The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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" i :
"The Go Getter," by
B. Kyne. ' '
'Westbound Limited." i
VThe Hottentot,"
Four acts Vauderllle, "The
Gray awn," and "Snooky,
the hamantee. , -- - 1
'i iIm- i ii mi 1 1 1 niii i l r i j
strong dramatic Imprint , of Its
author's widely recognised abil
ity as a narrator, depicts San
Francisco's picturesque period ot
1S56. directly after the fold rush
A terrific hand to ; hand fight
iin an engine cab with the train
t hindering along at express rate
speed is one of the many spec
tacular features In "Westbound
Limited,, Emory Johnson's col
ossal drama of - railroad life,
whlcb is now. showing at the Lib
erty .theater. y : V'j :;yX ' . !
The 1 terrific; struggle showing
the attack, by a fireman on the
faithful and unsuspecting jen
. gineer and the latter's splendid
defense to save the hundreds of
.passengers ijiding in the 'sleep
ing cars behind from death, as
the . train approaches a yawning
culvert, -forms one of the most
vitally thrilling episodes that has
erer been shown n ; tho screen.
The first of a new series ot pic
tnrized stage successes will be
shown here on Monday and Tues
day at the 3 Bilgh theater when
"More to Be Pitied Than ' Scorn
ed" will be presented. Vr i;
' This screen rersion of Charles
E. Blaney's tremendous stage sue
cess of the same name will feat
ure the erer popular 1. : Frank
Glendon. Alice - Lake, Rosemary
Theby and little Josephine Adair
: -More to -Be Pitied Than Scorn
ed is a powerful drama of real
life, as all the old speken dramas
were, and It is presented with
scenic larishness which Is fully
worthy of the wonderful east of
players. : j :j y:" y; yyyy.';
Most of: the thrills are the
thrills of the heart which erery
woman will recognise and every
man will understand, but there
are scenes of. real gripping action
when you will hold your breath
longer than 'you would believe
possible. ' I
"All my life I've ieen afraid of
horses says the man who rides
-The ;Hottentot" Jo victory fa
'dangerous race He teZr3oraem
j morethan anythir.'else and gtm
he wins in cj, or the most ex
citing splchei ever filmed.
. He-Tns both the race and the
5lrl in the case. And he does it 1
' on sheer, nerra. '- V-";''' v
- Everyone thrills to deeds that
Care to cheery courage. Ahd that
U one reason why everyone will
Itive the character of Sam Har
rington v In V- "The j Hottentot'
Thomas TtJ Tnce's comedy drama
at the Grand theater. j
Seena Owen narrowly escaed
serious injury when she was ac-
1 clientilly struck : by: the win g, of
a : Curtlss aeroplaierdurlng the
filming of ft scene for "The 'Go
Getter a Cosmopolitan produc
tion lor Paramount, which is now
cn view at the Oregon theater. ! r
The accident occured at the. In
ternational Studio in New-York
during the y filming, 6t an aerial
scene for the1 picture. . Ifor this
scene a regulation aeroplane had
been set up In the studio under
the direction 'of "William j. Mac
IIHlan, assistant manager! at the
Curtiss Aviation field. Mineola,
.Long. Island! "'': y,,. t v-V j:
As the 'huge' plane was being
lowered on some cables It swerv
ed towards Miss Owen, and one
of the wings struck her before
the ; could dodge. L ThV actress
was temporarily stunned and , Di
rector E. III. Griffith and several
of themembers . of the company
rushed to her . aid.; .Fortunately,
however, -the ; blow was only a
glancing one, and the actress, was
not seriouslyi Injured.;- Sheiwaa
removed to her' home, however,
but : waa ready to resume her
work on- the following day. ; 1
, A famous author and a noted
producer v combined to produce
'"The Gray Dawn today at the
KUgh theater, namely, Stewart E.
White and Benjamin B. Hampton.-
f The Gray '. Dawn'- equals
The Westerners"? in Its rich
western setting, and surpasses
"The Killer" in its virile drama
and r stirring action. Both of
these successes represented the
' combined genius of , author .; and
producer. . iy ;"..
From the opening scene to .the
final "fate-out" "The Gray Dawn"
Is: replete with the realism, 'the
- true-to-llte characters and the' en
ytertaining touches which are so
" characteristic ot ; a Benjamin B.
Hampton production.
-.The story,---which . - bears the
Stubborn coughs that hang on
are liable to lead to serious com
plications and should be checked
promptly with Foley's Honey and
Tar. . "I have, not coughed since
taking Foley's j Honey and Tan
Other medicines t tried did not
help me writes John J. Healy,
Plttsfield, Mass. For quick relief
from coughs colds, croup, asth
ma, bronchitis and hay fever use
Foley's Honey and Tar., The larg
est "Selling cough medicine In the
world Contains, no opiate- In
gredients . printed on "., carton.-
Sold everywhere. Adv.-1
to o n
Silverton Seniors Present
Traveling Bags to Youel
: 1 and.Jschantz .
V "
r j&" -sjtj?.j v
: s
1 I. v
... i:: : : '-r '- , r '
i "(IHfc. - ' , ' J,VS s ''1 If.
iRayinond. Hsaoxi'--
of "Impossible Is Un-American
and Mr. Balch chose for his sub
ject "Success." r
Contlnuelfrom page 5)
Women's Club to Meet
The Salem Women's club will
meet In alpost-season session this
afternoon, at the Chamber of
Commerce rooms. Convention re
ports from the county and state
federation meetings will be given.
Mrs. C. K. Spauldlng will ; be la
charge of the punch bowl. . Sh
i SILVERTON,' Ore., June 8.
(Special to the Statesman.) The
largest class ever; to be graduated
from the Silverton high school re
ceived- Its - diplomas Thursday
evening. The' class ' consisted of
42 members, 20 girls and 22 boys.
The class also had the distinc
tion of -being the first class at Sil
verton to receive its diplomas from
tns hand of a woman.. ; Mrs. Ear
nest Palmer, chairman o tthe Sil
verton school board, presented
them. ; An amusing feature of the
evening was-the presentation of
the two traveling J bags by the
members-5 of .the. clasS. Superin
tendent, B. T. Youel was the recip
ient ot one while principal T.
Tschants received the other .; '
It is understood that due to the
school board disagreement that
neither of the men will return to
Silverton. Both Mr. Tschants
and Mr. Youel responded, speak
ing of the appropriateness of "the
feifts s . i -"t ' . : i - -'..
J. A.. Churchill, sUte superin
tendent of schools, was the chief
sneaker ot the- evening. " Other
numbers on the program consisted
of American Legion orchestra se
lections: invocation by Rev. 8. J.
Lindsetht vocal solo by Miss Beryl I
Smith; 1 representative of class of
192?, Miss Grace Linn; violin so
los by Iva Claire Love; represen
tative of, class of eM923:Almoh
Balch r vocal solos by Miss Hen
rietta Finseth; address by super
intendent Youel. Miss Linn spoke
will be assisted by Macyle Hunter,
Jeanette Jones and Mable Marcus.-:
'y.--' . r , : y i y
Ball Game Sunday , y
Z p. m. Oxford park; Salem
Senators and S. P. & 9. club of
Portland. Adv. . ?U
yuv - .
Slasons Will Travel i , '!
Salem Masons who wish to vis
it the Masonic children's home at
Forest Grove, Sunday are instruct
ed to meet at the Masonic temple,
at noon Sunday, ready to start on
the drive. Those who have cars
with moire - room than is already
spoken for,? and those who would
go If a means were provided, are
urged , to communicate with Mr.
Weeks, phone 180 6W, telling ot
their offers or their needs, i It is
expected that a considerale cara
van will be going from here.
on a charge of contributing to the
delinquency of: a 'minor. Bettles
has been pitching baseball for the
Pendleton Buckaroos. -. Bettles, is
in the county jail in lieu of a $500
bond.7 . ' . ' . : f : ' - .-- '
Silver Bell Circle Xp. 43
Neighbors of Woodcraft.-' All
Neighbors meet at the, hall at 2
o'clock Sunday, June 10, to . at
tend unveiling services at ceme
tery. Adr. '
Women Wanted ' 5
To work in strawberries at Starr
Fruit Prdducts Co. Cor, Church
fc Mill Sis. Report 7 A. M. . Adv.
BeUIe Bound Over-- ' :' s
Information reaches here from
endleton that Joe Bettles, former
Chemawa athlete, ; has been held
to the Umatilla county grand Jury
Attempted Ifold-Up
Word ofi an attempted hold-up
near CanyonvIIle Thursday night
in southern Oregon,' was brought
to ' the city.- yesterday " ly Tom
8wem and Seeley V. Hall, Med
fqrd men, who are in the city to
attend the auto races this after:
noon, i Swem and Hall are travel
ing in a special painted car, ad
vertising the new $100,000 auto
camp 'park at "Med ford and the
auto races to be held : in .MedfoTd
June 15-16, and - the wonders of
southern Oregon in general? In
cluding the Oregon Caves, Crater
Lake Lithia parky Diamond lake
and Lake of the Woods.
Iayor Receives Letter
After wandea-ing over -many
portions of theUnlted States, " a
letter re-addressed to .Mrs. Ella
Jenett Bush, or Mr.' Charles Busiw
care ot-mayor, capital of Oregohs,
was received by Mayor Giesy yes
terday. It was marked with. ; the
name of William Smith, carei of
superintendent, . S t a k o p e a re
Home, on the backA--. -
are soon "nipped in the bod,
- without "dosing" by esc of
Vapo Rub
Over 17 MM'?-, f r,,j
i i
liH--mrlr-- I
f z'?- It I
' . !
: ? it
See what you're buy
ing it coil no more,
and there is some sat
isfaction in "buying at
home".- We make ev
erything from laundry
bags to circus tents.
Let us make your awn
ing. Just phone ' us
and we'll send' our
awning man to get the
We give 50 Ot lbs. of ice frcs vnllk
every ueinseratcr. just a
.. "' " ' few left
p J J
lTHY ARE STRONGLY J - ' j ' - .
kMAK AND JJ y . I 1
" Ui u ui w'.wW r ;
w y -
Greatly Reduced VLy Ceck
' ' in a hot kitchen
V:.;y '.,,..; j i' "":,,f;yy y. yy, :r7
t:'"" "'"v"'j-X.-.. ,....-....,,.;. .,
.... -, r-.
We carry the vcll-knswn Do
Luxe spring. You will a?se
t' aMhis is the best sprnj yea
ever slept on; ;
,' ,''("-:.
- . I" ( 1
. " : - i - - y
.v:y:v. y-;y ; yy .
t- S i .-
? todaVtouorrow"
: '.V FOtjh BlG ACTS . s.
ino'x ' CttnHHly oiir -" Hooker- and Mftril -Harmony
Scairnps Novelty l&nce Revje
' iUrry Do Vera JLucIW and Vernon
i Tho Yodcllng Wop , " Song Bird ttnd Violinist.
r A-
, From the novel by STEWART EDWARD WHITE .
Featuring Robert, McKim, Claire Adams, Carl Guntvoort
; . Ueorge liJK-katliorn amt Clajre McDowell y
, , i. . . .. . i X. y- r. ' i .
EVENINGS, 40c - ' - ''
y. " . y . POJUXG MOXDAr . - ,
.. . - . . ..... .
L- r' y" OREGON M
I .. . A Cosmopolitan !lb! M.-,. V'T.-- "
- .y -y . ,.-Nvv.v.iMJvVi; y y' . f v .
HERE'S a high-geared
six-cylinder lover:
for you! Starting with
nothing1 but his - nerve,
- winning a million-dollar
girl and job. In a ro
mance that sizzles. .
From the story by
Peter B Kyrie
i -Cast includes
T.lRoy Barnes, Seena
Owen, W m. Norri,
" Terra ' Lewis and Louis
Itfs ,a Rip-Roarer !
It's a Panic!
WJOiVLyy; y,:rf jcrl-r . .
''"t? y-X V-y- : It-".;-.-
- . . . .. - '
If You Can't Laugh
Don't Come
: i J yCAOv See this Horse?
. fi 1 w v Fed on Dynamite! ' .
I A AX (7y I- See tliis Girl? K
VU nKf r Cry Abo! Hones! fl1 . .
VN iS5 :'," See this Han?, -TjArt?
1 Can't even stick on a . y A,
C .rockfns.rhorse. bat hm-'fSfi If if
. to ride The Hottentot Af V ( I N
.. ' . - -chM y I m ' ,
A -. T 1 . , i mt
L . . '11
fits VMV '
With y ' '
A P TW'-pl One of the GREAT, BIO lOTS of the year.l That teeplehAse!
xvxv X. I nen you re not -laughing you're jelling ycllinff irk-
f I. - w "C f - -w .
And the fetory! A pansirwhen a youlli vdio enn't even stick ou a rocking-horse has t
ride A four-Jegsed thunderbolt because bis girl believes he's a famous steeflochascr.