The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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r (
- r
V i
r 'Tod. Hit Community-
- Shortly '! after midnight a ' log,
far more la keeping with the win
ter than ' a "mid-summer's night
In Juae settled over the com-
munlty. But then, as the ' old
timers say, that Is only something
"unusual and might "be expected
at' this time o year .v 1
Will Attend Convent!
Representatives of ?hemeketa
Chapter of DeMolajr from Salem
; will attend the state convention
In Portland this week. A trin tin
. the highway, a musical follies andJ
, a trip on the river boat "Swan?
-' v are scheduled. -The - delegate?
'from i Salem are; Merle' -Petram,
ICelth Brown Herbert Socolofsky,
1 . and Frederick Arpke. More than
,J.'0 members: from the rocalcbap
"terwm aftelni in .addition td the
- ' official delegates. ? . '
-Women Wanted- , . j) -k
j To work la strawberries at Starr
Trsit Products Co- Cor, Church
- ft Mill Stsv f Report 7. A. M. Adv.
- Attend Conunencetnent
' : i Rev. J. r Beck, or . Milwaukee,
' . Ravn Selmert of Newberg, Walter
i and Anna Mueller 'from- -Walla
Walla, attended" the graduating
exercises ol WHlimette i univef
:sity Wednesday,- returning to
their homes the same .evening.
i Divorce is SonghW ' -
YjThat hii wife called him vile
. "times, ? went' tot dances leaving
him and their two" children ; at
w home until early in the morning
,t and Also had company of the 0Pr
posite . sex , while he .was not at
home were , some of the things
that made ' life unbearable with
l9 Ethel Brown, according, to a com
,;t, plaint tiled .with the county clerk
Dr. C U:U&ixaSl
t - i -
. .Osteopathic Physician sod
(? Burgeon
' 23 Oregon Banding .
Phone- S5S V
For Gift That Last
hartiiaii bhos.1
Clasumds, 7atchea, Jewelry
.-' '- and Silverware. ' ; jv -,t :
Phone 1253. Saiem Oreeoav
Salsa Axxbslanee Service
. . fir . Day awl Blsa. ;
;: .'' ". - Phcna CC3' v ;
173 B liberty Ei, . . y
Capital Junk
AD kisdj cf jcni and
ecccnd-hisd feoodai, " We
pay fc3 raise.
215 Center Street
v Phcne ZZZ
.. Bdnlier3 r;:'-
- ' EstatUshcd 1853
4 GsstrsI DarMg Dcsissss
I Office Boers f rem
' Under IT, 8. Government Supervision
lu 1 .Member Federal Reserve System
' vonr cake snd have it. too, ii ju iru vaw..-.
: JESuS i loA I ra .11 blU. by check. . . ,
i Then your money will always be safe in the bank yet .
, ' your check is a direct call upon any or all of. it, , ...
' And besides your cancelled cbcks serve as valid receipts
i --they are posiUve proof of payment. ;
why not put your financial matters on a business basis?
c Why not . . '
United States National Bank
: " " . The Bank'That Service Bunt' w
' ti
' .
Wednesday J by Boone 11' , D.
Brown: Custody of the two chil
dren Enid Carmon, age 7 and
Hugh Gordon, age 5, is asked by
the -plaintiff, who declares him
self able to care for them -and
see that they are properly edu
cated. The ' couple were! married
in August 1914, In Una county.
Contract Let to 8c io Fii
' Contract for the flooring of the
bridge at Stayton has been award
ed to Sent Brothers, of Scio.v who
bld$1190.70 for the Job. Other
bids received by the county court
were from Lulu Brothers, of Stay-
ton, $1236 and from, the, Brown
Petzel company, also ot Stayton,
for 11247.38. 'It is expected that
nearly 60,000 feet of lumber will
be necessary, j - . u
Many Take Examinations
Nearly 80 applicants for teach
ers certificates, the largest num
ber In local history, starred - to
take the . four-day s examinations
at the Christian church; yester
day.! -. One, five-year or life certi
ficates are being sought. Exam
inations of a similar nature are
being given- In .other counties ot
the state.' -The examinations will
terminate: Saturday. '
More Bicycles Tak
. Bicycle thieves are. still busy In
the city, . two thefts having been
reported to the police Wednesday
by Virgil HoUey. 545 McOllchrist.
and by Albert Umbanhower of
Dayton, who reported his bicycle
taken from North Commercial
street last Saturday. , .
Vrfv- ; -i . ; '
Does This Interest Ton? ' , y
If you are looking for a job, or
if you need to employ help, use the
city ' free employment bureau at
the YMCA. Adv. v, ' f
Two . Marriage licenses . ,
The terrors of the 13th of ;the
month ; had ' no effect , upon two
couples of the city who yesterday
obtained marriage licenses from
the county clerk. Those taking
out ; ' the licenses were Orris J.
Pry and Bfernice Craig, well
known Salem young people, and
Frank Hauser, 37S Court street
snd r Lena McAral, of Gervats,
route 3. '; ' -i-? : -; . i .
Would Frobatae Will v 4
Goldie Rooney and W. II. Krebs
have petitioned for the appoint
ment of Jin executor, together, for
an order admitting the will of A.
Walts to probate. ; Tj ettate is
valued at $1150. The request
was 'granted "by an - order signed
by Judge !W. M. BuiBhney, who
named Thomas A. , Roberts, Gab
rielle Clark and James G. Heltsel
a& appraisers. . .. "- . -
Petition Hearing: Date Set .
Hearing of a petition for the
guardianship j of Sherman W.
Thompson has been j continued
from June 20 to June 25,' at 10
O'clock. --- i1
SOS U. B. NattMH Bvfldlaf i
ka SS0. ; . Kes. nu 469-J.
Dr. B. H. YKte P
"OsUestaia nyrieiaa aaA InrgMB
EXaetnale SUcomU aad TtMOaaat
;i (St. Ateuu' VMted.)
Has Moved to HU Hew
i Location! .
249 Cj. Cottse Street
Phone lisa
10 a. ra. to 3 p. ra.
Steele 'Appraisers Naaned f f ii
: S. G. Robinson, J. H. Dunlap
and " Ruth iParson have been ap
pointed appraisers for the estatae
of W. M. Steele by Judge W. M.
Bushey. , ;
OAC Picnic Today 1 -
The Salem OAC club will meet
tonight for a picnic supper at
Brush college. The meeting will
be held whether It rains or: not.
In case of rain the cluub will meet
in the Brush college school. Elec
tion of officers will be held at this
meeting; " '
Births Announced
-Announcement is made of the
birth' of a daughter to -Mr and
Mrs Frank -Nies wander.; 1350
Morris street, June 2. She: has
been named Oma Jean. Mr. and
Mrs. William Kilpatrick, 336 Un
ion , street, announce the birth of
a son on Sunday; June 10, at the
Deaconess hospital. . - . . ,.
Naval Discharge FUed
George Washington Eaton of
Salem his filed his discharge
from the navy with the county
clerk. Eaton enl'sted January 20,
.1823, and . was - discharged from
the , naval hospital at Mare Is
land, CaL, on June 6, 1923.
Appraisem are Named ' ;
A. T. Hobart, R. G. Allen and
H. Brant, all . of S II vert on have
been named appraisors for the es
tate of Alice S. Wellington.
- ' ; . v -.: : ,: v . i v s ;l
Will Administrate Estate
Sarah J. . Swanson has been
named administratrix ot the; es
tate of , John A. . Swanson, j, whet
owned property in Marion count
with a probable value of $8900;
Judge W, M. Bushey appointed
August . Huckestein, Clyde Jobni
son and H. S. j RadclUfe ts ; api
pralaers. i S-r-:
; ': - ' ' ' ;! i I l:s j ':
Women Wanted
To work In strawberries at Starr
Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church
Mill Sts. Report 7 A. M. Adv.
More Speeders Fined f -
Fines varying from $5 to $10
each for speeding - were - handed
out by Judge Poulsen yesterday
to Ward A. Irvine, secretary to
Governor Pierce, Clyde Scott and
James Krieael, 390 South Four
teenth street. , The latter was as
sessed $ 1 0 for making 25 miles
an hour within the city limits.
Passed Street Car ; s if .
C. F. ... Ausman, 1266 North
Nineteenth street, drove his auto
mobile past a street car-Tueslay
night, while it was. unloading pas
sengers. He was released under
$5 ball to appear . boferej.; Judge
Poulsen 'yesterday, a His ease ; was
taken "under advisement, "Judge
Poulsen wishing to question the
arresting officer, and decision
withheld until some time today:
Well Fnrnlsbea Flat
. Modern; large fire rooms,; For
rent..- Immediate possession. ; $40
a month. At 64 1-2 Ferry street
Call at Statesman business off lee,
or phone 23. - j-; jr :: i -
Shortage Small - vi -"
. The Southern Pacific company
reports to the public service com
mission -a surplus of 574 box cars
In, Oregon at the present time, and
a shortage of only 66 open cars. .
Hearing Date Set, J4 "
, , The Chee Lumber company, has
filed with, the public service com
mission an application for a fran
chise on: the John Day river and
Its tributaries for the purpose of
driving and booming logs and oth
er timber products. . ( The commis
sion has set Friday, July 20 in
Portland as the time and place for
a hearing on the application,
John W.. Kern Here -..a -i . .": .
John W. Kern of the Dalles
is visiting his daughter Mrs. Fred
R. Waters for a few days. Mr.
Kern was connected with the Sa
lem Flouring Mills for a great
many years and is well known to
all old-time residents. , V V 1 k
SILVERS Miss Lulu Silvers died
. ' at her home at Twentysecond
and Oxford streets, June j 12 at
' 4:30 a. m. - Miss Silvers' died
at the age of 18, and is Burvly
ed by her father and : mother,
' Mr: and Mrs. David Silvers, and
5 by three brothers, Ralph, Ar
.thur and Paul of Salem; one
. slater, Margaret Turner , of Sa
lem. ; Funeral services will' be
' held at the Webb Funeral par
lors on Thursday, June 14 af
z o'clock. The funeral i ser
' vices will be conducted by Rev?
: . Klrkpatrlck. and the interment
. wUl be In the': City; View cem
etery. - " - ! ; -
X7cbb & Clough
Expert Esbihicra j
Rigdjon & Son's
Four Accidents Reported;
Whether the jinx, supposed to
be active on the 13th . of . -the
month, or the weather, man; is to
be blamed is not known, but four
acldents, all of a minor nature,
were reported at the police sta
tion Wednesday. Orva W. Thomp
son. Toute 4,' reported a collision
with fa machine driven by E.; P.
Hood, of Albany, with Thomp
son's car damaged, top and rear;
Ellis W Cinnoy, route 2 and Ed
Savage both reported a collision:
H. F. Martin, Pasadena, lost con
trol of , his . machine about ; six
miles south of Salem and wen
Into the ditch, breaking a I wheel
and axle - without . Injury to the
occupants of the car, he told the
police. - Fenders were damaged
when , Alex Harold, route i 8. hit
a machine parked on North Com
mercial. ' :
rtt TAHnrriHiit .
Oswego - Lake- Water, Light &
Power company has applied to the
public service commission for au
thority - to Increase its water rate
for irrigation purposes from 75c
flat a month to a minimum of
$1.50. with an arrangement
whereby meters must be used by
all customers -using the irrigation
service. . . ,
Women Wanted
To work in strawberries at Starr
Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church
Mill Sts. Tieport 7 A. M, Adv.
Would Build. Dams f t . '
The Young Women's Christian
association of 'Portland has ap
plied to thet public service com
mission for authority to construct
two dams in Rock creek, a tribu
tary: to the Clackamas river near
Carter toi the, purpose of making
a Cswimming pooU The7 assocla-
iionomalntains; a summer camping
plae at this potat. I .
,i . . - ' I.:'. . ' r
Call to Boy Scouts . . .
AH boy scouts are requested to
meet at Scout headquarters, on
Tbrusday evening at 6:30 to par
ticipate in Elks' Flag Day exer
cises. 1 -'i v :-
Legal Blanks
rim fiam t Th Rtatesman of
fice. - Caulog on application,
Rtmrian Hold Luncheoi
Presentation of the Salem Lhos-
nital sitnation - 'was mader , by
Frank Deckebach andThomas jKay
at the weekly luncheon of the: RP"
tarlans Wednesday. . ..FQllowiag
th reDort the organization voted
to have R.0. Snelllng, president.
appoint a committee ot two to
meet with the Kiwanls and uons
clubs to-make arrangements for
a drive to raise funds to complete
t).. hniHiTir Oeorea Arbuckle
was named as a representative fof
the Rotary club to be on tne cmi-
-an ,Klamnnil' Mmfflittte.
The Rotary club will raise
to aia in aeirajriuR iuo;Mjrou.
of supervision at the playground
. . ' . - - A , - i
during tne summer monim. ,
Strawberry Pickers Wanted ?
Three blocks from i ena oi
Twelfth, street car line. Indian
Hill Farm. Adv. , - . '. , J I
Fits eyes correctly, 210 and ZIT
United States National bank build
ing Adv.
At' McCornack hall tonight.
Auspices K. of C Adv. . . ; r
Attending Rose 8"hovr - "'J-
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn goes to
Portland this morning tot attend
the rose carnival. He will be back
Rain Halta Paving
;W. J. Culver, county road mas
ter. said yesterday that the paving
plant at Stayton that was to begin
operations yesterday was compell
ed to remain idle because ; of wet
weather. . i
M ' .... ,
Women Wauited
To work In strawberries at Starr
Prult Producu Co. Cor. Church
fc Mill Sts. " Report 7 A. M. Adr.
' ' -1 :
Will Enter West Point
Arthur E. Theuer, now! of Ho-
qulam. Wash., but formerly of
Salem where he was a pupil at
Washington junior hlah school, is
visiting here for a few days prior
to leavlna for West Point where
he will enter the United States
military tfcademy ' He was an
honor graduate of Che high school
at Hoaulam and received his 'ap
pointment to the military academy
through Congressmsn Albert
Johnson of the state of Washing
ton. i
To OiTrato Stills
Distilleries of the legal kind are
to be operated by Glenn A. Parr
of Woodbum and N. M. Flnkbln
3er of Salem, both of whom have
been Issued licenses by ' County
Clerk U. G. Boyer. t Parr is to ase
his equipment for the distilling of
Peppermint oil and its products.
and Flnkbinder will use his In the
laboratory of the state - highway
department . s ,
Electronic Reactions or Abrama
J Dr. White. 606 U. 8. Bank bldg.
it , ,
Announcement of a change in
parade formation for. the county
Sunday school picnic next Satur
day is made by the committee in
charge. The line of march will
fofm at. Marlon . square promptly
'at 10 oclock and will proceed
I south to State street; -' east on
State to Church; north on Church
to Court, west on Court to High;
south on High to State; counter
march west on State to Commer
cial, thence north on Commercial
to the ' fairgrounds.; : Governor
Pierce will be the speaker of the
day, and will ride at the head of
the parade, j Each ot the Salem
Sunday schools Is requested to as
semble at their own church or else
some other designated place - The
group thus formed will march to
Marion square, and as each con
tingent arrives, will take Its place
at the end of the line, faring south
ready to start.
A Classified
Will bring !you a buyer Adv.
Report Erroneous ' J
A -report Teaching Salem that
Albert Kemp had died at Eugene
was erroneous it ' was announced
by friends yesterday, 'r Instead it
was Arthur - Benson, a son-in-law
of Mr. Kemp, who passed away.
Primary Teacher .Resigns
Msis Mable Curry, first grade
teacher at the Lincoln school has
resigned and will accept a similar
position in a private school In Chi
cago. Miss Curry has taught in
Salem for two years.' j; -
Former Supervisor V isits '
1 W. C. Hoppes, , former elemen
tary supervisor of the t Salem
schools, has accepted a professor
ship at the Michigan State Norpial
school, at Ypsilantl. Mr. Hoppes
has been teaching in the Oregon
Normal at Monmouth during the
last year, and leaves today for
Michigan where he will teach also
In the sciimmer ' session and will
begin his regular work in the fall.
He was' a' guest of George Hug,
superintendent of schools, u last
nihtV it , Mi.,- ... !
Leo N. Childs of the firm of
Childs & . Bechtel has , gone to
RItchf ield, Wash., on a few day's
business' trip.)
E; F. Carlton,' who resigned as
superintendent ot the schools at
Eugene to accept a poslQon in the
University of Oregon, was in Sa
lem yesterday, i ''.
Mr. and Mrs.i Frank Morrison
left yesterday for Newport for. an
outing. 'j-.--'.- . .
; TL Moffltti and' his mother,
Mrs. A, T. Moffitt, and Mr and
Mrs. M. L. Prunk of Eugene, for
merly of Salem, have returned
from an automobile trip, of two
weeks in California and , Mexico.
Stanley DeLauder of the United
States marine corps i aboard the
U. S. S. Seattle, Is visiting his cou
sin, Mrs. Frank H. Ayers, 1520
W,,.Carter,;who was superinten
dent of the state school for the
blind 2 3;, years ago. Is visiting in
the city. !. .
J. M.' Blgler, 946 South Liberty
street, is ill with pneumonia.
Marion r. o. Reed, l. r.
Gornill. Los Angeles Mrs. S. : G.
Ecclestonl Jesse Brown, Lakeview
Ethel B, Glbron, Grants Pass; IS.
D. Eaton, J A. Roberts. E. M.
Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Weed,
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. W. CT. Cole,
J. A. . Cole. W. D. Cole, Jr. Oak
land, Cal.; Blanche ; Hicksf Ash
land; E. Fay Woolsey, Medford;
Mrs. L. B. Longenecker. Gates: R.
Z. Duke. L.i H. Hansen, H. H.
Marsli. C. Whitfield, W. W. Car-
ral, E. M. Bradford, Portland;
Helen Johns, Bend..
BLIGH 3. R. Tandy. Jeffer
son, L .L. Wilson, C' Roy Elliott,
C. Nelson, O. L. McCllne, L. V.
McClure,,J..W. Lundy, C. C. Wells,
Portland ; .W. A. Dunbar, V. A.
Whitcomb, Seattle; C, E, McDon
ald, Tacoraaj A. L. GHky, jSclo;
Ed. Doertler; Sraw, ; . ; :":
TKUM IN AL Nora Miller. Port
land; Margaret and Richard Cook;
Silverton; Frances Carral, Mon
mouth; M.A. 'Butler, Indepen
dence; B. Henry, Eugene; F.. B.
Holdfjdge, Yakima; E. Spencer,
Albany; S. E. Gillette, Modesto;
Mrs. Geo. r Thayer, Seattle. -
: Rich, ripe, healthful grapes,
i grown in the famous vineyards
of Southern Europe produce
: ' the cream of tartar from which
; (Royal Baking Powder is made.
The most eminent authorities
in the world say cream of tartar
' ; mattes the best and most health-
'1 1 ""'fill baking powder.
The ONLY nationally distributed
Cream of Tartar Baking Powdsl .
Contains No Alum Leaves' No' Bitter Tasto
Various Subjects Discussed
by Club Members, at
Yesterday's Luncheon
President Snelllng called yes
terday housecleaning day for the
Rotary club. Among the subjects
discussed were the Salem Chau
tauqua, the earwig menace, the
playgrounds and the Salem hos
pital. . ' ' ' . .. , , .
Otto Paulus - appeared in be
half of the Chautauqua, . repres
enting jthat this institution . was
of great benefit to Salem as a' de
sirable educational and amuse
ment institution, and should be
supported by the public. He said
a number -of business men had
guaranteed the advance sale of
$ 1 7 0 0 worth of . tickets to make
the Chautauqua possible. Last
year each guarantor was com
pelled to pay about $30 to make
up the deficit, and If this occur
red, business men would no long
er be willing to make the guar
antee necessary to bring it to &
lem. ; ' ;'
The club went behind the .Sa
lem chlldrens playgrounds- 100
per cent strong, and assessed the
members to raise $125 as the
club share J in the - enterprise.
George Arbuckle was . appointed
representative of the club on the
governing board. " v
F. G. Deckebach and T. B. Kay
made apeals in behalf of the Sa
lem hospital, and ' a motion was
passed pledging the entire mem
bership of the club to cooperate
with the ; other luncheon organ
izations of the city jn putting on
a drive 'to raise $35,000 to com
plete the building Seven mem
bers of the Rotary club are on
the hospital board; ' which '. has
already spent $80,000, and re
quires $35,000 to complete, and
make possible theopening of the
hospital. " '" .
- "The earwig is a real menace
to the people of Salem', declared
Charles A., 'Parks. It has already
appeared In a b umber of lots in
Salem, and if not systematically
and vigorously fought, jwIU be
come a mighty unpleasant pest.
Seattle and Portland have both
been hard hit, and are now spend
ing considerable money in an ef
fort 'to stamp out the pest. .'-
The earwig comes from -Eu
rope; and was first found in this
country, in Seattle. It spread in
the Queen Anne fashionable res
idence district, and property rap
Idly decreased in vame, a great
many families moving out in a
body, 'but an organized fight was
made by the city against, It, and
In two years' has been very . ef
fective In stamping It out In that
district. ' - - f,
' Last year Mr. Park estimated
; '.;', (No."4.y '' ' :
You' give Layton : your
note, due in 60 days. When
the note matures, Layton .
tells you he will allow it to
run 60 days , longer. : Ten
days later, he starts suit for.
collection; Would Layton
have to keep his agreement.'
or would you pay the note?1:
. A, very: ordinary situation,'
one that has. happened many.
times. We try to prepare
our students so that they :
will ' know just what they
should db in this and other
cases of a like nature. Every
subject we teach applies In
a practical way to business
New classes will start
Monday, June 18. Write or'
call for information.
Capital Business '
, Salem, Oregon
High and Ferry 2
Portland could have": made a sue-1
eessfur fight against the "earwig
for $600 hut this year twice
that amount is required.
Oreeon': Agricultural " ' college
has developed a poison that is
very : effective in- killing the In
sects and ridding .'.'entire districts
of them, . It is Sodium fluoride
12 ounces; molasses 2 ' quarts;
wheat bran, 13 pounds: water six
quarts, s i! Dissolve the sodium
fluoride in water, add molasses;
then, thoroughly mix with wheat
bran. This . mixture is . sowed
broadcast and the lawn should
not be sprinkled for three days.
The earwigs eat it because of, the
molasses and wheat bran, and die.
S. H. Van Trump.f county fruit
Inspector, is in -charge of ' the
fight for Salem, and j any evidence
of earwig should be reported to
him. Mr Park advised against
any. individual effort to fight the
pest, as it Is necessary to cover
an entire? block at one time, the
insects travel sol rapidly. The
cost of making the fight Is esti
mated at $5' a lot, and must be
paid tor by the property owners,
as the last legislator nefufltd;
to make 1 any ' appropriation ' jfor
Its eradication, rather considering
it a joke on account: of the name.
Mr. Park described the bug of
a deep brown color, one-half-.inch
long. It infesta the -dporyargs.
lawns and trees, enters houses.
crawls Into the beds. Into ice
is designed and built to give ' faithful, .
dependable service. , And it wilL ; ;
If .through accident' or otherwise, yout
Torrington evd- requires the services of Tne
Torrington mechanical or electrical experts for
adjustment or overhauling due to accident or
extraordinary use, you are invited to make
full use of the experience and facilities of The
Torrington Shop. We sell you The Torrinstca
, on the basis of your satisfaction.
i - -. . . .
fr Free Dentttstratm '
.- . i - -
. ThcToringtoaCrpany . Eablihed 1865
222 A'orth Liberty St. Phone 1C34
, y
Jtso;.; Masoa Jar r , I y -
or any open- I . U KVIIUVTW 5ff ni'-
th Teceptical i.
Make Them in a Day I
It's a pleasure
soft Summer materials "
frock 1
, Design
,. ...-.!. V:
Buy Buttcrick Patterns with the Dcllcrl
boxes and refrigerators, into l-
meat, butter, and any ctLtr ni-ables,-.
: It devours any vesctall'
matter; and destroys fruit crc: -.
It hides in the day time axi l
crawls rapidly, at night In in
fected districts . a house may i s
literally covered with them t
night, and none found In the u . -time.
. EUGENE. Ore., June 13. F- --ty-elght
students of the Universit
of Oregon medical school In Pert
land will be given degrees at th
annual, commencement: exercise
in Eugene, June 25. according to
announcement here today. Twenty-six
are candidates for the de
gree of doctor of medicine, seven
for master, of arts, and 15 fcr
bachelor ot arts.
D..W. .-SANG
Chinese Medicine Office
. We have: the best medi
cine which is known to cure
any chronic sickness. ,
- 264 North Commercial. St.
Beats i-Whlps Mlzee every tLic i :z' t:.3
kitchen. Fits any faucet on and off in c:. 5
minute. . leasts a life time saves initial cc
every month. Is -run by Vrater get ar.y
speed yo ;,desire. Regular price C "
Special ' Introductory, price. Fill name 1
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- , - - m,, rwianri rtw
to sew on 'the
Bordered materials, voile,
Chine and pongee are recom
for this simple cne-picce
your pattern nt zi cu:
Pattern countrr . ,ar. d ?
how much "material you
need. Then visit our
piece-goods counter and
select your material. Th s
Dehor enclosed with
your pattern tells f you
how to make the drers.
4591 At our piece
goods counter you will
find organdy, voile, lawn,
Georgette and crepe dz
Chine in the brilliant
new Summer colors. All
of these materials are rec
ommended for this drc: :.
The Deltor enclosed
with your pattern tc" s
jyou how to by it cur, together, and
finish it.