The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1923, Page 7, Image 7

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I -
: : - (Continued from pas X) i
Rant; organ, Byron Arnold.
Horn Economics- PhylllaPal--
mer. ; vr';- . -;- fl':. '
Mathematics Albert Logan, j
Sociology Lolo Ellis. I
., ( Honors Stade Known
I S ' '"; '"' - J , 1 --'-rtto -
I All the 1 scholastic j and social
honors awarded to this year's class
I were announced. The athletic hon
ors have been announced previous"
: ly. The especial honors, member-J
nna ' XT-' !
scholarship fraternity and the de
. partmental scholarship awards are
given In the Hat of graduates. ,
Three cash' awards were made
from the platform or honors pre
viously, announced; To George
rOliver. $25 for the Albert prise
. awarded for the greatest develops
ment of scholarship, character, in
fluence dating the year; to Edna
Jennlson, f 25 for the! Col. Percy
Willis prize for the student whose
Influence has been most helpful
during the year, and Miss Jennl
son also won the Dr. Ik 1. Steeves
prise of $10 for the highest pro
ficiency In Latin. J ,
The list of those, receiving de
grees follows: ;;- '
f Rodney W. Alden j(mathema
tics) Salem. " ' , -
Virgil A. Anderson ( public
speaking) Salem.
Elsworth Lawrence Anslow (ed
ucation) Port Orchard! Wash.
Verne D. Balu (education) ,Till
am ok. " !7' : I J vr T
. - Freda S. Beck (homer econom
Ics-Milwaukle, Or. i .
Ina Mae Belssell (English,
v Spanish); "Wenatchee,' ISVash.
E. Clifford Berry: (history) Spo
kaile, Wash.V'. V-Vi-" -j ' -"'
J Grace ; f Frances j Bralnerd
f mathematics) Marshall. Texas.
John -C Brougber (biology,
chemistry 1 Scotts Mills, Or; . J
' y Elva Burrfa (chemistry) Salem,
v Luther B. Cook (education,
honors la history) Salem.
' ; Ulliam M. Cooper, (French)
Pilot Rock; Or j. ' i t
' Jay D. Coulter (political science)
i Salem. '
Evelyn C De. Moss (honors In
history) Portland. J . J
yesU R- Dicks (history) Lake-
view, Qr. V":1i;;;l ',KU !'
tfftvld CUrk Ellis (history) Sa
lea. - "'.vi'fV'vLV:r i:;A".:-;!
Kell Hamilton Fake (honors in
History) Salem.' ' i
Martha Almira Ferguson (hls
torr) Hood River, Or.
Genevieve Flndley " (Spanish)
Howard W. George I (history)
7,Teaatchee. Wash. i
Taul -Floyd Jreen.f (religion)
, Helen Ruth'? Hardy (Engliah)
"alsm. 'rf V--f: .L-i-iK X ' -
Carmen E. Harwood (hi-
lory) Salem. r
Deane E. Hatton (English)
'ZWiJU Wash-
Oar booklet Tainc Facts"
or The Way to Beautiful.
I lames" will be sencyouoa
qaesc It tells bow other
" -SS-imrrat Paints and
Vixnishcs can be used to
mtifj the home. '
i nuuxasco.CAUKJKNiA
. s-.vA, --i .''4 ;- ; Xt
Lolar C. Housley (honors
Latin) Salem. M s '
Mary Elisabeth i Hunt (French)
Spokane, Wash - - ,
Leon O. Jennlson (Spanish) Sa
lem. - f -' - 1
Alta Belle Kershner (history)
Francis M. KInch (education)
Snohomish, Wash;
Everett W. Lisle (mathematics)
t Salem. ,
Lila Ethel Marcy (biology) Port
land. j
Thelma Mills (economics)
Forest: Grove, Or.1
' Charles , R. McClelland (econo
mics) Salem. ; -
Pauline R. McClintock (home
economics) Weed,Cal.
1 Esther Jane McCracken (relig
ion) Prosser. Wash.
Helen Scott Mclnturff (mathe
matics) Spokane. Wash, i :
:'f Faye -McKlnnisI (history) Wal
lowa, Or.' i . i .' .j - r - - ,
Rachel Hall Nelson (English)
Salem.! '1:-; M;,
i Esther Parounagian (honors in
biology) Amity, Or.,
Marlon King Paterson (French)
Willamette, Or. i i
Cecil E. - Pearson ( English )
Turner, Or. ! i
Genevieve J. Phillips (home eco
nomics) Crawfbrdsvllle, Or.
. Sadie Elizabeth Pratt (honors In
French) Portland :
Carol Elizabeth Rahskopt (hi
ology)! Portland. ! . : . :
Ida Niswonger Reynolds (chem
istry) Bend, Or.
Myrtle Leone Richardson (Eng
lish) ' Salem. ' !
Pauline RIckll (Spanish) Sa
John Franklin i Rodman (phil
osophy) Nampa, Idaho.
Esther Miriam Roeder (history)
Salem. ; ' (
, Ruby V. Rosenaranx tpuouc
speaking) Colfax. Wash.
Louise V. Rumohr (history)
Leavenworth, Wash.
Melba Frances Sanders (his
tory) Newberr. Or. : . . .
F. William Scholl (history) Fos
ter, Or. ,
Louise A. Schrelber (home eco
nomics) Salem- i .
Margaret W. Seethoff (Spanish)
Salem. v
' Roy L. Skeen (public speaking)
Powell Butte. Or. - i
Joanna Ruth, Smith (mathe
matical Dallas. Or. r
Winifred1 E. St. Clair. (Spanish)
Gresham. Or. : v
Mildred Opal Stevens (English)
Hillyard, Wash-. ;
Paul Stewart Stollar (chemist
ry) Salem, . , j
Tracy Elmer Strevey (history)
Newberg, Or. J -
I Mildred Strevey (English) New
berg. Or. 1 i
Harriet . B. Van Slyke ( honors
in history) Chelan, wash;
' Alma Rhorer Vinson (mathe
matics) Salem. 1 '
Helen ' Rose Hoover
Portland.' !" :
brv-: I lit 1'
LightWoodwork Cheers
REMEMBER the home of yoff childhood days with
its dark woodwork and somber furnishings? What a dif
ferent atmosphere is found in the home today with its
gleaming enameled woodwork that radiates cheer to the
family and a welcome to its guests. ;.
; Qold Sedl Enamel .
will lend atmosphere to your home. The choice of white, oU ivory
or French gray in either gloss or egg-shell finish gives opportunity
foreacpresa .' " " ' A ,
: ifyoxiareplaiuartco
jcKm Gold Seal Enamel offers a world of possibilities to you. You
can plan a red living ram with French gray woodwork, the dainu
'est of bedrooms with'old ivory, while in the kitchen of bathroom,
the white will give you a perfect porcelain finish without the t
of tiling. ' , ; , . .
Every can of Gold Seal Enamel has full instructions for using Xy
folio wing them you wifl enjoy doing some of the work yourself. For
the finishing of the larger ork in the more unpomntroomswead'
' t vise you to engage a contracting painter. ' .
286 N. Commercial SL
. , SALEM,
r Elton L. Von Eschen (chemla- I
try) Salem. . 1
John William Warrell (history)
Cornelius, Or. fi
Bruce E. White , (honors in
mathematics) Hobson. Mont. . -
Cornelia A. Wldman (educa-llive
tlon. Religion) Rosalia, Wash, i :
Diploma withheld until work
is completed. : f" -'k.
Highest honor students. j
; Bachelor of Laws v 1 1
Edward H. Ashurst, fialem.'
Paul F. Burris, Salem. , ,
. Wallace P. Carson, ; Salem. ' . I
" Elmer D. Cook, Salem. V :-
Jay D. Coulter. Salem. :
Bert. T. Ford, Salem.. !!
Earl B. Hallmark. Waldport. Or.
Henry H. Kloepplng. Salem. !
Christian J. Kowltz, Lebanon,
Or. .. - ' l y.:.j r: J j
' Joseph Mlnton, Salem. ? ? I p.
Waldo C. Zeller, Sunnyslde, Wn.
Raymond L. Gansans, Lewis-
ton, Idaho.
Diploma in Music
Laura Hoy t (piano) Salem
! Eugenie D. Myers (piano) Port.
t Advanced Ifgre
Master of Arts Averill Harris,
(A. B. Willamette University);
Thesis: - "The Teacher in Litera
ture." v Vi I "-'"1
Honorary Degrees ' M
Doctor of DivinUy Rev. Gabriel
Sykes. A.B., Willamette university
01. Hood River. Or.. Rev. Blaine
E. Klrkpatrlck. M. A., B. A-. Sa
lem: Rev. C. J. Larsen. Portland;
Rev. D. H. Leech. Portland,
Doctor of Laws I Robert ; A,
Booth, Eugene, Or.; B. Frank Ir
vine, A.B., (Willamette university
77) Portland. (
. I Hawley Address ' Scholarly
- Representative Hawley's Address
was a ' masterpiece . oc , scnoiarsmp
and of Dolltical vision. He dis-
cussed at length the ancient evil
.clflihnno. Af tho rma nt try.
try -
i trt a aiT tha labor of others.
and to contribute less than a right -
-h t n.tinn stid a
humanity aa a whole.
"This was the evil against which
it . . ii.' nij iA..
thousand years before.the birth
oi unrisv" saia ine.jip.or.
-.nrrfltitliiMtud Island, every
.. . - . . .in , i
Clime ana ua. every r... ua r.Tj
... h... ul1snal ttv tha Tilnnrt on
ment and women through
atlons until, in ,tne savage m-
. . . i.n.M.t.
to live from ' the
toil of others:
every generation
has been embit-
tered by the venom this has in
stilled into human life." ;
. Europe Today Pictured
The sneaker gave a remarkable
picture os Europe oi ioubj,
daily of soviet Russia, where a
class of self-appointed, dictators
have undertaken to rule all the
people and all the civilization of
the ages that have built them Into
being. To set man against man, !
nation against nation, to contra-
ene every law ' of Industry and
just reward for toll, is having Its
awful fruition In the death of
180,000,000 people in Russia since
the war, though they are in a land
lot natural bounty where all should I
in smillne comfort.
Snicide Kills Nations
: ' : t. ;': " -i
There Is no reason why a na
tion should die." he said. "Most
nations have died only by suicide.'
He pictured In graphic way the
growth of slavery In the United
States, and its providential over
throw before the great final test
of civilization in the World war.
If the Rebellion had succeeded and
one-half of the present United
States had stood for the slave
spirit, which was Germany's, and
the other half had stood tor the
allies, so that each neutralized the
other, it would have been a tri
umph for slavery and oppression,
he declared, for only a : united
America had the soul and the
heart and the brawn to stem the
lethal tide.
"The good and great and glori
ous men and women wno nave
preceded us In the fields of action
have died In hope. What a race
it wouldbe to dare disappoint that
hope! The world has been Im
poverished in things exceedingly
more valuable than the material
wealth destroyed. A profound em-
phasis has been placed upon the
fact that the happiness of human
lty, the progress of the world and
the preservation of liberty de-
pends Pon the destruction of slay-
ery oi an kiuub j
.7.' 1 1 '. - . .. ; J
TllUUB Ot BIKljr, iuiuu UI jnii.
that no nation, class or Individual
is entitled to profit by the toll or
service of others without render
ing therefor an adequate return."
Earning Is Kwessary
"Votinr teon:e would be as -
tounded If sotoe Qaui.ea econo-
1 mist were to tea you wnai we
I material cost to society has been
6 bring you to your present sta-
tus; and aoove au
incalculable Indebtedness to your
parents- iove, io ub j.uu vw.
I system, to this rreat university.
country ana to
I-w-. ---
It owes to every one uai . r
I 1 ft 1 f native
- , t, vn mnMt
UitttO ;,, j .
rr,72ZlyV. -T,
society ha. heen
i it twiMi nouunr in iruii u
civilizatlon that society
m Ma n Attain tfiet Inttti tntinnS that
tValoTMd. a liberty
-" - .
rnrm f rnmrnment tnat nas
made our government great and
j v.. nanAi to mtM nf
I - manvtni rrhriatianltyl first chanter of which will
riHHi mill wau kuu
that la the gift of God and the
hone of the world. In the die-
oh.rM of thla trust you will find
Mrhet toy. com olete satis
ftinn tn Vour hearts, the wfdesti three times, in orqer to gei iu
employment of your mental facul
ties and there will be developed In
you a life that is deserving ot im
Congressman Hawley has made
many fine addresses- in Oregon
some message than at this 79th as, he passes below. The Mexi
!. nnnMn- ot can. Played by Edward Serra,
wui.m.tta tinlyersitv. I : i. now nractically
deserted by atudents, though on
...1, th. summer
school opens. . Most of the depart-
" T . Jt. ,v win he
Dehydration's the thing. ,
'w W
Its field is wide as the world. ;
. Salem .will have reason to
I increasingly maoKiui iwr uemt
I hydratlov headquarters'; -' '
i V - , S -v J
, It means the method by which
our soil and sunshine and show
ers, or rather their incomparable
products, may be and are trans
ferred In their native perfection
to any .corner of the wide earth,
for use in any season. , , '
k m
I Dehydration makes It Oregon
spring, time, or summer time, or
fall time, everywhere on earth1
lit the ability of people of all races
and all , climes to share with , us
the unapproachable flavors and
qualities of our fruits and vegeta
bles; v ; '.v . ', i:
: X :i:V W ,
Salem Chautauqua begins next
Tuesday ' evening.. It will be
great week, and everybody here
ought td enjoy it. .
v S ' .;--" I i
It was beautiful thought thai
resulted in placing in the hands
of Prof. J. T. Matthews of Wil
lamette university checks making
a gift of nearly. 41000, from his
old : ' students. 4 Prof. Matthew
stood by the old school when thai
was more money than even the
president was .able to collect in a
Whole year.. He deserves all that
he will ever get, and more,- in
money. He has already the grat
itude and love of a host of men
and women who have' passed
through the halls as students. '
,m: :-v S
The playgrounds enterprise is
financed for another year in Sa
lem. ' It Is a great thing; does
much good, not the least of which
ts the taking care of ' numerous
children while their mothers are
at work in the canneries and fruit
packing houses, and in the pick
ing of fruit. ' , v
: It is now possible to get an or
dinary glass eye for fl. Thus Is
normaley being gradually restored.
" :. T1LIGH vr : VR: .
"Jack Hoxle" in! a western
i feature and "Miracles of the
Jungle." ;
"Where the Povement Ends"
with Alice Terry land Ramon
Novarro. l
I ;. LIBERTY '!. ',
Fanny Hurst's "Nth Com
mandment," with Colleen ,
T . ':- Moore.
Wesley Barr 1 the lad of the
many freckles and the smile that
never wears off, is announced for
an appearance at the Liberty ttaea
ter. tomorrow,- where he will" be
seen In his latest picture, "Heroes
of the Street." j
In this Warner Brothers' pro;
duction Wesley is seen as a plucky
boy whose bravery
helps him do
things 'at. which his! grown-up su
periors fail. He Is cast in a role
that gives him unusual opportun
ities to reveal a side of him that
was not called out in his other
pictures, "Penrod," ;"School Days'
and "Rags to Riches." In them
he was a mischief-loving, frolick
k urchIn , alway9 ready for a
prank; here he is all this plus ja
new quality that will the more
endear him to his many followers
amonjE the men women and chUd-
l v, u
I 4 . i
Miss" N)rma TladSe who does
hot neglect any phase of the work
: connected with the screening , of
the plays in which she stars.
personally responsible for .the .se-
1 lection of Lew Cody for the role
-""' -" Ti
mTii 1 is months aed. When
. i),..Mnrho
ia u.wu. , " "I
MnSflePsd. Mf8- Talmadge at once
, ' - - .
um. i,l-v. .rttnc to the
6regon theater Friday evening
I ' Almost a million feet of film
I i ,
were ' BDOV o m.o ;
I "Miracles of the Jungle," the
lnnilr animal nroaucuon. vuo
waw -
j shown at the Bligh theater to-
day. i Because oi tne wua
1 mala ' used. ! many of the scenes
- 1 uad' to be taken over tw.o and
- lright action
William "Bill"' Fairbanks.
starring in Hell's Border," ! an
expert with the 5 rope. ' ; Every
tiin wa ready to shoot the
scene where John iPT
i came dashing along the bottom of
the cliff. Directorf Nor fleet call
ed to Mr. Fairbanks to come on.
I Just as the Mexican passed be-
low Ur Fairbanks dashed to the
or the cliff swinging - his
rone. True to the mark it cir
cled the Mexican's! body, but, al
so caught the horse's head at he
same time; ; The horse4 Jumped
and Mr. Fairbanks! lost Ills foot
hold as the rope slipped from, his
hand, and he only saved himself
from a nasty fall by grabbing tne
brush and holding until he, re-
be I gained his breath and 1 climbed
Last Times Tomorrow Matinee
Alice ' Terry
' ; l f :
And .
Ramon Navarro
Where the
. ."Within the Law"
back' to safety. After the dan
ger was over the funny side ofJ
the incident ''asserted Itself and
everybody had. a good laugh. At
the Uligb theater Saturday and
Sunday...' . ..
"Had stomach trouble threp
years and finally was in bed eight
weeks v with terrible cramps,"
writes A. L. Lyons, Dayton, Ohio.
"The doctor did ot help, and I
could hold nothing- on my stom
Tried Foley's Cathartic Tab -
lts snd now am a well man. Can
At anvthfncr Snnr Rtoiharh.
headache, bad bream, ouuousness i
and other digestive disorders
quickly "overcome with Foley Ca
thartic Tablets. Do not gripe.
pain or - nauseate. Sold . every
where. Adv. . , :
Airplane Scouting Said
Great Aid to Pisnermen
SPOKANE,: une 13.AIrplane
scouting tor fish as a commercfal
enterprise will be tried tomorrow
r-n Moses L.aKe, soutn oi .pnraia,
I. N. McGrfath of Ephrata said
here today McGrath maintains
a fishing, Industry on Moses lake.
"We have arranged for an air
plane from Wenatchee which will
reach Moses lake tonight and if
the weather is favoarble, we will
experiment "with the plane on
Thursday" McGrath said. "The
idea Is to scout from the plane
and spot schools of carp. Upon
location of the school, the posi
tion will be' noted and a boat sent
to take the fishL
v . There are very few. hooks on
the new summer dresses, thus re
moving one of the usual signs for
divorce. : So many men absolutely
refuse to hook up their wives'
. CoTex with wet baking soda
' aftnward apply guy
Ooer t7 MM"
fr CW Yearly
- ik ,
A Red-Blooded Western
A George Bunny Comedy
AND ' - V '?
A picture puUing
with the romance
k of thm oalit
South Swu.
Maine Town Threatened By
Conflagration; Relief.
Train Is Ordered
BANGOR, Maine.. June 13.
The : wood s along the line of the
Ashland Branch of the Bangor &
Aroostock railroad In Aroostock
county were ablaze tonight for a
1 distance of 4-6 miles and Inhabi-
I tanis ot small seiuemenis in mai
I dlstKct' were fleeing from their
Marasadis. a town ' of more
than 1.000 population was In dan
ger. Grlswold. a village of ' 200
persons was destroyed last n'ght-
So quickly did' the flames descend
upon the little community that
the inhabitants had barely time
to escape.
Men carried women and child
ren on their backs across St. Croix
stream and later a special train
took the refugees out of the "dan
ger zone. . Relief trains were or-
dered tQ 8tand by to , Tegcue yii
lagers :, who - might be forced to
flee from . any settlement along
the lipe. j'r - V.
t : t.
Foolish Question ;
"H. G. Wells is known in Eu
rope as a bello-pacifist, and truly
his recent peace articles have stir
red up a lot of bitterness and
strife." .
The speaker was Stephen Laus
anne, the, French - publicist.- He
went on: . . . .
''Wells reminds me of the can
tankerous individual . who . was
about to be married. vVhen he
came to .-the church on the wed
ding morning he warned the min
Notable because r A
1 I
1 v .a A '
Ill II ..... . . '.. -V-
...The role f lary Turner ts to popular American
drama what Juliet Is to classical drama an actios
part which., gives the true artist tremendous scope.
And we believe you'll say Norms Is the greatest
- Mary Turner of all time. ;--' r -7 !
The fiercest of all passions is the love of a woman
j ;" IN'
A picture that will make you chuckle and roar,
weep anqsympainize
"The Nth Commandment'
- - " ' Author of "Hamoresque.
' ; Now Play in.: '
V r ( J -
Y . j ...Nv
:' I
. A Scene from
lster beforehand .that ho dldn t
want any iuss..U.'r .
f'He consented, however, to sta
tion himself, in due . form at the
flower-decked altar, but as the
minister proceeded with the ritual
he got more and more Impatient.
Finally when he was asked If he.
Henry, did take this woman. Jane
to be his lawful wedded wife, and
so on, he gave a snort berore
the question was half through,
and then turned to the congrega
tion and said in a loud, Jeering
voice:-' "' .. -;
" 'Well. I guess I came here
with that intention." -
Stubborn coughs that hang on
are liable to lead to serious com
plications' and should be checked
promptly 'with Foley's Honey acl
Tar. b.ave not coughed slaco
taking Foley's -Honey and .Tar.
Other, medicines I tried d'd rot
help me," writes John J. Ilealy,
Pittsfield, Mass. : For quick relief
from coughs, colds, croup, astl:
maf bronchitis and hay fever u?a
Foley's Honey, and Tar. The-largest
selling cough medicine la tie
world. Conta'ns no opiates i n
gredlents'l printed on carton.
Bold eyerywhere. Adv.
Friday, 7:30 p. m.
:. v f