t L t Fl I U H r j j m i '. Issued Dally Except Monday by ' V ' THR STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SIS K f?nm morrlal "(Portland Off! ce, izi Licaid or Trade Building., pnone Beacon 11931 , 1 .. - BIKMtfFK OF THE ASSOC TATED PRESS ! r The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publi cation of all newt, llispatrhes credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. s v R. J. Hendricks1 !- - - ' -- - - - Manager Stephen A. Stone i: - - .- ' -: - , '- - U . Managing Editor , Prank Jaskoskt - -V . -. - - - S Manager Job Dept. f" " , TELEPHONES: " ! i I Business Office -. ; - - - -: s - - 23 Circulation Office - - - - - 583 . -' Jom Department -; . ; .- . 583 t i Society Editor - - 106 .Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. CHAUTAUQUA - The Chautauqua idea ,is a great idea. It is American. ' It has grown up in this country almost spontaneously, to fill a need - ' 1 , -- . , v To perform a seryice7 '. ' A service not otherwise being performed., v 1 It is a sort of university for the common people, brought to their doors, giving millions an easy opportunity to attend and sit at the feet of the masters in their various lines of teaching and entertaining '1 - - And literally millions do attend. . n j; . They have thus j an opportunity of getting first hand information about the big world; what the great masses of mankind are thinking and doing and hoping. The Chautauqua is thus a cosmopolitan influence. This university of the com mon people rounds off the corners and polishes up the man ners and brightens up the minds of the four million, and the . forty million, like as to the taxing tne green, raw iresnman in tne rough and fashion ing him for greater efficiency tacts with the world of men and women. : i - . We cannot all go to Europe and Asia and the various countries bordering on the seven seas, to study and observe the ways of other sections of the human family ,; ' ' But we can all have the; ;.V - ideals and ideas brought to lis, women of the Uhautauqua platform, , who bring first hand messages to us from the far; places; envisioned, boiled down and served in a form that puts an" age into a 'word, a cycle into a sentence, a universe into a paragraph, and a close-up' of all human progress and aspiration into an hour's oration "A ? ' Such will be the Salem Chautauqua next week;. ' i 1 THING 3 TO DO The Ccrrrlzht, 1C23, Associated Editors. ' p., : ,' " ' ; ; O r ' v - How to Make a Swimming Raft ' -- T ' : ' : p " " 1 ' RAFT pratte: LAG Get busy, J fellows and build yourself a regular swimming; raft that will hold together and give you a lot of real fun. It is easy to do if you'll get the gang work ing together. Build your raft by the water's edge. First, gather up some good, dry logs, about 15 feet long and eight Inches In diameter. You'll need six of them. With them, lay out a frame as shown in the pic ture, using the method Illustrated In the drawing to get them "hitch ed together" so ihey will stay. Now the planking must be put on' this frame. In the center o the raft, a trap must be made' large enough- to allow a barrel to le dropped through; it, because that Is exactly wnat it is to be used for to drop barrels through. ' Get OH Barrels The next part of thejob 'dn sisti of getting a fcumber of , old oil - barrels, ; or any . other kind which' are not) likely to leak iTat r. About ten or 15' should! be procured, and they should then be tarred and painted" to make them ' absolutely, water tight;-- pf course a little plug Is put In one end of each barrel so that water ran be emptied out if it does leak in." r ; ? - 7s r-rr -; , ' - When these barrels are dry and readjr to be'put in the water, float I THE SHORT STORY, JR. I A LONESOME LITT1J3 GIRL Bald Anna, "I'm, sorry tor me: . . .I'm lonely and sad as can bo : ; There's nobody near me : i -To comfort and cheer m V ; And nothing to do or to see." v - ' . ' ,; ' . . ". , . f' Big tears rolled d wn Anna's cheeks and splashed- m -ber own copy of "Aliee in Wonderland." 'Even 'Alice could not cheer. Anna up todays- Mrs. Fisher Tlad beeh called up to the country to care for an old school friend of hers; An na was very lonesome, and Just a little Jealous, too. Never before had her mother gone off and left her. alt alone, and for some .one that Anna didn't even know, too! , "But what ; shall I do. all alone?" she asked, when the news came.-:. -' : ; '"-vl; i v a 1 TT V 3 4 F St Salam nvnn WEEK IN SALEM processes of the real university and better poise in his con strange lands and customs and through, the trained men and Biggest JJttle Paper, in the World TRAP FOR BARRELS the frame of your raft. It will be pretty heavy, and can be moved more easily; if logs or rollers are put tinder it. When It is floated and temporarily' anchored, take one barrel at a time; drop it in the hole In the center of the raft, and shove it under the raft. Do this until you1 have as many barrels under the raft as there is space for. 'These barrels will buoy your raft up so that It will be quite a steady affair and will hold great weight without sinking. r Replace Trap : With the' barrels all stowed away, replace the trap and paint the surface of the raft with deck paint. After the paint dries, put a djving board on your raft. If you have put enough. barrels un der it, the diving, board will be steady and will give a good spring. 1 One group of Joys who -made sucb a; raft placed a little bath house upon it without much trou ble, and also a six-foot diving tow er.' If yon have ail three of these features, place the bath house in the center the 'spring 'Aboard on one side, and the-diving tower , on the side diametrically opposite. - This sort of a craft is good for about 10 years of 'service ; If any care is taken to keep it in shape. Paint It every year. i ' "Oh. you're big enough to Ret along. 'her mother had answer ed.' "And : Daddy will ' be home early. Then she had grabbed her hat and rushed out- to', the' taxi, forgetting Un iher: haste ; even to kiss her little girt 'S Poor 'Anna decided her mother must, not love her like she used; to.'- I ; ; : And then, etn'oon, .DaddV. had called to say that he eon ldnt pos sibly get home early. He had to ko out to the country on business and he might as well drive 0a out after mother. ; It' might be, after eight before theyigot home! - "B bu DaddyL 'what will I do? gasped Anna, the lump in her throat -getting bigger and big ger. It wasn't; as if they knew any one in. the town. The Fishers had ' Just moved there and. they were still unacquainted. 1 "Surely you're not going! to be a baby about 'staying ajlone," Daddy had said a little impatient ly. "Try to show Mother, knd Daddy what a tine, brave girl they have. You know, you're growing up., i Anna hung up the receiver feeling that both her parents had turned against her. ? H ' Suddenly the doorbell rang.' At first Anna was almost afraid to go, but sho decided that It would be better to Jet in a tramp or- a - .V ; ' v ' . ' l 1 ' ; J :' . ' 1 -1 ' .-: Zji2Zi$r for cjj intlnste .word: 5'nn;Li o? "i aawwi aa 1 XiiCiC o A tUUiiUl W K C kiV" . v." w.. - which, with no seeking of their own, have had wished upon them in one wav :and another the responsibility of bringing the Chautauqua - to Salem. They are under the financial burden. Theirs is the responsibility of either taking and pay ing for themselves or distributing to the people generally a sufficient number of season tickets to make possible Chau tauqua week in Salem possible And they need and deserve your help. This is as much your Chautauqua as it is theirs. It is as much your duty , as it is theirs to get under the burden. It would shame you as much as it would any one of these men and women if Salem failed to support the Chautauqua ; failed to have a Chautauqua week, when thousands of such towns as Dallas and Lebanon, throughout the United States, have their weeks of Chautauqua. , ; . , v v Nobody makes any money out of Chautauqua.- It is a mutual concern. There are no dividends, no profits only the prospect with fair or good returns to: provide better for the Chautauquas of future years The university of the common people :is . cooperative. : 1 It t has no endowment funds. i Its organization and equipment are. "merely the accumulation of past years of cooperative effort..-.',. I . 1 So, men and women of Salem, if you are solicited to buy season tickets, do it. 1 1t is yoiir duty, and it should be your pleasant privilege: - This is your university of the. common people. . Your dollar is merely J matched against ; the dollar of the man in Ohio or Oklahoma or some other state, to make up the whole of the vast number of dollars that make pos sible the bringing of the university of the common people to the doors of the common people of the United States, so that the general mass of intelligence and moral conception and appreciation of what is good and great and right may be somewhat lifted and improved each succeeding year. - - Help the committee. ji So help yourself. Make Salem known the length, and breadth of the; land as the best Chau tauqua town in the country. It is a reputation that ought to be coveted. . This is the last day of the ganization of the independent have, more than 500 acres of the nignc ougnc to see tne eiiort over tne top, and away oe yond. It will mean 5 cents a pound this i year for logan berries. And it will mean! the beginning of the stabilization of the industry, so that it will Salem district. Millions of dollars of value for all the future years are bound up in the mere dotted lines for a few paltry acres today. The necessity is so self evident that it would seem ment to fail. , t-: Uv, I LOADS OF FUN : Edited by John M. Miller. The World's Best Bed "We got'ta sleep somewhere? Wat are we going to use? I didn't brng any bed along with-me." i "That's easy," the old timer said to the gang, "here's what you want to do, and youH have tke best bed in ' the world." r f "First, clip a large number of balsam 'fans and place them on the floor of your tent or lean-to. Clip enough so that there will be plenty for a thick . layer. M Be careful to have the convex surface upward and the steins towafd the foot of the bed. ' f ' v"When you have a nice, thick layer fixed in this fashion, - get some more balsam ans and thatch them with the ones already In place by thrusting the butt ends of the stems in the prepared layer, at a slightly downward angle, and with ' the stems pointing : toward the head of the bed. "Always , have the head of this kind of a bed away from the open ing of the tent and the foot to ward the opening. When I the tbatchiag Is completed, throw a cover or ; a rubber blanket t over the whole thing and it is ready for occupancy. ? It is the softest, springiest and most fragrant bed to be found anywhere. "Such a bed is as good for a long stay as a - short one," because the balsam will last for, weeks and will become more and more frag rant." s,;:5;; ;i-:-J.V?f i Snood Said to Piffles h burglar than to stay there in that empty house ' alone :a' minut longer. ' ' . 'i;',v":: J '''V-i IIow do you do. , I'm Lucille Etans," her visitor announced, "and it's my mother that's sick. Your mother said for me to come J a. and spend . the day with . you while : she took care "of Mother, I think your mother Is Just lovely. She . let me come all alone and treated me just like a grown-up. I brought you a box of chocolates that Daddy gave me." Just then- the telephone rang. 'Is this Anna Fisher?" a pleasant deep voice asked.' "This is an old college i friend of your father's. Your father said maybe you'd give me . the plea&ure of going out to dinner with me tonight. !; I've got ticket , for the1 'Blue Bird, too. Don't you nave a little friend who might like to go along?" "Oh, Isn't It wonderful to be grown-up!" Anna cried. r x 1 v;-- Si . T - .. . - Calom nmnl thp member of ' ' drive for the cooperative or growers of loganberries. They needed 600 signed up. To- keep going and growing in the putting of the names on the an! impossibility for the move Next', the Salem Chautauqua, This Is still a hop district, as the Slogan editor -will have ,; to prove In The Statesmai of. next Thursday. - iiavijr : The numbers ot . the ' Salem Chatauqua are all outstanding. It will be. a week of Instruction and entertainment. It Salem Is to continue on the Chautaqua circuit, every one must take a hand and back up the lo cal committee that has got under the burden.' That T is nothing more than right and fair." . The' dehydrated fruits and veg etables from Salem have surely caught on, all over the cduntry: This, makes a great future for Dur dehydration industry. There is a time for all things. Our cannerymen think this ia the time for sunshine. $ Ng Poon Chew, 'one of .the brightest' : men of the world, known as the ' "Chinese Mark Twain," is on the Salem Chautau qua program, for ,n'ext 'Tuesday evening. He has a message worth hearing, and a way, of giving "tf that is entertaining. ' Tom Skeyhlll will deliver at the Salem Chautauqua next Friday evening perhaps the greatest lec ture that will be heard in the whole world this year, on "The New : ; Renaissance of European Civilization. He has a master grasp ; of the subject, learned front personal contact and : study, and be has e the qualities of a great TRACTORS FOR RUSSIA IThe future becins to look a lit- tla merrier for Hie Russian gov ernment. According to the 'lat est Information the soviet govern ment has ordered $4,000,000 worth of tractors and other equip ment, "'t ': t. -4- ' The ordering of ' the tractors demonstrates the efforts the Bolsheviks are directing at win ning tne allegiance of the peasant ry. Much of the suffering and hunger In Russia has been caused by the deep distrust of the farm ers for the new regime and be cause of their failure to produce n w n . V. . .. L uivio iuio BUiitcieui ior tneir own needs. The- numerous requi sitions which, the Reda formerly maae. Derore tney realized the fol ly of antagonizing the producer, engendered a feeling of deep dis trust that nothing they have since done I has been able to eradicate. The government has bent : i best efforts to appease them and arouse a desire to speed up farm production, but without avail. Hy droelectric plants have been in stalled in the most remote districts FUTURE DATES i I Jun 16, i SatordTrOoanty rraduatfnn set-eiM. Aaditorium of Balmtm Sick rbeol, 2 o'eUtck. Jun 13, Wadatwday TiIIaatt Ual reriitr (MmMrMML Jam 14. Thnndar nr dy.' IS 8stardr. Marios emmty Bun- umj umoi picaie. ' Junm IS. UahHiv Onnlnik n.;i v.. 18 to 24Chtim at Ta1Ua. - - Jan 20, r Wednmidir Pomona Oranfa Meeting, at Tamer. Jm 21, Tmmndar Regional B4 Grow 21. Thra4ar Fifty firt rvaatoji f OreMn niaiiMra In fnrHmnA Jya IS to 35 Salem Caaataaoia oa. scyiaaiDtr K 2W Urpfv rUta falz. ia an effort .to. improve the. condi tion of th population and to arouse some enthusiasm t in them OTer .the benefits that are , accru ing to their , advantages, The pur chase of the tractors is evidently an effort to turn the peasant farm er from his ?' former backward methods. I With scientific farming on a large scale and more produc tion as a result-the prospects of the durability -of ; the Bolshevik government would be f much brighter. But it Is difficult . to teach densely Ignorant! people modern principles all at once, and the Soviets i have in the peasantry a class of people who re wedded to tljeir ! old ways and suspicious of changes, even . when they i are for the better. . 1 ' DOING GOOD The other day an , aggrieved - - i -. husband sued for a divorce on the grounds that his wife was always preaching at him and was wear ing htm out in her tiresome efforts to do himj good. But the court decided he was still a worthy ob ject for a j wife's moral - crusade Yet I we remember that famous New 'England philosopher, Henry Thoreau. once declared that it he knew anyone was coming to see him with the conscious Intention of doing him good he would Ilee as from a pestilence lest some of the good should be done him. Thoreau, however, never had ei ther a wife or a sweetheart. Bob by Burns, on the other hand, de plored "the excellent advices the husband-from the wife despises." Modern husbands, : evidently, might better read Burns , than Thoreau.' - - WHE.V THE WORLD MAKES :. WAY . ' One morning a series ot. wrecks tied the Pennsylvania Into a' knot. Col. Scott, who ran the road at that time, could not be'' located and things got: going f rom ;bad to worse.';- j.itrs" 1 5 ' " " . : Disregarding one ot the road's strictest rules, a young telegrapher sent out a doxen or more ": tele grams, giving orders that would clear the blockade, and signed Col. Scott's name. ';. "Young man," said the superln tendent to the young telegrapher a few hours later,: "do you realise you have broken one of the com pany's most rigid rules?" -, "Well. I Mr. Scott," asked the -young fellow, "aren't your, tracks clear, trains running and traffic booming?' t s , Fob punishment Andrew Car negie was made toe colonel's pri vate secretary. v . And a few years later, when Col. Scott retired, Carnegie suc ceeded him. He was then r 28, years old. j:; -T,- ?L- Some men, are electric buttons they will 'not do any work till they are pushed. Then, again, others are self-starters.! ' Carnegie was a ; self-starter. ' He had what Is called initiative What s.c-t f was . you paper. ; 1 . 1 1: tempered - aggressiveness, the f inerart-of dc4ngth;' right- thing at this right time.wUhout' having to be told to, doIt,i r ; ; .'i. And to all . Buch, jhe, world re moves its hat, bestows its prize and makes way. CALLS AMERICA WASTEFUL Sir Mackay Edgar, a , famous English industrialist, writing in the.. London Daily Telegraph upon conditions . as he found them dur ing his recent visit to the Jnited States, prognosticates a famine of great severity in this country In the near future. Not a food fam ine, but one ot metals, cotton and oils, that wilt leave the manufac turers dependent on' other coun tries for a supply of raw mater ials. ' - K': The figures he quotes ; should give American jbuslness men cause to pause and : thinks '."We learn that,' while the United f States pro- dtices 65 per cent of the world's supply of cotton. ollv copper aiid lead her consumption amounts to . . r - . QTL pa2Zij .1.11 . 1 - s . Your Moiiey WoA ? A RUSSIAN rouble used to be worth more than fifty cents. Today, v . i you can buy tens of thousands of them for one perfecHy3od ..1 American dollar. ' , ' . ;'"-f;H.i-i;iO--.V . I ' :" The value of a com is determined by its purchasing power. :: If can make a dollar work harder, for you than itwill . for neignDor, your money is worm more man nis r There's one sure way to get the most, for your money. Read ' the advertisements and know what you want before you buy. " ' .. ... 4 ' . ' ' v . ... . . ' ...... The advertisements will tell you What is new and good. They will give you the latest ideas and improvements, in the very, things that concern you most in life. They will help' you live better, eat f better, sleep better and dress better at less cost - .- ' ' ' ' ,- ' ': ' You will be surprised at the world of interest and the wealth of 'new ideas you .will find running through the advertisements in this v Get the most out of your money J $ by reading the advertisements1- L nl ore than-half of the world's to- tal'-outputV andtbis- per. ent is steadily r increasing.. t No other country is so wasteful and extrava gant with its natural resources. In the matter of oil the demand has already exceeded the produc tion, and this country Is import inc to supply its needs. So with other' raw materials that keep the wheels of Industry spinning, and the British industrialist prbphesies that this voracious demand will precipitate an eventual breakdown of our economic order,, unless checked. ' ; . " ' WISDOM UNCHANGED y 4 -. - . . . ' Long centuries before 1 Tut-Ankh-Amen ruled as Pharoah in the land of the Nile a certain PtahlHotep served his king, Itoso, In the capacity of rlxler. Very little is known about , the ancient statesman-philosopher ' beyond . the fact that, like all fond parents since the world began,, he . exer cisedhis paternal . prerogative by giving unsought advice to his son. liere Quality - 11" PI starts todrsroundoot miji . n1 r fbaeryter in tb s4vrttsiiie--tt ctarts TTaWy ii wSasd without the us ef at tbe Uttora of tbe well. adli a prscsaa mUeh Is poasiUe sa!y Nss tiesfisrWaT qusJ--' PiniylTinll Cruds-13 : Ity started t&eosaads of years ago T7Tr tn fi laiurlcus cLerJ - '" under wJast Is now ' Pwylvsaia. I caJs wLUx attack metal surfaces. Wawsrfy. OS is refined front Pennsyi- TIaafs why ;wm ''ssll; aad .rtacrsrctrj . , -ssaok, Facaffias) Bast Crude T7me27,2J1 Tcsssirtzli. D'.3Ci Quackenbush Auto Supply ' f 1 - Dr. James Waldi cl iw. University has 'eal'e atle-' . the visler's letters to his be. , . ten. apparently about 5300 j , ago and preserved In what claimed by some to be the cl book in the 'world. Thebnrdeuc! one epistle seems to have been 1 unlike the f oft-quoted advice c : Shakespeare's "Poloiius" of much later day "beware of t: -trance to a quarrel." Other worJ , of Hotep were: "Don't argue wli , your superiors; It does not do er j good. Don't argue with your equals; make a plain statement and let It go at that. Don't argsa with your inferiors; let them iiYs. and they will make fools ot them selves." . 'The yellow streak in human na ture is often brought 'out;by ths precious metal of the same color. Cleveland Times. - - After all, the design on the dol lar doesn't matter so much. Ev erybody , has his own designs on it.--Walla Walla Bulletin. Q it r. -Starts ad jssrTtx!a c2 sr Ci 1 1 1 T lili miiI ii. .VS : It. i - i c ' your 1 i Ml 1 I i