1 .1 - I 'I ! ' M ii Adelhart Gets One Yea . u "When, . J. D. s Adelhart entered a plea of "guilty to a. charge of obtaining money; under false pre- tenses yesterday, be Was sentenc ed to a maxim am of one year in the state prison' by George W." Bingham. . " " , . . . , C T. C .. . I' Oldfield and 1 Firestone tires. None better.' None cheaper, J at Instate Is Admitted ;. '., Admittance of the .estate of John Goschle to probata wiis al lowed yesterday? by Jndgd.wV Id". Bushey. Charles Li. Ogle, Keith Powell J and ' En gene -i Courtney were appointed appraisers. . , , Clair Ausman was fined $5 by J ndge JPoulsen. in the police court yeserday waen'le'appeared to an swer' to the charge Of passing a street car while It waa discharg ing passengers, " ; . Darn Dance t Schrnledccke's Saturday night Silverton road. AdT. 'J f. Verdict Favor Walroth ' v - H. J. Walroth was" - awarded $129.88 by a Jury Thursday in his suit against the Valley Motor company.; - The case, had been ap pealed to the circuit court from the Justice court, where his suit found favor. '" ... v- x , Ild Naturalization ' Classes t Light or a .class cr i - r, r zv en rolled In the YI1CA xuir&iizatlOn classes beics held every 'turday night will td given their - - i: x. tlon on July 3, at which time the next class will starts Any person desiring special training ;tha.L, wLM enable hln .jto pass the examina tions and cLlaln citizen tHoHhe United States are ' Velco?ed to join any of these classes.' vJJp-fees. are attached to. the course.. ( 7V1 trlrz you 4 tuyer AdT. Leave for tlaiLind ; tlr. and Mrs. Arthur Plant and their two children will leere to day for Victoria, B. C. They will go from there to Montreal from IS t- T - i flo rn-HI call fa. T"n land, .They -will 1 Tdsit their old J-caa in Derl-yhlre: v;Tv --'."' . -CSS' r cr mils -tcu aiAniT.!AIl E?.03. tiasaondi, V7atches, Jewelry and urerware. fbone 1233. Caiem, Oreoa Zzlzzx Anbr.1;.r.ca Grrvlc . .; : XJxy and Kbt ; " ' j. ! 173 S. Liberty Ct. .Balena Orejtm h Capital Junk ' ' Co. ' 1 t A3 Llii cf end pay fell vs-ua. -j 215 Center Ctrcci Frnt Boys Grom ResJdiRce y; j The EpBilon Delta Nu fratern ity of .Willamette, university hate purchased the ,A. . J. Grom resi dence at 1 1 1 8 Oak mireet. Tha house la completely furnished and wui make a fine home for the group. , IX la Socolofslcy, local realtor, negotiated the deal. Will Go to Convention j ' Salem osteopaths attending the state " convention at McMlnnrllle will be Dr-J. I. Lynch, Dr..L. C. Marshall. Dr. W. L. Mercer, and Mr. H. O. Kent, ' The meeting will be held June 16. Police Seek Young- Lad ' " . Police were yesterday notified to be on -the lookout for Raymond BeltrlT years old, who made his fiMAM i fmm -lh itttA j.Ksvsst A the ' febele minded. He was de scribed ' as being1 six feet v In heighth and was wearing an army shirt and oreralls. Reply to Answer Filed , A reply to answer of H. E. Olmstead, in the case of Will E. Purdy, ts. R. P; Shields, P. J. KnnU, H. E. Olmstead and Kath erine Schleef, relative to suit, was filed In the county clerk's of fice yesterday., v- h L , .'. .T Vick Brothers i y " ; , Special tlre serTice mt "lower prices. -;.:-;"n ,". adr. Assamed ' Business F. E. Mull and! May Mullare engaged in buslneg under "the firm name of the Handy Cash Grocery, at 1405 north Church street. Mr. "and Mrs. Mull reside at .the same address. ' : R Watkins Product " u 'iTPftSrh Stiver, suc cessor tar C. L. Conlee, ' 3S1 N. Ubertyt .Phone. 402 J. Adr. : - . t f." Gerralalan Beat Wif e- . A- According to a complaint re ceived In the justice court yester day, Albert Schaf er, resident of the Gervals district, committed assault and- battery upon his wife. Arr&Jgnnienti has been post poned. '-r .- r. Judgment Sought . Judgment of, $95.51 and Inter est is asked in a complaint filed Thursday by H. J. SMnngSIhsi W. C Conner. The amount Is the the balance due on a note signed at Cottage. Grove on July 15, 1920. , ; f-" i . Demurrer' Sustained , t A demurrer In , the .case of Edith Shafer was sustained; by 'Judge W. M.Bqshey; yesterday. . ; Leal Clanks Gat: them at Thf Statesman of fice ..Catalog on application Adr. j " 'l Makes Pinal " Accounting ' ? -1 D. y?. Eyre has filed hU final accounting: in the matter of the estate of WIHlam!r. Hull. ?; Two' Trnstlear Escape ; -" i '. ' . - Warden Johnson. S. 'Smith of the" state 'penitentiary reported yesterday the' escape of two trus ties from .the prison work gang near McMinnville.;; They are Her bert Brown,: doing three years from Marlon county for Jarceny, FIVE BUTTERNUT BREAD . wrappers, If one loaf Is , bought from us, entitles ' any child to a "Bang Gun "absolutely ' FREE. . : LITTLE LADY STORE Center at Twelfth!. Phone 1S37 . SOS tT. B. HatlMkt BnlMlBf ' Phw5fl5;Q r. i Be. rv 4-J. DrJ B. IL lTKts V OittTit4 nysklaa sal Sargsoa SlMtroaUi Znsgaoals sad Tr (Pr. Atinau' xtetaoA.) " f SALEM, OREGON - i. i -' 11 , ", D?- C. II. SCIIE!!! IIm Mored to HI New . - ' . Location . . 213 Soi Cotlcje Street r -Phone .1183 r v it LABD ci BUS51: -": , Bonlfcfa ' ; . I : ; ' : " ' EsteLicd 1CC3 ' '"" T - - . ... G-rrd Dir!ir- Dhm , CIIlzs LTcura frcn 10 a. eu to 3 p. ra. IIATJ) VARE, PAIIJTS, OILS, GLASS ' The phenomenal increase : that our business has en Joyed la due to the increasing number of people who are learning of our modern merchandising Bystem. DASS HEUTER PAINTS received ; March SO, 1922, and Plymouth Storm ', doing' r, three years from" JClamath Falls county for larceny, f received ; April ;1. 1922. ' The men were Laissed at the breakfast call this morning. Phes Case Appealed The case of The Phes company against the Salem : Fruit union. Which has become almost as fam ous In Marlon county as the cel ebrated . court house case In Klamath county, has been appeal ed once more ' to the supreme court. It was' filed ' on , appeal yesterday. .. . i. . . Rare Plant Received : i- ,.R. .W. ;JCarey. 145 South Four teen th .street, Is In . receipt of. plant- called The Lily .of the Nil , from Edward 08trander.,ee.pr4 tary : ot the - public service tf9nt mission, j This Is to be on ,ei-hlbltidn-arMrK Sarah- Is Schwab's flower Shop at 331 State street ' Graduation Exercises Saturday . Graduation, exercises for county pupils of the eighth grade will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock : from the auditorium ot the high school, instead of the Presbyterian : church In" the eve ning, a previously announced, f Accident Is Fatal- O i Clyde A. Kelly who , was Injur ed when a log rolled ojer him at a Turner logging camp, died late Wednesday - night at a local ' his pltal. He is survired by his wi- dotn rtsrl Kelly, . a daughter, a brother, Edward Kelly and a sis ter, Agnes Kelly, all : of Turner and a half brother, Harvey Prunk of , AumsTllle. Funeral arrange ments hava not been made. Th3 body is in . charge of Rigdon'a Mortuary'.'-'. ' ' I Real Tire Serrl ' At Vick Brothers, at reduced prices. ' 'adv. Dedication Today The Old People's home will be dedicated this afternoon at 2:30 Dr. E. E. Gilbert of Salem will be In charge and Bishop W. O. Shep- erd of Portland i and Dr. N. E Davis of Chicago, both members of the Methodist Episcopal board in charge of hospitals and homes, will be speakers' ' ! Lost l''' '-'"- i'y- ::.f'; 'iH Black and white English setter dog. ' Name on collar. Colonel G. H. White. Finder leave word t Hotel Marion. ; r adr. Commencement - Tonight '', . - Ther Salem high tschool com mencement will be held tonight at the Armory: 1: More than 180 stu dents will receive their diplomas ' L.K.Kewfleld, editor manager and proprietor of the Sutter In dependent, of Yuba City, Cak, is m Salem, at Hotel Marion. He is accompanied by Mrs. Newfleld, and they - hare been motoring as far. as .Vancouver, B. C. They are" now on their return .trip, tak ing In the sights and studying the country as they progress. Mr. Newfleld is a Rotarian and an all around J good ' fellow and hard workerj J; He thinks his pert ' of California, about - 50 miles 'this side of Sacramento. . is the finest section of the wide i world. ' (Bet he takes off bis hat to this part of Oregon, too. He la in a fruit country, and he finds that , they grow a little fruit of one kind and another in these parts. ; ' t V7eU. Furnished Flat . . ' Modern: large five rooma. For rent. Immediate possession. f4 40 a month. At 6$ 4 1-2 Ferry street.1 Call at Statesman business office, or phone 23.' . '-j :.it Parement Caosea Accident , Blame for three accidents re ported at police headquarters be tween 6. and 6:30 o'clock Thurs day erenlng is placed on the slip pery condition of the paving fol lowing the rain. Twb of those reporting were women, y ; Alta Wood, 2048 South High street at: tempted to turn north on j High when her machine skidded and hit DIED KELLY In-this city Wednesday, June 13, 1923. Clyde . A. Kelly. 32, of Turner husband ot Pearl ' Kelly, father of Bobby K. Kelly, both of Turner; brother of Ed ward and Agnes Kelly -ef Tur- C ner. and half brother of Harry Prunk of Aumsvllle. ; Funeral ' services will be held' Friday at- ' ternoon; June 15, from the resi dence at Turner at 2 o'clock. In- . terment In Twin Oaks cemetery.' The Rlgdon mortuary in charge of all arrangements. . V' Vebb & Clough ""''-.. - " ('.. - Leadiss Fcsersd' r Directors r , Expert Embalmers . a strct car-1 -Ics west on Ctaie. One fender ca damaged;'' Gen evieve Chase, Coquille, swas driv ing west on- Market when Albert Barth found the pavement too slippery and smashed' Into her car. she reported. -One"' fender, the running-board "and. a door were smashed. ; BML Davis. Rt, 9," was proceeding; ' east 'on x Court. but when he went To turn; north on Winter, another machine hit him, breaking the A glass in his tail light. The other driver' failed to stop,' he declared. Reeeivea Two Fines . For cutting a corner? Charles Elliott was fined 5 by Police Judge Poulsen yesterday. A slm llajr amount was levied for driv ing on the wrong side of the road. Tire, Prices Lower Get our prices on tires before you buy; we can save you money, Vick Bros. . . advi Auto Robe Stole: While his machine was parked near; the state house Wednesday night, an . auto . robe was . stolen. L. K. Siegman. 1099 south High street, -reported to the police yes terday. ' '; I 02 Taking Examlnatloi Ninety-two' seekers after teach ers certificates had registered for the examinations being given 'at the Christian chuich yesterday afternoon, aecordinj ; to announce ment made by- Mary K. Fulker son, county school superintend ent. v This Is the greatest num ber that has ever taken th ex aminations in Marion county. Does This Interest Ton? 1 . It you are looking for a job, or If yon need to employ help, use the city free employment bureau at theTMCA-Adv , MARION Louise Williamson. G. Voorhles. Medford. C. A. Wy man, H. H. Howard. ' Lakevlew; Preston Holt, W. W; Johnson, Marshfield; Miss Anna Hatch, Miss Grace B, Hatch, San Diegb; Mr. - and Mrs. Z. W. Lockwood, Miss May Lockwood. James ' S. Fell, Athena; : N. M. Thompson, I ong Beach ; Mr. and (Mrs. P: O. Williams, j Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. , S. ; L. Burllngham, O. T H. Johnson, ,W. ' F. Backus. W. H. Adams, J. M. Schmltz, Portland; Mrs. E.' Jones. : Roy Jones, : San Francisco. S. M. Sullivan. Seattle; Mrs. Charles W. Hunlock, Seaside; C. J. Cleveland, Santa Parke; L. K. Newfleld, Yuba; Cat; M, New field. Lodl.Cal. : i TERMINAL E. I E. Snyder. Spokane; J.' Miller Mrs. Gertrude Robertson." Earl C. Robb, W. A. Shane, Miss ; H. Hastings, C. L. Jones. Portland. ,v , BLIGH E. McKenxie. Umatil la: T. H. Small.. Turner; Clyde LShaw, Lai Grande; R., Stockier. Yakima; H. L. and E. Langim, Olympia; j Mrs. ,W. ,W. Warner, Mrs. F. L. Warner. Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Peters, Ashland ; Mr. and Mrsl D. S. Wallace, Oak land; Joe Porter, Blackrock: Alice Wilklns. j Woodburn; Max ine Langles, North Bend. (nvfntory. la Made , 1 4 I ..Inventory and appraisement of the r estate of Fannie Wolf have been, ,comleted, according to a fll ing4ln. the county, clerk's office. The, estate la valued at 89550 In real and personal property. Julius C. Wolf was executor: and , M, ,Q Gunderson. ..C. A. Reynolds . and Louise Johnson the appralsors. . ' Gnanlianshlp Approved- , : ; - The petition of A..L. Whitney, administrator ot the : estat , eof Hannah Whitney, petitioning that Elizabeth. Daels be appointed guardian ad. litem of . Rosa Dan iels, a minor, was .approved by Judge W. M., Bushey yesterday. Appraisers are Named Olga M. Gray, W. E. Keys and E.- M. Page have been appointed appraisers for the estate' of Jos eph H. Eaton. , . ' ; Official; eupld at ) the , 'court house scored a blank yesterday when binary an r applicant, fora, marriage-, license appgr,rn. .,, y ' ...- . .... H&ri'm'A Fireman's Hip Dislocated ' Pt Walter Ebenhard. member cf the local fire deartment; sWho with two other companions went into the ditch when their machine skidded on. a slippery pavement near the coast several days ago. ill be confined to the ' hospital at Tillamook ' for nearly a week. Another examination, was mad of his hip., resulting In the; dis covery that, it ,had been dislocat ed.' ' . The member has ' been . set. but it will be a week until the patient can 3 be " removed. "Carl Dixon, and" Warren Lindsey; his companions, returned to the (clty late Wednesday night after . 'a. trip : to the coast, expecting ' toj bring Ebenhard back with them. Convict Paroled ti . Parole of Wlll .Rodgers, a log ger who was sentenced on April 13 1922 toi serve two years in jfhe state prison for r shooting Walter Blrtchet, present chief ot police, was agreeable to the sen tencing judge, the district attor ney and to Blrtchet. according to Information made known yester day. , Rodgers was released Sa-t urday. . if':;'W ' $-: r ; I personal: i Rigdon & Son's ; y MoirruAmr ' 'Unequaled Senrice : Linus 1 C Pauling of Pasadena arrived In Salem yesterday. ? He will be a guest ' of the Walter Spaulding home and will be mar ried Sunday; to Mrs. Spaulding's sister. Miss Ats Miller. - f - ' Roy Bohler left yesterday for Portland. - He goes from there to Bullman where he will assume his duties In, the .physical education department of Washington State college. '-s: V. G. Frnklln, librarian at IW1 lamette university, attended the state librarians conference at Cor vallis this week. .. . " I s ' W. E. Anderson of Salem and J. E. Lowe of Monmouth j hare gone -on a week's fishing trip to Tillamook. - .- j J' Ward SOuthworth leaves ! today for southern Oregon where he will act as lookout, in the service of the -federal government. ; v v " Blaln " McCord, justice of " the peace for the Woodburn district, was transacting business at th court house Thu rsd ay. W. B. Hard wick of Portland was In the city Thursday to spend the day with the Charles J. Lisle famfly..; ,:: s" . - Martha Learenworth is the new secretary of the . Realtors associ ation. , I , Edwin M. Baylies, of the Fair-' mount dairy, will be back at his business In a - few days, having recovered from a recent siok pell of two weeks' duration. ' Jameg C Caughlln- has taken a position In the reat estate office of Rich Rheiman r v i Thomas Aj Roberts is reported Improving. lie has been ill at his' home since last Friday. f r HOTEL ARRIVALS,.: I -Douglas County Option t H ' ' Is ; Requested By Copco , '4 .in;-,. L 1 -4' 3l' SAN - FHANCISCO; : June .?4. The California-Oregon Power C- applied ' to the .- railroad commis sion ; today ".for" permission, to ex ercise an i option for the purchase of the plants and properties of the Douglas County Light and Water company; serving Douglas and Sis kiyou counties for 3600.000. The transfer of ownership Is proposed for July 1. 1923. : -v'-V-vf '-"j: The California-Oregon Power company reports Its total assets as 813.103,641. - , To Ex-Vets By G -States - V . - j:t mi" ., .' I i ; WASHINGTON. June ' 1 4. More ; than 250.000 acres of pub lic land in six western states were ordered thrown opentoday by. the interior department rfor, Ilome stead entry to former service men of the ; world war. Exact ; dates for the . filing of entries will . be announced by the land office In the various states. " ' t .The tracts include 3,800 acres in Fresno county, Cal.. near Rlv erdale; . 33,000 acres in Montes uma county, Colo.', near Durango; 64.500 acres in Power county, Id aho, near American "Falls; 37,500 acres, In Phillips county,, near Landusky .and , Fergus . county, near Winifred,, Mont., .12,800 ac res In Teton county; Mont. ; 44, 000 . acres in Emery county, near Fenion In! Wayne ; county near Torrey, and in Millard ' county, near Clear Lake, Utah; 59000 ac res ' In Carbon county; near Sav ery and, In Hot Springs . county, near Thermopolls, Wyo. Ti NEW CORPORATIONS 1 , H. C. Atkins & Co., an Indiana corporation, doing business! In Oregon, has increased its capitali sation from 3606,000 to 33,000, 000. according Ho a statement filed yesterday with the state cor poration department.-. , ' . Notice of a decrease In capitali zation from. 3150,000 to $10,000 was filed by the Kach Manufac turing company of Portland. ' A ' permit to , sell bonds in the sum of $250,000 was Issued to the Portland Southern Railway com- pany. V I x : ,: s. ; : . t : The following concerns filed ar ticles of incorporation: t, - s - Gordon Tire Shop, Inc., Pendle ton; - Incorporators. Charles- A, Gordon, M; G. Gordon, J. C. Nye; capitalization, $10,000. . . - l: Evangelical Church' of Albany, Oregon, Albany; incorporators. J. F. Emmett, Oscar Swander; Dirk Rottink; assets, $8000. . - Arcade Amusement 4b Refresh ment company,' Seaside; incornor 9 tors, J. S. Milne. R. H. Watsbn, Leroy Lomax capitalization, $10,- .; Empire Financial Service com pany," Portland Incorporators," G. W.Alien, FE. Thompson, D. Ray, capitalization, $25,000. ! J nnn i ' I if By Kmgs Food Products Company ... . . -, ' l , : - -V:,!."!.' at Plant ti North Front and Market Streets For preparatory york on straw- y . berries. Excellent wtit, good ".a , wages ana pieasanvj wortting , Conditions. - Come teady . tor work at once: Work starts at . 7:00 a.m. - j 5 June 19-26 inclusive ' Season Ticket Prices 1 Adults $2.50 . Students $1.50 Children (under 12 years) $1.00 TICKETS ON SALE AT- l - ' : . ' I - - , The Ace , i ; The Spa J.C.Perry 5 Fattonttrosi ' Kaioury Bros. : Hartman Bros. A , The Gray Belle Moore's Music House . ' Marion Automobile Co. Geo. d. Will Music Store ; Comm ercial Book Store ' 1 The Opera House Pharmacy it -f " Thts is the day ' The crisis day' In the. logan berry industry j If the new association does not go over the top today, the good Lord help the loganberry grow ers! ..,., , ( a... They are very near the goal for organization, and surely the unsigned growers ?re not -going to continue to be slick-ears and runners amuck; - ' . - The man1 who refuses to act willj deserve to have his berriet rot on- the vines,- do you j not think? He will tand off and; hol ler for the "other fellow" to sign, but, as for himself he wants the benefits" without the cooperation and costs. irHe Is a bird; a cuckoo bird, laying its eggs in the nests of other birds. ; 'Ii A Salem man says the Chicago gink who., confesses to. marrying seventeen times must be In favor of the world court. ; , t . Some one suggests the annex ation of New York to the Baha mas. -''-. - - -. ' If you miss the Salem Chautau qua you'll miss it. Ton can learn a lot at. the Chautauqua, if you have even . the absorbing; qualities of .a ;spong'e. , ' . V - ... ., ' .Here ! la the ' opening sentence of the -weekly financial letter ot Henry Clews i A Co.,: the - Wall street authorities: "Favorable ag ricultural prospects, continued goodj orders for . autumn..' trade placed, well ahead o'. time, .and malntiined prices fp most staple commodities '.'are leading factor! in the' business sltaatlon1, which: factory." Mill Production 23 Per. Cent Over r.'crn: One hundred and thirty-tl;rr mills reporting to West Cot : Lumbermen's association for t": week ending June 9. manu .. u: 110,953.207 fe.it 'of .lumber; t I' S7.467.021 feet, and shipped 11?, 941.SS5 feet., . Production for reporting mi;: was 23 per cent, above normal New business was 12 per ent t -low production. Shipments va 14 per cent above new buslrse Forty-one per cent of all n;v business taken during the v - was for future water deliver j-. This amounted to 39,052.674 t- :. of which 28,230.842 feet va-? fir domestic cargo delivery, airtTll, 721,832 feet .export. New b-.r-i-ness'' hjr rail amounted to " 175 1 cars. Thirty-eight per centt cf t week's lumber shipments mo by water. , This amounted to 4 ' 177,238 feet, of' which 34.030,7; feet moved coastwise and f ' -coastal, and 8,120,4 62 feet c, seas. , Rail shipments tcu: 2126 cars. . Local auto and team deliver; totaled 4,984,347 leet. ; Unfilled domestic cargo er total 161.644,690 feet. Uiif export . orders, 88,964,167 . UnHlWd rail trade orders, 7 'cars.' . '; ' In the first 23 week 3 f t year production reported to 1. Coast Lumbermen's ' has been 2.259.619,966 f ': business, 2.408, 458, 02S t. ; shipments 2,512,110,703 f :t. The Democrats, not l-:-pert swimmers, are loci.:.- . Ford. That is, some cf t Exchange. v?'jl:UPcarl Olrjrndi In a sped ell cccl:- -f,;3,.;Jtbvef-i3'ca eccnoxslc&l ca V7cll cj: a Kcleaa end convenient fuel, ''- i'Ymm'M of the dmdcryef tzzCz-j , T ' end (cleaning r out a renje end 5 c-j.' " 1 i j kitchen i3 Cool cn4 contfortebls. Ycu KLvf work with a dosn, Intent 'cccll: 2 : , :,theat concentrated directly .infer-11:3 T ! " : . ; burner Thera it b needed. To b curb efbest rccultb in ycurctovc, use Pearl OIL It burm cleanly no cmoke or odor Dealers everywhere Buy it by rrro : V , .. . V I ' -i. 1 r STANDARD OIL GO!?AtY." (CaLromla) hi Mkerosene). iSI' JIIEIVORLD DHA: Beats Tilps Mixes; every thic fcr t -.. kitchen. Fits any fiiucct on and off ia . minute. LaMts a life time eaves initial c- v every month. Is run by water get r ; peed joa , desire.'. Regular prlco C.r . Special Introductory price. Fill nara a: " address and yours will be mailed C. O. I AMK . . 1 . ADDRESS f. . . . 'Si Use Maon Jar fo' :. . i. ;. Y, State Dhlril-! moat receptlcal 616 portfr pod, 0rc. THE WALTZ SUPREME Concert Waltz for Violin and full Orchestra : , VALSE TSCIIAIKOWSKY Played by Hcifctz f y Victor Record No. 74C35 ; ; . Moore's Mucic Hoiiro 415 Court, ' - v -:V -