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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1923)
i 11 t si. u ! 1 ti -Annual Picnic H eld By 'V y r -J .JSilverton:HiUs , Club SILVERTON. Or., June 4. f (Special to The Statesman) The ; Hills'-' club held Its annual picnic To know how good a cigarette really can be made .you must try a- for For .. latest styles, m n ri n VNCiQARETTEy ii r-i h h 'r?: .-.tvc X 1 i-A",avS i 1 ill i i - i I k T-siw mavlri nnr deed pleased in being feIlcin8-GrovncPeas,ib: - 15c SvnftsTloiri iSacIis, .Ih. ,- ,226 feon-03, Qt. Can - - - 50c Sesfes tRaisiEs . EaEcy 2 lbs.i-25c Swift's 1aiptefflams":lb, - -25c ( t) ift, Snovdr Extra Quality Broom, 5 Ml im OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON Sunday afternoon at the K. Rue home In tho Waldo hills. The club . Is - mad - up of former- resi dents of Hills " Minn., and include members ..from Portland, Map quam," Wood burn and iSilverton"5 About 7 5 were" present at this re unIon. r A program was given con sisting of vocal and Instrumental selections by Sylvester. Ferdinand, Victor ' and Le Roy ' Rue, and by Olaf and Alexander Borvick, Mrs. Arthur Dahljand Miss Eva Rue each': gave a;' reading. Revi O. Borvick; of Sllverton gave' a talk. Following the dinner and program 'officers were elected consisting of Mrs. John Moe, president; ;ClIf- ford JEtue, vice president, and; Mrs. Ilelmer Nerlson of Marquam secre tary treasurers ;Th remainder of the afternoon was spent- in races and other athletic sports. 8TART PACKING SILVERTON. Or.. June 4. (Special to The Statesman.) The Silver ton Food Products company will ! .start 1 operations 1 Tuesday morning. The first pack will-con sist of strawberries. ! ! , Hiking Trudging - .- :. ' : . . . ... i . ' Women's 14 and 15 Inch BOOTS $5.68 to $10.00 - Lit - , Our stocks are complete showing for camping", field work, etc Narrow to wide widths. ? v See ihem tomorrow nn-BsnLn rin n n in It III) ' K tunnJ nr.nivertarv in Saleci'and we are in- ' able; to 'serve spcan7jia?ajem,andividnity. ; 4 Can - ' Five Deiiveries Daily i ; ?By , MARGPERITE GLEESONr Miss Ruth Schults will be mar ried : today in Spokane to Whit ney. Gill, former Salem man, now located In Anaconda, Mont. .Miss Schults and tier, mother, Mrs. II. C. Schultz, left Sunday for Spo kane, where , they will meet Mr. Gill. '. ;They. were accompanied by bis brother and sister-in-law, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gill of Portland. . ,Miss Schultx Is one of the pop ular members of the younger, set in Salem , and, has been, employed Jor. some time .at , the Oregon Growers, office. 4 During , the war she served as .yeqmanette In ,the Bremerton avy .yards. She, later attended rthe . Oregon Agricultur al, college as pne ofjthe few wo- men entitled Jo -the educational V j 1 ,' high .boots in ' 4- - Cosh stores if J -1 - - 89c lie r 93c , . I ) aid for-arvIc- men- and- women. She Is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. y:'rfy -'1 Miss. Schultx has , been the In spiration for a number of dtH fully informal affairs durlng( the last few weeks4 tt ?C..'.'..'t' 1 Mr. Gill Whd "rwas graduated from! the Oregon Agricultural college In 1921, is now employed In the offices of the Anaconda Copper Mining company. He Is a member of Phi; Delta Theta" and was prominent , In college activi ties during his college course, be ing active especially. In athletics.. HThe young couple will , make their, home In Anaconda at the Alpine apartments. ' 1 ! ' , Miss Edith. Pierce freshman at the University of Oregon, and a daughter ' "of Governor and Mrs. Walter' M. Pierce," unveili-d , the service memorial accepted Friday by b class of 1923 , from the Oregon Agricultural college Av- ard Fairbanksprofessor of sculp ture at the .university, created the ' memorial on the commission of the class ot 1 923. It is dedi cated to the OAC men who gave theirt lives in the service. A committee from'the lasa of 1923 at the Oregon 'Agricultural college, ' went down f to Eugene Friday a.nd .formally .accepted the memorial.' ' : Governor Pierce ad dressed the guests "who :-' were present at a studio tea and at the same time he ' accepted ! for the governor's office a small replica of the foblet which stands seven feit high. ' k Mrs.- O. S." Victor and daugh ter. Miss Malm! Victor,haver Just returned from 'a six weeks visit In ' Southern California . They were?; guests ' xf relatives and friends. Most of ! the time " was passed In San Diego, San Pedro, Lone1 Beach and Loa Aneeles. c ' Miss Esther Sneed was hostess for ai delightful party Friday" eve ning at her home near Auburn The j guests : enjoyed outdoor games and music. -The hostess served a dainty supper ' later : In the evening. " r 1 T " " The " guests ' Included ! Jewel elkk; I Violet1 Coe, Mildred Drake; Mar Jorie - Brown, ' Grace ' f Jasper, Clara i Smith," Esther Sneed,1 Joe, Nee, Merle Boney, Arthur Boney, Leroy Walker, Fred c Blake IL Mickle and Morris jMerrel. f Honoring " ' -the birthdays ; of Mrs.' Biaine 'K. KirKpatrick ana Mis Mas' Hale,' Mrs Al E. Hale of 'B 9 5- Marlon street, entertained with a 'chicken dinner Friday eve ning.!" The ' Invited - guests were Rev. 1 and - Mrs. Blaine' E. Kirk- patrlek and children Truman and Mary Esther; Miss Martha' Haw. tey and Mr. and Mrs. ,H. T- Shanks."7": ' I' LICENSES URGED '; ' ' ' - v i Ministers Would 1 Penalize : Pool ; Hail JHenvWtio . aH ; ;low Minors in Places '" :J. The Salem Ministerial union yes terday adopted a resolution ad dressed to: the mayor and council, declaring their ' conviction r that operators of pool halls who plead guilty to or are found guilty of al lowing . minors in their .places . of business should have their licenses revoked by ; the .city council.' The resolntion follows: " ' - ; Whereas,, the . mayor and the common council are invested with authority to- revoke ; the licenses ot operators, of pool halts who are found guilty . of violation of th'a law. with., respect. to minors, and '"Whereas, : these, aforesaid pool hall operators are fully cognizant of, the law In this respect, and l -f Whereas, the, jnoral well being of the youth, .of our city,4whlch ,1s of . fandamntal.and paramount interest to every-- public-minded citizen, .is seriously, jeopardized by such 1 law .violations, bo it " "Hesolved, that we jexpress it as onr convictlon and belief that owners H and m operators ; of ; Pool halls. who plead ;gaiity .jto,. or are found guilty 'Of,'; the violation of said laws with. respect to minors, have: thereby demonstrated their unfitness, to .hold such) license, and should therefore have such license immediately,, revoked." v ' , -2 r " " -H' r XFarmers in itie Middle West ere likely , to get a good price ;.tor the wheat they .raise this season. In Kansas. Ke.braska and. tbe"Korth west' thousands of. acres usually devoted to wheat have heen agan- doned. and .other crops, put in; la addition, the usual crop troubles are also ahead. The law of supply and 1 demand Is certain to mean better; vttgures for those . who do raisei wheat. . Vr - ; , AVOID , TIIESB STpIPTOSIS "I I was weak and nervous,; had headaches r all' the,' time, and my baek! hurt .so . had I could hardly stoop."- writes Prank' Richardson, Perry; Georgia. r "Tried Foley Kid ney Pills 'and got reUef." ' Back ache! reumatic pains, .tired . feel ing, dull headaches, too frequent urination, discolored or strong. odor, are tymploma.of Kidney and Bladder disorders -and demand prompt .treatment, FtoleyT5Juney- puis;.give aulck .relief. ' RefJisp substitutes. . Insist ipon -Foley s. pd nnnnnniTTirr OHIIHUI-IIIIM ILL 6rand.Array.iMen - Gratified 1 at Successof Memorial v Day -Observance. To officers ana i members of Sedgwick post, GAR. -Comrades: ' ' ! , r Yonr I committee! on Memorial day begs leave to submit our final report, j We have carried out. the wishes of . ttfe post ; to the best of our lability, and-feel highly grati fied iln results, f h 5 : We planned &nd . carried 'out eeveraj I new , departures to what has' been practiced heretofore. It has been the general desire on the part i of; Sedgwick, post to have other military and i patriotic . or ganizations take a more personal leadership ini Memorial, day, and it was 'known . to , this committee that they were only - too' glad and ready td do so. if ...a way was opened to theni. Sa yoilr committee set apart special work to be 'managed entirely, by . these . organ izatlons. either in full on in part,' and re sults (were, most gratifying. t The placing ot: the : flags on the graves of , our departed comrades was placed" In the hands of the Sons i of 1 Veterans and 1 the Daugh ters of Veterans, under;ther super vision of .Comrade . 'Wilson and Comrade Harris, .and. every, ceme tery was visited and markers and flags placed, on -the jgraves of the departed ; '.. and. . it would be an added interest of the, Spanish Am erican War, Veterans and , the Am erican Legion . would adopt some kindjof a marker eo a flag could be placed -on j .their -, comrades graves, j ' j-i.jJj.v. ,r ' I The 'getting -up- of a parade for the ..afternoon , of . -Memorial1 day was placed , In L the hands . of the Spanish , War .Veterans, the Ameri can 'Legion', and Company .F.' .as-' sisted by Sons of Veterans,, wfio, through,. their. committees, planned and carried out .one of, the largest and hest equipped .'parades Salm has had , for years None of pur committee I found Itfneces8ary to meett with (them .or suggest any part fof I their plans, and f filly justifies onr hopes that this work; be given over to 'them, and they have j shown Jtbat; they , are ready to assume the responsibility, j ', Their committees visited the schools and state institutions, and it is gratifying that the city super intendent and all the principals gave- their hearty support. - ' : "There, were" annmber of indi vidual and epllective -efforts to make the day a glorious success. both,- lot the parade and . our ser vices i atj the armory that should be specially noted, yet the services, were 1 given with such good wilt and ai patriotic desire to serve that we think . best not to specialize. However, we must note the' splen did service of the custodian of the armory an a nts. aides in arrange Jngf -fbei armory;' without cost to your committee. , - - i t j- The general interest In . the day was .splendidly,, manfested in voN .untary services, by ; the owners of automobiles, both In: the morning and; afternoon,, and an , increasing Interest,? was . manifested In the beautifying and decorating, of 'all the cemeteries, as. well as the, In dividaL lots. . The, address by Governor Wal ter M. Pierce .was a .masterly ;ef fort. full of jrood helpful thoughts to .cheer a roup of ; Grand Army men, nd ,f.ully, In sympathy .with' the .spirit of -Memorial i day. . and we trust, appreciated by all pres ent. T A, B. iHDPELSON, ( GIDEON STOLZ, : , J. Ji NEUMYRR. Goyernor .Wants Uniforms 5 On (Training School Boys -. i 4 1- v'f. ''V T " " . ' rw f At ! tho ..meeting , of the state board .of . control. Saturday Gover nor. Pierce requested.! M. Gilbert,1 superintendent of rthe1 tate train-' ing, school for hoys, if. possible to" procure ; uniforms for the boys In the institution. r The governor said there- is a snfticfent. amount of- cloth - at the state penitentiary for Nemo1 Setf-Redudng No. 333 ' is a real bargain. It has a low top - arid medium skirt. Made in dur mble:prrJ: or ' Whit lutilr sizes "4 to 36 and ebtt$ only $3iX). r to- CMaiei aa i get it. aena nam, ma- m dt. mimi mmd i. WtVmi the com. K Nimo HyclaadcFaahloa laatitaM I If E.I6thSb. New York (Depc S.) ml 1 ' :U-v"i '?' IH TUESDAY IMORNING, JUNE 5, 1923 T"T'"' 111 i " " in" 1 i hi ii ,i . i , . i i i . t . 4 . , . ,A ...... , the purpose If it can oe dyed a blue, color satisfactorily. ; Tha governor said he had seen the training school boys in the Me morial day parade and -the Indian boys , at the . .Chemawai school j In their uniforms .Wednesday night. and that the wards of , the state suffered - by ' the comparison t. be cause of lack of uniforms. Exercises to Be Held ;in School Chapel on Friday , ; , Evening, June,8 . Graduating exercises of the Or egon: state school for the blind will be held In . the school chapel Friday night, June . 8, - beginning at S o'clock, according: to an nouncement by J. W; Howard, su perintendent. Three "pupils will be .graduated ia tho literary course.' They are Viola. E. Bradley of Till amook, Theodore Howe ' of Hood River-' .and , Herman . ,MacNamer Moore of Forest. Grove. The program will be as folio wf: School song, .'The ; Yellow and : t Blue" ....... , 't7-.y. 'C The. school. "In School Days" . . . . . ,WhIttter' Elizabeth Iliggins "ConBolatiori' . . . . . Mendelssohn 4 ,.J.LrfiuisWaymIre "The Boys" . .'. . . ..... Holmes Playlet, ;'A Garden Cinderella" ' ; Junior chorus. ' Characters: ,: Spirit of tha Gar den, Hazel Hutchison; Luna Moth, Mary cilbertson: West Wind. Charles Burkhart; " Moonbeam. Harold Robinson. Fireflies: " John -Melvln, Chaa. WaynilreJ Ross Sm Ith , Lloyd Pat terson;' Ernest' Ka'gely. ' t - Flowers:' ; Ruby- Conrow, Lillian Marcell, Gladys Baeke, Stella GI1 reath 1 Hilda Beck,' ' Floyd :Holt. Gregor. BUgh, Donald ' Bird, Cecil Morgan,' Robert -TraTer. ,;- . A: , i .rrfe:fTwo. -: : -!'partacua,to the Gladiators" k , Kellogg ; t heodqre ,Howe. ng. Sing ! Birds on the, WtaT.' I 4 ... .... . '. . ,. . , Nutting ',s VIolaBradley. i j i,l -Thought". ; . .... . .. i - --Herman Jtfoore. i "Grandl Valse Brrillant." Op. 18 t;;T. .v. r;: - i : ,-chopin " ; -.Russell Hudson. ; Valedictory ..... . . .......... ' ;" ' viola, Bradley. , , , v,--- '- ' - 1 " 1800 used player 8355. Terms only 810 a month. .Here Is a. fine player, just like new; with rolls and bench.' "Geo." C Will, "432 State St. ' BLO SCHOOL TO GRADUATE THREE For sportwear no garment can be more . appropriate Uisn tLcxs trim, simple jturdy middies. .Tou will appreciateihe eccnemy pf their long wear and washable qualities. THE MOST POPULAR SEYLIZS ARE HERE 10, Years, up) At:ja ' High Qrade Qualities Regular. $t,98and $2.25a Now on Sale '," Yard i' .' f I ' j " -'V- , - ; " i - ' i Everyone knpws this store for its .wonderful, silk values.1 These silks are, 36 inches wide. 'Taffeta is a silk .that can be used for. many things; dresses, blouses, negligees, bloonrs . anct . petticoats. You should . not let this opportunity go, by. ' Included in the lot are plain colors, as black, light i, i , iblue, grey"nayyt and , YOUR i MAIL ORDER - . receives careful atten Jhe post age or express, within .si .radius. of a,hundred 4yxailes. 1 - - ! . . "Comrades Rise" (from "Ell") ......... . . .. Costa "'' Senior Chorus. " Address nd presentation rot dip lomas . . . ; . . . , . Rev.' J. J. Evans. " . ". . Read the Classified Ads. PAY.Ol:Y ' ' w V JL '.'brlninrfattachm.... is;" ESTTi B CT If ..A iiilnii MqentwO Wnf a laSy eMertWKwk. "ft TarrfalM Sm4 WJvx .ll-vm.' -The Torrington- Shop '.The Tanip&$mS&msmYc ?altshec1ii.866 ..223 North Liberty St. r ..rhono 103t Buy Two QrM,ore MI DDI " In Sizes From u ..... ... ,. ,: - i , to 44 Bust Measure, Marked at ;$1:29,! $19, $1.79 ;$1;98, ,$2.49, -$2.98 taffeta; . bnderftJ JBarsain jbthers also . nxivelty checks . in Salem Store 466 State St. JEADCOLnq a - ucitia epoo.. apply freely j-t. j. V A F0 tlti. Oetr 17 MXlonJan Ute i ' NCE you tise this most faithful acrv&nVyoa .Kjhnt,mgl .satiafiwd t go tmcTt to-the tirloj. tim-CQosumlng dradgcry of th dust-clotli-ftiid-Lio-.i. The New Torrington ElctrlcCleanr not only cleti n carpctf and,rugqi bpttef than they have ever been clears 1 - bat 1 does a. score and mora; of. other cleaning an 1 i duat&gftaaks that otdinarily Impose a beary burden en ..your trcrjth, to, say nothing of the tu.dcecsry ho ; 13 t' of ime. tbey demafad, '.'" ! J. v'' 4 pLookf Into. The Kew Torrington.- You efr it to your viown-comibrind feonveriie&ce to.know Ion ithia r 1 iithfuleenrej"eeJiU4f1tyoMr.bOf j. ' CaflM 'write or telephone for a ; , '1 - T ,4 iiiii ) ; - ! ' ; - j Special Prices fancy colors, , ,. 7 . Portland Silk She? 383 Alder St. It- -Sold" everywhere. Adv. -' msmmmcuammmmmmEmXi s - r