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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1923)
t ;HVENTY -TIIIRD v. -t v V t i i : SALEM; OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE t4, 1923 tt: ' 'A -A CO) . ; ... -. . . , . ' il ' - - - - A P. Ltd I V A . - 5 V '1 : . .-, .... f .-.:- -. i j : r ..;. -' - .' ... .... . ' ' ' i ; ' . I'. .- . . A - '" . r ' ' . ' ' ' ' - h:- .'-. r t r-. '; .. . .r - t ; '. , - r I ' ! . ' 1 - .1'. i , ... . I i . ' i il'. . i . ..Ai ' 4,- .. k -r . i ! . ... ; , it f 4- - v . Ar ;- t r . iL jO - Xffl -Acc orpxEGOr, &r,ACH- -c. - - . .- - . s . - - S4 f 'A A ' What if -misfortune should -frown upon you and j ' yburs-asd it became necessary for jrou to retreat from ; j -the Oreoiv you. love to the land f rcwhichjii came? How youvrould miss the incomparable .sunshine, - j verdant slopes and rued ? scenery! --i How you would ; Jo once assinijo'be in' theTLand of Roses where,; at J ; year rzzste and cn,Ficnics, you and yoiir f niily Tni-ht j enjoy ,the Iresh losanbernC3, . apples,. prunes, -spinacn .and beans, ,the flavor -of which only the sunshine, and showers of Oregon can srive them. , v Lctus hope, for your ke and the VTriter's, that V?-n?vpr rftmps'trae! but SllCUld 'VOtl eVT sQ TSin t-ck en justa visit, you f ill want la know rf the new ' tc nd.dYarfccd,method cf hydration which now makes ;! ;i n-f-jvia erWv. rnvxffhrTP snv d.iv in the vcar; i to enjoy the cbaracteristisiaste of iresh. Oregon irmts , r-d vegetables,' at a costl which is ATiijning friends lot rrr"n.rwn wmducts :the werld .over ? n t . . - f; t "There are other treasons vrhy. you oill wast 'to j ' know bout dehydralion.? 7ith ?the 'successful ireser--1 vatic'mof .the ull. fresh flavor and the natural sugars j j ,and mineral alts,-a,more appetizing and more perfect- lybalancsdsdiet may mow be enjoyed the year around, ; ' :4n-0regcn;as well-as elsewhere. ; A A A;, ! ; " "Think' what this brcadermarketin&-of our singular 5 j ! -fmita nnfl Vp'tsWes v?illmean to the State fof 'Oregon, ? not only ,in increased .resources .and ,resultat income, ; ; but in .winning more .friends ,and future residents ,f or the Pacific IJorthwest. ; v - 5.. Oregon has .been endowed Ijy nature with a - soil and climate which giveotfroits andegdables a tlavor i -V, ' ... V 'A .v-v '1 '--4 N. - ..; --"v v . . v., i A 1 V -' either hastily lor entirely Mmoved.- 'It-was learnedtnat a sponge, . what transpires wnn a sponge, m u.3 iv ,il:.. ;w.nAnv;nr.fv.aaVv tff.Vonf fwiit ftnrl vAfrptnhb th vpcrpfjhlps under this hiffhlv Derf ected vtoccez. y ClvVi vjr fv. iiu.ikmuuiu kvrvu v . v . w.. -o " - - ' JX .ahTJ nf Vfn mmilaeul Cionpa ' . . "' ' . " ' - iv. ".1.1... i' y -y -iw wi M--M . By: circulating-. air anc , witv .ntf ps; that serves, the 'con.-: urn - toeserve: .indefinite itimo, tl.a iu . fnPSJd Svor of fruits and vegetables, and, at the Eafc3 t : materially reduce the cost ot snipping era ration and . ,x , i Place a oustry isi aesnceu iu u jjiu. n -v to blow demand for food. ; : : sponge wiU ? Last year uregon lruit ana xrucK r condition, gen ia cor ana uitun iiiuusuj. uc ... desired lars oy ine aeajraiion inuu:j.rjr &iu i, :e it in of future progress, tnis sum snou.a FDonire degree. All, of which means happier, L::. -