r J THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON J- WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE G; 1923 .0; 1 - ( CztZ rtrtrra I CLAsamxo atjyertiskmxnti (rm iaertiom r u Three Imsertlom I,.. 8 On week (six ImswUoa )...., S Oa mo at,.. i.,.;,- 90s Sis moathn'V eeatract, per mo. .16 It moaUs eoatraot, por m .lo hUnlmam tor may I advertisement See - - NORWICH UNION I i flRB INSURANCE! 80CIETT . W. H. Burg hardt, Jr. i resident Agent 171 Stat St " - -' I MONEY TO LOAN ( - , j.lOxi. Real Estate U. T. K. FORD " ' (Over Ladd Bosh Rank) NEW TODAY "AV wf rt niv tv vtpiti.v wttpw. I ' ".V" lrr 1 1 tinea ro. - .....--. I ; near ear . -v, . IT Hardwood floors, cement basement, far iul fireplace, te; If yon could ate sack a horn ery .eloin to arbools in J Cn residence district and could pay $900 ,down, balance , like rent see a this . week. It will suit. ! Also garage. Bock a lUadricka.- U. S. Bank Bldg. UTTS CLEANER AND PRESSED 81.S0 t , Prompt sad fficint aerriee. 8sl ' i CUaaTa sad Dyer. Phon 1868. : Notice ' ; y.-y. I Will take a town house oa a good 5-aera knprered tract on the Kaiser road eloa In. 1 to S lota away below th market ' price, ac m. William Flaming, 841 - tut Stv J ': t .' j -j - -: : FRUITLAND NURSERY COMPLETE line trees. Office . 161 8. 14th Bt, Phdn1140M. FOR SAIJJ SEB AUCTION S ALB ADS I LESON FOR USED CARS. 820 REWARD FOR . LOST MEDIUM . -sited, long kaired bUck dog, whit neck whit, tip on tail, whit snd tan feet. legs aad nose, tan spot over eyes. Nam I Bruno. Collar Tillamook license. Not- if y chief of police. WE NEED RELIABLE SAljESMEN: IF ; is teres ted ear ! term sad territory assignment.' Phon 1763 or call 428 i Oregoa Bldg, Sslem Nursery Company, f: Salens, sOregon. . .. l j.- :, -.j i Baick and Lexington specialist, W ksv specUliod on those ears till w knew titans sbaolatoly. Let us show ye how mack w can improve the running of yours. Jack Doerfer Motor Repair. ONE OF FINEST ALEM HOMES v $3000 less tksa beslse would coat to i day. : Many others ia big photographic 1 displsy. Tell me when to bring it for I your inspection. 1 Harris, 1942-J. - HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. WASHIXG 4 tea hotel. 558 SUt St. . . - v ; SOW THAT THE DRY SEASON IS AP- preaching, see that your iasaraaee is uken ear of. We welcome your in- 4 ouiry or consnltatioa. otanaiey s Foley. Acents. ask Bank Bldg Phon THREE UXFURNISIIED ROOMS, NEW4 I If finished, down stairs. Also 2 room. j apartments, furnished.' 411 North Sum-; " mer. Phon 30.j ' ; vr " ' WANTED GOOD LIGHT 8TX CYLINDf i or ear. will pay cask. Phon 668 ti 4sy. ' None bnt expert workmen can mak ' top that's perfect," likewise none bnt ox pert workmen ran work for W." JE. Grun rtt 250 SUt 8L 1 " ; - Trade . . Vs ! What hav yoa to trad for acreage or farm, see The Fleming Realty - Co, 941 Suu Bt, ' . i ; ' : '' ':' ' " (f NOTICE TO OWNERS OP DOGS ' ILany who own dogs la Polk county have failed to pay for their license for the year 1923. f i This law was ! not chanced by the last session of the legislature, and unless the dog license tax Is paid at once, I will be compelled to' serve papers upon delinquent owners. . ' . : p- V ";.'; V . JOHN W. ORR, ! ! i Sheriff; of Polk County. NOTICE OP - TIIB IMPROVE" MENT OP IEPFELXB STREET BE T W EE N! C03Dtt3lCIAI I " STREET AND .FIR STREET. 1 Notice is hereby given that the Common: Council; of the- City of s Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and exoedlent and hereby, declares Us purpose and intention toim prove Leffelle -ptreet from the ; wet line of Commercial atreet to the west line of Fir street at tha 1 expense of the abutting and adja- ont k nrnnortv. excent ine siret " mrA iailew i Intersections, the ex pense of twhicb wUl be ; assumed ' by the City of. Salem, by" bringing mM cortion of said street to the I esUblished, grade, constructing i r-omont concrete ! curbs, and pav - lng said portion of Lfieiie street, : with a six-inch cement ' concrete paTemenr thirty feet j wide. In ac cordance with 'the plans and aped flcations therefor which were adopted by the Common Council 1 May 2lstv423 and which are hereby referred to and madej a . part:.bereof':i--7!t'';!":,V'v:!' ' The Common Council hereby declares it pnrpose and intention . to make the above described im provement by, and through tha street improvement department of the City of Salem. ' By order of the Common Coun cil the 4th day of June. 1923. : . - M. POULSEN, " " i " i h City Recorder - Date of first; publication hereof r 11 LIU? NEW TODAY Continued J I FOH SALE KORD TOURING, 1920 Mo. i, ?!5. 1921 model coupe, saw paint. f75. 1917 touring. 1100. Dodge touring. $325. 219 6uu St. .. mot in Brand saw Buns-alow with DVteb, kitchen; cement basement, and fir- puce. Good district and fentnt wtlki. e mi at 2140 South Chart street. saoo down, then like rant, 6 par cent. 1Mb t ms thia. Back Hendricks. U. , ttans: Bldg. ivi Could yon run amall SDsrtment konsa t We have on that owaer mast leave for reason, It brings in $140 monthly and obiUatial down payment will Uka, iaU I DC 8 Pr ! Excellent condition and location. Back Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bid. i v EMPLOYMENT WOMEN WANTED1 AT NORTHWEST Canning Company corner Liberty and Trade. Thia i the new building joat erected. . . , ' . 11 11 wanted - experienced sales- lady for ailka and dree goods. Gale Co.i, f j MALB AND miAU WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS 20 acre good picking. C. II. Fisher. Kt. 2, Phone 18F81. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED 100 acres. Wood, water. tor oa camp . ground. Vincent a Sons, Garden road. l m. 7, Sslem. J fi-' WANTED MEM i AND WOMBS TO take farm Moot subecrlstiona. A aw i propoaltioa a the right peep la. Ao . drea th Pscifl Homaataad. at a tea man : Btdg. Salota. Ore, ; PERSONAL GET ' MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pablished. Fro for stama. Oi j easooadant. Toledo. Ohto FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT s 590 Union. : Phon 567J. r ; APARTMENT--1178 N. 4TH ST. CALL I evenings. Phon 2080M APARTMENT FOR- RENT, 891 NORTH OoauBrial. j FUkTS V FOR : RENT FURNISHED MODERN ' fiv room fist, at 664 1-8 Ferry St. $40 month. ImmodUU posseesion, Pkoa i 88. Or call st StsUamaa basis of fie. HOUSES TOR RENT NEW BUNGALOW, 1740 H. i 54k ' :' i BOOM THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. 730 N. Front St. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS IN BOTH ; th Breymaa sad Bask Breymsn Block. Hotiwster kust." Inqaire st room 23 Brcy.-asa block, j Phono 219. . PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 74' wording "Furnished Rooms,' prlco 10 ; eenU sek. SUtesmaa : Basis Of- '. fie. Groaad Floor. . I P O B RENT A APARTMENTB iU aUoBlaa- mat. Leonard Hotel. 854 W. Frat stroot . ;U-;.; A-'.-1 -) PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 1W wordina- "Rooms to-Rent." price 10 , ; eenU each; SUtosmaar Baslae Of , fie. Groaad Floor. . PRINTED CARDS, SIZB 14" BY TH wording Por Boat" fprieo 10 ent ach. -t SUtesmaa Bualaess Offle. oa Groaad Floor, i OARAGES- FOR RENT PRTVATB Gi LGB. 998 North OommorelaL PIANOS NEW PIANO FOB RENT 9.4 PER Ma 'it v. siMe p.,.Ii.i. rw WANTED MTS0XXJLAJTSOUB WE ARE STILL BUYING ROYAL ANNE Cherries. Come had aeo a before yon sell. Mangis Bros. 542 '6UU- St, 'Pkoa TIT. . .. WANTED rURNITURB. TOOLS, . Pkoao 511. i ( Era OLD MATTRESSES KADI OVER Capital City Boddiag Oo. Paomo 19. - WASTXD EVXRYTHING IN HARD- war sad furnitar. Beat prtee pais. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE . a FURNITURB CO. 985 V. OeaamcrciaJ St. ' Pbsmo. S4T WANTED FURNITURE. TOOLS, MA ehlsary, stock, etc. Win bay for cosh or sell a commission. Pkoa 511 Woodry, Th Aaetioaoor. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST TARGE BLACK AND WHITE Colli dog. bob tailed, reward, retara to Salem Antomobil Co. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FULI BLOOD O. A. C. pigs aevea weeks old. ;. Wiaslow, Sil 1 vertoa road. 10F22. FOR SALE 1 HOLSTEIN COW WITH j second calf, os half mil west of etst Trainlnsr schooL Rt. 5. William Ach ' trass. i . " . ' - TEMPUS TODDtempus Still Pursued Them ..a 1, Mr g (HOUR, FOR TEMPUS. OOYOU RKXOlO - f ABOUT ALL. ME HAS GOT.) VlW FBOMTOF HIS HCuSg-a I FOR SALE Continued BIRDS IliOWZU AKS PETS f - - YOUNG TAME. TALKING PARROTS $5 to $30. Flakes Petland, 273 Suta street. 'I farm paper IV TOD WANT TO GIT TH BEST far paper, ed ISa t the Paelfl. Homestead. Salem, Or;oa, for three Boa the' trial aubocriptloa. Mealies Uia ad. -.v.!'.; - ' i POCLTRYMEN BIND EIGHT TWO- east stamps for apaelal three aaoatha trial for the beat and Idea Journal la th west. Tk j articles and Bdvertlee menu are of apodal interact t the poultry breeder of tka Korthweat NorthweM Poultry JonraaL 111 Ooav -a&riaJ tree. Baleaa. Oregoa. I i " GOOD USED kf AHOOANT PIANO. flftO. Tana If deatred. BL U. Stiff Pmrsi- tar Oo. . ; , . 9800 PLAYER PIANO, WTTH BOLLS and bench. SS25; $10 down, $2.50 per ' week. A good bay. Bee tftia. xalimaa Pisa Btore, 895 Booth lttk St. ; FOR 8 ALB GOOD USED MAHOGANY plsao left with a to Mil. Prte $100. Um. H. L. Stiff Faraitar C, Ma 1 dpsrtmat, ' ! . v.: ? -. - WOOD v I GOOD DRY 16-INCH OLD FIR. PHONE I 981-M. ' i . :. i. I FOR St LB 16-INCH OLD FIR AND 46T second growth 4-foot ORDER YOUR WINTER'S WOOD NOW Oak, ash. maple, old aad second-growth fir, at reasonable -pries. pIiTris to suit. Phon 152-J. . . i Best Grade of Wood 4 foot snd 16 inch mill wood 4 foot ash and second growth ft. 4 foot aad 16 inek old fir. Prompt delivery i and reasonable prie Fred E. Wells, SOS & Church. Ph. 1542. PBOXOOBAPHS.-. 4t PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $125.00 Victor :J$ 95.00 115.00 870 . 110.00 150.00 Victor 150.00 Path i $165.00 OolambU 1 $ 75.00 Victor . UJ0 Tang as low as $1.00 par woak .. ' BL IV BTTFP PUR1CITTJRB CO-' Paoa 41. . i 404-450 Court St. . XISOEXXJtSrBOUS ' j FOR SALE MALLEABLE .TOP, I SIX bole, wood Tango, also four barner ran stove, both in good condition. t or in . formatia call phon 475. . 1 FOR SALE VULCAN GAS RANGE AND Auto bed. 599 Union. Phon 667J. FOB BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 oats a handle. Cireslsiioa dapartmeat. Oregoa Stateemas r.i ; Beautiful Oregon Rose sail lvaa otker Oregoa aong. tegaUot wttk a fin eolloeUon of patrioOe soags, sacred aoaga aad many old timo favor ite, a " ' T f - : -': ALU TOR 950 - '- ' (BpoeUl prices la ousaUty WU) EaooeisUy sdapubl for school Itr or kome singing. Send for , Western : Songster l TO psgaa, now ia 1U third odltUa. ; PublUked by ' f ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY i Sift 8. ramsiainlil St. Salem, Or AUTO DIRECTORY AUTO TOPa AUTO TOPS; Curtain to ordor, prico roaeooable. Anderaoa-Teod, 171 B nigs . BATTERY AMD BXBCTRICIAM PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Sutioa. KzpoH batterr aad lectriel I work. Farri Bros. Pkomo 1808. 418 Gov. : ! R. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTXHIAa, atarUr aad g scoter work; 1T1 Bwata A " CAMXIrlZED BATTERY moods a drink. ; O. M. Carlaoa. S49 a. Cwaasaoroial St, Sal a, Or. ... TRACTOR8 FOR SALE FAGEOL TRACTOR AND double disk. Phono 1140M. 161, So. 14th. . i s - .-' '- I - . a HAAG a CO. 444 PERRY ST. Pkoao 910. CUtra tractors, Olrt or lat-j - plomoatt. .' i!Uf TRAILERS FOR BMX I WHEEL TRAILER, 1635 North CotUg. - - f f TIRES AMD AOCBSSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 to 1-8 OFF. MI KB '8 Amto Wrecking House; : 484 : Norsk OommareiaL . Pkomo S28. ' ; :. . RADIATOR a FENDER REPAIRS RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES. or repsirod. J. o Balr. 848 Parry- USED CARS GOOD USED CARS - GINGRICH MO tor Co. 871 Oomi-L. . : "-'' 5 passenger Dodge. 5 psisenger Cher rolet. Ford coupe. Re apeedwagoa, 1 V4 ton G. M. C. track. Daa Burna, W.-' K. Burns. Ferry a High streets, pboa 422. VIQK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIK Her U a llat of cars that will fit the smallest purse: AUTO DIRECTORY Con. EBUSINESS CARD Continued! USED CARS I FOR SALE 1B23 CHEVROLET. SO- narinv Modal like new. Kua lest taaa ' WOO milea. 9625.00. Will eoneider Ford via trade. 200. No. High. Phon SEE OUR STOCK Or USED FORDS. You will find th beat that U market afford. Not wornont car, bnt good Perda tht are nearly new having been drlTea only 500 to 800 miles. Remember, ever car on the street la a mad car. New Ford truck, tke body and cab- Baa let than 200. The eoet waa f 750: our price is $625 complete with license 1922 Ford Con DC lots of extras. bargain at 8475. 1B2S Ford Con do. all dolled , up. A dandy bay at $550 Late model Ford Tonring. one man top. Jut like new for $375. Late model Tonring, on man top, $400; Se thia 'one ., " USED CAB CORNER Frry sad Commercial fits. , Phon 1192. THE VNVERS At CAat USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHOR ' IZED FORD DEALER; 1920 Touting $240.00 1920 Tonring 1920 Coupe 1921 Coup J ' 1923 Coup 1920 Sedan 1921 Sedans 290.00 895.00 465.00 615 00 415.00 435.00 165.00 200.00 191T DeliTery 1ST21 Delivery 1921 Delirery , 290.00 All Car have 1923 License., Liberal Terms. Open Sundays. : i VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 No. High.' - Phon 1995. P?- v- 4 USED CARS "1921 Ford truck A-l sbsp pneumatl tire $400. l19 Dodg touring $425. 1920 Ford panel $150. i 1917 Ford roadster aalf starter $200. i 1921 Dodge touring ran 7000 miles, $T25. BONESTEELE MOTOl CO. Pkeno 428 i Ford delivery - : Fori roadster . ., ,, Studebsker. 4 cylinder 8tadbakr, 6 cylinder Buiek roadster i. . . j Overland" 90 . r Over Und 88 . - Britco , Maxwell , Ford track i Grant track . . ; Fordaoa tractor . , ,, G. M. O. track $135.00 150.00 900.00 800.00 100.00 10O.00 200.00 1. 150.00 100.00 800.00 850.00 200.00 850.00 500.00 Terms to ; Samsou tractor Many others to ehooao from. responsible parties. - VICK BROTHERS, . , : Hi Street, st Trade. I BICYCUB8 AMD XSPAXRIMO ; - " LLOYD K. RAM8DEN DAYTON BICT- j ale aad repalriag: 887, Court. ? Ladies' Weahng Apparel HXMBTITlUMUiQ . v 8 A L B M ELTTB HEMSTITCHING, . plaatiag, Vattoaa, stomping sad aoodle : work; S99 Oregoa Bldg. Pkoap 9T9. MRS. a X. MILLER HEM STITCHING, I susmiag. butUns. Boom 10. ovsr Mil- ler'a star. Paoao 11T. fcADIBa STT0RTtt H. . MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN womsa. 4T4 Court r. MATER LADIES' TAILORING; loa ooata, aad osiU. Boom T, MeOoo- sack Bldg. Paoao es. DRESSMAKING ! SPENCER CORSETS TO ORDER Draaamaklag. Oarrlo Flaosr, lto Ootmaok Bids. - I PRINTED CARDS SIZX 14" BT T4".l I wording "Droasmakiag--; prte iw cento each. - SuUamaa jsasla citliee. Groaad Floor. ; J BUSINESS CARD3 ACETYLEJTB WELDING UUIS, Bl E.JUJ, naaaa, jauu""" . . Mn . tta a v w k. ml I mm - Bring the piece. Ozo-Gaa Bosttaf uo. 887 Court. - " - -- 1RCHTTECTS FREEMAN 8 ArehitocU. ' Building: 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED 810 Baak of Oommoree AUCTIOXEXRa AUCTIONEER F. H. WOODRY, THE livestock .furniture, real estate auction eer. Phone 611 for sal dates. Re, - : 1810 North Bnmmor. , CARPET AND BUG WBAVTKO - RAG CARPET AND RUG WEAVING CH beior 9 a. as. 94X11. SALEM - CARPET CLEANING AND ; Fluff Bag Works Rag sad fluff rugs wevan ay sis without soams. New , mattrsasaa mad to order. Old mat- 1 1 aas vanaada. Taatkara renovaUd. I buy all kinda af old earpeU for fluff run. 184 sad Wilbur stroots. Pkomo 1154 Otto T. Zvickor. Prop.. v;.. EXEOTRIOIAJra iii.ni BLECTRIO CO, MASONIO baiVUns. Pkomo 1900. ' .1 HALIK 8 1XXOTRI0 SHOP BUO m m.mrmm nmMu. ontrustias. 887 Court, F Phono 438. . ARCHia FLEENER, ELECTRICIAV I Hoaaa wiriaa br hear or ommraos. m ttmstoo ImrmlokoA. Pkomo 888. 414 Court .-- - " ! ELECTRIC - PTXTURB AND SUPPLY Co. Pkomo 1984. 889 V. Ubertyt WK. BEIKEYEB "JUST DKUwt," ktOUNTAIN BALM COUGH R1HKDT 1T N. OaajuniiL Paaa 1ST. . Pkoat 6IT-W. j" -CBIHUI IWIkTI . , -: ! aciurB tzou . - T CHIMNEY f WEEPING T DllAOI ER CHA8TAIN CLOTKING CO. BUTTJ lair-g. T. Ooaaeilataa. 8Ua Hard- and ereoata. Cae aty atairsi It pay war Oo. r .1: v . i :. j - :- -i . - 80S Btat 0t.t : :- p . ruoMim i acusio stobbb . OUT FIX) WE R8 AND FLORAL PIECES Dliery. a W. Brelthaupt, florlat, US Nerth Liberty atreet. Phea SSO. SXAGAVOYB FOB FXTRXACES PIPE aad plpolaaas 198 a. ,Utk 8. Phone rXVABCXAS I hae a block of excellent bsnk tck in aa j Oregon owned aad .managed bank for tai. : . r : ... j - . A. C. Bohrnstedt ' 407 ACaaonio Temple. Sslem. Ore. r ' r FARM LOANS i AT 6 PER CENT snd . H PER CENT ANDERSON, a RUPERT Oregoa Bldg, SaJem, Ore. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 64 per eat, 808 Salem Baak of Commerce MONEY TO LOAN OnI SALEM PROP erty. Aj W. Ette Realty Co.x 147 N. Commercial street. j .. T ; FARM LOANS Insuranc aonejr, any amount o per cent, for 5, H lO or 20 .years, with full , prepayment privileges, entire Willamette valley, ' --'(' i .r -! HAWKINS a. ROBERTS 2-05 Oregon Bldg Balonvj Oregon. RESIDENCE LOANS AT '54 Five-year-period . with PER CEVr prepayment privileges f $100 or aay multiple there of on interest dates. j BUSINESS .PROPERTY I LOANS I . i 5V4 PER CENT - H- -.! s " - .A 1 Fiv year period with payment privi lege. 7 r i t j.. ",- i ' I i f - ; K0 D2LAY JN CLOSING LOANS 1 11:!' - - I! " i Salem Mortgage Correspondent. . The Prudential Insurance Co.. of America. X HAWKINS A ROBERTS 205 Oregoa bklg. j ' t . t CARPENTERS, CARPENTER NEW BUILDING. GAR- agea, remodeling anywhere. Frank E. .Way. 1613J. vj , j.-j. . .... : i-: UiAJTERa and' DYBXa EPICK 'B' SPAN 1 CLSANXR8 AND dyers. Pkoao 198. j ' - SALEM - CLEANERS AND DYERS Suiu eleesed sad pisiasil. $1.50. Buiu apoagoi aad praaasii, 60. 1815 8. 00 - f j Pkoa 1889 tr ; FBATBRBAL 1 LOYAL ORANGE IODGE JASON LEE 1 Mamorial No. 530 meet la Odd Fl- ) lows' kail every first1 third and ! fiftk Tneaday of the naontk. AU ; Oraogemea i welcome.' rURHTTURB 8TOKXS GIXSB FURNTTURB CO. QUALITY furaitnr far leas manor. - S78 Ooort Pkomo 464.:;.' ? rj. .. - I PEOPLE'S PURNITURB STORE NEW ad haad aural turo: ST1 If. f. kTUBICAI. SAIjKM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All broach Usght..; diploma granted. Joka R. 8it. direetor; 1287 Ooort Pkoao 996. . - - j " - ' i : A - OOURSB IN BUSINESS PIANO playlag. Popular syaeopated aUudard anal. . Semi -elas sic' aad ballad a: 19 Watonsma PUao SoaooL Me- Bkts.- r ... JUkUMDRIBB SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, $18 8. Liberty street. Phon 95. Oldost -. Urgtat bast. Estakliabod-1880. TALK LAUNDRY IB AGAIN IN A PO-j ; aitioa to randar 70a th asm ff lclant I aarvleo a bof or th Or waiefe de stroyed mr old buikdiag. AU kiada of I laaadrr work, also eleaalug aad prt ; tag. Pkoao your wsaU to 198 aad w j CAPITAL CTTT STEAM LAUNDRY I Qaality workt prompt oervieo; 1364 Broadway . Pkoao IBS. - - mfAOHZHS SHOP BB CROSS AUTOMATION XLX0TRI0 Stomas boiler, Tmloaaissra aad tab , plates.! Parry C 1 OmmpboB, SIT V. 1 Idborty. -" . j 4 1 WECHTER SMITH' MACHINISTS, I 4 sauta, wldars.: - Haald syliader I f t aVtaAimji sarrioa. Pkomo 562-945 Parry. SECOND BASS tJOCDa I 8ALXM BARGAIN HOUSB BUYS AND I sail seeoao aaa rurnisuxu, soot ana I jtitj 820 N. Cuinmaral!, Pkomo 498 I . WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- I - tag aad shoos. Best prtooa poio. Jsp- ttal Xotoassge; goa.aiortm voanisa-tBOj. Pkoao 1868-W - ...,' : VARXSXT BTORBa " - . ... VARIETY cTTtRB CHINA- wars, glassware, toys, motloaa, amd aaU- llmory. l I l f rr rnatiuCOM NI&HT. I THIMK TMff THIMO US CAM DO l DRIVE MIS CAR INTO BUSINESS CARD Continued 8HIKMAJN. CLAY ft CO PIANOS Bleinwaye. Duo-Art and tkars. Mowa t Maata Honaa, 415 Court atreet. i TRADB YOUB OLD PIANO FOB A NBW victor a Brnniwiek. H. L. Btul Fmrmv nr 0a Masle Dept. ; - OBO. O. WILL PIAjros. PHONO grspha. aewtag machln. aheet maaie, aad piaa Madia. Kopairiag pha graipke aad aewtag assohla; 4S2 State. MUXSXBY STOOXJI COMPLETE LIN TREES SMALL fruit, oruaaaeat. Capital City Nar aery Gov. 488 Orga Bldg. Paoao 75 FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TRIES Paarey Brea, 287 Btsta. PAFERH ANQING AND PAIN TING x PHONB GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSB . decorating, paper banging, anting, ate RelUbl workmsa. TEN CENT KALSOMINB fal aolora; $1 Bsrea. T N. Oom'L PIANO TXnrBBS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI sua taaar. Lost rdora Will's Masir atora, . j. .... : ! a-LUMBINa GUABEB BROS. PLUMBING - AND h sating; general repair. Pboa 550 ;".14 : S. Liberty. . ;! . PLUMBING REP ADZING AND COII : wrkv Pkoa 1S97 J. Shop 1ST Union street. A L. Godfrey. aoAvxoBxa SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse of all kinds removed. Cespool loaaod. Phono 167 or 1007 J. 8OO8 SCAVENGER SERVICE (SCO to Nsal Sosvsngar) Garbage I sad rafma of all kinds remeved by the moatk. Rosaonabl rate.- Pkoae: Offioa S89, rasidoaos 906S. 8TOVE8 AMD 8TOVB WTOVXS REBUILT AND REPAIRED OO yr' xporioaeo. Depot National I feaee. also 26 to 2S la. high. Paiats, Oik aad Tarnishes, stt, logaaberry aad - bob koeks. Bale Faae aad Suva , Works. 250 Court stroot. i Pkoa 184. ; TRANSFER HAULTNO WB MOVE. BfORB AND SHIP HOUSE sold good. 1 Oar specialty U piaa aad . furniture mtovimc. W also make eoaa- try trips. W kaadlo the beat oosl sad wood. Call om mo for pries. W git good meesuru. good oaaBty sad goo4 - aarrtos. Larmor Traasfex Oo. Pkoao SSt MOVING. HAULING AND STORAGE Reasonable figure. W buy and ex ehang furnitur. 975 North Commor i ciaL : Pkoao 688. i CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 888 State Si. Pkomo 988. Distributing, for . warding and storag our 0901019. Got om rstos. 1, '!-. TRAJT8PORTATIOX PARKER'S STAGE LINES . ' J. W.i Parker, General Msaager Central Stats Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALEM-8ILVERT0N DIVISION Leave Salem, Central SUg Trmlmal: 7 a. bu. 11 a. m 5 p. m. Laavoa Silvertoo New Suad: 8 a. m, 1 p. m., 6 p. m. Salem Independence-Monmontk : Division: Lesvea Sslem, Central Stage Terminal: Ti: m, 8 s. mu, 11 a .n 8 p. at. f? 5 p. m.; Leave Monmouth, Monmontk HoUl; ' ?8:15 a. m 1 p. m, 8:15 p. m. ? Lesvea Independence, Besvsr Hotel: '8:30 a. m. 10 a jn 1:15 p .. ; 4 p ja, 8:80 p. as. Leaves Central Stags Terminal, 8 slam, for Dallas st: ".i 7 a. m, 11 a. m. 5:10 p. am. j Lev Gail Hotel. DaUaa. at i 8 a .m, 1 p. m, 6:15 p. m. Wo make connections at Salem to all ' - parts of tha valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. ! f ,, ' J W. PARKER, General Manager. f CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK Central SUg Terminal. Salem, Oregoa 8ALEM-EUGENB Leave 8alm 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a. as.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. m.; 8:15 p. as.; 5:15 p. m.; T:80 p. at. to Corvallis only O.J ' WATXB SALEM WATER. LIGHT a POWER OO. , Offio. 801 Soatk Commoreial 81, Tea pr oaat tUseout oa domosti fist rat paid la sdvsaeo. No dedsetiotM for aboomoo or say osass maloos water lo ahut off your PROFESSIONAL AMXUUUfCB BXRVTCB I1L1K AMBULANCB 8ERVICB Pkomo 868; 178 8. Liberty, i CBXROPODISTB DR. 8. P. SCOTT, GRADUATB VA tieaal Usiverslty SoUmoos, Ckiag , Masomlo Temple. Pkoao 840. DR. WILLIAMS CORNS. CALLOUSES. tntrrowa aaUt; all foot treaklo. Prie : . Eke Co. Pkoao 818. , . : : i CmXMZSB PBTSICZAM ZK. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN Usoaoa. 159 8. Elgk St. Pkeme 898. Story 6 EST (And im thc Imeamtime J PROFESSIONAL Continued SBTTOLESS PHYSlCIAJtS i MAGNET10 HEALING ' DR. i Fraats. Aemt sad kral d Phon 780. i 495 N. Commercial. : " OBZBOPBAOTOBS J DR. H. D; REDMOND. Chiropractor, 825 Oregoa Bldg. Pben 684 DR. LENA A. BOONE,, 475 8. OOMMEB- ciaL Phon 1415 .. W - DBS. SCOTT 8COFIELD, P. C, . Chiropractors. 414-10 U. 8. Bank Bldg Paea ST; rea. S2S-B. , BATUBOPATHIO PHYSI0IAJI1 DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE ANT earoal dlaaaaea; . 418 Oregoa Bldg 110. . J . -. : 1 8TE0PATBI0 PHTSIOIAjri DR. W L. MERCER- OSTEOPATHIC -pkyaieiaa aad argea Kirk rrt lie 'sTradaata, 404-405 Xk 8. National Bank Bldg. Pnoa. of fie Sit; roa, 614. . DR. JOHN L. LYNCH OSTEOPATHIA Pkyaieiaa an4 Burgee. 40S-404 Or gea Bldg. Pheaea. offiee 1394; ran - 5S-P5. :- -. ' . i rmrEBAi. directors SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tara. S10 Cos tar. Pkoa 1656. 1 . OPTZCXAJTS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OV tieal Oa $85 But street, pplU Ladd a Bask Bank. "Us Quality Proven Skar-oaa. MORR18 OPTICAL COMPANY ORB goa Bldg. t Rooms 801 t 804. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 133 " ACRES ABOUT SIX milea Northwest of Salem. 143 acres ia cultivation.' 55 acres ia red clover, ex celentiaad. about 50 seres in AlUkf clover, bic barn, fair kouse, gsrsge, etc well fenced, on rood rock road, eloa I - to school and ator. This will make a fina dairy farm. $65 per acre. Good terms. Half of crop goes to purchaser. Rick L. Reimsnn, Realtor, 229 Oregoa Bldg, pkon 1018. FOR .7 SALE MY 8-ROOM MODERN horn, gsrsge, large -tot snd fine ; bery. oaat front ; am. leaving city. . 828 N. Commercial street,. FOR SALE 5 ACRES, MOST ALL CUL. tivsted; 300 prunes set thU Spring: rood 2-room boss, well sad oat build t ings. Only 9790. Comp ton Real Ea-j ,'tato, 469 SUU 8L ; .. WILL EXCHANGE MY : . LINCOLN county timber, aad . land for - valley property. Address Box 24, Chitwood, Oregoa. . '; ".: . FOR TRADE FOR COAST PROPERTY Thre ranches, all in cultivation, build ings, cheap waUr, no eoeumbraneee; ; near Psystt. For particulars, sddroaa owner. - No. commission. Wm. Beeaon, ; Pay etu.-Idaho. R. F. D. No. 9. , NOTICE OP SALE OP GOVERNMENT Timber. General Load Office. Washing ton,' D. O. May 16. 1928. Notice ia hereby gives that subject to th condi tion and limiutiona of th ;Acta of June 8. 1910 (39 But., 818) sad Jans 4, 1920 (41 SUt, 758). snd Depart mental regulations of SepUmbor 15, 1917 (46 L. D. 447). and ian 82, 1920 (47 L. D, 411), th timber oa th following landa will be sold on June 26. 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m, at public auc tion at tha U. 8. Land Office st Port land, Oregon, to the highest blddar at mot ' less thsa th appraised Vain as ahowa by thia aotiea, aale to bo aubjeet to the approval of tho Secretary of th InUrior. Tko purchase price, witk an additioasl u of 1-5 of ono per cent thereof being eommi.tions ; allowed, mutt bo depoiiUd at tim of ssl. snouev to be returned If sale la not ap hmvmI.. ih.rwi.. utatt will issas lot .w . wti.h Mn.ft vMnavad wlth- ia tea years. Bids will bo received from .l. r-.:.. 1 o...u ....( eitisens of tho United SUU. sssoeio tions of snek citizens, and corporation organised under tho laws of tho Unite 'States, or say SUU,' Territory or Dia r. triet thereof, only.- Upow applieaUoa of a ouslified purchaser, th timber 01 - - ay legal subdiviaioB will bo offr4 separator befor bmsg included Ja aay offer of a Isrger unit: T. T 8, R. 8 E Soo. 1. SW U. . NE U . yellow fir 750 M none of the timbe. oa this tract to be sold for less thai - 91-50 per M. T. 1 8, R 6 K, Sec 28. -NE 4 8E d fir 400 M, yollom ffir 2550 M., hemlock 25 M, moao ot I tho timber oa this tract to bo sold fot loss tksa $1 per M, for th red fir, $2 per M. for tko yellow fir, sad 60 eena per M. for tko hemlock. T. 4 S & 5 K, See. T, SEU SE rod fir 1201 M, 8W H SB red fir 1100 M. none of thai timber oa these trseU t bo sold formless thas $3 per M. T. 1 N, R. 9 W See. 15, NK M HE 4 red fir 1640 M., NW SE rod fir T40 M4 SB A SS 4 red fir 1020 M, SW SE red fir 520 M.. eedar 10 M. SE H SW : red fir 400 X, yellow fir 600 M, aono of th timber oa thfai trseU to bo sold for leas than $2 por M T. 8 a. K, 1 I. Soo. 5. frt. NWIt KI A fir 920 M SE KE A. fir 920 M. 8W-K8 H fir 875 M, frt. KB IH NW fir 750 M, frL NW KW'H Sr 650M, SB NW r 768 M, E K SB fir 880 M NW SB M fir 490 M.. NE 14 SW )4 fir 420 M, mono of th timber on tboso trsctc to bo sold for leas than 91.50 per M. TIS, R. 8 KW Sec. 18, lot 5 red fir 225 M white fir 85 M, cedar 40 M moao of tko timber ea thia lot to bo sold for TMViln hrmiTu KVt 853 VftSi sb fir 2190 M, none of the timber oa these tracts to bo sold for I tkss 91.75 per M. T. I 8., B, 1 t, 8. 8, lot 1, fir 3940 U. I K KE 14 fi 1640 M. KB u se 14 fir 1700 M, NW 14 SE 14 fir 1840 M none of the timb-jr on these trscts to be sold fo leas thsa $1.50 per M. William Spry, Commissioner. General Land Of flee. by 0CTAVUS R0Y C0HE11 TUmtratlona by H. Western. Taylor . p l STAY WITH MC. 0VUATH. MAYB6 I CANY CATCM TMEm FOOCS 6uT I CAN &vr-nai--T pyRbut REAL ESTATE Continued i " i Good Home , : A neat plastered bona of 4 rooms and . sleeping porck, bath, toilet, eleetrie lighted. Oa paved atreet 3 blocks to ear, $2200; $5O0 down and $25 per month.- I also bar th beat bur in a prna orchard, say wher around Sulem. 24 seres prunes with a" good crop ; 25 acres la grain, three or four acres timber. 52 iscrea ia all. at 150 per acre. Pur- . chaser to get one half the crop. There are no buildings, bnt th plae has good springs, 6 milea ut. Se J. A. Mill. 831 Sut St. 4 - VALUABLE, EACH AN0 ES 8 room modern koas ia CorvalHs, $4500, iraaa lor Baiem property. 5-room koas, moatly modem, H sera b bearlag fruit. t2OO0, ia Gardaa Hom trad for ftaleui rroperty. 32-room hotel, ia IconUr of good live tows renting for $108 per month; 812.S0C Trad for property l or around Sales T-rom boose. 2 Ird street. - Trad for 6 room booee !oa la and pay differ . . ! i ' W. MeLAREN REALTY CO.. 180 N. Commoreial St. Pboa 4S0. I '' Special ; N5 room kous, aire lot, oa paved street a good buy for $2200. 4 rooms large lot $1000, with $100 down.-' . 5 nic kts for $1000, will take light ear.--; ; 3 -room house $900. 100 acre of- fina land on good road fos$40 per acre, Uk soma trade. dose in house for rent. - Thomason 14 Sut Street SNAP uooa o room sous, 3 lots, garden ia, oow vacant, immediate possession, price $1800, small payment dows balance lika rnt . . - Another one amall house 16x24, good lot, price $475. Term. - ' A better one. modern bungalow 5 rooms fin location $2800, terms. Another one -V . . m st ssauu. terms. f Sam choie vacant lota $175 snd p :: oeauuTai tuouroao home, one r $2500, three sere $2000; 10 acre .with modera improvement $5500 Una. - For anything in real estate see Child, BechUl 540 fitst street. NIKE ROOM HOUSE $1600! 8 ' ROOM modera ia -every - detail $6000. 12 'room bona close In $6000. 9 room boas $5000. T room hous '$5503. Beaatifnl home $8500. Golden Ea- .Realty Co, f 492 N. Cotugo St. Pbon 1186 Gertrud J. M. P.ge. Best Buys and Exchanges 5 acre best f soil, good for gardenicg, close to Salem, some yooag fruit trees, prunes, filbert and walnuts, on pave mont, 8 room house, bath, water sys- . tern electric lights, mail route, tel pbon bsra; price $4750 wsnt xity pro. 1 perty for part or alL 244 seres. 170 cleared, 15 acres in besring prunes, sil woven wire fenced, mile from rail X'Tuod. town, fair '.Unprovemcnu, we r right for irrigsticn, offered at M rH-v per acre, csao. 10 rc -n modern bouse,' 2. lota, good loca; . priced or a, short time at $3500. . ' Socolofsky v 841 Stat Street. . Woods Bargains . . "Pl? room hous corner lot $900 F -9 room-horn $2000. Five room bucgal , baaement, fireplace, all bailtina, fine t. ..- trie fixtures, oak floor $3250. 100 s eloa in on Paeifio highway '$6500. good. business building $8000. Fire r bungalow to trade for larger house n- ,,iin residence lot Bear , . oaat front pavement paid will t f Pa PT- Fits room bus?: ?Ted bearing fruit trees. $. in. A . line I -J?-.P Pr. Fiaao for kale ct I traoo. ; , rLi.. Wood 841 SUU fct I npTrw ua-ws, bixs is- bt 7 I . Wording -"For Sale. r!nnl - nyi- in oaia, jsquir et. i..,t iu cento ; each. SUtesmaa tns:?. : Offle. Ground Xloor. - v . Must bo mold at one Besntiful fiTe room modem bar gale w at 505 N. 2 4ih atreet, everyj sno!ern feature you would desir. beautiful inside snd ont. $4200 V room modem borne oa Capitol street or $6300, v , ; room new modem bun r low Jot fin--Uhed in. Oaka Addition $6250, $1000 tata. and monthly term ea baune. Winnie Pettyjohn 216 Oregoa Bidg. Stopkf Prices Follow Line cf Least Resistance Ex ' ' change Better r . "NEW YORKj June-5.- Pfica movement m todays stock market threw little light G& the pecula- tlTe tutud regarding the future course of. business. The line of Jeast resUtence seemed to be en the upward side with chief Inter- est centered In a tew n.rlitf a . . ..,1" - ... V and a Belect assortment of steels. I equipments, oils and low 1 priced rails. '. - ' . -? - 'Commission houses reported little public Interest in the market the day's total transactions, with one exception, being the smallest for any full day session thia year. Several times during the coarse cf the day. brokers reported a wlJa spread between the bid and askc 1 prices, 'even of some of the mo: t active, stocks. . 4 . Call money opened at 3-4 p?r cent, but advanced to 5 before the close. Banks' are offering tir money atlL per cent, but brokers seem well supplied and are bidd ing only 4 3-4. Foreign exchanges displayed a better tone. : Demand sterling held fairly steady around 4.62 1-2 and French trncs advanced four points to 6.45 cents. German marks got above .0015 cent, but slipped -back I later, to .0014. t PORTLAfJD MARKETS ) ' PORT3AKI. Ore., Jane 5. Grain lurea: "Wheat, soft white westers l.: June l.Ilj Jaly 1.10- hard winter, r--thera spring western red Jnne, July I Cons So. 2 eastern yellcr---ahi -June 87.25; July ST.00. . Mill run Ja!y Jane fl.Cj. LITTLE If JTE11EST 8 U June 6th,:i923. - . ;