FRIDAY I.:ORiai;G, JUNE 15, 1923 -Eere9 There aed Everywhere If BASEBALL FIGHT Sensation Caused By Qe- v mand rronv McCarthy -w Awaits Testimony THE OREGON STATE..IAH, SALEM, OREGON CM OCIIED in I 1 ; ' ' Mr-1" ' ; V " ' - - 1 ' . ' t - "Fisher Raising thG Family- fra Always Says Something at the Wrong Ttmel . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' J. j ) LOS AKGEL.ES, Jane 14. The , 'baseball tempest aroused by charg es of '.'syndicate baseball" in con "nection with the Isale of Lhe.Se ; attle ? club ; of the Pacific Coast -league, which wai whipped up to a cyclonic crescendo last night and today by statements from some of those around whom: the storm has centered , was; broken tonight by a period of comparatiTe calm as participants in the dispute waited for the resumption" Satur day, morning of deposition-taking expected to throw; light on the de tails of the Seattle deal. r When litigants in the suit brought by Charles Lockard , to compel President W. IL McCarthy of the Pacific Coast league to ' feat him as a director represent Ing the . Seattle club," appeared to ; day before a United States district court reporter sitting as a com missioner; the taking of their de positions "Was continued until: SetM -urday to await the arrival of copies f of telegrams believed to have a "bearinz on the case. i ' r- : Representatives; . of three ' tele-1 srraph companies who had been summoned to appear along with -Charles Lockard and Wade Kllle fer, purchasers of the Seattle cfab and others; appeared with what ?aw telegrams they had been able 0lcan from their, files and ex- , plained that it would take consid erable time tOLgo through .; four months messages land - extract all ,hose connected with the sale of the Seattle club. S : Attorneys from , Seattle then an nounced that they, had copies of -II the telegrams interchanged ; in the deal; and had-sent to Seattle t or them. Saturday morning they said these telegrams would be -vailable and the hearing was ac cordingly continued until that ime. '-'.- - .- ' N r Carller In the day President Mc , Carlhy made public a statement -Hacking Lockard, Killefer and Villiam Wrigley,; Jr.,, lor their art in the alleged "syndicate all"' and declaring that ."explain 3 they will, ; equivocate as they nay, apologize a v. thejr haye Trigley's money " bought , the" Se attle club. That' Is ; what', I hare harged. , TI-3 1 is what they hare roren. Si 'Y ft' iilf.C!;S;ilTI!G) F0H ILM EVEFJf 'ore Than 480 Individual Entries on Program; Bears ; c Are Ruled Out CHICAGO, June -14. (By the Vss ,c:afed ' , Press.) First rank collegiate performers from every i mirier-of America Will assemble Friday at Stagg field, University i t C!i tc 3. iro, for j the L country's v ln- : er o Ilea late chamoionshia ia the ' rack" and field; meet of the na-1 lional collegiate association, comr osed of zoo schools and colleges, i r he two-day competition la ex-1 pected to bring (o the fore con - cenders'for places on the Ameri can Olympic teamfor 1924. ' More than "486 Individual en ' tries representing C2 institutions ' la 27 states are on the program. ; California, thrice' winner of the castern'collegiate in the last, three , years, was victor In the national ' iasf tear With 20 points.' 1 The fnrmMihla ' (aim (mm (ha wnat vas kept out of, the game this year ! would be paid " - ? tsy .the Pacific coast conference No explanation was forthcoming championships scheduled for Sat- for the last minute change in urday. -' ' plans. ' ; HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BATTLE SET FOR JULY 4. if ' . - ' . j Eddie Kane, representing Tommy Gibbons of St. Paul, and Jack , Kearns,' manager or Jack Dempsey. signed an agreement In the Mor rison Hotel, Chicago, for a fight to be staged. In Shelby. Mont, on next ' July 4. .The Utah mauler will defend his title for the first time since he met Ceorges Carpentier in Jersey City on July 4. 1921. Dempsey will receive a Cat guarantee of $300,000 and Gibbons will get t0 per cet. of all receipts over $300,000 and up to $600,000. The original X cta of -. the signing, shows, left to . right (standing). Frank Smith. fort' editor Chicago-Tribune: B. J. Bowman, manager Morrison Hotel: Thomas Mc Williams, f assistant manager Morrisuu Hotel. Seated Jack Kearns. manager of Jack Dempsey: Mike Collins. St. 1'atrl, and Loy J. Molumby. commander of Montana American .Legion posts, representing Montana promoters, and Eddie Kane, manager ot Tom Gibbons. Photo shows the men Just signing the articles tor a r ea. round or less decision bout. :J .t , DEFENDER'S WIM KNOCKED OUT ' JUR1GP1T2DAYS Manager, on Way to Collect $100,000, Elet by Bankers, Viho Change Plans Reklive to Payment of Jnstall-j ' inent ; All Uneasiness Fast Disappearing From Camp ; May Fight Again Labor Day if Commission Consents GREAT , FALLS, Mont;'1 Press.) -With a terrific left hook to the chin, Jack Dempsey today knocked out Jack Burke, a Pittsburgh heavyweight, making the heavyweight champion's second knockout victim in the two days since he resumed boxing after a week's lay off. I - r N.rP--v;:vrJxH.:.-r ;'.;k'":-J. i After, Dempsey had -boxed twp spirited rounds . with ,Geor ge , God frey,'".' a 2$0 "pound, negrp,''- -mho nailed the champion half a dozen times with 'solid right hand! jolts. Burke parted t the ', ropes to face Pempsey's bombardment. In the first round: Burke - was sent reel ing with a left book and In an ex citing ; ' exchange "on" the ropes Dempsey missed bis sparring mate with a" right 7 hand punch, his plank' Vupport rJust joutside ' the ropes, : ;'.?Vr , ; r ' ; ; .. ; ; . Coming out ,io'r 'the , - second round . Dempsey smashed Burke with a hook on the chin, and the Pittsbargher fell - into the, ropes and flat on- his. back. H The cham pion picked him up and attempted to clear his dizzy brain by shak ing him, but Burke was complete ly out.': When he staggered out of the ring he drew his right leg behind him as If paralyzed. r Still Wears Guard Besides a round of shadow box ing and a round, of ; slugging the 250-pound leather filled .heavy bag, Dempsey boxed six . rdunds. finishing up with; Harry. Drake, the British heavyweight... who was knocked off his. feet-' ; yesterday. The champion perspired quickly and freely today as a result of the hot sun that shone down on the outdoor ring,: in . contrast to the chilly wind :of, yesterday,":. ' He continued to wear, . theleat.her D(J protect the cut orer "a f CJD "? ,u parrlng mates ; onlr - 3 0 seconds .rest between rounds. As Jack Kearns, manager of the heavyweight champion, was about to board a train, for Shelby tonight to collect the! second installment of $100,000 . due Dempsey tomor row, bankers; of Great Falls, to gether with j Mayor Johnson of Shelby, prevailed '. upon him to meet with them here tomorrow at '. Whffh tlrrift. thov sftM . (ha mnnev , MI Ji t . 1 l "v M l. 4? ' 3 K T I s . , - g June 14 (By Associated i Dempsey, according to the terms Of his contract, is to receive $100,- 000 tomorrow, and the final $100, 0 00 of his $300.000. guarantee' on July, 2, 48 hours before going In to the. ring with Gibbons. ; Cash Is Assured ! .Mayor. James A.I Johnson of Shelby, treasurer for the American Legion post promoting the fight, told Kearns : the money would . ' ha paid Inlhtal hand at the appointed time.'; . Payment of the $100,000 will remoxe the last traces of un easiness existing here or elsewhere of the Shelby promoter's ability to go through with ' their enterprise. l, Kearns , received an offer ffom Simon t Flaherty, a 'promoter of Long Island City, N. Y., for a La bor day match with Harry Wills, replying - that he. would , consider it provided the New,: York athletic eemmission would issue a permit for the bout. . i i Challenger's Sparring Part ners' Get Off Casy: Park I r Trip Planned . SHELBY. Mont.. June 14. (By the Associated Press.) The big brown bag In Tommy Gibbons' training ring received more pun Ishment this ; afternoon : than did his four sparring partners. t . The challenger dropped Kid Rocco. the light heavyweight with a left that landed squarely on the chin, but It was virtually the only time Gibbons put on full steam during the afternoon session. - Gibbons used his left almost ex clusively this afternoon and he was not pushed hard enough to compel him to display any exten sive footwork. ; Bud Gorman, the Racine heavy, in the absence of Tillie (Kid) Herman, who ; was not feeling well; today, gave the challenger his stiffest wprkout. j Lakey Morrow, a 133-pounder from - Spokane, - provided several hundred spectators who witnessed ! the training session with consid erable merriment, but made few dents : In Gibbons' defense, i He mixed freely with the challenger but his blows apparently did not bother Gibbons. ; i f Plans were completed late to day lor a trip to Glacier National park tomorrow for the challenger and his wife and their two little boys, i They will return1 later In the day. - . BANKER CLEARED OF FRAUD EPHPATA, Wash., June 14 F. C. Davis, former president of the defunct Grant county - bank, charged with falsifying the bank's records and with grand larceny of notes from the bank, was declared not guilty on both charges late to day In a directed verdict. . Judge Davidson ruled that the state had failed to make a case on both GIBBON PUNGHES BROWfJ BAG HARD charges. : : ' . . ; ."- . ' ? ; ST. LOUIS WINS YANKEES Pruett Is Wild But Holds. I New York Down, While ' Hoyt Weakens ' NEW1 YORK, June 14. (Amer-ican.)--St. Louis today won its first game of the season from the Yankees, 3 to, 1. ; Pruett was wild but ! held, the American : league champions In check; "while Hoyt weakened lit the- eighth, when the Browns scored all their r.nns. A pass to Babe Ruth With the baseB full in the third gave the Yanksj their lone tally. j , x Score f : 'R. H. E. St. Louis ...... . ijT. . . .3 5 1 New York .". ..... 9 1 Pruett and Collins; Hoyt and Hofmann. ' " ,v. ;. -,- ? -;! , - ;---:;,; 1 : Chicago 7, Wiashington 3 j WASHINGTON, June 14.Er ratle fielding and loose pitching permitted Chicago to take the 1st game of the series with Washing ton there today 7 to 3. The White Sox were credited with six stolen bases . Mostll accounting for 3. Russell who relieved Zachary, al lowed 6 bases on halls, while Lev erette, who - 'started for Chicago gare five passes in j two Innings. ' Score i' j l r:A- ' R.-.H. E. Chicago ...... .7 9-, iff Washington . . . . ;. i, 3 9 4 ' Leverette, Thurston and Schalk Zachary, Russell, Hollingsworth. and Rue! - - H i Philadelphftv 4, Cleveland 3 'PHILADELPHIA June 14 "Rube" Walberg was ,the hero Of another Philadelphia,, victory : to day when he beat Cleveland 4 to 3. The Tictory, with the defeat of New York; by St. Louis put Ath letics - - within two i full games of the American league leaders. Wal berg went! Into the game in- the second and held the Indfans to one run during the remainder the contest. ' ' . ' Score : ' i ' - R. H. Cleveland . ... . ... . .... 3 12 Philadelphia, .... .....4 12 of E. 0 0 I. Coveleskie, Edwards and O'Nell Helmach, Walberg and Perkins. . ' ' ' ' i- - '- Detroit 4, Boston 1 BOSTON,, June 14Holloway was effective against Boston to day, Detroit twinning, ; 4 to 1. Heilmann's hitting and fielding were sensational, l ' 'u Score : ..: v.,.,. -. ; R. II. E. Detroit ............. .4 6 0 Boston : . .... .' . . 1 6 2 Holloway and Bassler; Piercy, Fullerton and Walters. , : AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Topeka 2. Louisville 8. At Milwaukee 4, St. Paul 3. . ' Columbus-Indianapolis rain. Kansas City-Minneapolis, not scheduled. - f Z WiflametteiValley . : Transfer Co. - Fatt Through Freight to All - Valley Points DaUy. v Speed-Efficiency-Service Ralem-Portland-Woodburn .Oorrallls Eugene Jefferson Dallas Albany Monmouth Independence - Monroe . : 8 p r 1 a ( f I 1 d SHIP BY TRUCK Hutcheon Paint Store We Handle the Reliable Rasmusson Line i . Workpone by Day or Contract hone 594i: - , . 154 S. Com! SU Buy jYour Paint in a Paint Store -i " 1 LEAGUE STANDINGS i M i Pacific Coast Lengue W. L. PCT. 4? 26 .644 39 31 .557 39 , 33' .542 35 35 .500 33 36 .479 33 39 ; .458 29: 42 '.408 San Francisco Sacramento . . Vernon '.'; '.' Salt Lake Los Angeles . Portland . . . . Oakland . . ; Seattle . . .1 ' . . i . . ... 28 41 .40f ".."'- r ;'-;f i ... , - -y - f National League kW. L. : PCT, 34 17k .66? 29 21 .586 27 22 .551 26 23 1531 27 24 .521 18 25 .528 18 35 .340 14 36 .280 New York ....... Pittsburgh ...... Cincinnati Brooklyn .it: it 1 St. Louis Chicago . . . . . . Boston; . " . J . v. j. Philadelphia ; ! 4 American .League -J VI- T V: ,--.-1 W. L. . f. PCT. .627 592 .549 .471 .469 .432 .429 .413 New York 32 29 28 24 23, 19, 21) 19 19 20 23 27 26 25 28 27 Philadelphia Cleveland . . I)etroit ; . .-. St. Louis . . Boston '-. . . . I Washington Chicago . . . FROM SEAL CLUB Portland Takes, Third Game : of Series From .Vernon; : f. Two Pitchers' Used r (' SACRAMENTO, f June 14. Af ter having lost -2 " previous close .tilts to the league-leading Seals, Senators won from San Francisco in 14 innings, 4 to 3. here today. Sacramento was leading 1 to O, when the ninth inning opened and the Seals in their half scored 2. The Senators -opened the ninth with two singles, and Buddy Ryan went In as a pinch hitter. Mc Weeney, ' walked 'him - purposely. Colonel Pick ; himself then enter ed the combat and Worked the big twirler for a walk, which' forced over the tying run. The extra inning battle then waged, until San Francisco again! put orer what appeared a winning run In Its half of the 14 th. In the last half of the 14 th McWeeny gave Kopp a lift by hitting him. - Rohwer singled and was forced out by Siglln. Koehler's' . long " single drove In the tying and winning markers. ;! : f "' ' 7 $2 ROUND TRIP TO PORTLAND Oregon Electric Ry. EVERY DAY Albany Corvallis Eugene $1.30 $2.00 $3.80 $ .95 Woodburn Other points In proportion. Return good for 15 days, r r Use . the fast; comfortable electric trains of this line. v FOR PORTLAND, DAILY Trains leave Salem 7 rl 5, 9:45. 11:15 A. M.; 1:40. 4:00,' 5:30' and 7:50, P. M. t f v Time of other trains and de- tails will be furnished on ap plication. 1 v v ; Oregon Electric Ry. J. W. Ritchie, Agent. fflTOSIH It. H. E.I : Score . San Francisco .......... 3 11 sacramenio ...... ,...t ju 21 Mitchell.V Buckley. . McWeeney and Agnew; Hughes. Yellowhorse Thompson. and Koehler. r . ' 1 Portland 11, Vernon 5 -' i LOS ANGELES, June 14, -Bill Esslck sent 16 Vernon players in to the- breach against Portland to day, butf the Beavers broke, the Tigers' winning . streak by taking the third 'game of the series, 11 to "'. 6.--! ' Warner, Vernon third baseman, hit a freak homer in the 6th inning with one man on. Score - R. H. E. Portland 11 16 2 Vernon 5 11 2 Leverenz, Yarrison and Daly; Alten, James. Gilder and Han nah. . - FfH Lake 11, Angels 8 SALT TAKE. June 14. Salt Lake made it three straight over Los Angeles by winning today's game 11 to 8. The locals rapped Lyons --shard and continuously while the Angels ' had ' only one good inning against Crumnler. in which they made six runs. Score , R. 1 H. E. Los ' Angeles ;,8 13 2 Salt Lake '. . . ..... .11 14. .2 Lyons,' Jones, Hanna, and' By ler; Crumpler and Jenkins. Oakland 4, Seattle 1 OAKLAND, Cal., June 14. Oakland crawled out of the Paci fic coast league cellar here today by defeating Seattle 4 to 1. The game was tied ,up to the eighth inning when Tesar of the Indians surrendered three hits which net ted the Oaks three runs. - Tesar was replaced by Plummer. Score R. II. E. Seattle j. . .i. . . . . . . . 1 7 1 Oakland .... ........4 11 1 . Tesar, Plummer and Yaryan; Mails and Thomas. THYE LOSES MATCH PORTLAND Jujie 1 4. 1 . Billy Edwards, Kansas City light heavy weight . wrestler, -defeated - Ted Thye here tonight. Thye won the A-3 first fall In 49 minutes with a toe 2 1 hold and Edwards took the : sec- r , minutes. With 36 minutes to go." neither ' man could take the de ciding all: and the referee award ed, the decision to Edwards , on aggressiveness. This was a re turn match, Edwards having de feated Thye in a previous contest. JEm'mel Emerges Victor From Tennis Tournament Ted EmmeL emerged; the -victor In the men's singles ' of ; the Sa lem ; Tennis association f tourna ment, The finals weretplayed off Thursday morning. Pauline Find ley defeated Elya Burris in two straight sets. 7-5, 7-5. This was one of the surprises of the tourn ament. Emmel defeated Dr. C. E. Bate? in .the final round 7-5, 2-6,' 6-3, and 6-3. Emmel and Huston de feated Bates , and Okerberg 7-5, 2-6, 6-2. and 6-1. -FORGER IS POUND' ? ' SANTA ANA,: Cal.. June 14. Otis Hefner, confessed forger and alleged bandit who, a year ago, in Seattle was said to have professed to know something' of the slaying in Los Angeles February 1, 1922 of William" Desmond Taylor, mo tion picture director, was found tonight in the Orange county jail here where he ' has been for r the last four days under the name of Otto Nelson." ' " : . Electric Irons Standard Makes Priced From $5.00 to $7.50 -When, you can purchase a guaranteed iron at so cheap a price you can't afford to be without one. Fleener Electric Put it on for protection against rot and decay. Put it on to lengthen the life "of your house, your barn, silo, stock sheds, im plements, etc, , ' , Increase the value and improve the appearance of your property. . , Look over your-buildings and im- plements today. Make a dose inspec tion of surface conditions. If any - place needs a 1 coat of - paint, ' paint NOW with Rasmussen Pure Paint the best for the Northwest. ' IJon t put; ott Rasmussen color have a full line Jaiavea full line v ! brushes, too Hutcheon Paint Salem, Oregon LODGE HOrJORS FLAG IN ANNUAL PR0GRAL1 . f continued from pags 1 ) living to benefit one's' fellow nan and not to" exploit , him." , . 0 , Constitution Is Guide ' Respect Tor law was urged fcy the ' speaker, who declared that disregard for any law leads to disregard . for, o:ner "laws. ,Tua constitution he "referred to! as he north .polar star that , we need to go back to time and again that we may know what to do" in -the vexing problems that often . confront the nation's citizenship. To kn how cood really can you mu Paint nov seeing ' our cards. .We vi brushes, too Store clzarcllsAf bo maC? j j j y i v iL-VjLuLl III C" " 7r j in iQAnrrrx with n i i ; I ? i 1 i. r i