w a i t, t i .a i A I v.. a w ..... IJtt!f fcalts 4f Your Bark . Hurts, or Kaile'rf1''' 1 ' TrouL:;.i2rVou '-' N - TNo'min or vroman can mate a mistake.. by flushing ther- kidneys occasionally, says a weir 'known authority.'' 'Eating too. ma eh 'rich food createa'vacids, -which erclte the kidneys."" They 'becdme 'over worked from the stralh.'get slug gish ami fall to r filter 'the xwaat and poteona from the blood. Then we: get" sick.1 'Rheuma'tlsri. head aches, liter trouble. Tje'rVouslnefei, diitines'a," sleeplesahes"3an uhrln ary' disorders" ofterf r6ihe -f rom fiu'ggish -kidneys: ' - ' Thef moment 'you 5 feel 'a dull ache "Id the kidneys' bryour -back hurts. TOrlf "ttreNirine Ma -'cloudy, offensive fall of feedltnent,lrff g ular of-passag ' or atrerideVl Ibj a sensatkrarof.- ScaldSng; 4iegin drinking a inar of. watep-eah. day, "also -'ger'iboilc'rdur' ounces of Jad-Satt3 frbnV-anr pharmacy: take a'tablesiMNonful ia-a'fclass' of 'ater before breakfast".' - arid in a. few :tfay your'',kifTieys may act ,' ' -i t;i ' i ' ' ,. This 'famous" salts is ' made from the - acid -of . grapes and emion Juice, 'combined' "Withllthla,- and t3.s. been xed' for 'years -to flush cri stimulate: tfie ' kidneys;' also to . help Titti'tralize- the f acids fn the 'slystetd;' bo they -"no ' longer cauSe'lrrltatlony thus .often "re-: J!vinr. bladder weakness. f " Jad .lt rs inexpensive : makes a dlis.htfiil 'eMerVecenl Uthla watf r"' drink 'f which ' everyone ,c ,14 tike' nbwand-then td help 1- p the" tliifej's 'clean and" attire E'.,J thatlooJ pore; thereby often avoiding serious kidney"" compl cations. By all means haVeyofar X . j . 1 ; fail " ex alnln . yotf r ' It Id hey 8 A " t wi":a a year. Adv. 72-mnD i v.r. "Lit "-- iff : 5 n r J. lUuL i - r;ctlr t Movements r- of ,::s-t: :rac1cfi'zs..Da ':su!tC(yJra'::n2"""' Juno 1 4. -Con--.owments c-ilratS ..;f3r';-tfad:-"j In '. " it xacit-cl tt . L lie ' "u ijlng " ' a k'iTanee. sbcV : i ' . ) ludra 't" .r -r r-'jafi, f ec t .ci: a : s,d ::ttii :vorUe;; r.tors 11 i - V ,0 :i j i i r - - .1 " Eaniias Cil Cloth -'Wall rw':ras : -.Yard Voilea Tafd 15c 3 8-Inch . r-rc-'ts " ' ii i - J 36-Inch -" " w- t liJl' ' V-l S'-rea! 82te34 Eatin - wAh-- ' A-.a . Vfl kS ; r - C'jaKty. Iieal-Gaod- ' iu as. , LliUinery DepnTtmoni . ; . . , ' la KeartUcc"i , : . ',";?. ' ITr'U jf?l iQm n -1 Cleaning Up of Spring Hats v .V. ;". - ' 'Reduced Paces . , iots' ci blowers, Good Quality : . ;- l . , -' - riC4La ., w- . ;; j I. : i . 5 (OuCued a. new tow Lutton at a 1-2 and then rallied feebly'for a net loss of one poiat oa the day". - Railroad shares goffered better teatistance to selling pressure than the industrials. 1 . : -5 - Failure to attract : a public folowfng in. the '.recent aeries of f arordble dividend developments, however," caused" some liquidation by tired holders of long stocks. Reports that ' flash- preAwetion In the soathera .California1- oil fields -shows . signs,. of ; baring reached 'its peak- failed to stem the -liquidation' of oil .shares, which suffered the heaviest losaes. . Call money opened at 4 1-2 per cent but advanced ; to five before the closes. . -Time money la quiet with -plenty f of money 'available for the -short tnatarities at 4 3-4.. and bankers asking.' fJvef 'for !lhe longer dates, ,s5 . t4t i Foreign exchange tradiag" was. quiet with few itfeportant:hangea in .rates. -: Demand 'sterling !&eld around 4.61 an 4Frenclit-' francs around 6.35 ' cents, v German marks touched" lafnew,owj'mar)t at .0009 l-g. cent. I . . : a , Women Preachers Are r. !any In United -States r CHICAGO, June. II. r- Tfcertr are 178 women5 preachers of ,Tar lotts denominations Is the United States; all fef -whomaretnenrbers of ' the international ;iraoclaUdxt of Womenr! Preachers,:; ?aeccrrdlris to the list of - tnemhera "recently made public , Aeret , . Six L wome'n preachers of f foreign J landa also belong to the aasociatioa, :thTee in China, twoMnIndU an one' tn Africa. i 'tllinols leads fa the number? of womeia'rej.chers' with; S3.' 17 of fhein" being" lit the clfr ct Chicago. Kfcnsaa .'fanlcs -BecbndwKir 30 "wo cvsit jaii staraV ' wren tf-.T-whok are at Vrrichita:.;.''"lJebraska' : Is tfilrd In? timbers -wltJV'lST-l " 'vci&Be SuicFd:kCcn!t ; ;:Us3hl0;f pas . LONDON". r tn' , ji-Britiah cheiisfa have ' evolved a heuse hoU !ca sd'harfciless that woujd-Ue suicides can; feet 'no 'iiore tbkrr'a hiiitchefrom ttX' j -i ' TLa t.itia, "whlch la 'noW in U3a at Neyark-On-Trent; ; aa produced ;at about 'to (th)rd Vf the cost. of brdinargaa. i It-ton tains c .ly r. 4 'percent df,tsrb6a!ln6n t Jawhich l3t thef po! -noa tie it 'la 'household' 'taJ- 'Ameri :. a ta'a contains iaore than t per . .ir.tats-fnsrtileatf-'. ,' i "La tew- rasdvfesbff -a pungent Pt'tretlng .odor - suc power tt.lt ntVaa t9dectected Immedi tX,lr. In this fries . lta .'protective t itnro.'- r - r 1 4 - ' ViVM iO'ia-xacbc.:!:!!; 32-inch Romper Ginghams ' .rr.i. ; Yard i iti u i 25c : Cretonne . '.-.- Shirtings ' " r y - )10c . - I . A ,88x98 .Cut " 43rbfera ahd 'ecaltoped Seazaless ' Sheets , $i:45 li;;eij glass ;toveli:;gv 4 1 . i ' " , , x- AFir .7 ti. iUii..j U..U.I Cincinnati , 'Beats . Giants Boston, Chicago and, Philadelphia Victors : CINCINNATI. June' 14. (Na tional) -The ' Reds pulled,' the champion' Giants hack again today by winning the second game of the aeries', 6 to " 5. ' ; ' 1 . i Score R. H. E. Nework : 5 13 " 1 Clncinuatl '....,) H 0 ' "Blh me, Nehf. Bentley, Jonoard and'Bnyder, XJowdy; 1 Rltey and Ifargrave, '.WIngo." . - Boston 6; St.' Ixml 4 ' " J 1 ST. LOUIS, June 14. (Natio nal.) Manager Rickey used "18 players" lhn effort to defeat Bos ton today .t but the ' Braves . won jthe second game of the series - from the Cardinals 4. to 2.' Seven pitch ers performed. - . . . Scot-' . "'R. H. E. Boston ...V..ri 6 91 St. 'Louis .... f 4 f,9 0 -Marquard.' Fllllnglnj. Genewich and 'Smith; Pfeiffer. North Bar ifoot. 'Sherdel and ' MeCurdy, Aln smith. - - Chicago 9; 'Brooklyn 6 ' -CHICAGO. June 14. (NaUon al.)4-Fouf homer runs by Chicago enabled ihetn, to defeat Brooklyn today 10 A0Farrell led theatr taek for: the'loeala with two hom ers, a double and a' single in five trips to the" plate. Stats busted0 a homer' oft ilenry In. the . second inning, and 'Pribers alao drove the ball into the' bleachers-in the same funfag jwith?a'mamott.'. ;'. - 'Aceillotti, the Cubs new first-" hasemah" purchased from ?'the Wichita Falls ;lub of the Texas leaghe'played today and made an lmpresaiycr showing. " - ' .: .'..1 Scot?--" -f.n- 1 -.vR.. HrEi Brooklyn . .'.. . - . . . t .-. ;6- lll f 3 ChlctfgO . .v... ',... 9 .10 9 ' Vance, i Henry,: Dickerman and DebeTry; Aldridge. Kaufmann and CPParfelU; --sv n .PhOadelphlAS; Pittsburgh 1 PITTSBURGH June 14. (Na tlonat) -Philadelphia . defeated Pittsburgh- today '2 to 1 In a list leas game, . - 3 . . , . Score , R." Hv E. Philadelphia . v. . . ... 2 6 0 Pittsburgh 1 7 2 Ring and Wilson; Meadows and Gooch. 'Ss ?' ,r .-Tv -': . " - -? . I SALEL1 L 1AUKETS OXAZBI A2TD BAT K. wheat ..-."..v.., flX3-l.es N. S wheat, Mek4 . ,..'-tl.0Q Chaat .say . ... . ,... ..,S20at23 Oat kar 2a$23 CUvaa.AT baled . . ... . . ' ,.f20 Priees qnotedtara wfcoletale and art Brieas neivd; V farmara. - K ratail : prieaa ara rTem. eapt mm o4t -EGGS. BXTTT7-JL. BUTTEBTAT : , CrMiaary aatter ,. . ;.- AS Battarfat, daUvand .. ,,,, ' Ullk. Par ewt, . 92.20 Zgg - aalaeta . ' - S3 etaadafdai ;,;..'. 20 Q 1 -.:Pllats-j: v - PODXTXT Heavy. as M ediaam .16 .12 Q 12 r pobx. ictmov Asm bebt HoKsv.ttsw150t22&.Ue ew , .87.25 Hen -.top. 225-275 Ibe? ewt - ,., ..S8.7S Tioga, top, 875-300 lDa4 rwt -45.75 Usat aewa. Cart fUoth, aaavy, rrt " Toy-veal, dressed : Ton- ateers--J. Oowe . .4.T8-f5.75 -.;.---i os -a. H Top lambs -- ..09 naavy lambs .08 I BAKAVAS I ' Bad Cord, the distlaqaisalag nark oi aaality fcraJt 4)aetiar eMtad, per U .tl) .., . .. . OBABGEZS. . , 100'a ' -1 - d.M ISO's -66 128'e . ., ,4X4. 17e'a aaeV aatallea , - M. Beaded Brand Saakist Valeaelaa Offeriar: - 216's and lanrer .955 250a aad w-'ler-t-.j V-MA0 V.4 CAXjrt-SlA .C3APETTJIT "SnakJst,". e.'sv 80'a f.,1 ..,..:.t..: .. f 8.T5 . JlU;jCitriat Iraita- is' kaUaaa lata, 10 sddiUeaau . - . . .';"OOOSSBBXXES Per 4b. ..l: - - - - - - : , , ; 1 CUBAX .PXSSAPPIES Pa? crate .97.01 . APPIfS Ex. fiy wtMfP . V-v ,r, fa an Jamble SpHsenbera- ..............1.25 - BTBW BUNCHED XXCTTAXUZi - 1 All priced by the tlosea "buachea. ! J Beets. Turnips, mtm .... i . W 00 Radishes, loaf or roond . ,- , lx ; .50 Parsley , . . , -15 Local Oaiens ' BACKED YEQETABLES New California Carrots, per aackl$.00 New Califoraia Turnips, par sack 4.0 Hew California Beets, per sack 4.00 All eaek Vegetables Is per lb. fclsher wbeav deaired laolese ttu. eaek lets. . ' 3 Kew Vegetables Rhubarb, r" ,v ' - Aaparacaa, Orefoa trows, vary fancy per doien baachea , - f nK Artlehefcee per desea ; f 1 TtMsatoes. irom htexioo. . higa repacked $5.00. Brawler, laca repaeked.-.4.50 Head lettuce local, iced crates 9 dot 92.50 Local par Antmn r , . . , fK Caallflowar.v flat crate -$2.60 Kew. celery, per crate .j. : ' ,", i an Caevmbers., batbense. per dosea -$3.00 Orea?beansr per - ' ; Peas. borne (frown per lb 4- ,.lo Spinach, ptt..box .. ,. 91.SO Sew California whites, la aacka. per IV, cents. . . Takima netted Rents, per ewt-Jl.S0 Oregaa Whites Pr ' , f Oatoaa - Oreroa yellow Daaver rr ewt. .92.50 Bed ewt 93,00. yellow fciyr.ew. -93.50 - Hew Pr:ia w- -Strawberries, boa .crora-aw faUy sap - plyiag the market, s .. ..f. .,.$2.00 Peaches, asrly varieties,, par box .. , 92.28 Apricots. 4-backet crate, 42.73 Cantaloupes-Imperial valley, sUadsrd RpaiNA. Sasik.. Junrt i;. Ten years aga' a farnlr."ortaan.Cur;, tts. arrived froni , Iowa, yni sfttleid. with bis family ' on a. .farni .nea'r, LangbankKU Sask. vile, brought 85,000 cash with him, paid 8po0 down on his farm nnd being a non believer in banks, buried the re maining $3500 in a field telling; no oje, not even members of the family I ,whete .Uwas .concealed. During the winter of 1913 he was frozen to death and with him died the "secret of the hiding place Of the money. .' ." " " . For "the . pasi decade members of his family have organized many futile searches for the hidden trea sure. VE very 'conceivable ' place baa been dug up,' stones moved and hunches, followed,- but ' still Curtis' hoard ' remains safe from everyone, bank ' robbers included. Prince-Does Hot Pine " r l-fv; :-Ta;BQ:CaIled Royal J ,StOl " " .,' i ..(' ' -4 -i-.i t '. ; r LONPON, June ' . Ladjr- As tor likes to bring people' together ji her dinners. At one of, .her re cent ".. entertainments , ' she 1 hid among her guests' the Prince f of Wales and. Will Tbotne,:( the soc ialist Jabor leader ' japd inember of Parliament. '.Thome now tetls this atbryi " f.r'K'' , "1 said to the prince- I j would doubtless' be unpleasantly ' -'criticized by some of my constituents for putting my feet under the ta ble vrith ! royalty: ! ; f- " ; ' 5 r "''"The 'prince smilingly replied: 'I object 'to royalty, Mr. -Thorne, but 'l oii't mind ; being; called! the Prihfre of Wales. . ; " " .' ' ) Scientists Still at Odds r: Over Relativity .Theory V PA'ttlS,' June.ll-A'.jlivIsioi in aclentifia circles oaa been made here 1it 1 the relativity theory '-'of ElpsteJo. challenging pld eoncep tionsiat time. and space.' r I .Former - PremierPalnleve,if at alknathematiclan and later a poIT ticlan,' is threatening to drop poli ties long enough-to prove that the earth has stopped turning, ii ,,?act he asserts that It never-did ' turn. M. .t Painleve r has a . hrand new theory of the. universe, based bn mechanicsl He eays Einstein tia right, except .that he - is not right enough.; , ' ..-t; -; ,v '' 'J, r Professor Langevin, physicist of l-the College of France, inventor of the sounding machine "by. which ships may be piloted in any sea, has made what his friends 1 de scribe as a religion of the Eta stein theory, combating old . theo ries - and Jall others1 with much ardor.5 ' ! . er - Emlle. Picard, ..the; genial per manent secretary of the Academy of Sciences, from Jhis . retreat In the Institute palace, has sought to dodge" this battle of the worlds. However; he la Inclined to the e - lief that the. old-timers were faira ly; correct.? -. - .-- V 'Director Baillaud, of the Paris Observatory says that in many re spects science Is still like Diogenes stumbling along with his lantern "As for me,' he added, "I have no opinion, as to the relative merits of the. discussion. .It -would take me two1 years of my life to become familiar with the Einstein theory, and :as I w am", 75 ofw, . T really haven't the time, to spare.", " , . BREWS XAKH OF BEER , " " ' . - - - - ; ( v ;s LONDON, t June l The oU number of built .. barrels of beer brewed during ' the ' year ending March 31 was 22,334.328 In Eng land and Wales, 1,598,339 ilnv Scotland, " 2,684,286 In Ireland, making a total of 26,616;953, These figures were" given official ly' In 'answer to' a 'queatlon in1 par liamentary Papers. ...... . - dL. --y? -. :.: . ...w-.-r . ..tt -! ,Vv.. Vs-t ' J- 3200 X And V I u particulars J i y $500 iv ' iats riri Tnv rri T4i$-3! dt'fRs i'coriettvrfi: . f. This condition yry simple. and as soon as iuwa you MONTREAL, Ont., June- Science's' 4neat-for a method tha wil add lignite char to the avail ble,iuei. '.supplies ;of .'the,, Unite4 States wasf described at a session of the fuels division of the Ameri canSociety or.. Mechanical Engi neers here recently by O. P. Hood, chief mechanical engineer of the United States .bureau of mines, f ' "The byreau of mines is. inves tigating; the poaaibllities of a pro gram, said Mr. Hood, "which has for its main features an, inexpen sive carbonizing, device and the use of the lignite char direct, without bricquettlng. ' ''Lignite char- can best be de scribed in a few .words as a fuel rather; near in analysis to anthra cite coal,, hut softer, with a little more volatile "matter, and thus kindling easier. Vi In size It grades from pea coal to smaller sizes, and is- a stable product. Whether "a market can be developed for. such a fuel at prices around 5 a ton at the mine;.,remaias"o bi;flhpwn, bu( rlt is- at least; encouraging Ja know , that ; Germany - used last year. 4 00,000 tons of similar mar terial for domestic . heating .And cooking. ' "This fuel burns welt with naj taral draft where a thin fuel bed can be maintained. - Base burners, cook stoves and other .heaters can be adapted to use . the fuel satis factorily, t . The ' Germans have developed a special stove, burning the fuel on a bed of ash in an en closed drawer. .There is no loss of fuel In the ash ahd lignite char used in such a stove beats an. oven Sufficiently for baking operations and wlU' boil water. p It makes a very clean, fire, is smokeless, and the char' Is clean " to handle." . ' ' Peanuts. - Five a Baa. May Come From Big-Crop t CHICAGO;TjraV-The hleach e'rlte'iind ' Ircjis "tan wifit-yet;, a bigger;"' bag .of VI peanuts'.tfor hls m'ohey ; when, ? this f year's ireeord crop Is hirvestetl. Guy II. JI,a,IT, di rector of the National tnsUtute-lof Prpgresslve Farming,;' said ' tna statement "in which '"he predicted also' a return to the- five-cent bag in a short time.' " ' s s-.'i "The .old familiar call bf 'Hot peanuts,' five a bag.' 'will return within aT short " time," he aid. More than 9 8 C,'0 00' acres' were planted Inpeanuts 'last"' year,' - ac cording to? the 'department of ag riculture ffghres, while this year's acreage is fforecast by the Instir tute's -survey1' io exceed the," mil lion mark.- The total yield 'last year ,was '623,507,000 -" pounds? Valued at about 929.222.000. ; -. 1 ' Increased' peanut' production re cently "has 'resulted nfrom. the greater "use of machinery, Mr. Hall said, 'pointing' out that ma chine methods of digging also put lle mvT -" A 1A0 AUUUC1 Oi anus J ,4 -s v known, are grown extensively In sections where the soil Is either sandy "or of sandy loam, 6r where the- climate or ,oll weevil seri ously handicaps - cotton produc tion. For high quality of nuts the soil , should i he -limy and loose; to alow for free - penetration, of the bloom pegs, the nuts forming, un derground in the manner of the potato the institute points outl '. 1 " ' WlfKS AT BHJTTTNG . STOCKHOLM; Ju ; 1 .Bet ting in" connection' wka horse "rac in'g was" Introduced ly Sweden for the first, time , May 7?at Jagersro. the- largest race-course In South Sweden. - , . ? Fo'r many years the q'uesilonof betting has Toeen before the Rigs dag at intervals and v many times it has been rejected as being im moral.. -.4 - . '" ' . ." "" ' ..i c. 1 3ft OlOw N TED of one lple condition thai;we aik you to tf- are emixiea xo a casi prize at zne apse - B13TIlLIir"..pa.,-: Jr.r4 - 14.t A solution -of 'the" problem of how to keep'theiVkida"-qulet atbase- baIland-lacTos?egameshas been- found at Lehigh ' University. '. : , .Th boys are put on ! their hon or. - Any . Bethlehem- boy- may see Lehigh ' games . free on condition that -he sits n a-section of the grandstand especially , reserved, and obeys; the rules jThey, have a - cheering - section of jthelr own and are led by a, Lehigh student cheer-leader.! ; No longer dd , they disturb the play by 'raszing" . vis iting teams and shouting "kill the umpire.' 4 - Nowadays , they, , even have v cleanly i-washed J'aces and hands. ' . BAXISHJ-;S OU ;clT4TOM- ; LONDON, 'jttBf'l'n vieV "of the -terms -of 'the Ser- Diaeuaiif icnv trgnTpemoaUl utijiouva. rVorKor&(90 nas'Ue- parted, from t ijs oidtimo custom of recusing the' honor of. the Free dom of tho City" of London to mar ried 'women. ,' .- - rThe first married woman to re- eel ves. this - honor - is Mrs. ; F. G. Bristow, the -wife of a barrister of-Iaw, who was admitted to the freedom of the city "at - a recent meeting of the Corporation. . Want ire Yon can. sell . fSjsm '" ieaIi tan wjuma. rif-3j( ; yz -f ' ' ' f m?mm aa eu4pew1keaa4? . ... -jl'ieV " -.. f . V 4 j f ,-e7t r? 7 - mm wm a wkmim aa rVc k a I 1 0 ' 'ife -ZTU-e-e- -. ?-r- rrJiz, 1 i ; p1 SJS SSJMISJ M m WasTawBaTa ' KLJ m f iJ J ' L. - ' as--- ; VI , . , j Zi.;. , . ... V t AC.". - V 1 C '' T1 urv iiiv- rnuresa 'muni, a r..' rage, brtt in th case oi; heid of the various government depjtrt ment"s6f "Engldud, JV has brought forth a decided show of genius In the art of raising ani saving'mon ey. ti , Is , now proponed by ; the chancellor -of "the exchequer to sell space n Income "Jax forma and other government, papers for advertisement purposes. ' '-' -.It "Is' claimed that (about $2, 500,000 can ! be raised in this man ner. " " -t- . , i -BUBAS PIIOVK PATAI LOS ANGELJCS, June 14. One man was , burned so seriously that he was expected to die, three oth ers were injured and damage esti mated -aa 3ilgh.as $150,000 waa 'done by a fire in . the Santa Fa Springs oil field today. "; : ' TRAIN ' RIB11 UPHOVE -FATAL SPOKANE Wash. June 14.-? Virgil Wallace, 20,. of ; Yakima, Wash.; died. In n hospital, here to day of injuries he. sustained when with threfa companioire be attemp- ted to board o. moving work train which -was leaving rYardley, a bu burb .for Spokane. The 'wheels crushed both'"legs:i 'His mother resides et Yakima. - - - - .. i-..':" .1- -ii k tireless senrai-is.' ,Tfce7-xre- tlwayj cn Ha Jb f I AWA J W WBt 1 your used citr, eld' io'ok3, piqturea, with tlieir help ' You can get roomers to add to your monthly inccrid .Want Ada will help "you J,laud" a good job .cret cc-rpstczt" ' " -. ' -"."help Tor, you .' .' . Just telephone 23 and. a plessant-voiced ad-taker will hslp ycu ,ciS! l.--1-r' i. ik.--.-j . .'a -. -41 ...)A0 aiL e- til Hov 16 Send Ycur f" Lnsycr Use one side of the paper only. Write down the number of dots counted, using the f ollowlrz . wcri a, "I -have counted a grand total of (Insert "number here) .dots in the cut -as shown in the adVertlsempnt anl sign your name and.;addrea3. - " Neatness and "appeal aj.ee". t&III .to carefully considered In awarding the grand prizes, so . write as neatly t a "you can. This splendid offer .J only be good for a limited tlia, ta send in your solution right away -NQWrto ,The .Pacific Homestead, .Dot' Competition Editor Salem, Cra. it is iiil- oi zne (i;.y ;. ... 1 ial atnl .i ; . vJay were t II.. the. goveri.. u4.'.i . n- ' t' illicit llQiior la.tue.i.'. . trict,.tha reryinj of,r:ij r 1 Junction pults against ij.- and proprietors of about Z , . beer; saloons, roadhou-'om nr !, er places where it U nU s-c j r has been. sold. , , goods kxoci;i:i) rcr LOS ANGELES. June. If Army goods sold at au"t!,:.i Camp, Kearny in the wt ck ' ning February 19. .ID "2. ' knocked down to certain ti:; without others having a cl: raise the bid, 'according: t ) 1 mony given today fcy'J. H. ; Lbs' Angeles tinny koo1 ' at "ths" trial tot two army c ; and sit civilians charged villi splracy : to.efratid In conr. - with the sale. . . " WOHE, ,GIVi: lMGrA'T SEATTLE, . .Wash., Juno 12. About a thousand women f f . i over the state attendlp-l a. 1 given here today a a fcuturj a .progressive- Pacific conv -' of the Women's Dene Tit tion. Governor Hart v,z? the score of male specUto.j. ' a tr ( ! furniture,' tts .' '. -r-U .3. ii:'-y 1U1 -I . -, - 1-'. -i V ' L. K ' I- crate , , , , $5.25 ' . Commarchh Street Pony crates 1 Kft rut crates WatermeToat craied. tr n U Cnrriea, Tattafiaaa. per lb Plants, per.crita .,, A A A A A A A it 4 . v rrt-