The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 27, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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VALUE. ' p
and CAPES are made of this lovely Silk Material
; Satisfying in every particular, it's the quality QC
that counts 36 inches! wide - - - - - V ?
In short this silk will give you complete satis- -faction,
has a lovely crepe close knit weave, colors .
are sand, orchid, grey, tan, brown, navy, French'
blue, black, orange, white, green and shiraka pat-'
1 terns which is in a colorful hit or miss weave.
Your Mail Orders
- receive careful attention,
- We pay postage or ex
press within radius of
hundred miles.
- V(SF7r9 Tone. fQA rue HjjJ,
Salem Store
466 State St.
Portland Silk Shop
383 Alder St.
Nd Funds to List Lots In
fested By tarwig, bays
f in. - r f
For the reason that there is
no state land from which to pay
for clerical work, anch at , list-
. ins infested lot' and names of
owners, the state board of horti
culture apparently is going to be
tnvch handicapped ln; fighting
the earwig pest in Portland. . An
opinion written by Attorney Gen
eral Van Winkle in reply to au
inquiry from the board says
such compensation will hare to
come from sources outside the
'The opinion. I states that ; the
legislature apparently did j not
, contemplate such a situation as
has arisen in Portland in con
nection with the present ear
wig invasion. The wsys 'and
means committee, or a big, part
of it. scoffed at the warning of
experts about the earwig. These
men appeared before, the com
mittee repeatedly and tried to
hammer home the situation, but
did not succeed in getting far.
Also there is no fund specifi
cally set aside to pay inspectors
and deputies to - tight - the. ear
wig, though -there "Is aj general
pest fund from which such mon
ey can be used. j
The following other points are
corered in the opinion:
That county inspectors an.fl
deputy county Inspectors . appoint
ed by the county court upon pe
tition of not ; less than j 2 5 f resi
dent fruit growers of the county
shall be paid by the ; county
court if or their serrices and ac
tual necessary "expenses incurred
In the performance of . their du
ties; tt that the duties of such
county Inspectors and I deputies
are prescribed by . the law, and
are confined to the actual work
required In the abatement or
eradication . of the pest, f
Bell-bottomed pants aire coming
back. But the trouble about that
style of leg! covering Is that it is
almost impossible to tell whether
they are coming, or going. ' i
- .
t s
Open Night and Day
eeeeeeee i
! : .Vi-
Ji (Bood PBaco to Bat
Chicken Diiirief Every Sunday
,11 ;!
Patronize Home Industry.
! ;
: U
1 '!'" '('
- J
. T.)f Get a
. , ' t 1
.,..., . . . , !
!;!( I
At Factory Prices 1
Made in Salem
r I.lasjfs.cturer
,S03 N. Ubcrty Street'
Phcne 1018-11
. (Continoed from page 1) '
from. Portland I will begin at
7; 45 on the morning of June 16
wh,en Battery A will leave swith
its horses and cannon. ' lA spe
cial freight train with baggage
and equipment will preceed this,
train, leaving Portland June 14.
.The second special troop train
north , will leave at 9 a. m oT
June It ! carrying- (Portland units
of the 162nd lnfantryf the Port
land and Hood River units of
the, 186th Infantry and Company
A, 116th engineers: , A third
train will leave 45 minutes later
carrying! units of . the 162nd and j
186th infantry; regiments from
Gresham, Eugene, Medford. Cot
tage Grove, : McMInnville, Silver
ton,, Tillamook, I Dallas and Cor-l
vallis. - . r ? i ": ; .
r May Co Overland i l?1
Hospital Company, No. 167.
Lebanon," may I "be authorized to
proceed -: to i Camp . Liewis With its
ambulances and trucks overland.
In order to : get j the Tillamook
company to Portland in time for
the main specials" t sleeror spe
cial will be run from Tillamook
to' Portland during the night of
June IS. It j is said that ' this
will be' the first sleeper train
over moved over the Tillamook
line. -' --'. -,-
i A tremendous ' amount of
equipment will be taken to camp
this year in response to orders
from Ninth Corps headquarters
at San ; Francisco that full field
equipment be shipped to camp
for use; in the : maneuvers of the
41st combat division which is
being gotten together , for . the
first time since the World war
in which the! 41st was one of
the first divisions ' overseas.
More than 5000 Oregonians ser
ved with the 41st in France.
All Arrangements Made
Issuance of . the. detailed train
schedules yesterday by General
White marks the last step in ar
rangements for the camp, all
other instructions having been
given out and 'only the actual
march order of a few words is
needed to set; the command In
A; record turnout at the camps
is predicted at national, guard
being made to
Arrangements ' are
have "open camp'
the day of the 41st division . pa
rade and review at camp and to
entertain a Urge number of vis
itors from Oregon.: 'The review
will mark the largest assembly
of troops in the we,st since the
W. Chadwick,' president of
the Central Stage Terminal, is In
Centralia on business. ,
Edward Norene of ' Elmira, Or
is spending the wek-end in Sa
lem. Mrs. Norene and their small
daughter, who j have been In Sa
lem since the May day prorram.
will return ' with him to Elmira
this evening.
Mr. and'MrsJ John Apple of In
dependence were Jn the city yes
terday. ;'V.''if ; ; C' v
Sarah May Smith, employe of
Klett's cafe, left last night for San
Francisco where she expects' to lo
cate. ; J
John Smith of Shaw was a visi
tor to Salem yesterday, after a
business trip to Portland Frldv.r
OrUdn Womenls dubs Will
Make. Special Effort to
Entertain Visitors i
1:30 p. m. Sharp
411 N. Front St, at Center Street Bridge
6-hole range ; 4 beds, springs and mattresses ; 3 burn
er Perfection oil stove' 2: heaters; 2 lounges; large re
frigerator j4-hole cook store; dak extension table; 8 diners;
2 kitchen safes; oak chiffonier; 4 oak, rockers; 2, stabd
tables; 31 yards brussels carpet; oak library table; oak
settee and chairs; mahogany settee; large oval plate,
mirror; oak high chair; 6 good dressers; reclining chair;
3 2 pedestals; window shades; .pictures.;: clock; lawn
mower; hose; bird cage; kitchen utensils; dishes; fall
leaf table; small rugs; screens ; tools and' many other ar
ticles. Terms cash, i i ; !
S - j- y : f r i ' .
, t Sale Tuesday next, Ma 29, 1 :30 p. m. :
Where f .Corner Front and Center at bridge. .
0. A. CAJIPBELL, Owner
411 N. Front St. i
F. N. W00DRY, ,
The Auctioneer
High Grade Piano and Furniture
Friday Next, June 1st, 1:30 p. m.
-1355 State Street
Aeolian Player Piano, Bench and Music,, in mahogany
case, like new; overstaffed tapestry p davenport and
rocker; oak library table ; 4 oak rockers ; pedestal jar
diniere and fern; oak hall; tree; 3 good Axminster rugs
9x12; 1 Axminster rug 7x9 ; also 3 small rugs; round oak
Extension table and 6 diners; 3 bedroom chairs; 2 child's
rockers ; childs ; nursing chair; kitchen' stool ; breakfast
table'; brass " bed ; steel I spring 'and silk flosa mattress ;
Circssiari walnut bed and dresser with spring and mat
tress; oak dresser ; oak chiffonier; child's chair; sanitary
couch; lounge; opal 6-hole range; 2 burner gas plato ;
kitchen utensils; dishes ; one-minute 'electric . wash ma
chine; 2;wash tubs; garden tools; boiler; hand vacuum
sweeper ; garbage can ; empty fruit jars ; pictures ; lace
curtains; electric toy train, new"1; 50 ft, garden hose, new;
4-blade lawn mower, new; carpenter tools; bath' room
-cabinet, "home -canned fruit, dill pickles ; sofa " ' pillows ;
clock; electric light globes; jardenieres, and many other
articles. . Terms cash. ' " .;
Sdle next Friday, June 1, 1:30 p. nu
- Tell your Friends About This Sale
Owner, 1355 State St.
i The Auctioneer)
- - " - -Phone 511
If you want an Auction or sell your furniture" tj
iL I.- , See Woodry". r .
The slogan r 'well as comnand
of the Business and Professional
Women's club 1 of j Minneapoll3,
"Pack fqr Portland." Is but. a hint
of the, activities begun early by
these v various organizations
throughout t the': country for a re
cord attendance at tbe national
convention to be held In Portland
in JuJy. The transportation com
panies are making special prepar
ations as to routing In order that
the best scenic attractions possible
may . be afforded those in many
Instances making the trip to the
Pacific coast for the first time.
In order properly to put before
these1 visitors 'the : Wonderful re-
soarces of the northwest, various
civic ' organizations In all north
west states are planning special
efforts to this end, which is also
trne of Canada. The local organ
ization is ( cooperating with all
other Oregon clubs with the view
to this state doing full justice to
the visitors who will tax Portland
for accommodations as no other
women's convention has done.
Every city in Washington through
which t"be convention trains past
is cooperating enthusiastically
with Seattle, with its five strong
women's organizations to convince
every attending delegate and 'snem
ber that Washington Is strictly on
the map bo far as hospitalities and
resources are concerned. Oregon
is being urged to do likewise.
(Continued from page 5)
Haste Is Urged
It 13 especially urged on all Sa
lem Sunday school superintend
ents, by Fred" DeYrles, president
of the Marlon county association,
that if they have not already ap
pointed their committees for the
annual Sunday school penic June
16, they do It at once. It is only
two weeks from next" Saturday
until the picnic date, and the time
is short enough for the large plan?
already toeing ! made. Governor
Pierce is to be the principal Speak
er at the celebration, which is to
be held at the state fair grounds.
winter Prior to . Mr.
coming Senator Mclaryj
several days in the
trlct. ' .
Cobs Bay dls-
Station at Ontario
WordVhaa been received from
Secretary of State Kozer that he
and T. A. Raf fety, chief; state traf
fic Inspector,' have established a
station afc Ontario for the regis
tration and licensing of non-resident
automobiles. Stations have
now been established at Medford,
Salem, Portland and! Ontario.
Others may be established.'
Rape for hog pasture should not
be pastured till it Is 10 or 12
inches tall.'; After it has been
erased down to four or five leaves
to the plant the hogs should be
changed to anptherj pasture and
the crop ! cultivated. Alter a
short timet It ea'n be pastured
againLO. A 1 .C. Experiment Sta
tion. . (-,.-. i-' ; i t I.
Of course work doesn't kill any
body,' but'' it's "often very annoy
ing.-- : l ' :- ' , '
Woman Fined .
Hester Thorpe was fined $p in
the police court -yesterday for
Chief Forester Comtng
Col. W. Et, Greeley, chief natio
nal forester, will be in Salem June
5 to confer with United States
Senator McNary on reforestation.
Senator AfcNary is chairman of the
special reforestation committee of
the United States senate. and is
to participate in a number of con
ferences on the Pacifie coast be-
t ore hi3 return to Washington next
if -
The reason is baked
in every loaf
Leaving too little room be
tween plants In the home vegeta
ble garden hinders full develop
ment j Thinning may oftea t
made unnecessary by careful and
more uorm sowing of see j, if
too thifilc the plants shouU ,' be
thinned Ibefbre they begin . to
crowd each other and grow tra
der and weak. O. A. c. Extesiloa
you a
the Wrong Latitude
llfornla, where all the
are ranches, a distrectai
approached a country
With the" inquiry, "IUvs
monkey wrench?"
." replied the Portuguess
"dia is a cow ranch."
of the A ME.
' : - yy' X.y. - ..:-t
t x TELL dressed women are
more and more realizing
the importance of the corset as
the costume foundation.. An
ill-fitting corset will mar thef
effect of the handsomest gown,
while a well-fitted corset will
give? even an ordinary garment.
lines of grace and distinction
Warner's Corsets are conceded 1
to be among the mostrpref erred
corsets bf fashionable America.
i KMW:
' m in i iii I nil
Prices $1.25, $10, $2.00 and up to$5
Commercial and Court Streets
: S)' 0 W n k.y
To The People of Marion, Polk a:nd Yamhill Counties ;;;
Everybody has heard of the stidden
our Eugene Stock to Salem
Announcements Have Previously Appeared Explaining ; This Action
are now going to oegin a cuspos
in a ten day sale
Which avUI obo inclade our regular complete lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing era Furnishings,
Ladies' and Girls', Furnishings, Shoes, Groceries, Ladies' f(eadyto-voear9 Yard Goods of ell hinds;
Household Goods etc, in fact everything in the 'entire store will be affected. I ;T
The $10,000 Reward wUl be distributedio the
People of Marion, Polk and Yamhill Cduntiec
f jf-'-'-i j tt ' 1 -77 " It 7' :7 . y: " '. 7 V ' I-' ' 'A i ' ":7'- I ' 7 7 j - :77:-!t ' ; , ; t . . -
In a most genet ous form of pre reductions that will be a sensational
money savings. i , i
- ' 4 I H- "
r:ci :co:nr,OL