The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 26, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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1 " V
iSeretary of .War. Weeks Says
tanning Army ri oo small
I.-1- , ft .1 A '! .... i .
Tn ftrrntMich What-it lef6011 Friedman,' one. of the Americans held by the Shantung
Intended For
f 'cre Spent for Gum and
Candy Tjian For De
i fense, Secretary States
Tne standing army ot the United
States ranks 46th a the list of
actl?e 'armies of tlie "world and
!s , "too small 1 to
accomplish J
a. a. a .'
.""enaea xor n vt ao, ,
tsecreiary ot , war jonn w.
MUsaia.aoaisat..iiuaaaitMaeii or war in the Near EaBt
dress at pubUc banquet given j
cry . me Associanon , oi uie A-rmy i
w uniiw BiM. . , I
- ni presents standing ; . army
"should, M .brought back at the
earnest, porssiDie date to tne tnm-
Smunv of 150 000 enlisted meit
and l.opo omcers," the i secre
tary sal(L, r n '.y ; rf
i "That we are spending 85 per 1
cent t ar Duogec iot military i
purposes t Is utterly false. The
official report of the budget
spent tor national aerense. we
are actually spending much less
to maintain -a modest defense at
;the top ot the present hill than
we are for '.maintaining hospitals
and operating ; the ambulance at
the bottomiof the last bin.'
H " ; . "; Army Upkeep Small '
i.j "AnalTsis of : the oTernmen-
J tal . expenditures jln 13 of ; our
: largest cities shows that approx
t Imatery 2 ' 1-2 cents t -every 'dot
i dar of taxes .is- spent 4 for the
I -upkeep of - our army and . about
six cents for anfiy: and nary to
r gether. ,In other ' words If the
so-called peace lovers succeeded
(n their ' efforts to abolish com
toletelv our military; forces, the
result would merely reduce th I
dollar or laxawon ,
-1-2 cents. Such a bargain is not
- - . ... - 1 . i tit I
Important enough to warrant de-
parture from tno leacmngs
..the leaders' of : the past ana i
irom tne.oDvious aiciie oi
wisdom or tne presenu
irue spirit- of economy relative
to war is to eummaie or
crease, the cost of war by PynS
the Insurance rates oi proiecwon i
against such; a - calamity, j f. t
tPinallv there haa neen aia--lM, v.r. in lot
strange recurring tendency to be-1
little the importance or . ana xo
attack the maintenance or tne
.national guard ( wave . T
thought of; the enaunng nisiory
of your guard ? s Althougn yours
Is one of ! the v comparauveiy
younger aUtea some ot the units
nf von r state rorces nave n-
tOry of nearly three quarters
a century of constructive -w-
1 - Host Be United
"Am lonr as the American peo -
tv aides against each other
we may be I confident that they
win arrive at safe and sane con -
- ir : nAt-mltted to decide
. tiuwua. - . .
-hAi rtlanntes witnout exieraat
Interference When external in -
nmwai the balance to
... .U. nr the OlDSr. ll a uu w-
r time for na to forget out
riiffarencea and eject me quwu-
. nnnui Partisan
rftlves- we must . be
nitMl before the , woria.
Mm. -a!!(l actlTllT Ulli
rease. It nas -
o. fAre with nubile opin-
: . 1 t . ,
A .Lw. i.tiAn of militarism
-tm ao freduentiy orousu
that 1" , ..
again., or MrJ
WnO wuu -7 . - .
TTf Aiwa If 1 fln ' IDTtrv
7. -
"ga which we b-
. . - TTT a W 1 m TTl 111 LAI 1B1U
- 111 m
t (nA Tftiiance upon bwwum
Ject i r BB ..r: . r
tirnose.-Militarism t among
(Continued on.pageS)i
: r!-zl:.!:.:
OREGON: Saturday, showers;
moderate southwest' winds.
Maximum temperature,' 62.
Minimum temperaturep 48. .
River. 2.2 feet; falling.
Rainfall, .01 Inch. -Atmosphere,
tart cloudy.
Wind, southwest, ; ;
drawn up in legal formi and witnessed by two of his fellow
captives j i AiK I-j ;-:.
H .
. .4
Peace or War in iNear ast
uepenas on i urK- nepiy i
Delegates Admit - ';
LAUSANNE, May . ,27. (By
The Associated Press.)- -The. sit
uation t&Shi?Yi& Near East con
ference continues extremely crlti
lcJtL . the -delegaUons jUlmlt-
tft(1 toda that the question of
depends upoV the nature of th
Turkish government's . reply to
the Greek offer ceding? the town
nf Karachateh to Turker ' In
place of the cash indemnity de4
manded by the latter. The -Greek
ofrer, It la learned, also Includes v
a ; BOrt of railroad leading to
the -Bulgarian frontier.
The European powers, through
their representatlTes 1 here, . are
exerting the greatest pressure on
both the Turks" audi Greeks to
Haydn's "The Seasons"; is
Attraction tor Annual i
May Festival
The volume of 400 volees sing
ing in unison the thrilling chor
uses from Haydn's oratoria, "The
! Seasons," is the treat in store tor
fliilom f n!V i fftnfht . Thn niiS!l
. . CiB;rtn1 a-i m fA-
" ww J
UTal to be held -in the armory.
i. i,.,1.i w.a h.M iat
n, . fc the three soloi8t8 Mr8.
Mjane Burns Albert, John Claire
Mrtt 'trtt anA tnrua Mni ; n
i0f Portland.' present.
More than KOmembers of the
Monmoutn ch0rus sweUed the
numbers last night. The Mon
m0uth chorus Is under the dlrec
tlon of Mlgg Helen I Moore, di
rector of music at the normal.
f iBteMi.-. - WOrk . under Miss
Moore.. direction, and the result
of va8 , easfly observed 'last
,Tne chonw numbers this rear
i are more Spritely ; and, thrflllag
i tha those! of The Creation
1 whlcll WM given last year. The
mmWi flf th eomm ttM .in
I charge reported last sight that
while the ticket sales were -good
there were still many good seats
I available.
l Those who have heard Mrs Al
i'bert aing either here or in Port
land fwW be happy to hear her
1 again tonight, and others hearing
I her for the first time will be
1 , ,'; ,
1 coarmea uy ner winwng pruu
. . - 1 f
1 aiixy ana nr niojemer pieaswg
l vole so well suited to oratorio
1 wui , ,
John Claire Montelth, like Mrs.
. w uiuuiu.i w
I Salem audiences. Hla voice - was
heard. last year In "The Creation'
J" j "u'
uina icucuhu u'6"'-i "
lust as weir received this Year.
1 - : .
Impressed 8 those who heard him
i "
aT.tilln hi mtA 'Itla vniM la
,uU and pleasing in quality.
I n Tt Of-. . Atrrt ti
I a - waa
liL t Im .VI- V
anssr i'liiiriia hekiu ausn icbi aauu liir
I aw .-w- 3 W ' ;
Salem Symphony orchestra, also
- -
MmiinlmeBts for the chorus.
Miss :Ruth . Bed ford Is pianist for
the soloists.
Fourth of July Will be
. Xelebrated in nsnverton
.' SILVERTON, Ore., May 25
'( Special to the SUtesman.) Sil
verton is to celebrate -the Fourth
of July this year. The celebra
tion will be ln charge of the Del
bert Reeves Post of the Silyerton
American Legion. .The plans are
already under way and It : Is re
ported that the celebration will be
larger than that of last year which
drew between - ten and fifteen
thousand people to Sllverton from
the surrounding towns. ' .. ". . "
' ' ' ( . ' k ' '. mm- ' :: -' 1 -
(By the Associated Press)
; . : ; ' -v-. :
. Friedman's wlllr which: . was
brought out by J. B. Powell, Am
erican publisher of Shanghai. Te
leasea on paroie as a messenger
to carry .,what the (bandits say; are
their:- "flaal ,'terma" t bequeaths
everything he owns to his brother
Max-; Friedman -of Shanghai. .The
testament was -withessed y , Pow
ell and O. D. Muaao, Jtallan attor
ney who also -is oDe of the prison
ers. - .' . 1 ' ,v?;f fi -I'Ur;
; i Powell, as tbe bearer of the bri
gands' "last word" is to partici
pate here , In -all-night, conference
with foreign consular, officials and
Chinese government officials.
"1:,.. :" ";" ":: " T7i
turn to their; camp 't within : ?4 1
nours. inree nriganas ot -iesei
- ! . . . ' . I
I i I 7 ,7T7
enlng their, cordon about the ban
dit', hill retreat.
American Port Authorities
Cannot! Curtail . liquor f
- Brought m Britain
f 1. B
WASHINQTON.i Jilay , 25.-(By
The Associated Press,) Great!
Britam's Oaitlon om' the i ;ships
liquor question. : as compared by
the British ; emDassy,w ,unaerr
tf,. arfrn JTort author-
!Ive T JuSdKIon mta
ternatlonal law , over : liquor
brought Into American waters as
a part of the regular supplies of
foreign vessels. i r i
The authority of American of
i - . t .. a
c., u, v P?i
cargo of foreign', ships which are
intended for importatlo nlnto the
United States and in no way per
mits of Interference with either
the physical mechanism; rations
or stores' of such vessels when
they- put '. Into American ports.
ill ilDIAl LUkGIIi
Reforestation to be Subject
of Senators Address
Jt's ; going to be mostly : a
bo wvou; . '
feast of reason and a How of
i f!nm.
OUU1 gt 1,117 vuau wa w iww
itrnniii nrwm
; o.t rrh.ri - ; Me-
tstp, a tha audience bn
Reforestration.' f t ?
There are men who believe
that a tree Is like a snage,
made to he rougnt ana xuiea,
and that there'll always ne
iMtw f a. there are of
snake, and skunks. There are
millions of others who don's be
lleve or care anything whatever
about trees: 70,000 of ." tnem
drowned In one town by f the
Yellow River flood in China
last year, a flood that 1 came
from the glaring, deforested hills
of the Celestial; Empire; : a bil
lion aelflsh fools before f them
tAn hMti fntsrated In trees
aaaaaa a . wwv w - - - -. -
nt tj tre ts" "V1',
has experience with forestry . pro
grams v in congress, and ; he is
able to tell Oregon a .lot about
trees that most of the old timers
do not know. He can t ien
ail in naif an nour, ouy
ten a' billion -dollars'i worm tui
they follow . ms aovice. ;
1.t. fv1a .
alt won t hurt the enawrai
address a Ml w sup "r MW
. - . Pk
.. -. v... a naolil
WionMiwu lu " - rr -
ji : it... ti.. f i ! l mi npn -
Vr and au'tne
: ; T l .. r.
later comers can omy w..
i . . . . . t
Heretofore, tne '
set for only 10 -guests, uoosa
o will c ivm. -"v t
ei a MnnniT.ntu., auo , uuvu ui...y,.. - -
This time, there wm oe aaamoa
1 . mnm
for 100 In f all,
enough to reed tnat numper
.... . .
satiety. -
foreala . and . alL , -
, mom
i Kail Leaders, rrogressive
BlOC and Aaricultural ReD
LcZmKx, I ' wlnld Prnl
resentati ves ' Would Pro
tect Public!
IS DISCUSSED TOPICfeaW H had been reported to him
I t
, 1 ; : .
Rate Of Returili On Railroad
invesxmems oranueu uy
Sweet as Unjust
CHICAGO. Mav 2. (By the
Associated Press) Railroad lead
ers, representatives J of the prog
ressive "bloe"j in, congress, mem-
.tttiral nreah-1
ernment -ownershlD of the rail-
. . " .- . .... ... -
- -..M erB todav. oritan-1
lied the "conference on rauroaa i
Valuation" for the announced pur-j
pose -'of -promoting and protecting 1
"public Interests' in the valuation j
of railroad property. V -s t"' )
Approximately 300 lntiteddel
egates from all parts of the coun
try-meeting in xecutlve -sessian
this afternoon, following avtwo-
hour' pdblie gathering- th'W morn
ing, named;. Senator. RobertiT'-La
Follette of Wisconsin ' (Repubu
can) ' iermaiient chairman of the
conference, and Represehtative W.
Logan; l)emocrat. South 'Caro
lina, secretary. i ':
The meeting today was the out
growth; Senator La Follette al4
at a public meeting of the confe
ence. "of the Progressive leaden
, ....
v"? y.VV -
lwaB - .' - 1
j,.; &abL
-r - -r m,:
railroad property -now being made
T the InUrstate commerce comi
pose ot preventing excessive ap-
tralsal of the properties Which wm
result tn unreasonable charges tor
transortation. ' ; ,
2. To takjB steps through the ln-
terstate commerce commission and
the courts and elsewhere to re-
quire the -commission" to -act in
strict accordance with -the pro-1
vlston of the interstate commerce
act In determining the valuations
of the railroads.-
Z. To brganise, toainUin and
support such proceedings as may
be necessary to "accomplish "the
foregoing .'alrafl.
: Governor-Mayor Speaa:
AmOnz the delegates ?are three
United States senators, three gov -
ernors, 11 congressmen, repr -
tatlvMi of railroad or utility com -
missions of four states, ' personal
representatives f of the governors
of Your additional states, leaders
of vortuallv all railroad labor or -
eanizationa affUiated - with; thet
f.r -- V
Big Four- rotaernooas. aua operatros togetner and gave
American Federation of LaAor.
.Mimnn n tha pinmh TiUn laaane
ennnsnra nf thn Plumh .nlan lsaxoe
i tr - -. - .
i ana .spokesmen r
1 attofla Interested In transportation.
I r . . . i
I - Mayor Hyian Of rlew York and!
I dovernor -Sweet of Colorado were
I the speaker t the public session
xooay. majroruw, wu Ji"T V".IbIch: 'they might register the
l T ".'Kl
"""" 'rJ . ..7
wenij i wtuuoBiur ; w v. ....
before the country," -and that he
oeiore ;, . -
was heartily In sympathy with the
aims of the conference.
) 'J i " - f I
t . - - 1
UWaldo Hills Farmer tlecled
Distr.ctDelteate, Cover-
Mng-:S1 Counties1
W. H.
Downinr - ot Shaw,
promtnent Waldo
Hills i farmer,
lwa(, tail eierate? of tne ninth
- - ---------
I aiSiriCE Ot ,U5UU vw-
. , , ,
m in v nfiii w i tin v . kl luu v-v.
I . . T " 17.. -
I lair. KTOUUaa. . IBS iwdm" !
l .7 . t- a mimA
nn meeiuiE u uui uisc ,
imroai, iuwu .
Mr. Downing rwa.l elected over
Iti A. Jones, of .Mallear. the
-- - -
1 wa tiavinflr bean- nominated iln
1 -:-ri.rLn;i 'i...i -wnaira
- "'""Zi' Jf:,....
.- - . L . ... . .
- i .
; inn visa jiiNfii iiiiih aa.ii i a m, ai m i
-- .
liuinfltlH . ft . , f
lwr- - nu-m s.
I-. i., Kai
- oa ' BUl ' " vv"r
Free Admission to Speedway
t: Denied ! Distinguished
i ;' Guest-Maor Insulted
T - - - - k v
Mayor Shank of Indiananolis to-
day stopped n . cobperation be
- tWBe the cUyjroTernment and in-
dlanaPOs fmotor aeedway man-
agement Ja preparationVjfor the
memorial day race, th mayor x-
suit to a flistihguished visitor lrt
our city.
Jtbat admission to . the speedway I
iwas reiusea united states benator
tne mayor, m company with a po -
lice Official. -; i I
f'Tdu1 go back and tell that big
stiff (the mayor) that ft will cost
him B0 cents a head for any' one I
(he sends out here' a gatekeeper
' was 'quoted as saying, n
The Mayor said he appealed to I
Theodore Myers, general manager I
" eoway. ana inac no re-
'"What the gate keeper said. goes
for me too." " ;' : " ' '
- rCltv wtredt -' ritline- machines
used to oil Toads' leading to the
grounds have . been withdrawn.
there 'j will be no -police detailed
from 'the city and no- ambulance
service, the mayor declared: Only
Tire protection -will be afforded.
Three Charged With Allow
2. ing .Minors .Inside
" Licenses in Danger
As, the result ; Of arrests made
morning : and evening : two local
poolroom BPrators may lose their
l Repeated violations of the ordi-j
i nance which forbids4 poolroom
I operators to allow minors to Ire -
iquent tneir places or ttuuness, -in
spite ot the fact tnat Mayor John
B. Glesy gave all poolroom own-
Urs ;.-falr warnine at the Waning
j of the year; is Qderstood 'to ;be
the basis Of arrests TBade yester-
I day.
i; -Three Are Arrested
I -William Incite -was the -first to
be' brought before Judge Poulsen
yesterday. He, was arrested , by
officer Smart or the local force
I for allowing a minor to frequent
I his place of business. Inglis took
I 94 hnnm in whiih tn niii
1 1As the sult of arrests made
1 irat ;night by Officers Olsen. Bless-
t 1--. n An.Kh. : 4,-
hall at ' 9KR fitnt. Tn'nt nnrr
1 t0 a cnarge bt allowing two
h , STl,w ,
- . fiorf tt
them fair warning that TtolaUonl
1 . i - - . I
1 . ji ; i
iui. uo tiij uruiosucea in , regara
jto llqnor, gambling and allowing
I fv,. i.. v...
tuutvi a a vuoii yiabco wa uuouivoB
iAjlt vnn1. Ktt ..ri,.
i wj i-M-f-
I names of those who appeared ,un-
der 21 i years old: In the event
- , minor reristered hla nam
?,!m " l !f!
on the tablet, stating that He was
;,,,. ,: n -
2 1, 1 liability of. the , poolroom op
erators wouia . cease, , it . was ex
plained. : However, .records ahow
that since Uiat Ume.very few ns
WAS t-a Vaa Vuam amm!wa1 - a'fl
pects havebeen requlred to .affix,
- 1
. In all probability, unless .those
arrested ..yesterday . can absolve
themselves . from blame, their li-
censes will be revoked .at the next
meeting of the city council.
The funeral of Mrs. Ada Knnts-
Williams, who died early. Friday
moraine after several months ilL
ness. will be held todav from the
nirrinn mnrtnirv f 920 Ttm-iai
I ""' v-..,.
r tirtm.n. i. ,,a vI
f ; - tt -txrnii-
mw 4 M,Mfl, -
a r au mauiw. aaa imi vuvm hi
I j t.l ita? ---it.
I "' runiQ nui, miCTi
I ,i.4awi --r i-A . ! c.i.....
i ..omis. m i o a. v. dvu.uiiui vi
i o
Irene BKuntx of Salem
Mrs. Williams returned eariv In
! the winter from Manila where she
I .: w rt.w m bt
r., - ha
- I . . .-t. i a t Kt
. . -, . - ... -r
b w - atv a.aa Ma a aafeaau a maw
I . . .. . .
were teacners in tnegovernmem
schools near Manna. They Tisited
in' R-m- Tr'irn lMt.K(iTm.
I - -
L 0
LONDON,' May 25. By the Associated Press) The
new administration was completed tonight and is in readiness
Uft 'mpe narliament which1 reaKsfembba Mnndavl
fri,. nffirikl list nf ihd
tonight ahoW the,netin change:ta.penliitisr thCsubsti-
tutiqn of Lord Robert Cecil as
I Bonar Law? who had held! this
premiership and the promotion
John C. C. Davidson, to a place
cellor of theduchy of Lancaster. , There have "been" a few
change in rjdmr,otticot but otherwise
:rrnr - ?z. -irr-
"ivsc niiu uau wa& uijuuiu uciuic iu.. wvuai t-tx rr icu
dered ,his resignation.
Myreoiilcni rurjr nepayilieni
of Costs of American
Army in fihineland
PARIS, May 2 5. ( By Associat
ed Press.) .Following a two hour
1 session, during which .alterations
were made in the text as previous
ly drawn," the agreement, between
the United States government and
the allied powers providing for
the .repayment of. the costs of the
j America army in the Rhlneland.
was- signed today. 4 ' ,
The agreement,- which has tak
en three months . to negotiate,
does not include the clause, to
which the United States delegate.
Eliot Wadworth objected, namely
that the allied J should . have the
right to abrogate 'the .agreement
in case the" United States sousrht
tn recover vrar damapa direct
a3 signed may be summarized as
follows: -
The net cost of the army of
I occupation, about S250.000.000 is
1 to be paid in 12 equal installments
I witnout Interest, the first of which
I shall -be due On or before Decern-
Hr 31, 1923.
I . Foi
Far the first four year period
; continued on page 2 )
Grand Marshal AbramS Re-
hnrtc WflVP nf Fnthii I
HV' lt ! Ul cJ,l.,IUbT
asm in balem School
i " Plans for the Memorial . day
I parade are being .perfected rap-
wr ano - uoi. .uarie- Aorams. tne
grand marshal, is feeling .elated
If thf PJ0"- Lettfffe
been sent. to all the -natriotic or-
i . - . a
I . ii - ,7-T -.
nd very gratifying responses
- -
lae being made.
I Yesterday was quite
day.; for. the . colonel - as he. had
three , patriotic .addresses to make
and ! his -reward was to wave a
patriotism that, roused his young
u ,e B Mir-:Mm uiSu, u.Uw.u
"hool and Willamette university
hearers' for Salem High, Lincoln
! r"7 ; "u";74
I haTe U agreed to Uke part. At
a meeting witn the principals 01
ell the schools there was a
ready ' response and a . feeling
- L' would like to r . have
their respective schools well -re-
"il ' fAt ' 1 1 ho,T Tl'wlnArr Iflil T.Ian
tenaQt pi WfelIas rbo fcaTe the
university and college and .'school
sector 'in charge 'are untiring in
their - efforts fto have - their sector
the best ever. - Major James
Dusenbury who has charge : ot
the military land patriotic : order
sector is putting :forth -every ef
fort that be ?can to hring tnia
P' to 'all ; that can be expected
- lr t- Jing Bing Hamilton nas
I assured.; the major that he ean
lioog ior . tne unemans out in
run force,
The different -orders that take
nart hare everr assurance that
thev will be well looked after
a v
I ..- th ranit -marshal has 'an.
"- o -
t,!il for nrnnr attention
i --t .-- .
The Boy Scouts that compose
I part of the military sector will.
It Is hoped. , make quite a show
ing and are Invited to Jhave
I float showhae the - scout activi-
While thli la to be" a Memoria!
i j ;-.
- -
i prno :j . iui wuiiu.i.i.w wu.
to see Tevery nne tnalem have
a part - In honoring - the 'heroie
J ,
n1 rthr A-ftMaU toA
lord privy seal for Andrew
nortfolio in addition to: the
of Mr. Bonar Law's secretaryi
in the jrovernment as chan-
w b'tJ
- Ministry Announced
The British ministry headed by
Stanley - Baldwin, ' prime minister,
is as follows: .... , .-,: t f
- Prime minister and first lord
of the' treasury, leader In the
house of commons and chancellor
of the exchequer, Stanley - Bald
win, ; v if... " . .; .:..-.' -.- J;..i
. Lord -privy seal Lord Robert
CecO. . .;;.--.:;-. - - ::-, : .
Lord president of the council-
The aMrquis of Sallshjiry. : '
" t Lord . Chancellor--- Viscount
Cave. '".'
Secretary for home affairs-
Right ' Honorable W C. Bridge-
man. - f c ,-....... ' -U' : ;-:.i
Secretary for - foreign affairs
and-leader in the houge of lords
r t net laxquis. qr.uuKQn, i h
Secretary for the colonies the
Duke of Devonshire.- ' -
Secretary of state of war the
Eart-ot Derby. .. '- " '"
.Secretary of Btate for India
iViseoant 'Peel. '. r - r"
rSeeretary df state' for ail
Right 1 Honorable Sir J Samuel
Hoare. , . .-'
' Jlrst lord of the admiralty .
Right Honorable Lv S. .Amery.
President of the board of trade
Sir Philip X.loyd Greanxe.
President of the board of health
--??eviTle Chamberlain.- r - i
President. of. the board. of agrl-
culture-rrRlght Honorable Sir Ro
bert A. Sanders.'" : : :-
Secretary for Scotland Vis
count I0var...J.ii:..j -,
President of the board of ednca
tlon sRighf bllnorable .E.VF. I
Wood. ",- ,fr.-. - V;-r'
Minister of labor Right Honor
able Sir Montague Barlow; - .
n Financial secretary of the trea
sury- Sir Williata Joy nson-iHIcks.
xne - toregofng constitutes the
cabinet, y Other members of the
government. are: -t x
Minister .of pensions Right
Honorable M a jor- G. 'C Tryon.
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan
caster John 'Colin Campbell Da-
vldson. ' t " - ; : ;
First . commissioner .of works-
Right honorable Sir John "Balrd.
Attorney general Sir T. -W. H.
Insklp. . ; i -.5 "
Paymaster general Major
Arcsbibald.Boyd: Carpenter."?
Solicitor general for Scotland
F. O. Thomson. f
' W"
Would Rennite Party
Stanley Baldwin, the new prime
minister,. In assuming the post o
head of the government had two
objects in view: First, to 'Obtain
a stronger government than that
under Mr. Bonar Law and second
if possible - to t reunite the conser
vative party. To some extent he
Is regarded as having succeeded
In his first purpose but to have
failed entirely,' in the second. None
of the conservative who "went in
to the wilderness" : with - David
Lloyd . George when .the coalition
government . collapsed, has seen
his. way to enter the government.
Negotiations with this aim with
Sir ; Robert Home and Austin
Chamberlain, failed aparently . be
cause although Sir -.Robert seemed
willing, tehe others were dlsinelin
ed to acquiesce unless all could
enter together and the "die hards
section ot the conservative obsti
nately refused to have anything
to do with LorCTBrkenhead.
- Government Strengtheened
Mr. Baldwin,, nevertheless,- has
succeeded in the -popular, belief, in
strengthtenlng his 'government In
a somewhat unexpected manner.
In the first place he has obtained
Lord Robert Cecil, who, - while
holding the position of Lord privy
seal, in order to permit him to
continue his -work for thet league
of nations, "will prove a great ac
cession to the debating strength
of the government. In the second
place he has obtained a promise
from -Reginald McKenna,-the fam
pus head of the great city and
midland bank, to take over 'the
chancellorship of the -exchequer
few months hence, should .Mr
McKenna's health permit, v i
The new ' administration, aside
from any influence .. that, Lord
Robert Cecil's 'appointment may
have, is a more repetition ot the
administrations and Its success or
(Continued on page 5)
Ciiijillil ERA
Sixteen Thousand Pounds cf
Gooseberries Are Delivcr-etj-iof
jOregdn Packir.3
Company's Plant
i 4
P.C.& . .
Thousands of Dollars Ex-
pended by .Big Ccnccrna
in .Improvements r
Sixteen ! thousand pounds cf
gooseberries were received at" tl. 3
Oregon . Packing company's plant
on Twelfth street Thursday, as 1
about as mahyon fVlSay.iaa tl r
s they aiad checked ups the res-
ords; 1 : - ; .
'est gooseberries ' ever grow a
In tha valley;" waa the report c!
one nf the cannerymen, as he fin
gered ovef the shining fruit.
where ' else do they grow any t. .-
ter berries: nowhere else as tnanj.
The growing 'oi g6oseberrl33 I a
ieal tlndustryr already, but It ' 5
hnirnM TiM A fa MVaafflW' " ' " -a
growBrarflnd tov profitable ar J.
how-certain "It ls. r' : -".-
- GLmnri j owns uudf
Taev-caahing' department i3 t ?
be!8tarted today iand will be ru:i-
nmg steadily :next - week. 4 . "
TJannrng bdsan at", the Prod l e
ers Canning & Packing, compa; 7
plant, ln..North .Salem Thursday.
They hate entirely" rebuilt the ' r
operaflngMepartmeht, :: simplifyir. j
the -handling of fruit, ":increa. :
the ' preparation ' room, a'nd " " m
Ing ikwssjbie 1 a : considerable "i ":-
creased of output over prey'c . 3
yeArsjThe new Installation is t -Ing'broughr
to an efficiency ta 3
through ithls Trellminary run. It
promises1 to work, with del'-t' 1
smoothhess'and efficiency.
Oooseberrles are coining in t )
the" iAgB '-Products cointar ;-,
though fhelr Immediate big lu :
ness is the preparation of Elna; a
f or dehydration. The spinach .-crop
in this section -was hpoor this yf r
and the! company 'will not t . .
nearly. as much as ane zuu tc 1
it had hoped for. tfp at The Dai: 1
spinach jis a bumper crop. TL , r
will have 500 tone for the de7-
dratlon "planf at that point.
t ' New Plant Rushed Alon '. .
iNo gooseberries are to be ca -
ned"by the ?regon Growers. They
have sotd moat of their berry cr j
and wil can little or none of the
early fruits. . ' 1 .
fThe"$ew Northwest cannery .1
being-rushed to completion. 'T: 3
machinery is" practically." alt ia
place. - The. tables and fixtures ara
built aad ready to move to th- 'r
permanent location, and it sLc I
be a" matter ' of but a very f ;
days 'until the .plant Is ready for
service The floor is not yet lail
in the basement where .the can- 1
goods Will .eventually be ,etor 1,
ana tne root - is .not .-quite c .. .
plete, sor the elevator Insta'!
nor . thi scales et 4nto place, ,1 t
these are being finished rar - '
There iwill be three TeceiTJ.-
doors pn Xlherty .street, mat. - z
an, exceptionally, rapid wei&l j
and receiving service.
The j Starr cannery, that v ; 3
built apd set to running' last yt r
in Juslj 26 days, is now an c :
timer, jand is In 4 the best of cc 1
dition for a hard season's run. It
has added a largewarehouse f:r
the storage ot canned goods.
JInst Brothers Nearly Ready
j " HUnjt TBrothers j have not j ; t
rrjontlnued 'on page 6 )
Try a Statcsiaan
T '-"""-- te " "
. . - .. ., " -" .
Want Ad
The Results Will Surprise
". "on
Below is one of the
i Want Ads. appearing In
today's Statesman
Classified Columns.
Oxje aDsy. TCmitfc:
yours Tcncrrc-7?
" Mooad aaad. oek Sox 247
' - Urn. - -
good mm