Doctors Find "
i2 Woraaa" Ia Not a -"ShcT
Double Naitrre Blamed
CHICAGO, June j 19- Fred
Thompson, who for several hours
following his arrest here today es
the "smiling woman andit who
shot and. killed Richard C.NTesmer
la the holdvp, had police officials
ftumped as- to whether he was- a
man , or woman tonight' was de
clared to be a man after a medical
examinations f -"V-1 ' " -
J "Gods gave o a double nature,"
Thomsom ia reported to have told
police: under questioning. "When
I ; was IS years old, I 'was chased
out ot' my home by my father I
am now 32; i Fourteen years' ago
I was married to Frank Carrick at
Crown PolaC f Enrriag recent years
I appeared as a singer in a north
side cabaret.'i ii
.4 When? ayrested,- Thompson wore
bobbed auburn hair a Mack bead
ed dress, black slla psmps and
black silk hose. In searching th
apartment, several wigs, a loaded
revolver and, numerous ohoto-
graphs of Thompson In both male
and female attire were found. -
continue steadily, and that the! Rockefeller Jr. Will Aid
drilling is to be prosecuted Tigor
ously.. - The new well Is due west
of the first hole about 400 feet.
coiii iiEiiito
; mm.
Member of SHvertorV Board
Removed Cunningham !
. and lrfshEle6lecF '.
Fcr tla infernt lien of r'.l t! ir.tcrc i:J The WiU.
:.:tt3V:iDy .Oa Z Gas Co., v.I.i rr- Ciillirz fcr cU;
;ui:i cf Ct. Tzvi, OrcrnczcJ t!.:y v. Ill t indril-t.
I cn veil. No. 2 onVrcZzzzZ :y, 13 r.t 2:C3 pm.
' .2 r-l'-. ccrdi!! r::rz .1 Id i -t tl:o E3v
.i:i:rj'cr-:rr...:t nz'l V dL 1 :rj cl cr -ration.;
fvi Lljll uiKuit MWvlWfJ
r: - Can Prcccribs Uqucrs
WASHINGTON. "Jcne, v119,--Ship's
doctors on ; foreign vessels
entering American territorial wat
ers wIU be permitted while there,
under v instructions sent to port
authorities by the treasury,- to res
nlate the issuance of v medicinal
liquor on their, crafty , ' .
n Tha: lastri:!c3,t in'ade " putll
toaisht, lafcr , p ort officers they
are to give ' .11 -consideration to
professional c . inions of the ship's
doctors, "thu3 enabling them to
carry- out measures which they be
Heve to be nc ary to preserve
the health tof t j personnel under
their care.'
SILVERTON, Ore., Jane- 1$-
(Special to the Statesman.) The
recall of .Wv 'Bowser 1 mm tne
Silvertoa school board won with a
majority t of 93. votesvi In all 852
votes were cast, 455fei the recall
and 362 agalnst.t i W. Cunning
ham . was. elected with ,458: votes
against Bowser's 362 votes. IL
It. Irish won over M S.- Henrik
son.with 527 vote ta the latter's
278. The free transportation, bill
lost with' 106 votes yes and 528
no.- . 1 I.;'-, i- . -.;
This was the largest election
ever toeld at fiilverton-; A.-, great
deal of enthusiasm and excitement
was shown throughout the entire
election. There was so much
noise at the polls that the clerks
had ta continually, call for silence
in order to hear the names as the
voters registered, 'mere was a
ratf Xor snence- ForvSfewmom-
ents all would be quiet, then some
one would whisper something to a
neighbor,: Tba neighbor would re
ply, , Arc tier would ioia tat; the
discussion . .eft proe and- eons- ror
recalls , Talking ; and . laughter
rew" louder and again there would
be a call for silence. The doors
were closed at 7 o'clock but there
were so many voters in the build
lag that voting contla'ued until al
most 11 Couatlag was not com
pleted until 6rl5 this morning.
Hew Diabetes Treatment
j - f
NEW YOItlCi June' 19.--Agift
of $150,000. to be distributed
among 15 hospitals, in' the United
States and Canada .to- promote the
nse of Insalla'f in the treatment ! of
d iabetes, vt announced tonight
by John Ev RoekefeHerv JW The
hospitals are in all sections of the
The purpose of . the gifts,: ttr.
Rockefeller said, would be to in
crease the number of free ward
patients .who could be treated with
lasullaand, to teach phyf icians ia
general practice the proper, meth
ods of employing insulin in the
treatment of diabetes; ; ;
J :
P. M.
StarS FVi
' A tender litUe story fillerf with
laughter - and heart throbs.
Xotrtl fbsd
the most.
Adorable 1
. Jackie -Xorfve
known :r -s
: OL,: IiLJ
Spruce Corporation; Said to
tvarie l axes ana beiu
Stock Thereby v
L 'il
Jv" Warren Iierrigaa la
Coast cf Opportunity."
' ... .. OXlEvGON .
,Theodora Roberts and Gloria
Swanson la "Prodigal Daugh
ters." .; . .
Attempts of the-Pacific Spruce
corporation, to operate a logging
railroad in Lincoln county with
out giving' comraea carrier privil
eges and without, paying taxes' fs
branded at the public service com
mission offices; as ah "outrage.
Further the .commission flayed
that concern becauseit is said to
be selling stock in tae east, using
as an, argument the fact that Its
property' is, noa-taxable. ,. -; j
This case was peiore me puouc
service commission ' about a year
ago on complaint of the Port of
Alsea and the 'citizens of . Wald
poVt, who claimed! that the, Alsea
Southern railroad shoubi .be oper
ated , as a r common carrier, The
Pacific-Spruce corporation owner
of .this - road, refused;, to ;givea
common carrier service, apparent
ly trying to -bottle . up the timber
resources of Lincoln county to Its
exclusive advantage. The ; com
mission ordered - the company- to
furnish a jcommoa. carrier t service
and the company appealed to the
federal district court, whiclf has
not yet passed on the case. The
people of Lincoln county, which is
deprived of :about $400- ia taxes the cempfcay, are sua
agitating ; for fair playi declaring
that - the Pacific Spruce . corpora
tion Is trying to evade the respopi-
siblllties of a common, carrier, asd
is selling stock in tha east oahe
argument -that It is a non-taxpay-
tnr nronertvL .' " . . t- ... . -
The road origlnaUy was built
by the United States Spruce Pro
duction corporation, which oper
ated as a ' common ' carrier,' but
paid no taxes because It was a
government property.1 It"';turoed
the" road overt to- the Pacific
Spruce corporation, but the title is
still in- the United States Spruce
Prodnctlon corporation; urhlchp la
the - basis 'oa which the Pacific
corporation; refuses to pay taxes
It is declared by the Incensed peo
ple of the ceuaty that by the time
the title Is taken over by the Pa
cific company the timber on the
company's holdings-- win ail. oe
gone. ? 't
Kathexine JMacDonald
Domestlo, Relations."
Highway riot Good Place
To IZlx Tasty Ceraacs
v? . . . . .11 11 n' 11 ;-. t; '- '.ri ii i 'i '
The .public highway is no -place
to ' mix; drinks. Kv-M ' -
hj) Impressed upoa D N. 3Imp-
sou- f Porfiandl who was caught
In ' the act' of pouring : a minor
quantity of - pure alcohel lato-
pint flask containing port wine on
Mission street about the ' middle
of the afternoon yesterday by Of
ficer Edwards.
' ' Simpson was taken fo- headquar
terswhere he produced $5 ball
In order to- obtafn his release.
He was cited to appear Satur
day j at 2 o'clock. '
who su::.
volrel la r . r.t
t!.3 ct l 2 Z.z
Clary, Robert
Waj-na and Jul'
Katherira5 - JdacDonald's f new
latest photoplay, "Domestic ' Re-
laxioas, which - is now playing a
two-day engagement at the Liber
ty theater as a First National at-traction-,-
uru ' directed - by Chet
Wlthey, who has a Ion? string of
screen' : success c 3 u Lla cTedU, par
ticularly with w.a popular stars
astSorma - actT Constance Tal-
madge '.'Zirt TitLey asserts- that
he found more aad, better oppor
tualtles for tha exploitatloa of
femiaiae foibie3 and coatradictory
perfections - la -'"Domestic Rela
tions" thaa ia any story ha has
ever' ba4 to work with. 5
. JII3 TlacDonald, throughout
the filming of the entire story,"
says - Director WIthey r "proved
herself a wonderful actress, lfrhl
aad! delightfully - ebullient Ia ter
comedy scenes, and powerfully
emotional and moving In her mo
ments f c f tease drama. ' Always
was she' striving to assist the di
rector; in achieving the very best
possible result, '" suggesting a
point here that1 bad been over
locied, " filscussias t critically , a
point there that failed 'to-' appeal
to -her artistic and womanly lnf
stlnct3 as Jusf the' right thing at
that particular scene. And; un
like many other stars-shg Is not
temperamental ,J : ' - -
wtiia i;:. : c
ert scene 3 tl t r -J.'Wsrrea
ton prodactio"
portunlty," now 1 1
Bligh theater, t: a c
was lost 48 hotirs In c,
. Gloria. Swasson's latest Para
mount starring vehicle, "Prodigal
Daughters." was accorded a warm
reception at the Oregoa theater
last" ; evealzsr ; : .-. - ;
si-Hiss; Swan ea;;,l-. the " rote' of
"Swiftie"1; Forbes, proved a streag
attracUoa?. During the Abseace of
her father, ?who is'ia- .Europa,
"SfrtfUfj" has brokea all rules ct
convention. Ca bis retara be
learns that parental discipline ia
a. relic; cf a passed, age (and that
bis daughter lasists upon continu
ing her adveaturesi' without re
straint, r "Swiftia tries Ufa is
Greenwich Tillage and , falls 'into
the toils of a gambler., ; ;;.
,- In taking a last chaace ta re
trieve her fast dwindling finances.
"Swiitle" stakes herself , agai-st
her debt -on the turn of a card
She loses, and premises to marry
the gambler la 0 days.-; A- fsr
hours before the appointed time,
a strange thing v happens : that
would be asfalr to telL, Let it
suffice to. say that f'Swif tie and
her j youngex faster .who- had ac
compaaled her, return home
"prodigal daughters, - There . ia
a tremendous climax.
Ralph Graves, efficiently xlays
opposite the- star, and gives a
splendid, presentation of tba mc
era young man who eliag to cleaa
ideals and fights to preserve then..
Theodore Roberts, .. veteran char
acter actor, has the role
cessful American business man
- ilovla patrcr- t! .'
Lave ' an. eppcrtu ;. '
Ircn3 Castla ca tl :- :.
first tima la mora 1.
whea.-- -her latc-it
"French; Itcola' .
Bligh theater for u:,
of two Cays besiivnl:: ; ;
day'- s'Urecoi
' "French II-c't," :
lova story -wrlli. a !
by Ed'R ia L. 11;";- .
leased-ty T. r
la said to ta c;e c 1 ...
tertainlng p rod u z v : . .
son. The New' Yc- .
beea Ttry cc. '.: ;
czl- plcttro r ;
sometbiag - dillsltr -
13 after tl arc:.:,
problem : play 3 ..a
theaters of tba cc
flooded. .
; r T a" story cf " r . -concerns
tl.3 e '. 1 .
young girl who Is ' :
her own living. .
thorusirl la a Ere
and soOn Is tba 'till, c'
Thea she-t2:;U "t:.
the feiory rcatlj- I .... ,
Schaell, a risLt I
with the Cr:!.: :
atcoapla of ' t.. .
Signed ty tba :
Pacific Coa t la:.: t
cording to a teli:.:.
ulbt frcrs C--::
president cf tI-3 t"
California.1 ' Cchnt:
cinrati 'from -ths C
tb3 VTc-ter.C;t: "
iiicfMin ,;
r.lrs. H. H;'BettandDr.'AB;
Starbuck Elected School
Directors -i -
- 1
' r ? fm I ?'- . '
. l" i 4... m :
lIzj 1 yr. to C yrs.
,ry -ood wearing Koveralls, extra
.rrJ ' jr hard wear, khatl cr
m-j d-. trinmed with turkey rel
Lf L -. ..v Epeelal, '
riM.Trr tlao KoreralU, zItotzIj
; "tri -ci' wltH turkey (
W ' ?ecial w w
re . . .-. ' ,
" '-i. w i
, : - In Our
Vc-cn's Tiricr Usica. Ssits
' Unit from good quality - cottoa.
combed yarn, well fitting garment, low
iteck, sleeveUu, tight or loose knee.
Sizes 35 to 44. O
. ; i C; -Special -
r: -
Hundreds! of choice silk remnants,
tome have enoagh for a dress, blouse,
or varices other things, crepe de chine,
jongee. fairys run. King Tut,; alltyma
' crepe, satin and taffeta. . ' ' . t
e' : -:-
"l II IIMIII HllTllBM" '0' " '':mm' "
DALLAS. Ore.. June 1$. (Spe-
1 rial to me tiaie5inu.r
I nual school electloa . held in dis-t
trict No. 2 In which the city school
of Dallas are located turned out
nulte different from the way the
. . . . . .. . .
ond election ma in Jfoniana as
Zatuxday. "At" thai .election f. tela
i vesterdav la this city the qhestlon
. ...... ...
j of voting a. special district tax oi
135.920 passed by a targe vow.
: The tax- was authorized:: Py.tae
school board -la view of tbe fact
j that the school populatloa of the
e!tr is-srowing so Tapldly that tba
present -school rooms and force 01
teachers Is luadeanate to ta&e
care of the laerease and a part of
Tlhe" money derived from the tax
will bo to employ more teachers
and furnish additional Tooms. . A
gytiaasiuii is also needed by the
hlsh school aad additioaal room
and eauicment for 1 the manual
training department j 4 V;
"Last year a sum of money was
set aside by the school board with
I which to start a fund for the
building of a gymnasium and It Is
cirected that .with an additional
sum this year a building Can to
erected. It may be possible tr at
tba bull Hag will be Jacorporated
ia the new high echoot buildiag
I j coutemr'ated by the school board
j c - I which w 111 Lave to ; 1 3 b 1 lit tba next year or so as H'o
tlz'j. scbc--l tailding 13 better sU-
t r
II017 StiOWWG :
Tliet dose- Rob 3Lt
- . 3 i.
Today- --TomorrGV
t t.... i .. 1
- 1
' : o moCcra
iients lost
ontrol f
'., ArrS l V ' '
, , - , ,, 1 11, 1,111 1 1 H IT
I J i L: v J U t v v w
. , ; - , - , . ,
N.., J w v w v - w
Tli Amrirn Heanty tn TUer flijc&t l ktuif . 1
wifchfmd, "nf-ntsiJInsionmcnt, of lurtf tni.e-n.
romance twice-lived. . ;
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