The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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BET W E 'E -3P X3M3tHlClAK
; Notice -is hereby given that Aba
Common -Council of' thesCHy
: Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and bereUy'declajBS
its purpose and Intention 4oj low
prove. -Leffe&a 4 trt. from) the
vest line of Commercial Btreat-to
the west of Fir str,eet at' the
expense ot the abuttlng.and aidia
' enty property, except- .the1 slireet
1 and alley yltereetionsylaT ex.
pense of, wbleh wIlFbe -assumed
by the Clly r Satembyrfntias
y aid! portion r ot said street ;pt the
- established grade, '"fcorortructlag
cement concrete' curfosnad pay
ing said portion of lf elie Btreet
wtbt a- slx-lcch - Yemeni 'coacreta
parethent thirty feet wide,- in; ac-.
ror.aance wijn.jne .pians ang jspeci
( f icationji WheTefor ,ir htch y urere
adopted by the Common; Coitipcu
M ay -f 2 I sr y 9 2 , t d whlcb are
. Jbereay pecerrM - to asa-anaae
. .partihereoC-!-;-"--';;"-'5;3
Tt Conn . Covn41 herebj
declares its purpose and fatefetton
to make' tb ' abov deecribed Inv
profreinent bf1 4J bro'ilghy the
ptreet improvement depaftmeut'oi
tbedty ot Salem-' : --Uy; 4
By,ertWr f tie Coinnsion Corn
eit the 4h day sf. June, 1923i
y:. iv:.--pouise.. -y
V y'yy'" " J 'City Recorder
- Date of-first fnrWieetioir toereot
la Jane;' WMsTff rr.r
"'Notice Is hefebyi glretf to the
legal Voters iof School District No.
'21 OTT aXixfon County.) Oregon,
t hat tile , a An ual election for said
district" will be held in said dis
trict! to begin at tbe hour of two
x 'clock, p. mv on 'the .third Mon
day fa June.' being; the 18th day
of June,' A. D..1SJ3, and holding
until ' seren o'clock of said day,
for the ''purpose of - electing two
directors "fo serre' 'f or 'tnie term -of
hree i-ycars.-1 -ri" 1 t:
V' '-HVoUbk; Place '
2 2-2 S. Comtaef al JSt. lOrfice
of the Associated Oil Co., Marion
?!otei.) Jv -:i :,:n4i-.J;i.
i, ' v:VriC,..WINSIW..-ii
Chairman. of Board of Directors,
Cw.rH." Burghtrdt, - ; H
: . l-. y -
S e a 1 d. proposals,' endorsed
"Proposal? fW4.Opeh;;Afrt;PaTlJ'
' ion." will be receiyed at the of
fice of f the, prgxn Stale .Board
of ControU Capitol BaUila. Sa
lem j Orezpy, iuntll : o'clock A
- M.. Tuesday. June 19, 1923, and
not .$h.exeaferr j3tisJ
labor an3"aatcrIal f or xonstrc
t .lidhoranpeaTalr'Jaltabtfrair
tlie - pregaa Ute -Tubereuloala
Hasp mv. .la reordince wtta
I.:aa aBl specifications v of the
, architect. All Work to be Includ
ed hi : general eontracC except
l-jinfcl- hiag. n wioa
;isepargt9rTIgar?s jre ute ,be taken,
prawiHg,, ; specifications -; and
: tUpklTorrns of proposals 'may' be
; atUIned ' t torn R." B Goodlh; See
retary Oreg6ar Stite -'. .Board of
Con'rol Capitol Building.- Balem,
Oregon, or from Orlo R, "W. Hos
acV. Arcbltect, VWprcester Build
ing. Portland. The deposit of a
. certlHed check in sum of Twenty
fire. ($25.00) Dollars will be re
quired. on each pet: of plana -and
s rovXlcationa and ahall be return,
able only npon the return ot said
plar.3 and specifications. In good
eon iition; -within fouir-daya after
, recc:tfn'rr;same. '"":.' yf,;
E?.ch bid is to be presented un
irr "r2aleij coTer,4xcofflpiIed by
a cprtif led check ' made payable
to tie Oregon .State . Board - of
Control. In .amount equal to ten
per ent (10) of the amount of
: said tid,: which r check shall , be
.forfeited to the State should the
successful bidder fajl to execute
. , same :3tUhia ten days. (not indud
ing Sunday) from date of Botlflv
cation jot award.. Thecontractor
ti'whom the award is made will
. t required to .furnish bof d from
i7af surety ' company, authorised to
do business la1 Oregon,' " In "'an
amount equal to fifty per cent
(50ft) of the amount of A; con
tract. . . . . - : .
roosals shall be made only
.'ouJ the form furnished 1 'by the
. A - hitect, The ehTelope contain-iLj-same
to be marked fjPropoa-
a?' for Open Air Parillon Oregon
4 ..a Tuberculosis Hospital."
.'The right Is reserred ' to reject
ar ' pr all proposal, or Icr accept
tt' proposal, deemed beat ox the
a ' ' ' V" ' - .
-e . - .v
Dated at Salem, Oregon, June
; 4; 1923.' '.-r
R. B. G6ODIN; Secretary,'
regon State. Board of Control.
e a 1 e d proposals., endorsed
pdsals for 'Beys. Dormitory,'
be recelred at the office of
Oregon State Board of i"C6n
, CapItoL Bulliingy Salem, Or
.1, : until ' 9 o'clock a. ru. Tues
. Juae 1$. 1922. and not there
r, . for' f urnlshin labor and
" -rial for.- construction of a
3 ' dormitory: at the Oregon
. w.
i ia ". School for ! the Blind,: In ac-
cc.'ance with -plans andrspecifi-c-"s
of the rf hitect, All work
t: included in general contract
pt plumbingi and. heating, on
separate figures" kre to be
5. .
n. . - V--;. J-.-f
rawings. specifications and
."x forma of proposals may be
:ed from R..B. Coodin. sec-
ry C?roarSUte BciflfCf Con-
, Capitol Building. Calais, Or
or from J. V.: Bennesa arehl
, Clamber of Coznnerce Lalld-
Tie Jeroslt cf
certified check ia auia .of twenty
n?e ($25.00) dollars will' be re
Quired .on -each eet f plana and
4 spec! cationa and ,hal . return
able .only upon that return, of .said
plans and specifications. In good
J condition within Xour . days, after
Ireceivln Kame. - vy
.ach, bid 1 I !to.he presented
under aealed .coirer accompanied
by a certified, check made payable
to the Oregon State Board of Con
trol, In i &mbunf:'equaV to ten, per
cent (lQC5)vof the amount of said
btdr which check shall be ' forfeit"
ed ix the State should the suc
cessful bidder' fail to execute same
-within ten days (not , including
Sunday) from date of notification
at award. Tbe contractor to whom
tbe award Is made ' will be; re-
Quired 'to furnish bond from a
surety company, authorised to do
business In Oregon. In an amount
equal to fifty Jer bentt (50) of
the amount or contract;
-Proposals shall be1 made only
on the form furnished toy the; ar
chitect;! 4 The envelope containing
sane to bej marked "Proposal for
Boys ' Dormltdry ; Oregon State
Scboot for the. Blind": ? n -
;The right is reserved to reject
any or alt proposals or to accept
the- proposal deemed best for 'the
State.v' V- - ' J ? ' ' !'''.
v Dated at Salem. Oregon, June
4, if 23. . vr & i Uk-t : ;
, . R. Jt. GOODUf, Secretary. ' .'
; Oregon State Boardhf Control.
. ": ,, ' , i-'4 ' ; ;
L 8 e a 1 e d l.proposalav endorsed
'Proposals for Boya Dormitory,"
will be received at the office of
the Oregon State Board Of -Con
trol, Capitol Building. Salem. Or
egon, j until 9:00 o'clock a. m.
Tnesday. June 19. 1923, and not
thereafter," tor furnishing labor
and material for construction of
a boys dormitory at the State In
stltutlon for t Feeble .atinded; in'
accordance with plans' and speci
fications of the 'architect. I All
work to' be included in ' general
contract ; except plumbing and
heating, on whlch - separate ' fig-
ores are to be takea.n . ' ;
Drawings - specif IcaUons and
blank forma ot proposals may" be
obtained from R.U.'TToodin, sec
retary Oregon , ; State , Bpard of
Cootrol, Capitol 'BulidlngSalenf,
Oregon, or' rom E. E.- JdcClaran,
architect; vi Exchange 'Imilding,
Portland, k The deposit o a cer
tified check ia. the sum of twenty
f ire . ( 1 25.0 0) , dollars will be : re
quired ', on ' each set of plans and
specifications and shall ; be re
turnable,ton;!y. upon 'the return ot
said plans and sDeclfications. : fn
goxid fiondlt-pn,1 within .four days
after receivlng-tBame.' I
Each bid la to be-preaented un
der sealed cover, accompanied by
certuied check made payable
tothe Oregon State Board of
Control, in am'onnt 4 equal to ten
per cent (10&) ot the amount of
paid ibid, Wliich : check shall be
forfeited to tfc 4 State 1 should the
successfart!I-iftan:to 'acute
same . wyhln ten day? (not in
eluding " Sanda7irom: flate- of
notification 'Of wara, The 5 con
tractor 1 to . whom the, ; award ; Is
made will be rfeqaired to furnish
pond trom BMrtwcpmpany,
authorized ."toi r do i huslness: li
Oregon. In an amojant equal 'ts
fifty per: cent (50) of Cthl
amount of contract: y j : , y.-
, Proposals shall) be made onlj
on form furnished JbyUhe archt
tect. The" . enrelper ?containIn
same 1 to be " marked - "Proposal!
tor Boys' Dormitory.. State Instl
tution for Feeble! Minded." - -
Tha right Ja. retarred to reject
any or all proposals or to accept
the proposal deemed best, for the
State --; f; AK fim--
Dated at ' Salem, Oregon, this
4th day of June. 1923. ' ? '
y R. B. GOODum, Secretary
Oregon State Board of Control.
Annual Schbl ' ; Meeting- of
School ; District. : No. 24."" Marion
County. Oregon.- will be held in
the hlgb)to!-ulldlng, in said
district 1 eening. June 18;
1923 at Vb'cloclfor tha purpose
of hearing the reports ot Board of
Directors land 6f the i District
Clerk; of 'said district. and I tot
such; other business lutziy
fully come before, the meeting. '
Dated this v 7th day of June,
1923. i1" 's.'y- ' I ,
' Chairman of ttie' Board of Di
rectors. '" v
' Attest: W. IL Burghardt, . t
District Clerlf. AJ ,
.y prodtjcts yj ;
' Can't you imaglaa,Kinga apple
pie being eaten in the Vicinity ot
the tomb of old King Tut?
Cant you imagine the way His
Majesty will wish they had fjxed
products like that in his day t t
For sura as tate,' the Valley of
the Kings Is going to see King's
products in a yery short time.
i Before embarking for theOrient
Dr. R, H. Ellis, prominent Port
land physician, ordered his yacht
fully stocked with, King's products.
He has tried them before on simi
lar cruises; and fteyer passes up
an opportunity , to boost them'. -'
Dr. Ellis has planned a Tisit to
King Tutankhamen's tomb and un
doubtedly will eat some ; of ; the
King's, products on the sands In
its Ticinity.. ;:yrf-:V;. v,sy y :
j King's products are good tor any
occasion. .-" 'A yj ''J: y i : '?.
: ' " i ; , . f . . - .-
If the school children had a rote
they would no doubt elect Tom
Eflsen, president. "He says - that
Hi r aries-wEl soon aupplunt text
atoclj Ja thoachcvla. y
1S !
CiROViNO : TOMATOESC9j ? i. Pnniine Tomatoes '
. " l. AS ' : ; ii -;; i-'V
, In actual dimes and dollars the
tomato counts for more in ; the
course of .a season than any vege
table grown. Save the tomatoes
and you save- the dimes. There Is
one. way to save the crop and get
the most out of .it, and-that is by
growing them trailed to stakes.
Tomatoes their cousins the
eggplants I and peppers, need - all
tha - heat there- Is to ripen ther
fruits, and; the 7 less shade 1 they
have the better, will be the pros
pects of a crop. Getting them up
Off the ground gets them into . the
sun and prevents a tangled mass
ef vines from shading the fruit
and delaying its ripening. They
will. not produce a full crop whea
shaded or crowded. . .yy.- y
Another reason, particularly , in
the small garden,' in addition ! to
more tomatoes. and better quality
Is -economy of space. Left, to
sprawl over the ground, tomatoes
take up a lot of room and are im
possible of cultivation.. Besides,
a good percentage ot the fruit on
the ground will rot, particularly
If it happens, to be a wet season.
A minimum of rot is secured'- by
the method of training to stakes.
The lime to start- is now while
the plants are young: and consist
of only a single sturdy stem This
will . not remain - for, long 'for
branches wlll'start from the axil
of every leaf and if left lo Itself
the plant Will soon be .'a' tangle -of
stems and foliage. A plant al
lowed lo sprawl over the grpund
needs about, four; feet of room, t It
Is ,an easy . matter to grow four
plants 'In this same space, trained
upright to stakes. : , y
Get stakes six feet long if pos
sible., allowing a foot to be In the
ground. They should be set ia
place before the tomatoes, but 'if
this' Is impossible, ;may be placed
after the" plants are set out. care
being .taken not to Injure ihe to
mato. As soon as . the plant be
gins to send i out side .branches.
which"will be very apparent, pinch
cmt all but the main (tern and two
side branches. The stems should
be tied to the stake with strips
of cloth, as string is likely to cut
them v It they are hit by a' high
wind. "Ther will need freoruenf
tyiQg as the season progreaseaaad
the extra side shoots, ot "which
there will be plenty. should ; be
kept pinched ont. allowing only
the blossom clusters from the ax
ils of the leaves to develop. ; -
The plant will reach the height
of the pole five feet by July.
Then jthe, tips should t be . pinched
onf to throw the strength of the
plant into the development of the
fruit. Care must be taken to keep
the branches Which will grow
rapidly and ! thickly -pinched out.
A trained tomato will need to be
looked over .and tied at least once
a'Veek to keep t in shape. ; ?;: :
.Variants of - the single stake
method are often found more con
venient in the shape of trellises.
In this case a wire stretched mid
way of the poles' may be'
train the side branches but care
must, be taken to eliminate the
numerous side branches that will
keep springing from the . axils 'of
the leaveavr .l-'.-r-- '-h
The Rlan with
; the Hpe Says
- LIQUID FEtmuzga..
. Liquid rmanure . is the' : finest
stimulant your flowers; can have.
It is also fine to make the head
lettuces .hurry, up their heads.
This illustration shows a practical
wayfor; providing a' supply read
ily accessible. - Either iheep ma
nure, poultry manure, or commer
cial fertilizer may. be used, in the
water.? This device does away
with. odor. ! If . the barrel can be
6AG OfT?. 5fT f
r-i ' "i i
1 1 n
ti v vy
iM 1
hidden yin . the shrubs., near the
flower border. thvtaskv''6f eupi
plying, stimulant ' Vhen": needed
n'ill be simplified. ' '
1 Salads From the Cellar:
..y. -. - . r
Fresh salads, from your .cellar
next .winter can . be prepared very
easily i if you will plaut WItloof
chicory or French ; eadive . seed
now. The French endive which
is a better known nane than the
older 'one "of "'witloof ,, Is one of
the .vegetables that is always ex
pensive in the market, always in
demand, yet very easily raised in
the home garden.1- "T U
The French endive makes a root
somewhat - resembling . a thicken
ed .oyster plant or thin parsnip.
It needs a full season's growth to
mature good strong roots, as the
stronger the roots the better the
harvest of the blanched tops next
winter.'!-' - C '''' -yt.
5 ( It should be grown precisely as
parsnips or 'carrots, thinning to
from'slx' to'eight jnche apart, in
the' rows or even a ' foot for the
finest roots. Give It rich soil and
a sunny situation ' and cultivate
from time to time, to keep it free
of weeds' and little attention need
be paid to it until the frosts next
fall show that it Is time to dig the
long thick taproots. ' ";
j They are then stored in earth
or sand In tbe cellar In the dark.
When It is l desired to - force the
tops Into growth moisten slightly.
It of course s necessary to take
a few roots at a time for this pur
pose.: keeping th,e remainder dry
enough to check too rapid growth
but not dry enough to shrivel
them. The white sprouts are' cut
off and served as alad. Full di
rections for the; handling bt this
delicacy, are ' now' given on : the
seed ;5 packets and"" the roots are
now sold in early spring for home
forcing, but it Is a simple matter
to' raise enough plants in a small
space' for a winter's aupply which
will , last until the following
spring.' " y y
If ypq , are not famiitar with
this expensive delicacy "-ft will be
Well' worth a' little garden space
to try it out. v ; v ,
" AH Rummer Greens
y A peculiar Vegetable from ; the
other aide of the world which
shares with Swiss chard the funcr
tion of furnishing summer, greens
Is tbe New Zealand spinach.' . .it
Is net1 a spinach at all, although
used in the same manner. , Seed
off New Zealand spinach should
not be sown before May 1 or later,
when the ground becomes warm,
as it Trill not germinate while the
ground and the weather remain
chiny. -'"' ' '-"
iy Unlike the true spinach, it s f
long-season vegetable and remains
In bearing until fall, ; 'As tbjs
stranger from the Antipodes makes
a strong growth, sometimes attain
ing a spread of from six to eight
feet, it needs plenty of room and
the plants should be set two ' feet
apart ' in rows three feet apart.
Both the stems and" the leaves are
brittle and succulent and are not
affected by heat, which quickly
sends the ' ordinary spinach' spin
ning up to seed and' destroys its
usefulness in the garden. y y5
' The New Zealand ' spinach Is a
relative of the Ice plant, often
grown for ornament, and the' seed
ia much slower to germinate than
that of the true spinach, some
times taking three" weeks to ap
pear If the , weather is cool. But
with hot weather it makes a! rapid
growth and when well grown more
than a half a ' peck of leaves per
plant may' be picked from time to
time daring the summer. The
tips of the leaves are the tender-
est. ' ' '-y? - ') ' - ? y
- Unlike the true ' spinach, ; the
X T," y '
? V r - 1
f -'
t" '
i :
x "
V-:' 7
-particulate oFone simple condition that wer ask yquto fiil
iS. This condition is very simple and as soon as it is ful
filled you are Entitled to a cash prize at e'clbse'te
. .
leaves are picked instead of pull
ing np the entire plant. : " '
JThe "sreens' (when cooked pre
cisely, invbe same .manner an nplu
ach have much the same, flavor as
the better, known vegetable now
so largely grown.
A Celery Turnip
"Celery turnip." Is a compar
atively new vegetable to most
tables althougn thetuTnip-rooted
celery or eelertae has been in cul
tivation for many years. It is. as
its name ' indicates, a' celery with
a thick fleshy root like a turnip.
; To j prepare i H. for v the . table,
pare the; root, soak It In cold
water for an hour then slice and
boil until tender and ; serve with
a dressing, either of cream or but
ter, precisely fas If if Were ;.; .' a
turnip. It ;majy also be mashed.
A popular use. however, is slic
ed cold 1 in aalads. In this , ease
the root is boiled whole in salted
water until tender peeled And
sliced and, dressed with Frericli or
tnayonnaise dressing as preferred.
It' has the same flavor as celery.
' It may be sown now for 'a, late
crop and the plants transplanted,
as soon as they have made) two
true leaves about a foot apart In
rows ' eighteen Inches "or two feet
opart. It needs rich soil, plenty
of moisture and thorough cultiva
tion, the : same as celery. The
roots keep as" well when stored
In the cellar, as turnips or beets.
Celeriac is beginning to appear
In the city markets each winter
although its prograsas Into pop
ular favor has' been alow owing
to Ignorance of hour to prepare
It for the table. lt makes a use
ful addition to the menu, furnish
ing a variety in vegetables ( when
the selection is rather limited.
The Large Erfurt for many years
was the stadird variety,1 but re
cently there5 have been 'Improve
ments In this "' vegetable" which
consist in 4 types with .moother
surface, and Jewer, roots, he new
"Delicatefse;r Flis a gooxfinipl.f,
of the mproya tne. 4T,,?fsls,; r.
If you can Bpare a row Jn jrour
gardea for. a few plants of , oele
riae you will be 'adding a vege
table to the winter supply, which
willbemuch relished . by anyone
who likes the TJavor of celery.
"But Showers Have So Far
n? rOone- .-More-6ood hThan
Admit '
The" canners and : packers are
all praying for f sunshine; " though
they " agree that the Tecent show
ers .have done more good than
barmy They have done .practical
ly ho harm at all, excepting to
some; of the early cherries, and
not ,much there. '
But continued showers woul4
crack the : Royal Annes. These
cherries " are .; ripening in fact
there la already a little picking
of Royal Annea. ; '
Gooseberries f are over; practi
cally all picked: and) sold; mastly
tanned. .The crop ..was ' good;
prices, good. A number of grow
ers have in ad e good money. The
acreage : will grow ! every . year
here. ..j: ; ; ;" . -vy .
; Strawberries lare coming .in
well. There was a little damage
from the hot sun of last week:
but perhaps . as much benefit 1 as
injury.: The Wilsons and Etter
burgs 121) are coming along
fine. , There bias been Isome dis
appointment as to quality in the
Treblas. V i-; ,: . "A '
Loganberries lare iopking "bet
ter Growers are hodling to the
Sc price." None " are' being 'sold
for leas. A wen posted; man said
......... i - - , . .
And .39 Other Prizes Totaling $300 in Value
i i i
in Salem yesterday that If the big
canners would pay 5c now, that
would establfsh -the-prlce- and e
said 'growers Jieanhot :-afrord-to
take less,,yThe smaUer canners
would follow auit. , ' y
Prunes ylook better. ; The ton
nage will be about as large as
last year, and the" money receipts
still be more, because the sizes
will be larger. Much larger. Per
haps. 20 points larger, on the av
erage. ; By the way, prunes jiro
two weeks ahead of where they
were at this time .last . year. '
o.i c;
Marion Polk , and Yamhill
County farmers Will Give
y 0AC the Once Over
COIiVAILlS, Or June 11?.
(Sedal to The Statesman.) Mar
lon county farmers' day at the ex
periment station is Saturday next,'
with Polk end - Yamhill counties
as running mates. This is expect
ed by the station authorities to
be the banner crowd of the week,
aa le Polk county delegation
alone JiiBt ' year took first place
with more than-280 visitors. ; ;
- - Bad weather cut down Benton
county attendance '- Tuesday, but
tha, Monday crowd was both large
and enthusiastic, hailing from the
lower Willamette counties and
the Columbia ' districts. The
Clackamas group 'was tbe largest;
with 75 lined up under their coun
ty agent, W. A.- Holt. The Mult
nomah group was with'S.' B. Hall,
county agent.' . in . charge. The
Columbia county group was with
A. - Nelson, their' new agent.
v "It'a the. "hard times that hast
ened the movement1 of ' Oregon
.farmers toward the station,, said
Will Ayera ot Lane eounty. STIth
diminishing :. returns facing them
and failure of some of the ! old
standby crops to find a profitable
market, many- farmers are begin-j
sing to re-examine their farming
systems and naturally turn to tbe '.
station:."- '.':'
New and Improved crops, bet
ter cultural ' practices " and scien
tific handling" of eolls for prod ac
tivity and ' fertility : maintenance, '.
are not -the only problems,"' im
portant as they are. "There 4s the
matter of standardisation and
volume production ' to attract the
most profitable markets and find
a ready sale at .a profit. y
Not merely too mueh but too.
many kinds of wheat are grown
in some parts of western Oregon,
Uhe farmers were told.. Of the
63 varieties - that now give low '
average yield, clutter up the mar
kets and turn out bad and expen
sive mixtures, 52 are superfluous.
All. .the, needs of production oonr '
ditlons and "markets can be met
most profitably with the 11 that
are left. ' c :-:C'.j ., .
.The Marion County Community'
federation Is back, of the excur
sion, reports J. J.' Keber of Mt.
Angel, president.-' indeed this will
take the" platfe-'ot '; the ' regular
monthly I meeting of the federa-"
tion 'as voted at Stayton and re
ported by, the; secretary; IwHte's Aj
M. Fulkerson of Salem, , ? to" the
college JanthoritIes.y The various
locals are reported as enthusias-,
tie over - the; outlook' for a jbanner
delegation.' .' ' 5 j . "" "
. (.In a.: lengthy article ' in ; ' The
Statesman, of thlsmorning, under ;
the heading beginning, '"Wonder
ful and "Helpful Facts,V the" read
er will find ! a yery iluminatlng
write-up of farmers s Inspection
week at the Oregon Agricultural
college. Jt Is , !wbrth reading by
every western 'Oregon farmer
and; a,.lot..of . thefacts given are!
worthy, to: be f ned. Ed. ) -.i.
-". ' '
. . . .. . i :
Send us your answer,
and ii it is correct we
will at once send you
A fix
Tliere Will Be a; Big Eco
: nomic Conference at Cor-
vallis January Next ;
"Ah agricultural economic con-
o ...... j . (
ference to develop and unite all
agencies in the estate in . carrying
out a well balanced production
and marketing program for Ore-,
gon. has been called . to meet . at
the state college the fourth week
of , January, v Aanouncemea t s Is
made now to give the farmers
and others interested time to eonr
sider their r roost pressing prob
lems 'with some desirable . and
possible solutions. ') V. ' '". . 7. J
"The need and timeliness for
such a conference "cannot be ques
tioned." ' "syd WV J. ' Kerr, presi
dent of the college. "Many agea
cies .of the state are; committed
to the ""principle" of agricultural
development and. are willing to
do what ' is necessary to bring Jit
about. Consultation and agree-
ment'as to the course of action.
followed by united effort In har
mony with the approved plan, are
desirable." j r
- JPreliminary " conferences on
thes points have already feen
held ; by members of the college
start. The- possibilities of mar
keting Oregon, commodities1' need
to - be' taken Into ! accotint in de
termining the phases f farming.
yOiUj 'J-sftf 5mart.CurnorIJis
rllin V chargeiSore.Im
U UXJU O tatcd. InOatned or
Granulated use MdrineTo&en.
SoothoL Safe for Infant or 'Adult.
Correct office forms and busi
ness stationery incrcaccs cflic
, iency, xi ecu racy, economy and
" pleasure in -your Business. ' "
- r. : ' '' '. '.- ...
, ..... .. . f -
Dtir comrrisrcial ydepartmcnt is
equipped to give you immediate
and satisfactory service at prices .
that are right.
Suggestions and estimates riven
at your request. , v
Commercial Printing Department
y;"y..l'. ";; '' ''.' ' V','.' "'.
' .
. ... -
' - J -
S : GlV
Hoy to Send Your
Use - one side-ci the paper only.
Write down the number of dots
counted, using the, following words,
"I have s; counted; d grand total of
(insert number here) dots In the cut
as shown in the advertisement and
sign yomf name and address. "
Neatness' and appearance will be
carefully considered In awarding the
iprand - prises,' ae wTite as neatly as
you can. - This aplendld Coffer will
only he good for a limited time, so
send in your solution risht away
NOW to ; The , Pacific Homestead.
Dot Competition Editor, Salem, Ore.
; 7 t '
Is one of their rrof''
ba"auTiiiiItted - to tL t..
conference. V.y .""
Organlzatloa vi'l Lo't 'o- -
modity linen acr rding "to
gubmitied by the toirunl tee.
Is, fruit .men will censtitr'
group- and work ,to draw
fruit program j that will l,e ?
a part of the atate-wlde prr
So with the livestock, tt r
crops, the dairy and othr f
lo the respective . lines. , i
sections for agricultural tt
and transportation will te f
ed. ' . . . ;
Leading , farmers and farri
ganiaatloni. x, leaders, ! spec!; ;
commercial wd bueines men :
societies, wilt be . asked to t
part in forming the agrjec't
program ; at tbia eonierence.
some .leaders mt natlobal :
are expected 1
AVpii$jTiiES2i Wx:; r -
7 "I " was 'weak and nerve ,
headaches all the tlnie, t ;
back hurt so' bad I cou.I l :
stoop," writes Frank r.i.
Perry jDeorgia. "VTrled Foley
ney Pills and got reUef." :
ache, - reainatic paias, tlr 1
ing, dull headaches, too t:
urination, discolored, or i .
odor are symptoms of KUr. -
Bladder disorders an 1 c
prompt trea,tmeat. .".Foley I::
Pills give quick relief. . I
aubstltutea. lasist tpjnjn:
-rSoid ve rywbere- Ad t.
Hives, supers and .covers tic
be painted white becat
white surface , better reflects
sun's rays. It no ahade-t-::
I painted frequently. OAC
sion aervioe. j
At aUDrvrrists.
PRrNTINGill ircflect j?cur
in your Busicc.
' - -
4k A A A A V
JM H X M 4 H
1 T.