The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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1 i
1 1
i;saE:,ir :;:E8r.'on!;i;:so:
Cr,5 CCaGooscbcrrytheck. Has Gone OuV oa Accoiint
I -Jhcre ; Have Been , Improvements MaoVin All the
r. Salem, Plants Some Barreling Irrigation Is the
Only Insurance, Says; Wise Grower
I One of the Balem canneries this
week delivered a check for 43.300
ta a Polk county gooseberry trow?
?. for the gooseberries already de
I - -eJ from this farm, this spring.
' a season Isn't yerover; this Is a
ment "on account, ''j'" "
Tils la an indication of how some
! tie careful horticulturists and
;:eis of the "Willamette Talley
3 : fighting the proverbial ."f ar-.-s4ack."-
They are putting out;
. rrsrthat -are In demand caring
. .r them aw a mother cares tor her
tabe, and their acres ; aro. paying
them a profit like a mamma's boy
wia igrowg npv to be president or
the world champion pugilist. ;..
. World Gooseberry Center '
x All the canneries hare been run
ning' on gooseberries' for .almost
two weeks.' -One- cannery has" ac
cepted about 80,000 pounds -of the
shining green, fruits, others hare
dona almost a welt .The, season
Is "getting pretty -well over; la the
canneries having three, or, fonr
lines of canning machines,; about
one is being used for gooseberries,
aad( the others are tanning - on
strfVberxJe. ' A'to'tk't T'i tot. pos
sibly 200 ,tonsot gooseberries Is
anticipated isu Saleauthis. . year;,
thought thla may hot considerably,
increased ilit the bushes continue
to: bear: i',At;;Vi7$ Caf HonAtiiese
' Xlearly everybody -uses ' Vict '
for - cc:i'..trctr.:v Z7, r
f rver, catarrh crtoziUlUa. Tkcia
are ir,"7---t' -of tLeafr Ff;
tia. Xutwe iorgetthat
xi as good for insnnatiqn
cf the skin- or muscles. ;
Ttit tfca famHiar ttei jar C3
rata vacation and try Itlforgra;'
r . ... " t.:..u
turn. Drmsesu Bpro-.s,- bu.. ,
i . ix - -
ccts and acxatches. '
rv I7KHUO Jams Uxmo katr
.Tcilcrci Id -r
You'll Vant a:
Neiz Suit for;
the Fourth;
- ' crdcr y
' - 'i f
Have It made in
just the style r you
want, from the ma- .
teriaj that just
pleases , you. That ,:
the fit . and ''. work
manship, will, be . ...
right is a certainty
We ' see to that.
Come . in'ynsd . have
.' tour measure taken.
$27.50 to
4-3 CL-la St.
.... - "-T J .
. . . Sz2
f )':r - M? i
berries -would bring, the growers
about $28,000 cash. Salem Is how.
the : recognized gooseberry : center'
of the world, and the tine price
being paid seems to call tor ' a
much larger acreage each ' year."
The fruit i put up with the least
help; it Is canned before any other
fruit eomes Into the market and
there is a grea,t call tor the strong
ly acid fruit in erery important
market. 1 J ,: v: x l i
: Canning Strawberries -
Six Salecx . canneries ; are now
working steadily on strawberries;
"steadily" In this case meaning ev
ery day, though the berry supply
is not yet large or steady enough
to give a full day's run in the -canneries.
PracfJcally; erery cannery
has increased its capacity this
year, preparatory to the expected,
hary fruit season.' - The) .berry
supply is probably about ' one-halt
what ' it will be per day, by the
middle or last of . next week,' when'
the peak of ' the season ought to
be' reached..' . : . i ; ' . ;
I One cannery that was operating
last year 1 closed for this berry
season': the Oregon Growers' fac
tory, on South High, i The. Grow
ers had ;.planned . to , build,. line
new cannery this year, but finally
decided to sell their berry crop
and j close ; dp their small Salem
canneiy. ."in its place, howeTer, is
the- new-Northwest .Cannery- on
South Liberty; that : will have air
most- three times its capacity-
The Big New, Cannery ;
This Northwest cannery 1i now
running two lines of machines, on
strawberries, though the building
is not yet finished, .top, middle or
bottom: George ' H. Walker, for
many years with the Lebanon cannery,-
is the ' new operating head
of the Northwest instirutlon, and
also for the Northwest Fruit Pro
ducts company; fruit receiving
business. The factory is ,of. the
rery latest" construction, solid
concrereiSC.hollpi. tile. full
three-Una capacity with- both 2
and 3 '-sIe canning machines on
all but the gallon' size ' line. It
will be served by belt conreyors
that will vastly simplify th prob
lem of handling; and It will have
300 women frtflt "handlers and 50
men for the other, work of Che .sea
son. Later in -.the" year, it is to
pat In somenicallySe1pld'
; , Church v Property - tor; " Sale lo
cated on Cottage St. near Center
Sealed bids will be-received, not
later than June 19 th, and opened
the zotn. - For information ap
ply to C. C. Poling, 435 Center
Streetr ' Reserve tho right f to re
ject any or all bids. v;
By, order of the Board of
An Early Egg, Crop
'- Bight when eggs are scarce and prices high
williring you. YOUR PULLETS will grow intg
sturdy hens -fed on FISHER'S . DEVELOPING
MASH. .This appetizing, finely ground mash mix-,
ture develops the bodies that will bear up under
the strain of heavy egg production. Balanced
to be fed with FISHER'S GROWING FOOD.
Costs Less. Than You Can Profitably
'" Mix at Home- - "
't Phone 160V" "251 State SU "
. 1 .... ...... v. ;
- -
Tickets on sale daily llay l to September 15.
Return limit October Sli - ; j
1 o?.ego:i ElCTniC RY.
Choic? o routes and stop-overs on going and
-,r returning trips. "" """ ,
; 1 Col. A. t Col. B.
Albany . . . . .tl44.06. $1(1.10
AUanta ..V. 119.60 181.16
Btrmlngham ' 110.70 ; 121.64
Boston i . ", . i 165.55 171.60
Buffalo 5.. 188J67 188.62
Chicago 88.05 .104.60
Cincinnati 108.85 124.80
CleTeiandT; r 110.T1 it.58
Denver . . w . . ' 66.05 r ; 88.00
Des Moines . 79.70 95.65
Detroit ..... 105.67i I 128.62
Indianapolis 1101.29 117.24
Kansas City : 74.05 -; :- 900
Tickets sold at fares shown in Column A carry, routes in.
"both directlohs via Portland, and "those at fares' shown,: in
Column B in one direction via Portland and the other, via
-California. , :' ,;:'e I; -"": ''' ' . , ,' ; -
Proportional :fares will be In effect for tickets with a large
-number of m stern destlnatlons-Atlantlc ; City, ; Baltimore,
diarlcsoii, Cha tianooga,' Columbus,; -Colorado Bprings, Daven
port. Duluth, JackaonvUle. Montreal, Nashville. Norfolk, Port-
land, Pueblo, Quebec, Savannah, St. Joseph Wilmington; Winni-
Through tickets sold, baggage checked, sleeping car ar-
rasgements made and. details furnished. :., ;; -" ; J'-'i1 :
and pear machinery; trot Just.jiow
It Is running steadily ; on. straw
be rrles;. with 'two machines, .
: U At.The.'taiT iCannery " "
The Starr .'cannery, is', handling
th gooseberries for the Northwest
company, who did " hot'; get, ready
far this crop.. Strawberries t of
their own are how being .run at the
Starr company plant, and .within
two, or, three days they expect ito
be j receiving berries . up to'.the
plant capacity to handle. ' - ;
Oreson Packing. Blsser . V ;
The -Oregon; Packing-. company
has greatly increased Its plant ca
pacity by adding more fruit prepa
ration room, fonr s times jia much
room, and . comforts . for: the wo
men liv their dining ( rooms.; and
rest quarters, and some rearrange
ment" tnt the 'machinery to facili
tate fruit ; handling. It will have
its storage over at the bid SP hop
warehouse, -so' that .the rwhole of
the Twelfth 'street cannery an be
devoted to working facilities. Al
ready, about-860 women ajid 75
men are on their rolls, for the
strawberries that, are.,mmenc-J
Ing to ur In In sa crimson flood.
The King's Fant ,
At the . King's . Products. com
pany ' plant,? ?"ner cooking room
fqr the 'canning department is the
outstanding improvement tor the
year. When the big new :' plant
waa built, , a, year ( ago, .4t, . was
found pthat : the . steam . generated
and .released at the - vacuum, and
cooking machines filled the whole
basement with, almost impenetra
ble .-clouds of steam. This "year
the vcooking is being, done in , a
separateroom, that was built -adjoining
the main plant' T on --he
west, and the main working room
is free from steam. The plant. is
working as;smoothly;as arJurgen
sen , watch;' since the addition was
put on. " The' canning department
finds a growing : Importance ' in
connection - with the : regular de
hydration process of the 'company,
in handling the' kinds of fruits
that do not dehydrate at all, and
In caring for, the over or nnder
ripe fruit . that does nbf go . well
with the dehydration process.
; At The ttmt Plrnt.
Some gooseberrleahave' been
canned at - the Hunt .cannery;, and
some strawberries have " also -been
accepted, according to 2Ir. Allen,
manager. ; ; The. plant was renovat
ed In a fine way during the sea
son, a comfortable 'dining portico
was built along the whole 'east side
of the original mafn ;canneryfc and
the whole place Improved ' in , ap-
paranc'and ff iolency,-.; 1 v -
; At ProdncerePlan
T The - Producers ; Canntng" ; and
Packing company plant - was al
most entirely remodeled, tbis sea-
foh, "to increase Its efficiency. ; It
started tnK on gooseberries,, two.
weeks ago,; and Is. no w running
steadily on strawberries. - - The
plant appears to be in a condition
to .establish-X remarkaylejrecord
for efficiency ;In the handling' of
fruity once! It .is deljrered at the
company's doors. - v 1 1
' Barrelling Plant v ?
; v Mangis Brothers are receiving
berries at. their warehouse on . the
SP downtown track,. near South
High street. They will ship some
berries as they are received; also
they, expect to barrel fully - 400
barrels : for the eastern : market.
r ; Coi.A.
Lonisrnie ..'.$102.95
Memphis ... 96.10
Mtlwaukle .. 86.90
Col. B.
Minneapolis .
New Orleans'.
New York .v 3
Omaha ; ; i'.,
St. Louls...;
SL Paul ' . .'. .
Toronto .
149.45 ;
H7A) -121.81
Ganlson. Jler i rbaaa
v ;
CHAPTER 120, f
As uSam .Tlcer came back from-
the errand Xr PetUt ; had given
him, that -of sammonlng , the man
across the road,, we aw that he
ha4 been suecessf ul In . his - quest.
Every pair of eyes injthe Ticer
dooryard was fixed upon the tall.
ungainly tlgu re which . shambled
sullenly by his - neighbor's side,
apparently-, paying no attention to
the remarks Mr. Ticer was mak
ing, ' . .
; That our worthy host was. im
proving i his: time . by a 5 running
hemllyrupon Oils nelghborts indis
cretions we .learned as they came
within hearing, but only as they
reached - the yard i-did- the ; other
man reply. ,;'.; ': . .-
"Why; yon'Il kill the oM wom
an' some time if you don't look
out?'. 6am Ticer iwotestedJ-'
No," the other answered un
concernedly. "No. No! keel the
old Romans. . She too tough I
His manner was" th detached
maqher of a' person setting right
a; cainal error.' But ' at acrisp
Word trom Ht: Pettlt he cringed a
trffle, edgfns'away from ' him al
most as it expecting a blow. I It
was a splendid niastfatIon: of the
theory of r mind J over 'matter, - for
the tall, powerful man could have
made the traditional r two bites of
theyonug" physician, although Dr.
Pettlt la In ho 'sense a weaklingJ
i "It ; will be the electric- chair
for yours about the next time this
happens,' Dr. Pettlt said grimly.
"Youve nlmost done for her this
tim'ej; ftow goandget r me her
coat' and hoes 'and stockings, and
get ready yourself; to ; accompany
me to the hospital-Tight away.
Tne man round -voice then.
"Oh, noT J Not. hospital,' 1 he
said 'excitedly. "Me : a: poor .man.
No 4 hospital. Old Toman's ; all
right. I' shoost tap 1 her on head
for -she no cook my potatoes right.
Put her in'Tjed. She all right tomorrow.-
Ifne hit? so) hard- .next
time." .; -u: : ':t.l:
Dr. ?PetUts Demand;
,t if
S But for: the faintly v moaning
woman at our eet ;the natve as
surancB ' of ;the old I matt wxrald
are.J)een. ludicrous, r I -saw Mlsa
f'pster.'takai a', step .-toward ,himi
her ;Ttvid face raltght .with intaiv
est,1- and; knew .that she rwas llnd
HS;m:ost fascinating Jhis ,atudy pi
primitive man in his relations to
Ward Jils' womenkind... -u -
J . Dr,' Pettit .strode-! toward htm,
ieiaed Ala ;arm and looked, at hlia
iteadlly. ; ,.,;.;:;. ,, ;..; .;
J. "Will you do as I tell you at
ince.or "wljl.yon go to.;the police
Station?" .he -queried -idly.'- -l
fThe man squirmed out" of li
Brass.; ,-. ; -". - - -
i 6h, I go tiveeck!" he said. 1
j i Bringi the Hltflei; girl" along
was the physician's only. answer
to hltn. - '
"To? lit. Ticer he ' gave another
command.- ' - : '
, f zOo '"with- "bin and - hurry' him
up. r nave 1 tne- child ' taxe some
thing for herself, too. f They must
be back! hero inside -of five' min
utes." i r. , : '
Then ho : turned ; to me depre-
catlngly. -' - l . - -
"f rs.- Oraham , - will you lend
This batrellliig business Is 'grow
trig, rapidly land jr.-offers an ideal
outlet t for berries rthat may be
brought in faster than the .factor
ies ican handle them, through the
canning machines. ; ' ' '?
IC is understood that the .rapid
and striking "change from rainy.
cloudy, coolness,, into the torrid
heat of midsummer; has affected
some of the 'strawberries,, partic
ularly the younger field that hate
not yet grown heavy enough fol
iage to 4 protect "the fruit. Some
local rains have been,' reported at
various points in the Taller, near
Salem,' even t since the first hot
weather; last Sunday; there fmay
bo .little damage if these showers
are only well enough distributed.
: Iirigation' Only Insnranoa , ,
- "But there la f only "Tone insur
ance for , the ;berry grower of the
Willamette Taneyr' said ;L one
shrewd, "widely 4 experienced1 can
nery man yesterday. "That'is Ir
rigation. It Is the only thing that
will erer provide against dry -wea
ther, or -Jbe hot 'weather, 'that
damages so many - crops'.; Until
the "valley really begins to 'cut up
its farms. !to raise Intensive berry
crops under Irrigation; ; jand ; to
specialize on the fruits that make
this1 .intensive cultivation "pay the
best,' the ;ralley- will continue So
have Its'howlers and Its wonder
lugs why- the farmer can't make
his farm: He can make them
PT .with Irrigated fruits. i
V "I was. weak. and nervous, had
head aches all -the . time, . and - my
back . hurt so "bad I conld hardly
stoop writes Frank Richardson,
P?rry, Georgia. "Tried Foley Kid
ney Pills ahd .ot relief. f Back
ache, renmatic pains, tired' feel
ing, dull-headaches," too frequent
urination, discolored or - strong
odor are symptoms of Kidney and
Bladder disorders and : dmand
prompt treatment,- Foley Kidney
Pills give, quick relief.' rReftis9
substltntca. j Insist upon Foley's.
fie your car to. drive this, woma.n
the hospital? It will be so long
Mioro an, ambulance : can reach
bere, and I want to get at that
head5 as -ouleklr as toESlhle Mra
Tlcer will lend us- sheets -enough,!
to .protect it,. I am. sure." , .
You Are Mistaken." . ;
J "And I " am isure protecting: .it
does not .matter' I returned. a
bit, indignant ' that he should Im
agine I wonld consider so mnte
rial a thing when a i woman's life
was perhaps at stake. ; "You anay
bavel the car,; of course? Do you
wish .mo to drive?" r---- i
If. yon twill :be so, kind," s be
answered with - the : stiff -manner
that is so -' much a' ; part "of him.
f I jrill sit. in the back seat with
the. man, and e can support' the
woman between us. and 1 tire vent
her .being: Jolted.- We'll tako the
road straight through here to ihe
main MthoronghfareM it'ar J much
shorter, and It . you're a careful
driver we can, -avoid jthe few ruts.
On, the, main, road we can make
uptime to !theV hospital." lt' as
imooth. as a. billiard table.'.
i "How many more are going?"
Miss ; Poster demanded : abraptly.
bile T quailed a; bit at the re
sponsibility which would be mine
in avoiding bad places in the road
which might : joltv the suffering
woman., ;" Would my 'driving . be
skilful enough for. such a task?
"No one,", returned . Dr. Pettlt,
the ghost of a smile twitching his
lips.' -'; ;'.-
You are mistaken, she 'said
saueily . 'tYourijprovIslon.- leaves
a vacant seat beside the a driver.
and unless Mrs. Graham forbids
me, I'm golngto have' that seat.
you'll: need - ma, anyiray.y- Mrs.
Graham will want to keep her attention-
strictly; on th ;road,-and
111; keep twisted around in.vmy
seat' watching yon, so. that if yon,
want .me . to -say . anything to wthe
driver. I can. repeat It to her aolt
ly, ?so as not to disturb her."' I
She deliberately" meant" to be
ridiculous, (to make sly game of
his slightly -pompous manner, and
she : succeeded i; in: ; winning-an
ataused smile from Dr. Pettlt.- :
t X3t course, if 5 yon" can r make
yourself bo useful'," he' said Sroril-
caHy; ou - may v accompany ns,'.
provided Mrs.- Graham:- .
I am, of , course, dellghtedV I
completed his "sentence, smiling at
th igirl.-'who was really q'ultd ir
resistible in her Insouciant 'friend
liness, then-went "to! my car- In
order to 'maneuver it as near' as
possible to the injured woman. -
(To be continaed.) ' " ;
! . i . " , ." ,1 : - r' .'.
'tOBTLAND. Or, June- 6. Grata
faturMiWlit,' tfa whiter destera wbits
2iui.l.l3t. hrd yiitr, aor
tiUr sprinf,. wstra red Jama, July 1.06.
' Barley -44-poond mlBimum Jons $29;
July 29; 40-potind " June S28v July f27
f Corn No.. 2 . eastern yellow ihipment
Jane 687.S0; July $37. :
j Mill run ana $89; "Jaly -$29.56
. f.L De Lx IJolle
'Hl afid'Hcctlsr Cordon in
rfrtiir- 'rifs'-j
j ; Coialiis Friday, 7:30 P. BL- .
A Cosmopolitan Production ;
wmmCt&emmimt&idaremmmm i
Thursday i.:or.i:i::a, juits 7,1:23 .
- ,. OBXGOX .- ,
The Famoua Mrs. .Fair,?,
"The Madness of Youth."
V ' : ;' GRAXD :
Saturday' and.Sunday; 'Th
'Miracles of the Jangle."
"Cameron of . the' Royal
Mounted." ; - i
" Ralph .Connor's ' story, -of, "Cor
poral Cameron ;whfch haa been
adapted for a screen - production
entitled 4 "Camerono?, the -Itoyal
Mounted," has-been booked, by
Manager Bllgh "of 'the Bligh thea
ter for ' an' engagement of two
days, beginning today. 1 1 v '
f - The ; tUxryl ot "XJameron of the
Epyal Mounted?, concernr the ad
ventures" of a young man who :4s
forced to leave college In Scotland
and go i to rCana4a; owing 't Lthe
fact 'that he is accused' of raising
a check.1 In Canadahe meets and
falls in love with the- daughter of
a farmer by whom he is employed.
Fearing : to . tell-her about the incident-
dt ? the r check, ; : -Cameron
leaves a note, tor the girl and goes
to . another, town, where he joins
the Royal. North west Mounted Po
lice.' A4 situation '5develdps,c how
ever, 'which " story ; concerns his
struggle to ' explain Ithe past; and
regain the coveted uniform. In
fae ; end. he" tsj suecessf ul.. even to
the extent, of J winning thejQTeT of
the girL ' .; '.;. . ' '
1 "Cameron of the Jtbyal Mount
ed" is one of the most interesting
stories , that has ever; come from
the pen of; that celebrated and
gifted author, Ralph' Connor
f ; A moving 'picture built about 'a
situation so ' vnlque and unusual
as ta make the picture noteworthy
was shown last night at the Lib
erty theater. ; It is , a Fox product
tlon called" "The. Madness ' of
Youth,". and. stars' the one screen
acter r capable , of portraying . a
character requiring such, skillful
artlstry-John Gilbert,, who . has
played leading roles m some of
the most, popular Fox productions.'
; The screen tory la one ; of . a
young-manr waolly-lad, -who ' xor
a year has planned the robbery of
a millionaire's collection jb f J ewels.
He .poses ;as a religious f anatlel
After , successfully . emerging . from
mAny difficult, situations , that at
Any ,jt moment threaten to j bring
About, his immediate .. arrest,, he
finally -secures . the. famous Jewels
from .the sate. ; IBut in the mean
while he - has fallen In love iwlth
his Intended Victim's 1 lovely t but
wayward' daughter. .- His career as
a thief ends -in a manner not only
dramatic but -quite startling.
I ' The v supporting cast includes
the lovely .BlllieDove, as the 11-
Culleti Landis; .;
.Uyrtle Stednaa ;
T Hoy Bameg -entLV. j
, Seena Owen
Pctet BP KynV V :
Famous Xcssedy J
Pep lecture of1 the
- Year - -
Saturday, and Sunday lOhly,
Theozaedy Special of the Year
' With.
: ' And: i . ...' - M
llonalre's daughter, ami a ; number
of other well known screen actors.
In thU picture Jerome Storm has
done one of. the greatest pieces of
work in his noteworthy career in
f ilmland . . ? ' . "
; s None .of 'the . humor , and action,
of the original stage play oL VThe
Hottentpt," in which William. Col
lie? kept -Broadway laughing for
over a jrear.haa been lost In ttha
film version of the story which
is coming , to; the , Grand theater
Saturday..; .v.- , . .. ,;
The cleverest wit in , the tage
play has been; reproduced oil the
screen-in - the titles. Additional
tunny situations have been -work
ed in,- while ' the ' 5 steeplechase, i
which r.ould onlv be talked about
In the play, is a thrilling piece of
realism in . tba picture . It is,, the
excltlng cllmax of the' fun and
thrills that arise from the embar
rassing BituationSi x mr which a
yachtsman. who is afraidf horses
and -who is mistaken for a rider
of the same name gets himself.4 '
Douglas; MacLean as Sam Har
rington wins the race and the love
of ; a. girl r who,' is portrayed by
pretty .Madge Bellamy. Raymond
Hatton takes the; part : of Swift,
the .eccentric butler, who is an ex-
hostler, and is good for a langh
every time 'ho; appears on. the
screen. t-
. Rex -, Ingram, while making
"Where the " Pavement Ends"t in
Miami, .Fla... made a close ac-
quatnjtance with the famous Ever
glades -when J the' water' rose and
in "the form of a' lake completely
surrounded." the., studio buildings
in which Mr. Ingram was at work.
The , Metro. director r . established
....... '. 1 i- -: V . i - j
... -, .. .. - v t
- ,,- -.
?;;i r
,;;.;. ;v r - ;
?t ,
Coming Satcrday, 2 P. M.
; Grinding Steel
Loving Hearts-
Xioyal Bottle '
connection with the hihT"
between the 'tuiu: 33 I.' .
of : canoe and motor- drlva i; . ..
The flod paused Just one Inch I ?
low the floor level. Hundreds ci
acres, formerly iry land, becan:?
for a few Iays the playground c!
the under-sea Inhabitants. C -i r '
an overflow had' not occurrel I
10 years; It win be rendered lrj
posslble in the future by ttc con
struction of new canals.
nil: 0:
Grandmother's Oi l
" Ileclpe of Sae '.
anoJ SHlpliuiv
Almost everyone lcnTTp t
Sage Tea and Sulphur. r;-opti..
compbundedi hrfnjs .'-be'cio !-. r .-
Itural Color and lustre to tne l.i:.-
when faded, streaked or rrr ;.
YearaTagor the only ; way to , . .t
this mixture was to make It ' t
home,. which is mussy and troul ' -sbme.
Nowadays, by askl t r t
any drug store, for "Wyeth'a Zx.
and Sulphur Compoundf yoa''-wi:i
get' a "large .bottle' cf this fine ?
old. recipe, improved by tte f -"dltion-.of
. other ingredients,', at -small
cost,( . i ; - ,
Don't stay gray! Try It! !'
bne" can' possibly., tell that r.
darkened your hair, as it d .'
so naturally1 and evenly; Y,
dampen! a spengs or tEclt trs
withitfand ydraw th!s th'rrJ:';
your hair taking me small Eire- '
at. a time;; by morning the gr: .
hair disappears, and al i e r a no 1 1 . -rR$2Hcatidn
or" two your L
be comes beantif ally d a rk; ' z I -'
and ;'attr?tlve. Adv. ' "
i i
- of the
j. ; MOUNTED ; -
.- Prom : ,
" ILITPH coxNor.v:
'Stirring -St6ryV.,
Tr With Gaston Glai
" Vivlenne Osborne'"
' Irving Cummlnss i ' .
" r And
np tuc
Comedy j.
On its Second
Biff Week in Portland.
r Soli everywhere.- Adr j